Rapport Mensuel emploi USA Good Morning Trading Benoist

Rapport Mensuel emploi USA Good Morning Trading Benoist

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all and welcome to the taste of mormons trading a trader by the trader I am delighted to meet you for a taste of marl and reading which will be quite short since 8:25 bfm business will call me I will go live at 8:32 we have a very well antoine who just called me so here it would be nice to switch at the end of the live on bfm business to see what i will say if they have a small audience peak they will surely call me back to say what is it - what happened at 8:30 am bah it was benoît who spoke and to his community who turned on to go see bfm business here i'm counting on you good i don't know if i'm analyzing the audience peaks minute by minute but well why not in any case it's pretty funny and it makes me happy so we take stock of the markets so things are better there was a fairly clear relief yesterday 1 and that is it must still be underlined all the markets took a little more than 1% and then we had a form of anxiety which fortunately p Assé is the reopening of the Chinese markets which were almost all week on vacation and the reopening went well there was no collapse there was no fear we always have questions about the file towards granby but for the moment nothing is happening so be careful we will see this weekend they may have to announce some good news this weekend in any case the Chinese market is holding up well and this should also relieve the markets European and American so why we had a good executioner we took + 65% on the cac 40 for example when I gave you the good morning trading yesterday it was + 15 50% so it still progressed a little bit what is important is that all the indices have remained at a level at a fairly high level we are going there we will see that in detail on the European indices supported by the American indices we will also see that in detail what is important is that the market is carried by the risk linked to the pla fund of the American debt seem temporarily removed since there was a deal in the Senate between Republicans and Democrats and then it passes now the House of Representatives there should have absolutely no problem on the other hand in the House of Representatives no no negotiations so he pushes back the every two-month dom so until December that means they have 60 days to agree on raising the US federal debt ceiling so it's important since for two months they will in fact negotiated the measures that joe biden wants to pass is extremely spending a hayden job the parts on growth we will say to the cash reinjection of cash the major works have redone all the highways have redone all the bridges which is not stupid since when you invest in it it creates jobs made in america as donald trump could have said elsewhere but it is extremely extremely expensive and it we have to find enough to finance this plan 2000 billion 1200 billion 800 billion there are plans all over the place that make astronomical sums and we are in this phase where we will necessarily have to increase the budget and possibly the debt to create new taxes taxes and a little more some to give tax gifts to other revenues and so that's where they have two months it's going to be quite intense and we risk hearing about you spoke I believe at the beginning of August two that we risked to talk about it well here is a month six weeks later we are in full in it we lower my risk certainly also to talk about it again there is always the final stretch which is very tense this is where all the actors play their last their last card their last to all so not necessarily the republicans who will want to block at the very last moment it is a little bit their game to show that joe biden is weak but also in the own account of joe biden beats to get to p maybe places maybe advantages pass in the media showed that it is important is that we can do at the president of the united states and stopped so that we can upset the president of the united states d 'america and an excellent series whose name I forgot on this subject I will find the name for you I think that in the comments on the youtube channel you are going to tell me about this series which is absolutely brilliant where we see all the negotiations of which in season 1 of representatives I believe that it is in the chamber in the chamber of yes in the house of representatives and lille becomes he becomes president of the united states then his wife becomes in the last season for a small interesting point i finds president of the united states and here is forgetting of proper name for fraud listen or not to insist on it but to you will speak about it the next video of the taste of morning of trading we pass to the analysis to the technical analysis is in the calen drier stock market I am lost on my screens I changed there I changed their layout that's why here do not hesitate to subscribe to the youtube channel to talk about them plays the exceed the 27 thousand members on the chain thank you very much now we are attacking the twenty-eight thousand that's enough we are in a phase of uninterrupted growth there are many more arrivals than departures so we will try to continue like this and I would like to point out that the chain does not not supported by the fed which does not buy any assets on this chain it is a shame we are attacking therefore very important technical analysis today it is 2:30 pm it is the monthly report on the American employment I typed its quickly on okay so this is really the most anticipated thing of the week it should be good it should be good according to reuters consensus experts expect five hundred thousand jobs to be created half a million jobs good that's it would be remarkable it is possible it is possible since the enq ute adp the creation of private jobs for the month Wednesday which fell on Wednesday that they were well above expectations so it seems it seems that the US economy is picking up last month we were a little worried because we had less job creations than expected so we would perhaps have a one-month delay on the resumption of activity in the United States but in any case at 2:30 p.m. it is the great event of the age of the day of the week to wait and that will allow me to see if we have indeed in any case in the United States turn the page to the empty page and that the economic dynamism takes again people return to work and the Americans especially especially if they have work not they consume they get into debt and let's never forget that the american debt is our jobs in europe that's another economic formula we have a very well known formula of the economy and which is absolutely true one which dates from the 60s 70s in germany qu i said that today's investments are tomorrow's jobs and well lamb formulates anyway i don't know if someone we have already spoken or if it is me who just created it instant in none idea but the American debt are our jobs of tomorrow that in any case it is very clear so here is heat your credit card indebted you and it creates good activity a lot in the countries of Asia of course but also in europe if I remind you, it is very important to really soak up that we have one job in every five jobs in France in the private sector which is linked to the good health of American companies or consumers Americans so here we need them if in addition they go into debt to enrich us the point of giving work life is good so here I remind you that we have two appointments three appointments tomorrow and yes and yes we will not leave the week Saturday 10am with a lot more time a lot more zen let's go into much more detail we meet at 10 am to take stock of the index markets and as I have more time we are talking about crypto stocks euro rates usd analyzes and outlook and I would not speed because there bfm business or calling me that and wherever so here less than 30 minutes you have to be ready for the opening of markets which include our time and it is much nicer at noon it there will be an economic and social subject from the moment to it will be the surprise and then Sunday we will do a webinar on the channeling of violence in the Middle Ages and we will see how the states the church intervened in these cases very very interesting we therefore attack the analysis technical analysis that of the day we will start with the cac40 strong rebound on cac 40 it is maintained we had exactly what you indicated the small return to their small very discreet return at 10 o'clock on the pivot point monthly and shoot left and it did everything I have described to you invites you to really review the technical level of yesterday's good morning training and so suddenly we broke the highest and we left and that if you had followed the taste of death of yesterday's trading you had the fulcrum the rebound the breakout and you could possibly get on the breakout and get yourself around thirty points here is ten euros of fist on the future cac 40 a single lot you made your small 300 euros thank you goodbye what is interesting is where we blocked on the lawn the previous day stack the middle resistance of the week quite logical and there we have a very small very slight ebb we feel that they still want continue to rise but there is the very clear uncertainty there is a very clear uncertainty of 2:30 p.m. US statistics which I think if they again have a small wave of increase yesterday it will necessarily be after 2:30 p.m. or after 3:30 p.m. the opening of American markets but to position oneself now while waiting for this stat which is enough for adults is a little bit risky so I think we might have a lot of caution this morning, especially since order book n is not nervous at all this morning not particularly on the dax 40 we had the same thing so yes he used us the monthly midol s1 as a support and then he gave you the right touch at 11 o'clock and he left to a right break in something that I indicated to you good there there were still a lot more points to be taken there were 70 to 80 points to be taken at 25 euros or the point you there were 2000 euros to be made so buttons more than a break here acceleration so here too a great classic I am not coming back to the technical level I wanted explained yesterday yesterday morning same thing we see that it slips a little but it does not go down very much to its pure withdrawal will be able to return to the 15,000 on the fifteen 1975 we will say the pivot point t of the holy day remains above 15 thousand two hundred for the moment in a way we will say relatively cautious there we feel we see in the order book not at much exchange rate rather calm well it will inevitably move at 9 o'clock with the opening and he has the art of balancing the rebalancing of supply and demand on equities but there also a priori when because the order book is good if we have variations to 100 without large volume and 2:30 p.m. we will really wait to see what happens if we can keep what's happened since five

in the morning we really see that we are rather in phase of stagnation may be a little cautious down on all European indices in any case we see are slightly in the red to a small decrease and then we will start to stagnate, wait until 2:30 p.m. this is a bit the scenario their stops exactly the same then there may not be the ability to better resist a very small wave of technical debess in the tent at 2:30 p.m. that's what at its monthly pivot point it held up well above it bounced back overnight on its monthly pivot point so there it seems that they have a lot of buyers and we are sees there was a very very good a very good behavior on it with also same thing that it is my lighter and poum it accelerated by more than 30 to 40 points of almost 2 1% / / / this break there so it look good the euro Stoxx 50 there were more people who have the balls so to speak on the 50 largest European values thus simplifying here it is a little period of doubt and uncertainty and we see that c it is their stock which has really taken a good flight so it tells us an important thing in a phase of doubt when it is not pale enough and it is not the small caps that are privileged it is always always always always the heavyweights because the situation is a little complicated it was a very problematic situation there is everything that goes up small caps show even faster than the big ones but when we are in a phase of doubt when we have a phase of rise it is rather we invest in the safe values ​​between quotation marks what seems to us the least the least less risky here it is in paris a little less risky to invest in the top 50 than in the top 500 or top 5 european miles the american indices dow jones here is very clear small waves of acceleration stabilization on the on the friend air to then again acceleration in a straight line during the entire time of the opening of the American market until 6 p.m. and then small reflux we will look on the nasdaq we have exactly the same the same scenario 3 p.m. opening of markets 16h acceleration then

wave of decline and on the russell 2000 we can all do exactly the same configuration and on the blood säntis we have exactly the same configuration that tells us why it tells us that indicates them q ue the American indices are pushing due north and as soon as they reached an important technical level there was a wave of then not a wave of sales in the sense parra in the sense in the strict sense otherwise we would not have taken a good slap in in any case a sort of discouragement of investors from buyers due to the doubt and especially beyond the tent today 2:30 p.m. which is the big event that sums up us almost the entire month of September I remind you of August or catastrophic figures but well below expectations this month important wait if they are online also are better than expected it can move significantly and be careful it is not because the results are going to be exceptional that the stock market will necessarily go up because if under exceptional endowment much better than expected there is an inflationary risk years ago and I remind you that the employment figures are extremely watched by the fed there are two figures simplifying that so nt really watch by the party to know if it should raise its rates it is the overall price increase so to look at inflation in terms of prices and also inflation in terms of wages that's what is also extremely monitored so there this indicator on the American labor market is one of the two major indicators that are monitored by the party to adjust its monetary policy so suddenly everyone is watching and everyone is glued to it is these clues I insist I attend well we have a beautiful wave a beautiful acceleration we see it here on the island candles she who did not even daily are really very very beautiful we see there I you had told you receipts stagnation at the beginning of the law from their beginnings of ouaddou which is largely confirmed the lowest are really higher and higher but we are in the tent now we have made a little our effort if you will I think we did there over the last 48 hours 80 90% of the effort and now we will wait to know if we can continue to accelerate or on the contrary to accelerate them and what they want to give is really this statistic of 2:30 p.m. it turns out it's going to do that isn't going to move because it will be in line with expectations and look at everything while saying we do what in the end we are we are no further ahead than a few hours ago if it disturbs this statistic that she has a lot how to say there is leon shift with expectations we will have a strong reaction and then but beware with perhaps linear Easter but we will perhaps not go down in the right everything accelerate accelerate no- stop we can really have extremely extremely tense things so do not beg you if I have any advice to give you do not rush at 2:30 p.m. to enter the market we can have an up followed by a sharp

drop and the reverse because these data if they are different s of what they are expected they will be difficult to analyze on the one hand it can be a relief the American economy leaves empty premises no longer destroys the energy activity and on the other hand it can be very distressing not what it means that the fed may be to increase its rates more quickly than expected and that we do not know which way it could be that could change, it is madame irma if we return very quickly from leaving from 2:30 p.m. if we are more reasonable we will let the big guys tear each other apart with billions and see who wins and we like cowards we will side with the winner and then we will kick a little kick on the person on the ground we will try to grab a little bit of money by being with the strongest here is if the cowardice of the playground of the primary school seen from twitter for adults it liked same behavior in the stock market must be tried to be on the strongest side of the winner and and we don't know bah we don't intervene we watch them fight and when there is a conti that gives way and well we will help them the winner is also the behavior of many during the wars here are the resistance fighters who win a war are very few and they are innumerable at the end of the war everyone was resistant and and here are the figures generally the strength of the resistance has multiplied by ten this is what happened in particular in France here we are for in do a webinar on this I leave you here there is bfm business calling me I kiss you chao or al ahly what we will let wait a little bit

2021-10-10 06:59

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