RALLY News: Banks Reveal WHEN DOGE Will hit $1, BTC & ETH to $100,000

RALLY News: Banks Reveal WHEN DOGE Will hit $1, BTC & ETH to $100,000

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hey everybody it's Alen let's do our daily update  on all of our cryptocurrencies and stocks now   if you like this hit that like button i really  appreciate it and it helps the channel a lot let's   also talk about scammers i do not have whatsapp  or any kind of phone numbers if you see that in   the comments section that's absolutely a scam all  right let's talk about my top five stock picks as   well at the end of the video make sure you stay  tuned these can easily go up by 30 to 50 by the   end of the year now let's talk about betterment  yes they're gonna start offering cryptocurrencies   this is huge this is going to create competition  between other companies i can see e-trade i can   see fidelity i can see schwab quite a few of these  other companies are going to follow along these   exchanges are going to start offering crypto  because they're missing out on billions and   billions of dollars so whether you have e-trade or  even td ameritrade the future is for them to start   accepting cryptocurrencies and when that happens  that's going to cause a huge rally in crypto   prices so we'll talk about that a little bit later  in the video as well let's talk about travel sites   yes you can now go and purchase an airplane ticket  using dogecoin if you'd like and more and more of   these travel sites and travel agencies are going  to start accepting cryptocurrencies this is huge   let's talk about governments that want to  take control of cryptocurrencies or at least   regulate what happens with it if it's taxed and  just kind of make it more secure this is actually   going to end up being a good thing so we'll talk  about that as well let's talk about the bitcoin   billionaire that is dead we'll talk about how he  died and was there some kind of foul play here   we'll discuss that as well then let's talk about  big organizations they're hiring experts in crypto   so they can get crypto into their actual  companies this is huge news as well and   let's talk about is etc a buyer right now should  you be buying ethereum classic it's actually down   somewhere around like 65 to 68 percent so you  can buy ethereum classic for three times less   than what it was just a couple months ago so  we'll discuss that as well now if you're brand   new to my channel consider subscribing down below  i do daily updates on the dogecoin and all of our   cryptos and stocks that way if you're subscribed  and you have that bell notification icon turn on   that bell notification is gonna notify you when  to buy into certain stocks and cryptos but more   importantly want to actually sell out of them and  then keep those gains also if you want to get two   to four free stocks with WEBULL you can do that  with my link in the description take a look over   here they gave me a 2 521 dollar stock a couple  of eight and 11 stocks so fantastic opportunity   they're open in the pre-market hours post-market  hours they never charge you any fees for buying or   selling stocks or cryptocurrencies and they keep  adding more cryptos to their portfolio to their   actual exchange and if you want to sell everything  off and then take that money back to your bank   account again there are no fees of any kind with  WEBULL so really good brokerage and i use them   all the time now those of you that want to get  those live alerts the second i buy or sell a   stock in real time you can do that via patreon  that is the very first link in my description   with patreon you'll get those live buy and  sell alerts you'll be able to see how i took   this portfolio from 10 000 to 78 000 right now in  fact we're doing this ten thousand to a hundred   thousand dollar challenge again starting january  1st 2022 and also you get access to my private   discord so you can group chat with everybody  almost a thousand people in there and that's   where i do portfolio reviews so if you need to  take a look at your portfolio get you rebalanced   or back on track i can do that via patreon as  well just click on that link in the description   sign up for any of the tiers all right let's  get into dojo and all world cryptos and stocks all right let's take a look at a couple of stocks  in our portfolio amd's at 93 dollars we're getting   in at the 70 range and i sent out those patreon  alerts and we have made some really good returns   at amd already and remember i have those price  predictions of around 110 to 120 by the end of   the year we might actually go way past that with  amd DKNG draking's at 52.60 we got in at 45.96   we actually got lower but we ended up selling it  off when those stop losses went off and then we   bought back in and now we made another 14 almost  15 percent so we're double triple dipping into   dkng here NIO is at 53 18. we got in at 42.50 we  actually got into NIO way lower than this we're in   somewhere around 32 but then it ran up all the  way to 42 we sold it off then when it crashed   back down to about the 35 dollar range we bought  back in and then we've slowly been averaging our   cost in one hour at 42.50 up 25 unbelievable gains  that's how we took that 10 000 portfolio to 78 000   in almost seven months we're gonna do this ten  thousand to a hundred thousand dollar challenge   again january first of twenty twenty two if you  wanna follow along make sure you're subscribed   crisper's at 167 dollars we got in a 127  we're up 31 with crisper amazing gains   in fact again same story goes for crisper we were  in even lower than this we sold off reebok back in   double dipped on crisper moving on to XPEV XPENG  44-27 we got a 33.75 again another 30 percent   up we have some serious gains here apple this is  our free stock that's why it says 62 000 up if you   want some free shares with at without robin hood  or WEBULL those links are in my descriptions for   those free shares NOK nokia's at five dollars  and 31 cents we got it at 402 another 30 games   already so fantastic returns if you want to see  this entire portfolio every single stock i have   how many shares i have you can do that via patreon  if you want to follow along or mimic my portfolio   join that 10 000 to 100 000 challenge or if you  just need your portfolio reviewed i can do that   via patreon as well get you rebalanced back on  track and making really big returns all right dosh   going at 24 cents a buying opportunity absolutely  and down nine percent which this is a good support   line a good opportunity to get more dosh going  let's take a look here you see it kind of goes   down to 24 cents you can see some of these green  candlesticks it's bouncing off of the 24 cents   so what am i talking about here let's move here  and take a look support and resistance levels for   dogecoin right here went to 24 cents skyrocketed  up shot right back down to about 26 25 cents   went all the way down right to let's take a look  here 20 cents came right back to 24 cents then   went this huge dosh go in media right everybody  was selling off their children to buy dogecoin   their pets their houses skyrocketed all the way  to 75 cents and then crashed back down right two   let's take a look here it was down to about 14  15 cents instantly came right back to 24 cents   so you can see really strong support line  at 24 cents so if you want to average down   or just get into dogecoin for the first time this  24 cent range could be a good opportunity and we   can see some extreme fear developing right  here on this fear and greed index as of may   2nd or so and it continued but look at what  happened as of what is this june 27th right here   we had just gone to fear from extreme fear then  on what is this the 29th right as of yesterday   we're back to greed people are buying back into  cryptocurrencies what's happening in the next   couple of days people are getting paid it's the  first second of the month what are they gonna   do they're gonna buy stocks they're gonna buy  cryptocurrencies so i see some of these prices   going upwards really really well so we'll see  what happens but generally first and the 15 of the   month a lot of stocks end up going up as people  buying to them when those actual paychecks come in   all right bitcoin is at 34 189 still cheap to me  considering this thing is going to about 180 000   all right and bitcoin is still in  the sell phase and i would like to   get bitcoin really would like to get bitcoin  in that 28 to 32 000 range if it goes down   another two three percent i'll be a buyer all  right theorem is at 2100. i really like ethereum   between 1850 and 2000. if it goes down another  100 i'll start adding more to our portfolio  

that's what's important you really have to know  when to get into these stocks and cryptos so you   can see those massive gains then they rally up  you sell off and then rebuy back in on that dip   all right so let's just go back to right  here you can see it's around 17 1800   in february here goes all the way up by the end of  february to almost 2000 2015 comes right back down   and then shoots right back to 1800 right then we  have that sell-off again to 1500 1600 skyrockets   right that mania again people are selling off  everything they own their kids their pets they're   buying into ethereum skyrockets to 44 4 500 you  have that massive sell-off right and right here   let's see if we can actually catch this it's as  low as like 14 1500 at some point here and then   comes right back to this 1800 mark now we have  this rally in the last couple of days back to 2200   and now back to 2100 so just take a look at this  super super strong support line at that 1850 mark   so between 1850 to 2000 good buying price right  there if we go down another hundred dollars then   i recommend getting a little bit more ethereum  and i i see that happening we're almost you know   we're going to see that crypto selloff that almost  happens every single weekend so we'll go down to   about 2 000 hopefully so i can catch more of it  we'll see you know all right and right now we are   not we're getting a sell signal here from trading  view and there's a lot of uncertainty still but   just think of it this way it went as high as 4  500. even picking up at 2100 you're getting more   than 50 percent off and let's just read a little  bit about ethereum for those of you that do not   know so ethereum is a smart contract platform  that enables developers to build decentralized   applications they're called dabs these concepts  they're conceptualized by vitalik buterin in 2013   but ethereum did not exist in 2013. so  let's go when actually a theory got created   so ethereum so ether the sheriff said ether right  here is the native currency for ETH ethereum   platform and also works as the transaction fees  for miners on the ethereum network you know i   wish somebody actually proofread these things but  if ethereum is the pioneer for blockchain-based   smart contracts we're running on the blockchain  a smart contract becomes like a self-operating   computer program that automatically executes with  what you know when specific conditions are met   so you can basically build an infinite number  of different programs different cryptocurrencies   right and what i like to call almost kind of just  executable files and you know the way i see it is   like they're basically like excel spreadsheets  so it's not just a cryptocurrency it's an actual   platform that you can use to build millions if not  billions of different cryptocurrencies so ethereum   has some serious staying power and i think someday  can even overtake bitcoin itself because you can   actually use ethereum to create a cryptocurrency  that might someday be even better than bitcoin   that's why i'm so bullish on it on the blockchain  smart contracts allow for code to be run exactly   as programmed without the possibility of  downside any kind of downtime censorship fraud   or third-party interference that's why we're gonna  see the world slowly shifting to cryptocurrencies   it can facilitate the exchange of money content  property shares or any other anything basically of   value so basically an infinite number of different  applications that you can use it for this is why   ethereum has really really good staying power and  why 52 of my entire cryptocurrency portfolio is in   ethereum all right so the ethereum network went  live on july 30th 2015 with 72 million ethereum   pre-mined so we're not even at the six year stage  yet this is how young and early cryptocurrency   is we're not that beginning adoption phase of  cryptocurrencies this is why you can still see   huge gains you can take five ten fifteen thousand  dollars of an investment and it could become   millions of dollars the next couple of years in  fact i bought dogecoin november of last year and   i sold it off between 65 to 72 cent range and i  made a killing all right so let's take a look at   ripple here at 65 cents again a buying opportunity  because you can triple your money ripple why is   ripple important ripple serves as the bridge  between different cryptocurrencies so if you   end up going into a store let's say you have  bitcoin and that store accepts only dogecoin   ripple can actually help with that and complete  that transaction so really really good thing for   especially you know what's holding ripple back  is that it got de-listed at most exchanges so   it's very difficult to get it right now  if you can find a platform to get ripple   that could present a really good return on your  investment long term cardano i really really love   cardano anywhere between a dollar 25 or  less if we go down another four cents   i will pick up more cardano let's take a look at  stellar xlm is down to 27 cents not bad i think at   25 cents or so good good deal to pick some up safe  moon i am right now staying away from safe mode   well i've actually always stayed away from safe  when i've never bought any of it yet we'll see   you know well you know where safe moon goes but  i'm not convinced that i want to put my money into   safe moon yet if you guys have let me know what  you think about safe moon should i invest into   safe moon is it a good investment short term or  long term or what other cryptocurrencies you have   invested let me know in the actual comment section  down below amp is at 5.6 cents love it at 5 cents   i think it's a great pickup in fact i thought  amp was a good pickup at 9 cents so five cents   even better buying opportunity here polygon  let me refresh this here we're at a dollar ten   again a good pickup price for polygon i  mean let's just go back the last month   we've been we've gone down from a dollar  ninety ish let's go back the last three months   see some of these peaks here two dollars and sixty  cents almost wow so you know we're looking at more   than sixty percent off from all-time highs for  polygon all right moving on bitcoin is at 643   million dollars like i keep saying i like bitcoin  under a 600 million dollar market cap so if it   gets to that 30 32 000 range i'll start picking up  more bitcoin all right investing app betterment is   wing how to offer cryptocurrency i'm pretty sure  in fact i'm like 99.99 sure in the next six to   12 months you're going to see td ameritrade  e-trade most of these huge exchanges start   putting cryptocurrencies onto their platforms  to compete right now robin hood WEBULL all these   other crypto exchanges they're making billions  and billions of dollars off of this cryptocurrency   basically it's being traded bots sold and just  all kinds of fees that these other companies   are missing out i think we're going to see a huge  company like e-trade td ameritrade all these other   exchanges follow along they're missing out  on billions of dollars and they know it   so betterment a top digital investing platform  or roughly 30 billion dollars under management is   only how to offer cryptocurrency opportunities for  customers the company ceo sarah levy tells yahoo   finance in a new interview this is huge another  fantastic catalyst this is why when i see some of   my cryptocurrencies they're down you know i know i  look at other people's portfolios and they're down   let's say 50 percent it's a cryptocurrency i'm  like it doesn't matter this is a short-term loss   think about the long-term gains when this  goes up by like a thousand percent do you   really care that you're down 50 right now crypto  friendly travel site marks united states debut   with dogecoin payment options i think we're going  to see in the very near future you being able to   go online walk into any airport pay with dogecoin  and bitcoin anything and then fly out anywhere   you want and a lot of these companies are going to  kind of follow along basically all you need is one   company one travel airline to do it you need one  basketball team to accept it so like the dallas   maverick like the mavericks they start accepting  deutsche ko you're gonna see all the other nba   teams start following in the very near future  which is another amazing catalyst now the biggest   sport in the world is soccer once you hear some  news saying that a major sports team from soccer   starts accepting any kind of cryptocurrencies  that's going to start off another huge rally   government must have power to reverse crypto  transactions says code share of blockchain caucus   illinois democrat many congress see bitcoins users  as de facto participants in criminal conspiracy   so basically what the government is trying to do  is regulate cryptocurrencies and a lot of people   that own cryptocurrencies see this as a negative  thing i think this is a huge positive catalyst   for all of us that hold cryptocurrencies we  absolutely want governments to regulate it   to tax it that then creates some serious staying  power and adoption so this is gonna ultimately   be good news i know a lot of people are gonna  you know see articles like this they're gonna   get scared try to sell off this is really good  news all right one of the largest owners of   bitcoin who reportedly held as much as a billion  dollars is dead at the age of 41. and let's read  

this article i found this kind of curious so  billionaire bitcoin owner mercia poposco has   reportedly died leaving behind a cash or  virtual currency and controversial crypto legacy   so this pioneer who was believed to to own over a  billion dollars in the world's number one crypto   making at the time one of the assets  largest single holders in the entire world   died off the coast of costa rica according  to the spanish language publication   telerika which reported last week that a foreign  that this foreigner had drowned at a plaja hermosa   the gerbito and in the costa rica describing the  victim as a 41 year old of polish origin however   popescu is well known in the romania region and he  is described as what as somebody who basically is   an entrepreneur and a blogger now this is just i  don't know you know if you have a billion dollars   get somebody to train like 25 dolphins to follow  you all along everywhere you're swimming that way   if you get tired something happens you get a cramp  these trained dolphins can get you back to shore   i just don't understand we have an infinite number  of money why you don't have lifeguards dolphins i   don't i mean just scuba divers underneath you  protecting you i just don't get these people   that you know don't kind of value their own life  and you know all it takes is a cramp and a minute   later you know you're down and it's all over so  very very sad crypto kingpin olaf carlson wii   buys a 28 million dollar hollywood mansion we have  lots of millionaires and i think honestly those   of us they're investing even small amounts of  money like five thousand dollars maybe even less   if you invested intelligently into cryptos like  ethereum and cardano these have huge potentials   like there's analysts projecting ethereum to  get to about a hundred thousand dollars the next   couple of years you know cardano price predictions  11 to 32 dollars for ADA cardano to get to about   35 dollars let's say 30 to 35 range all it  needs is a market cap of 2.8 trillion dollars   and we saw bitcoin go from just a couple hundred  million dollars to 1.2 trillion dollars in less   than one year so we have some serious gains that  we can make in the next couple of years and we're   going to see a lot more millionaires and hopefully  everybody that's watching this is going to become   a millionaire very soon as well so sources steve  cohen's points in hiring a head of crypto the move   for the multi strategy hedge fund firm which  runs 22 billion dollars is yet another bullish   indicator for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies  like i said all i see is huge bullish indicators   for all cryptos to rally in  the very next couple of months   you would not see news like this happening i see  jp morgan chase bank talking bad other businesses   other companies analysts talking bad to drive  down the price of cryptocurrency so they'll   they can then buy it so just keep that in mind  why is this bad news out they want to drive the   price down so they can scoop it up at a discount  so what you should be doing doing right now is   buying these cryptos at this discount prices  ethereum classic price has nearly doubled   days after digital currency group 50  million dollar bet and that's true   but let's just go over here and take a look at um  the price actually so ethereum classic is at 52   right now and and it's gone up quite a lot in  just the last couple of days you know if we   take a look here we've gone from basically  lows of 39 to about 52 dollars right now   and did you miss this actual run-up i  don't think so and let's just go back   all the way to let's take a look here we have  highs of in may 6th of 157 dollars if actually   actually spiked up to about 175 dollars for just  a couple of hours so those were the ultimate highs   but from that 150 to 170 dollar range it's  down to 52 dollars that presents a tripling   just getting back to those all-time highs so  ethereum classic could be another fantastic pickup   our very first stock amd i was sending out buy  signals to everybody on patreon in that 70 dollar   range and we are now up to 93 dollars we bought it  in around 68 we bought it in at 70. why didn't it  

80. i think we averaged down to about 77.78  and let me take a look here right now we're now   up almost 20 wow that's fantastic gains and easily  another 20 on top of this by the end of the year   all right let's take a look at coinbase i was  sending the buy signals for COIN coinbase in that   210 220 range we're up to 247 again still a buy  it is still under that 250 dollar reference price   which means this is a good opportunity to pick up  some coinbase especially after this two percent   dip right here all right we have arc at 131  let me refresh this let's see where it's at 132   again this is still a buying opportunity you  should be buying ark all the way up to about 137   okay so still you know i was sending out buy  signals on patreon at 98 i could not believe it   was 98 in fact in my e-trade account i bought like  another thousand shares when it hit the 98 to 114   range our fourth stock pick  is gonna be TDOC teladoc again   easily going to way past three hundred dollars  and look at this 52 week high it was already at   308 dollars anyways another double your money  opportunity and telemedicine is absolutely the   future so you're not buying a very risky stock  here and our last pick is going to be CRSP crispr   we're up 25 in the last five days what an amazing  buying opportunity and i was telling everybody buy   crisper by crisper and look at that 25 in less  than a week so we made some good returns here   now is this a buy still i know people are going  to ask is this a buy i think crispr has a good   chance of getting up to about 220 the next 12  months so let's just kind of take a look here 167   if you divide that by 220 dollars you know we  still have another possible 25 upside so if   you want to buy into crispr right now you know  you can put a five percent trailing stop loss   or you could just put a five percent stop loss  either of those and then as it keeps rallying   upwards if it keeps going upwards you'll collect  those gains if there's any kind of a dip down   it'll sell off for you and then you can put that  money into a smarter better play now if you want   to get those live buy and sell alerts you can do  that via patreon that's the very first link in   my description once you click on that link in my  description for patreon download the patreon and   the discord application to your phone patreon will  give you those live buy and sell alerts you'll get   access to my entire portfolio every single stack  i have how many shares i have what price i bought   in and also you'll get access to my private  discord i do portfolio reviews on discourse   if you need to take a look at your portfolio get  your rebalance back on track i can do that as well   all right thank you for watching i'll see you  in the next video patreon or discord take care Thank You

2021-07-01 21:56

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