Qatar Airways Business Class QSuite Travel Journey to Maldives - BEST Flights EVER!!

Qatar Airways Business Class QSuite Travel Journey to Maldives - BEST Flights EVER!!

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well, we're in the Qsuites  and its been phenomenal here  I'm not sure how I'm going to fly in coach again Hear him hey guys it's bri and welcome back to my  youtube channel in today's video oh my gosh   it's an exciting one i'll be taking you through  our flight experience or travel experience the   beautiful maldives for our honeymoon on qatar  airways business class but just before that   i'll be showing you guys or you know our journey  and the experience that we had traveling on qatar   airways business class so that's a sneak peek  into the different lounges that we experience   and then i'll show you guys on the actual  plane so buckle up you're gonna enjoy this one okay guys so we have made  it to the flagship lounge at the airport are you  doing over there oh relaxing so yeah we're over here let me  show you guys our little setup and i showed you guys food  layout and how in hair looks   i think it's only going up from here but yeah i'm  so excited our flight boards in about 25 minutes   30 minutes so we're looking forward  to it i can't wait to show you guys you save me some of the food no no okay guys we are about to board our flight we're  headed to the gate gate number 47. okay say hi man like share and subscribe thank you do good oh there you are hi this is where we are okay guys i don't know where to begin right right it is okay all right um  i'm afraid okay i'll just say that   we are in the q suite on here work travel repeat i'll show you guys what's inside so what are we thinking the signature um um all right guys i'm gonna look around and  then i'll come back and show you guys   everything i learned okay we're about to get breakfast guys  so the rubber is getting lunch my table has we got some nuts thank you all right so we have  oh white view okay delicious   wow so i got fresh fruit this is a yogurt on top  and we have eggs with potato spinach and tomato   i'm just throwing that out with that girls i don't  like tomatoes and there what do you have take off one of them and now we are you eating dinner so early dinner  what's this breakfast what breakfast um tell you guys what time it is the local  time where we're going is 8 50 and now it's 150 okay okay okay okay before you guys start judging  these are different meals that we had throughout   the flight so remember it's like a 12 hour  flight so we're just like eating at different   intervals so this was not like at one  time okay all right let's get back to it okay guys i'm back knocked out so i wanted to show you guys some of  the things that we received in these cute suites   so much stuff to go through all  right like i showed you guys travel with confidence protective kits let's see what's inside super cute included all right we got these refreshing towels and i both got these batteries so i got this   gold one for the girls i'm going  to show you what they look like so we have some anti-age moisturizer  yeah a nice moisturizing cream if it's anything like what's in  the bathroom but then this stuff   smells really good i think the  same brand crosstalk montevideo i don't know if you're actually going to hear me  in this video hopefully you aren't if not you'll   be hearing the loud and airplane noises but many  this evening is all right all right what else it's perfect for sweetie time which is okay the face so the difference is actually in hobbies is we got these company it feels cozy oh my gosh i'm not sure how  i'm gonna be able to play like knocked out okay all right guys okay guys so this is the bathroom um trashes facial water is i am enjoying this okay view all right you see i always wanted to see the bathroom  and i don't think i've seen a video   showing it so here you go okay this is about my fifth time eating but  i'm enjoying i got some moroccan mint tea   this is some like chicken but like it's like  there's a curry flavor with some onions and   water and um peanuts cashews there we  go and then the bread with balsamic vinegar and olive oil mix oh it was so good i'm about to indulge it i really want to try both let me continue this is a chocolate fondant oh my god this thing is so good there's carmel  there's these nuts things i think it tastes so this gave turndown service to put on a plane  so the flight attendants are putting like a   padding over our seats kind of like making our bed   so we can go to bed and lay flat it  was an awesome experience check it out well it's bedtime now time okay so we have six hours and 25 minutes in some sleep you guys foreign this airport is massive we have been walking  for so long oh no we can't reach our gate i see it though z4 or d3 all  right let's go on this thing four hours flight and we are in paradise that's right that's right you better walk through okay guys i was way too excited in the first  flight it was my first time on these q suites   that i forgot to show you a video of the  actual q suite so this is the second part   of the leg from doha to maldi that i'm showing  you a look inside the seats and the features   okay so i'm going to show you  guys the features of this suite so we can like close off our entire area so  because ramos and i are together we have no   partition in between us so it's just like open  area all right so you know we have the seats here   i'm gonna switch my bag around okay so i'm in my   seat which has a cool pillow all right  so these are the features the ones okay so you see the scene just hold it down went out here there's some foot space in here no all right   spacer that's where i'm going all the way up  all right so the next thing is these trays okay the next thing i'm going to share is huh  what else oh and then the divider did you see that   divider area here they just added this to  question because we know each other but   normally this is a partition that separates and  we are one so we get this divider and that's it   that is the amazing q suite oh wait one more  thing so there's a storage compartment over so what's in here and we made it but you're gonna have to wait  until the next video for our fabulous time in   the maldives in the meantime subscribe to my  channel and thank you so much for watching bye

2021-10-29 22:03

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