Q&A with Second-Year Stanford MBA Students

Q&A with Second-Year Stanford MBA Students

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Hello. Everyone, welcome. To the Stanford Graduate School of Business online. Information session, my. Name is Stephanie whittlin and I'm a member of the MBA admissions office. I'm, excited, to spend the next 60, minutes with you talking, about the MBA experience, the. Admissions, process and answering. Your questions, you'll. Also have a chance to, meet a couple of our current students, and ask, them about their experience. Here on campus, so. Let's, begin let's start, by having each of you briefly, introduce, yourselves. And. Talk, a little bit about your backgrounds. What. Were you doing before business school and what your goals are after, you graduate, I'll. Start, with you, an image. Thanks. Tiffany my. Name is anna mae sugar wall i'm a second. Year student at the GSB I grew, up in Palma, de Pradesh where I spent the first 18 years of my life I did. My undergrad from IIT Delhi, and post-graduation I've, worked with a management consulting, firm in New Delhi for about one and a half years, and then spent about two and a half years in Mumbai working for a private equity forum post. Graduation, I plan to. Be. Investing, broadly. I'm, sorry Mita I'm from Hyderabad. Again. Spent the first 18 years of my life in Hyderabad then went to IIT, Madras for. Engineering. After. Iit, I joined, Unilever. And Mumbai. As a management trainee I worked, there for about three. And a half years when I got into GSB, my. Goal of my, my. Goal for before, getting into GSB was to actually transition. From consumer, goods background to consumer tech product management so. Before. Joining GSB, I did a couple of internships. In. This space okay. Great thank you both now, let's answer some questions, from our audience. The. First question we'll start with is what's, the best way to prepare. To. Get the most out of Stanford, if I'm fortunate enough, to be admitted. Okay. I can take that one, I think. GSB is a place where you, can virtually, do everything. But. What I realized, spending, time here is you can do everything here but not at the same time so. What I would encourage all of you to think through is what are the two. Three main things you learn to achieve at the Business School and, keep that top of mind and, as you, evaluate the opportunities at a GSB, keeping, that lens in mind so. That like when you walk out of GSB, a ton of two years you don't feel like you have not achieved what you came in thinking about. Totally. Agree with what animage, said in addition to that. I. Kind. Of work til the end of July I barely, took any break, don't make that mistake I would say take. A couple of months off and, spend. Time with your loved ones because you are not gonna see them very often once you come here so. That's, my advice great. Thank you both. The next question, when, is the best time to apply, in.

Your Career trajectory and, I'll take this one from an admissions perspective. You can add any color if you'd like, so. If you, think, about it from an admissions perspective. When you apply is completely. Irrelevant. We, admit. Candidates. Who, are, just. Graduating. From college, so we admit, individuals, who are college seniors, and we. Also have. Individuals. Who have at, least a decade, or two of work experience in every class every year so it. Can run the whole gamut in, terms of, work experience, I think it's important, for you to think, about. What. Makes sense for you so when is the right time for. You rather. Than how we will, evaluate the. Number of years of work experience you have do, you guys have anything to add there. Okay. Very. Good. The next question. What. Is the biggest surprise you, experienced. As you began your Stanford, MBA journey. Um. I can, take that I think, the biggest surprise for me. Was the feedback culture, that existed, here especially. The certain. Courses, which we do in the query very first quarto it gives us a good taste into how, much feedback is valued, and how much people are eager, to act upon the feedback they get it. Was something very new to me and. The second thing which was surprising to me is the, sheer number, of events, that were there for people with, all kinds of preferences. For, socializing, there's. No one way to do the GSB experience, there, is so much support and resources. Provided to help everybody realize, their GSB. Social. Life the way they want it to be that. Was a. Pleasant. Surprise I would say. Yeah. Yeah. I think in. Terms of academic experience, the class environment here encourages. And. Appreciates. Active. Participation. From all students, so I think coming from a background, where, in. The classroom, environment you're not used to sharing those many experiences, or views. It's, it was important, to appreciate that it's the culture that wants. You to. Share, your views and experiences in the class. Are. There specific. Admissions. Requirements. For international, students I'll add, my. Take to this and that is. Explicitly. Know one, of the requirements that we do ask of international, candidates if you have. Attended. A university, where. The, primary. Language of instruction was, not in English we do require, the TOEFL. We. Evaluate, all candidates, based on the same three criteria as I discussed, in the video.

Intellectual. Vitality, demonstrated. Leadership potential, and personal. Qualities and contributions. So all candidates, are evaluated. Equally. The, next question, what is life like at the GSB as an international, student I. Think. GSB. Is an environment, where you have a lot of diversity, in as, many, aspects as you can think of as an international students like I'm in. A class with international. Students from more than 60 countries and, I think everybody comes. Up with their own. Background. Own way, in which they grew up and it's I found. It personally very fascinating. To just appreciate the fact that how, different, people, here look. At life or like half what motivates, them personally. And I think. For. Some of us who have not grown, up in. A culture with a lot of diversity, it's, really good to appreciate. How people think about different, things both, in personal life and, academically. And those, of the international students I've really appreciated the American. Way of looking. At both academic, and non-academic things. And how what, students. From other countries bring to the table. I. Think I'm. Really. Impressed. By, the kind, of resources that exist, for international students I'm an international student who has never lived in US before I've lived all my life in India before moving here but. I found so much support all around me because, there was like, I mentioned in my or in my previous on so there, are so many resources. Available. To socialize, the way you want to socialize, mingle, with other like-minded people, I currently, work in the Students Association International Committee. We. Put in a lot of thought to, actually incorporate, all the major international events in Stanford life we recently both, of us together organized, a valley party which was a big head it was attended by like almost all. Of, our other. Nationalities. Nationalities. As well, similarly. There are so there's so much happening, with. Different, identity, clubs that are there at GSB built a Latin American Student, Association. Image. On image heads, there. Are there's, an Africa Business Club there is Hispanic. Students Business Association so, there are so many places. Where, you, you. Get a lot of support career-wise, as well as socially. So. That's a great thing at GSB for an international student according to me okay, great thank, you the. Next question, I'll address as well which is how, do I craft, a good essay. It's a popular, question what I will say, as. You think about writing your essay it's important, that you, use your authentic. Voice. First, and foremost what we're trying to identify when. We read, your, essay, is not. Only what matters, most to you but explicitly. Why we, want to understand, your. Core. Values, we. Want to hear from your perspective your inner voice what's, important, to you and. I, would say that it's not necessarily. A crafting. Of your essay as much as it is being authentic, and true to yourself, and being, able to convey, that in a clear manner in the essay, guys. Have anything to add I. Think. I, would, just like to reiterate it's not a place. To just show your strengths and I would encourage all of you to be authentic. One dribble and these are some things that the, GSB community sort of prides itself in, so it's a good way to show that through. Your essays. That. It's. Not an individual, exercise, I think it's a team effort I personally. Rather. On my essay by like my closest. Friends, and colleagues and, family some. Of them so. It was it's really useful to take inputs of people who know you very well yes. Yeah, we often will say it is, helpful to get perspective from, those who know you incredibly. Well and when. They read your essay that, it sounds like you and only you yeah yeah. The. Next question, is how do you finance your MBA. Was. It is it in portable, for, the average Indian, person, and. Then I'll address some of the questions regarding. Financial aid and scholarships. So. I personally used. A mix, of three, different sources, in. Small, part of it was my own personal savings from with, the job I did before business school the, second major part was the financial aid that I received, from the school and the third part was the student. Loan that is available to, all students that apply to the GSP so, I think these were the three sources that helped me, finance.

My MBA and to, the question of it, being affordable, I come from a middle-class family and, I think these. Three sources combine like put you in a very comfortable a position, to do, this MBA. In. My case I am a recipient off reliance the yoruba Ambani Fellowship which covered, a majority, of my expenses, apart from that I also. Used some, of my savings from before, GSB as well as some, family support, yeah. Yes. We do offer a. Reliance. Dharavi fellowship, for, Indian. Citizens. Who. Can, benefit. From two, years of nearly, full-time tuition, so that scholarship. That fellowship is available, to all candidates. Who. Are citizens of India. Did. You consider any graduate. Programs, in India, and why. Did you decide to come to the u.s. for your, MBA. I. Actually. Was. Did. Not consider other MBA programs in India I really. Liked the. Job at Asheville which. I got through an internship that I did it in, my show do while I was in college I. Wanted. To walk. Before I do my MBA and I was particularly fascinated by. An by an MBA in u.s. when. I saw some of my seniors. In college that I really looked up to go that way and. Hearing, from their experiences, about doing an MBA from a school like Stanford I, understood. That the, global perspective and, the. Kind. Of diverse experience, we get in, you know MBA, school it in US and, that. Too having, worked for a couple of years before doing an MBA is really valuable and it's very different from. Doing. An MBA in India, I have a lot of friends who have done MBA in India and they all have like they, have a great they have great careers I have nothing. Against it but, I just feel like a. U.s., MBA is pretty diverse and it's a great, life experience. I think. In, addition to global perspective, I think I would also encourage all of you to think of the cohort, the, cohort here as I said comes, from like more than 60 different countries have. Varying level, of our. Work. Experience, and I think that sort of diversity, is very. Difficult to replicate in, an Indian graduate, school so, I, think that is one factor that's real for me, ok, moving. Along we'll go to the next question can. You talk about some of your favorite classes, you probably have one to share about. Professors. So. I, am. Just rushing, drama touchy-feely, class I've just concluded my touchy-feely course this quarter which was Oh, life-changing, experience. At the cost of sounding, cliched. But. It's. It's undoubtedly the best experience, at GSB so far. Secondly. There, are a lot of other great classes, in I'm. Particularly interested in technology so I do, a lot of courses in technology, and entrepreneurship, so, there is a great course called electronic business which happened which is in the first year then there's another great course of building and managing sales organization. Which is a very practical course, and, you. Get to listen. To some of the. Some. Of some prominent sales leaders in the industry, there. Are several other courses for people into interested in entrepreneurship, like startup garage where you can start. From the scratch from. Idea. Phase to, execution. Phase a lot, of people who are into entrepreneurship probably like the class. Yeah. I, think. For me are the, classes, which are related to, communication. Or merging difficult conversations, have stood out and one class that comes to mind is managing. Growing enterprises, by Joel Peterson, who is the chairman, of JetBlue and, that. Class basically talks about how, do you have difficult conversations with, the board how do you fire. Someone how do you give. Feedback to employers, not being performing, well so some, of these conversations, are we were faced at. All. Phases, of our life and was just practicing, them in our risk free environment some valued, a lot yeah, yeah, I find oftentimes, I talked to students also about our prospective candidates, about leadership, labs which addresses, a lot of those same questions what, do you do if you have to fire some how do you handle difficult conversations. So you'll get lots of practice on that, the. Next question is what percent, of your coursework, is theory, versus, hands-on. Learning. Do. You guys want. To share a little bit about what, your perspective has been or experience, in the classroom as far as that goes I, think. It'll, be hard to put a percentage, value to it but I would say like most, of the learning, here is, experiential. And, sort of working in groups, or teams to. Basically. Work that true for, example like even in the first quarter if we start with something called lead labs in which you have a cohort, of six students who basically, give feedback to each other every week on what.

About You encourages, me to follow you it's, a very simple question but just the fact that you hear how your, actions land, on different people in. A small. Cohort week, after week just sort of the, good lab to put yourself, through I, think some of these activities. Where you are either interacting, with different people or like doing it on hands-on, on a software. Or on a lab just. Makes, the, learning process, much more interactive and much more fun so, I would say like most, of my learning has been exponential or working in teams or having. Said that like some of the courses which, require. A, theoretical work like accounting, and stuff would, be there and I think that's the best way to learn some of those courses. Yeah. Yeah. So it's a mix of both there is a good there's a good number of courses which are heavily, theoretical, and there's all there's an equal number of courses which which. Are experienced all and practical, in nature. Risk. Of sounding repetitive touchy-feely, is like very practical, there is no, little. To no Theory involved in it and similarly, start garages like one. Hour for class every day but like four to five hours of practical. Work outside of class every week there, are a lot of design school courses which are very popular amongst the GSB students which are all hands-on. Yes there, are a few courses which involve, fieldwork. There, are definitely global global experience programs which. Account, this coursework, but it is like basically going to a different country with a bunch of your classmates, so, it's so it's an interesting mix of both I would say. The, next question, we'll take is what clubs, and activities outside. Of class are you enrolled in. You. Have. Kind. Of to, me I am. Really passionate about ensuring. International. Students get all the required, resources to, pursue the, careers that they want to pursue and. I, like. I mentioned, I also came to GSB, you with a goal of transition. Into tech product management so I'm I got, involved in tech club where you're on the. Clock. Yeah. I. Senate, where a, lot of. Discussions. And decisions are. Made so. I I would, say all, these experiences, have have enriched, my GSB. Life so far. And. You can, keep busy for sure. Yeah. For me it's very similar I co-chaired. Academic, committee here and. Also sit. On the Senate of the Student Association with, Sue shmitah. I am. Deeply interested, in businesses in India and, I'm. The president for the business in India Club here and, in addition I'm, also involved in our committee, called future of my education. In which we are holistically. Looking at what, are the different ways in which we can basically. Cater, to the MBA program here, and make it even more attractive for students going forward okay, great. The. Next question, how, has, your proximity. To. Silicon Valley benefit. You compared. To other. Programs, not. The area. I. Think, the biggest, benefit. For me is the. Proximity. Or to all the protagonists. Of the cases that we do in the classes mm-hmm, all the club all the classes. Which, cover, technology, and entrepreneurship, have. Cases. Surrounding. Real life to talk in their protagonists, who live like right outside. Stanford, like in Palo Alto and Mountain View so, it's very easy to have access to people like that so every single day in, each of my classes I have one of these people who. Have like taken a company public or have like achieved several other great things in technology space venture, capitalist, venture capitalist, come, and talk to us which is something, I, can't, imagine happening.

Secondly. I. Can. Totally see how it benefits us and in, the, way of networking as well it's. So easy for us to like call, anybody up and ask them to come and do a bbl which is a brown-bag lunch, lunchtime. Session where they come and talk about topic of their interest or, like just represent, a company that wants, to hire from GSB, so, I think these are the two benefits which I can very obviously, see how. Yeah. And just, in terms of like access, to, protagonists. Around the cases it's also proximity. To the culture of Silicon Valley I think this is a culture. Which sort of celebrates, taking risk being entrepreneurial. Going. After what seems, impossible and, just being in that environment sort, of especially for risk-averse, people like me sort of encourages, you to go think, outside the box, go, achieve your dream and so I think it's just a good no. Mental laughs to put yourself, through great. All, right and what. Was the application and. Admissions, process, like from your perspective, as a student I. Think. For. Me the application, process was. You. Know a great, mental. Journey to go through because the, application, process sort of encouraged, me to think deeply about what, matters. To me and what defines me as a and I think, this. Is the culture which is like, vastly. Celebrated, at the GSB of knowing yourself well and the application, process sort, of encourages, each, one of us to sort of go through that mental journey, and. It. Was also interesting to like get a chance to interview with an Illumina which, now and. Like share their experiences, what they valued, at. The GSB so, I think it's a good mix of getting to know yourself getting to know GSB, from different diverse perspectives, so it was a good reflection of the GSB culture change gender yeah, we, talked about the journey, here. At the GSB but it really starts in the application. Yes, yeah do you have anything you want to add to that yeah. I mean I strongly, agree with what Anna Mae said about it being a. Mental. Journey it's a deep, personal experience I don't think any other schools, application, essay would probe, you to think as much about your self. As much as what Stanford I see this woman when I started, writing my. Response. To what matters the most you and why, it. It really prompted. Me to think about my entire. Life and pick out instances, that really mattered to me, and, that, journey really extended. When I came to GSB, like I gave a talk it was like an extension of that yes yeah so it's really interesting how, the. Journey which starts it what matters the most to you and why keeps. Getting, employee iterated, and improved upon through several, other experiences. Yeah. A deeply, introspective. Process that continues even. Here. How. Did you select the person, who wrote your recommendation. Letter I. Think. It was kind of obvious, for, me because. I. Selected. My. Immediate manager and, his manager, the two people who had the best view to my work because. That was my first job I haven't really. Spent. Time in any other company I worked, at Unilever for like me, I joined Unilever right out of college and spent all my time there and. My. First boss knew, saw, me go through like being, a first-time manager, to like. To. Finishing to. Finishing off a stint, do, us properly so. He was the best person position. To like write, about me and similarly his manager also had a good.

View To what, happened through. My career at Unilever so these are the two people who. Yeah. I'll, go. To you two but I want to add to what you said which another question. Is who should applicants, choose and I think it's important, that as you, are considering, individuals. That you do look, to those who, know you most, well right, so those who have had the closest. Experience, and can speak. Specifically. To things. That you have done what you've accomplished. And. So, it's more important, that you find someone who who. Knows you well and. Can can write on that behalf. I. Think, you. Covered it mostly, I, would just encourage you to like take, the recommendations to someone who knows you well and can talk specific, examples. Because. That is something that the, admission office sort of appreciates, like some tangible, examples. Of the qualities. They are highlighting. In the recommendation, letter yeah. And we do have requirements of course that you would want to select, your immediate, direct current, supervisor. Unless. There is a reason, that you are unable to do so. What is student, life like at the GSB and is it easy to blend in. I, think. GSB people are some, of the easiest. People to blend in with because, everybody. Comes. In. Because. We. All care deeply about introspection. And. Self-awareness. People. Are very grounded. Really. Care about knowing. Where you really come from instead of just the superficial details of your. Opportunities. To meet. A lot of interesting people. At. Home. Yeah. I. Think. Very similar I think this is the culture that sort of celebrates, the differences, and sort of encourages. You to be yourself and I think one common phrase that we use here is fitting. In and stand out and I think both are equally, celebrated, here there, are a lot of things that we share the class and in that sense we fit in but we also celebrates dining out because each one of us bring a different thing or to the class and that is something that we, as a community appreciate. Want to develop further so, it's, not, a pressure. To just fit in but also stand out in your own unique, way yeah.

Great. What, should one focus, on when, they start. Attending, Stanford, so, preparation. Wise so to speak how, do you decide, what classes and experiences to take advantage, of, so. I can start on this one ah it's sort, of goes back to the point that it's really important, that you have two, or three broad, goals, for yourself when you come to stand for it when. You come here there were literally millions of opportunities, and you, would want to be a part of dance show you would want to be part of this. Club and this student activity for. Me in. The first week when I came to Stanford I. Made, a list of like these are the three things I want to walk away from, out. Of Stanford, and every. Activity I sort of try to do here I use, this lens to evaluate whether it makes sense for me personally. And it. Is just good to keep, a center and be honest to yourself so. That when you are done with the two years you. Feel proud of what you have done yeah yeah I. Hear. People say it's like drinking, out of a water hose there's so many options and opportunities to. Get, involved it, is helpful to sort of have a little bit of a an, idea, or focus. But. Also be open to other options. Um. Have, you taken any classes outside, of, the GSB, I. Did, I did a couple and here I, did. A couple of classes and the computer science department mm-hmm. And I, also did a really. Extensive Design, School class, both. Were very unique experiences. Nothing. Like GSB, a, lot, of fun or, getting to know people outside of GSB, out, it's called across the street classes and it's a great way to get. The GSB Babu especially. In the first year where. You live in a dorm right across your classroom. Complex so it's, it's one way to like really. Get out there and meet other interesting, people in. The product Stanford community I think. Taking. Classes outside GSB. Is like a very unique value. Proposition that, Stanford, has just, the proximity in relationship, GSB, shares with other other schools, within the Stanford, family it, just gives, you a lot of different perspectives, and helps you and basically. Expand, your network beyond, GSB, I took, a really interesting class, public. Speaking across the street which was very unique and very different from the classes. We do at the GSB so, it's a it's a great, resource, that is available to GSB students yeah, and they're talking about across the street which of course is, our term that we use for really any of the other, leading. Professional. Graduate schools on campus that you'll have access to you can literally walk within 10 or 15 minutes and be at some of these other. Professional. Schools on, campus, and, it is why over, 90, percent of our students, will take a course across. The street so it's a big part of your experience. What. Is the professional, background, of your peers, at the GSB are, they diverse, in industry, and experience, I think we touched a little bit on the, importance. Of diversity within the class but anything to elaborate on, yeah. I think in. Terms of professional, diversity, this is as wide, as it gets, there are people from, consulting. Private, equity to military. To, operations. I have one. Of, my classmates, who was a NASCAR, race driver so, it's like diversity, in terms of, as broad, as it gets and the, way it sort of shows up and is helpful in classroom, is like your. Professional background shapes, the way you look at different business problems, or non business problems, and, just having that diversity, encourages. You to think in many different ways to a problem which you wouldn't have thought of otherwise, so. I think it's as diverse, as it can theoretically get yeah. Totally. Agree with that and not. To mention the number of Olympians, which we have. I. Think. These this, diversity, is really helpful in helping you with your own career pursuits. I think because. There, are if you want to make a switch from one industry to a different industry there are already a, few. People who have done that before coming to GSB so they can you can just grab a coffee with them and understand, what that industry is all about or what that particular function is all about yeah and get. Some key contacts, which will help you make inroads in that into, that. And. People are so willing to help you all the time mm-hmm, there, everybody is just a phone call or text message away so. This diversity can really, be leveraged. To. Follow, your passions, great, thank, you um when. Is the right time to apply, to this GSB. And which round is best so I talked a little bit about the, right time to apply is when, you are ready. That, could mean right, when you graduate, from college it could mean that you want two three five ten years of work experience. From, our perspective, and in the admissions office when. You decide to apply is, not. Necessarily, important. To us but it's important, for us to understand, why it is now.

One. Of the other questions was. About. Which. Round is best in general. It. Is preferred. To apply, in round one or round two. There. Are certain opportunities. That we provide as. A result, if you are around one around two applicant, we offer admin, weekend so you have the opportunity, to come here on campus if at all possible. There, are other access. Access that you'll have available to, you but, we certainly want you to apply when you're ready so if that means waiting until, round three that's fine as well. Not, sure if you guys have any perspective having gone through the application, yourself, the, process, I think. You, go in well and I would encourage. You to not worry, too much about round, one versus round two round. Three is something that as I said should, only be used in extraordinary circumstances, but between round one and round two I would not. Put. Lot of maths behind it whenever you, are ready a new thing is the best time that long suits best for you okay. All. Right, what is the reliance fellowship, and what, are the requirements, so, I touched on this a little bit which is that we do offer a, fellowship. For those individuals, who live, in India and have. A desire. To return. To, India after, graduating. There. Are specific, requirements, you can go online to, our website and, learn, more about that under, our fellowship. Opportunities. Do. You have any classmates, so you have been two knowers of course, I do you want to speak to for sure so. The. Process, to apply for this fellowship is to actually it begins, before. Any. Of the GSB applications, process starts it. Starts with an essay that you have to write about. What are your aspirations for, India how do you want to see India shape up in the near future. Based. On bad AC on your resume or you will be shortlisted of, a. Bunch of 50 students. And. There. Is a networking, session which is organized towards the end of August I think where, you'll.

Meet With several Stanford. Admissions, staff. As well as based. In India there's. There, are a couple of group activities, and a lot of interaction with the Stanford, alumni and fellow applicants. And. Once, you do that the, you apply along with everybody else in round, one or round to depend, in when I applied to it I could only apply in round one but it has been flexed last year and now you can apply either in round one around to. Normal. Application process, there's nothing different about the Stanford, application, process oh the, only additional step as the essay, which you have to submit around, July mid-july and the. Networking sessions that I just talked about and these, 50 finalists will apply like any other standard regular stand block weekend any the round one around oh yeah and Sue Smith is talking about the pre application, process, which yes is what you would do in this summer early summer and then we also offer a reliance, finalist, day where, we bring in everyone. To learn a little bit more about, the, MBA, program and, the GSB experience, and give you the opportunity, to meet, alumni, of the, program as well and. Then the second, part of the, process is for you to apply just like any other candidate, through the, general, MBA application. Process, and would evaluate you, as such yes, what. Career. Networking. And other professional. Opportunities, have you been able to take advantage of while at the GSB. So. I think in, terms of career, opportunities this is ocean. Of opportunities. I know classmates. Who have been like. Trying to switch either industries. Geographies. Or, function. And I think that opportunity, is available through, various different, resources one. Is the career management services, as the CMC, as we call it here and they, organize the globe workshops, special. Workshops for international, students on how does, American. Style of interviewing happens, they have company. Networking nights where. Companies. From all sorts, of different industries, come and you can interact with them and they, also have on-campus, recruitment. Process, in, terms of networking. It, goes beyond, just the CMC, and, Sushma. Tell you that too there are brown bag lunches, and. What. We call BBS hosted, by different companies all. Throughout the year and that's a good way to one appreciate, what these companies do and also get to know the. Professionals, they are be, in touch with them learn from them over there and not just during the recruitment, season. And. In terms of, professional. Opportunities like. There. Are a lot of activities that go on like, right from interviewing. Skills to, like building your resume to. Actually. Figuring out how you what. Career is best for you so like I remember like some of the workshops in the beginning of the year which was super helpful in terms of just, thinking through what sort of career would help, you find the most meaning, in your life yeah so. I think it's a really. Vast, ocean, of opportunities, and it. Ranges from very. Philosophically. Very tactical, approach. So. +12 everything he said apart, from that a little bit of detail about. How. Happens. You know so there are two, ways like, animation. Alluded to one is though on campus recruitment way which, kind of gets over by January. And mid-february. Traditional. Kind, of companies that come on campus then, there's. Network. Networking. Based job search which happens, like later in the winter quarter and in through your spring quarter, one. Unique thing about stanford is that a lot of people especially. For internships, really want to pursue new. Things so they tend to prefer network, based job search and what. Exactly helps, network based job search there are two different avenues wreckin think of one is the clubs a lot, of these companies, approach, clubs and the clubs conduct, the BBS that an image was talking about that's, a great way to network, and apply to these companies and, then.

CMC. Also has a lot of alumni information. You just need to like figure out what companies you're interested in there are career advisors, that will help you figure out how to approach the company and who are the right people that you need to contact in those companies and, the third. Sometimes. Used resources professors, I would say a lot of professors are like track nation's in industry, they. All either operate, companies, currently, or they have operated companies, in the past so, they are also they're very well-connected, in the industry so. In. First year, slightly. Difficult to, get access to those professors because a lot of them teach in the second year but. Still it can be done because nobody is gonna deny, helping. You if you reach out to them you just need to know who to reach out to so. Professors, are kind, slightly, underrated, but very useful resource I want. To touch a little bit on there are of course a lot of resources as you mentioned, and also there, is the, AAP. The academic, adjustment, period begins. In your first quarter, so how did that affect, your, or. Tell us a little bit about that experience sort of at that time that, you can. Not. Have to worry so much about the, career. Trajectory. Sure, so academic, adjustment, period is the. First, six. Weeks when you get, in the, GSB and I, think it's a really important, period because like when you come in here most. Of you would be moving to the u.s., most. Likely for the first time you will be living in the u.s. we'll be meeting a set, of new. Friends, new classmates. Getting, to settle. In a new. Educational. Environment. So, this. Basically. Six weeks provide a buffer, where, you are not exposed, to any career activities, or any club activities, and you can just focus on a focus, on settling, into the, system. Get to know your classmates well, spend, some time socially, and things, like that so I think for me personally ap, was a great time to just make myself comfortable in the system before the floodgates open, and you, start recruiting or joining their clubs. All. Right well we're coming to the close of our webinar, but before we go do. Either of you have any final words of advice I'll, start with you switch me back I. Think, when. I applied to GSB, I had a very. One-dimensional. Approach. To it like I want to switch my careers but I think a GSB, experiences a lot more than that it's, a lot of it's a lot about knowing, yourself better, and becoming, a better person and, I'm I'm. Not just throwing some corny lines out there it's really true there, are so many experiences, like talk touchy-feely, and. Just. The community, around you which really helps, you understand. Yourself and, be a better version of yourself and. I. Am. Really, having a lot of fun I don't think I, would. Do it all over again if I have to, thank. You, so. For me it's a very similar a one realization, I hide here is basically. Technical, skills and our ethical skills are simply. Hygiene, as you think of leadership. Roles and interpersonal skills and, how, you lead teams is basically what differentiates you as you, grow up the, corporate. Ladder and, I think GSB just provides you that lab. Where you can experiment with different styles, of your, leadership or how you interact with people and, I think that journey. Is, such. An invaluable resource, that, you would be thankful for it for the rest of your life great. Great great advice both of you thank you um, thank. You both for joining us, and. Thanks to all, of you out, there who are participating, you, can learn more about the, Stanford MBA program, on our website and by watching our videos on YouTube. You.

2018-01-14 13:18

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