Prospecting with Sapphire Manager Marta Omachel 2021

Prospecting with Sapphire Manager Marta Omachel 2021

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good morning or good evening everyone good afternoon depends where are you connecting from my name is marta thank you so much kelsey for inviting me over to talk about prospecting i would like to say hi to all fbo fbos around north america uh today i will be uh i will be talking about my favorite topic which is prospecting and before i start let me introduce myself i am aware that some people may not hurt about me at all and i am an fbo like exactly the same fbo as you are i also started uh my business uh like you guys and that was back in 2009 someone introduced me to the products and two years i was using the products i was a consumer and in 2011 by the end of 2011 i uh decided to join the business and to do the business and i reached manager position but i was a young mom that was many many years ago i barely remember but i was a young mom of two kids at home and back then i was cleaning uh houses in uh here in back in chicago and to be honest um i didn't have that much time to grow the business i was focused on the kids i was focused on bringing uh money to the table you know and forever wasn't my priority back then i was growing the business but i was treating it more like a like a part-time and it took me several years basically until kids grew you know until i i learned how to treat treat forever as a business and to be honest it was also about that i probably wasn't as ready as i am now to grow fast and to move with the business fast so um i want to let you know that um two years ago i decided that i'm gonna use social media to the fullest so i'm gonna take as much as i can from social media and i will be doing facebook lives and many things that i'm going to talk to you about a little bit later in this presentation and i want to say that my business has really sped up so it really grew it grew to the point that i couldn't believe what's happening i couldn't believe that wow you know martha you are doing actually excellent job your team is succeeding people are reaching for for super supervisor levels and above and it is actually we are actually rocking it and today i will be sharing with you my secret my and my secret is prospecting so this is just perfect topic for me to share with you because this is exactly what i was doing and i am still doing that we got that such a big growth okay so uh before i start with this with this slide i want to let you know that this business is for everyone it's for people who are professionals it's for people who have no experience like i used not to i like i used to not have at all because i didn't have any background in marketing just so you know and um i had to learn it from scratch so i knew nothing about marketing and this is this business is for also for people like uh who whose english is a second language you guys probably hear my accent back then when i started i would not be able to present such a such a training for you guys because my english was like little like literal i'm telling you i was not able to communicate well so during the years you know i was able to learn more and forever actually was a great tool to actually get to know this the second language english a little bit better it's to to help me grow the business so you don't need to speak perfect english if you if english is your second language and then and the one more thing uh that you should know that you don't need to be an expert in this business which is like so awesome to hear at least for me it was because uh because often we think at the beginning that we gotta know everything before we start which is not true but also i will be sharing more about it a little bit later so prospecting is a thing prospecting is actually putting the work in prospecting is such a thing like reaching out to people and you know what um back then when i wasn't much on facebook when i was building my business more in a traditional way i noticed that i wasn't reaching to a lot of people and um i can tell you that with with with what's happening right now with uh with us being restricted right these days last last year the this year as well with covet we have moved a lot of work uh into social media which is very very helpful and i'm gonna also show you how i i am doing it and what i'm teaching my team okay so what i love what i love about this business is that we all start from the beginning and we all start as an assistant supervisor this is exciting because we are getting our start your journey back and or we are getting two cc's and we are ready to rock and roll but often happens that we are so stressed and we are not really aware what to do next you know we've got the products we love the products and we are like shaking scared to uh to to share these products with others what if they ask us questions and we don't know how to answer i've been there and i've been basically to all these steps that are probably ahead of you and maybe if you hear my mistakes you will be more free to um to actually maybe not share them and maybe you will not be stressed or you will have more fun with the business so what i was doing different at the beginning and i am doing different now you know mistakes are important and it's good to make make mistakes because that's how we learn so you gotta be aware that you're gonna make mistakes and i was making mistakes and i'm still making mistakes just different mistakes now what's important is that we got to that we got to learn from these mistakes so each mistake you make learn something from it so you don't make the same mistake all over again so what i was doing when i was assistant supervisor i remember that i was doing traditional business so i was doing presentations i was inviting my friends friends or friends to my home uh to present a product presentation i was lucky enough i had my sponsor with me who lived who who lived very close to me and she was hosting these presentations for me and uh i was very very very shy person like i was eager to learn i was always willing to learn but oh my goodness i wasn't the way i wasn't the person i am today i'm different marta now than i used to be uh many years ago when i was assistant supervisor and maybe you are thinking the same way maybe you are thinking wow i am also not that open to people i am also feeling uh stressed when i am when i am in front of the people and when i am sharing the pr the products of the business and this is totally normal and you gotta be aware that uh most of us start that way and in a with with some time you are getting more comfortable and you're gonna uh just just smash it one day okay so what i was doing wrong is i was talking about the products most of the time only so what i was doing i was giving a whole a whole presentation about the products about the company about um the benefits of the products and the ending point was and you can do the business as well period nothing else i was afraid to share the opportunity to others and that was my big mistake i know i wasn't making a lot of money i wasn't making maybe making any money i don't remember but maybe whatever i was making was a little because that was my beginning but you got to be aware that uh even if you make little because that's that's your start you should share uh the business section as well don't only stop yourself on products because some people yeah some people they need products but others they need products and the business as well especially these days with pandemic people are losing jobs people are having less money on the table and they are looking for solutions and we have a solution for them actually we have two solutions for them we have products that can support their immune system system and we also have a business solution that they are looking for as well so we are in a very very good position and we should share to the left to the right to the front and to the back with everyone above forever okay so uh so that was what i was not doing and if i would be a a new assistant supervisor again with not with my knowledge now definitely i would be sharing or maybe spreading my presentation into into a half product and a business but not entire product and just one sentence about the business that was not enough that's why i wasn't building the business i was building only customer base what you focus on what this is what you get and i was focusing on products only so if you are thinking or listening today and thinking i cannot find business partners either then think about what you what you are introducing to people i bet you are introducing products only i bet that's why you don't have fbaos yet in your team okay so what i also what what else i was doing is i was talking to people but not enough to enough people so that was also my big mistake that i didn't i i just wasn't aware of it so from my experience from my mistakes i would like to share with you now that with social media with social media prospecting looks different than uh traditional prospecting it looks different traditionally you know you can only reach out to a few people basically basically a day because otherwise you have to drive you have to um you have a distance to take care of right and you can only reach a little a lot of a little people not a lot i mean but with social media and this is what i'm gonna be sharing today you can actually reach a lot of people and you have a big big potential to grow grow big with forever because of social media marketing so before i was just reaching that to not to enough people now i'm reaching to more people okay um before what i was doing as well uh i didn't have any tools created you know um facebook i i didn't know much about facebook i was brand new to facebook i had to learn how to operate on facebook groups in facebook weren't available back then so the whole marketing was you know developing back back then but these days when we have facebook groups you can create facebook groups you can use these groups you can use tools in these groups to share with your customers these days doing social media marketing and prospecting is so much easier than a few years back and we should be using that uh yeah as you as you guys can see i was uh i was really afraid to speak to to people to speak publicly even i loved the products you know when i saw three or five people in front of me i couldn't say a word like i was sweating i was shivering uh i was really i was scared i was scared that was something new to me and maybe you feel that the same way maybe you you even feel the same way when you are in front of computer sharing products these days who knows this is normal just to let you know and uh also what you got to remember that you nee you don't need to be an expert i thought back then that i need to learn every single thing about the products and every every every single thing about the marketing plan that's what that's that was in my head you know and i was memorizing it and i was doing slides a lot of work i was putting into into into tools or into me presenting it as best as possible and these days we can simply share a video with someone and let them watch the video and see if this is something for them or for or not so much easier so you don't need to be an expert unless you want to be right but you don't need to be an expert so i was really lacking the self belief and you know what the more if you have the same problems i would say same issues that you don't believe in yourself i also got i also need to let you know that this is a process and you are in a great uh company forever is a company where will be when where you will be put in place in to discover yourself more every single day you will be doing small little steps to do something better or new each day and that way you will be having some results faster or or slower depends on the tempo you work and that way you will be believing in yourself more and more because you your customer list will be growing your ebiolus will be growing your team will be growing and that way one day you're gonna be so strong so powerful that you're gonna rock and roll the whole north america okay let's see the next slide hope you hope you like the the tips i was sharing with you so just to let you know those are my personal goals okay and these goals might not my don't have to be your goals i am freak about this business i love forever so much and i want the temple i want the speed growth i am ready to uh rock this business fast but i wasn't like that a few years ago i grew to that point where i can put more time into this business and uh and expect faster results just to let you know that my my goals they don't have to be your goals okay i am freak about the business like i said so what i started doing two years ago i started prospecting 15 people per day so what do i mean by that i was reaching out on social media 15 people to ask the question about a business or a product monday friday i would say monday friday i was reaching out to 15 people per day and that gave me 70 75 people per week and that gave me the total of 300 people a month by a per month many people haven't seen my messages at all they didn't see anything on in their in their messenger but many people did many people did not reply at all to me but few did those few people who did reply to me i asked them the question would you be open to taking a look i'm gonna teach you in a bit uh what i was sending and guess what from from these few people who who who i reached out to which i prospected because this is actually prospecting there were a few who got interested in a business there were a few who purchased the the pack started your journey pack and that's how we started rolling i remember uh when i was at the event with jane leach that was i believe that was forever experienced maybe two years ago in phoenix i remember uh jane leach gave us uh the new she gave us a new way of calculating points into the manager so reaching supervisor with first month 10 ccs another month 15 and we have supervisor and then four months to manager that was the change of in a marketing plan [Music] hold on hold on something something is missing i'm back i hope hope i hope i'm back someone called me here so um that change of i'm sorry i am i'm here again that change was really powerful because uh we we were start we started showing uh how to reach manager in four months which was excellent as well so those are the numbers i was doing and uh with that with the time when my team grew i am not able to reach as many people for today but back then few years if two years ago that those are those were the numbers that i was doing for over one year and a half i would say and uh that really brought a lot of new people into my team that brought a lot of new customers new fbos people were start people started actually um moving up with the business and that's how we grew that's how we grew okay so i would like to share with you one thing here okay and this is uh this is uh the thing okay let me share with you what am i doing here um on social media these days when kovic after the covet hit because we cannot do we cannot do traditional business uh we are more we we are relying on digital business which is facebook instagram or telephone right or just a phone call to on on a phone someone is texting here something okay so um what am i doing i started showing up on social media every single day doing facebook live and it really brought attention to me and as i told you you don't need to be an expert i wasn't an expert on a leader but i decided i'm gonna go on facebook talk and talk to people about network marketing and you know what at first people were uh were interested to see what am i doing why am i showing myself on social media and doing facebook live and then later on i got some hate and then later on people started listening more and then later on i started being better at these facebook lives and then more people started and then i was showing more value to people so basically there was like a process of me sharing information maybe from the beginning when where i didn't know what to do to the point where i know what people need to hear from me what are their problems and i'm trying to solve their problems on facebook live i really highly recommend uh using this facebook social free this free facebook social media just because it's free i know it might be scary for so many of you and if it is you don't need to do it but if you've got guts or if you are okay not to be perfect and then learn with that process i can guarantee that showing up showing up and doing facebook live can really speed up your business because i i'm totally talking from my experience from my example so uh what i'm sharing on facebook live is is basically i'm thinking who am i talking to who is the person who's listening to me of course there are many cross lines are listening to me but also who am i trying to attract and i am and i am thinking you know what are there problems so most of the time i'm i was a young mom so i also wanna find other moms like like me who are maybe working part-time maybe full-time or maybe they are stay-home moms so i will not talk about their problems so i i say i talk about things like uh why network marketing it's good for moms these days why so many moms are joining network marketing and i bet you would have few tips to share with your audience on that topic so knowing that other moms who are in front of the computer or telephone they are for example going to work they miss their babies they're miss their kids and they they would rather have be at home with their kids and do their work from home i bet so i talk about it so i talk about what problems they have and i and i talk why how forever or how network marketing can help them with that problem so that's what i'm doing on social media every every single day okay uh then i am also uh working in groups where do i prospect where do i find new people you gotta find some good tool for you to uh to work on every single day i found facebook groups the best tool ever for me because on these groups when when i am at the group i try to be active there what do i mean i try to share some information that that these um members of these groups can benefit from and uh i can if i am on facebook uh mom group i can share some good recipe not always about whatever i would say or or barely about forever but i'm sharing about everything else about great park great great uh swimming pool or museum they open when they open for free that you can go to museum all different stuff that other moms can benefit from why am i doing it i want these people these members to get to know me because when i prospect them on private you know they know me already i don't know these people but they do know me from these groups because i i actively am showing up with great information that they can use for for themselves and that way these people get to know me when they go into my facebook profile these people know me as well these people can i bet they're gonna check my profile right and these people are checking what am i talking about and guess what i'm talking about i'm talking about their problems i'm talking about their problems that they have so it's all connected you gotta be on your pro facebook profile you're gonna be on groups in my case those are groups and you just network you just meet people you just chat with them you got you give them value and you do your work and you share with them forever whoever wants it awesome whoever doesn't awesome no pushing no begging no sending links no sending um information without any permission nothing like that all we do we ask if they are open to taking a look at the business so uh what else i'm doing these days on social media i am also teaching my team the value of prospecting so i really am focusing that my team knows how to prospect that they know how to send a message to a person to introduce to forever so i am also doing team products uh trainings and uh i am myself i am focusing to reach out to 15 people if not 15 i stick with 10 but like i said that my team has grew fast and there was more more work showed up with as a teamwork than only you know like before i was only focusing on prospecting when my team was little so those are the tips for for prospecting for 2021 that i would probably highly highly recommend to you to maybe try to give it a try so how how do we do it what what is the message that i i would recommend you to send so first of all when you are when you are active and for example facebook groups that are uh similar to your hobbies or whatever you like right for example groups for moms uh i want you beside that you are active there and you share some cool stuff with with other moms besides that you were network with these moms uh i want you to learn how to send a how to send a prospecting message what do you say to a potential retail customer so first of all i'm gonna start that we're gonna start from connection point what is connection point so if you are a mom on a mom's facebook group your connection point is that you are a mom they also have little kids you have little kids and you can and you can connect it with the person for example hi mary we don't know each other but i saw your you are also a mom of two you see this is the connection point i know this is totally random but i have to ask because i love working with other moms i am just curious would you be open to a side project that will allow you to earn an extra income if not that's totally okay i have a short video to share i just know how much it has helped our family with these extra expenses this that comes with the kids please let me know if you would like to see the video look how simple that message is but it all starts with the connection point and take a look at the the second example so of course we wanna connect to them we're gonna find the connection point and then we're gonna say would you be open to check wow let's see let's see if this will work okay i'm so sorry but i don't know how to stop someone calling me here my computer okay i'm back i'm so sorry for that okay so would you be open to to check these high quality aloe vera products that are safe for the kids and adults and i could invite you to a facebook group to read more about it would you be open to send an invite so what i want to share with you is when i am prospecting about the business i would i most of the time i offer them to taking a look uh about the video to taking a look at the video to share more info about how we work from home but when i am talking about the products i would highly recommend uh to um not send a link not not to ask them can i send you a link i don't know i don't like that i would uh i would say that would you be open to taking a a look at our facebook group that uh that shares more about the products that you can read about the products what i have learned is that most of the our potential customers they aren't ready yet to buy the products when we ask them the first time but when they read about them when they see other people sharing how they use the products we have a facebook group our personal team group that we share about the products and i we just add these people to that group so they can actually read and read and read and we follow up with them and we show them how they can see the products so that would be my recommendation for that let's move on with that okay so i love i love love love this slide because those are the five things i say to a potential new team member okay when we when i have a presentation when when i um when i send someone a video and they they tell me yes i let me see more right and i show them the pack and i talk to them i try to be on the phone so i try to close them on the phone and um even only if i have a chance and what do i tell them those are the few things that most of the time i repeat it so i tell them that we teach you step by step what to do i think it's very very important to tell them that because many people are afraid that they're gonna spend money on products and then they're gonna be left alone so i wanna be sure that they feel they will that they feel the uh our help so next thing is we give you full support with 24 hour chat and this is exactly what we have since we are working globally we have a chat with all our team has a chat that whenever usa is sleeping you know people in europe are working so that's why we call it 24 hour chat uh that if they have a question they can always ask at the chat then we don't expect or want you to be an expert i know on my on my example that i was learning i was memorizing all that stuff about the products ingredients which i was wasting so much time because i didn't need to know and be an expert so i want them to know that they don't need to be an expert and we actually we don't want them to be an expert but because that does not duplicate okay it's simple but but not easy it may take time to build a solid business very important to tell them sometimes we might tell them it's so easy it's so you're gonna be building fast which is not true and often we wanna sell it fast right we want these people in the business and we tell them that it's easy to be honest building the solid business it's not that easy and most of the time it takes time and guess what if you tell them this up front they're not gonna be expecting fast results which is awesome because most of the time our fbos do not have fast success right those are only maybe one percent or two or three that they are that they are going so fast and they are at the top fast but most of the people like i would say maybe eighty percent ninety percent they it takes time to get to know products to get to know marketing plan to get to know other people or even the business what is it what is it all about right and if you tell them they're gonna go fast they're gonna see maybe some other team members that they are going fast and they're gonna expect that fast growth and if they won't get it they're gonna quit on you and they're gonna leave your business so that's why uh it's good and it's smart to tell them up front it is simple but not easy and in most people take time to build this business and then they if they know it and if they go fast awesome but if they know it and if they're not gonna go fast they're not gonna quit on you they're gonna stay with you because you told them to okay so every business has tools in the in this business the products are your tools this is what i repeat non-stop like non-stop i always always i often compare this forever business or i would say i often compare business as as overall business to my husband's business my husband is a painter he's in he he does construction work and i tell people like this uh in a traditional business if you are a painter what do what tools do you need to do that job to be a painter and they say i need a paint i need a brush exactly if you are a hairdresser what tools do you need for to to be a hairdresser and they tell me i need i need some um first of all i need i need i need to have a place where am i going to be working i need to have scissors i need to have brushes and everything together with that those are their tools and i say exactly so in forever living we also need tools we do need tools because i know when i was um growing this business i tend to talk about the business and i didn't know how to i now in introduce them to products you know i've i felt like oh how do i now say okay now buy the pack so i found it very very helpful that i tell them and in forever business we also need tools and our forever products aloe vera and bee products are amazing tools to build this business and you got to know them you get to feel these products so that's how i introduce uh to the products and add yours future reviews to the product okay so basically what's my system of work it's simple number one i ask the question are you open to taking a look then i send them a video and then i follow up with them and that's all what i do and that's how simple i try to teach my team to do as well i know there are so many more um trainings materials but to be honest sometimes it's too much you gotta know what you are listening what what are you learning and you got to know uh to keep this business as simple as possible so let's move to another slide and this is the last child the last slide that i have for you and this is a challenge who is ready for a challenge because i am i wonder if you are so i love challenges and i also love challenging my team and i challenge them often i would say once a month once a month or or every other month i would say they love challenges and i always try to spice up the challenges but this challenge is a very very unique what i have learned about prospecting is that we don't need to focus on our results but we do focus on our activities and that was quite new to me because i wanted to reach manager i wanted to reach a supervisor and i was so focused on these numbers and on the ccs and uh i wasn't doing as much you know i was thinking about forever uh but i was um not doing as much of work maybe you can rely to that maybe you are the same maybe you are doing the same so we're not gonna focus on the results please okay with that challenge we not in the business as well that's my suggestion we're gonna focus on work forget about the level you're gonna reach you wanna reach forget about it forget about that you wanna get to eagle manager at this point focus on activity so focus on the stuff you should be doing every single day as an fbo do you know what you gotta you what you need to do every single day to be successful do you know that do you know what's your dmo daily method of operation if you are not you can actually use that challenge as your as as a as a practice so this challenge will have two parts we have a pre-challenge and we have a big challenge so listen to that this is just an idea you don't need to do it if you don't want to but if you want to try the challenges if you want to try my challenge my example of learning feel free to share it with your team or maybe find accountability person so a person that you can challenge yourself with so i would highly recommend finding a cross line finding a person who is not in your team uh finding a person uh maybe not your upline or not your downline you know finding a person maybe that you know from forever if you if you don't know many people you can simply find someone in your team but would be more fun if you do it with a crossline or even more fun fun if you as a leader come up with exactly the same challenge in your team for entire team and you know and you can you can you know mix and match uh for your needs so what we're going to be doing the pre-challenge is for people uh it's for entire team or for for you and your partner that's that's gonna start on february first till seven so you will have a week to to accomplish that challenge you will need to find two new customers in a week that will buy something from you and i don't care about how much the product is the price does not matter it can be even a little lip balm the smallest product that we have because it's not the the main focus is about not getting the not focusing on the results of how much ccs or how much did you make money but focus on activity focus on reaching out to people focus on prospecting because that's the topic okay so you have a week to find two customers that will buy from you of course you might ask you might ask uh okay how do i need to register them do i need to uh sell them hand by hand it doesn't matter it's up to you you can register them you can sell by the hand by hand to hand it's it's totally up to you you you just need to find new two customers and prove it to your accountability person okay or if you are doing it in a group as a team you can post about this challenge and you can prove it in comments okay whoever whoever will accomplish that that pre-challenge is moving to a main challenge and the main challenge is fun listen to that february 8th you will be reaching uh you will be uh your job will be to receive three no's february 9th you your job will be to show for a nose and february 10th your job will be to to get five no's what do i mean by that okay to get three knows i know that approximately you will need to reach out to maybe seven five seven people asking them about the business or a product so what you're gonna be doing you will be sending messages you will be prospecting you will be just prospecting you will be reaching out to people sending a message like this hey mary this is marta how are you doing we don't know each other let's say it's it's it's a cold market you don't know that person we don't know each other but i see you are a mom of two and i love working with other moms similar text as from a previous slide or you know you can mix it up so we find a connection point hey mary then we say not sure if that would be something for you but we work with other moms online and i would like to ask you would you be open to taking a look at how do we work online these days if no no problem at all if you wanna see it please let me know i'm gonna share the video with you so this is the job the job is to send send these messages i don't know how many but if mary is gonna reply sure let me see the video this is not a no this is a yes so this is not a no if my mary's gonna say yes sure let me let me share the video remember that this will be this will be a yes not a no so you're gonna send another message because you're gonna have to see you're gonna have to get three no's on february eighth once again you're gonna send a message hey mary this is marta and we don't know each other and but i see you are also a mom and listen i am working with with other moms and maybe that would be something you would like to check uh we can we i can send you send you a video that you can take a look at how we work online if you don't want to take a look no worries at all just let me know and mary's gonna say hey marca thank you i'm not interested this is a no so this is your first no okay so it's not about joining them joining the business or them buying the product it's only about you doing activity you doing you asking a question because when you're gonna ask questions every single day and even few a day you're gonna build a business big that thing is that so many times we don't we just don't pop up the question so no wonders no wonder our business is not growing fast because we are just not asking the enough people about the ques that question so this is how i build my business this is how i teach my team they are ask actually reaching out to people so february 8th we need to get three no's so i bet i'm guessing i'm guessing to get three notes you will need to get five to seven messages you will be surprised that people will be interested in your uh in your offer people will be actually interested in that i'm telling you and then this whole thing will change your business forever february night is show is showing for knows to get for nose you're probably gonna have to ask around eight to ten people for them to tell you no not interested no don't wanna see it so and february 10th you got to get you need to get five no's so you will probably be reaching out to 15 people or 2 or 20 people that's my guess only maybe you will get nose right away so you will be complete with the challenge faster right but i am assuming more so many people will be interested in your video in your information and you will have fun and you will learn how to prospect properly so you might be asking what video do i send the best videos are videos that forever has and please please use the videos opportunity videos or product videos whatever you want to share um from the tools that we have on forever living so that would be uh that would be all and you can share everything to your accountability person or you can make that uh challenge as a team it's up to you have fun with it that challenge is teaching not to focus on the results but focus on activity and i bet maybe you will have a new fbo or a few a few customers from that and i would like to say thank you so much for sorry for me um disappearing for moments here uh but someone was calling and i couldn't couldn't do anything about it but i wanna wish you all the best january is almost over we gotta start working because the year is passing already and uh i wanna see as many people from north america successful reaching eagle manager reaching managers and let's rock and roll

2021-02-26 03:04

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