Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 - Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga

Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 - Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga

Show Video

20-19. Has finally, arrived and what better way to kick off the new year than, with a stimulating. Discussion, on prophecies. And predictions by. Prophets, past and present like, Nostradamus baba, Vanga Ingersoll. Lockwood Edgar, Cayce and Mark, Taylor who have all shared, notable, degrees of accuracy thus far in their respective, areas of site and, while. We're at it let's, look just a bit further down the road for, instance, will there be a new form of energy that comes from Venus. Will, trump return our dollar to the gold standard will, communism, fall in China allowing, citizens to find a new spiritual. Awakening, could there be bankruptcy. In store for the mainstream, media will, we finally be able to hire an assistant to free up Ben and Rob to make edge of wonder even better, in 2019. And beyond let's. Find out now as we, boldly, raised our favorite, beverage hi and toast, the coming of another wondrous. New year out on, the, edge as we. Present to you prophecies. Of 2019. On edge, of wonder and now, without, further ado we, start in 10 9. 8. 7, 6. 5, 4. 3. 2. One. Buddy. We. Actually, made it to. 2019. If you can believe that yeah, and yet last year was the craziest. Year ever, I guess I can't. Believe we made it we are and, what, is 2019. Gonna have in store for us that's. Exactly. What this episode is about exactly so, Ben to celebrate the new year yeah I got a couple of things for you I'm. Scared, give me uh yes. Okay. I see, you put on that little guy uh-huh, and then. I got you something else too, your. Glasses. Just. A little makeover here uh-huh, yeah. Now you're in style that you, look like a cowboy version, of Johnny Depp from. Lo then what is it here in Las. Vegas well Rob to, celebrate, this occasion I actually, got you something too cuz I know how, much you love my hat, so, well. First actually, let, me give you this I can't, celebrate the New Year without one of these I got, you your, very own hats as well oh my goodness, so now we can be hat brothers together yes. Mustache. Isn't really staying very long oh my. Gosh I look like a pathetic version. Of Macho, Man Randy Savage right, now and. I, kind, of look like a young version of. You. Do you. Mean Sir Elton John dear, Elton John yes okay. Well I don't think doing the entire episode like this is really gonna work so, I think so why don't we get into our other costumes. Well. Guys 2019. Has finally, arrived and what better way to kick off the new year than seeing what predictions, and prophecies were, made by folks from the past and present, we'll talk about some predictions, that some people have gotten right so far and predictions. That may happen in the near future mainly. This year and I'm sure some of them will blow your mind so let's get to it. Let's. See where we should start. Wouldn't be right if we didn't hit you up with some Nostradamus. Many. Of you ever heard of Nostradamus. The 14th, century French, physician and, seer he's, most, famous for his book lay properties. Prophecies. In the form of quatrains. That. Have accurately, predicted, future, events, for, instance have. You ever heard of the Great Fire of London the, French Revolution, the rises of napoleon adolf hitler both, world wars the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to, name a few however, some, still debate over whether he got 9/11, right the particularly, startling, quatrain. 1072. Boldly. Puts a year and a month to the prediction, in the. A in 1999. Seventh, month from. The sky will come a great king of terror in, order to bring back to life the great king of anga moi before. And after mars reigns in the name of bringing, people happiness, now, there are many interpretations, of, this quatrain, and many people have even thought that maybe, he, was talking about a comet, that was supposed to hit earth during this time, however. From, our research, it most, likely refers. To a major event that, took place in China in the, year 1999. In the seventh month ie, July, which. Was the crackdown, of the persecution. Of millions, of Falun Gong practitioners. In China, which, still continues, to this day it. Was started, by the leader, of China, at the time Jiang Zemin who by the way also approved. The order for the Tiananmen Square massacre in, 1989. And for, those who may not know the, great king of terror alludes, to the Antichrist, or some kind of gray evil the great king of anga moi referring. To the anagram. Of the word to be Mongol, a witch, would, point to a king, or leader of the Mongolian, people and the resurrection, of the second, coming. Finally. Comes the phrase before and, after, Mars rains which. We, believe. Nostradamus. Could actually be. Referring, to how Marxism.

Is Now practiced, worldwide with, the vile communist, idea, of liberating, mankind, by, falsely, promising. Happiness, to the people in which, this manifests. In the West as society. Social sustaining. Welfare, through, heavy taxation. So. In other words the Great King or the second coming will come, because, of the rise of communism in the world now if this is what he was referring, to then that must mean we are really in the end of times since, communism, is everywhere, and the. Puzzle pieces are starting to fit together and it is shocking how fitting and relevant. The quatrain is to this day, so, y'all, probably thinking well that's cool but tell us about 9/11, well geez this, is a 2019. Prophecies, episode but, these next predictions, actually include, both. Before. She died Baba Vanga a blind, bulgarian, mystic, clairvoyant. And herbalist, known as the Nostradamus, from, the Balkans foretold, events up until, the 51st. Century, when. She believed the world would end some, of the prophecies, that have been fulfilled are, one made in 1980. At. The turn of the century in August, of 1999. Or 2000, Kursk, will be covered with water and the whole world will be weeping over, it the. Cursed she. Referred to was the Russian nuclear submarine, k1. 41, it, sank, in the Barents Sea killing. All 118. Personnel, on board on August, 12 2000. The NATO named for it was Oscar, the second, another. One of her fulfilled, prophecies, she spoke of in 1989. Horror. Horror the American brethren, will fall after. Being attacked by, the steel Birds the. Wolves will be howling in a bush an innocent. Blood will be gushing of. Course we all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. When. The planes hit the World Trade Center, she also predicted, that from, 2018. To. 2023. The new form of energy will, be discovered, on Venus, what, meanest. The last we heard about Venus was that in 2014. NASA, had plans to explore, Venus, and a man's spaceship, or maybe. They already went, and found something that came, out of that trip but they're just hiding it from us I guess we'll have to wait and see well. Actually you. Know what Rob there's. This thing called The Venus Project that. Started, in, 1995. Not, sure if you've heard about it I have not but, the, center is based in Venus, Florida, their. Mission from their website says that it's an organization.

That Quote, proposes. A feasible, plan of action, for social, change a holistic. Global. Socio-economic. System, called. A resource-based, economy. That. Works towards a peaceful, and sustainable global. Civilization. And guess. What one. Of their goals is also, creating, clean, renewable, sources. Of energy, like how baba Vanga predicted. Ha ha ha Wow. Even their architecture, looks like something that could be found on Venus, could, it be a coincidence, maybe valiant Thor's helping them mouth, maybe. Never. Y'all. Are gonna love this next prophecy if you haven't heard of it already, author Ingersoll. Lockwood, wrote, a few books that many have been drawing parallels, to in recent events Lockwood. Wrote Baron. Trump and his marvelous underground, journey which published, in 1893. It. Outlines, Adventures, of a rich young boy named, Wilhelm Heinrich, sebastian, von trump who, lives in castle, Trump in New York and has, a mentor, named Don, known, in one of the books as quote. Masters, of all masters attack. Well. Guess what most, of you probably already know, that President. Donald Trump's son is named Baron, William, Trump, Lockwood. Also, wrote in 1900. Or the last president. In. 1896. And it's plot will definitely, seem awfully, similar to the modern-day events, or events to come, mobs. Of vast size are organizing, under the lead of anarchists, and socialists. And threatened, to plunder despoil, the, houses, of the rich who, have wronged and oppressed them for so many years, the, mob screams, down, with our oppressors death, to the rich man it, also says, the Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob, well. That kind of sounds like an Tifa yeah very, somewhere ok what's even more on candy is that the date of the described event was Tuesday, November, 3rd. If, you can believe it the next 11:3, that falls on a Tuesday will. Occur on 20/20. When, the next presidential, election will take place it. Says that. Was a terrible night for the great city of New York the night of Tuesday November, the 3rd. 1896. After. Being elected, the President, appoints a man to his cabinet, with the surname of pence. Patents. I mean. This is so bizarre it's so specific, and in 1890. Yeah I feel more, of a stretch the president's, best friend Tillman, is omitted. From the list of names in the appointed, cabinet members, a man, with a similar surname. - Rex W tell erson who, Trump fired on march 13th. 2018. The president, also drafts, an executive, order a year after his election on March 4th detailing, quote the immediate, abandonment. Of the so-called, gold. Reserve, and that, on and, after, the promulgation of, this order the gold and silver standard, of the Constitution, will be resumed and strictly maintained, in all the business transactions, of the government, which all seems to be in process right now Lockwood. May be foretelling, that will also abandon. The current Federal Reserve and adopt a gold and silver standard, once again but, the really, interesting thing. Is when. This was written the Federal Reserve Bank wasn't, even in existence yet it, was almost as if he seemed to know a central, banking system would soon rise and. I think you're the we're, the gold and silver standard. So. Actually you. Really can't get any weirder than this one I mean do, you read through that I mean it is so accurate, to what's going on well and that's where people hint. At the point where it's Trump a time traveler will, go there maybe in some episode. Not. Yet not, for this one yeah we'll have to combine the Simpsons into that episode I'm, sure you guys would like that all right let's get in the next one. For. Those who might be unfamiliar. With his work, edgar, cayce known to many as the sleeping, prophet or the father, of holistic. Medicine became. The most documented, psychic of, the 20th, century. Many, of the prophecies that he predicted, had been fulfilled he, conducted, psychic, readings, to thousands, of people over the 40 years of his adult life diagnosing. Illness and looking into people's pasts, and their futures one. Of Casey's prophecies, that came true, is the stock market crash in 1929. Four. Years prior in 1925. Casey. Told, a young physician, that, he would acquire a great, deal of money and told him, to exercise, caution, and discretion. Because, of adverse, forces. That will come then in 1929. He. Also predicted, World War two and even names the countries, and how the Nazis will be at the center of it all the discovery, of the Dead Sea Scrolls partial.

Discovery, Of the lost city of Atlantis which. Happened, in the 2000s, and even a pole shift. Yeah, and in relation, to the shifting of the poles the question, was quote, what, great change or the beginning of what change if any, is, to take place any earth in a year 2000. The 2001. Ad in, response, Cayce said when. There is a shifting. Of the poles or a new, cycle begins now. We know the Earth's poles are currently shifting, however no one seems to know when exactly it, will take place some. Scientists, are very concerned, and others are like NASA say it won't happen until about 200 years from now however, we are long, overdue, as they usually occur, every. 250,000. Years or so if you go back for the last 500 million, years and the last one we had was over, 800 thousand, years ago but, we cover a lot of this in our polish shifting episode now. Another one of his visions include China gradually, becoming more spiritual. And the height of civilization moving. From the West to, China, as, China develops. Further spiritually. As Cayce saw in 1943. These. Changes, would give way to, democracy, and greater religious, freedom. How we understand, it is as though as a whole the Chinese people will return to their roots in faith morality, and traditional, culture or quote, as applied, in the lives of men, and this. Does go along with Nostradamus, as well what, makes agar KC compelling. Is that when he was asked, how he was gifted with psychic abilities, his. Response, was surprisingly, simple become. More spiritual, Edgar. Cayce was also, a devoted churchgoer, who read the Bible every, day of his life, so now let's mention a modern-day, prophet, still living today who you might find very interesting because they've, predicted, what happened before and what will happen very soon. You. May have heard of Mark Taylor a retired firefighter, who, wrote the Trump prophecies, and predicted, Trump's presidency, on April 28 2011. Four years before he announced in New York City on June 16 2015. And over, five years before the presidential election, on November 8 2016. March. Said he had a very powerful dream, in which God appeared, to him and told him to write down things in which so far many of them have come true on April. 28th, 2011. Mark, made a prediction, quotes. America. Will be respected. Once, again as the, most powerful prosperous. Nation, on earth other, than Israel the. Dollar will, be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States and will, once again be. The currency, by which all others, are judged now, the, dollar is the highest has been in over a year he, also foresaw, that in this past election Trump's, opposition, would spend billions to keep him from winning the presidential, election, such, as Hillary Clinton's 2016. Campaign alone raised over a billion, dollars and, as we all know didn't. Pan out very, well for them did it that's, for sure Taylor, expected, the media and his political opponents, to show Trump, in a bad light well. It did happen Trump. Got an estimated, five billion dollars, and free or earned media, according, to data from tracking, firm media Quan and none, of the accusations. Stuck or, amounted, to much well, he's, got a bunch, of other prophecies some of which haven't been completely, fulfilled, yet on October, 7th 2015. That's. My birthday he, wrote that the Supreme. Court shall lose three and my president shall pick new ones directly, from my tree so. Get this guy's four, months later Antonin, Scalia, passed, away on February, 13. 2016. To. Be succeeded. By Associate. Justice Neil gorsh on, February. 24th, 2016. He. Updated the prediction, about the court and says that five, that's right, five Supreme, Court justices, will be appointed by my new president. I anointed, and here's. A big one he, also added that Roe versus, Wade will, be overturned, wow that's. Big so we all heard the news by now Anthony, Kennedy retired, on July 31st, last, year trump appointed, Brett Kavanaugh, and then Associate, Justice Cavanaugh, was sworn in on October, 6 so. Here's the exciting part Mark, Taylor has a few prophecies, that haven't come true yet but, if he keeps up his track records, some pretty mind-blowing things, might happen on, October 19th. 2016. He foresaw, that America, and Russia will, band together and fight against the new world order in the form of Isis the Illuminati, globalists. And the, elite. It's. Kind of what's happening. He. Also said that Isis, is trying to rise up like the Nazis, did in World War two, yeah no surprise there we got another one on December. 12, 2016. Taylor. Again, transcribed. What he heard from the voice of God from. America, and Israel will now be the top energy, producers, in the world, yet. Israel's been on a streak since it struck a fifteen billion dollar deal to export, its natural gas in Egypt, and a, massive volcanic, eruption. Will signal, that this is the time for my America, and Israel and the end of the energy, corruption.

Energy. Corruption, so, he must be referring to OPEC, again last, and certainly not least on July, 7th. 2017. Taylor envisioned, that quote news outlets, will go down bankrupt. And be replaced with, a new media. Organization. That, will report the truth just. Probably. Not that mean I don't, think so well, we've already seen lots of. Brave news outlets and even smaller media like us who, are willing to report the truth to the people because we believe that people, like you, guys deserve, to hear the truth right, no more fake news we, didn't know about mark when we first started, but we are trying to do our best to play our part and, helping you guys enlighten. To the truth yep, that, is for sure and the truth is we. Look pretty ridiculous, in these outfits. I would definitely say so although, maybe on some alien, homeworld. We look normal. Probably. Not though what's your home world then. Shasta. Lloyd planet, yeah I think it's a sir Elton John alloy yeah, maybe. That too well. Guys before my. Moustache falls off please, hit me we probably, do that Rob what, well. You got to tell us what your what's. Your new New Year's resolution. Oh I. Have. To tell my new year's resolution, in this outfit. My, new year's resolution. Actually to be honest is to really work hard on myself like, I want by. 2020. I would. Really love if I could clean, up a lot of my bad habits and just be, an overall better person, and at the same time get. Edge of wonder in a place where it, can take down, the Cabal, you. Know what's really interesting, I think because, we've been friends for so long and we're doing the show for so long I had the exact, same New, Year's rubber. You. Like literally, took the words right out of my mouth so yeah, you're still taking, us seriously right, now make. Sure you hit like and subscribe. And. If the notification, mail yes, and comment, below and let us know how ridiculous we look and, until. Next time we'll, see you out on the, edge of tomorrow of. Tomorrow yeah, 2019. Yeah good one even though it's the movie. It's. Gone but it works yeah.

2019-01-03 13:52

Show Video


A huge hello to all our fans out in the world! Whether your a loyal subscriber, dedicated enthusiast or just stopping by, we welcome you all! This will be our first video of 2019. Our office will be closed the next two days for break so we decided to premiere earlier than usual just and make sure it comes out on time (Jan. 1st 3pm EST) but don't worry, Ben and Rob will still be here to comment on Super Chat from time to time so if you have any questions just ask away!  ~See you all out on the edge of 2019! ~ All the best from the Edge of Wonder Team

Edge of Wonder you’re**

+Edge of Wonder BLACK GOO FOUND IN OSIRUS'S TOMB 2018-19

+DEVine Tribe What came to mind for me while watching that movie was 5g, mind control, and maybe a dash of Cern fooling around with other dimensions...but this is my opinion without anyone or anything influencing my thoughts. I had just watched it this past Sunday...what do you think of when you saw it?

This should be an interesting year. Keep up the good work, just don't be afraid to speak up about what you find at the bottom of those rabbit holes. Bad things happen when good men do nothing. The whole truth

Filthy jew clowns kys

"+DEVine Tribe.

@PoM MoM without spoiling the movie, in case you do choose to watch it... it’s basically about a satanic creature that causes some ppl to commit suicide and others not. I ask @edge of wonder about their opinions on it because Hollywood has made many shows/movies in line with true events just to propagate fear or disbelief in the public. With the Deep State and how “fantastical” their rituals and beliefs, this movie seems in line with their agenda. I think as a WONDERER, watching the movie really opened my eyes to what true possibilities could happen.

"+julie cleary.

"+Jason Ballay.

"+Ageless Warrior.

+a Trip Wonderful idea, I totally believe in the power of prayer!!! I don't really follow Q but still believe in a prayer date!!!

hey, Happy new year!! wish u all the best an keep the good work. need more people like you guy..admire you guys..

People were trying to come up with a name for this "movement".  We're a bunch of Wedgers.  WEDGERS!  That's the name of the movement!  We have no choice.  That IS our name!  I'm proud to be a Wedger.  Welcome.

mark Taylor - The NWO's mouth piece.

I've started to spread the word, sharing, emails...enough of us do...we can make it happen...

+jacQuelina Patriot we need to spread the word...organize ourselves and getter done!!

Love you guys happy New Year no homo!

+Cherokee X

The meditation was done with 7000 people doing it for world it occurred the violence around the world decreased to marked degree.....if we all United together we can make good changes to our world...most don't report those things though

+jacQuelina Patriot if I understand correctly...7000 people meditated for world peace...a significant drop in world wideviolence was recorded at the same time as the meditation....

Hey guys. Great episode. I was surprised that you didn’t mention the connection between Edgar Cayce and one of your past guests to your show. David Wilcock is possibly a reincarnation of Cayce. They look almost identical and David has done many many “readings “ like Edgar. Go back and look at the pic you featured in this video of Cayce at his desk. Looks like David. David Wilcock is very aware of this similarity too. He tries to keep it low key, but I think there’s some truth in it.

Cheers to you guys, you have gone further with your channel than people with 10 times your gan base:) This is do to your personality, research, and dedication. Keep up the great job and Happy New Years!

the history channel is doing a TV show on project blue book I was wondering if you guys were going to check it out on January 8th and if so I'd like to hear your take on the show after all episodes have been aired compare it with fact and fiction between the show and the facts that you guys have learnt

Here's How ETs, Spirit, Metaphysical Abilities, and Crystals All Come Together Now (12-30-2018) 688 weergaven VIND IK LEUK VIND IK NIET LEUK DELEN Jay Arae Essex Gepubliceerd op 31 dec. 2018

Wow this is the first video I watched from this channel, it’s great. Now we wait till the federal reserve crashes, times will be tough but it has to crash to save this nation and maybe even the world

+DEVine Tribe my friends told me about this movie and to watch it on NYEve, but then they said it's sad and about suicides. I was like uhmmm no, maybe when I'm in a melancholy mood but not during a celebration night/day. Is it about the future, do you want their opinion bc it's about a past prediction of future event(s) ? I looked online for reviews but nothing about 'predictions' events. Thx in advance for a reply

May u live forever.

Edge of Wonder you guys do a great job! I have followed Mark Taylor for almost three years and the accuracy has been spot on. I will have look into the others, j just know Mark is my guy. Check out the Trump Prophecy movie too.

I just don't know anymore

Edge of Wonder you guys are such geeks! Lol! Thank you kindly for spreading the truth! Happy and prosperous New Year to everyone out there on the EDGE!

Edge of Wonder can I leave my email for resume

Edge of Wonder, You guys have really interesting material!

In june 1999 Nato moved to Kosovo and put a stop to the "Balkan genocide" or also known as Balkan Holocaust. It started when Serbia attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia in the mean time Macedonia also proclaimed independence, and finally it stopped in the war of Kosovo. This also creted two more countries Monte Negro and Serbia itself all formerly known as Yugoslavia. A lot of world politicians knew this was literally started during WWII when the Communist Yugoslavia was created .

That venus project is from that communist right?

I love you guys!

So I heard that that notradomes predicted that in 2019 that our scientists will be making machines that will change the world badly and there will be a mechanical warfare or something like that. Is that true?

There were no planes used in 9/11.

Hey guys. Been with you since 16k subs. I just want to say that I appreciate all the content you guys work so tirelessly to get out to us. I am glad to see the tremendous growth in your channel in these last 2yrs, especially the last few months. Congratulations on the success and may 2019 be just as, or even more prosperous. Thanks!

How about Kim clement?

I cannot wait, that you reunite with your Lucifer. Burning in eternity. BUNCH OF LOSERS

Nice quick show !! But, what about Fatima ?

Happy New years you two!! May all your wishes and dreams come true. I might of just started watching you all 2 month ago but since the very first show I saw I had to watch all the rest plus stay updated on all the new ones you drop. Keep peace love and light in your lives.

Happy new year lads and crew

make a video about extra sensory perception

Love from Honduras!

+DEVine Tribe ... Don't support cabal.

jacQuelina Patriot keep spreading the word. I know it WILL work if done.

+a Trip I love that idea. Ben & Rob mentioned in a previous video about people who did a group meditation like a HUGE one and how it actually did seem to work. I can't remember what video though or what the meditation was for. I love your idea though I would definitely be down.

We need to set up a prayer date and time that ALL the Q follower can Participate in. It would be VERY POWERFUL. If we could get all the Q channels to organize we can change the world very fast. Could you start with your platform and spend the word? Thank you in advance.

Yay I'm so excited for this one! Enjoy your much deserved break guys & Happy New Year!

I enjoy your super chats, yall make a good team - (2 million subs)

Wedgies! you know you love it. Deep deep down lol

My husband and I just discovered this channel recently and are totally geeking out over every single video on here! Can't wait for the New Year's predictions video! Thanks Ben and Rob for making such awesome, eye opening content! Happy New Year's

+Edge of Wonder Thanks guys for such a quick response and the heart!!!

This is gonna be really interesting guys. There is so much coming to the light nowadays. Thanks for helping humanity in these hard times. God bless you both. Take care. And please watch your backs. The people your outing are truly insane.

email +Quantum Timeline

How can one get in contact with Ben and Rob from outside the states? If it's even possible at all?

Just watched the new Netflix original BIRD BOX last night, and would love to know what you guys think about it.

❤ Gracias ❤

Can you do an episode on superhumans like shaolin monks

I have a really big fan of you guys and this channel for a while, however it seems like this channel got super political super fast, and only for one political party. I really hope Trump turns out to be this wonderful human that everyone has made him out to be so far, although I just do t think so. Nobody talks about the laws he wrote into effect to kill our wildlife not just for hunting for food, but for sport and some of our endangered species included. Nobody talks about how he had written into effect “huge” cutbacks for funding for the arts in schools and that is so important. And it really made me sad to when u said it would be good if Roe vs Wade gets overturned....

It just depresses me so much that y’all seem to be Trump supporters.

WTF? This channel is becoming more and more childish. Really sorry to see that, you had great potential.

You guys suck. You should tell people not to go to san fran on august 11th of this year instead. And ISIS is CIA, if you're not a moron you should've already figured that one out

Why do you pinn a mile long comment, is that so you stay by your self or let the "things" goes as it shoud, you two dont have only fans, but yet ..... i told you that you are double gangers, and now i cant even imagine my self for your development, its like in one year you two hit a gang bang with mandela efect, deep state and of course Frcn bases, you dont have a dime of gold, you sold out your country, why the wars is going on, why is that so, or you are buissie awakening for that, so it can be ignored: President Trump is your boss, and yes you two are exactly amount of one Homer. P.S: The prediction is not story tellers

Holy shit. Mind blown. Great video like always!

Baba Vanga is grandma Vanga! Hehe in eastern Europe baba is grandma in english... ( baba, baka, nona...)

these "dudes" are bedroom partners.

Happy New Year guys! love your channel. You two work so well together. Keep up the awesome work. love from Ashford Kent England.

David Wilcock looks like a young Edgar Cayce

I heard of the Venus Project many years ago....while watching ZEITGEIZT

ow its you two.... nvm

None of these people are Prophets of GOD

The amount of propaganda you guys spout can't even watch this. Government propaganda what crap.....

hilarious guys!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'alls did another supercalifragilisticexpialidocious show once again.

If there is a thermal source under Antarctica, and if Climate Change is cause Antarctica to melt, then the net "mass" of the continent will be decreasing and the lost water "mass" will equate to a redistributed mass--if you have a stably spinning object (particularly one with floating surfaces like the earth) and you start redistributing the mass, the spinning becomes erratic and one possible correction could be a "flip" along the spin axis of the object. So, climate change or more specifically the melting of Antarctica could speed up the timeline for the pole shift.

Watch the middel of the Simpson’s theme song as Bart is skating down the road look down a block and you can find a pizza parlor

I remember Johnny Depp being asked about that Donald Trump running for president. He said "it will be intetesting to see the last president" Donald Trump could be "the actual last president of the United States" says Johnny Depp on 5/12/16 After that he started to get in trouble with his wife. His "career" started to tumble and got replaced as Jack Sparrow.

Truly Eye Opening as always guys

Good job guys you are true soldiers thank you

u guys look great.... happy new year... x

They have such good chemistry

You guys should look into evil dust.

I like the content, but don't you think your video's are starting to get a little goofy? I feel awkward just listening to this type of humor forced on me trying to swim through to the end of the video. It feels like your target audience is 8 years old. I would have more respect if you could stop with this childish awkward humor and focus more on presenting facts. I hope this helps!


Ewww, in the first 3 minutes you guys mention 2 satanist freaks! Johnny Depp... Elton John! Ferrk, is this the start of 2019?!

I wonder whose voice is the one in every intro? He makes the videos super appealing!

I guess China moving back to spirituality doesn't include Christians

Happy new peinis!!!

Happy New Year. Keep up the great work.

Happy new year to you all!

Are you repeating the babbe ling.of demons or do they know Jesus Christ.... I personally don't like to fill my head with the voice of demons.

Mark has his defence ,,

That last one was crazy! People gotta really question the heat on Trump. It’s always pure hate and I don’t appreciate that for a Democratically elected President. Awesome channel btw!

“America will be respected again” By who? As a non-American I can tell you that respect for America has never been lower in the rest of the world unless by respect you mean “shit they put baby in charge” Respect will only return when you get rid of him.

it wont return.

Every Edge of Wonder Episode makes my day! :-D So glad i found you. Keep up the good Work- and a Happy New year from austria ^_^

Love what you guys do! I'll be your assistant! Im a muzik prod and I can work Adobe effects ect. Lol keep it up fellas.

Mike Pence

Mark Taylor does not know the future. God knows and Him alone. Mark can pray and wish, but if its not Gods will then justice won't be served until Jesus's return.

OK, President Trump's prediction. Yes, he will be the last president. When his 2 term ends, all the changes he made to the USA will be so drastic and empowering to the American people in a good way, that the 8 year term limit will be removed and he will be voted, by the people, to be the permanent president of the new USA. After that, America will no longer have presidents, but a new form of ruler, making Trump truly the very last president of the USA indefinitely.

Baba Vaga's quatrain "the wolves will be howling in a bush", I want to take a stab at this part relating to 9/11, don't crucify me please, I am just trying to make sense out it it, but...this happened during the presidency of George W. Bush, so didn't she mean "wolves howling in a Bush"? We all know how many people think 9/11 was an inside job and the Bush family often times seems like wolves in sheep's clothing. Why else will she have added that sentence if it has nothing to do with the prediction? Just a thought.

Happy New Year guys, love your work, keep going and THEY will go down.

i hope trump does something good for the world,not just himself or the iluminati,he needs serious body be robots that cant be bought,like kenady

The Nostradamus one isn't about China. Research into old French translations is key in this one. ;) Good luck.

im waiting for trump to be all the other presi.s that wanted to do something good for the country,world.this earth is ruled by 12 people,the media is bullshit.were brainwashed.cant wait till our forefathers come back.[ask an indian,or indian in india]]

don't assume these dudes know whats going on any more than anyone else. take all info with many salt grains. i hope i'm wrong, i really want to like these guys for whatever reason, but something seems off with them.... hmmm.

7/16/1999 jrk jr falls from the the sky, the great king of terror (Hillary Clinton is often accused of being the mother of ISIS) is one and the same with the interests of the King of the Angolmois (Bill Clinton), (Angol being hugarian for English mois being french for month.) In the old prophets time the de clintons were immersed at the highest rungs of power in the English monarchy. See William De Clinton, Geoffry De Clinton, Rodger De Clinton, intimately connected to King Edward III, ect, ect. between 1000 a.d.- to past the 1400s. 15 March 1917 , King George's, of the house of Windson, first cousin, Nicholas II, the Emperor of Russia, was forced to abdicate, which raised the spectre of the eventual abolition of all the monarchies in quote. This led to the creation of the house of Windson, relinquishing all their titles in german. March is one of two months that are actual english words, albeit homophones, as well as March 15 being Hungarian's national day which ties in perfectly with the Angol usage. Bringing people happiness? Hope and change, building a bridge to the twentieth century.

awesome boys!!

You said you need an assistant? How can I fill out an application? I'm interested...would love to help you out!

Happy and Blessed 2019 everyone!

Communism is nowhere

Ben totally Rocks that hat and glasses. He should be wearing them FOREVER!... EVER! - ever... ever...... ever

Loved it! Happy new year guys and all the best for it!

Happy New Year Guys! Keep up the good work and keep preaching the truth! God Bless! :)

hey what's with the mnemonic circle countdown at the beginning? shame.

You need an assistant!?!?!?

I interpreted Nost’s quatrain to be saying that he was referring to the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa in China. I wasn’t aware anyone else interpreted it as I did. Also I was answered by God through prayer, the method to code his quatrains numbered 2011 and above. Without giving the year for all to see, he gave the exact year that dozens of his prophecies would be fulfilled ~ and was correct. However, God gave me the code to use. Inbox me on Facebook if you are genuine, or go to hell those who are here just to mock me.

Thanks ✨

Lockwood did not write books they were given to him. Dare I say the gen1 went back and gave him stories. But no one will believe until they read 1st book and find word Google but the idiot spelled it wrong. All language is today's language not language of that time...

Apparently we have Edgar Cayce in the flesh here in David Wilcock. Like check it out he's a carbon copy from the past lol.

You look more like the hood version of the monopoly man

You guys are awesome. Laughter great medicine for soul. So thanks for that! Awesome vid My new years resolution is to be the same adorable bitch I've always been...


A minute in guys hire me as your assistant and I will use my mighty powers to explore and bring light upon more paranormal activities and ghostbust some alt fright demons!


I'd love to help support the show! hope you don't mind if I share your donation link around!

id love to be your assistant, i live in nyc just like you and fit in perfectly with your collective personality, let me know if interested in some type of edge of wonder style interview, thanks. my real name is gabe

I loved this one. Thanks

Wolves out of the Bush is the patriot act from the 911 false flag attack by GWBush. Venus is the bright and morning star the very description of Christ Jesus Himself. It is now time for HIS return as the light of the world coming from Himself as the source of ALL power and glory, into the Sabbath rest of the millennium reign, 7th day.

The Victory of the Light!

You guys are awesome :-) keep up the good work

One more thing to consider/study if not done already. Here are some ideas. Chemtrails Morgellons disease and 5g. The Venom movie.

True, China is becoming more Christian, even though the government is trying to crack down on that.

19:13 ~ Or Taylor is referring to how the Oil oligarchy/government has censored all new and viable energy generators that would effectively edge the dependency on oil and coal. One of the first executive orders of our P.o.t.U.S. is the declassification and release of all patents that have been confiscated by the Military Industrial Complex "…as a matter of national security…" Solar and wind generators will never be the backbone of our energy supply because they are way too volatile. That is why M.I.kies have ignored patents from those energy sources. Yet they are a great way to confuse certainly mentally ill folks that advancing technology through free market capitalism is not the way to reduce our carbon footprint; Effectively ignoring all of recorded history… which is what has happened. Choose to be more mindful… every time you catch yourself will inspire more opportunities, increasing the mindfulness exponentially. Then simply choose to align father towards service'to'others. In times of confusion, ask thy heart for the answer and it will be provided when in a neutral meditative state. In addition, ask the Goddess/Jesus/Divine for assistance. Free'Will restricts the omnipotent, and omniprescient Light Side to only doing this when asked by us. However to them, being of assistance is overwhelmingly of want by default.

Qanon is fake news. Getting sucked into that stuff makes material less credible. If you want TRUE Prophecy, I suggest the Channels: "JD Farag Middle East Prophecy Update" and "Behold Israel" Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 17, and the Ten Horns of Revelation are all happening, and explained through the only Book that's prophecies have all come true, and will continue to come true. Jesus Christ is Lord, things are getting serious, EXACT to what the Bible says. God Bless Everyone!

Roe v Wade overturned??! Wow! Hard to see that ever happening!

Please research proper pronunciations along with your content. I've noticed that name and place mispronunciations is common on your channel.

Brilliant guys !!!!! Get the assistant ♥️

Why was Kim Clemented left out? His prophesies have been proven.

Happy new year!

My resoloution is im no longer participating in others delusions I will no longer LIVE & LET LIVE. I saw a young boy dressed in drag dancing like a stripper While PERVERTS gave him MONEY His parents allowed it The media encourages it But I NO LONGER be quiet about it SEXUALIZING KIDS MUST END


Keep up the good work hat-brothers

Hey Sir Elton and Macho Man

Guys, can you do an episode on the "Mud Flood". This is gaining momentum and seems to seriously question of the official time line of recent history.

Finally getting to see

Real prophets are in communication with the Overlords of the matrix. The Overlords run the show to an Agenda (not in our best interest) and so it's not necessarily that difficult for prophets to get messages about the future that will probably come true since its planned and as long as they are in communication with a genuine Overlord. The Overlords generally do let us know the future via different channels including Hollywood, etc. The Overlords need to continue control over us and that is generally done by processes of dumbed down backwards education, taxes, poison in the air, medicine and food, etc. This is a process of deceit and deception, so don't expect all prophecies to happen the way you might expect.

You guys are amazing.. God bless you and happy New Year. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do.

isis is a Israeli and cia proxy army , America is baabalon is ra el is riding the beast.

I predict i would vote for BEN for PRESIDENT My cat has a little crush on Ben. Not in a creepy wants to wear a ben skin suit way she purrs when ben talks

A very happy new year to you both I spent many hours of 2018 with you guys You definitely bring us TRUTH THANK YOU I always learn something I like that Yes BEN needs an assistant or 2

Happy New Years!

Love to see the crazy things among all the seriousness. I now look to Ben and Rob for information each video. Keep us informed to keep us on the Edge of Wonder. Happy New Year!

I'm for hire. I will be your lovely assistant. Laughs

8:50 lol

I$RÆL is the NWO. They are behind the wars in the Middle East and the destruction of the West. They control the banks, media, and the E.U./U.S. Congress. They are also responsible, along with their planted agents in the U.S. government, for 911. My question to you guys is.... Why, if you guys are so against the cabal/illuminati/NWO, don't you EVER bring up I$RÆL and their involvements?? - subscriber since 16k - I really want to believe you guys aren't manipulating people by persuading them to look elsewhere. Or do you guys truly not know. If the latter is true, then start digging. The revelations are jaw dropping when you discover what is and who is......

U guys are the best youtubers

That's it, I'm done. After those glasses, and that... lmao... hat! I give up, I can't, I don't even; care how things turn out after 2018. Ben wearing those accessories, has already put the gears into motion, for synchronicity of epic proportions and has already saved the world, in advance. Happy New Year, Edge of Wonder!  Thanks for being you!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! My favorite guys. I know 2019 is going to keep us SHOOK!! ( in a good way of course) lol

Edge of Wonder I told 2 people and you know how that goes

you are not correct about the last flip of the pole's of the earth, it is 41.000 years ago extinction for the Neanderthaler, 41.000 years ago, during last Earth Magnetic field switch/flip

Who is the Anti-Christ? Luke 10:18 Jesus said in Hebrew that he saw Satan falling as Lightning from the heavens. The Hebrew word for Lightning is baw-rak or bad rawk ISAIAH 14:12-19 Hebrew for “The heights” or “from the heavens” is BAM MAW Who is the Anti-Christ? Baw-rak Bam-Maw or Ba(w)raq (o)Bamma(w)

I want this inner freedom of mental and emotional balance without the need of medications. I want to become what I feel like I can be. I want to do what I desire. Freely pursue without restraint to become what I will become. *cue Disney song sequence * But seriously, I just want thing's simpler. Life's hard enough as it is.

Willcock and Goode are full of shit.. Ben and Rob you rock!!!

Living on my own I find comfort in seeing your videos. They are always interesting and it's like being with friends. I wish you both a happy and successful new year

Happiness and Insight for the new year! Much Love!

Quick question: What if Edgar Cayce's "shifting of the poles" was not a literal reference to the magnetic poles, but was rather a reference to the shifting of human society's moral compass? (Such as Orwell's prediction of: "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength" apparently becoming accepted reality today.) Now think back and ask yourselves what happened in 2000-2001 that might have served as a catalyst to triggering people's moral compass into being so adversely influenced or completely reversed?

How about compare current events with Albert Pike and his plan considering your both FREEMASONS

Prophecy 2019 of the world.

I Love you guys, I love the work that you are doing but I have onl bone issue and that is trump, you are relying heavily on him to do things he will not do, return to the gold standard that ain't happening, we have no gold. I rely on folks on the inside, whistleblowers not trump, he does not have the capacity to understand any of things we research, he doesn't watch this channel or any other channel similar to Edge of Wonder, Fox news is all he watches so please to referencing to trump like he is actually going to make things happen, you are all smarter then that.

Sebastian ! He’s talking about robots..... and it could definitely be true but there’s no way for anyone to know until it happens unfortunately

If antartica melts ice will form else where and it will cause a flip . Think of the weight of the continent with ice and with out ice. Water levels rise and the poles will change. That could mean a new ice age up north as before. Or end up on the equater . The sahara could freeze. A prediction the EU and the un's gobel pached will end for good. It just can't work.its finished. Look at the damage it has caused.

Yall talk bad about communism and then talk favorably of the Venus Project. I'm confused. You had to have gone to their website and know they are just hippie boomers trying to do communism "right this time". You even highlighted "social change", "resource based economy", etc.They just think innovation still happens for some reason under this brand. So are you pro commie or not?

we'll have to see the one about china, right now it's looking totalitarian and they are trying to take over the world. I don't see how this will happen seeing as how the communist government absolutely destroyed china's culture,history and religions.

Taxation is legilized theft!!!!

There won't be a pole shift now.

Lockwood lived through the bus systems of awful central banks and all their "panics". Good riddance to them!

Oh, and happy new year!


More rubbish and time-wasting from these idiots....

I really enjoy watching you two and I didn't know a boat that one guy who was talking about God who spoke to him but if this is true that's kind of cool you guys keep doing what you're doing you guys are doing a great job and as soon as I get a little bit of money I'll send it to you I only work in the summer but this has to be one of my favorite episode that you guys done good job

Call To Action: Call Pelosi & Schumer and respectfully demand Border Security & Immigration Reform. End Catch & Release. Merit based Immigration reform. Secure the Borders & Build The Wall. Pelosi : (202) 225-4965 Schumer : (202) 224-6542

Who is the Anti-Christ?  Luke 10:18 Jesus said in Hebrew that he saw Satan falling as Lightning from the heavens. The Hebrew word for Lightning is baw-rak or bad rawk ISAIAH 14:12-19 Hebrew for “The heights” or “from the heavens”  is BAM MAW Who is the Anti-Christ?  Baw-rak Bam-Maw or Ba(w)raq (o)Bamma(w)

Did anyone else catch what the 85 yr old, blind woman said about 911?!? One if the lines said something about the wolves the BUSH!!! Yicks! She's good!

You right wing white supremacists bullshiters are going to be banned from youtube, just wait and keep eating ass while spreading your hateful Russian propaganda lies against Jews and George Soros. You are breitbart and Alex Jones in disguise. Its almost over traitors!

Thanks Legends.

You missed one of the most famous predictions that was missed or not covered by everyone. In Trumps book, "The America we Deserve" released in 2000 he predicted 911 and Osama Bin Laden and ongoing enemies and crisis.

we are in a simulation , try LSD or mushrooms and you will see how bizarre the world really is , once you come back to ( reality ) aswell

I predict that Trump will get dumber and dumber and finally get impeached for being so stupid.

The Brit adult narrator who can't pronounce his R's is irritating as all hell. Other than that you guys are so well produced and present great info AND you two seem genuine!

1. Nostradamus lived in 16th century not 14th 2. New Year resolutions need to be measurable and precisely defined to be successful.

I wonder if trump read the trump prophecies and was like ya I can do that no prob. lol

According to statistics its said that in a few years china will be considered a Christian nation..the underground church is exploding whiles thousands are being killed every year...its not being reported but this is really happening..

Take down the cabal! Love you guys!

Fantasic guys!!!

I don't believe the book " the last president" .... has anyone out here actually read it?

Nastradamus never predicted anything

Love you Guys! Thank you for all your hard work and research AND putting it in an entertaining, easy to understand format HAPPY NEW YEAR BEN & ROB!

Why don't you guys make video on the prophecies that were wrong in 2018!!

make videos on false prophecies!

A new Reality TV show called,"Dining with Ocasio Cortez"?She cooks vegan for California politicians and regale US with stories of their humble beginnings!And they end each episode with names of regular folk who stopped breathing out CO2 to prevent global warming!Awesome!

Willcock and Goode are both full of shit.. I love the edge of wonder and the truth but these guys appear to be in it for the money.. stay away from these guys please!!!

anything about "itsme" hitting the lotto in 2019 ???

Please cover Pizzagate and the Wikileaks emails in detail.

Ever hear of a "Tesla Tower"?? They Built one in Texas!

Ever see the movie freaks but those glasses hat and bowtie you look like the main character from that movie

You guys are already taking down the cabal congratulations! Proud of you guys

I have been given some predictions as well. During 9/11 the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the reason why it was happening was because, To return the hearts of the sons back to their fathers, the hearts of the fathers back to their sons and the hearts of all back to Him. Now if you remember right before the event it was politically incorrect to bring up God, but after 9/11 it was a daily occurance to hear of God Bless America, and billboards being b put up with the same message. Now the Russian submarine. If you remember Russia tried to tell everyone that no one survived. That they all died instantly. I could feel in my spirit the yearning and calling of these men. This is what the Holy Spirit revealed or w hat I remember. I have Iit written in notebooks put up around here, but here's as much as I can get off the top of my head. Here we are, in the dark without hope without plan no hope from man nor of our God Sitting in the dark without a plan Kind of really makes you feel the hopelessness of their situation. Really infuriates me when they tried to say they were already dead when I could hear their hearts cry night after night until they died! I closed myself up after 2002. I do get little messages here and there. Its just too painful. I can tell you that in the times that are coming most everyone on Earth will be crying out for water, even those with an abundance of water. It just won't be fresh. Now we have all this global warming and weird weather. One thing you must know, there's nothing new under the sun. History repeats Itself. Just as I was perplexed as to how I was getting the knowledge I did, the Holy Spirit knows all. We are all living in the mind of God at all time's. Just trust and believe no matter what happens, God has made a plan.

Happy New Year guys. Love ur channel, PS. Could you look deeper into the Black eyed Children situation. BEKs

Interesting stuff EoW!

Everytime I see these two guys, I go : wow, these have to be the biggest nerds I have ever seen. Lol. But hey, I like nerds, I am a nerd too.

MJ-12, part of light alliance now, (per twitter: TS_SCI_) said those books on Barron/DT were inserted in time by the alliance, thru time machine, as clues to current events. There is truth about the book, on Agartha city, which DT/family are from. Agarthans were the inner light alliance/guardians who stayed (Pleiadians origins) to monitor the spiritual progress in humanity. When 1945 atomic occurred, it was them that sent the SOS for all the other LIGHT Galactic Guardians (Galactic Fed of Light) to come back in full force to start the operation freedom earth, before the dark ETs destroy the planet like they did w/ Maldek, after losing the battle against the dark ~300k yrs ago, thus the 2nd coming for them in this liberation; but also 2nd coming in humanity to rtn to christ consciousness, true enlightenment for 5D transformation. So it's been decades of covert ops against the dark annus/reps/grays (ancient aliens). Pleiadians blue light beam globally the past week (ie. NY) is a part of the test on the cobra event to occur soon, which include the arrests publicly, shutdown the dark's financial system, which may lead to temporary electrical grid network..but this is the last straw. Nothing to fear, as many light ships, in millions/billions of light beings, are ready to come in for 1st contact and finalized the event, victory of the light. Dissiminated msg on blue lights by the Pleiadians to not cause fear:; DT interview on 2011 slipped pizza gate, when it was a scandal yet until 2016, proof of his adv tech/connections w/ light beings:

You guys are such a fresh of breath air! = jolly grin = Yes, even with the flopping of mousey-staches and the over-sliced Sir Elton Specs... = jolly grin = still cake the take! And I should know since I know I what I know I know! = perkity grin = And I can so "feel the real" in the ol' heart zone... (nothin' like the heart's own heart know these things! = grin = ) and know that, in spite of the edge of corn that you often tread (which endear you all the more to many of us!) , it's you just being "you"...and the genuineness of your heart and "spirit" that so "ring true" in everything you share (besides whether we actually agree with every lil' point you share...or not) that makes what you share all the more "right on" in the "from the heart" way it comes across...and all of us who listen to our own hearts...on at least a semi-eye-eye basis...can tell if where you're "broadcasting" from beats as true as our own (heartbeats)! [Sure, we should use our "noggins" too...and go look up facts and check things out to be sure, but still... our way-overlooked intuitive senses are surely the ones that are often most neglected and most indispensably required when it comes to many of these things... especially when the "facts" reported elsewhere are quite jumbled and not always easy to unearth!] New fan here... only my 2nd uncommon comment ever! Lookin' forward to keepin' an eye-eye-eye on you... = grin = and supportin' you every which way we can-can! Keep it up-up-up! Our world needs more heart-centered bright spirits like you!

16th century not 14th century

I'm beginning to struggle watching and sharing your videos now. Your genuine nerdiness was cute, innocent and fun. Now it's a manufactured trademark that's been taken too far. Stay true to yourselves!!!

The $$ will take a dive , Glad to make contact. I’m an old (70) married guy. Jesus will return Prince Mahidol & his sons Kings Bhumibol & Ananda to this world at my home (in Thailand) in order to direct attention to and confirm the message of: ). forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else. Globalist [“elites”] are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.” Globalist human kingpin is the pope Globalist had POTUS minions for decades Globalist have Trillions of $ with which to bribe Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody Globalist have death squads Globalist have access to all kinds of weapons Globalist have CIA - FBI minion. Globalist have MSMedia minion Globalist are creating the One World Government Globalist One World Government is ordained to come to be. Globalist have planned for decades Globalist will bring down Trump and the Nationalist and end “sovereign” USA and end the “sovereign” nations of Europe. Globalist will have nukes used to end the current world order. See Vatican’s FAZZINI sculpture named “Christ rising from crater of nuke blast” See St John the Divine Cathedral “sinister sites” Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else. I post on FB & Twitter. Condensed account of my personal life is on my John Prewett FB page (“About – Life Events”). btw: To Twitter ladies: It’s come to my attention that a significant faction of women are looking for special good man. I’m not husband nor bf material, however, I'm waiting to be empowered as per Isaiah 40:31. After I'm empowered I'll quickly be surrounded and in unity with many newly empowered servants of Jesus. Many will be young and male. Many females will want to serve Jesus with them. Females will specialize in bearing witness (including by electronic means) to the healing and rejuvenation work Jesus will be doing. “Love one another” “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty” ...... think this over ..........

❤️❤️❤️ it is you guys in the prediction, your reporting the truth!

You look adorkable.

Kim Clement called Trump's election in 2007.

stupid, vapid, inane bullshit

You look like murr that's what you look like

ugh boring

Nostradamus 1503-1566 would be the 16th century

Thanks, guys. Spot on, as always. Love your silver and gold bowties.

Hi guys I've got an hilarious screen shot featuring you pair as wanted criminals due to coincidental positioning notifications. Dunno how to send it.

You know how I know Taylor is either full of shit? He's pushing the whole "NAZIS BAD ISRAEL IZ GREATEST ALLY!!1!" Meme. When in reality, Germany was fighting "The Cabal" and America sided with the USSR. The USSR was a blood thirsty regime that was mostly comprised of Jewish supremacists. Hell, communism itself is primarily based on and influenced by Jewish/Talmudic prophecy. To anyone who rejects these facts, I highly recommend looking into the birth of communism and the ethnic/religious background of those spearheading communist movements throughout history. BONUS TIP: Try to find just one example of Hitler even so much as hinting at a mass genocide of Jews. All you will find are examples of the call for expulsion, not extermination. Israel intentionally bombed the SS Liberty and Israel was the main force behind 9/11 to trick the US into supporting endless wars in the Middle East. Wars meant to destabilize and destroy countries. Displacing the native population to flood/destroy EuroCentric countries and to free up land for the expansion of "Greater Israel" They are NOT our ally. Any "truther" who continues parroting that lie is either extremely naive OR intentionally dishonest.

Nice jackets guys holy shit, ballin are we lol

Thor is for sure blessing the Venus Project.

just proves we are totally in God's hands, don't understand how people don't believe in God

Increase your life insurance coverage. Just saying. You may irritate the wrong people in high places. Stay aware.

If the main stream media goes bank rupt that would be huge and wonderful. But it’s odd to peg somthing like that as completely plausible. Maybe a company or two would. But not the entire industry or sector itself

you guys are awesome. Keep it up.

Anything Pro Israel or painting Trump as a Messiah is just Zionist movement propaganda and that shit is no bueno, although that Von Trump book is pretty wild.

do you think the prophecies have changed over time though the mandela effect? maybe thats why they changed, time travelers? I know crazy lol but going back to certain event to change something which then making a ripple effect and changing present time?

I'm this channel but think you all are great. seeing more.if giuf interview with David Wilcock. When will that be about!?

AAaaaahhahahahahaha! YOU GUYS ARE SO ADORABLE!!!! THOSE COSTUMES ARE SOOOOOO FUNNY!!!! THA ABSOLUTE BEST!!! I just love you guys, not just because you are humorously clever but because you are intelligent, articulate, sensitive and compassionate, you always do your research thoroughly, at least as thorough as is possible in this era of disinformation and historical lies...still you seem to dig deep and find things so enlightening. Some of those that I have shared your show with, those that are mostly "Doubting Thomases" have actually changed their thinking, they awakened BECAUSE OF YOU!!! I was so happy!! Many have told me your show is better than mainstream tv BUT is worthy of being ON main stream TV that is seen by the masses...I 100% AGREE!!! I am THE most picky...hahaha...seriously, ever since I was a kid I saw the flaws and lies in TV. I was also able to discern truth from entertainment to outright in accuracy and their machinations to control what "THEY" want us to believe...I was wondering if you guys would be interested in delving into the whole Vietnam insanity. I knew many including my uncle who was a fighter pilot and my brother who was in the Green Berets...there were compelling information of guys guarding strange technology sights, UFO's and alien beings in the jungle, other insanely strange but from what we've learned since that war, these stories are now completely plausible. I was around guys from the military my entire life and the strange stories these guys told were phenomenal. I found it interesting that many homeless vets, suffering from "PTSD" , "shell-shocked" told the most bizarre stories...supposedly guys would hear voices in there head (VOG TECH), they had chunks of missing time and I mean whole platoons, they talked of soldiers that just seemed "other-worldly" with capabilities no other soldiers had and they said they acted odd, they wouldn't interact with the other soldiers...I heard many stories and any of these guys who said they tried to tell people were written off as drug addicts or suffering from SS or PTSD or that they were just insane. If that wasn't horrible enough some of these guys told me their buddies would just disappear and when they tried inquiring on their location, some were told they had no record of these guys, or that they had been killed or all sorts of things these guys deeply questioned the validity. I have not heard any current researchers do anything on this subject and thought maybe you guys would like to cover it somewhat. It will take a great deal of work. Lots of these guys are pretty paranoid and need to gain trust but some will tell you everything they know. There are plenty of Vietnam era vets that have written books and want to talk about these things but want to remain anonymous. Anyway, just a suggestion. if anyone could do it YOU GUYS COULD!! It would probably have to be one of those 5 part series things. Happiest New Years guys....sending you blessing of love, peace and the brightest of futures!!!

Enjoyed this very much. Good work!

The Psychic Twins brought the receipts!

“Rob and Ben, There so Hot right now!” Hahah you guys looked awesome (glad you can laugh at yourselves) and gave GREAT information!! As usual!!

Energy corruption might refer to Puna Geothermal Venture energy plant in Hawawii, is owned by Israeli person or at least has links to it. You guys have an interview in your channel with Michael Salla and the Dee_p Stat connection to the geothermal plant.

Love your channel guys. Ya can tell alot of good work and thorough investigation goes into each subject. You dont fall victim to every conspiracy. But can you please do a video of Bigfoot. There's just so much to unbox there. And second, i think the Alien/UFO phenomenon is alot stranger than we think. Be it interdimensional beings or an advanced culture or race that lives on Earth with us, but branched off a millennia ago. Just a thought. Keep up the good work and wish ya a prosperous 2019....


Those outfits are definitely out on the edge and I Love it! Keep on keepin on Ben and Rob. You have us out on the edge with you and we are going to be the change. You have help this leaps and bounds. Love, Light, Peace and Stay on the EDGE! DaveyJO In Pa.

finally! Button down dress shirts and proper sport coats! HUZZAH! Well done, gentlemen!

you guys are cute

Can you do one on the royal family of England

meh i prefer listening to time travelers ;)

Happy new year good video keep up the good work .

I just want to ask...does anyone know of any active militia? I doubt one exists. 2nd amendment - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Yet we see the infringement. Sure, people have to go through security checks because you don't want to sell nut jobs firearms, but that is infringing on our rights right there. They don't want us organized, they don't want a militia forming to fight back against them, and if a militia did form you better be damn sure if you didn't think nukes existed before, they will pull them out and use them on us if a militia ever did form and started hunting down these people that are traitors to their country and all the corrupt politicians. There is NEVER going to be an uprising, people are just going to be subservient slaves and go about their daily lives slaving away at a job to make the rich richer, struggling to make ends meet, and everything is working according to plan. Nothing is going to change until we unite and stand together and fight back against all these forces trying to keep us enslaved. So whatever happens to this world and its people, it is deserving and we have it coming to us for allowing these injustices to carry on.

Can I preDICK which one of you is top or bottom?

What do we think? Ah sure you're gorgeous, the two of you.

Click bate title, there was no predictions for 2019

we hear that nostradamus was an illuminati plant, hired to create prophecies so the bad guys could make them true. it was a joint snow-job, it seems. whoa. thank you. great post.



you are the best guys!

Any knowledgable statistician can make accurate predictions of future events. Still , the predictions made are so vague and ambiguous one could ascribe the predictions to almost any current event.

Project VENUS was established by JACQUE FRESCO. He died just some years ago (over 100 y.o.). Now his partner ROXANNE MEADOWS leads the project. A plan is to build first self-sustainable city for a new society where central A.I. runs it and there is no money in use ... J. Fresco was very important american futurist. Find two extraordinary documentaries and learn something from it!

Hello! just found you two guys - good videos.  I'm looking for a specific video titled "Ancient Relics", where can I find it?  I'm trying to figure out if the Annunaki did genetically engineer us or not? Is this Anu God? Who is Jesus?  Thank you and Happy New Year!   Peace and Love to all :) and Great news from the Lord to Amanda Grace! Be encouraged folks!!!!

Hmm interesting duo

I LOVE this channel so much. Seriously.

Laura Bodin 1 second ago Greg Hunter and Dave Janda interview. Excellent!!!! Another video for your information.

Did u hear about that pilot who prophecized, that this year, you might eat some sort of food

all knowledge, wisdom, ETC is written in BOOKS , is there a big agenda behind ?

Did that Mark dude predict whether Trump would get a second term?

"nostradamus" is not what we think-ed to know ! just look and learn from history !

FEAR NOT!!! TRUMP T=TRUMP R=RUNS U=UNDER M=MARY'S P=PROTECTION Our Lady's Peace Plan, Over Atheistic Communism...Family Rosary The Triumph of Mary Begins With President Trump the Great! The Right Man, At the Right Place, At the Right Time WWG1WGA…Q

Why the hell is the guy on the right wearing eye shadow . These guys are not funny at all


Are they both homosexuals? Ewww

You may not feel you are the truth reporters, but who's to say you aren't??

video starts at 3:33 your welcome

Thanks for saving the silly till the end , great job, clear and precise. Peace ! .... ; )

Sounds like a zionist to me..

I have actually been following Mark Taylor for a while. You could do a whole show on him alone.

Video starts at 3:33

What kind of assistant are you guys looking for? I’m great with research, and fun!

I love you guys! Happy New Year and best wishes for your continued success.

I think rather than Antifa they rioting may be the yellow vests - the wording aligns better with that cause...

Except the the calendar thus years changed from Julian to Gregorian since Nostradamus' time. Crackdown on Falun Gong? That's your guess? Get back to the end of the line. That was hardly some global terror from the sky.

Damn you guys are fire

Communism is everywhere? WTF are these guys smoking?

thanks guys great vid although some of the people and prediction contradict some of the others i (personalty) like to think the older ones that were worse have changed in to the new good ones like the baba vanga ones about how china would be the next super power and america would fall that was if hillary would have one (but as we know china is in ruins now) the new good ones where america becomes even stronger and frees the world of evil is from the new predictions with trump winning. thanks guy for another great vid

Hey guys, consider sitting in normal chairs and perhaps behind a desk. No one really wants to see your nuts.... just sayin'....

It’s nice to watch you both. You don’t say “like” every other word in a nasally voice and your smiles are genuine.

(Mat 24:4) And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

Bush Sr was call the gray wolf.

The wolf will be howling in a bush. Very accurate.

The real question is who is behind this show and all the other shows similar to this (ie false flags, lowbrow conspiracies, right leaning, lizard people bs).

Edgar Cauvery? Wait u mean David Wilcock right

Still feel bad about the soy-face comment :/

I love your guy's videos so much. Thank you so much for all that you do! Happy New year

The venus project is based on socialism...

1st time viewing you and your video.. I subscribed.. Keep up telling facts and truth and you'll have a YUUUUUGE fan base.

You two look ridiculous.

"The wolves will be howling in a WHAAATT!!!!" We will all find out very shortly exactly what she means by that

This was awesome guys! Thank you! I loved those predictions!

Don't worry about your mustache falling off. We are conditioned to things like that because we have seen TRUDEAU'S MIGRATING EYEBROW!

Socialism was corrupted by criminals, that does not mean we sell our souls to multinational corporations and warmongers who use our tax dollars to rape and pillage the world to benefit their stock profits! Labeling social programs as evil as you do in this video is terribly misleading and absolutely not good for Americans who have been exploited to death by billionaires who spend their life avoiding paying taxes so most of us can scrape by living paycheck to paycheck with no economic stability whatsoever. Your video is nothing by treasonous propaganda for people who benefit from millions of Americans living with nothing but by the charity of a low paying job from billionaires like Bezos. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are worse than any Arab terrorist with this propaganda.

Great video! Did you know that Cayce also predicted the help of Russia for peace?

The Left is demonic by nature. ....The Luciferian EU Elite have used the Feminists/Muslims/SJW's as useful imbeciles to destroy the West. They are forming the 10 kingdoms under the One World Government waiting for their master,....The Antichrist. Trump has been anointed by God as a grace to us,....a lifeline, this is why the World hates him so. John @​ 8 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. The people of the Western Nations will determine their fate, just as God allowed the people of Israel to determine theirs every time they turned away from Him in their history.


It's fucken stupid


You guys are the best

never ever trust anyone wearing a bow tie..................................LOL

1999 the Mars observers launch

Fixing prophecy with fake scientism. NASA any other evolutionist are like CNN

Thank you for another great video guys

Thank you both for being so dedicated to telling the truth! God will bless you for your desire to be better people. I am thankful for you both.


Firstly, thank you for doing the show and educating people. It's essential during these times. I have never written such a long comment but thought maybe someone finds it useful. About predictions. I'm sure that those "prophets" have gotten messages from somewhere (spirit guides, Higher Self etc) and I can guarantee there are always some percentage of the prophecies that will not come true. Why? Simply because souls on Earth have free will and with free will, everything can change. A very simplified example: I planned to go to the movies tonight but in the last minute reconsidered and went home. So let's not discredit "prophets" right away but try to understand. If those so-called "prophets" foresee something bad, then it's our job to also dive in to it and think what can we do for it not to happen. This is the dominant timeline what prophets see (let's say they see war). Dominant timeline is something most humanity puts their energy and thoughts to (it also includes suppressed fear, guilt, shame, anger etc). But we with our thoughts & actions can give enough energy for possible timelines (where we don't want war and sincerely want and believe in prosperity, peace, abundance) and if there are enough people let's say praying and believing it, then there is a higher chance it will not happen and those possible timelines turn in to a new dominant timeline. And let's not forget - send love, compassion to world "leaders", so they could see through this veil of ego and illusion. Considering the context of this channel, there are always "haters" and probably people who come and say something bad about this text here but I send you love, you do so because something within triggers you and you might react to it by attacking, being angry, discrediting it and so on. This is called resistance to What Is. It is a bit of a stretch but more to simplify things. I hope it made sense who cared to read so far. It's a very broad subject and I want to write so much more but it will take several books to do so. I hope I managed to touch someone with it, make them think. I'm not saying what I said is THE truth. You will find yours. I would also like to encourage people always have discernment. Read, listen, investigate. Never bluntly believe what someone says. I wish you all a prosperous New Year!

I never tire listening and watching truth when it intersects my path. :-)

what the Hell was that opening about ??

Hey Ben and Rob ! Small world cause my birthday is also October 07, 1952 . Carry on my fellow Libra ♎️

come on Trump bring back the gold standard

You mean Lady Elton John.

As always , well done, thanks.

I thought Nostradamus based all his prophesies based on history repeating itself showing he wasn't really physic.

Mark Taylor -LMAO!! His beloved Israel did 9/11 Oh the sheep

Regarding the Volcano: I think it would be awesome if you guys did a piece on the Solar Minimum. It is a fact that there is a massive earthquake or volcano due. Check out the year without sun (1816)

Are you a idiot or just a idiot???? Just in fun you guys...

Start at 3:32

Im looking forward to seeing what the future holds. :)

Mostly a good show, there are things that you (((Don't say))) but I know you don't want removal from youtube. Also a tad bit too much make up lol

I’m a new sub and love you guys! Thank you for all your hard work in opening the eyes of the ppl to the truth

Re Baba Vanga and 9/11. Interesting line “The wolves will be howling in a bush...” - considering the thoughts that 9/11 was an inside job under the hand of Bush. You could further suggest that the wolves are all the opportunists in multiple spheres that profited from this.

The US created and funds ISIS idiots

edgar casey notradamus predicted yellowstone eruption . sunday there was earth quake 4.8

I don't neccessary agree with everything here but I really enjoy the videos. Keep up the great work guys. Happy new years!

Has any of these prophets ever say anything about South Africa?

Wooahh she even predicted who did 911. The wolves will be howling in a bush. Mind blown!

Don't listen to Nostradamus, who's prophecies never come about unless they are juggled to make them fit. Turn to the Bible prophesies that unfold word for word.

BS oppurtunity seekers...trumptard trolls

Wondering why you're using the same hypnotic circular graphics mainstream news uses?

so whats the predictions for 2019 as i mainly see ones from yrs ago so can you just focus on this yr and not any other yr previous as nothing is clear .and i def like truth channels fact but iv noticed all truth channels dont have subs like your volume


But why is China completely going chipped?✌

I bet you clowns blew bubbles when you were kids .

Awesome vid! Happy New Year! Keep up the good work. I’ll be your assistant if need be...

Rob, just curious, are you using eyeshadow?

great video! concerning the pole shift not only physical to occur sometime but also one has been going on in the brains of humanity from the masculine to a more feminine or nurturing mind set .happy and successful new year to the both of you. :-)

Wow. Can't believe that it's taken me this long to stumble upon ur channel. Liked and Subscribed. Keep it Real.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Kings n Lord of Lords, Jesus said, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned...Mark 16-15-16... Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of Sins, and ye shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost....Acts 2: 38-39...You Don't Want To Go To HELL..."He that believeth on me "JESUS", as the scripture hath said, out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of Living waters...thats the..... "Joy of the Holy Ghost Fire".."And that Repentance and Remission of SINS should be preached in his Name among all Nations, Beginning at Jerusalem"Luke 24: 47... I am the Door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be Saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The Thief cometh not, but for to Steal, and to Kill, and to Destroy; I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more Abundantly.I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. John 10:9-11 Isaiah 40:11 Hebrews 13:20-21 YES Jesus is God...And without Controversy Great is the Mystery of godliness: God was Manifest in the Flesh, Justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, Preached unto the Gentles, Believed on in the world, received up into Glory I Timothy 3:16

This guys cold dead eyes are creepy


Have you heard of a prophet called siener van Rensburg (seer van Rensburg), the book is written by Kobus Snyman. The name is a prophet of God . Or have you heard of Johanna Brand ?

WW3 by end of march 2019...

Thanks for killing the mood, asshole.

Youtube Garbage

keep up the bad work

Nice entrance with 2 idiots

Omg omg you guys just commented on my comment.. Iv never had this before holy cow this totally just made me day omg like seriously I’m speechless ummm well since you read these I love you guys And you my kids love you guys. I let them watch you for your knowledge and how you guys don’t go to dark sometimes very family friendly the best channel on YouTube and I hope one day god be it.. you make it to cable tv one day love you guys

you should look into kim Clement prophecies Perry stone has been covering end time prophecy for like 30 years. I'm surprised you haven't covered him.

Happy New year guys!

What happened with Nostradamus and Cayce 2018 prophecies?.Nothing happened and none came to be.False prophets and charlatans.A true God appointed prophet wont ever miss the mark and all his prophecies come at the time , place and circumstances involved in the prophecy.For the 2019 prophecies in this Youtube video I expect the same accuracy from these so called "prophets" and future tellers, 0%!.

The guy on the right looks fkn weird af mark zuckerburgs brother

Well we are less than a month away from a date God's been showing me for 3 yrs. To bad people aren't ready and I'm also talking about Christians.

A large enough volcanic eruption will cool the planet etc..

This 20 min intro made me suicidal

Mark sure missed it with the USA being respected again we have become the laughing stock of the world

Thanks boys keep it honest and clean as ya can no ones gonna be perfect to become wise you must be humble peace guys Love Truyh

Thanks but no thanks, I'm holding my joint high..

Cringe... And you give a platform to Wilcox too? Boo!

Is zionism worst than communism aka socialism???

Most of these are just common sense that anyone can predict

Emperor Trump 2016-infinite!!!

White countries will end multiculturism and send all the immigrants home or war will happen in white countries.

You don’t kind of look like a young Elton John you look like Elton John.

Mark Taylor also predicted that Republican Party would gain a super majority in 2018 midterms, funny how that one panned out, eh gents? Nice hats! Happy New Year.

How have I not come across your channel sooner?! Love your videos guys and I feel so amazing after watching them! All your content is super interesting, I'm totally hooked.

That guy is just a witch who saw into the future..nothing new here...but a lot will go wrong. China and russia will soon arise as the last beast head world power...but it won't last long.

You guys are great.. very informative.

Basically reusing art on what people think Atlantis looks like. Also, artists and writers being used is no surprise. Channeling in a different sense.

Wow. Nadstradams? He was a false prophet according to the bible.. it says, IF ONE PROPHECY FAILS BELIEVE THEM NOT, FOR THEY ARE A FALSE PROPHET.. JUST SAYING.

No to all

Nice informative channel. First time viewing

super ebola epidemic, 2019-2021.

What a waste of time watching these 2 stupid mindless clowns!

Loved this one. Re: your future assistant? Can you post a job description? Are you looking for in-house or would remote work? Salary? I'm interested.

edgar cayce companion . get that book its awsome .

Kim Kardashian?

Very interesting, y'all. Good stuff, good job!

Ill be your assistant.....FOR FREEEEE

Hahah well we wouldn't have you work for free but you can email us at

hey how about Kim Clement


14th century are talking 1503-1566 ,and that is 16th century ; at 3:39

Right NO MORE FAKE NEWS ! Just stories about Bigfoot being able to teleport , and time travel ... You know "real news " ! LOL

Content starts at 3:00

"Knowledge will 'Increase!" -The Word! Thanx Edge Of Wonder for exposing all this info on the 'Deep State" and helping take down 'The Cabal' It's a fascinating ride!

I can't watch Fear and Loathing without having flashbacks! It may be the best movie ever! Just can't watch it again though...sad. "Got watch out for these lizards." HST

At 8:57.....that's not Florida.

You guys lost me when you said the world is being overrun by communism. Only a bunch of bow tie wearing John Birch leftovers could look at the money grubbing neoconlib motheruckers overrunning our world and see a wave of Marxism, its ridiculous. Oh yeah, and a bunch of black sweater wearing grannies are gonna overrun the word! Be afraid of antifa, very afraid, they have brownies that can turn off fighter jets from ten klicks! Ridiculous.

God I hate long intros.

Happy New Year *Edge of Wonder*

must do an episode on 9/11 now the data dumps have begun! :)

Actual new year starts on spring, Gregorian calendar is not the real calendar. Real 2012 is yr 2020

IllummaDonkey scripts your very existence.

Smash the like button, and hit that bell !! (Oh I'll hit it alright...)

A14th century French physician and seer that lived from 1503-1566. Amazing!

Just saw UHF filmed in 1989 and thought it was very prophetic and a good laugh too. :) hope your building is open again.

*1503 was early 16th century;* 1403 was 15th; 1303 was 14th. *Nostradamus lived in the 16th century* dumbasses. Check your history before making mendacious comments.

3:28 thank me later

Hey, you guys got the Twin Towers quatrain wrong. Give that a watch, and let me know how this changes your mind.

Can you do a video on how the media/illumadonkies are pushing an anti-white, pro muslim immigration agenda? Those two Scandinavian girls were just raped, stabbed in the vagina and beheaded by a gang of Muslims in Morocco and the media hardly covers it. The girls had a false sense of reality designed by the cabal through social engineering that literally killed them, and it seems that nobody really cares. Even the parents, who had the video of their daughters head slowly being chopped off, still supports muslim immigration.

Hello boys, suspicious observers and Diehold foundation say our sun to micro nova in our lifetime.

3:29 video actually starts.

actually didn't want to write that but actually rather than leave i would ask... can you do one on israel under the star of moloch? revelation 3/9 and so on. please guys and just please don't sell out


communism is everywhere? the false promises of socialism? what are you talking about? the world is enslaved by neoliberal capitalism and its global police-state networks. then you claim atlantis was discovered! you guys are nutz!? you can't even interpret the present currently. and i'm supposed to entrust you to interpret the lunatic ramblings of soothsayers and mystics? i think not. mark taylor is a complete fraud and NEVER spoke to any god! you're absolutely sick and twisted! this channel is just a pro-fascist, trump cultist propaganda outlet.

Honestly this is the cheesiest, corniest "conspiracy/paranormal" channels I've ever seen... AND I FUCKING LOVE IT.

9/11 had nothing to do with any plane it was drones loaded with very high explosives that hit those building not to mention all the charges set to bring those building down the united states was behind those attacks no one ever says anything about the missing gold that was stored in one of those towers i bet George bush jr knows all about that gold he is just as much a criminal as any terrorist my thought

Mark Taylor??? Not!!!!

(((The federal reserve))) is illegal and a scam - neither federal or a reserve.. its a privately owned bank by j*ws

You guys are AMAZING for giving a shout and summing up of the Venus project.

Bunch of fucking garbage...

video interlacing...ouch.....keep up the great content. u guys need a editor?

You two boys are real bullshiters

The energy from Venus is here it's rising of our consoiusness and waking the world up to a higher frequency witch is energy but intelligent and creative life energy and it's the truth of our heart that needs to be found after we lost it to stand overs threw dark age of the equenox. But we won 2012.21.12 we are returning to truth our own truth . Felt from our own emotions and you can't deny it when you have felt it . But care to the right ones who guide us to wake up old souls are the first on the planet but we need help one unified consoiusness once so many of us wake up venus will send a energy wave that will wake everyone up and old souls will help everyone to understand it's all good we will all know one truth one consoiusness and no one gose against there creative soul that brings them to life and she fires up the love in a power that is a gift to those who find it them selves threw there own research to the shift the awakening . It's easy and it's fun it's not a nervous breakdown like we think it is when we crash into our emotions when they are trying to come out and we fight to hold our selves to gether fools we are . It's the resolving ego we fear loosing cause he is all he knows and trust and faith self worth are not humanity's best assets of values . They need to be

Baron Trump? This is bizarre.

i think u r both adorable!!!

way off on pole shift DIEHOLD IN. LEARN

had to scroll down to find the subscribe button, but it is already white.. no longer red.. I guess I had already subscribed.. idk when.. Might have been on my other channel or something. idk..

Trump IS a time traveler. Research who his uncle was and his affiliation with Tesla.

Cover siener van rensberg

just me or the guy on the right look like someone from the grinch?

Great show. You guys got a new follower

Edge of Wonder thanks Ben. Shows a lot of class on your half to still reply when I know you receive a lot of messages in a day, And not to treat your following like a bunch of peasants who are not deemed worthy enough to talk to.

Hey Enles that is awesome welcome to the Eow family! -Ben

re-check your facts about the "baron trump" should really be telling the truth with this one.

Hi guys.

I can imagine in 500 years time the YouTube video of prophecies from 2019... "yeah bruv, the sky will fall innit fam, two ho's gonna be trippin' word!

Kim Clement also. Very Very accurate. Things like Trump being elected, 911, Hurricane Katrina. He has talked in great detail about Trump and how they would shout "Impeach! Impeach!" but it wont happen. Kim passed away the month Trump was elected.

MAGA was foretold!

Nostradumbass has never predicted anything. It's the oldest trick in the book. Use vague generalities that can be tied to just about anything. You people that believe in this crap are retarded.

Well didn't hear one prediction on 2019. All of them were of the past. Wrong title guys

Best dudes on youtube!!!!

Godless prophets.

Save for the last.

Interestingly, the property destroyed in Ingersoll Lockwoods book is now trump tower in new york

Christ is the only one who knows when the world will end. Bless you all

They murdered them and harvested there organs. Evil

Loved the show guys.......just outstanding, you guys are perfect together...........keep it up !!

It was the antichrist that was born in 1999.

Love this vid,love this channel!! Happy New Years guys!

Happy New Year

nostradamus 14th century? ha ha ha. it is 16th lol

Nostradamus said the twin brothers will fall in New York. He also stated a powerful man with glasses in New York will usher the anti-christ, that could be Chaney or Gates.

Except for America and Russia working together it seems pretty accurate. Unfortunately the terrorists that run America from Tel Aviv are going to thrive.

Silver standard would be much better for the dollar than the gold standard. Silver is more abundant, the US has silver mines. Most of the world's gold is held by China and Russia. The FED has never been audited, so who knows what they had done with the gold.

If I had my eyes closed, you guys sound like Zach and Ned of the try guys!

Its NOT Nose Stradamus ,it's NOSS you stupid fools! DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THESE IDIOT!

God bless

Death to the new world order, I shall drag Gog and Magog out to the holy land to do battle, against principalities.

happy new year, political tools.

You guys should get married... (Poles shifting)

I love you guys!!! We want the truth and nothing but the truth!

Serious bullshit.

Like the others but nostradamus was iffy, a snake oil salesman

Interesting about the 911 prophecy, she mentioned the attack from steel birds... but then The wolves will be howling from a bush...? Could it be that the Bush presidency will be exposed for causing 911??? This could be the year Trump exposes the deep state.

If you don’t already know, Ingersoll Lockwood’s books can be found on Librivox or the Gutenberg Project for free! Any book over 100 years old (US law) can be found online for free. The prices of online book sellers are pretty high for these books.

I just love love love love love love love , you guys sooooo very much!!!!!!!

Nostradamus was born and died in the 16th century 1503 -1566 ? ....... apart from that detail.. very informative, good show.

So, everybody just ignores the fact that you called Nostradamus 14th century smth. while displaying 1503-1566 as his life span. That's not how centuries work... You really DO need an assistant-preferably a smart one.

How was Nostradamus from the 14th century when he lived in the 16th century? :/

China, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, maybe another 2 countries (that I'm not sure about)?! Where is the "communism is everywhere"?!

She said, "the wolves will be howling from the bush"...So not only did she predict 9/11, Bush was the POTUS

I predict Trump getting impeached

Edgar Cayce questioned the 'spirits' intent a number of times and near the end of his life thought it was a demonic one.

I have a prediction all men in the media will be gay

This seems pretty skewed toward liberal thinking and orange man bad!

The wonder is weather these guys will finally come out of the closet. I wanted to see phrophacy interpretation, not lame graphics and low banter between these two clowns. Queer bowties btw

I am annoyed by click-bait titles - where were the 2019 predictions? From a neuropsychological marketing perspective - you lose loyalty every time you mislead your audience. Plus, u reduce the rate of acquiring new followers amongst your targeted audience. The distraction era is so dense at this point, we the people no longer have time for being misled by click-bait titles that actually do not deliver what is inferred. Seriously, you 2 gentleman are way smarter than to stoop to such 2009 marketing strategies. Vanity numbers are out; loyal followers are in. Peace out, don't waste my time again with click-bait, have more respect for your target audience ... PLEASE!

I've been to a meeting on the Venus Project, it's a huge joke, they've done fuck all since I went to the meeting 10 years ago.

EP114587 vague enough to be ‘true’ sometimes like astrology/psychics

Hey Ben and Rob

China will invade India.

You are all going to be greatly disillusioned with your sorcery in 2019.

Thx soo much

lol the venus project now thats funny. The CIA operative Peter Joseph and Jacque Fresco and their stupid plan to have a centralized computer run everything. Only question is who programs the computer? what a joke!!! you 2 guys are clowns and debating you 2 would be as easy as fighting you 2.

I'm so flabbergasted by trump supporters. Its like he became a new person the moment he started campaigning. I still see a clintonite democrat highjacking the hearts of the low Iq conservative crowd. If he's really a good guy he'll get shot in the face or poisoned. That's what happens in the real world.

This is a weird channel. Gay republicans? Getting that vibe.

What's funny is people have visions today and are mostly to afraid to speak of what they see. I've had visions that have come true... from deadly car wrecks.. exactly like I had seen them, also 9/11 just two weeks prior to the attack, Fedral govt. Is very aware of this... Thank God I had told my attorney or I probably would of been Black Bagged and vanished. That was kinda scary.. cause I knew how many people really wanted to come pick me up to have a chat with me., I've also seen a kidding victim being alive and that the F.B.I. would indead catch the person and The Victim would be alright.. "meaning alive" told the month when they'd find the person... happened as said. Plus.. so many other more events. Now for the people that will say.. b.s. etc.. I don't even care. Those of you aching for this ability. .. it can be very very very overwhelming, I've had abilities from as far bk as I can recall growing over time to the point ot was a constant daily thing.. "a bit much"., a break was definitely needed. I belive a majority of people have Gifts... they just don't know it, the ones that are trying to sharpen them..? Just let it flow... relax, know your instincts and what they tell you.

P.S. Don't believe NASA.. at least most things they say. :)

3:07 is where the good stuff starts.

The 14th century is the 1300s not the 1500s. Nostradamus lived during the 16th century. History not your strong point guys.

Trump 2020

I've been following mark Taylor stuff since I think 2015

2028 Only the believers stay in the chaos earth..the New Jerusalem will come down and all will be change..we must not forget it..God will be with his people and all are living in peace and Jesus before its late.

A person that makes millions of dollars and doesn't pay taxes by definition is an elite. Even though we've only seen one year of tax returns Trump falls into that category.

Mars just means wars not Marx ... Lol

Naughty Beaver channel. The Book of Revelation, Nostradamus and more.


Of course no predictions for 2019, you cant predict something that already happens its called history

A good day to all who read this and to Bob and Ren...I mean Ren and Stimpy...I mean Rob and Ben!!! Sorry...the lithium and aluminum scented air is overpowering at times, don't you think? Where was I? Oh, yeah... Seeing the Seeing the Why, heck! Seeing the present...!!! Wouldn't that be just soooooo...keen? I'm an old fart...keen is the old cool. What's cool today? Heh...heh...heh! Do you really want to know? DO YOU!?!...reeeeeally? You can...if you are foolish enough like me to want to do so. How? You Amerikans! Learn your history. Know what the State Department has to offer you for the minor cost of trillions and trillions of your tax dollars. Actual SCIENTIFIC PROOF(no need for outdated false dogma) of the soul. I mean...SOUL!(anything that is a part of Allah*it translates 'FATHER"*...should be Arabic for Mother...but let's not split hairs here). As a fellow "demon lover" once said to me, "We offer them the keys to Heaven and they still prefer to storm the gates of cities."( a shout out to Lynn know who he is...or you SHOULD!) Short rant on the subject...dinner needs cooking. So if you really want to make the mistake of seeing the truth with your own eyes...all three... Try the Military Coordinate Remote Viewing protocols. A mere $$1,000,000 investment into the future of Amerika...Land of the free...and untried nazi war criminals we paper clipped. Just ten miserable days of 'non' sense that sticks in you like a Crown of Thorns. "You want the TRUTH!?! You can't handle the truth!!!" Because it ain't the pretty picture you want it to be...or even need it to be. Sorry...

This might all make sense in a parallel universe. In this one, it's full retard.

lol Yolanda rene king will be our president at 21 in 2030

I do hope they overturn Roe v Wade. The availability of abortions does not stop stupid people from breeding only busy and intelligent people who should be breeding, and the idea that sex is 'no big deal' leads to people becoming de facto couples for all the wrong reasons.

God bless u guys and President Trump for your fantastic job, you are angles send from above, may us once again be free.

Youll are not funny or good .. And look like prick in dicky bows

Why am I watching this shit

Good job gentleman. Your research and humorous integrity to truth is much appreciated and desperately needed in these straanggge... Day's. Keep up the good work.

Baba Vanga was also allegedly properly diagnosing people and looking into one's past, present and future (same as Cayce). There were hundreds of people waiting in lines to see and speak with her every single day.

The death of all humans

was there a 2018 edition of this? and what of that actually came true?


I came here to see what Nostril Dumbass had to say, only to discover this video dons the resemblance of an infomercial trying to sell me some unrealistic product.

It speaks volumes when one references a movie rather than the novel upon which it was based!

Hard to follow with all jokes aside

Omg I love your show and how you report..YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!

98% of the video talks about past happenings.. 21mins wasted.

I love to see these serious topics & politically incorrect opinions being discussed by you two guys in such a light & funny manner, love it, thanks guys!❤️

Well then Cayce is wrong....China won't let people exercise their religious beliefs!!!!!!! In fact , they imprision pastors!!!!!!

Trump’s uncle was the one who raided Tesla’s labs when he died. So if Nikola Tesla really did make a time machine he could have not passed that on to his superiors and passed it down through the family, so Brandon Trump may actually have a time machine

The same New Years “Revolution...”

3:30 is where the video actually starts

But Cayce write more. Also is it the year of many Hits by Huricanes . Massive Earthquakes west coast and East coast, Florida. And yellowpark blow up. And the Pope retire by many sex abuse.

I have decided that in 2019 I was keeping an open and skeptic optimist mind. To much is going on to not be alert and ready for a monumental event in our history.

What about bitcoin

You placed a Mr Mark Taylor in the same group of Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga and Nostradamus? Not even close i'm afraid! His ultra christian army hate is such a disservice to the God given gifts and goodness of the others. Maybe he has a few things correct we all can do this if we pay attention to our world.But he does not get his messages from GOD Sorry! Where there is love and compassion there truly is no need of an army!! Something humans so badly need to learn on this planet. Other wise boys keep up the good work but dig deeply for the real truth before presenting.

Hmmm... Where do you think Nosterdamas, Cayce and Vanga get their "info"... Just curious.

For those new year's resolutions guys~try Sadhguru's Inner Engineering course. It's all over the web. Happy New Year! Namaskaram

In Living Color but with White guys. They need to do Men's in Film and invite damam wayans and david allan greer

this channel is GREAT! keep up the good work guys! they should put your show on GAIA and other platforms, putting that into the universe for ya! #boom

oops, forgot to mention ADRENOCHROME (hunter S thompson....etc.,

postshift, unfortunately he is not nuts, if you look at Jimmy Savile, the Skull and Bones group, Bohemian Grove, the Ninth Circle, The hell fire club, spirit cooking (marina abramovich a disciple of aleister Crowley), and recently the Nexium arrests in New Yprk, as well as the deposed Prime Miniater of South Korea 2018, Epstein Is;and (pedovoris , incidently a friend of Prince Andrew), the list is endless of satanic ritual abuse of minors and human trafficking, there is also a huge industry in organ harvesting and foetus sales for cosmetic, stem cell and vaccine industries. Then there is the likes of Frazzledrip on Anthony Weiner's laptop, many of these elites - SEE ROLAND BERNARD who gives a good account of the banking activities, TEd Gunderson, CAthy O'Brien, The Hampstead cover up, and many are now coming forward in Hollywood, actually follow a type of Marxism as outlined in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and worship Lucifer and the ancient god, Moloch (owl), as bonkers as that seems, they are that deranged, Before just saying someone is nuts, which is useless to add to the awakening, ad hominem attacks, perhaps research some of the above, however distasteful these subjects are, they have been swept inder the global carpet too long. MI5 and Nasa have occult roots, just start with John Dee (ELizabeth 1)...up to John Whiteside Parsons and Aleister Crowley., thta's why Mossad and the like employ empaths such as Uri Geller, and have remote viewing ps, and MK Ultra CIA....research, you will start to's evrywhere, especially their symbols (see FBI symbols for peadophilia, all over, and in Podesta's e-mails)....

That Ben clown is so goofy

Fantastic work guys, love this show!

Marxism is not Chinese Communism nor is the Democratic agenda anywhere near Marxism. Both are economic enslavement. Marxism is human emancipation. Even if you read a summary on Marx' work, you would understand this. Annoying

New Years Revolution!!

Is it only cause you talk spirituality and enlightenment cause it's a trending thing to do?

Damn, does Wilcock ever look like Cayce!!! I was just re-listening to Wilcock's very first 4 part interview with Project Camelot. He briefly talks about possibly being Cayce reincarnated...

I've had a lot of faith in these guys since they predicted that New York would win the 2000 World Series.

Read the prophecies by Otrok Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. It'll give you something to think about for sure.

Correction: The seventh month in the Nostrodamus prediction refers to September (Sept=7, Oct = 8, etc.) in the old calendar, NOT July. So he did get the month and the event right, he was just off by 2 years though.


what about julian assange and pizzagate...any predictions there?

How is communism everywhere - left does not mean communism neccessarily - not that i CARE FOR EITHER ONE.

energy corruption - suppression of free energy

You guys drank the koolaid. You think capitalism is paradise? Puh-lease. More than 80% of the American population is in debt and lives month to Month. Far worse than communism. Dummies.

venus = heart = heart energy is the new energy

jfk jnr died in june 1999

love uk

8:52 did he have a fucking stroke?

Dumb lmao

The falling mustache made me subscribe!!!

Ahhhh! This channel had good, true info and I loved the presentation but it’s clear now this is really Trumpy. Y’all, pray for discernment.

Nostradamus lived in the 16th century, not the 14th

I’m calling BS on Mark Taylor. His predictions are too politically ascriptive.

I hardly ever tell a channel I love them, but wow I love you guys! Thanksfor producing such informative andd entertaining videos.

Mark Taylor's website:


That was so much fun!! Can't wait for your next video.

Technacly speaking the first world war was ww2. That was the first ww.

*End Israel! Down with Zionism*

You want some prohecise. Well this year in UK summer going to be brilliant hot and sunny hottest since charts beginning. We in UK are also going to see floods. There is going to be a terrorist attack on London but all is not how it seems this will be made by the government to make people scared. The military will be using drones to watch others but when they get found because 2-3 will crash blame it on the people. Bit coin is going to be taken over by other cripto currently. There is going to be a massive earthquake removing 5% of the world's population. THE BIG ONE THE QUEEN IS GOING TO PASS AWAY IN OCTOBER 2019. Someone is going to win a horse race put a bet on the wrong horse and make it big. 2020. is going to be a very bad year for uk our currency is going to fold. We in uk are going have a king William but he is going to try not have his face put onto currancy because he knows its going to fold. A sink hole is going open up in Yorkshire in a town centre at 4.15am not sure about date. China is going to become world leaders. A disabled lady's body is going to be found in the uk under blackberry bushes she had been killed so people can take her home. Venice is going to sink. Mexico and usa are going to become good friends. 2021. Elvis presley body will be found in Fiji making others think he was alive for years after. Jfk it will come out the government had him killed. Turkey is going to have a war that UK USA and China get involved in

Baba (“Baba” means grandma in Serbian) Vanga was born in Macedonian city of Strumica in 1911. In 1925 Vanga was brought to a school for the blind in the city of Zemun, in modern day Serbia where she spent three years, and was taught to read Braille, play the piano, as well as do knitting, cooking, and cleaning. Baba Vanga’s father was Bulgarian but she eas born in Macedonia and NOT in Bulgaria (as people may think) because her birth place is Strumica - Macedonia! So she’s lived and studied in Serbia .... but died in Bulgaria!

Why do u worry so much about communism in China.... u have the worst dictatorship going on in US.... the entire country is under Rockafeler family ... the Zionist pigs that are destroying US.... never u mind about communism in China!!!! Vatican is New Babylon and anti-Christ is Vatican Papacy!!! It all described in the Bible!

Trump is Trunks

How bout he predict the lottery number for me

**demons and false prophets** mark taylor is not a prophet he makes it uo and nostrodamus was an occult member who practiced witchcraft getting his prophecies through visions from demons / fallen angels. Do your research people. All of these people have unfulfilled prophecies that have passed the expiry date of the so called completion of the prophecies. Gods prophets the real ones are 100% successful all the time and they all preach repentance. Mark taylor does not even do that!!! He is out for his own glory. He even raises donald trump to a place almost of idol worship!!! Think about that.

The assclowing stops at 3:08

Y'all are funny! Good laughs and great information! Loved it. Good job guys!

Sure sounds like the narrator called Trump, Drumpf in the beginning.

7 month, 19 day of 1999 is when JFK JR , Caroline, and Laura Bissett was murdered! (OR MAYBE NOT) John F Kennedy JR was talking about a run for NY Senate and the First Lady Hillary Clinton was running for New York Senate. How high is her body count now? Also GW Bush Jr was running for President 1999 and a majority of US voters would have voted for JFK JR if would have ran in 2004. He would have won the Senate race for sure against HRC and then would threaten GW Bush JR runninh for a second term as President! This is the change that affected the world!! Now is Q=JFK JR? Let's HOPE!! WWG1WGA!

Love your outfits guys looking good

Can we get a "failed prophesies of 2019" at the end of the year?

Next time do the parravichini prediction and chico Xavier..

That make-up

Strange I thought all of the prophecies doomsday predictions had come and gone. Wasn’t the Mayan one 2016? I think Isaac Newton’s was 2017. All these predictions about fuels in the future aren’t going to happen. 1999 was an interesting year for me. But it wasn’t quite the end. I saw something and have records of it too.

Are these guys gay?

Too silly these 2 boys!

I'll stick with biblical prophecy

Anyone who thinks 9/11 was predicted and didn't do anything to stop it, is a terrorist.

You forgot Clif High. Please look into his predictions! Including Military Tribunals.

You two are TOTALLY part of that new media!

Guys do a show o the Venus project it will amaze u and everyone else. Jacque Fresco is a genius and left an amazing legacy, we just need to be in the right place to begin implementing some of his inventions and way of being. Think it would be a good episode.

Y'all are so awesome! What a confidence boost for the Awakening movement! Thanks soo much! Mucho Love!


Come to Tulum!!!

Hello from Akumal, Mexico ! (Love your t-shirt

3 minutes of watching this video this a metaphor for predicting that 2019 will be stupid numbskulls wasting our time on youtube?

Hungarian people came from mars and lived in Mongolia also. They lived all over the world as their leader, Shame, told the people to go to the nine corners of the world. Shamanism is the Hungarians true belief. They are the original Shamans on the planet.

Says who? never heard that one, interesting theory would love to research that. Thanks

im a black conservertive keep up the good work be fair for both sides and i will continue to support you

So without further adue....10...9...8...7.654321....???that litteraly is further adue... Just saying.

My prediction for 2019: A hot World War 3.

Just found you guys and Yassssss all you said if you’re spiritually ready all should believe on this prophecy’s as though people said Trump wouldn’t win I loved how the Holy Spirit and God does speak truth he did win and will win again

If the media thing come true then you two need to look for new job's pretty soon lol

Isis done will never rise up

Partial discovery of Atlantis really

Conspiracy theories channel


putin is a jewish dont forgot about this fact

We have same bday

Equality of outcome is communism.

Please refer to to the special series: "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World: Preface",

Capitalism is a better system than communism

Right, reflex, or obtuse? Angles I mean.

Alex Jones and Friends being the News that speaks the truth.

Ingersoll Lockwood also published a book called The Last President. I enjoyed the adventures of von troomp it was a nice stroy.

please stop pretending you guys arent right wingers. you love trump. class traitors.

Got a dislike for the typical American dragging it out, just get to the fucking point nobody cares about you just the subject.

Most of this is not even true!

Ben’s tiny hat on his shiny head had me rolling

Dude ive only been watchin you all for a couple of months, and you've gone from roughly 70K views to over 250K views on your vids. I love it so damn much. Your show and the awakening. It was so difficult to believe in at first - being about 7 years ago for me. I had many doubts, but I always pushed my state of mind to remember the truth no matter how dark things got. I didnt so much have documented proof of the deep state/kabal, but something in me just knew things in the world were wrong at first. After a few years, I accepted that i needed to acknowledge the reality of humanitys state of being, and always did my best to research topics of interest. Now here I am watching a show like this. It's so surreal. NEVER STOP GUYS!!!!! WE ARE BEHIND YOU

Don't see anyone else noticed but, isn't 1503 in the 16th Century?

we are under attack by illuminati and freemason rothschild any on can geder the group and destroy her castles and burn the family shield

Actually Cayce said his powers of prophecy and sleep reading were a gift from an angel of God, saying he could have any one wish for his devotion. He said he wanted to help people. Thus was he given the gifts of foresight and other such things.

I didn’t know about about Donald Trump attempting to back our money with gold and silver as of March 4, 2018. This is exactly what killed John F. Kennedy. I guarantee you there are groups of assassins planning a time and place to accomplish this already. But we need that standard so we aren’t indebting ourselves into being owned by our lenders. I kinda wish I hadn’t watched this video before bed

What do you mean communism is everywhere.

Happy New Year may your resolutions pan out


you two will make an excellent team in the media as well as fox news is

This has got to be a troll

Brothers and Sisters of The Word I am warning you to take heed about something that's very important in regard to all of these individuals that are being spoken about in this video. These men are predictors who deal with the common spirits and the demonic spirits; they are not getting this word from the Lord and the reason why that is true is because all of them have never been 100% correct up to and including the recent Mark Taylor. As Christ Jesus stated to all of us in Revelation when it comes to the false prophets run brothers and sisters run! Peace brothers and sisters peace...

Could the 'energy' on Venus be reffering to this new 'feminism'?

When I first put it on I thought what a pair of bellends but fair play guys you won me over your alright after all ✌️

Nostradamus lived in 16th century, not 14th like You mentioned ;)

You guys came out of nowhere but I love your content.

Can we get a sources list of the facts?

Fuck trump down with him

You guys are a little to PG 13 for me , but I love you guys. What I like and what we need as a country are two different things. Most people want rational guys like yourselves. You present yourself well. Again that means nothing to me , but very necessary to the masses. Good job guys . Happy new year.

Gold standard inevitable else fiat currency dollar will no longer be international currency...the mark or yen has strong gold backing and vying for takeover of paper unbacked dollar


I am Valliant THOR and dont appreciate your humor

Y'all from Charleston or Savanna?

Video starts at 3:40

Taylor obviously had some insider information from the globalist/nwo playbook since it's all theater, Trump included. Trump grew up around shadey characters, he won the election in part by the assistance of cambridge analitica who got the right wingers and conservatives behind him by analysing what these groups talking points were on social media and giving these to Trump to repeat knowing he could never even make the most of it true, besides curiously enough, his promises to israel....

cayce predicted nibaru and the new coastline the navy happens to have the same map

How do I apply for a job

I NEVER watch MS news anymore. It lacks the substance that you guys provide. Love!

This is the dumbest channel I've come across in a while. But I can't stop watching.

Don‘t forget „Alois Irlmaier“

The end of trumo this year.

Hey NetFlix wtf are you waiting for can we get the EDGE OF WONDER MINNIE SERIES OR DO I HAVE TO SHOP HULU OR PRIME OR HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NPT ON YOUTUBE TV. AND YES I WANT TO BE PAID FOR MY IDEA ROBERT R.K PEARCE JR 11-30-78. 773 580-8763 Let's talk budget all digital. And interviews and at the end of the show answer some subscribers questions

the awakening has begun.

hahahah amen to the truth

Keep your channel going

Man that was A LOT of intros

venus is not a planet. Its just a wondering star that cannot be visited, because space doesnt exist.


Who cares about what an illetrate, blind, insane and old hag said.

The revolution in Paris is happening now

It's like two adorable toddlers spitting out truths shocking adults in the room HAHAHA LOVE YOU GUYS IN THESE STUPID 'FITS

I cannot subscribe to a channels that seems so pro-Trump.

Total bull!

Fruitcakes n lame? Too much

but can they beat the accuracy of Family Guy??

Just found your channel. I'm quite impressed. And I hope Mark Taylor is correct. Can't wait to watch your other videos. Excited to hear the TRUTH for a change.

lol.... this is a joke right

Guess the meaning of EOTW☺☺☺☺

Edge of Wonder You had a video upload about 911 .. it was one of the best vidz i seen on 911 ... but you no longer have it on youtube .. Where can i get to watch this again.. or get a copy

is this where the simple minded sheep sign up

Partial discovery of the lost city of Atlantis? Whaaat? How did I miss that??

no $$$ for you Pres Trump!@ mAKE THEM OUT OF hILLARY'S eMAILS since noone can get over them!!!

Wormwood is still coming. No rebirth, no fertility, no food. H€LL is about to freeze over.

Excellent job ! People NEED to follow you guys !! Xo

7:32 'bush' should be with a capital letter

lol my anointed --- right

Pewnews of course

@edge of wonder I can see you grindin I respect that u just got a sub keep up the grind

what a crap

Fuck the first 5 minutes of your video lol


People are so naive. So incredibly gullible. It's like we're still stuck in the mire of the Dark Ages. Ridiculous.

10:16 South Africa as well. On the brink. Killings long ago started as well.

Guys too much make up!!! Take it easy pleaseeeee

Nostradamus was a 16th Century prophet (1503-1566).

Love the show and I'm looking forward to watching you guys through 2019 have a great year and keep up the good work

Predictions start at 3:40. You're welcome.


...but thank you too late..


Loved the show!

Happy New Year to Each Edge of Wonder Worker and Viewer ! God Bless our time together :-)

You are fake news...

Are you both gay? Such a cute couple.

Predictions start in 3:35. Dam these guys are not funny

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO!! Ooooooooo!! Ooooooooo! Man that was a good laugh... Trump return the dollarto the gold standard.. LMFAOOOOOOOOOO!!! Stop... Stop.. My fucking sides hurt! Lmfaooooooooooooooo!

Are these guys for real? What’s with the Gayonic bow ties? Mens on film?

This is some eerie shit, I've had a dream where it was an apocalyptic dream where the moon would somehow collide with earth with meteorites heading toward earth. I was told the moon would hit the earth 9:30 pm. I sort of even experienced of how I would get burned during this. I don't know when it was going to hit earth but I was directly told 9:30 pm the world would end and burn. I was even told to write this down and I even did. I was told to do something at 8:00 pm but Im not sure what. I wrote all the details down of my dream. It was very eerie and almost realistic but not. I even woke up at 9:31 in the morning and I was totally freaked out. It was like some weird warning. It was also connected to jesus christ and the second coming

I think I got suicidal like the person above this comment

Why don't you read the next line of of. Now you even got no balls to name him how about to challenge him. Go on boys just take a hick

Video starts at 3:31 after the bullshit introduction.Thank me later

Idiots,Baba Vanga is an internet fraud believed only by complete fools like you two,Nostradamus quatrains can be interpreted in so many ways the can be applied to pretty much ANY scenario,and often are,Mark Taylor is a proven fraud ,as for cayce,don't get me started,you two have got be taking the piss.

You forgot Kim Clement and his predictions. He predicted Trump in 2012 and a in 2016 predicted the dems scream impeach impeach impeach.

The anarchists and socialists could easily be the Yellow Vests too ...

trump is the anti christ

Illuminati........... wow

Everything gose like movie we're watching live movie which is directed by secret soc.

WTF?? Who are these two fucking DORKS? They're about as funny as cancer! But as GAY as they come!

" Communism is everywhere..." Yeah! Its starts first in your head and goes nowhere... And then comes back ( to you)...

I couldn't hear what was being said?  Don't know why, what do I do?  Lanika

Magnetic north pole is only 300 miles from the 40 degree point. Passing that point is supposed to give rise to a sudden pole flip. 40 degrees is the tipping point. It will only take 2 years or less to cover that 300 miles distance at the rate it is going. Glad to hear Trump will get it done.... AND be reelected. On his reelection the liberals will totally flip out, and we know how violent they get when they don't get there way...

you two assholes..

You're forgetting 'Mr. Siener van Rensburg' from South Africa. He is a true prophet, that saw our farm murders coming to light, that saw South Africa going down the tubes and the fact that Europe is burning because of the immigrants!! The only way we have is from Yahweh (God) and Yahshua (Jesus). Through prayer and fasting we can accomplish anything with our Heavenly Father and Saviour.

This gives me the creeps

Fuck the police coming straight from the underground...

all these stuff coming true is just a coincidence,none of these people have any powers beyond their imagination. if you would look it up or just research, you will find a shit ton of so called prophets claiming stuff will happen. these are just hoaxes.

HELLO from MaRFoOglE

Regarding Venus. How about feminism

It’s great to see this channel grow by leaps and bounds! Especially considering the current climate of raining bull sh** the MSM produces!

Thanks, this is why I almost always try read the comments 1st!


This is dumb

President Trumps recent signing of the hemp bill could be potentially connected to Mark Taylors intuitions about ending the energy corruption.

so god chose trump... always knew god was a piece of shit

Happy New Years guys :-) ... Rob looks more like the Cat-in-the-Hat with that disguise :-P

Love Mark Taylor! And Kim Clement too!

Hey, they guy on the right of the screen why does it seem like one eye is lighter in color than the other? Any one see that?

two clueless idiots.. masquerading as .. i don't know...

It looks like Demoncrats will become extinct, too.

Wow......these morons really have twisted reality to fit these so called "predictions". what a couple of idiots.

loads if shit he was s French twat and do are u

Good one guys !!

OPEC got to be disbanded! This organization has been sucking blood from countries all around the world since oil crisis. Enough is enough!


You need to read Icke's books... it's all a long term agenda... that's how they know!!! Red pill time!

From a special almanac the prophecy armageddon will be year 2020 a Nuclear war!! Watch out folks.

I’m glad Hilary isn’t the president.. she’s fucking evil!

I see we have some log cabin grrls flapping their’s shameful to see gay republicans buying into pathetic propaganda and half truths.

Michel de Nostradame lived in the 16th century.

Love you guys!

You not only look ridiculous but you’re ridiculous

Gosh, this was my first episode, loved it btw and I did hit the subscribe and the little bell, wishing you well for the new year.

4 minutes in & Zero prophecies? Get phukked, I’m outta here, you useless cunts!

I predict the great flood of Europe, the sheep will no longer fear the wolves, the break up of the ego system, high activity of volcanoes and earthquakes all over South America.

I heard you guys are looking for an assistant to free up your time so that Edge of Wonder can be even better. I love this channel. And I don't want to brag but, I've been told i'm great at assisting with stuff. I also need a job.

the ibtruduction was shit, there's dressing up sites a lot more intersesting than watchin you two pillocksehen it got better it improved greatly

18 january will over 100mill die in americka over yellowstone and sand andreas. 10.5. 5-15!

Thanks a lot

mcsd1250 thanks mate

Nostradamus is bogus.

That volcanic eruption prophecy could be Yellowstone! Interesting to hear that In a prediction.

Here's my very own prediction. When the earth becomes so vastly over populated that it can no longer sustain us, the bombs will start dropping. I won't put a date on it though. It's whenever "they" decide

OMG just get to the point!! Too much talking=a lot of skipping through it hoping to get to what the video promised

Seriously? Mark Taylor? ROFLMAO...!

Awwwsome episode xo... MSM fake news is going down !!!

I predict living between 1503 to 1566 makes him living in the 16th century rather than the 14th century.

Look. I took my transmogrifier and reconstructed it into a time machine so I coo back 500 million years and check this pole shift theory. But there was nothing. I call edger Casey into question.

everythings happened through air movement the and the will of wind

baba vanga?baba(mouth,below)vanga sa bisaya "banga" (collided, clay pot)who is she reality?, Russian satellite.

This is like Alex Jones ultra light lol.

So wrong about China. oh oh

3min 40 seconds of green screen and B Roll I'll never get back in my life. Rest of the video is pretty cool though.

Who are these qweer cunts fk off faggits lol

Nosrtadamus is not a seer hes a charlatan. Edgar cayce is the man.

Very few predictions ever come true. Reality could care less about the thought patterns of a temporary species on Planet Earth.


mcsd1250 I wish I saw this comment before I sat thru that lol

u look like big chungus

Media that reports the truth,that's you!

Hey! There's another prediction I know of for this year in particular! Chico Xavier would have been a Good addition to your list.

Please check that predictions and analysis for the current situation from Marina Jacobi

"Wolves in the bush" refers to the Bush family's role in 911

They motioned Tiananmen Massacre. This is one of the mandella effects, The famous tank was not run over apparently....

green box behind you becomes better and better!

Thats the best choice of China i hope trump he change everything hes smart for the business so better he use that in here country change all the rules in her country not focus in war to continue thats country still strong bcz that's not good in USA bcz all here's naigvor is not willing that so why hv alot country they wont to progress more president is smart bcz they are not happy to follow always to them American people is good but thr government is not so pls USA stop to pursued war bcz hv alot of people affected with that bcz if u continue that mybe someday all the nation in front of u and no one to help u someday bcz hv alot of people against ur strategy's bcz only u wont is powerful not and maybe oneday u see ur country is poor and no one respect with ur country change everything focus ur government focus in terrorist true terrorism not innocent people and stop control to the other nations bcz all hv president and here owned government so they didnt need ur government bcz ur government is in America not all the nation focus the good future good democracy good leader good example not to dictate in other country all president they wont to see their country good and progressive stop killing the people innocent i hope u do that bcz if not maybe oneday all ur plants u harvest someday and all ur people there they fill wat the fill of all countries they suffered bfr i hope and i prayed u do that in ur country

It might sound selfish, but I hope the world ends soon, and that an afterlife is real. I hope it removes evil, not evil people, but their evil thoughts and actions, and brings everyone at their purest from to a new world. I can only hope bc we humans spend research money on things to hurt ourselves (nukes) more than expanding our spiritual knowledge (consciousness).

You know stuff from 800000 years ago what a load of shit you DICKHEADS the earth is flat research it



You have no truth.. Mark taylor is just a russian follower who are against diversity. He is just ejecting something that probably will happen.

You're right! the people deserve the truth!!!!!

Some of these have been brought to truth so hope trouble dissent break out.

Ben u remind me of murr from the jokers

Grifters that provide BS for the gullible

Where's the 2018 version? That way we can accurately say how true or false this all is.

The only reason you made through this intro is the music ...

Hi guys, nicely presented video, but you forgot American Jean Dixon predicted 1947 Splitting of India into India and Pakistan, the Russian launch of Sputnik among many others that were well documented. A book (novel) written in 1898 by Morgan Robertson, the story features the fictional ocean liner 'Titan' which sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg, 1912 saw the sinking of the Titanic!

Awesome video, and I love your comedy.

I've came here for some Nostradamus laugh and you guys actually raised a very pertinent thought with the rampant communism in the world. Thank you for ruining my laughs. Seriously, that was really interesting. I've never though that way, and it actually make a lot of sense.

This is nonsense. Are you aiming at 2 year olds? There is very little truth here.

Truth is limited and filtered through personal personal perception.

r u guys sposed to be rhet and link's doppelgangers from another dimension or something

Good presentation from the "Mad Hatters." Just kidding...

Israel of the Middle East is the Synagogue of Satan established by the Rothschilds who are the crown on the head of Queen Elizabeth, the Bank of London. Ashteroth, a false goddess that requires human sacrifice. Ashte-Roths-childs. Also see tirade of Netenyahu at Finks Bar. They plan to annihilate most of humanity except for those they wish to enslave and rule from JerUSAlem.

"The wolves will be howling in a 'Bush,' " definitely a reference to Georgie Bushes and their penchant for being evil ravenous wolves and genocidal murderers.

Ridiculous... and cool..


I’m SH00K

Watching these guys is more annoying than trying to listen to Chills' annunciations.

Father issues, maybe!?

If this 2020 prediction is correct.. the only reason antifa would rise up on 5th avenue is if trump wins again?


Wolves hiding in a bush maybe reference too pres Bush

So transparent.

I predict that in 2019 Nancy Pelosi will poop her granny panties on the house floor.

Should have asked Taylor about his prophecies concerning a Red Tsunami coming in the mid term elections. A true prophet of God has to be 100 percent correct. He is , by that criteria, not a prophet of God.

I can’t imagine a book called the last president to be considered a good thing. Does that mean America will fall after Trump presidency?

This was a very informative video.. well done and explained without bias!

1990:i bet we will find a cure for cancer in 2019 2019: 2:49

This Mark Taylor sounds like a trumptard.

Nostradamus NEVER made ANY prediction which came true. ALL the CRAP that is attributed to him is contrived in the rear-view mirror. I challenge ANYONE to take ANY of this person's writings and make a clear projection of a future event. Won't happen. Never happened. Example: I can talk silly for about 45 minutes and make zero sense. Ten years, one hundred years, or one thousand years after I make this silly babble, people can (And just might) take some verbiage from my rants and make connections to events which happened to happen after my babble. Does that make me a Seer? That is what Nostradamus is all about.


Anyone else see the 666 on the gold?

bet you guys love them shekels..

Pretty tepid stuff.

He does a bit doesn't he? haha

You are welcome. +Edge of Wonder

Thank you!

Thank you! and watch out for our communism series airing in March!

You 2 morons



About Trump & Baron in 1896? That’s a classic example of the past present & future are all one = infinity- it’s beyond the 3rd dimension where we are now!

Is this like a weird Pro trump channel?

Every thing is planned hundreds of years ago, there for no predictions :-)

Roe v wade is a sin. Needs to b overturned because women act like sluts. Sleep with too many men. Too many diseases. Disgusting

Venus is the planet of love, love is spiritual as in Godly

This was a great episode!!!

holy f**k.. if the Mark Taylor sh!7 is true, then we're all screwed. "my annointed"? good god. Well, they say demons can appear as gods and give "visions" too.. because a "god" who believes that trump is the "annointed", any sort of good person, in ANY way, or sees ANY sort of shady-a$$ alliance with Russia as a positive is smoking something that is doing the OPPOSITE of opening the pineal gland/connecting them with truth. What a warped idea of reality. wow. haha how depressing if there wasn't enough collective consciousness/enlightenment to defeat whatever fk-wad is trying to pull THAT one over on us. wow.. just wow. smh.

I figured we would all be nuked by now.well its still early in the year.

Far too many adverts :/ I've heard the same damn irritating advert 3 times, I'm only half way through.

I believe this show. Stopped watching mainstream.

Trump wasnt a time traveler, but BIFF was ;D

the truth has been hidden for so long, most cannot recognize it anymore. religion is one of their tools that was used to suppress truth and knowledge..see for yourself, if you dare to shatter your own world Exposing Christianity, Google it and see the truth about christianity

That dude looks just like Robert Downey Jr.. Am I the only one who sees it?

The Psychic Twins have a new 2019 predictions vid up!

Several years ago, after suffering much tribulation in life, I finally figured out that I was an empath.  It can be a very difficult journey when you are hyper-sensitive.  Based on examples from my own experiences in life and real people that I have encountered, I created a novel series that many people will be able to relate to.  For anyone who doesn’t fit into society and has been kicked, abused, ignored, destroyed, and misunderstood their entire lives; check out my first novel, ‘The Final Dilemma’, now available on Amazon ( and Barnes & Noble ( websites in both electronic and print formats.  The ebook is also available on iTunes (  Also, I have a Goodreads author page with links to more information (

Go carnivore diet

The Venus Project sounds to me like a NWO utopia.

He's talking about the 5G, I take it, you guys never heard about Deborah Tavares video's on YouTube, our elite, government officials and previous presidents are trying to kill humanity, their satanic ways, their putting hek293, that comes from aborted babies, into our food and water, and fluoride with metals, our vaccines even have aborted babies, the real world is scarier then you think, Kim clemons also prophecized trump, the impeachment witch hunt and our winning the war on elite. Watch these on YouTube, open your eyes to the real world. By the way, JFK Jr is alive ;-)


How can they say what will happen they have been dead for years and what proof is they to say thet did none it bullshit

i love you guys! another piece of truth is the govt made isis :( so the predictions should be linked back to the US govt. anyway...keep it up!

I h8 manour !

Also codename for Lucifer in occult studies.


Look up GI Joe Money To Burn episode. Also 5 Eur RFID on YT.

Manly P. Hall holds the answers.

John Kanzius & Tulio Simoncini already solved it.

+Edge of Wonder Looking forward to it. ;-)

Kim Kardashian's ass too.


Banker Manifesto 1892

Love you guys

Ya'll should do an episode on the book The last President..

Omg.. never mind. I wrote that before I watched the whole thing first.

Only lunatics buy the idea that Trump is God's anointed. Whoever this Taylor character is, his visions are not divine.

ATOMIC WAR PREDICTION – MATT. 13V24-30.   The Bible has all the answers for the twice-born of the holy spirit, “common sense” or Surti.   “CHOSEN PEOPLE” have the Keys to this Secret: - Abram = Adam, Sarah = Eve and Promised Land = Garden of Eden. “Abraham” is the “Father of the Faithful”.   Watch my Youtube videos on Hajj for “The Kingdom of Heaven”:-   ISRAEL WAS ESTABLISHED ON 14/05/1948 + 70 YEARS OF FULL PROTECTION TO MAY, 2018. Youtube Video: -   Then, Real Tribulations world had never seen before for FIVE years to May 2023 when ATOMIC WAR COULD TAKE PLACE. Our Supernatural Father God (Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc.) knows better.   REMEMBER THAT PROPHET ELIJAH, JOHN, THE BAPTIST CAME TO LOOK AFTER THE CREATION OF DEMIURGE LORD YAHWEH, BRAHMA, KHUDA, ETC. FOR REINCARNATION WHILST OUR ANOINTED ELDER BROTHER CHRIST JESUS DELIVERED US GOSPEL OF OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER FOR SONS OF ELOHIM, ALLAH, PARBRAHM, ETC. FOR RESURRECTION. No raw brick, no baked brick; no born of water, no born of Allah.   KUDRATT KHUDAYE DI (NATURAL CREATION FLESH + SOUL IS OF YAHWEH); NOOR BY GRACE IS OF ALLAH (FLESH + SOUL + HOLY SPIRIT, WHICH IS COMMON SENSE, SURTTI, ETC.)   Over 6700 Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1. Free Seminars. Email:-         What is the Gospel Truth?   Truths are of two types; natural truth that applies to the physical nature of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., which is “seen” by the two natural eyes and it is “relative”. The other is spiritual Truth, which is of our Supernatural Father God (Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc.) and as it being Light, NOOR, it is “perceived” by the Third eye of logical reasoning; no relativity applies to this “Absolute Truth”.   Here is a video:-   Donald Trump would make Jews run for Israel to fulfil Matt. 13v24-30, which Hilary couldn't.   Child-like Donald Trump has pressed the Tribulations Button on 14/05/2018 by declaring Jerusalem to be the Capital:-   Seven simple questions:-   1.            What is the difference between Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc.? 2.            What is the difference between a Priest and a Royal Priest? 3.            Why Yahweh created Adam first and Eve out of the rib of Adam and not both together? 4.            Why a woman cannot “teach” the moral laws of Moses/Scriptures but she could “Preach” Gospel? 5.            Why Jesus made a whip and beat the traders when He Preached that if someone hits you on one cheek then present the other? 6.            What are the names of the Prodigal son, his elder brother and the father? 7.            What is the difference between the “kingdom of heaven” of the Rabbis and the “Royal Kingdom of God” that Jesus ushered in? Why Jesus is not the Lord: - URL:- – Menorah:-

Nostradamus is the true prophet he is the truth the way and the life

The Venus Project is awesome!

I’m starting to think book is a larp....probably no so hard for someone to fabricate & put in Library of Congress as if it had been there all along.... I would love to be wrong, but I’m just NOT convinced

This intro made me hate life and want to commit a mass shooting. this is a joke for the ones that think I'm serious.

Jump to 3:40 to skip the filler and get to subject matter - and even that is barely worth watching.

You guys need to learn sarcasm

Oh really, where would be a good place for one to learn to speak Sarcasm?

these guys name shold be kneel and bob

is this the lmn channel

who are these 2 hand jobs ugghhhhh

I have no idea why people in the west call her “Baba Vanga” in Bulagrian the word “baba” means Grandmother. But the Bulgarians use this word as endearment to an elderly woman. Since this is not the case in the west she should be called The Prophet Vanga or simply Vanga. Just wanted to clear that up inncase people thought “Baba” was her real name.

I dont believe 'venus' is the planet. Could the 'energy' be blockchain technology?

WTF IS GOIN ON WITH ROBS EYES! Is that really heavy eye makeup? Are you covering up a couple of “shiners” Seriously dude there’s something fucked up goin on with ya eyes there

isnt msm going through lay-offs?

Wolves will be hiding in a bush?... George bush?

that Prophecie is happening now with the MSM,people are awake to the LIES they sell and there is loads of media firms sacking people and going bust here in the UK.....its all going down the Pan ,and rightly so.....their time of lying is OVER....

The trump book just appeared?? Why wasn’t it ever mentioned in the primaries? Or when Baron was born?

Calling them selves a news media outlet.. Is a bit of a stretch...

What drivel...

communism is everywhere.... are you saying you think we all live under communism????

The Mars thing is about where the planet is in the Vedic calander.

I am so freaked out right now considering the fact that MSM is covering the shit out of magnetic north

Doesn't matter what video I'm watching, if I hear an American voice I always skip the first 5 minutes because Ffs Americans like to hear their own voices...


My new year's resolution every year for the past decade has been not to ever make any new, New Year's resolutions. And I haven't broken any since.

Look up siener " visionary " van rensburg. He was a South African 1864-1926 who predicted Nelson Mandela, Chernobyl and many others

Kinda hard to take you guys seriously with all your shitty jokes and ridiculous bow ties....

These guys are woke lol

The volcanic eruption on Big Island happened due to Ormat fracking, YUP I WAS THERE on Malama St in Leilani Estates when it happened on May 1st 2018

idiots. goodbye

what the hell is this???? two gay guys????? wtf?????

What’s was all that shit at the beginning?

Put a blonde mullet on edger Cayce you get David Wilcox.

Trump stopped the planned new world order that’s why they hate him.

We live in the timeline/ era/ period between past eternity & future eternity. Current ongoing invisible battle is between power of air (of the darkness/ evil) and the church (members of the body of Christ) led by the Holy Spirit of God. Once the church is caught up/ taken away out of the world (soon expected event), there will be 7 year global rule of one governance with surveillance be led by the Anti-Christ (beast) & false prophet. There will be great tribulation (like never before in the world) in the 2nd half of these 7 years anti-Christ reign, which will be ended by the visible 2nd coming of Lord Jesus Christ (who descends down on white horse with heavenly armies on Mt. Olives). The world leaders with their armies along with Anti-Christ (beast) & false prophet shall make war against Christ on the white horse. Then the beast with false prophet will be captured and cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone (hell) and others who opposed also will be killed. After this, Christ will reign for 1,000 years (millennial reign) and the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus (saints of God) will also resurrect to live & reign along with Christ for a thousand years. After this 1,000 years, Satan/ devil who was bound in the bottomless pit will be released and it will deceive the nations to go for a final battle, shall surround the camp of the saints and the beloved city, Jerusalem. Fire will come down from God out of heaven to devour them and the devil will also be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the Anti-Christ (beast) & false prophet are. This will be followed by Great White Throne Judgement, where dead were judged according to their works and anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire (hell). Then, this earth with the sea will be passed away and replaced by new earth. All things made new - New heaven, New earth & New Jerusalem and there shall be no night there... they need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever (i.e. future eternity begins)

Meno buffoni sulla terra pls

2030 ish im certain it is 2001 still. Look up the true years. We lost thirty years and even got the month's all outta wak. March is real Christmases. So u see

" Edge of Wonder " Trumptards?

Talking about Fakes , you only reported on the prophecies from Fake prophets

Kim Clement also prophesied Trump!

So he made predictions for more than 500 years? Haha, what a crapvideo.

19:20 Sounds pretty accurate to me. Your Channel was put up Dec. 6th, 2017. News Outlet idea likely became fruitful by July 7th. I'm extremely curious if Rob & Ben talked over text/fbook etc. about a long term goal in July.

"Communism is everywhere" Korea, Cuba and Venezuela is considered everywhere???


Hosts personal 2019 goal he says: work [his] "hardon " myself ...???

what a lie!! 8:55 this is a VENUS PROJEKT BY JAQUE FRESCO not on a Venus!!

I think you two must be non humans

Wow.. Fantastic ... whatching from BRAZIL !!!

Nostradamus' first name was Michel, not Michael (3:46 in the video). With all the weird stuff going on, this stood out to me. Ok, clicking Play again and finishing the video.

Only think I want to know is how’s game of thrones gonna end

Keep up the good work lads! Both amusing and truthful!

Does anyone here actually think Trump has brought more respect to the country??? I like these guys and the channel, just when they start with pro-Trump talk, it's a little wierd.

Come on guys, think about it, please, what else happened in July 1999??!! smh

This channel is awesome

Pastor Raul Reis (not sure of spelling) in a bible study of the book of Revelation showed that Russia and the United States will be allies. That was in 1995 (or there about.)

Love you guys, please keep informing the truth. This video was awesome. Never heard of that mark person very interesting

Communism in china? Lol


1:52 put ya damn hat back on man

nope...I don't like hipsters!

The 14th century seer Nostradamus? Close, you only missed it by two centuries. He was born in 1503 and died in 1566 which is the 16th century (as every 3rd grader knows)! The dumbing down of America continues.

Even those are not communist countries, they are socialists aspiring to be communists.

Unfortunately Roe vs Wade was not overturned and abortion law in NY has outraged the world by making third term abortions legal. Sad, but true.

I believe that Erdogan of Turkey is the same as Gog of Ezekiel 38/39. Also, I believe this also links us directly to the 1st Seal or White Horseman of Revelation. For God has knocked Gog's arrows and bow out of his hands and God will utterly destroy all the nations that attack Israel. Gog and his armies will be buried in Hamon-Gog in northern Israel. Erdogan is actually multiple players in end times. 1. Gog of Ezekiel 38/39. 2. White Horseman or 1st Seal of Revelation. Which was broken on 1/21/2018 when he invaded Syria. 3. Once Erdogan/Gog is destroyed on the 6th Seal attacking Israel and trying to capture the Temple Mount, he will be resurrected out of the grave of Hamon-Gog on the 6th Trumpet as Anti-Christ. 4. Erdogan will be the New Ottoman Emperor that will revive the new Caliphate against the Jews and Christians. He will take full control of the Tomb of Suleyman-Shah and this will concrete his authority mobilize the 10 nation horde army that attacks Israel. Psalms 90:10 clearly states a generation is 70 and a strong generation is 80. Since the birth of Israel was on May 14, 2018. I would guess there is a strong correlation that all things will happen PRIOR to May 14, 2028. Erdogan/Gog went into Syria on Jan. 21, 2018. Just 1 day and 1 year after President Trump inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017. We are having a Blood Moon event, directly over the United States, Jan. 20 & 21, 2019. So if Erdogan/Gog broke the 1st Seal on Jan. 21, 2018. The Blood Moon event on Jan. 20 & 21, 2019 could be the 2nd Seal or Red Horseman as 80,000 Turkish troops amass on the Syrian border. If Erdogan is Gog/1st Seal/White Horseman/New Ottoman Emperor. Then when he went into Syria on Jan. 21, 2018, he started a chain of events that will bring him and his 10 nations to Israel's doorstep in the next couple of years. This was the breaking of the 1st Seal. Erdogan/Gog will revive the Ottoman empire, Erdogan will become the new Ottoman Emperor and Erdogan/Gog will crush Iran soon as they drive East in Syria toward Iran, as they butt heads at the Euphrates River, as stated in Ezekiel 38/39. Erdogan/Gog will then drive through the Middle East and even into Northern Africa prior to coming back to Israel's doorstep. Gog will give these 10 nations authority for 1 hour or 15 days. Once they reach the Temple Mount or God's seat the 6th Seal will break. Erdogan/Gog and his are destroyed and he will be buried in Hamon-Gog prior to being resurrected on the 6th Trumpet as Micheal the Angel stands on both sides on the Bottomless pit that has just opened on the 5th trumpet. Realize at the same time things are happening on the ground on the earth. Micheal is having a war in heaven and casting Satan and his angels from Heaven forever. Our Lord then comes back on the 7th Trumpet to save the remaining Elect and Christians rapture the church prior to dropping the 7 bowls and placing His kingdom (bride) on Earth. The 2nd head of Anti-Christ, Beast of the Earth, will be the Pope or False Prophet. The Pope will denounce Jesus as the Son of God and convert the church to Islam, move the church to the middle east, to exalt Anti-Christ once he rises on the 6th Trumpet. This will destroy the churches and Christian structure and make them very susceptible to conversion.

I don't have money to live chat can you make it free

+1 for an assistant to help Ben and Rob!!!

Support our work so that we can do things on a larger scale and with greater impact by subscribing here -->

As soon as they started the 10 sec countdown, I dragged the video timeline to skip that part

The vision seen by them, I believe is from another parallel universe

Their legs are touching each others all the way through. Oh! don't mind me - just a random observation! Anyway, back to the predictions!

Plenty of really interesting stuff in this just a shame about presenters not keen on them.

Forbes: *"earths magnetic north pole has officially moved"*

Maybe read regressionist Dolores Cannon on Nostradamus. She regressed someone to him, was going through the quatrains and started to think that rather than translating she was actually helping him to do his prophecies from the 1990s!

The only good communist is a dead communist


Also look into Seer van Rensburg Prophecies!!!!!!

Have you looked at the Nostradamus material presented by Dolores Cannon?



rob.. ''when the planes hit world center'' YOU ARE SUPPORTING OFICIAL BOLLOCKS.. BAD ROBOT

You look gorgeous, not matter what yall wear! Keep up the great work

The Venus Project is the best! I REALLY suggest you all check out their founder his name is Jaque Fresco if you havent already. He is so wise. I love to listen to him. He has been featured in many of the Zeitgeist movies. Unfortunately he passed away. I believe aged 101 or something.. And he fought to the very end for a better world! :) Peace

I will be your assistant! I am balls deep in the things you teach! It would be great to do that!

Says 14th century, and he lived 1503-1566 smh

You guys are so amazing and I wanna let ya know that what ya doing is highly appreciated.

Life on earth is all like you go to the movie house and watch from the start to and be vigilant for paper on left hand and Bible on right hand.God Bless to all.

Art imitates life ...

So, I went and got a copy of Collected Works of Ingersoll Lockwood. I'm in chapter 8 and my head is going to explode!! Google Land, are you kidding me??? This is just chapter 8. Sorry I know it has nothing to do with the pin :)

ok I Want to make a prediction, that Rat John Roberts, will not be a Supreme court Judge by the end of 2020

The bow ties say run away . . . .

Well thanks for, uhm.. oh yeah! no predictions for 2019.. wtf guys. find a new video at 21:50

Did no one else notice something that popped up around the 14:09 mark? I can’t tell what it is.

I hope Mark Taylor is correct on the media going bankrupt. There are so many channels on YT now that do report the truth. Awesome. Didn't buzzfeed or another one of those media outlets sell for $1.00, not too long ago.

What a couple of "DICKS "...only in A merry car "

I pay a subscription as to not be subjected to commercials... Hence first 3+ minutes of junk

My god this is biased for white people.

Gave up after 7 and half minutes still no 2019 predictions.

Wrong interpretation, this two are charlatans talking about Marxism. What full of idiots, obviously they never visit China if you call that Marxism this has two go back college and listen to their politics professor. I wasted one minute of my life from this 2 retards.

Also, the Deep State showed it's face as they tried to over-throw the president.

This gives for the future

Two dumb asses

Mark Taylor is not in the same league as the others. That's a joke!!!! And, an insult to the others.

Thank you for this post. One end time prophecy regarding Iran that you might find interesting is called: "Iran, Babylon Whirlwind Prophecy " By Eric W. King...just a thought...thanks:)

Pile of crap!

My prediction? You guys are gong to get your own show on television. When television is great again. Sorry a catchy acronym doesn't really work for this. How about MIGA, Make Information Great Again!

Do a full video on those baron trump books please

@ 9:00 wow, iron bars, does not a prison make? Btw- Sky Line & Horns, 2 pics...was that a Frame, from BP's Lab; wakanda??lol

So, ...... Hosea's prophecy, split into "3 days which in this case means millenniums or a thousand years"..... The first day, has been fulfilled, proved in History CHECK. The second day has been fulfilled proved by History as late as 1948 ...I wasn't even born!!! CHECK. The third day begins in 2030......11 years away.....and Daniel's 70th week or 7 years HAS to happen at some point. Purely out of interest, should Jesus start his Millennial Reign in 2030 for the third day as he has promised that's how long is reign is going to be......minus the 7 years of Daniels Tribulation Prophecy that interlinks hand to glove....... Doing the maths......2023.......Just over 3 years 9 months away......WOW Matthew Chp 11 V 15: New Living Translation Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand! Be prepared to be enlightened, let the bible speak to you to understand and hear that God's word is Alive! He loves you, and just wants a chance to show you........ John 10: 11-16 11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 12 But a [a]hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. 15 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.

Weird, watching your mouths moves and hearing your voices but neither are syncronised and then they are, and then they're not? WTF

Wow. Are these dudes paid by Russia? Like Putin wants America to export all our daughters to become American Mail Order Brides. These guys are Traitors.

Hi, guys, and greetings from Bulgaria! First, I wish to congratulate you for the wonderful media you've been running. You have achieved the perfect ballance between objective facts and personal view on the topic, focusing people's attention on things that official media usually avoids. Furthermore, you somehow manage to solve the complex task of revealing negative aspects of our life in quite bright and funny manner (yep, I definitely like your humour, cause it resembles mine so much, hah). It was delightful to see Vanga included in this episode and put next to names such as Nostradamus and Cayce. She's well known in Russia, but her fame seems to be spreading across the Western world lately. I believe her prophecies about Syria have played crucial role in that process. "Syria will be leveled up with the ground." - no one here took it seriously few decades ago, when she initially said it. By the way, I'm going to make a small correction of your intel; "baba" means "grandmother" in my language, it's not part of the prophet's name (perhaps, there's a little bit of misunderstanding, caused by the famous Turkish word "baba", which means "great, powerful"). So, the actual name would be "grandma/grandmother Vanga". As a matter of fact, her original name is Vangelia Gushterova and "gushter" means "lizard" in Bulgarian. Coincidence?... Keep doing what you do. And, yeah, feel free to contact me if you think I can be of any use. I already have a cool youtube profile and I'm not afraid to handle it ;)

Gog is not Antichrist. Gog of Ezekiel 38/39 is the White Horseman/1st Seal of Revelation. Gog dies on the 6th Seal by God Himself. Gog is buried in Hamon-Gog. Gog will be resurrected out of this grave in Hamon-Gog into Antichrist. Antichrist is thrown into the Lake of Fire not buried in any grave. Gog dies on the 6th Seal. Antichrist rises as the Beast of the Sea on the 6th Trumpet. This is why Gog has his own name and is not Antichrist. You have to understand who the 1st Seal and White Horseman really is. Gog. Antichrist is Supernatural. Gog is a man who will die and be buried.

Keep your eye on this strategic point in Syria. This is a Turkish owned Ottoman Tomb that Erdogan/Gog will want to secure. I believe that he will use this to help him revive the New Ottoman Empire and will allow Erdogan/Gog to become the New Ottoman Emperor. Now that Trump is evacuating Syria, which he should, Erdogan's next footprint and this tomb is right in the middle of it. This tomb lies just north of Manbij along the Euphrates River. As I have said for some time now Erdogan is the Gog of Ezekiel 38/39. But, he is much more than this. Erdogan is also the 1st Seal & White Horseman of Revelation. He broke the 1st Seal on Jan. 21, 2018 when he moved his troops into Syria. And once Erdogan gets to Israel and tries to secure the Temple Mount/God's Seat the 6th Seal will break and it will change the world forever.


The dude on the right side has weird eyes

Edge of Wonder if you ever need some extra help with research or topic-monitoring, please let me know, and how I can contribute to your efforts!! I’m extremely adept at identifying data patterns and subtle inconsistencies in all sorts of scenarios and topics, and I’m happy to contribute pro bono! Excelsior!!

I love that... alien home world

According to Google Mark Taylor and pedofilia? Arrested

It was interesting until you began salivating at the thought of trump being the world's dictator. Really, guys? I suppose that it doesn't take intelligence to read cue cards, though.

I thought you would love to take a look at this . prophecy of the presidents of the last Days not just Trump but the next 4 will be very short terms . So exciting!

Just reading Book of Prophecy - might also be one to watch.

Trump towers on 5th Ave

Omg I’ve learned so much binge watching u guys than all my schooling / training!!! Eyes WIDE OPEN! So woke! Thanks a bazillion!!!

Dumb fa@s

The reason no one predicted 9/11 is because it was a piece of theatre brought to you by The USA Israel and the Saudis to launch their phoney War on Terror.

BS, I can write down a bunch of such nonsensical words and sentences and easily become a prophecy, you only cherrypick those ones having so-called come true. Deeply biased video, waste of a few minutes.

Mark Taylor is a prophet of God ( Father, Son and Holy Ghost ) . The other guys are not prophets in the Biblical sense .. Nostradamus , Cayce are clairvoyants and got their messages from spirits ( demons, disembodied spirits)

Thank you for this. Please visit my accurate "Babylon whirlwind Prophecy". Thank you.

What if i told u dat oil will never run out? Trump will do what his Zionist overlords tell him to do.

i’m here after watching breaking news about Notre Dame Cathedral burning.

Baba Vanga had a turtle named Kawa.

love ya guys... awesome videos n great work

The Notre Dame Cathedral fire. You missed this one BIG time. I predict thumbs down 1567, is mine. Wow!

the wolves will be howling from the bush

Just watched your new years show! Loved it!!!


God gave Mark Taylor prophecy that glorified America, Q and President Trump but not Jesus Christ...? America has been # 1 in Natural Gas since 1999... Was Mark Taylor vetted by someone other than his co-writer...? I've seen at minimum, 3 different versions of how this all happened and his Doctor and Co-Writer are Husband and Wife, Authors, New Apostolic Reformation Folks... He missed the first one BUT said "God corrected me, America wasn't ready yet, they need 3 or 4 more years of the Obama crap" That's verbatim... If God says something, it's settled... God doesn't need to confirm his own word, in a Horse Race... Directed to re-write D-Day speech...? Okie Dokie... Mark is a war monger that thinks people can have a street fight against The New World Order (and win)... Mark Trashes The Church... Pastors 5013c3 garbage... There isn't a PURE Church this side of Heaven... It's not The Church, it's people... That's like blaming a mass shooting on a round of ammo or the rifle instead of the shooter... A fase prophet that gets a few things right, is still a false prophet... Maybe Mark is part of "the plan"... He seems like he's got a one-church mind of view...

Someone needs to deep dive into a specific prophecy from Nostradamus about the 'one male'.

Edge of wonder i want a job

Coded. Jlp

Justin l price

Jlp. I want a job

You forgot to mention kim Clament.

Damn, sure sounds you guys are trumpsters

Ass holes

Nostradamus didn't predict anything, all these prophecies are only discovered in hindsight. I've never heard a prediction before the event coming true, pure snake oil

Nazi is a country apparently now... Say it together. Germany started the WWII, not Nazis. Nobody in those times were talking about Nazis attacking them. They were fighting Germans. Now it's like Germany weren't even involved, it were the Nazis... changing history in front of our eyes. Seriously, why does nobody saying it was Germans anymore. As a Pole it really annoys me. Media will gladly talk about Polish concentration camps (which were built in non-excisting then Poland by Germans) but saying that Germans were Nazis is like talking about Voldemort nowadays. Prohibited. What is this fkin agenda. Do they try to change the history now?

Sickening, happy Americans, I don't like it be glummer please, maybe insult each other a bit.


protest to China embassy against there crack down on fan lang dhog



POLE SHIFTS!! Look to Doug Vogt on U toob channel Diehold Fnd. his lecture series were he discloses the pole shift cycles are based on our sun cycles at 20068 yr cycle due next in 2046

cool video just subscribed

But if we are talking about communism, it was during the 60s and 70s. Not the late 90s.

Looking great lol

I know saints profesys well im lucky i live in greece

More predictions, less chatter

You know what's really crazy? I acquainted myself with an army Sgt who named every single neice and nephew and child I have and only one had already been born. Also mentioned that his name was one of several aliases and that he was a time traveler. It still ranks up there as one of my more interesting encounters

Hotel on 5th ave it states That’s trumps Plaza hotel

I fear the EU elections are the last chance we had/have to save humanity, so far it isn't looking good. Looks like humanity's back will be broken for ever coming days. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Omg 3 minutes plus before the segment even threatens to start!!!

Edgar Cayce actually said the chinese will not go back to their roots but to christianity they will adopt Western Philosophy that will lead to their greatness, but that it won't last and supremacy will return to the west. You completely read it wrong. Baba vanga daid Europe would be taken over by muslims and turn into a warzone. Forgot that one didn't you?

What are the chances? CNN might actually be going down!


So is it predictions that already happened or will occur cause u guys only spoke of predictions that already happened

RE: Roe Vs Wade. In a recent poll, numbers suggest that just over half the population want to defend it. In other words, we've gone from a 70/30 split FOR abortion to a near 50/50. Something to think about.

Big fan of you guys, would love more talk and your opinions about the Venus Project

Wernher Von Braun predicted Elon Musk.

Wernher von Braun predicted Elon Musk saying "A man named Elon will lead the mission to mars."

This whole video should be taken down and reshot so as to include the most important prediction of ALL TIMES done by the avatar on Earth named Chico Xavier (he was NEVER wrong) that speaks of a limit date, or dealine for humanity, and of our galactic friends (ET). He talked about that almost 50 years ago. Here's a link you ALL should watch.

over half would mean like 60/50

if trump becomes a dictator sure yeah

About the media bsnkrupcy...does this prediction mean the CIA will no longer be influencing /reporting news on major channels? Hmmmm...

Great reporting guys. I love the humor you bring to these serious topics. Wow I now see clearly how uncanny resemblance David Wilcock to Cayce! Hmmm...I do wonder the source of those last predictions? Not the firefighter but who gave to firefighter.


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