PROFIT in FOREX with Artificial Intelligence

PROFIT in FOREX with Artificial Intelligence

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more and more people from all around the world are looking for ways to create income working from home the economy is changing fast and these times require more creativity to meet all of life's demands what if there was a way you could plug into a system that taught you how to profit from the current financial markets imagine a solution where you could build your financial future without ever having to leave your home what if market uncertainty was actually a good thing for people who've learned how to place the right trades at the right time what if you could receive these same alerts right to your mobile phone that pointed out where the market was going before it actually happened well you no longer have to ask what if combining proven market analysis simple to use technology and step-by-step education from real coaches who have already helped thousands of people just like you evoria prime is on a mission to spread the word about how now more than ever before is your time to grow to learn and to create the right plan for your long-term financial future so many have come before you and created their own success what are you waiting for take control reach out to the person who shared this video with you to learn how avoria prime may just be the opportunity you've been looking for avoria prime your legacy [Music] good morning good afternoon good night wherever you are in internet world we appreciate you for tuning in listen you could have been doing a million different things but you decided to be here because the person that invited you is probably having some massive success trading right now with artificial intelligence trading software just a little bit of background about myself i'm a cyber security specialist and i've been a trader now for a little over a year and a half and one of the biggest things that i was looking for in my personal training journey was some consistency with my profitability myself and my partner mr compound corey brown used to spend numerous hours in the middle of the night trying to draw support lines resistance just trying to scan the market for the right entries for us to get into so that way we could take profits but then when i realized that the amount of time that we were actually spending didn't add up to the amount of profits that we were taking in i knew that there had to be a better way so i had to find out a way that i could start working smarter instead of working harder or a way that i could actually leverage a technology because i still like to trade but i needed something that would help leverage my time back and then once i was introduced in an artificial intelligence i finally started to see the quality of income that i was looking for so let's go ahead and get started i would be remiss if i didn't put up the income disclosure trading or using forex analysis tools and software to assist you carries a level of risk only trade with capital that you can't afford to lose and the information contained in this presentation is for informational purposes only one should evaluate their own personal risk tolerance and financial situation before trading so let's get started what exactly is forex forex issue for the foreign exchange market which is the largest financial market in the world at six trillion dollars worth of transactions per day this is the largest financial market that you can tap into where various currencies are trading you don't need a lot of capital to get started trading in this market so you don't have to be an accredited investor or have to have a hundred thousand dollars just to get a seat at the table you can actually start trading live with this software with as little as 250 dollars in your live broker account you can trade forks from anywhere in the world and start to profit like the banks do in the wellesley this is a little bit of background about the foreign exchange market in comparison to other markets you have the stock exchange equities and futures which are all beautiful billion dollar markets but the foreign exchange market is overall encompassing of them all at six million six trillion dollars worth of transactions per day in overall encompassing of stocks cryptocurrencies and foreign exchange currencies as well in the bottom right hand corner you see the major currency pairs that are traded in the forex market such as the euro the united states dollar great british pound canadian dollar australian dollar and so forth these are major currencies that are traded that we use to make profits from buying and selling in this market so why do most people actually fail in forex first and foremost most people just don't have the time to spend to study all day and all night like i said for myself and corey we spent a lot of time trying to find the right entry points and study to get the right entry points so we could take profit but we realized that the amount of time that we were spending didn't work so we had to find a better way and now that artificial intelligence is doing the heavy lifting for us we can now start to earn while we learn most people just struggle to manage their emotions during trading and therefore make poor decisions such as people will be over trading they will end up blowing up their accounts because they're over leveraging themselves or even worse they'll fall asleep without having a stop loss set and when they wake up it could be a bad day for them most people just don't have access to proven coaches and systems and that compound trading in the voyager prime we pride ourselves on putting people in a situation to truly earn while they learn and we had to ask ourselves how can we overcome the most common traits that caused the masses to fail in the forex market we had to research many different forex technology developers and had to come up with the best solution of a user-friendly tool that would not only be profitable for experienced traders but for beginner traders that were fresh into this market beginner new to trading didn't know anything about the forex background or trading in general we needed a long history of success to show that there was a proven track record of success and the least amount of capital to get started and my favorite with very little time to trade because we all have priorities and we all have other things that we have to attend to but we would all still like to profit in the six trillion dollar per day market and so why do most people succeed with ap first and foremost one is this gentleman right here steve vettel he is a licensed financial advisor with over 18 years of foreign exchange experience he actually hosts a weekly call giving us the forecast of the markets any type of volatility going on as well as what he's trading on his own personal software and then who better not to hear from the horse's mouth themselves we have the actual software developers in our back pockets that are hosting live calls weekly recorded calls that are on vimeo on youtube that put us in position to truly profit in this market they let us know how they're running the software on their own personal accounts based on market volatility and then we have the beautiful of daisy duncan who is the director of forex education leading the force teaching folks what is a stop loss what is it take profit giving folks the foundation that they need to truly become a proficient trader in this market so what are the benefits of actually having the software you have access to the ap marketplace which is overall encompassing of the trainings calls from the software developers as well as steve veteral and just the foundation of how to get the software set up to your account to make trade seamlessly to get you started going on day one day two day three of seeing profits in your trading account you can switch to tools and strategies on a weekly basis with one low monthly subscription of 99 a month plus your 20 vps which stands for virtual private server which is basically a computer and a computer that is running for you 24 hours a day five days a week during the trading week you can manage the software trades right from your mobile phone which i will show in the next video and your money stays in your personal broker account at all times this is my favorite think of it as an e-trade ameritrade or even a cash ad account the money stays in your personal account at all times to be able to be withdrawn whenever you so choose to user friendly training with an approve and decline button which is everyone's favorite and we offer live education and coaching to help you every step of the way and last but not least you can test the software without any without using any real money on demonstration for two weeks for thirty dollars this is actually what gave me the confidence that i needed to get started to trade in this market again with artificial intelligence because this started to give me the confidence when i saw profits were coming in my stop loss was set for me my take profit was set for me and all i had to do was hit a green button and i was off to the races i like to call these my employees because you actually have the opportunity to diversify with four different software's running at one given time so we have up to four softwares running for you at 396 a month up to one software working for you at 99 a month which is phenomenal because they don't have to take a covet test they never come late to work and they're always working on my behalf or my best interest to bring in profits and this is a video to actually show you how seamless it is for us to start taking in profits with artificial intelligence [Music] good morning good afternoon good night wherever you are in the world this is your boy tony d tuning in live from the dmv and welcome to compound trading your one-stop shop for wealth building and artificial intelligence trading software i just wanted to give you a sneak peak to how seamless it is to start accepting trades from my cell phone with this ai software we would usually spend about 15 to 25 minutes on a sunday getting prepared we would drag our software on top of our chart and once we allow for modifications to happen we're in play all i would do is i would go to my software notifications and refresh and i have a software opportunity waiting for me and just to show you how seamless it is the software notifications will start running from my cell phone [Music] just like magic welcome to dmv compound trading your one-stop shop for artificial intelligence training software i'll see you soon [Music] now i can't make this stuff up when i say that we truly spend about 15 to 25 minutes after we've listened to one of the calls from steve vettel just giving us the market volatility for the week it truly puts us in position to have the confidence to get started trading so take control of your future by getting started today remember we offer a seven-day money-back guarantee that lets you get started and try the ap marketplace risk-free so get back with the person that shared this information with you and they'll walk you through the next steps but before i let you all go we have a special one for you all tonight i have a special guest that is coming on that is going to show you live verified results and is doing phenomenal trading with artificial intelligence i know folks are like listen i've seen forex coming down my timelines before on my social media some folks that are just showing win just show me the money let me see the real results so without further ado i would like to pass the mic off to mr compound corey brown what's going on brother can you hear me sir yes sir all right phenomenal presentation i love it every time we do this presentation this brings me back to why i actually started so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna share my screen and i'm gonna share these live verified results with you all let me just move everybody to the side here on zoom all right so this is uh what's called a my fx book um just like tony alluded to a little earlier um we would manually trade this for about a year um and then we found artificial intelligence it's just that for me personally uh my consistency wasn't there as i needed it to be and um you know i have a regular day job so um the artificial intelligence actually runs for me while i'm at work so i won't necessarily can't be at the charts all day um so basically this is um a balance the u.s balance deposit is 245 dollars um a 33 game i mean right off the bat the 33 gain just really stands out because i haven't seen the 33 percent on anybody's or my returns at least on my money personally um but also you can also see the um the overall profits right here the overall profits on this account is 81 as well as the balance the new balance is 326 dollars so if you see here um where my mouse is december 2nd is when the account got started and now we went on january 5th so maybe about a month or so that's 33 um in like 30 days so that's uh phenomenal um you can see here the transparency that the my fx book has it shows actually the profitability um of what is it here 94 that's amazing um it took 16 trades and out of 16 at 115. so i think that is amazing as well that you can see the transparency and exactly what the software is doing for you um instead of you just thinking that the robot is just doing its own thing um on top of that you can track every single trade that was taken out um by line item so you can see the open date the close date if it was a buy or sale and the the best thing is the profits and you see here that one loss that we uh that we was talking about earlier but overall again 81 was the overall profit in a month but let's take it to somebody that has a little higher balance because we talk about percentages you know we talking about 50 on this account right here and off of a 1700 deposit this person made 518 dollars and this account was started november 23rd so you see here the overall balance um the drawdown you know that's something that when you make your deposit that's the money that's being used to make you profit so out of seventeen hundred dollars only fifteen percent was actually used to make his overall fifty fifty one percent gain and you see this account wasn't started that long ago to where we at now and overall you can see again that it took 28 trades and 96 um again you can see the overall monthly gain when you can see um in the month of december 47.9 uh ladies and gentlemen i thought we lived in every i thought we was in a recession or not a recession but a pandemic i should say and you see here this account continues to grow um through the stimulus through everything that's going on right now um so what i want to do here is i want to show one more account because um this individual we really pride ourselves on letting people know that this is for the beginners or the newbies and experienced traders this right here is a newbie we'll say um this is uh tony's best friend's grandmother's account and she knows nothing about 4x or anything like that but she's profiting by hitting an approve button and that's the the phenomenal thing about this software right now just submitting somebody in the room but you see here um again 51 on this account 532 in profit um i don't know what financial instrument or what bank or anything will give us these type of returns but look from an accounting perspective this is phenomenal these are the most exciting numbers i've ever dealt with in my life um and let me go to the forex 21 calculator i'm not sure if anybody is familiar with this calculator but the forex 21 calculator shows you how you can compound your money and the effect that it will have in the long run so my goal is to actually put a down payment on a house by you know the end of this year so i just want to work my balance up to a five thousand dollar balance and based off of that five thousand dollar balance we've seen some phenomenal figures but um i just want 10 i don't want to be greedy and at the end of the day let's compound this over the next 12 months and my 5 000 balance will literally compound to 15 thousand six hundred and ninety two dollars if i continue to let it compound and that is the power of compound interest which um is the eighth one the other world so look you know we see some phenomenal things tonight um i'm just going to actually open up for any questions um matter of fact i think we actually have so a few people on here that can actually share a testimony a live testimony um mr young are you there sir yes sir i'm here awesome can you hear me yes sir yeah sorry about that you know uh you saw me early i was driving trying to do a thousand things at one time and i just made it to my house i'm actually inside as you can see i'm still on my phone but man listen i'm gonna show you like this um um i've had i've had the opportunity to do business for a long time down through the years um uh all of my successes verified in the marketplace you know you know uh my partner and i run a multi-million dollar construction company um successfully for the last five years and um man the last thing i need is another place to spend my time that's not going to yield some fruit right and um so that that basically sums up why you see me on this call while i'm on the call every time we have a call because man what we're doing with this is showing people how to put that money in a place where they have full control and they have something that can scan the globe the artificial intelligence the lens that that ai is looking through is way better than the lens i live through right so it's looking at different indicators and different things about the market that we just don't know and um i told you know i'm real transparent man i i was actually trading and um manually trading for years right and even with cryptocurrency y'all know me they they call me bitcoin luke i do well in crypto been doing well in crypto for years but at the same time crypto required me to say you know i need some kind of artificial intelligence but man the 4x market crypto is inside of the 4x this is a multi-trillion dollar market each and every day so when i found out that artificial intelligence could work for me in this market man i hate i'm not a cliche saying guy but man a no-brainer is exactly what it is i'm seeing people who have never had any kind of trading experience come in and realize profits that i've never seen before in my life you know what i mean people that if in the financial world somebody comes in and invest that money and in a few days make over 10 you consider the genius you know what i mean so uh i'm just flat out excited about the the camaraderie that we have here people that are actually trading and really making the money you know putting it putting their mouth to work you know what i mean because listen when it when it all comes down to it men lie women lie but lord knows man i have not seen these numbers lie at all you know it's just the facts man i'm excited can anybody that know me man no if i get excited it's a wrap i mean i look forward to doing some major things with this and putting everybody everybody who i know like and love in the position of having some software working for them while they sleep with that sir man i'll turn it back over to you i can do a testimonial if you guys like yes ma'am of course of course hey everybody my name is amy dangerfield and i've been trading with artificial intelligence now um for the last couple of years so i've been involved in other platforms before but the reason why i decided to plant my flag here with the warrior prime well there's several reasons many of which tony covered in the presentation um firstly is the ease of accessibility of somebody who's literally brand new getting started literally has the step-by-step plan to be able to get their software set up to get it running and to get profitable very very quickly with any other platform that i've been a part of uh literally the learning process was so excruciatingly painful um that a lot of people quit before they were even able to let the software see results just because of the difficulty in getting set up over here it's literally paint by numbers um a 10 year old could probably figure out the system uh more on that is the actual results and profitability of the software um without the downside with a lot of other expert advices that i've seen yes they're profitable um but the drawdown and the stress that people often experience when using tools like that uh sometimes make it more trouble than it's worth here i have not seen that in my experience and obviously it's not just me saying that we have the verified results to be able to back it up the verified my effects books you'll see a lot of people in this industry who say they're profitable who'll say that they're successful the only question you should ask them is can they put their money where their mouth is can they back it up with verified results because marketers sure know how to spin a good narrative but at the end of the day all that matters is the cold hard facts the money that they've actually made in the market you don't know if they're sending you screenshots of a demo account you don't know if they're doing a custom view and hiding you know 95 of their failed trades and only showing you the winning ones okay you need full transparency and accountability and that's what we're able to provide with this platform not just for one software but for every single software that we have so um you know we've already seen a lot of fx books here i actually have some available for literally every single software that our platform provides so if you are wanting to see more information please don't hesitate um to message me um or even i'll send them through to tony or to um lu or to corey to post up in the compound trading group um but guys yeah just honestly make sure that you review the data at the end of the day the the facts are going to speak more to you than anything that this presentation can okay so just do yourself the service of going and checking it out drop the mic i'm gonna leave it at that listen folks if you would like to start going into profit mode trading with artificial intelligence by hitting an approve button please get back with the person that shared this information with you join the dmv compound trading chat listen take care take charge god bless and i'll see you [Music] soon you

2021-01-08 10:25

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