Prime Minister's Questions: 9 January 2019

Prime Minister's Questions: 9 January 2019

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Questions, to the Prime Minister drew, Henry. The. Prime Minister, thank you Thank You mr. speaker mr.. Speaker I'm sure, that, the whole house, would. Like to join me in paying tribute to Lord. Paddy Ashdown who. Sadly died last, month from. His service, in the Royal Marines through, to his time in this house and then, as High Representative for, Bosnia and, Herzegovina, he, served his country with, passion, and distinction, and, he will be sorely missed. In. Recent days Mr Speaker we have seen instances of threats of violence or, intimidation, against. Members of this house including, my right honourable friend the member for Brock's toe and members. Of the media I know, the whole house will join me in condemning, those, threats. Politicians. And the, media should, be able to go about their work without. Harassment, and, intimidation. Mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial. Colleagues and others in addition, to my duties, in this house I shall have further such meetings later today. From. Lord, Paddy Ashdown and, of course the disgraceful. Behavior of threats to politicians. And journalists going about their business. Mr.. Speaker like losing the rest of the UK. 235,000. EU, Nationals and Scotland, were treated to a Christmas removal, threat via social media from, the UK home office telling. Them to register if they, want to stay in the UK after, December, 2020. Friends. Neighbors, colleagues, people, vital, for the Scottish economy shamefully. Told to pee to, stay in their own homes, can, she confirm what will happen to, those not, registered, by, December, 2020. And does, she realize that. For those affected this, feels likes like a hostile, environment and. More like a xenophobic. Minister. Can, I say to the Honorable gentlemen we, recognize the huge contribution, that ye you citizens have made to our economy, and to our society and. We, want them to stay in the EU settlement. Scheme makes we'll make it simple, straightforward for, them to get the status that they need, but. Can I say to the honourable gentleman also EU. Citizens have until June 2021. To apply the, cost of applying is less than the cost of renewing a British passport but, if he is concerned, about the interests, of EU, citizens, then, he can back the deal which enshrines the, EU citizens, rights Tom. Pursglove, hue. Mr.. Speaker the government's commitment to the armed forces covenant, is commendable. As is its focus on reducing.

Reoffending, Care. After combat it's doing remarkable, work in, this, area and their veterans, have a reoffending, rate of 8% compared. To a national average on leaving, prison the 45%. Saving, the government 20 million pounds will. My right honourable friend, therefore convene across government, effort to not only shore up care after combats work but to look to expand it nationally. Very, important, issue first of all I'd like to pay tribute to those who've served in our armed, forces for their courage and their, commitment. I'd. Also like to pay tribute to the vital work that care after combat undertakes, my honourable friend is absolutely, right on that now we have a range of measures in place to support those who've served in the Armed Forces who, then find themselves in the criminal justice system and prisons, Taylor rehabilitative. Work to the individual needs. Helping, to reduce the risk of reoffending when, they're released from prison but the point my honorable friend makes about the excellent, record of care after. Combat is a very good one and I'm. Sure that a minister from, the ministry of justice will be happy to meet with him to discuss this further Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank, you Thank You mr. speaker I joined the prime minister in paying tribute to Paddy Ashdown he, was elected to Parliament at the same time as me in 1983. He was a very assiduous constituency. MP he was a very effective Member, of Parliament and he and I spent, a lot of evenings voting against what the statutory government. Was doing at that time, I. Also. Mr.. Speaker agree. With the. Agree. With the Prime Minister on the point she made about, intimidation, of, members. Of parliament and representatives. Of media outside this. Building has happened a few days ago when, the. Member for Brock's toe and Owen, Jones of the Guardian were intimidated. Outside this building and I, send my support, and sympathy to both of them but we also have to be clear mr. speaker that. Intimidation, is wrong outside. This building as it is wrong in any other aspect, of life in this country and we have to create, a safe, space a safe, space we. Have to create a safe space for political, debates. You, see what I mean mr. speaker I'm calling for a safe space for political, debate. Although, we've got a long way to go the, questions, will be heard and the, answers. Will be heard no. Amount of heckling no, amount of noise will, make any, difference.

To That simple fact Jeremy. Corbyn Mr Speaker I also sure, the whole house would join me in wishing a speedy recovery to the two British soldiers, who were injured in Syria last weekend the. Prime Minister scrapped, the brexit, vote last, month and promised. Legally. Binding assurances. Would be secured, at the December au summit, she failed she. Pledged to get these changes, over the recess she failed, isn't. The Prime Minister, bringing back exactly, the same deal she, admitted would be defeated four, weeks ago. Can. I first of all say to the right honourable gentleman I absolutely agree, with him that there is no place for intimidation, in any, part of our society. Politicians. Do need to be able to have a safe space in which to express their opinions many of which are passionately held and I, hope he will now ask his shadow Chancellor. For, the remarks that he made about the former Secretary, of State for Work and Pensions. On the matter of brexit that the right honourable gentleman has raised perhaps, I let, me update the house the, conclusions, of the December European, Council, went further than before in seeking. To address the concerns of this house and they have legal status I've, been in contact with European, leaders over, since then about MPs concerns, these, discussions, have shown that further clarification. On the backstop is possible, and those talks will continue over the next few days but. We're also looking at what more we can do domestically, to, safeguard the interests, of the people and businesses of Northern Ireland and that's, why this morning we published a package of commitments, that give Northern Ireland a strong voice and role in any, decision, to bring the backstop into effect we've, also been looking at how Parliament, can take a greater role as we take these negotiations, on to the next stage and so, I can tell the house that in the event that our future relationship or, alternative, arrangements, are not, ready by the end of 2020. Parliament. Will have a vote on whether to seek to extend the implementation. Period or bring, the backstop into effect and the Secretary of State for exiting the European Union will be saying more about this during its opening speech in the forthcoming debate, Jeremy. Corbyn, mr. speaker no, amount of window dressing is, going to satisfy members. Of this house they want to see clear, legal. Changes, to the document that the government presented to, this house the. Foreign Secretary said the Prime Minister, has not been asking, for anything new in her discussions, with the European, Union she. Didn't tell us so. Doesn't that tell us that the Prime Minister has been recklessly, wasting, time holding. The country to ransom, with the threat of no deal in a desperate, attempt, of blackmail, MPs, to vote for her hopelessly. Unpopular. Deal. The. Right honorable gentleman can say what he likes about No, Deal but he opposes any deal, that the government has negotiated, with the European, Union he. Opposes the, deal he. Opposes, the, deal that the EU say, is the only deal, and that leaves him with no deal, the. Only way to, avoid no. Deal, is, to, vote for, the, deal. If, the right honourable gentleman if the right honourable gentleman is uncertain, about what, I am saying perhaps I can give him a tip he, might like to use a lip reader. The. Prime Minister says, that. It's the only deal available if that is the case why. Wasn't it put to a vote on December, the 11th, in this house why, is the Middle delay of five weeks on this the. Prime Minister said she hopes to get written assurances. Before, the vote next week so, can I ask the Prime Minister this will, the changes, he is looking for be made to the legally, binding withdrawal, agreement. Itself. Say. To the right honourable gentleman we as I have said earlier, in my remarks and I've said previously there. Are three elements that we are looking at one is the undertakings. And assurances, we are looking for from the European Union and those, will be available we intend, that those will be available to the house before the house votes at, the end of this debate we, are also looking at what more we can do domestically, I've set out there, is the, Secretary of State will be clearer and, more. Detail will, set out what we're going to do in relation to the powers for Northern Ireland and in, relation to the, question of the role of Parliament for the future, and we, will be looking we are looking to ensure that we can provide the. Assurance and confidence that, this house needs in, relation. In relation. To the. Question that has been at the forefront of, members concerns, in relation. To the, the, backstop, but we put a good deal on the table yes, we are looking for those clarifications. Clarifications. Which I'm sure will ensure when. Ensure that members of this house know that, the backstop need never be used and that if you if it is used it is only temporary.

Jeremy Corbyn what in the midst of that very long answer I didn't hear the words legal. Changes, to the document that was what my question, was mr., speaker, the. Environment, Secretary has, said no, deal would damage the UK, farming, sector, the, Foreign Secretary has said that No Deal is not something, any government, would wish on its people the. 4.2, billion, of public money is being wasteful, the allocated, to No Deal planning, will, the Prime Minister, listen to the clearly, expressed, will of the house last night and this. Cost me Sherrod and, rule, out No, Deal. To. The right honourable gentleman but, if he wants to avoid No Deal he has to a bad deal. Complains. About money being spent on No Deal preparation, so, today on Wednesday. He's, saying we shouldn't be spending money on No Deal preparations, on Monday. He, said No Deal preparations. Were too little too, late he. Can't have it both ways either, we're doing too much or were doing too little so, perhaps he can break his usual, habit, and actually, give us a decision, which is it. This. Is the first time since 1978. That a prime minister has been defeated in the finance bill in the House of Commons last. Night the house made it clear in supporting, the amendment. In the name of my friend the member of the Normans and Pontefract in Castleford, that no deal should be ruled out that is the position of this house the. UK automotive, industry, has written to the Prime Minister in December, asking. Her to, take no deal option, off the table, or risk destroying, this. Vital, UK, industry, given. This house is now rejected, No Deal will, the Prime Minister, protect thousands, of skilled jobs, in the automotive, industry and others, and rule, out No, Deal. I. Say. I recognize. That, the right honourable gentleman welcomed, the leadership, that the right, honourable lady the member from Normanton had given on, the issue that he's referred to I just want to be clear that the amendment, does not change the fact that the UK is leaving the European Union, on the 29th, of March and nor, does it stop the government from collecting, from collecting tax but he asked once again about the question, of of. No Deal and about, protecting jobs we, have negotiated a, deal with the European Union that protects, jobs we, have negotiated a, deal with the European Union but. Ensures what, is what is raising, concerns what. Is raising concerns he, says is the prospect of No Deal it is absolutely. Sensible. For this government, to, prepare for no deal and those preparations, are, even. More important. Given, the position taken by the right honourable gentleman, with. An opposition, front bench that, is opposed to any deal, that the government, ago she eighths with the European, Union it's, even more important, that we prepare for no deal the, deal protects. Jobs and, security, and delivers, on the referendum and he showed bakit. Instead. Of backing, industries. In this country in protecting, thousands, of jobs in manufacturing, in, service industries, her transport, secretary is awarding. Millions, of pounds of contracts, to ferry companies, with no ferries, to run on routes that don't exist and apparently, they won't even be ready, by the beginning of April either this, is the degree of incompetence. Of this government, in dealing with the whole question of relations, with the EU the.

Prime Minister has spent the last week begging, for warm words from EU leaders, and achieved, nothing, not, one single, dot, or comma has changed, she's already squandered. Millions. Of pounds of public money on last-minute. Half-baked. Planning, for No Deal that was rejected last, night so. If her deal is defeated. Next week as I hope, and expect it will will. The Prime Minister do the right thing, and let the people have a real say and call, a. Election. No, we've put a good deal on the table that protects jobs and security, but I noticed, I noticed in all of, that that. We still don't know what, brexit, planned the right honourable, gentleman has I was, rather hoping as, he went through that. He might turn over a page and actually find a brexit plan because, what do we know about the right honourable gentleman he's. Been for and against free movement he's been for and against the customs union he's, been for and against an independent, trade, policy, he, was a euro skeptic now he's probe the EU he, wanted to trickle article, 50 on day one now he wants to delay it he didn't want money spent on No Deal now he says it's not enough the, one thing we know about the right honourable gentleman, it's, his brexit, policies, or the many not the few. MHS. Long-term. Plan is, hugely. Welcome, in particular. Its, recognition. That GPS, are the, bedrock, of the, NHS, does. See Prime Minister, agree that, it's vitally, important, that we do all we can to support GPS, to stay in, general, practice and that, the education. Training budget, must, be urgently, prioritized. To support a wide range of healthcare professionals, to support GPS, in, their practices. Raises. A very important, point about GPS. And indeed. Of course if we looks, at the long term plan for the NHS which was launched on Monday which is being made possible. By the 20 point 5 billion pounds, extra we'll be putting into the NHS, in 22, 23 24, he, will see that support for the workforce including GPS, is a very important, part of that plan and indeed, a higher greater focus on primary, care which, would be better for people in helping to keep them out of hospital, at, any point in time 20 to 30%, of people in hospital don't need to be there is an important, part of that plan GP, is an essential, element of that I assure my honourable friend that, they will be part of that important, Workforce Planning. Riaan, Blackford. Thank, You mr. speaker can I concur with the Prime Minister on her remarks and Paddy, Ashdown and, make the point all of us collectively have. A responsibility. To make sure that there's no intimidation in. Our public life, mr.. Speaker the. Prime Minister, delayed, the. Doom brexit, bought last year on the, promise, of Britain, concessions. From. Brussels, Prime. Minister when. Are they. Set. Out the position in my first response to the leader of the Opposition I suggest, he should have listened to it. The, in Blackbird, work, more used mr., speaker not to getting an answer and there we have it again what the Prime Minister, promised, was. That we would get written, concessions. That Parliament. Would have the opportunity, to. Vote on that and nothing, has materialized, a month, has passed and. Nothing has, changed, mr. speaker, last. Night the. Prime Minister, suffered, another, humiliating. Defeat. When. What the Prime Minister faced the facts there. Is little support for her Deal or No Deal in this, house the. New year began without. Concessions. The. Dublin talks failed without. Concessions. The, debate on her deal restarts. Two days without. Concessions. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister, it's frozen in failure asking. MPs, to. Write a blank cheque for. Her blindfold, breakfast. Masek MP. Should not be debating. Without the fuel facts, is. It this or whether other concessions, not just, clarifications. We're, doing the prime minister guarantee, that. This house will see the full details before. We start the debate this, afternoon. The Prime Minister, as, I said in, response to his first question I set out the position the, air I brief reference does he will know the conclusions. Of the December European Council, which went further in relation, to the issues that I am raised with the, European Council than they had gone before and those have legal status but we are of course working further, on those on, those issues but, the right honourable gentleman can't get away from the fact that if he wants to avoid no deal he, has to be willing to agree a deal, the deal that is on the table the, deal that is on the table that the EU has made clear is the only deal is the one that the United Kingdom government has negotiated with, the European, Union and if he really wants and is concerned about ensuring, that we can look ahead with a bright future across the whole of the United Kingdom he should pack that deal, closed.

Question, Michel fabricant. Question. 11 mr. speaker. Prime. Minister thank you I was, pleased to meet. The mayor of the West Midlands and last October when my right honourable friend the Chancellor and I visited. The Kings Norton headquarters, of a DI group and, we saw firsthand the opportunities, that apprenticeships. Can afford and that's, why we're seeing annual, investment in apprenticeships, double to nearly 2.5, billion by 2020. It was also an excellent opportunity to see a successful, West, Midlands company, doing, its bit to give young people a, career and I'm pleased to say that the latest statistics, show employment. In the West Midlands has risen by two hundred, and seventy, six thousand. Since 2010. Michael. Fabrikam. Well that's fantastic, news but, I think the Prime Minister will agree with me that transport. Is also, the key to, employment, and I just want to raise the question of the rail line which, lies between Litchfield. And Burton. Which is currently, only. Used for freight it, passes, the National Memorial Arboretum, which, gets around half, a million visitors a year but, they all have to come at the moment by Road along the busy and congested. A38. So. Could. I ask the Prime Minister, that this rail be, upgraded. To a passenger, service. Providing. A valuable east-west. Connection, from, Birmingham, and, which he also allow, me to. Take her personally. Around the, National, Memorial Arboretum. I. I. Of course recognize the, important, role that the, important, role that transport, links play in relation. To prosperity. And economic growth and our rail strategy, connecting people that we published actually does look at how we can restore, lost capacity capacity, where that does unlock housing, growth eases, crowded route meets demand and does offer good value for money of course it's. For local authorities and local enterprise partnerships. To determine whether a new station or train service is the best way to meet, local transport, needs but, we work closely with local authorities and local enterprise partnerships, to take forward the schemes which they're interested, in progressing, and in relation to the Arboretum I will of course, consider. A visit in the future and I think he's probably given me an invitation it's very difficult to refuse. Marten. Day. Thank, You mr.. Speaker. UK, officials at Dover cruises, 10,000. Lorries every day from the EU bringing, in food medicines, and other goods so, has the UK government, experiment, on Monday, with 89, lorries in a cane carp are given, the Prime Minister confidence, and hard government's, abilities to handle a new deal breaks. It's. Doing exactly what it is necessary, in sensible for government to do which, is making the preparations for no deal and ensuring. That we, test those preparations but, I come back to the point that if the Honourable gentleman is worried, about the consequences of No Deal then he should back the deal. Mr., Kenneth Clark. Mr.. Speaker it said it seems to be plain to anyone, who's listened to the most the debates in this house that. There is no majority for any proposition. On our future relationships. With the European, Union in this, House of Commons except. The, majority, that is clearly against, leaving, with no deal I, I propose. To, vote. For the Prime Minister's withdraw, agreement. But I doubt whether it will pass and. If it is passed, we get into a transition. There, is no majority or, consensus. On what the government, is supposed to be negotiating for. In, the, years that will follow that. Will settle our future, political and, economic. Relationships. With, Europe so the, Prime Minister has to be flexible on something, so would she consider, if. She, loses the debate next Tuesday, moving, to the obvious step, in the national interest, of delaying, or revoking, article. Prime, Minister. First. Of all can I say to my right honourable attorney friend that the, he. Said that he referenced the withdrawal agreement and said that there was no position. In relation to what the future relationship, should be of course the framework.

For That future relationship. In greater, detail, than many had expected is set out in the political declaration, which is the instructions, to the negotiators, for the future but, the thing, in that in that circumstance it is right that we consider, the role that Parliament, would play as those, negotiations, go forward, in relate, ensuring, that we get that future relationship, right I believe it is possible to have that future relationship, which is deep enclosed with the European Union but gives us the freedom to do what we want to do which is to have independent, trade policy, and develop, trade agreements, and trade arrangements, with the rest of the world, John. Smeller Thank You mr. speaker can I welcome, the crackdown on cold, calling, to fleece pensioners. Out of their hard-earned, pension, pots but. Isn't this just dealing, with the symptoms rather. Than the underlying cause, which. Is the ill-judged free-for-all. Pension, changes, introduced. By our friend, the, previous. Chancellor, George Osborne which. Gave the green light to the shysters and, the spins what you're going to do about that. What. What, the change is what the changes, that. Were made by, by, the government. And introduced, by the previous Chancellor of the Exchequer did, was, actually gave pensioners. More flexibility, and more freedom in relation. To how to use their own money. Named. Gerald Gillan. Mr.. Speaker, every. Member of this house knows. That drivers, and commuters, want greater investment. To repair our roads and upgrade our existing. Railway services. Yet. We are wasting money on a deeply, unpopular project. Where the management has failed the, costs, are out of control. And which will end up costing the, taxpayer, more. Than a hundred, billion pounds. That's, about 300. Million pounds, per mile of track why. Can't we face up to reality Prime, Minister and cancel. HS - and spend, the money on the people's, priorities for, transport. Rather, than on this overpriced. Project, which, will never deliver value, for money for the taxpayer. Minister. I, say I Drive right on will friend first of all we recognize the concerns that people have about, their roads particularly, bad issues like potholes in their roads which is precisely why my right on referred the chancellor of the exchequer has, made more money available to, address those issues on, the question of HS - what. HS, HS, - is not just about a high-speed railway it is actually about ensuring, we have the capacity that, is needed, on this particular route, because, the capacity, on the west coast main line we've already reaching capacity, we're. Already seeing HS, - spreading prosperity. It's, encouraging, investment, it's rebalancing, our economy, and that's ten years before the railway even opens we've seen, 7,000, jobs created, across the UK and 2,000.

Businesses Across the UK delivering, HS - and it will bring tens, of billions of pounds worth of benefits, to passengers, suppliers and local, communities up and down the route. Sir. Edward Davie, can. I thank the Prime Minister for her words about, Lord Ashdown our. Friend, paddy. Paddy. Was loved on these benches and, I. Believe he was respected, across the house and, across the country, and, we. Will miss him deeply. Mr.. Speaker an unusual, thing happened. Last night, conservative. MPs and option MPs, United. Levers. And remainders, United. United. To back my proposal, for a view of retrospection, in a law called the lone charge which. Offends against the rule of law and has, caused misery to, tens of thousands, of people. So. In her role as First Lord of the Treasury were. The prime ministers agreed to meet with me and across. Party delegation, of MPs to. Discuss this new review into. The lone charge. Prime, Minister. First. Of all I think he was absolutely correct Lord Ashdown the late Lord Ashton was, deeply respected, across, this house and. Across Parliament as a whole and and widely, across the country -, in. Relation, to the question the t's put about the review on the issue, on the lone charge. Yes. I'd got the point that he was trying to make but. Can I just make this point he talked about opposition. And and. Government, MPs uniting actually the government accepted, his review, into the lone charge and I think the first stage might be for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to, sit down with him and a, group of cos party MPs to look at how, that review is being taken forward mr., Ian Duncan Smith, speaker, I'm not, going to ask about brexit, you may be pleased there. And. A, Happy New Year to all of you as well. Can. I say. I recently had thee to my rod with an immense privilege of shadowing, dr. Imran Zia at RA any department, at which cross hospital, it, was a humbling experience, to witness the dedication, and fantastic. Skill of our doctors. And nurses, but. They work in buildings that are now well over a hundred years old and they, know they need better facilities, now, I have, to say to her that whilst, the NHS, the department, has set, the development, of whips at the top of the North East London priority, in, December. They, announced, our programmes across London, for investment, yet again North East London was, not included. So can I ask my right honourable friend please would. She now visit. Whipsaws, hospital, would she see how important, and vital it is to, the area and which he worked with my excellent, health, secretary, and work. On the base of a fantastic, announcement, on Monday to. Invest in those buildings and those facilities. Issued. An invitation that, it, is I will certainly look at the possibility, of taking, him up on that invitation, he makes an important point at the end there about the announcement.

That We made on on, Monday my, right honourable friend our right honourable friend the health secretary has, heard what he has been saying about the. Particular requirements, of whips Cross Hospital and, will be happy to sit down and talk with him in more detail about that and I'll certainly look at my diary and look at his invitation laylamon. Paddy. And in, his final weeks he, was very concerned, by the way that brexit, would play into, Britain's, place in, the world, brexit. Is clearly for example in Russia's giorgia phenomenal. And, it was chilly. To. Hear Vladimir, Putin, parroting, exactly. The words of the Prime Minister, on why we should not be holding a referendum to, quote fulfill the will of the people meanwhile, poll after poll show. There is a majority, for a, referendum because, people can see that her flailing, deal is not, in our national, interest, so, whose side is this Prime, Minister Isis protein. Or the people's. Prime. Minister, I, am. On the side of the people to whom this, Parliament, gave the vote on the decision as to whether to stand. And. We, will be delivering, and respecting. That referendum, and delivering, on brexit. Maggie. Through. I'm. Delighted that we'd be able to deliver in our manifesto commitment. To, introduce, an energy, price Katz can, buy right school friends, outlined, houses, price capital benefits, my constituents, across air awash, can. I say to my. Honorable friend the, the fact that the energy price cap has now come in I think it's a very important, step that this government has taken I think it's something like 11 million households, will benefit, from the, price cap it will in, will be saving, households, money as a result of what this government has done because we recognize the concern people had about energy prices and it's this government that has acted, to deliver and her constituents. In era wash will see a benefit as a result Jill furnace. Speaker. Many of my constituents are, employed in the Sheffield steel sector. A beacon. Of innovation, and manufacturing yeah. UK, steel the body representing, steel companies, has been clear that's a No Deal would be nothing short for a disaster, for the sector. Well, the Prime Minister, confirmed she will not be so irresponsible. As to consider the option of a No Deal and reassure, my constituents. Who are worried about their job from their future. Minister. To. The Honourable, lady that, I absolutely, respect. And, recognize, the role that the. Steel industry is playing in the United Kingdom as you know over recent years government, has taken steps to support, the steel industry she, talks about the issue of, whether. Or not we should leave the European Union without, a deal I have. Been working to ensure that we have a good deal when we leave the European Union, that is the deal that is on the table and anybody, who doesn't want no, deal has to accept that the way to ensure, there is no deal is to accept and vote for the, deal, you. Merriman, thank. You very much mr., speaker, on Tuesday. I should be voting for the Prime Minister's withdraw. But. I asked the prime minister to. Consider. One particular aspect, which I must declare rather rash, okay. The. Question from the Honourable gentleman must be heard and as. I scarcely. Heard what he said I think the Honourable gentleman should. Start again and deliver it yes he, should start again and deliver it in full mr. Hugh Merriman, I, wear. My arsenal tie unfortunately. The terrace is here not quite as well-behaved as our the Emirates, mr.. Speaker as I was mentioning I'll be voting for the Prime Minister's deal on Tuesday. There, is one particular aspect, I would like the Prime Minister to look at which I have to declare a rather rash financial. Interest, it, relates to page 33, of the withdrawal agreement where citizens. Residency. Can either be provided free, by the UK government or. Commensurate. To existing, cost I rather. Foolishly, in a brexit, meeting in Bexhill were so confident, that this, would be free by the government that I offered to pay the charge to one particular European. Citizen who was not quite as confident mr.. Speaker my, question to the prime minister surely. Given, this was a decision by the UK, public. Surely. We, should be welcoming our friends our neighbors our, essential. Workforce from the EU and, offering. This charge, free, so that they can stay in this country at our cost. Prime, Minister, to. My honourable friend, obviously. I recognize the concern that he's raised the fee of sixty-five, pounds to apply for status under the scheme is in line as for, that with the current cost of obtaining permanent, residents documentation. And it, will contribute of course to the overall costs, of the system but, applications, will be free of charge for those who hold valid, permanent, residence documentation.

Or Valid, indefinite, leave to enter, or remain and for children being looked after by a local authority and, when, an application where an application is granted pre, settled status under the scheme the, will from April 2019, be no fee when they apply for settled, status, and as I said in earlier in response to another, member, the EU settlement scheme actually, will make it simple and straightforward for. People to get the status that they need. Steveandjenna. Thank, You mr. speaker this week our cross-party, group. Norway. Plus published. Common market 2.0, a clear plan that respects. 45248. Mandate, address his concerns about, free, movement protects, jobs in maya Brabham constituency. And helps to reunite our deeply, divided country if, the Prime Minister's deal is rejected, on Tuesday. Will she then give the house the opportunity to vote on a range of the. Options, including, common to common, market 2.0, and will, she be giving her bench is a free, vote on those options Prime. Minister he. Knows I am working to, ensure that the deal that has been negotiated by the UK government with, the European Union is voted. Positively. On by this by, this Parliament, because it is a good deal it does what he wants it protects jobs and security it also delivers. Delivers. In full on the referendum result. Which, is a key issue I believe we owe it to people, to deliver what they wanted which was control, of money, borders, and laws and that's what that's what the deal does Jack. Rst. Thank, You mr. speaker. Can I thank my right honourable friend for ensuring our manifesto, commitment, to scrapping, tolls on the Seven bridge across the area. This. Will put 1,100. Pounds a-year into the pockets of thousands, of motorists, many, of which are my constituents. And Jesse agree this will help transform the economies, of the southwest and South Wales I. Think. This is an important step that the. Government, has taken it is one that was advocated. I know by, individual members and by, the Secretary of State for Wales and it, will indeed I believe have a very positive economic, effect a positive economic effect on Wales but also a positive economic effect on the southwest and, indeed. On constituencies, like honourable friends. Mr.. Petts Thank You mr. speaker the, Local Government Association, has, produced figures showing that councils, of all, political persuasions, overspent. Their children's services budget by 800 million pounds last year the, figure for Sheffield was 12, million pounds, this is totally due to the fact that the number of children in care has. Risen to a ten-year, high in, the, light of that pressure is the Prime Minister except that the 84, million pounds over five years offered. By the Chancellor, in the budget is totally, inadequate, and. Without extra, funding either, these vulnerable, children will, not gather care they need all the other important. Services just parks, and libraries will, get further cuts at a time the Prime Minister has told us that austerity, has come to an end. What. Can I say to the Honorable, gentleman he's quoted the 84 million that was actually for a pilot which is about keeping more, children at home with their families, safely, we, did announce overall, an extra four hundred and ten million at budget for social care which includes children and spending, on the most vulnerable children has increased by over 1.5. Billion since. 2010. But, we're also taking, a number of other steps. For, example, the work that we're doing to, increase the number of children's social workers, the, appointment of the chief social, worker for children introducing. Frontline, and step up getting quality candidates, into social care careers. These, are important, steps the, honourable gentleman talks about money actually it's about ensuring that the service, that is provided is the right one and that's why we do it that's why we do it across the board and that's why we're looking at those issues around those social workers so, Damien AMS further, house to my entry in the register, of interest, ever since a former, president, guy whom introduced. Democracy. Into the Maldives. Legitimacy. Has been challenged. And just, like the prophets, of doom around, brexit, the, recent, elections, went ahead with no violence and presidents. Ollie was elected, with a great majority, so, would my right honourable friend now redouble, her efforts to. Increase trade, education and. Court, rulings.

News. That he will welcome which is a new embassy is being opened up a new, embassy is being opened up in the Maldives and we will of course look to ensure what, we can do as we look around the world in relation to trade to see what we can do to improve our trade with a number of countries. People. Wish. Parliament. To defeat Sano a regular, feature of her government she's. Lost a quarter of her cabinet and. 117. Of her backbenchers, want her gone have, deal as as dead as the deadest, dodo, have. Many more indignities. Can, miss Prime Minister, and juror before, she realizes, that she, is the biggest part of this problem and for goodness sake just, go. The. The. UK government, has negotiated a, deal with the European Union which, delivers, on the referendum result I know the Honorable gentleman doesn't want to deliver on the referendum result he, wants he wants to, ensure he. Wants to ensure that the UK stays inside the European Union, at, the same at this talking, about the economy at the same time as, he also supports, taking Scotland, out of the Union of the United Kingdom, which. Which, is it much more important, economically, for the people of Scotland the people of Scotland know, the, remaining, in the United Kingdom is their, best future. Main. Speaker. Volunteering. Services, are enormous ly important, and none more so than the RNLI, who, put their lives at risk and often, a rescuing, people are making perilous crossings, to try and get into this country as well isn't, it time that we looked at the funding, associated, with, the RNLI, many, people think it's a service that is funded by the government and it's time we gave some money - oh. Absolutely. Right, about the absolutely. Vital role that the RNLI play. And. Of course the are in her life as, she says. Many people don't realize the IRA non-ai is entirely, funded by voluntary, contributions, and I would pay tribute. To all those across. The country, who raise funds for the RNLI including. If she may allow me the branch Sonning branch in my own constituency. Rachel, maskel. Thank. You mr., speaker, York, has been in shock as we have learnt that 11, homeless, people in our city died last. Year and whilst we know this is an issue across the, nation, we know substance, misuse services. Have, been cut we, know the social housing hasn't, been built in our city and we know that mental health services, are desperately, underfunded. Star. Prime, minister I don't, want to hear what you have done because clearly, it has failed I want, to know what you're going to do differently, so, no homeless, person dies this year.

Every. Death of someone well hopeless homeless. Or sleeping, rough on our streets is one too many and that's why you know we have the commitment in relation to rough sleeping, to entering it by 2027. And having, it by 2022, we've. Committed she says she doesn't want to know what we've done but we have committed over 1.2, billion to, tackle homelessness and, rough sleeping, and she mentions mental health service and asked, what we are going to do in the future what we're doing in the future is putting an extra 2.3, billion into mental health services, to ensure that we're providing those, mental health services, for those people who sadly currently, are not able to access them all Scully, mr.. Speaker more Londoners, voted to leave the EU than, voted for the current, mayor of London, whilst. He's swanee around Europe, talking about brexit rather his responsibilities. Like crime housing, and transport, it's my right on my friend agree with me that if he does insist on being a brexit diva he should concentrate on telling his side to. Actually vote for this deal. Tomorrow friend I absolutely agree and, that what the mayor of London should be doing is looking at what delivers on the vote overall, vote of the people of London and what, on. The vote that my honourable, friend referred to in terms of people's London and on, what delivers in a way that protects the best interests, of Londoners and that is to vote for this deal. Mahalia. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister's had 20 dancing, rebels has promised five golden. Trade agreements, and has had one big, defeat, and yet she still can't, find her withdrawal agreement, has she checked her, pear tree. It. Was a good attempt but Christmas happened a couple of weeks ago. Dr.. Julian, Lewis. According. To that invaluable, website. They work for you dot-com. The. Prime Minister, has assured this house on no. Fewer than 74. Previous, occasions, that. We will be leaving the EU on, the, 29th, of March. Will, she, categorically. Confirmed, today that. There's absolutely no. Question at all of delaying, that, date. Prime Minister. I'm. Happy, to repeat what I have said previously that, we will be leaving the European Union on the 29th, of March I want, us to leave the European Union on the 29th of March with a good deal that's on the table. My. Constituents. Sarah and Chris Cookson, lost their little boy Charlie, in 2013. Since. Then they've devoted their lives to helping other families and children with life-limiting conditions via. Their charity, the Charlie Goodson foundation. On. Fox indeed vehicle, earth-2 cottage on Cookson, he, had three cardiac, arrests, in one day after. A success, unsuccessful. Operation he. Is now fighting for his life in need of a heart transplant. Cart, has only been given a matter of weeks to live will. The Prime Minister, join me today in real awareness, to, help us find a heart for little Phoebe car. Join. The Honourable lady in commending, the work that the cooks ins have done with the Charlie cook Sun foundation in raising funds for those children. And babies with life-threatening conditions, and I say I'm sure that the sympathies, of the whole house are with the family at this very very, difficult time. Obviously. She's, outlined, some of the specifics, of the case but, what I will do is ensure that the relevant minister at the Department of Health and Social Care meets, the Honourable lady to discuss this issue further we, do want to change the, culture and organ donation. To save more lives that's. Why we're planning to introduce the new opt-out system in England from 2020, and the, new law will be known as Max and Kira's law in honor of Max Johnson, who received a heart from jerub-baal. Who sadly lost her life in a car accident but, it's a tragic case that the Honorable later his outlined on I'll ensure that a minister from the department speaks, with her about it thank. You order.

2019-01-14 07:21

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