Prime Minister's Questions: 6 February 2019

Prime Minister's Questions: 6 February 2019

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Questions. To the Prime Minister, Andrew. Britton, mission. 1 mr. speaker. Listen. Chancellor. Right. Honourable, gentleman is. A notable. Celebrity. Not, only in Aylesbury but. Here in this house. Mr.. Speaker I have been asked to reply my right honorable friend the Prime, Minister, is, in, Northern Ireland, outlining. This government's, commitment, to the people there and our, plan to secure a brexit, deal that delivers, on the result of the referendum mr.. Speaker I'm. Sure that the whole, house will. Want to join me in welcoming today's, announcement. That the next meeting of NATO heads, of state and government will. Take place in London in, December, 2019. This. Is fitting as 70. Years ago this year the, United Kingdom, led by those. Atlantis's, champions, Clement, Attlee and Ernie Bevin, was. One of the Alliance's, twelve founding, members and London, was home to the first NATO headquarters. We. Will continue, to play a key role in NATO as it, continues, its mission of keeping nearly, 1 billion people safe. Mr.. Speaker I've always, considered the leader, of the Opposition to be just an unreconstructed, Marxist. However. In light, of video, footage of summer this week MIT and there's this week I may well have to change, that view he, clearly campaigned, vigorously against. Repeated EU referendums, in Ireland and declared. Forcefully, that he did not wish to live under, a European, Empire of the 21st, century, so, in this spirit, of cross-party. Consensus. Would, my right hundl friend join with the leader of the opposition to dismiss once and for all any prospect. Of his, second EU referendum and, reaffirm. That we're leaving on the 29th, of March. Mr.. Speaker I'd say I could. Say to my honourable, friend that the government's position is, clear. We we said to the British people in 2016. That, we would accept, their. Vote, as decisive. And, the duty of politicians. Is to, implement the result of the referendum and, not to suggest that the public, got, it wrong and I think undermine trust in democracy, the Honourable lady is, a notable celebrity, not merely in Islington but here in this house Emily Thornbury. Thank. You mr. speaker, I'm. So glad to renew, my acquaintance, with the Minister, for the Cabinet Office or, as the newspapers, always called him effectively. The Deputy Prime Minister, surely. The only occasion these days when, the words Prime Minister and effectively, used in the same sentence. And. While a while there are there are many other important, issues that I would like to discuss with the Cabinet, Office Minister today sadly. None is more vital or urgent, than brexit, so. I would like to use our time to have a sensible, grown-up discussion, about, what the actual plan is between. Now and March the 29th, and to, this ends can I ask him this if. The briefing is correct that this is not that there will not be a fresh meaningful, vote on the withdrawal agreements, next week and if, that's right when, will the vote take place I. Think. That my. Rightful friend the Prime Minister, was completely. Clear on this at this despatch-box last, week she said that she. She. Said that, the. Meaningful. Vote itself, would. Be brought back as soon as possible and if it were not possible, if it, were not possible, to, bring the meaningful, vote back by. The, 13th, next, Wednesday, the government, would then make a statement and would, then table, a motion for debate the next day Emily. Thornbury I, think. The Minister, for that answer mr., speaker and I, take from that and from other briefings that we've heard is. That the, time for a fresh vote will be after, the mint Prime Minister has secured, what, she called last week a significant. And legally, binding, change to, with to the withdrawal agreement. So. That. This house has, something, genuinely. Different, to vote on if that, is the case can, the Minister simply clarify, what, will happen if we start to approach March the 29th, and those significantly. Legally. Binding, changes, have not been achieved. Well. The Prime, Minister I think has been announced by number 10 is going to be in. Brussels, tomorrow where she will be seeing president. Janka a president, tusk and the, president of the European Parliament mr. Dajani, to, discuss, the, changes, that she is seeking, following. The recent, votes, in this, house both to reject the deal. That was on the table and to support, the amendment in, the name of my right and we'll friend the member for octo, command sail west I do, think, that the, honorable lady the, right honorable lady does. Need, me not just perfectly fairly, to question, the government but actually, to face up to the fact that if as both she and I wish, we, are to leave the EU in, an orderly, manner with. A deal it requires. This, house to. Vote in favor of a, deal and not just declare, that, it doesn't, want a No Deal scenario. And. Thank I'd like to thank the minister and but, does the Prime Minister seriously, think that, she will get anything different than, the responses, that we've heard from the EU over recent days because.

None Of them have given us any encouragement, that, they are willing to reopen the withdrawal agreement, unless the, Prime Minister is willing to reconsider the, red lines on which the agreement is based so. Does the Minister, not agree that the sensible, cautious. Thing to do at this late stage is to, seek a temporary, extension of article 50 so, that we have time to see whether, the negotiations. Succeed or if they do not to, pursue a different plan. It. Is the the. Problem with the, proposition. That the rifle lady puts forward is that. It would simply, defer. The, need for, this, house including. The opposition, front bench to, face up to some difficult, decisions, now the rifle of a lady has. Criticized. The approach that my right on will friend the Prime Minister, has, taken but I have to put it to her that the. Leader of the Opposition last. Week having, met the Prime Minister, went. Out in front of the cameras, and, demanded. Changes. To, the backstop, as, part, of the approach he wanted to see for the future the right honourable, lady has. Said that she would be comfortable, with the backstop, does. She agree with, her leader or is she sticking, to her guns I. Hear. What the minister is saying but he doesn't seem to give us any, answers I. Genuinely. Appreciate his attempt but, I hope you will understand, the concern, that all of us have not, just in this house but across the, country that. We have a government treading. Water in the Niagara River, while, the current is taking, us over the falls. So can we go. Happy. Choir the whip bomb duties got no useful contribution to make other than to nod and shake his head in the appropriate, places no chattering from a sedentary position from the Honorable gentleman is required, or will persist, Emily Thornbury, mr.. Speaker so, can we go back to the central, issue which. Is this there. Is no way that we can avoid a border in Ireland, after brexit, without, a full customs, union or a permanent. Backstop, or some, new technological. Solution, so, can the minister tell us which, of those options that government is currently. Working, towards. Well. The right. Honourable lady again, makes, this commitment, saying, the Labour Party, wants to see a, permanent. A permanent. Customs, union. But. Term what. Most, people who support, a customs, union say. They want is to ensure that businesses, can expect, to, export, to the EU without tariffs, quotas or, rules, of origins, checks and that, is precisely what, the Prime Minister's, deal does. But, also allows. This country, to establish trade, agreements, with, other nations around the, world so what, part, of that deal does the right honourable, lady actually object, to. If. The honorable gentleman would, like me to answer questions, i would be quite happy to hold a seminar for, him that's another stage as to what a proper, brexit ought to look like but may I continue with my job and perhaps he can continue with his and answer, some questions, the. Technological. Solution, is a non-starter, a permanent. Backstop, will never be acceptable, to the ERG, or the dup and the, only solution, that will actually work is a full, customs. Union, that, is what I said at our first, encounter here, in 2016. It is the answer, that is staring, the government, in the face if. They backed it it would command, a majority in this house they. Would avoid the mayhem, and the, chaos, of No Deal and it, would project they will protect the jobs at Nissan Airbus, and elsewhere which, are currently at grave risk, so. Can the Minister explain why. The Prime, Minister is so dead, against, us. Even. Even, if we we take the. Right honourable, ladies a, to, somewhat ill-defined description. Of a permanent customs, union that, would not, address. Issues. In respect of Northern Ireland, and Ireland in respect, of either. Regulatory. Standards, for industrial goods, or, phytosanitary. Checks, for, foodstuffs and for, livestock so even in her own terms. Her answer, is inadequate. Now, she, may well then go on to say that she also wants, to be part of a single. Market and indeed the right honorable lady has said that she be happy with, the same, place as, Norway but, that means free, movement continuing. And her, party's, manifesto. Explicitly. Said that free movement would stop so, is the right honourable, lady supporting.

A Norway model, or is she supporting. The Labour Party's, manifesto. Flattered. Though I am that, the administer, feels it necessary to ask me questions I. Do. Feel, that it. Is important, to make it clear that the reason that I have asked these questions today. Is that, the Minister for the Cabinet Office, understands. Europe Northern. Ireland and brexit, probably. Better than any of his cabinet colleagues so, if anyone, could give us answers, from, the government it would be him but, the truth is there are no answers, plan, a has been resoundingly. Rejected by, Parliament, Plan B was ruled out by the EU months, ago and the government, is in danger of sleepwalking. The country towards, leaving with no plan and no deal. At all. So, with. Just over fifty days to go can. I give the minister a final. Opportunity to, tell us whether. There is a better, plan than this, all for, goodness sake will they let Parliament. Take charge instead. Mr.. Speaker, as I said earlier the Prime Minister will be reporting, back to this house next, week following her discussions. In Brussels and elsewhere. But I have to say to the the right honourable, lady the. 2-year deadline the 29th, of March deadline, stems. From European. Law and the wording of article. 50, which. Which, lays down the two years the right honourable, the, right honourable, lady as I, recall voted, in favor of triggering. Perhaps. It is perhaps sir mr. speaker, it, was one of those votes where, she was present but not involved. I have. To say to her and to her front fence that if they are worried about No. Deal they. Have to vote for a, deal, and every time they vote against, a deal the, risk of No Deal. Becomes. Greater, and, it really is time for. The opposition, front bench for. Once to put the national, interest, first. Vote for a deal. Last. Friday the health secretary made, a superb, visit to Princess Alexandra Hospital, in, Harlow. Meeting, some inspirational, staff doing outstanding work for. Patients. However, our hospital is crumbling, sewage is coming into the. Operating, theatres our infrastructure, is failing, will my honourable friend Lobby. The, Treasury to ensure we get the capital funding so Harlow gets the new hospital, that we really, need. Mr.. Mr. speaker i know that my right honourable friend the health, secretary was. Very impressed by what he saw, on his visit to Harlow I know my right honourable friend z the member for Harlow will, remain a very ardent, champion of, the need for renewal. Of those hospital, facilities, he knows that there's part, of the government's, long-term, plan for the NHS, NHS.

Signal Will be making decisions about, its, capital, investments, for the future and, I'm sure that my rival friend, will be driving his case home with them in, Blackford. Thank, You mr. speaker and can I welcome. The minister to his place mr. speaker, whilst. The chaos, of the, UK government, shambolic, brexit, negotiations. Have dominated. The headlines this. Government, has sneaked through a cut, and pensions. Credit, which. Will see some couples, up, to seven, thousand. Pounds a year, worse off, xi an estimated. 300,000. More, pensioners, are now, living in poverty than in 20012. Does. The minister agree that. His government needs, to change course and instead. Of robbing, pensioners, start. Supporting, them. Mr.. Mr. mr. Speaker I think the right, honourable gentleman talking about the situation, of mixed. Age couples, where where one is over. Pensionable, age and receiving a pension and the other is of working. Age I think that what, the. Government only what this houseboat each poor some years ago, is, perfectly, logical and, in lines with the intention, of the benefit system blackford. Mr., speaker recently didn't, vote for that what was sent from this government is it continues, to put hands into the pockets of, the Buddhists in our society, in, fact it, is the Tory, government that. Is allowing a proposal, to. Take three TV, licence insa weighed less, than tenors, it. Is this Conservative, government, that, is denying women born in the 1950s, have. Full rights to state pensions, and. It is this Tory government that. Provides presides, over the lowest state pension, age and any, developed. Country quite, simple. Pensioners. Poverty, is not, a myth it. Is the reality mr.. Speaker with. Scottish pensioners. Being shortchanged. By. The UK, government that. Must the minister must agree that, the only way to end pensioner, poverty, in Scotland, is, to put fairness, back into our pension system to give, all the people the dignity that they deserve in, retirement in, a suspension, of form to be taken by the Scottish government and Allen's dependent, Scot. Seriously. Mr.. Mr.. Speaker, the the, right honourable, gentleman's, got some nerve here he knows. He, knows that it is in the power of the Scottish, government, under, devolution, legislation. To, top.

Social, Security benefits. He, knows mr. speaker, odd odor. There's, a lot of wild gesticulation. And very animated, expressions. And people, looking at me pleadingly, he's very difficult to hear what he's being said I was trying to listen to the error edition of the minister but there's too much noise let's, hear the fella minister, beaker the right honourable, gentleman knows that, he and his party, have, voted, against, this government's, budgets even though they have been reducing. Tax upon, the lowest-paid in everything. He. Knows. He. Knows that, the budget set by, the SNP, in, the Scottish Parliament, last. Week have. Led to stocks, being. More highly, taxed than, people, in any other. And that, that. In a year, when. The Scottish Government's, block-grant as a result of the chances, budget decisions, was, increased, by nine hundred and fifty, million pounds. The, SNP Mr Speaker has, squandered, that, Union, dividend, the message that we get from them is that. If you have an SNP government. Scottish, people pay. More and get less. Thank. You mr. speaker Sydney of I say in Solihull has been a cornerstone of, my, community, for over four decades. So. Does my writable friend share my dismay, at, a councillor procurement, process which, has seen 60%, of its funding, wiped out overnight, and, when he joined me in calling on Cyril Council to do everything, to, ensure the survival of, my brilliant, local. Citizens, Advice I. Understand. Not least from my own constituency of. The. Valuable. Service that Citizens, Advice provides, in many different parts of the country, now as my honourable friend knows the funding, available through the local government, settlement is largely. On ring-fenced. And these are decisions, that are a matter for elected. Local authorities, to take their, discretion. But, I am sure that the, local authority in Solihull will, have heard very, clearly my, honorable friends concerns. My. Constituent, Rachel wrote to me saying my husband, can't live day-to-day without, insulin, he's trying to build up the supply by putting in prescriptions, early so there are no limits how much you can order and keep no, idea how bad this, could get I'm also wearing about my son where serious food intolerances I lie, awake at night worrying about it as the, minister knows ninety nine and a half percent of insulin used in UK is made in EU and that's the tip of the medicinal iceberg. The Home Secretary Foreign. Secretary and leader, of the House all said we need extra time when, will the government allow our constituents, to sleep at night and announce a delay in article 15. I. Mean. Obviously if there is concerns, about a particular. Case then the, relevant Health Minister be made happy to discuss it with the Honorable gentleman but in his his more general point about supplies. Of insulin, as, part of sensible. Contingency, planning my, right honourable friend the health secretary in his department have, been talking, to the suppliers of insulin, and other, key, medicines, and treatments, to ensure that supplies will. Remain available to patients who need them whatever the outcome in, the current Rexach negotiations. Thank. You mr. speaker health and safety is strictly, followed inside schools but, we expect our children's, across dangerous roads to, get to the school gate will, my right honourable friends, consider new, minimum requirements, and a funding pot to provide pedestrian, crossings signage, reductions. In speed limits. To ensure that our children are, looked after and don't have to cross such dangerous roads in the future. And. I really.

Understand The, concerns. That not just by right on but by my own girlfriend but many parents have about. This, issue, now of course the a lot, depends, upon the location, of an individual, school and the circumstance, of the roads in which that school, stands. But. I'm sure that a minister from the Department, of Transport would be happy to meet my honourable friend to discuss these ideas further you're right Davis. Mr.. Speaker our this week is a Children's, Mental Health. Week and there's, been a massive deterioration. In children's, mental health so, that now one in seven children. Of a mental health disorder, much live linked, to rising. Poverty yet. There's a chronic. Shortage. Of trained. Psychiatrists. To treat these children and, we rely, on the EU for one in seven, trained psychiatrists. A much, of the primary, research, so, what is he going to do to avoid, a further deterioration, of the situation if we Brax it and wouldn't, he agree with me that parents. Who voted to leave didn't. Vote to leave their children in, greater, risk, of mental disorder, and deserve, the final, say to protect them, if. The audible didn't sought my advice I would have provided it he was doing extremely well but he should have cut it off about 25, words earlier Minister. Will. The point. About, EU. Health health workers, of course with, the end of freedom of movement we will need to put new arrangements in case in, place and the immigration. Bill now before this house provides. The framework within, which those more detailed, arrangements, can be made for, the future I do have to say to the honourable gentleman of course the health service in Wales, is devolved. And it's a matter for the Welsh, Government, and assembly. But, NHS. II anuses. England's, long-term, plan is going to see the largest, expansion, of mental health services in a generation, mr., Kenneth Clarke, Mr, Speaker I and, it's very carefully, to the quieten, earnest, exchange, to my right honourable friend how, the Chancellor of the Duchy and, the right honourable lady the, shadow foreign secretary over the subject of the arrangements, for brexit and I have. To say I formed the impression, they were fight, trying to find detailed. Points, upon which they could disagree and, then, if it was left to them they would take about five minutes to, agree. On a proposal which would take the smoothly. So. Can, I ask my right on my friend if you can arranged, and on February the 14th, we, finally have some indicative, votes, in this house. So the sensible, majority, can express their opinion. We, can leave smoothly, and, start proper, negotiations. Based. On a customs. Arrangement, and some regulatory. Alignment. In the transition. Period and stop, being so dominated, by Corbin, Easter's and the european research group. I, actually. In. The the last couple of weeks one of the things i have, been. Spending my time doing is talking to. Honourable. Right honourable members from all parts of the house about. Their views on the way forward in indirects including members of the the, Labour Party, nifty rifle m'lady wants to come and see me as well I'd be very happy to to, talk further to her I just think it is I just think it is a pity that the, leader of the Opposition, waited, a full fortnight, before even opening discussions, with the government to Paul Williams Thank.

You Mr. speaker, people, watching, expect. MPs to be working together at this time in the, national, interest. While. While, the Prime Minister, is away chasing. Political, fixes, he. Knows that, this brexit, crisis, could, be resolved, right here in this house because, many members would, support, a deal that, was then put to the public for their approval. Why. Why, mr., speaker, why. Won't he offer this public final, say when, he knows that it would break the decklid the deadlock. And. I the be. Honourable the honourable members been a completely, open honourable, champion of the the, second referendum I respect. That fact he knows, the, concerns, that the the, government has that actually, this, would lead to an erosion, of public trust, in our political process and. That actually, and, that actually would be it would not settle. The, question, because. They would then be demanded whoever lost a second referendum to proceed to a third but I have to say to your member, he needs to persuade his own frontbench, as I find opposition. To a second referendum is quite, deep in both, major parties, in this house. I. Just come from speaking, at the launch of a drafter. EU, UK, free-trade, agreement, which, lays out 300, pages of what such an agreement would look like and. Invites, governments, and businesses, to engage, but. This depends on being outside, of a customs, union with the EU could, my right honourable friend notwithstanding the. Exchanges, earlier on this very topic recommit. Himself, today to. Our manifesto. Commitment, to be outside, of a customs, union with the EU in the, future relationship. Like. My right on a friend perfectly, properly, made reference, to the conservative. Manifesto in 2017. But I could refer him also to many, many statements, from mr. spats box and elsewhere by our writer on well friend the prime minister to the same effect. What I would say to him, is that. For the complex. Negotiations. That would be needed to establish the detail, of the future, economic partnership, between ourselves and the European Union we, need to have the implementation. Or transitional, period, that is specified, in the withdrawal, agreement, that's what businesses. Of all sizes and all sectors are asking, us in this house to do that, is why the house should come together and support a deal. Thank. You mr. speaker well, the minister explained, why councils, like Barry with, less brownfield. Land available. Cannot, use the most recent independent. Ons. Figures, on household, projections, to, determine, local. Housing, need thus, saving more of our precious green. Belt from, development. Well. Cuz there there have been new. Tests. Of housing need recently, introduced. And those, are designed to, reflect the fact that under, successive, governments, of, all political parties, we, as a country have, been building, far fewer new, homes than, our country and particularly, our younger, generation. Now need, so, I and I can say to the, Honourable gentleman that, representing. One of the part of the country with some of the fastest, house building rates anywhere. In England I think this is a social, justice challenge. That, we have to face up to but the National Planning Policy, contains. Within it very strong tests, to, protect interpret, against, inappropriate, development, in the Greenbelt and the government will stand by that approach, Lucy. Announced that, emergency. Services, and women in children's services are, going to move from tell them it's Princess Royal Hospital out of Peru I've, all the health secretary to, call in this decision for review because, the needs and health outcomes of people in both Telford and Wrekin have, not been considered, will. My right honourable friend join, me in urging, health secretary, to review this decision, and to listen to the concerns of people in Telford. As. I as I would expect, mild or friendly say very, strong advocate. For the health, needs of her local area understand, that she met the. Secretary state for health yesterday. And I'm sure he will be reflecting, carefully on the case that she put to him men. Fuel. Product in their eyes thanks, to your government as important. A balloon need of called weather permits receives, them my. Constituents, who live less than 10 miles away which, is the majority making statutes from the weather station they, see these payments, with temperatures below zero however. I have, neighbouring, constituents. And my want. Here, one who, have based on a measurement. From. A rail station twenty miles away so. All the plane medicine will administer act and in, this postcode, lottery for. Cold weather payments, for, the good people of bel soul core plagioclase. Mr.. Mr.. Speaker the, government's absolutely, committed to ensuring, that the most vulnerable people get. The support when they need it most and it's important, obviously that, people, are able to keep their homes warm during, any cold, snaps and the cold weather payments, and winter fuel payment, enable them to do, that I will ensure that, the relevant, minister, looks, into, the particular constituency.

Issue That he has raised. Jack. Brereton. Only. Half of my honourable friend the member for stafford who has been in his constituency this morning I wanted, to thank stuffed fire and rescue and stuff to police for their efforts in the horrific fire that occurred in Stafford this week I also wanted. To thank the local schools for support being given to children who know the family one, more our honourable friend join me expressing, our, condolences, to the family and friends involved. I. Don't. Believe. There. Is any, member of this house whose, reaction to, that ghastly. News yesterday, was, other than horror. And. The. Most, deeply. Felt sense. Of, sympathy. With. The family, and. With, the Friends, of the the. Children and parents. Involved. I mean I think any. Of us sort of thinking through what that family, has. Had to deliver, a must face living. Through in the future we must be it. Strikes one it must be almost unendurable. I would, hope on behalf of the whole house. Join, my honourable friend in paying tribute to the. Emergency. Services and let us not forget that for those, who were called out to the, scene this would have been a traumatic experience. And, also. Pay tribute to, the local schools whom. He mentioned, the. Fire. And rescue service is going, to be leading an, investigation. Into. The, causes, of this tragedy, and, obviously we will have to wait the outcome of that before deciding, whether any further lessons should be drawn, Jim. McMahon. You mr. speaker. My. Friend the Honourable member for Swan's East Fire opened, her heart. To. Share the story of her son Martin, and the pain that she went through when. He died, as a child, nine. Months ago the Prime Minister committed to establishing Martin's. Fund a children's, funeral fund that would mean that parents, in have to go, through the cost of burying their child but, yet nine months on they've, been 3,000. Families who have had to find the funding to bury their children because the government has not put the fund in. Place so can I ask when. Can we see the fund and importantly, will, the government commit to bat date in the Paley. Mr., mr.. Speakers the prime minister said previously, it isn't right that grieving. Parents have to worry about how to meet the funeral costs for. A child we've confirmed that parents, will no longer have to meet the costs of burials or cremations, and fees. We way by all local authorities and paid for instead by government. We have been working as the I think the honorable, gentleman acknowledged on the most effective, way to deliver the fund because we need to make sure we get this right but. I take I take his point about the, need to step. Up the pace and we, will provide an update to Parliament and implementation. As soon as possible, and I will certainly I, will.

Certainly Be, drawing, his, comments, and the, support, he has from other members right across the house and cross-party basis to the attention of ministers concerned Derek Thomas I. Am. Proud to represent Penzance. Which, is the start of the rail link to London and elsewhere five. Years ago since. Five. Years since this track was cut off by, both coastal, erosion and landslides, the planning application has finally gone in to create a resilient, rail link for Devon and Cornwall well, the world the are quite honourable friend short. My constituents. And this house that adequate, funds will be made available to avoid any further delay. I am. I honorable, friend is absolutely, right about the, critical importance, of this stretch of line not, just to to South Devon but to the whole of the Southwest and particularly to people living in Cold War I've. Been told by the Department of Transport, that the first phase of work to protect the seawall at Dawlish began, in November last year with, essential, repairs to breakwaters, that is part of a 50, million pound wider investment. To, make the railway odorous, and Timnath more, resilient, to extreme weather, and. Top. Quality engineers. Have been carrying out detailed, ground investigations. To, develop a long-term solution, to protect the railway but also to minimize disruption. For passengers, we're now talking to Network Rail about the long term plan. Last. Year my, considerable. Policy, was about that 55 points per week and personal. Independence payment. She, was then diagnosed. As having fibromyalgia. An incurable and often severely debilitating. Condition, she was summoned for any assessment, and the private profit driven company, this government, chooses to meet those assessments, to say that that she's healthier, with fibromyalgia. And she was the failure and stopped, a benefit, tennis entirely leaving. Had. 2,530. Per year worse off than she was before, literally. Punishing. My constituents, of being ill. Possibly. Hope to justify, such a travesty of justice. Well. Obviously the, honourable gentleman raises a particular constituency. Case, and I I don't, know the detail of the extent. To which he has just relayed. That to to, the house but I will ask the, minister at the Department, of Work and Pensions to, talk to him to look into the details of this case and create greater. Debt. Saburo. Jenkin. Can. I point out to my right honourable friend that the house has already had some indicative votes that. The house didn't, like the withdrawal agreement, as it stands, would. Prefer not to leave without a withdrawal agreement, at all and. The whole government voted, to replace the backstop, so what. Progress are the discussions. Making. Which. Are being led by a, remarkable, alliance, am i right honorable friend for luffler a my, honourable friend for North East Somerset who. Are promoting what, is known as the Malthouse compromise, which would replace the backstop, with, a perfectly, viable scheme. To, secure an open border in Northern Ireland under all circumstances what's. Holding it up. There's. No attempt. To hold.

Anything, Anything. Up I mean to get the government is very determined that, we need to, make. Progress not least because of the two-year deadlines under article 50, and. The importance to our businesses, of leaving, the EU in an orderly manner, with a withdrawal agreement, but. The the group to which my right my rival friend referred has, been meeting, with my right on warframe the exit secretary. Those talks continue. Mr., speaker, ISS, are private, contractors who employ some of my constituents, as porters and cleaners, Kingston. Hospital, but they won't pay them sick pay one, was refused sick pay after suffering a stroke and, coercing. People who are sick to come into a hospital risks. Infecting. Vulnerable, patients. ISS. Have now threatened, to break off negotiations with. The GMB trade union if there is any political. Campaigning, on this issue including. Contacting. MPs, Willie, condemned, ISS. For undermining their workers basic, democratic. Right to contact, their MP, and when he caught on ISS, to pay their workers fairly. Including. When they are sick. There's. Two issues raised on the point about access, to a a member, of parliament there is no excuse, for any, organization. Or any individual. To, try to stop, a constituent. From approaching, their Member, of Parliament and, while it is a matter, ultimately for you Mr Speaker I mean, there have been previous, occasions, where such attempts have been ruled as a a contempt, of of, Parliament, so. I hope that message. Will go back on the, substantive, point about the operation. Of the contracts, clearly that the contract, would have been led by the relevant part of the NHS but the health secretary is indicated, to me he's very willing to sit down with the Honourable member and talk through the details of this mark, Francois. Mr.. Speaker following. On from the excellent question from my honorable. Friend for haratz in North Essex can. I remind the chance of the Duchy that. On the 29th, of January, the. House passed, the so-called Brady, amendment. 317. Members, were present and, actively. Involved as they, all voted for it. Including. Him in the whole of the government. The. Amendment, said and. Requires. The more than Ireland backstop, to be replaced. With. Alternative. Arrangements. To avoid a hard border, as. The, government voted for it can he confirm, that his still their policy, and if, not which. Bit of replaced, was, not clear. The. The motion of course all also, said that subject, to those. Changes, that those. Who voted for the motion would be willing to accept me withdraw agreement. The. The, talks are continuing with, the so-called, Malthouse group. But my rifleman friend the Prime Minister's, spelled out in Belfast, yesterday. How, she intends, to take forward the work, following, the, vote for the amendment, in, the name of our, right honorable friend the member for to come and sail West Layla Moran. The. Premise, for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway has never been, consulted. On yet this multi-billion. Pound multi-lane. Highway is, set to carve through the landscape between Oxford Milton, Keynes and Cambridge and affects millions now. There is a consultation, due to start on the route options later this year but, well today the minister guarantee, that, there will also be a formal, consultation on whether the expressway, is the right thing to do at all. Mr.. Mr., speaker the, I, mean. Expressway is part, of a. Strategic. Plan for the, Oxford, Cambridge, corridor. Which is probably the best opportunity, for, economic. Growth, for, innovation, job creation anywhere, in Europe, at the moment and I say like her I speak as someone who has that no constituency. Not just a government interest, in, this, there. Will be a public consultation on, route, options later this year there, will then be a public, consultation, on the preferred route and communities. Will be able to comment on all aspects, of the expressway. During, those consultations, apprentice. There. Can be no doubt that the people of Venezuela are really, suffering 40. Of them were killed in recent protests. Many more detained, and many, are simply voting, with their feet and leaving, those that can what, more can we do as the government to help these, people and does, my right on real friend agree with me that sanctions, are still, a valuable tool. Well. What, is happening, in Venezuela. Is. Appalling, we have seen the, suppression, of, democratic. Institutions. And traditions. And we have seen three million, people, forced. To leave their country, and live as refugees. We. And our EU partners have, been clear that we need to put pressure on those around Maduro we. Need to keep that pressure up and we are looking at what further steps we can take to ensure peace and democracy including, through. Possible, sanctions it, would be a help if in, this house we could speak with a united, voice rather, than have the, leader of the opposition, looking to Maduro as Venezuela, as a role model for this country.

His. Right honourable friend the Prime Minister is a is on record as saying that she does not want a business-as-usual. Relationship. With Russia could. He then explain, why in the last year the Conservative, Party has trousered. A million. Pounds, in donations from individuals with, strong links to the Kremlin, including. A former Russian. Defense Minister and, the wife of president, Putin's, former, finances. I think. That. Well. Party matters are not not a. Subject. Of government responsibility, and I can say I could say to the, to, the Honorable gentleman that. All donations. To the Conservative, Party have been properly, declared, and accounted, for with. The Electoral Commission, and accordance, with the law there. Are people, of Russian, origin, who. Are United. Kingdom, citizens. Who. Are as entitles, any other naturalized. United, Kingdom citizen, to, support, and to donate to, the political party, of their choice. For. Parents across Easter, I'm sure the safety, of their children online. Is an absolute, priority, so, I very much welcome the announcements, from the government this week in relation to more steps for social media companies but, camera honorable friend confirmed that the online harms white paper remains, on track to be out on time and that whatever happens, with breaks that this work stream will be a priority, for this government. Yes. And I I've actually talked to the culture, secretary this week about. The need to press, ahead with, urgency. On this, task we've. Heard the calls for an internet regulator, and a strategy duty, of care and we're seriously, considering, these. Options, and our whitepaper will set out clear responsibilities. On how, those. Responsibilities. Should be matter what should happen if they are not then. Thank. You mr. speaker, Falklands. Veteran, Rory McCormick, met, his Russian spouse six years ago and she, obtained a valid article, 10 new residence, card in Ireland, now, he, his two children and, his wife who, is lawfully resident. In the UK under the Immigration, Act 2014. Are being, refused, private, tenancy, in Ipswich does, the Deputy Prime Minister believe, it is morally, defensible for, a British citizen and his family to be made homeless in his own country, simply. Because the home of his guidance wrongly, rules, out article, 10 cards, issued outside the UK as valid, valid eligibility, documents, for letting agents. I. Mean. The the Honorable gentleman will will. Appreciate, I'm not, familiar the way he is with the details of his constituency, case and I wasn't absolutely certain from, the way he posed his question whether the problem.

Is Over, the documentation. Alone or whether there is a more, substantive, problem. Behind, that but the immigration, minister or the other relevant minister will happily talk to the Honourable gentleman try and get this sorted out. Right. Honourable, friend, agree. That, brexit, provides us with the opportunity of introducing a controlled. And fair, immigration. System that no longer discriminates, against the rest of the world outside, the. EU and, that, that system should be the least bureaucratic. And possible, I. Agree. With my boyfriend, on on both those points and I think it's important, that in. The future we have a system, that is that, is fair that makes it easy for the brightest and best in, the world to come and work, and study here but. Also new, judges people not got a country they come from but upon their their, skills they bring to this country in their commitment to this country bernisa, Vincent Gable, the. Minister will recall that my, colleagues, and I in the coalition introduced. The naming and shaming of, companies, which, failed to pay the minimum wage this. Practice, has ceased since last summer, apparently. Because civil servants, are tied up on brexit duties what. Does this tell us about the government's, newfound, enthusiasm for. Labor rights and when, will these lists be published, I. Hope. That the the. Right honourable gentleman have acknowledged, that the government, has continued, to take forward and strengthen further the policies, on national. Living wage that we, we, did work together on during, the coalition, days, but. I will look into looking to the point that he's made discuss it with my. Right. Honourable friend the secular state for, for. Industry, and perhaps, dropping the note too to say what we've concluded from that.

2019-02-07 20:33

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