Prime Minister's Questions: 4 July 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 4 July 2018

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Order, questions, to, the Prime Minister. Tommy, Shepard. Thank. You mr. speaker, mr.. Speaker I'm sure the whole house who wish to join me in offering, our heartfelt, condolences, to. The family and friends of private, Rhys Miller from, the first Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment who died on the 30th of June while on operations, in Estonia, as a result, of a non-fatal injury. Private. Miller served his country with great distinction, and that service will not be forgotten, mr.. Speaker this week marks, 70 years since the NHS was founded, it's, rightly one of the nation's most loved institutions. And I would like to take this opportunity to pay, tribute to and recognize, the, dedication, and hard work of, NHS, staff across, the country, and. Finally. Mr. speaker the country. Witnessed a very rare and welcome, event last night. The. England football team winning a penalty shootout. Can, I say I think the explosion, of relief and most of all joy could be felt up and down the country not just in, the smoking-room of the House of Commons, and. I want to congratulate Gareth, Southgate and, his team on a great performance last. Week I promise to fly the flag of some George above number 10 for all of England's remaining matches in the World Cup and I know the whole house will want to join me in wishing the England team the best of luck in Saturday's, quarter pride. Let's. Keep that flag flying, and. Mr. speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in a. Addition. To my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings later today Tommy. Shepherd. Scotland. I transferred, responsibility for. The crime estate in Scotland to the Scottish government but, a large retail, park in my constituency, called fort Kinnaird was exempted, from the transfer, on the grounds that it was tied up with a private joint venture, last. Month the government sold, the crown estates interests, in fort Kinnaird for, the receipt of a hundred and sixty-seven million pounds, and last, week the Treasury confirmed, to me that, none of that money would go to the Scottish government but it would be retained here, in London, can I ask the prime minister to review, that. Decision in order, that the proceeds, from the sale of a major public, asset in Scotland's, capital city, are, given, to the people of Scotland. Can. I say to your noble gentlemen, that my understanding is that when, he says the money has come to the government it is actually money has gone to the Crown Estate but I'm happy to look at that and to clarify that point in writing to him MacLean. After. Loud tonight I'm sure there's one question I don't need to ask the Prime Minister which is does she believe that football is coming, home.

Don't. She also agreed another, great victory for our United, Kingdom, is the bae contract. And what does she think that means for jobs up and down the country in the manufacturing, supply chain after, we leave the EU. Can. I say honourable lady I sincerely hope actually that, members across the whole of this house will, be congratulating England. Success. My. Older friend is absolutely, right also to highlight this excellent, news that Australia, has selected, the global combat ship Australia. As, the preferred, tenderer for their future frigate program the, scale and nature of this contract puts the UK at the forefront, of maritime design and engineering. Demonstrates. What can be achieved by UK industry and government working hand-in-hand, and it's the start of a new era in strategic defence, industrial, collaboration. Between the UK and Australia which, will be reinforced, by the forthcoming defence industrial, dialogue as we leave the UK that were as we leave the EU we will be empty. As. We as. We leave the European Union we have an opportunity, as a UK to, build on that closer relationship. With allies, like Australia and, that's exactly what we're doing Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank. You mr. speaker, I, share. The Prime Minister's tribute to private Reece Miller who died while serving in the 1st battalion the Yorkshire Regiment are, thought to with his family his friends and, of course the entire regiment I spent. The weekend congrats on the NHS on its 70th birthday and I Bevans birthplace, and. The message from the crowd there was the, NHS is great let's fund it properly. And. Whilst with. And, whilst we're speaking of, emergency. Services Mr, Speaker I do think, we, should send a message from this house of our thanks and support to, all those firefighters. Tackling. These huge fires on, Saddleworth, Moor and, Winter, Hill and of. Course I can graduate the England team on a fantastic, performance last night wish, them well on Saturday, in the match against, Sweden. Mr.. Speaker with. With. Fairs. With. Fairs rising. Above. Inflation. Passenger. Numbers, falling and. Services. Being cut, does. The Prime Minister, accept her failure, on yet, another public. Services, the buses. Can, I first of all can, I first of all say to the right honourable gentleman that, I absolutely agree, with him and I'm sure all members of this house that, our thank should go to the firefighters, and the troops who've been struggling to deal with these terrible fires that we have seen on the moorlands in the north of in, the north of Britain on. The point about the buses I would merely point out to him that actually I think we should look at the responsibility that local authorities have, up and down this country. Can. I also just, can, I also just comment. On a remark that the right honourable gentleman made about. Putting sufficient, funding, into the National Health Service at. The last election, the. Labour Party. Said that giving the NHS, an extra 2.2, percent a year which, make it the envy, of the world, well. We're not giving it an extra 2.2 percent or indeed 2.5, percent or 3 percent we're. Giving it an extra, 3.4. Percent. Now he tries to say that's not enough witch, witchery, what, should we believe what, he said before the election and what he says after the election. Mr.. Speaker in case the primaries have forgotten, my question, was about busses. Since, and, since. 2010. And since. 2010. Her government has, cut, 46%. From bus budgets, in England numbered. Pasture numbers are falling and amongst, elderly and disabled, it's fallen, by 10%, her, government belatedly. Committed, to keeping the, free bus pass but, a bus pass isn't, much use if there isn't a bus. So, does the Prime Minister think it's fair that bus. Fares have risen by 13. Percent more than, inflation, since 2010.

He. Says. That he asked originally in his first question about buses he did indeed and I gave, him an answer in reference to buses but. What he cannot do is simply stand up and make assertions about, what the government is doing without expecting those to be challenged, which is exactly what I did on his funding for the National Health Service what. We have seen across the country and it was right that we commit made that commitment in relation to bus passes, what, what we have seen about across the country is that we are seeing that as people's working habits are changing that we are seeing people, are less usage, of buses around. Her country but this is something this is something that we work with local authorities on, there, are many responsibilities. That local authorities have, in relation to buses and I suggest that you ask some, of those local authorities, what they're doing about the buses in their own area, Gorman. Mr.. Speaker under this government fares have risen three times faster, than people's pay bus. Users, are often people on lower income whose, wages are lower than they were ten years ago in, real terms and have suffered a benefit, freeze and, this. Government under, their stewardship. Has cut, 500. Bus routes every, year leaving. Many people more isolated. Lonely. And damaging, our local communities, does, the Prime Minister, believe that. Bus, services, are a public, responsibility, or just, something you leave to the market. And. I. Made. The point on, two occasions about the responsibilities. That other half others have in relation, to buses so he might for example look. At what the mayor of London, who I last looked at was a Labour politician, is, doing in relation to buses in London but he talks also about the impact, Affairs on low-income people it is important, that we consider the, situation of people who are on low incomes, that's, why it is this government that introduced, the National living wage and has increased the national living way, that is why it is this government that has taken four million, people out of paying income tax, altogether, that. Is helping people on low incomes in this country Jeremy, Corbyn, Mr, Speaker when. Sadiq Khan ran, for mayor of London he promised to freeze bus fares and you know released on frozen, bus fares, if. She's concerned. If, she's, concerned. About. The travel card fares speak. To the Secretary of State for Transport he's. The one that sets, that fair. Mr.. Speaker bus routes are being wiped out. 26. Million fewer, journeys, made across the north of England and the Midlands, under, her government, so much for a northern powerhouse and a Midlands engine can, we be clear does. She think does the Prime Minister think the deregulation. Of the bus industry putting, profit before passengers, has been a success, or, a failure. What. Are we seeing on the number of people using buses in London it's gone down, under.

The Under, the car up there but, if he wants to talk about what mayor's are doing I'm very happy to talk about what Andy Street. These, extended. Free bus fares to apprentices, and students. The. Speaker, will be a Labour government that, saves the bus industry in the labor government that gives. That. Gives free fares to under 26, year olds Mr. Speaker the truth is since. Deregulation. Fares. Have risen faster than inflation ridership. Has fallen and these, private, bus monopolies. Have, made a profit, since, 2010. Of. 3.3. Billion pounds. That's what the Tories give you in public transport, the, government has given Metro mayor's the powers to franchise, and regulate, to secure better services, why, won't the government extend, that power to, all local, authorities. Of. Course the local authorities, do have some, responsibilities. In capabilities, in relation, to subsidizing. Bus routes and fares and yes, we have given those powers to the giving, those powers to the Metro mayors but, can I also say to the right honourable gentleman he taught a little earlier about a reference. What was happening in the northern powerhouse and the Midlands engine I'll tell you what's happening in the northern powerhouse in the Midlands engine more, investment, in our public transport, more investment, in our roads more, investment, in the infrastructure, that brings jobs to people in the north and people across the Midlands. It's. A shame this government, is so shy of giving powers to local authorities, and instead, more interested, in cutting their resources. But. Mr. speaker under, this government bus, services, are in crisis. Fares. Are increasing. Routes. Been cut, passenger. Numbers falling. Isolating. Elder. And its abled, people damaging. Communities, high streets and actually. Needing to more congestion, in our towns and cities people, spending, more time travelling, to work or school it's, bad for, our climate change commitments. Bad for, our air quality so, will the Prime Minister. At last recognize. The. Crucial, importance, of often, the only, mode of transport, available for many people, and end, the cuts to, bus budgets, and give, councils, the power to, ensure everyone. Gets a regulated, bus service, wherever, they, live. Gentlemen. I'll. Take no lessons from the right honourable gentleman in devolution, to local authorities, which. Party, is it that has established those, Metro, mayors and given them those powers, it's a Conservative, Party in government, which, party, is it that is doing growth deals around the country giving new responsibilities.

And Local authorities, it is this conservative. What. Did we see in the northeast when we were talking to labour, councils, in the Northeast about their having a devolution. Deal labor council, leaders in the northeast rejected. That devolution. The. Labour Party is doing he, wants to know he, wants to know what this government is delivering, for the people of this country for the north to south the Midlands, for every part of this country record. High employment, rising. Wages falling. Borrowing, stronger, environmental. Protection and a Britain fit for the future. Mr.. Scope man, harass, mr. speaker, wait, for a bus question, and then seven come at once. This, manager walked with parents, from talib old to sir james school this is the route that Cornwall counts will have deemed to be safe and within government's, guidance and the parents have been refused, free public transport, for their kids it's, seven, miles at three miles there and three miles back the, road has no pavements, no, street lighting lighting. And in, winter month the children will be asked to walk to and from school in the dark on, a single, track road with cars tractors. And, lorries, there are similar stories all around formal, will, the Prime Minister look at these guidance, and talk to Cornwall Council and see what can be done. -, my honourable friend obviously, we are as I've indicated committed. In recognising. The responsibilities, that local authorities have, in these these matters, and we've committed to providing them with the funding they need we've, increased the funding for Cornwall for, 2019-20, by over 12 million since 2015-16. As, I say it's a matter for the local authority, to decide how to spend their funding and to make decisions on local matters but I agree with haman would encourage local authorities, to make sure that in doing that they, are absolutely, taking into account the wishing's and concerns, of the, communities, that they serve including. The, community that my honourable friend has referred to in. Blackford. Can. I congratulate, England, and they're very fine victory. In Novato oh, it's. Very unfair, on the, leader. Of the Scottish National Party order. Order. And. I, had remind. The house or indeed I inform, house and we're certainly for the first time that we are today, visited. By, an, American. State, senator. And his wife whom I had the great privilege of meeting earlier. This morning I'm sure we will wish, to impress, the. Turqu them with the quality, of our behavior. Mr.. Ian Blackford. Thank You mr. speaker and perhaps on American, Independence, Day we should welcome the senator. Graduate. England on the very fine victory in the water. Coming. Games mr.. Speaker this. Morning we have learned that. Vote leave is expected, to be found guilty of breaking. Electoral, law does. The Prime Minister agree that we need absolute, transparency in, elections, and that, people must, be held accountable. The. Right honourable gentleman for the congratulations and best wishes that, he's given to the to the England team on. The issue on the issue that he refers to I'm, not going to comment. On I'm sure all of our members, will understand I'm not going to comment on what. Appears to be an elite report, which the government has not seen the electoral, commission in relation to the vote leave matter has said that it will consider representations. It's receive and will publish a thorough and detailed closing. Report in order to provide a balanced, account and will, of course consider, that report when the, government receives it and we'll also consider any recommendations. Arising. From it when it's released. The. In Blackbird beacon. Of course it's the principle, which is important, our democracy. Cannot. And must not be bought mr.. Speaker the Conservatives, are systematically. Shielding. Their donations, from, public scrutiny, Jackson. Carmel MSP. For Eastwood, the, Honourable, member from Banten Baucom the, Honourable, member for Murray have. All accepted donations from. The Scottish unionist, Association, trust the. Trust has donated. 19,000. People to, the Spanish conservatives, yet. There is no information, available about. Who the people are who currently managed to trust no, public accounts to indicate who its donors are or what assets, it holds the, BBC, has revealed that the former vice chairman, of the Conservative Party in Scotland, Richard. Cook, behind. The v-ups.

435. Thousand, pound donation during, the EU referendum and, has a trail of involvement, in illegal, activity, and foreign money. I. Think, right old gentleman's finished this question they, finished, yeah glad you say the right honorable gentleman that I very much hope and trust that he has advised, those members, in advance as he's, referred to them but I know he's approaching, his passion. And it'll be sensitive to the fact that the house wants that mr.. Blackford have indeed dead mr., speaker I'm now giving the Prime Minister the chance to tell us what, checks the Scottish Tory Party had, in place before. Accepting, such large donations, and while she investigated, the links between, the Conservative, Party and a trust and promised to publish lists of all donations. I can. Tell the right honourable gentleman that all donations, to a Scottish Conservative, Party are accepted, and declared in accordance, with the, law and the Scottish, Conservative, Party works with the Electoral Commission to make sure that that is all done properly, Lillian, Keegan. Domestic. Abuse is an act of brutality, often. Hidden in plain sight. And it affects one in four women and one in four men across. This country, last. Week saw, the launch of the employers initiative. On domestic, abuse and 170. Companies, and some, MPs have, signed up to train their employees to, spot the tell-tale signs and to help provide much-needed support. Could, I ask the prime minister, to, support this initiative and also to encourage more, employees and businesses, across the country to, sign up. And. She's raised a very important, issue and of course as she has said in her question this, is a this is something which we see many, women being victims, but also men can be victims of domestic abuse too and I, certainly welcome the efforts of the employers initiative, in raising, awareness of this issue but also in that vital, work of providing advice and support to employers and employees. On the steps they can take to address it I. Understand. That my honourable friend the Minister for crime safeguarding. And vulnerability, and Minister for women attended. The launch of a toolkit for employers on tackling domestic, abuse recently, which was developed in partnership with the employers initiative with public health England and business in the community and I would absolutely encourage, members from, all sides of this house as employers, to sign up to the initiative but also to promote it in their constituencies so. That we can take every step we, can to root out domestic, violence roberta. Blackman, woods. Has. Recently locked, up children in cages, instigated. A ban on muslims stalled action, on climate change started. Trade wars and his know threatening, women's reproductive rights, so, shouldn't the Prime Minister be challenging, his divisive. Damaging, and damaging. Policies, and. Instead. Of and, do that instead of inviting him for tea and kicks at number 10. The. Honorable lady that we have indeed and I have responded. To, the points that she has raised are be very clear and I've said that in this house for, example on the action that was taken against, child migrants, that was not acceptable, it's not something we would do here in the UK we did not consider that that was acceptable but she wants me she wants me to challenge the President of the United States what better way to challenge the president's the United States than be able to sit down and talk to him about it. I really. Look forward to welcoming Heather Steve from the practice manager at Loftus GP, surgery, to my right on were friends Downing Street reception, for the NHS later can, she is sure the house as part of this government's record investment, in the NHS, she. Will ensure that primary, care services, receive all the support that they need.

Yes. Can I say to my. Honourable friend that. The. Intention, and what will happen with this increase in the NHS budget is that, we see it directed, to frontline and primary services we. Need to have this long-term plan the NHS is developing. That long term plan itself, the budget will have increased by 2023 24 with an extra, 20 billion, pounds, a year in real terms compared, with today, but, it is that in that ten-year plan that will be led by doctors, that, we will make sure we're delivering world-class care, for everyone and that plan must also make sure that every penny is well spent Marsha. De Cordova. Thank. You mr. speaker this morning the head of the National, Audit Office took. The unprecedented, step, of writing an open letter to the Secretary, of State for Work and Pensions setting. Out how she has misled Parliament in free, respective. Statements. She, made. Over, universal, credit the. Ministerial, code is very clear that and I quote it is, of paramount importance. That ministers, give accurate and truthful information to. Parliament, correcting. Any inadvertent error, at the earliest, opportunity. Ministers. Who knowingly, mislead, Parliament. To. The Prime Minister passion. As. The Honorable lady said it's. Very clear that ministers, should correct the record in Parliament and the welfare secretary will be correcting the record as I believe she has advised you mr., speaker, after p.m. queues at the despatch-box is, robbed goodwill. On. Saturday, inland god no the Prime Minister received a warm welcome as, the nation, paid tribute to our brilliant Armed Forces. It's. Great news that valiant, Salzburg will host the event next year and, we're absolutely delighted, that, Britain's premier result Scarborough, will, be the location of, the National, Armed Forces Day, event in 2020. So. Can I ask the Prime Minister if she's looking forward to coming to Scarborough as much as we're looking forward to welcoming her on the 27th, of June 2020, and, does, she suspect like, me and does. She suspect like me that the leader of the Opposition, will already put the date in his diary as no, doubt she'll be planning to wash his hair that day again. It. Was indeed, great privilege to attend Armed Forces Day Atlantic, No on Saturday, and to, be it was a fantastic, celebration obviously. Other events took place up and down the country but, it was a great opportunity to recognize, the bravery, the professionalism, our armed forces the, wonderful job that they do day, in and day out for us putting themselves on the line and making sacrifices, for our safety I'm delighted that Salisbury, and Scarborough will be hosting the day in 2019, and 2020, respectively. As regards, Scarborough, Armed Forces Day will give people yet another reason for wanting to visit the. Great resort of Scarborough, in 2020. And I certainly look forward to. Continuing, to celebrate, Armed Forces day in the future and to be able to join him in celebrating, it in Scott. The, nursery of baseball, college is well used it's well rated, and it helps parents access, further education. Despite. This Natyam college of planning to close it our, campaign to stop this is backed by 1,800 local residents, and by our local councilors, does, the Prime Minister agree with them that we must remove all barriers to, accessing further education, and will she support our call for the college to revisit, this decision. That. I haven't seen the details of the particular case that issued, around this college that he has raised on the general point I think it is important, that we make sure that education, further education, higher education is. Available. To people and. Is available to people whatever their background whatever, their circumstances and, whatever, as. I say whatever their particular circumstances. Because I do want to see a country where. How far people go in life is about them it's about their talents and it's about their willingness to work hard and not where they've come from or not what their circumstances are. Speaker, would the prime-minister join, me in welcoming the major investment, in the exciting, new campus, for, the University, of Northampton, in my constituency, and. Does he share my does she share my view that this could play a key role in the, revitalization. Of the town center. I'm. Very happy to share the, view, that my humble friend is expressed in welcoming, the investment, that is taking place in the new campus for the University, of Northampton it's good to see that investment that's, being put in by the university into their staff into technology, into facilities into, infrastructure, and putting, students firmly at the heart of the institution but as he says it's, also a great opportunity for the, local, community I I am as wild-boar, friend will know the campus as part of Northampton waterside, enterprise, zone and I understand that's created over 2,800.

Jobs And attracted 320. Million of private sector investment I'm, sure this new campus will also, be, a catalyst, for investment, and new jobs as well. Maintain, nursery, skills employee, qualified teachers, are inspected. As schools of all the costs associated with schools but still they are not funded, as schools, does, a prime minister recognized, that, all the grammar schools in the world cannot, raise standards if children. Are neglected in. Those early years if, these nursery, schools are not funded, our schools they will close well the Prime Minister can meet today to make sure that doesn't happen and make, a financial. Commitment. To, support them in the future, yeah, what. Can I say to the Honourable lady that I fully recognize the importance, of that early, years education that, is provided by nursery schools and indeed by maintained nursery schools and indeed by others that was why many years ago when I was the chairman of Education in the London borough of Merton I was happy to complete, a program which ensured that we put early. Years education in, for those parents who want it at a time when the Labour government and others were were not putting it into when. They become on previously, and the government of time, putting it in so we recognized, the importance of master education. Despite. Great. Government, investment. In the railway line from Cambridge. Into. Kings Cross from pancreas, and then across London, into, Thames Lee over. The last seven weeks my, constituents. Have endured an appalling. Service. We're. Told that that will now improve, on the 15th, of July but if it doesn't does, she agree with me that, go. Via Thameslink, should, be stripped of the service, and a new operator, brought, in a new operator, of last resort to, sort out this mess. And. As I've said previously the, disruption, that passengers, have been facing is simply unacceptable, and. It's. Unacceptable, that it is continuing, to happen today as he, says the 15th of July there will be a full interim, timetable, introduced with, the aim of improving reliability, and, performance for, passengers, but, clearly, and there is work, being done there's a review of go via Thames link which is going to report in the next few weeks clearly. We need to see and ensure. First, of all the priority is to make sure that interim, timetable, is implemented. And passengers. Do get the services, that they need but secondly if the. Services are not provided in the way that is that, is right in the services, that passengers need of course, the Department for Transport will be looking at this and nothing is off the table amaura Mr Speaker I invite, you and the Prime Minister to, visit Newcastle. This summer for the Great Exhibition, of, the north, celebrating. Engineering. And creativity, from, Stephenson's. Rocket to. The wilson's twins suspended. Island installation. But, given the prime minister refuses, to invest, in tidal power or carbon. Capture, or rule-outs a No Deal brexit, which will devastate. Engineering. Supply chains what, hope is there that our engineering, future, will be as glorious, as our engineering. When, I say to, the Honourable lady there is every, hope because of the investment, that the and the commitment.

That The government is government is giving through our modern industrial strategy, she asks if I on members of the government will visit, the Great Exhibition of the north I think she may be surprised to find how many of us do indeed visit over the summer sure people will and I visited, the Honourable lady's constituency. In February, and I'm still fizzing with excitement about the matter five, months later Mary, Robinson. Thank. You mr. speaker popular, hairdressers. Ed and Mike are visiting, here today, it's. Like many other small businesses it's through their skills their expertise, and their hard work that they are successful, what she joined me in praising, small businesses up and down the country for the work they do and, also agree, with me that it's through. Building a strong economy that, we provide best conditions, for them to survive and thrive. Can. I say to my honourable friend that I'm very happy to join her in recognizing. The vital. Role that small businesses play in our economy and indeed, in our local communities, and they, are providing, valuable, services, products, and jobs for local people and we should never fail to recognize the great work that they do but of course government's, role is ensuring that there's a strong economy in which those businesses, can thrive and that's exactly what the conservative government is doing. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister will know that later, this month sim Bob we will have its first elections. Since, Mugabe, was ousted by a military coup recently. My, friend the Honourable member for Bournemouth West and myself have returned from Zimbabwe, we heard from Zimbabwe ins their concern that this will not be our genuinely. Free and fair election, will. The Prime Minister, the Constitution, is not being adhered to and the meat or position are having no chance. Of getting to them to the state media would the Prime Minister give an assurance that, our government, will not rush in to, agreeing. That this is free and fair election, until, we have seen that it really, means change, and not just for the election, yeah. I say, to the Honourable lady can I commend the work that she does, the excellent work she continues to do as chair of the AP PG on Zimbabwe and. Obviously. We welcome the announcement of, the date of the election on the 30th of July but we are urging all parties, involved to pursue free fair and peaceful elections, because, actually I think that is absolutely, what the Zimbabwean, people deserve, and, we. Will certainly watch very carefully to see how those elections are conducted and. And. Consider, obviously. The conduct, of those elections as appropriate. We've. Repeatedly, said the distance in barbarian, government can demonstrate commitment. To political and economic reform then, the UK stands ready to do all it. Can to support its recovery, but obviously that commitment, is essential during, Patterson, here mr. speaker president. Makarov, has ordered that every one of his cabinet ministers should be subject to a performance, review, when. The private when. The Prime Minister meets. Her cabinet, on Friday. Will, she judge every, one of their contributions. And the, final, deal that they decide, against. The very clear criteria laid, down in the conservative, manifesto and. The labor manifesto. Which got 85%, of the votes that will categorically, be leaving the single market the, customs, union and the remit of the ECJ. But. I'm pleased to say we have a strong team of the cabinet who will be taking this decision on Friday. Can. I assure my right honourable friend can. I assure my right honourable friend that the brexit, that this government will be delivering and was working to deliver is a brexit, that ensures that we are out of the customs union we're out of the single market we're, out of the. Jurisdiction, of the European Court of Justice we're out of the Common Agricultural Policy we're. Out of the Common Fisheries Policy we. Bring an end to free movement we take control of our borders we have an independent trade, policy, and but, we're also able to have a good trade arrangement, with the European Union protecting. Jobs and prosperity for the future. Brendan. Neal. Couple. Of mr. speaker and I sweetly following on from the member opposite with, the Prime Minister's checkers, failure, Friday on the way and, Max Fox in giving way for Todd Kapoor, total capitulation the. UK government's, an illegal brakes it has been dinner delay and duck but, can I give the Prime Minister an opportunity, for a straight answer shellfish.

Producers, In my constituency, are worried, about getting, their produce to the French market and the Spanish market together. With those countries and independent, Ireland of course how, open discipline Minister won't uninvited the borders and the tributes to be after. Brexit. The. Honourable gentleman that, I've made very clear that we are committed to no hard border between Northland, and Ireland into his frictionless, a border, with the European, Union in the future as as, possible but can I also say to the honourable gentleman that I think fishermen up and down the country are, welcoming. The proposals, that my right honourable friend the Environment, Secretary has put forward on Fisheries, Policy for the future, it is, this government, that is taking, the UK out of the Common Fisheries Policy, the worst policy, for fish fishermen, in Scotland. Would be the SNP, policy, of staying in the CFE. Mr. Albarn. Thank. You mr. speaker in. In. Harlow, in 2016. I. Know. What this. Question is about and it must be heard. With. Courtesy. And respect. Mr.. Robert Howell thank. You in, Harlow in 2016. A beautiful, little girl summer Guam tragically, lost her life when, a bouncy, castle she, was playing in blew away. This. Weekend there was another horrific fatality, in Great Yarmouth from, an inflatable the. Grandmother, of summer grant has contacted, me and asked. For there to be more safeguarding. And training for these temporary structures, my white humble friend for Great Yarmouth has also urged for, lessons to be learned and I've been contacted by other parents around the country whose, children have been injured in similar, circumstances. A reputable. Operator from Harlow has told me that bouncy, castles, can be bought for just a few hundred pounds on eBay and many, inflatables, are not properly regulated, well, my honourable friend urgently, review the regulations around bouncy. Castles and inflatables, and implement a temporary, ban on bouncy. Castles inflatables, in public areas until we know they can be safe. Obviously. A very very, serious issue and can I first of all offer my, deepest condolences, and I'm sure those at the whole house to, the family of summer grant but also the family of Ava Mae little, boy who, was of course. Tragically. At the victim, of the bouncy castle incident, that took place at this weekend, I do share, my own woman but honorable. Friends concerns. About these tragic incidents, as regards, the incident that took place at the weekend I understand Norfolk Police aided. And working, with the Health and Safety Executive have. Started an investigation, into the incident it's. Too early to know the cause of the incident but if any findings, emerge from the investigation, and the necessary recommendations, to improve safety will, be shared across the relevant sectors as soon as possible, and Husayn. Under. This government, we have seen a climate. Of division, towards, refugees, and migrants. With, Windrose just the tip of the iceberg, yet. Now we see them extend, this hostile environment to, those facing. Oppression and seeking, protection, with, the revelation, that the Home Office have, failed to net new asylum, contracts, in the auction and from by creating, the real risk that, those fleeing persecution will. Be left without, roofs, over the head is this, the vision, for. Britain that the Prime Minister sees. Or will she give, a guarantee here, today that no one fleeing persecution will.

Find Themselves homeless. Can. I say to the, Honourable gentleman that, this country, has a proud and long tradition, of welcoming those, who are fleeing from persecution and. And. Providing. Them with the appropriate support, I. Will as. He would have noticed the Home Secretary, is on the front bench and will have heard the specific, issue he's raised about, the Home Office contracts, in his in his area, but, we have, that long and proud tradition it, continues. Today we welcome and we, deal sensitively. Uncaf, alee with those who are fleeing persecution and, we will continue to do so. Thank. You very much mr. speaker just as an aside the, Berko report on speech language and communication. Was. Very well referenced in Westminster, Hall this morning but. My question, is about ice cream. In. This hot weather there's, been a great run on granny guards, ice cream in Taunton, Dean all, the milk provided, by local farmers but, it's not just popular locally, mr., speaker granny Goddard's, has just secured, contracts. To sell its. 135. Varieties, of ice cream to China and. It's and it's expanding. To South Saudi, Arabia. So. Words, the Prime Minister, join. With me in congratulating, granny, Gotthard on their sweet export, success and. On winning to business, awards, in the Taunton team business. And does this not demonstrate, the opportunities. On the global, markets. Can. I can I say, tomorrow friend I'm very happy to join her in congratulating Brandon guitars for, not only for the two business awards that they've achieved but, also crucially. For those export, contracts, that they are working on they are achieving. And it's. Absolutely, right that my honourable friend highlights, the opportunities, the businesses, will have as we leave the European Union because it will be an opportunity to. Boost, productivity deliver. Better infrastructure, maximize. The, potential of our country maximize, the potential of businesses, like granny guitars which are obviously such a success in her constituency in. The week of a special, birthday for him, and in, the name of encouraging. A young, member as he seeks to build his career I call, mr. steven Powell. Mr.. Speaker may, I in, respect of Lee Prime Minister's opening statement declare an interest, as, I too. Was, born in the first week of July, 1948. Whereas. I recognized. That the national health service is held in rather higher esteem, in the nation than I am we. We. Both need, a bit, of care inattention. May. I tell the Prime Minister what the NHS, needs is not, warm, words but, cold cash, and I. Would willingly, happily. Joyfully. Pay more in income tax to save the National Health Service would she. Can. I can. I first of all wish. The Honourable gentleman a very happy, 70th, birthday. And, can I say to him but he, is held in very high esteem across. This house. That. May not have done very well for him with this front bench I'm afraid to be saying. Can. I also Mr Speaker I also Mr Speaker take this opportunity, as I haven't had one previously to say, I wish a very happy birthday for, his birthday. On Monday of my right honourable and learned friend the member for Russell. In. Answer to the issue that the Honorable gentleman raised. In his question, I think that he. What, we are doing for National Health Service is providing. It with that money ensuring. That by 2020 324, it will have 20 billion pounds, extra in. Real, terms. Anding, and ensuring. Alongside that, that a ten-year plan is produced which, delivers. For patients. Celebrations. Of armed services day what, my right honourable friend join me in supporting, an inspirational. Charity, the Oncourse foundation, which, is helping injured military personnel, both here, and, in the USA, who, have lost limbs to.

Rebuild Their lives through, giving them the skills knowledge and confidence to, find, long-term employment, in the, golf industry what. She agreed to meet with me and some of these amazing men and women to, see how this charity, founded by John Simpson could, be extended, to some of our other services such. As the police service and the fire service I. Think. My right honourable friend for. The, warm. Words that she's provide the armed force foundation. Which i think is doing excellent work as she says it is, really, important, that we ensure that those, of our armed. Forces who. Are injured, those of our armed forces who, are veterans. Are given the support that they need she's, highlighted, a particular area in which that is happening I may say Armed Forces Day on Saturday gave me the opportunity, to announce that we are going next year to have the first national, gains for, wounded, injured and sick veterans, and personnel, of our armed forces, inspired, by the Invictus games but these are games that we focused on those in our British Armed, Forces next. Year and as she has mentioned the police and fire service I will ensure that the, minister, from the Home Office responsible. Will meet with her Seema. Malhotra. Leaders. In my constituency, following. The horrific terrorist attack in the Afghan city of Jalalabad on Sunday which was a deliberate, attack with devastating, consequences, the, 19, killed included, the trustees, of the Gurdwara and the only seat candidate, in the forthcoming elections. Mister after Singh Khalsa the, Gurdwara had been a safe haven for, many persecuted. Families and they were on their way to visit the president. Mr.. Speaker at the moment now the, Afghan Sikhs in West London are meeting in prayer and remembrance for, those killed many of whom they knew will. The Prime Minister update the house on what she is doing to ensure the, safety of minorities. In Afghanistan. Including meeting, with the Afghan diaspora about. Their concerns. The. Honourable lady she's raised a very serious, issue and the terrorist attack that she was referred to was indeed an appalling attack and, as, she said too many were. Victims, and lost their lives as a result of the attack that took place and. In Afghanistan and, it, is important, that we ensure that we are providing support as we do through, our contribution. To in. Afghanistan. Which is about, contribution. To security. In the, in the Kabul area, specifically, from our forces, but working with others to ensure, that the Afghan security forces, are able to provide the, security and, safety, for, all communities. Who are living, in Afghanistan there. Have been tremendous. Achievements. Have been made in terms of Afghanistan, today compared. To what it was like in the past before these efforts were put in but as she has highlighted sadly, we still see too, many terrorist, attacks taking place in Afghanistan and we will continue to work with our allies and with the Afghan government to prevent, these in the future and to install that people can go about their, daily life in safety. And security and confidence liquidly in. Agreeing, with the Prime Minister as I always do, that, brexit. Means brexit, and that means generally, taking back control, well she confirmed, today but, after we leave the EU we will not just be leaving in the single market and the customs union but can she confirm, that, it is her personal, position and the, settled negotiating. Position of her Majesty's government that after, we leave EU, we will have full and unfettered control. Of migration. Into this country full. And unfettered control. Of our ability to make new trade, deals for the rest of the world and above, all full, and unfettered control. Of the way we regulate our own business. To. Say. To my honourable. Friend we will indeed after, we leave the European Union we, will be operating our own independent, trade, policy, Parliament. Will be determining, our laws and we will bring an end to free movement, finally. Mr. chiger emunah. Mr.. Speaker, a 19, year old constituent. Was stabbed in December, 2016.

He, Nearly died from his injuries and his mother subsequently, came to see me to, get help to move out of Borough because she feared it would happen again despite. Our efforts they, were not moved and as, his mother feared, late, last Wednesday, he was again stabbed, this, time seven, times, close. To their home Prime. Minister it is an outrage that, the system is not protecting. Teenagers, in this, situation. What is it saying about. Our society, will. She commit to introduce, a compulsory. Scheme, not, just pan London, but, nationally. - Phyllis facilitate. Such necessary, moves between. Social, housing, providers, and quite, simply, save, lives. Say. To the, honorable gentleman that obviously he, is raised an issue first of all on the issue of the attacks that took place on, his constituent, we, do take are taking, this issue of a, use. Of offensive weapons obviously, we're introducing, the offensive offensive, weapons bill but also serious, violence, very seriously I understand the Honorable gentleman is sitting on the task force on serious violence that my right honorable friend the hem Home Secretary, is, has, established, to, ensure that we are taking account, of views across this house on this issue which, is a matter for all of us and, and. To do that and I'm grateful to him for sitting on that task force he refers to a matter of course which is a matter which, lies in the hands of local authorities and social housing providers. And. Social, housing providers, and, in relation to London, and looking at operations. Across London of course it is possible for him to speak to the mayor of London about the responsibility that he has and the opportunities, that he would wish to introduce. Order.

2018-07-05 17:41

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