Prime Minister's Questions: 2 May 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 2 May 2018

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Thank You order. Questions to, the Prime Minister here, are house, number. 1 mr. speaker. Thank. You mr. speaker mr. speaker I know that, members across the whole house will. Wish to join me in offering our deepest, condolences to. The family and friends of Michael Martin Latin, adores Martin of spring Byrne who died earlier, this week he served, as Speaker for nearly nine years and, I'm sure members will remember his sense of public service his, commitment, his constituency. In Glasgow, and his, good humour and I, particularly, remember him, for the courtesy, which he always showed me, mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings later, today via, Hobhouse, Thank. You mr. speaker upskirting, is the vile practice of taking a photo under a woman's skirt without her consent this, is neither is specific, no, sexual, offence under the current law in England and Wales I've been working closely with Gina Martin who's been campaigning to change this for month and her lawyer to, produce a private member's bill to, make up, skirting a specific, crime under the Sexual Offences Act, 2003. Both, of us has joined us here today Mr. Speaker I ask the Prime Minister does she agree with, us that the law in England and Wales should be reformed, so that in all circumstances, women, like Gina, and indeed, the Honourable lady herself will, be protected, from obscure images, being taken without consent. Thank. You thank you mr. speaker can I first of all say to the Honourable lady that I share the outrage, at this intrusive, behavior. That. That, she has referred to and the distress, that it can cause to victims we, are determined to ensure that victims do have confidence that their complaints, will be taken seriously, it is possible, or currently, to bring prosecutions, but my right honourable friend the Justice Secretary is, examining. The state of the law at the moment to make sure that it is fit for purpose and as part of that work he, is considering, her bill in detail, Raymond. TT Thank. You mr., speaker, that has recently, been. Shortlisted, to receive a hundred and seventy, million, pounds, from the government's housing infrastructure. Fund which, will help build and support, 12,000, houses, locally, having, also benefited. From the six billion government, lower Thames Crossing can. The promise to confirm that this demonstrates, the government's commitment to supporting, local communities. Friends. That we do absolutely, share his concern, about ensuring, that we are supporting, local communities and. That we're delivering better. Infrastructure. In those communities, and maximizing, the potential of our country, and the housing infrastructure, fund is an important, part of that we need to build more homes across this country but, we also need to ensure the infrastructure, is there to support those homes and help those local communities that's, exactly what we're doing Jeremy Corbyn. Thank. You mr. speaker, I joined the prime minister in paying tribute to Michael, Martin former. Labour MP, for glasgow spring byrne and later, Speaker. Of the House, he. Worked in the engineering industry in Glasgow, he was active in the then, a uew, and he and I first met when we were fellow organisers, in the National Union of public employees, in the 1970s. Campaigning. For. Decent, public sector pay and a, national, minimum wage Michael. Loved the community represented. Loved, his family and our deepest thoughts and sympathies go to him his, family at this present time. Mr.. Speaker did. The Prime Minister feel. The slightest. Pang of guilt when. The Home Secretary, was forced to resign due to the failures, of her predecessor. Can. I say to the. Right honourable gentleman that I think it might be helpful if I first update the house on the, actions the government has taken in and is continuing, to take in relation, to the Windrush. In. Relation. In. Relation, to the wind rush in relation, to the wind rest generation, because, my right honourable friend, the Home Secretary will. Be addressing the house on this later today we, all share the ambition, to make sure we do right by members of the wind rush generation, and that's why he, will be announcing, a package of measures to bring transparency on, the issue to.

Inform, Make sure that the house is informed. To reassure members, of this house but more importantly, to reassure those people who have been directly affected. Speed. Is of the essence and my right honourable friend will be commissioning, a full review of lessons learned independent. Oversight and external, challenge, with, the intention of reporting back to this house before we rise for the summer and the review will have full access to all relevant information, in the home office including. Policy papers and casework. Decisions. This. Was a crisis, made in the home office by successive. Home secretaries, and. Lasts. Only a week ago. Week, ago today. The. Member for Hastings & rye then, Home Secretary, was denying there were any targets, in front of their home, Affairs Select Committee on Monday. The prime minister told the media when I was Home Secretary yes there, were targets, one wonders why the Prime, Minister, didn't, tell her Home Secretary, about that and the, pain that's been caused to the Windrush generation. Needs. To be resolved, very rapidly, and full, compensation. Paid as quickly, as it can be possibly. Done and an, understanding of, the hurt that they feel but. This isn't the only failure of this government, or the only failure of its policies. The. Government used to talk about a, long-term, economic plan. But. But, now. Now, mr., speaker we're, the slowest, growing economy, in the g7. The. Chancellor. Sitting. Two places, along from her told, her it told the, house, his, view was positively. Tigerish, of of, the, British economy, yet, it has the worst economic growth figures for five years what, plans, does the government have to change course to ensure we do get economic growth. Can. I say to the right honourable gentleman on the Windrush generation. I was, Home Secretary when some of these decisions were taken and. Mistakes were made about individual, cases and I've apologized, for that the former Home Secretary, also apologized, for that the right honourable gentleman is right in saying this is that these are decisions have been taken under successive, home centuries including. Under the last Labour. When, he if he wants to talk if, he wants to talk about the economy let's just see what we've seen in our economy, in recent weeks. Day-to-day spending. In surplus for, the first time. The lowest, net borrowing in over, a decade. Lots of goods and services at, a record high employment. At a record, high and real, wages are, that's, a Conservative, government delivering. An economy, fit for the future. Mr.. Speaker. Four, facts, about the economy. More. Mr.. Speaker. More. People, in debt. More. People, using, food, banks. More. People, sleeping. On our streets and more, children, in poverty, and the. Consequences. Of decisions made, by the Chancellor. Of the Exchequer ah. That. The NHS, is suffering, the longest, funding, squeeze in history, it, sent our Health Service into. An all year round crisis. Will, the Prime Minister, apologise, to NHS, patients waiting. Longer, than ever for, the worst a A&E waiting, times on record. Well, I I gave, the right on all gentlemen some facts about the economy I can give him some others more people in work and, actually fewer. Fewer. Children, in absolute. Poverty. And when it comes to the National Health Service since November, the chart my right honorable friend the chance of the Exchequer has announced 10, billion, pounds, extra. Health Service but, I have also said, that, we want to ensure that the National Health Service is able to operate on a long-term plan that's why we are conducting, a review to produce that long-term plan with, sustainable. Multi-year. Funding, that's. The, sensible, approach to take not, just to say this is all about money but, to say how can we ensure that the NHS, is the NHS, that will deliver for people in the future, that's about funding. It's also about reform, in the NHS, to make sure patients get, the right treatment. Mr.. Speaker, not only was March the worst month. On record in A&E departments. It was also the worst month for cancelled operations, there, are. 100,000. Vacancies. Of in, it for NHS, staff and the, Prime Minister personally. Intervened. To overrule, the health secretary, and the Home Secretary, when they asked for a relaxation, of visa, rules in order to recruit staff to, work in our NHS, but. It's not just the NHS, where the government is damaging, our public services, in January. The, education, secretary promised, that, no school, would, see a cut, in its funding, last. Week he was invited, to repeat that pledge, and, refused.

I Wonder, why will. The Prime Minister now tell parents. Teachers, and students, the truth that, the schools budget is in fact being cut in real terms all over. The country. The. Right honorable gentleman is wrong what we are doing is ensuring that there, is more money available to, work to schools we, are ensuring, that we are protecting, that core budget because we want to ensure that every child regardless of, the background, gets, the education that. They need and the education, that fulfills, their potential. And that's why once. Again it's not just a question of the money you put in it's, about how you spend the, money you are spending, and. That's why I am pleased to say that, 1.9. Million, more, children, are in good or outstanding schools. And. Education. Standards, are going up under this government that's, more opportunities. For our young people. Mr.. Speaker it is quite, astonishing that, the Education, Secretary has, been corrected. By, the UK, Statistics, Authority the, IFS says that, schools budgets, are being cut and, the Prime Minister still, appears, to be in denial, it's. Not just in NHS, and education, where this government is damaging, our public, services, mr.. Speaker it is also about. Police budgets, the, previous, Home Secretary, claimed there, was no link between police, numbers, and serious violent, crime yet. Home office civil servants, said there is a length who does the prime minister think is right. On. The issue of. Crime, and police budgets of course we are making available this year. 450, million more plans for, police forces across, the country, we, have been protecting, police, budgets which is in direct contrast, to what I was what, I was, suggested. To me I should do by the former, shadow home secretary the, former Labour member. The mayor, for Manchester, when he suggested, five to ten percent cuts, could, be given in in. These budgets, but, can I also say to the, to the right honourable gentleman but, he talks about the issue of. Numbers. And the relationship, between police. Numbers, and crime, his, own shadow, Police, Minister has. Said in terms that there isn't that relationship. Between police. Funding, and the number of crimes that take place once. Again it's how we ensure we're, dealing with these issues it's, ensuring, that the police are able, to deal with the challenges, and crimes of today and that's what we're doing with our serious violence. Strategy, with, our National, Crime Agency taking. Action across the board to ensure that our police are able to keep people safe Jeremy. Corbyn mr.. Speaker our Shadow Police Minister was pointing, out that, there's been 2.3.

Billion Cut, in police budgets, in the last Parliament, and it's, her government that is underfunding. Our police force. 21,000. Police officers, have lost their jobs since 2010. 6,700, policing, community support. Officers lost. Their jobs and the meantime violent. Crime is rising and sadly, there are deaths from knife crime on the streets of most cities particularly. In London, mr.. Speaker, the, economy, is slowing, homelessness. Is rising, more, children, are living in poverty the, home of is in chaos and the, government, making. A complete, shambles of the brexit, negotiations. They're. Damaging, our NHS. Children's, school glutton, case. Mr., speaker they. Claim. And mr., speaker they claim to be, strong. And stable. With. Council. Tax rising. By, more than 5%, all over. The country. Isn't. The truth. The truth mr. speaker. Facing. Voters, tomorrow is that, with the Tories you, pay more. More, fonder going into the NHS, more, funding, going into our schools more, funding, going into social care. He. Wants to talk about. Council. Tax and, the impact of council, tax on local residents, when, I suggest, he goes to hazel Bourne Road in Clapham on. One, side of the road in a typical, home someone. Will pay nearly. 1400. Pounds in council, tax now. That of course is in labor rom Lambeth. On. The other side of the road some, are in a typical home will, pay just over 700. Pounds. That's in, conservative. Run once, were. No, Clara. No. Clear, example. Can there be but. Conservative. Councils, cost you less. Peter, Byrne. Thank. You mr. speaker. Thank. You mr. speaker in 331. Days, 11. Hours 40. Minutes and 22, seconds, sir Prime Minister, will, be leading, us out of the European Union she, will end the free moment, the people we, will stop sending billions, of pounds each and every year to the EU and, we'll make our own Lords in our own country. Judge by our own judges my, question the Prime Minister, is in. 332. Days time will. She come to Wellingborough where. She will be carried. Shoulder. High through. The streets, to, the echoing, of cheering, crowd and I, will be able to show her the site where, a statue, to. The brexit, claim will be erected. Can. I say to. Oh. I. Don't think we are then they weren't any danger of not hearing the question, but. We must hear the answer, the brain minister Thank. You mr. speaker my autumn offends absolutely, right we will be leaving the European Union and I'm tempted to say to his request how can I refuse. Mr.. Ian Blackford. Thank. You mr., speaker, a young. Mother, in court bridge a, grandmother. Who has lived here for 50 years, a former.

Cook In this, Parliament just, three. Examples, of people. Who have been wrongly told, to. Leave the United Kingdom, then, there are numerous, people wrongly detained and deported life's, turned. Upside down irreparable. Damage to families the Prime Minister, on the 22nd. Of October, 2013, unless chamber said, the, port first and hear, appeals later, though, she now withdraw, these, remarks. He. Was referring to changes, in legislation that, were put through in the, in the Immigration Act that followed that particular, debate what can I say to the right honourable gentleman he's right that and I've apologized, for, not just the anxiety that has been caused to people in the wind regeneration. But for those who have found themselves with decisions, being taken about, their situation, here which were wrong because the wind regeneration, of British and they, are part of us that is why my right honourable friend the Home Secretary, is making, sure that the task, force that has been put in place the team that's been put in place is dealing with cases expeditiously. And is, giving people the reassurance about, their status here but I also say to the right honourable gentleman that, we do need to ensure, that we are a welcoming country, for people who want to come here and country. But. That we also take, action against, those who are illegally. Here break. The rules and to try to play the system in, blackford, interestingly. Mr., speaker the Prime Minister failed to remove these insulting, remarks, and let me say it's, easy to change your secretary, of state she does it frequently. To. Change your, policies, currently, there, are an estimated. 120,000. Undocumented. Children, who, are entitled by law to the UK citizenship, but only if they register at, the cost of a thousand, pounds a new. Wondrous. Generation. Who will be unable to secure, jobs and rent properties, these children. Entitled. To citizenship, they should not be charged, to exercise, their rights how. Can she possibly, justify. These policies. I. Think what members of the public want to ensure is that we have a fair immigration system, that, we have rules, that we're equipped, people. Abide by those rules and that's why, we make a very clear distinction between people who have come here I want people who come here legally. Who do the right thing who contribute, to our society to, be, able to feel this is a welcoming, country in one of the most welcoming, countries in the world, on the other side we also need to make sure that we have, a system that deals with those who break the rules who play the system and who try to jump ahead of, others and that's what people will expect for us they, want us to have a system, which, they want us to have a system, which is fair and a system which sets out rules and ensure. That people are abiding by them this is Kimmie badenov. Thank You mr. speaker, Carla barracks in life constituency, of saffron walden is home to the Royal engineer's, bomb disposal unit who, carry out life-saving. But very dangerous work on all our behalf can, the Prime Minister tell the house what the government veteran strategy, is and how it will help soldiers, such as those are at Carver barracks in their transition, to civilian life can. I. Say to my own boyfriend we very, much value the. Work that is done by the explosive ordnance disposal, unit. Of 433. And 101 engineer regiments, it is this veteran. Strategy which was recently launched by my right honourable friend the defense secretaries, of groundbreaking, strategy. There, will be a government task force from, across. The whole of Whitehall from across departments, and it will be focusing, on exactly, the sort of issues she's made which is assessing. How we can help veterans. Meet the financial demands of civilian life crucially. Ensuring that mental and physical well-being is, maximized, and offering, the best possible device, to veterans on on. Housing, I think these are the key issues for, those veterans and it's exactly what we'll be focusing on in this veteran strategy, Martin, Doherty Hughes.

Thank. You mr. speaker evidence of the inhumane, and cruel impact. Of the government's, flagship, Universal. Credit policy, is clear, for all to see its, impact, has been devastating. And the Prime Minister can, no longer bury their head in the sand as they, have done with the Windrush scandal. Therefore, mr. speaker will the Prime Minister get, a grip, take action to protect families, from being further forced, further into. Crisis, or does, the Prime Minister simply believe that the damage being done to the poorest, and most vulnerable, earner, communities. Is a price worth paying. We. Have been, rolling out universal, credit we have been doing it to. A pace which ensures we have been able to hear, from those who've been affected by. It and to make changes and, changes. Have been made in the way that, universal, credit is is, introduced, in this country, we, have ensured, that we've reduced that so taken out last seven days of, waiting time for example but. What lies behind universal. Credit is, the belief that actually, the important, thing for families to help sustain them is to get people into work the. Evidence of universal, credit is he's doing just that it is helping, people, into, work, and I would have thought the Honourable gentleman should, welcome a policy that helps people to get into the workplace John, Stevens. A couple, of weeks ago the Prime Minister indicated that, she was minded, to visit my constituency, of Carlisle, I'm. Delighted to inform the Prime Minister that from the fourth of June she will be able to fly into Carlisle, on a commercial flight for the first time in 30 years she, will, arrive in the city which is at the center of the United Kingdom, and a city recently described, as a beating heart at the port their Borderlands, region but. If coil and the borderlands have to succeed thrive. And grow we. Need government support, Catholic. Prime Minister confirmed, that she will give the borderlands, such support. Join. My, honourable, friend in welcoming. The return of commercial, flights to, Carlisle Airport, this will allow more people to access the borderlands, region but can i all see says he talks about support, for borderlands. Of course, the borderlands, growth deal which, my right honourable friends the chancellor committed to is an important part of that and i'd like to congratulate my honourable, friend on his recent appointment as borderlands, growth steel champion. I'm sure he will do it all. To ensure that that government support is there and that the border lands continue to thrive how, William. Mr., speaker the, Prime Minister has said many many times that she'll have no hard border, between Dublin. And Belfast can. She sell this house just once, what sort of a board this you'd like to see between Dublin, and Holly had. Honourable. Gentlemen that we have been very clear that we will not see a border, damn the Irish see we, have been clear about that in the joint report, that, was issued between, us and the European Commission and adopted by the European Council in, December, and when, the European, Commission made proposal. For dealing with the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland which, would have meant a border, down the RFC, I was, clear that neither I nor any, British Prime Minister could accept that.

With. A rising budget, and a new medical school for Lincolnshire, this government, has very clearly demonstrated. Its commitment to the NHS, in Boston and skegness but. There are short-term. Challenges, recruiting. Pediatric. Staff to. The pediatric, ward can, my right, honourable friend reassure, my constituents. And parents, in my constituency, that the decision, to make a temporary closure has not yet been made and that. She will work with me to leave no stone unturned so. The trust NHS. England and NHS improvement, can work together to, make sure that we recruit the doctors, we need and this government is investing, in can. I give my honourable. Friend the reassurance that he is asking for he's right that we're supporting the NHS in Boston and Skegness any decision. Taken. By the trust about. The services, available will of course be made to ensure that the provision of services is safe for, patients the, trust is continuing, to try and recruit pediatricians. To support the service it wants, to continue to provide paediatric, services at Boston, and every, effort will be made to ensure that that can continue your, honor cheery. Mr.. Speaker the. Windrush scandal, is not a mistake, nor. Is it an aberration, it, is the direct result, of the, Prime Minister's policies. Unobtainable. Net, migration targets. Yes and the hostile, environment are the Prime Minister's, policy. So. Will she take this opportunity. To make, a public, apology, to. People. Well. She make a public. Apology. Will. She make a public apology. Tonight. Saying to the Honourable lady that she might have listened to the answer that I gave earlier in the, in Prime Minister's Questions, shall I is also ignition, she. Might also listened. To the answers. That I gave last week when I was very clear in my apology. To those of the wind rest generation, who have been caught up in this issue she, talks about what has happened here, what, has happened here is that people who are here legally who, are British, have, found themselves caught up in this and as I've said I apologize for, that what. Has also happened is, that over the years governments. Of both, labor coalition, and, Conservative, government's have successively. Been, taking, action, to deal with illegal, immigrants. Which is a different, issue this. Is an issue that has been dealt with by governments, of all colours. Can I take the opportunity to congratulate my, right on boyfriend for Bromsgrove on his appointment. Such, an important, department not only in terms of security but, also in terms of ensuring we have a safe and, fair immigration, policy. Could, I get add mr. speaker that the UK threat level remains at severe, last, year we had five terrorist, attacks that got through and 36, innocent, people that were killed could, I invite the Prime Minister to share with me art what are admiration. For the extraordinary, work and bravery, that is done by a counterterrorism, for policing our emergency, services and our security services which I know we are all grateful, for. Can. I first. Of all say to my right honourable friend that, I would I'm pleased, to be able to have this opportunity to pay tribute to, her and the work that she did. She, worked she, she. She. Did valuable, work across all elements, of her home office. Including. Issues like modern slavery and domestic violence the, work my right honourable friend did with the Internet companies, in terms of keeping people safe on the internet, was groundbreaking and. Can I also share. With her the, support, and admiration. For the work that all in our emergency, services in our police in our counterterrorism police, and in our security and, intelligence. Agencies, do for, all that they do to keep us safe and also, commend, her for the work that she did following, the terrorist attacks last year to, set in train action. To ensure that we continue, to make sure that, those services get, the support they need to be able to continue to keep us safe, Joe, Stevens. The. Prime minister's new Home Secretary, says that heard hostile. Environment, and I quote does not represent our, values as, a country does. She agree with him.

Friend. The Home Secretary said was, that he absolutely, shares. The, need to differentiate, between, legal. And illegal, immigrants. What, he also said, he, was he also said, was, that there was a certain phrase that he wasn't going to use a phrase that was first used by labor ministers, in government. Across. Government, we are clear that we are working hard to, support and to help those of the wind regeneration. Who have been caught up in this issue recently, across. Time but, also that. We're ensuring that we do have a fair immigration policy. That does ensure, that. Those people, who break the rules who play the system who tried to jump ahead of others are not able to carry on being, here in this country in the same way as those who play by the rules and are hardworking taxpayers and, contribute to our society and that's only fair, Helen, grant does. My right wonderful, friend agree, with me that it's only under the Conservatives. That you get decision, and that you get visions. And. That's why I made some Borough Council, needs, to turn blue on, the third. Can. I say to my, humble friend that she is absolutely. Right if you look up and down the country and, those who are taking part in council, elections, tomorrow who are making those decisions they. Will see that up and down the country it's conservative, councils, that support local communities provide. Food local services, and keep. Council, tax low and the message is very clear if that's what you want vote conservative tomorrow. To. Customs, arrangement, proposals, first put forward last August. The first is untried, and untested the. Second, relies on unproven. Technology, in any, event neither will be ready in time that they are needed and both have been written off in Europe why, which are six months to go before a draft perhaps a deal is signed off are the government still considering. Options that we all know are not feasible I. Say. To the Honourable lady that, we're very clear we're going to leave the, European. Union, on the 29th, of March 2019. We. Will be leaving we. Will be leaving the customs union we, want to ensure that we can have an independent trade, policy, we also want to ensure that we actually we. Deliver we're committed to delivering on our commitment of no hard border between North Ireland and Ireland and ensuring, we have as, frictionless, trade as possible, with the european union's there are a number of ways in which that can be delivered and. Number of ways in which that could be delivered, and. If she's so interested, if she's so interested in the whole questions, of customs border she might like to ask her front bench to actually come to a decision on what the Labour Party, policies.

So. William cash. Thank, oven speaker the, Europeans, the European scrutiny committee, and, which I have the honor to chair has. Invited mr. Ollie Robbins, to, appear, before the committee on several occasions, since February, so. Far this has not been arranged. Would, my right honourable friend be good enough to, use her a charm. To ensure that mr.. Robbins, does appear as has already the look, the Chancellor, himself and, the, section of state fixing, the Union and Sir. Tim Barrow. He. Will know. Isn't. Normally, the case that any requests, to a civil servant to appear before a committee is automatically. Accepted, decisions, are taken about, at, what level civil servant should appear before committees he as he said he's had a number of my right honourable friends appearing before his committee I remember, with, I'm, not sure I could say fond memory the time before when I appeared before the European scrutiny committee when I was home a secretary, but, I will certainly look at the request whose name Wallis Sheriff Thank, You mr. speaker the interim report of the Mental Health Act review stated. That baa me men and women are more likely to come into contact with mental health services, through, the police to, be admitted to secure hospitals, and to have poor mental health outcomes, over, time the. Prime Minister has talked about ending, the burning injustice of mental health so. Why has her government still, not, appointed, an equalities, champion, to tackle, these, inequalities nearly. Two years after, it was recommended by the five year forward, view for mental health. That. It is precisely, to identify. This, sort of disparity, in public services, that I launched the race disparity, audit when I became Prime Minister now that does make in some areas that makes uncomfortable, reading for our society, but it's absolutely, right that we've done it and it's solutely right that we then address, the issues, that it has raised but, she talks about the issue of the interaction, of people with mental health problems and the police this isn't something that I waited to do something about until. The rates disparity. Audit I did something about it when I was Home Secretary we have significantly.

Reduced The number of people with mental health problems, who are being put a canoe a cell. In a police station as a place, of refuge. We have ensure that there is health support available for the police as a result of that those, people, who are in mental health crisis, are getting, better treatment, than they did previously, there's, more to do but, we've already started, to take action. Simon. Hall. The. The, hopes of the. 464, survivors, of the lid amide in the, United, Kingdom the. Thalidomide trust, and the all-party group which I chair was. Significantly, depressed at the weekend seeing media, coverage particularly in the Sunday Times. Suggesting. That the German government is seeking to resign from. Its verbal, pledge to. Make good the promise to compensate, those UK survivors, whose. Parents, whose mothers talk. And were prescribed, the, German manufactured, drug thalidomide. Their. Lives are, shortening, and they, need support will my right humble friend use her good offices to. Amend the work of the Foreign Office to. Make the case be you pay for the divided survivors, to, the German government to finally, get the justice that they have for too long. Can. I say to my humble friend I fully recognize why are those people who, are the survivors of the lid bite as were so concerned at the reports that they saw because of course although, back in 2012 Department of Health here has announced a, nation. Million pound grant falooda, mine survivors, of, course they have been able and are able to apply to the, German conjugate. Foundation. For disabled persons for funds in. Relation. To the particular point he's raised I know that my right honourable friend the Minister for Europe has, met representatives of, the thalidomide trust, at, the end towards the end of last year to discuss this and that FCO is remaining in contact with the trust and the FCO is pursuing their discussions with the German government on this point Elin, Jones. When. One of my constituents had, a heart attack he waited an hour and 20 minutes for a paramedic, and two, hours for an ambulance, because they were having to cure at local, hospitals. He. Never made it back home, faced. With such a human, tragedy, does, the Prime Minister, feel any pangs, of conscience for, the shambles, she has created in our NHS. -. The Honourable, lady that. She sets out what is obviously, a very, sad, and tragic case, in relation to her, constituent. I'm, happy to look at the issues. At the background, of what led to that particular, outcome. Being the result we, all want to make sure that. Patients are, able, to be treated in the NHS, when they need that treatment and get the appropriate treatment that's. Why that's, why we, have been putting that extra money into the NHS, but as I say it's a very sad very, sad case that she's outlined and I'm happy to look at the details of it I'm, Carol, Gillan. Fascias. Go to the polls tomorrow could the Prime Minister, confirm that. A green, future is at the heart of our local government policies, and, what she agreed to meet with me and others to, look at our aspiration. For the Chilton's area of outstanding natural, beauty, to. Become a national, park so. He can increase the opportunities, afforded for. Open-air, recreation. On, London's, doorstep. Can. I say to my, right honourable friend that we are protecting. Our natural environment, and we, want to leave a cleaner, greener Britain, for our children and that's not just a something. That conservatives. In national government want to do its what conserves is that local government want to do as well, and that's why we launched, our 25 year environment. Plan I I. Know the beauty of the Chilton's I enjoy working in the Chilton's, and I'm. Happy, to meet my right honourable friend and others to discuss my proposal, Christy. Thank You mr., speaker, can the Prime Minister confirm, that. Every UK, government, department, has, budgeted, for. A derisory, 1%, pay rise for, all of its several servants is. It fair that workers who collect tax try. To make a broken, social security, system work and a broken immigration system work. Are getting our view TSP cuts and, so subjected, to, public sector pcap. He. Knows we, have been very clear that, the. In. Terms of the 1% cap. That has taken place over recent, years on the public sector pay we, have been clear, that that that blanket, cap is not an approach that we are taking in the future obviously.

Departments. Are funded a certain level and it's for departments, then to come forward with their proposals, in relation to pay within their. Council. Tax on average, cost. Less, in real terms than it did in 2010. Under 13. Years of laboring, government council tax double. My. Right honourable friend confirmed, that. The council, tax referendum principles. That this government's put in place have, been a resounding success. Can. I say to my honourable friend he is absolutely. Right about, the fact that he has set out in relation to council, tax that's, a result of decisions that have been taken by the government to have that council tax referendum in place and, decisions. That where. We see conservative. Councils, actually, making decisions to freeze or to lower council, tax or to ensure that it is kept lower, than the labour councils, conservative. Councils on average, cost, her a typical family 100. Pounds less in council, tax then, councils, run by other parties. That's, important, and the government has played its part with the council tax Reverend. Thank. You mr. speaker, mr. speaker since being first, elected in 2015. I've consistently, campaigned. To protect hundreds, of jobs at risk in Dundee from, being lost through HMRC's. Shoddy, restructuring. I was. Finally given a written guarantee that these jobs would be transferred, to the DWP, however. Since learned without explanation. That, this is no longer to be the case, so. Will the Prime Minister personally intervene to reverse this reckless shootin, and betrayal by, taking charge to save each and every one of the, 479. Highly. Skilled jobs without. Which we'll leave a devastating. Impact on his staff their, families and my city. Honourable. Gentleman that he's raised an issue I have not seen the details of that issue but I would ensure that my right honorable friend is the chance of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work, and Pensions look, at the issue his reality, Nicky, Morgan. This. Afternoon, the Treasury select committee will take evidence from TSP, about.

The Recent IT failures, which have their thousands, of customers, unable, to access their accounts, unable to pay. Their bills and with some very severe, consequences, does, what I tell my friend agreed that a robust, and reliable banking. IT, infrastructure. Is essential, in the modern economy it's. Unfair, to businesses, who can't pay and they're takings, it's unfair, to vulnerable customers and, particular fair where many banks are still closing, branches. Say. To my right on your friend that I agree that obviously in today's world of modern banking a robust, and safe and reliable IT system, is an. Essential, underpinning of that modern banking and I'm sure that my right honourable friend and the Treasury select committee will. Be ensuring, that they get to the bottom of what has happened in TSB in the evidence that they take, glorietta, Piero. Mr., speaker last Saturday, night an 83, year old woman had a fall at home and was, and was bleeding from a head wound, she, waited for an ambulance for, nearly three, hours. Will. The Prime Minister apologize, to my constituents. And promised the rest of the country, that no one else's elderly, mum will suffer like this. Can. I say to the, honourable lady that if she would like to give details. Clearer. More. Expansive, details of the case then, I know that, the Secretary, of State will health would look very closely into, watching, hers, into the case that she's identified I'm I'm sorry to hear of the circumstances. Of her on her, constituent, but we will look into the case, Blackmun. Speaker. Last night at 9:08 p.m., two men were shot outside. Queensbury. Station, on the edge of my constituency. One. Is dead the other in a critical condition, Queensbury. Station is a an important, transport, hub for, the, people of Harrow, East and also the people of Breton or warm, I write on a friend join with me in thanking, the police for their prompt action, in securing, the area and. Equally the messages, of reassurance. They're giving to the community today well. She also take. Every, necessary step to remove guns, and knives from, society, to prevent reoccurrence. I. Recognize, the importance that's attached to Queensbury station can I also say I join him in commending the. Action of the police, and emergency services, in response, to, these and, other such incidents, he's. Right in the importance of dealing with offensive, weapons that's why we've, announced plans announced, under. My right honorable friend the previous Home Secretary, being taken forward by the current Home Secretary, to introduce an offensive weapons bill it's why we have launched a serious violence strategy, and, the, serious violence task force which actually brings together ministers, and representatives from, across this, house together. With police and others, to deal with this issue met for the first time and it will continue to meet as it continues, to address this important, issue thank you.

2018-05-05 01:32

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