Prime Minister's Questions: 24 January 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 24 January 2018

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Order questions, to, the Prime Minister, Stephen. Metcalf. Number. One mr. speaker the, Prime Minister, Thank You mr., speaker and I'm sure that members, across the house will. Wish to join me in marking, Holocaust, Memorial, Day this Saturday and, in, remembering, all those, who, endure such appalling suffering. In, the Holocaust. Mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall, have further such meetings later today and later. I will travel to Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum, and who knows I might, even bump into the Shadow Chancellor, while I learn. Stephen. Mecca thank. You. As. You will know am i right Iran will friend will know last, week was the very successful, launch of the aramid engineering. Campaign, aimed. At changing the perception of engineering, and inspiring the next generation of, Engineers I know, that the Prime Minister is personally. Committed to this campaign, so, can I therefore invite her to join me and 80,000. Young people at this year's Big Bang fair to reinforce, the message that engineering is a great career and open to everyone regardless of background ethnicity and, gender. Does. Indeed make an important point in this issue of engineering, particularly. For, more women seeing engineering, as a career is something that I have that, I have promoted, for many years now but, engineers of course are vital to our economy and that's why we do want to see everyone and this isn't just about gender, it is about background and ethnicity, everybody. Whatever their background having, the chance to build a good career, in engineering. And the year of Engineering gives us a lot great opportunity, to work together with business, to do exactly, that and, if. I have the opportunity through my diary allows I'd be happy to attend the fair he refers, to Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank. You mr. speaker I joined with the Prime Minister in, commemorating, Holocaust, Memorial, Day many, members, will be signing the book of remembrance. Many will be attending the event tomorrow we. Have to teach all, generations. That. The descent into Nazism. And the Holocaust, must never ever be repeated, anywhere. In this on this planet, does. The Prime Minister, agree, with the Foreign Secretary that, the National Health Service needs an extra five billion pounds. As. I recall was here, in this chamber for the autumn budget that was given by my right. Honourable friend the Chancellor, of the Exchequer where, he announced, that we'll be putting six billion pounds more international. The. Only problem, with that mr. speaker is it was 2.8, billion spread, like thin gruel over two years. Two. Weeks ago the Prime Minister told the house and I quote it is indeed, the case that. The NHS, was better prepared, this winter, than ever before. Sixty-eight. Senior, ane doctors, have written to the Prime Minister about what they describe, as very serious concerns.

We, Have for the safety of our patients they. Say, patients. Being treated in, corridors, are dying, prematurely. Who. Should the public believe the, practice or, any. Doctors. It. Is right that the known HS was better prepared for this winter than it ever has been. We, saw three, thousand, four birds being, brought. Into use over, the winter period we. Saw the use, of the one-one-one call system, actually leading to a significant, reduction in, the number of callers, number of people having to go into hospital we, have seen the changes, that have been made in accident, and emergency with, the GP, streamlining, actually, helping to ensure that people, who do not need to go into hospital went. Into hospital overall. Overall. We have seen, 2.8. Million, more, people last, year a visiting. Accident, and emergency than, did so in 2010. Our, NHS. Is indeed. Providing. For patients, there, are winter pressures, we, were prepared for those winter pressures, and we would ensure as we, have done. Under. This conservative. Government, that, the NHS, receives. More funding. Since. 2010. We've lost 14 thousand, and eight chess beds the. Kings fund the Health, Foundation, and Nuffield trust all agree the NHS, needs another, 4 billion in December. The months just gone the, NHS, England recorded, its worst ever a A&E performances. With more patients, than ever waiting, over four hours now, the UK. Statistics, authority, say, the numbers may be worse, because the, figures have been fiddled, can, the Prime Minister tell the house when, figures calculated. In line with previous years, will, be published. I, have. To say to the right honourable gentleman that the NHS, is open in publishing a whole variety of, figures in relation to the targets, that it that, it has we, are putting more money into the NHS, year in and year out and we are continuing, to do that but if he wants to talk about figures, and about targets, being missed, yes. The latest figures show that in England, four hundred and ninety seven people. Were waiting more, than twelve hours, but. The latest figures, also show that, under the Labour government in Wales. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister, is responsible, for the underfunding. Of the Welsh government and the ninja. Despite. That the overall Welsh. Labour health budget, has grown by five percent in, 2016-17. Its labour Wales with, a problem, of underfunding, from, an akan, Servat of government, based in Westminster. So. Far mr. speaker, this winter. 100,000. Patients, have been forced to wait more than 30 minutes in the back of an ambulance in NHS. England, for which she is responsible, yet, still the Prime Minister refuses, to give the NHS, the money it needs can. She tell us how many more, patients will. Face, life-threatening. Waits in the back of ambulances this, winter. The. Right, honourable gentleman that of course we want to ensure that people, aren't waiting in those ambulances, the. Only answer he ever comes up with is the question of money the, question. The. Question, the. Question is this the, question is this why. Are the some hospitals. Where. The percentage of patients waiting, more than 30 minutes is zero and other, hospitals, where, the percentage of patients waiting, more than 30 minutes is considerably, higher and if, he wants to talk about funding, perhaps we should look at what the Labour Party promised at the last general election. About. The comparison. Of money the point is that at the last election, the Institute, for Fiscal Studies said, this labour. And the Conservatives are. Pretty much on the same page there's, not much to choose between them in terms of the money they'll put into the NHS. Labor, government, wouldn't be underfunding, the NHS, a Labour government wouldn't, be privatized. Wouldn't. Be underfunding. Social, care a Labour, government would, be committed, to an NHS, free, at the point of use as a human, right. Mr..

Speaker, According. To a whistle blower as, many as. Hang. On hang, on according. To a whistle blower as many as 80, patients. Were, harmed, or died following, significant. Ambulance, delays over, a three-week period this. Winter this, is a very, serious, situation and, the, Prime Minister must, be aware of it what, investigation. Is the Department. Of Health carrying, out into, these deeply, alarming, reports. Minister. That. When we hear reports of that sort of course they are very alarming, and that, is why the Department of Health does make sure that, investigations. Do take place now, that may be undertaken, by the Department of Health or by the particular trust, involved, the ambulance trust or the hospital. But these issues are properly investigated, because we don't want to see that happening we do want to see people, being properly cared for and if, there are lessons to be learnt then they will be learnt because what we want to do is our, support, for the NHS, is about, providing it with the funding, the doctors, the nurses the. Treatments, the capabilities, that it needs in order to be able to deliver for, patients, that's, why we're backing the NHS, with more funding. That's, why we're ensuring, they get the best treatments, and survive of survival, rates for cancer are higher than they've ever been before it's. Why we're ensuring, we have better joined-up services, across. The NHS and social care so those people who don't need to go into hospital are able, to be cared for at home and it's, why we're ensuring, that we're reducing waste in the NHS, so taxpayers, money is spent, as effectively, as proper as may be on patient. Care that's. Pliantly NHS but, it's a plan that puts patients first. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister must be aware of ambitous, is backed up in hospital, car parks, with nurses, treating, patients, in the back of ambulances, ambulance. Drivers, and paramedics, desperate. To get on to deal with the next patient, can't leave because the, patient, they're dealing with at that moment can't, get into the A&E department. It's, been reported that a man froze to death waiting 16. Hours, for an ambulance, last, week the young gentleman, called Chris wrote to me saying my friend's, 93, year old father waited. Four hours for, an ambulance after. A fall these are not isolated cases. These, are common. Parlance all over. The country, it needs, money, it, needs support and it needs it now. Prime. Minister is frankly in denial, about the state of the NHS, even.

The Absent Foreign Secretary recognizes. It but, the Prime Minister, isn't listening people. Using, the NHS, can, see from their own experience. It's, being starved, of resources. People. Are dying unnecessarily, in. The back of ambulances, and in, hospital, corridors. GP. Numbers, are down. Are leaving, the. NHS, is in crisis. Mr.. Speaker, Tory MPs, might not like it but I asked, this question of the Prime Minister, when, is she going. To face up to the reality and. Take, action, to, save the NHS from. Death by, a thousand, cuts. There. Is only one, part of the NHS, that has been cut seen a cut in its funding, it's the NHS. In Wales under our lives. This, is a government this. Is a government, that is backing, the NHS, plan that, is putting more money into the NHS, that is recruiting, more doctors, and nurses, that is seeing new treatments, come on board which ensure that people are getting the best treatment that, they need because, this is a government that recognizes. The priorities, of the British people, priority. Is to ensure the NHS. Remains, a world-class, healthcare. System, indeed, the, best health care system, in the world priorities. To build the homes that people need to make sure that our kids are in good schools this, is a government that is building a country that works for everyone, in, our country a, country. In which a. Country. In which people, can look to the future with, optimism, and hope. Chris green Thank. You mr. speaker the British people need to be confident, in the integrity of, our, voting system so. What is my trial room friend doing, to follow up on sir Eric Pickles report, securing. The ballot says, that minimize voter, fraud, whether, this is for referenda. General, elections or local, elections. As, he was on his feet so congratulate him from I believe a very good Council, by-election resulting. From. The from, the Labour Party but, he raises, an important, issue about strengthening, our electoral process and enhancing. The confidence, people have in our democratic processes, and we're short to go to be running pilot, schemes in five local authorities, to identify, the best way to implement photo, ID nationality.

And In, Tower Hamlets in, Slough and in Peterborough, they're, going to be piloting, measures to improve the integrity of the postal and proxy, folk process, our democracy. Matters but it's important, people can have true confidence in it. Thank. You mr. speaker can I wish you a happy barns, day for tomorrow and can I associate. Myself with the remarks of the prime minister for, Holocaust Memorial, Day we should never forget the. Horrible, tragedies, and the price that people had to be but, we should also remember the genocide, which has happened in many territories, since, that time as well and we all must work to, eradicate that skirts from our society, mr.. Speaker, earlier. This week the. Royal Bank of Scotland chief, executive, officer Ross McEwen, admitted. In a leaked memo that, closing. 22. Local branches, would, be painful for customers, 13. Towns are, to lose the last Bank in Scotland, Prime, Minister I will give you one, other opportunity as, the, majority shareholder, while. You meet with RBS, and make, the keys to keep the bank branches, open. Prime Minister. The. Right honourable gentleman has asked me this question on a number of occasions and I've made the point in response, to every one of those questions and the answer isn't going to change today these, are commercial, decisions for the banks. Involved, we, do have a duty as a government, we look at how the markets, working for people that's, why we established, the access to, banking, standard, that, commits, banks to carry out a certain number of steps before closing a branch and it's why we welcome the post office who's, also reached an agreement with the banks that allow more customers than ever before to use post office services, so, around 99, percent of personal customers, are able to carry out their day-to-day. Banking at a post office as a result of that new agreement, that's the government making sure that people are covered by the services, they need Ian Black Bird Mr. Speaker I would simply say to the prime minister of Lyon RBS, it's time that you do your, own responsibilities. By, closing these branches, and replacing. Some with, mobile banking vans, which, do not provide disability, access the. Royal Bank of Scotland appears. To be in breach of the UK Equality, Act wheelchair. User Sandra, bothwick has, described, her experience in banking outside as degrading, does. The Prime Minister, agree that, RBS, has unlegal responsibility. To offer a quality of services, to disabled, customers and will, she hold RBS, to account on this issue. Minister. To, the right honorable gentlemen of course we all want to be, able to see that all customers are able to access the, services that, they that, they need that is both customers. Who disabled, and customers. Who live in remote areas as. I've said to him this is a commercial, decision that has been taken by the Royal Bank of Scotland it, is not it is not banks, are banks are closing branches.

Blowing, Other banks are closing branches, because, what they see is actually less use being made of those branches, but as the as, the right honourable gentleman's been calling, talking, about matters financial. I'm sorry that he wasn't able to stand up and welcome the fact that today's trade figures for Scotland, show that their biggest export, market remains the rest of the United Kingdom. Damien. Green. Thank. You it's it's, it's a lot easier asking, and answering them. It's. Vital, for long-term, prosperity, that the government maintains infrastructure. Investment, with this in mind and especially, as proposals. For new bridges are currently fashionable, can, I ask the prime minister to, commit the government to a very practical, idea which, is an early start on the lower terms crossing, between Kent, and Essex which, would create up to 5,000, jobs relieve, pressure on a motorway network and provide, a significant, boost to the economy of, the whole eastern, side of England. Is. Right in paying drawing, attention to, the impact. Of infrastructure, when. It is developed, in various parts of the UK and on the specific point of the lower Thames Crossing I know that's going to unlock opportunities and economic growth for the region and the country and will, offer better connections, new connections and better journeys and of course it's part of the biggest investment, in England's road network in a generation, I think it's my own right honorable friend knows highways, England have announced the preferred route, they did that last year I recognise, this has raised some concerns, in affected constituencies. But can I assure him and other members that there are going to be further opportunities. For, those both who support these proposals and those who do not to be able to give their, views and have their say but he's absolutely right new, infrastructure, developments, like this can make a huge impact not only on jobs during the development of that infrastructure, but on the impact, on the economy locally, and nationally, Kirsty, Blackman I. Would. Say the customs, union with the EU many, UK businesses would face in the brexit Secretary's own words, complex. And punitive rules of origin tariffs, given. The Prime Minister's aim for, frictionless. Treat post per exit can, she confirm whether or not it is her intention, to pursue, a customs, union with the EU. This. On many occasions, and I'm very happy to repeat it leaving, the European Union, means we will be leaving the, single, market we, will no longer be members of a single market we will no longer be members of the customs union we want to be able to say and implement. Trade deals with other parts of the world as part of an independent trade.

Policy, But yes in the negotiations. That we're that, we're looking forward to for, a bespoke deal a comprehensive, free trade agreement. Between the UK and the European Union for the future we will be looking for as tariff free and frictionless a trade, agreement as possible. Mr.. Speaker and many members on both sides of the house myself included. Have expressed concern about the future of our national defenses, but of course the fact is that this government will always take the right long-term, decisions, to protect our national security. So can my right honourable friend today assure this house under sway these concerns that this approach will, continue, Minister. My. Honorable friend has raised a very important. Subject and in. July, the government initiated, the national, security, capability, review which, was in support of the implementation. Ongoing. Implementation of the 2015. National, security strategy. And strategic defence and security review, to. Ensure that we do indeed have the capabilities, the investment, in those capabilities that we need in. Our national security and, that that investment, those, capabilities are as effective, as joined up as possible I've. Agreed, the high-level findings, of this review with ministerial, colleagues at the National Security Council and I've. Directed that the work should be finalized, and with. A view to publishing a report on this in late spring but. It has been a significant, piece of work it, will help to ensure we have the right capabilities as, part of that we, recognize more work was needed on defense to. Work on modernizing, defense, and we want to ensure that the defense budget is being spent intelligently. And efficiently, and that we're investing in the capabilities, we need to keep our nation safe and my right on will fund the defense secretary will update the house on this in due course Vickey Foxcroft. It, is a tragedy, that in the past year, knife crime has risen by 26%, the. Youth violence Commission. Is conducting, the first national. Youth survey, to, look at their experiences. Of trauma and violence will, the Prime Minister meet with me to discuss the, root causes of youth violence and how we could find solutions. Lady. This is an important issue and obviously we do need to look at this this, issue and of, although as she will know crimes that are traditionally measured measured, by the independent crime survey show, a drop, of well over a third since 2010, we, do need to consider these issues of the root causes of violence particularly. Among young people and especially, with these knife crimes that we see among young people the nature of crime is changing, it's important, that we remain, adaptable, and, resilient and, are but we need to understand that and I'm sure my right on will friend the Home Secretary, would be happy to meet her to talk about youth violence and the causes of his father you know all this. On. 28. December, these two beings an ambulance service attended. An address in Lowestoft at which a man was sadly confirmed, as having died this. Followed on from a call the previous afternoon from, the police regarding the same person, who, it appear was left outside overnight, in what were inhospitable. Weather, conditions, I've. Now spoken to the person who made the initial call to the emergency, services and, I, have serious concerns as.

To How the matter was handled, including. Why the case only came to light in the last few days I would. Ask the prime minister to endorse the request that I've made to the East of England ambulance, service, and Suffolk, police to. Immediately, instigate, a full and independent inquiry, to, establish, exactly what, happened, and to, then put in place measures to ensure, that such a tragic, event does, not happen again. Minister. I share my honorable friends concerns, about, about. This event. About what happened here the tragedy that happened here first. Of all I think we should recognize that our ambulance services, all, those who are delivering our ambulance services work hard and regularly, go above and beyond, the call of duty to, ensure our safety but. There have been concerns raised, about the provision of services in the East of England ambient, service trusts including obviously this. Very very, worrying, and tragic, case that my honourable friend has. Raised, as I said in response to the leader of the Opposition earlier, we, take these issue, that these. Cases. Very seriously, any claims, that patient safety has been put, at risk or taken seriously and the Department of Health and Social Care has received. Assurances these, reports are being investigated, by. The trust, as a serious, incident in, conjunction, with its commissioners, is it's also an issue that my honourable friend the. Minister. Of State for health has discussed with the chief executives, of NHS England and NHS, improvement, turn back. Speaker3, million, people in this country live, in homes that are unfit, posing a threat to their health and safety and, not only is that hell for tenants it costs the cash-strapped, NHS, billions. Last. Week the house gave the second reading to my housing fitness bill. Tenants. A new legal rights to act against the worst landlords, and I was very grateful to, have the support of the government as well as the. Backing of this benches, of these benches but time for private member's bills is inevitably, limited, and tenants, cannot wait will, she assure me she will do all she can to, make sure this important, and now consensual. Bill will, make rapid progress and, become law here. The. Honourable, lady raises, a very important, point we have seen, over the last six. To seven years a significant, number of homes now. Meeting the decent home standard, but. The condition in which people are living is an important, one and I will ask the leader of the house to look at the issue she's raised about her own bill Rudy, Harrison. Mr.. Speaker, Cumbria is internationally. Celebrated for. Its lakes and mountains, are known for nuclear excellence, this, afternoon, Parliament, is hosting, a taste of Cumbria.

Showcasing. Our fine food and drink offer could I extend, a very warm invitation, to, yourself, and the Prime Minister. Could. I say to my, honourable friend that I'm afraid my diary does not commit me to attend, the Taste of Cumbria event this afternoon but if I can drop her a hint I understand, there was a taste of Lincolnshire, event, recently and my. Honourable friend the member for laosan hong castle actually sent me some, Lincolnshire products after the event. I'll. Pop, along. Sara, James. Mr.. Speaker this morning thousands. Of us across, the country heard. My friend and former boss Baroness. Tessa jao talk, for the first time since, she was diagnosed, with a high-grade, brain, tumor, as. Ever, it was a joy to hear her utter relentless. Positivity, and complete, commitment, to, changing the world in. A speech in the other place tomorrow she, will call for improved cancer, diagnosis, and treatment, mr.. Speaker will the Prime Minister and the health secretary meet, with Tessa and I and other health experts, to talk about how, we improve, outcomes. To, meet her goal and ultimately, save, lives. I'm. Sure, that the whole house was, saddened. To hear of the diagnosis, of the noble the noble. Baroness the, noble lady Baroness Joel but. Also. Encouraged. By the positive approach, which she is taking, and I'm, told my right honourable friend the Home Secretary says that Baroness. Charles Oates speech this morning was very moving in this and I'm, sure that everybody across this whole house will send her the very best wishes, in at, this time we, do want to make sure cancer, treatment is a priority, for the government we do want to make sure that, the best treatments, are being provided and. We. Will consider investing, in anything that improves that and we've, accepted, 96. Recommendations. In the NHS cancer strategy of course we, do need constantly, to look at this am i under my right honourable friend the health secretary will, be happy to meet with the honourable lady and. The bonus Chow, Tessa. Jowell of course has been an outstanding public, servant, I hope, the house will understand, if I say that in my 20, years in this place I have never met, a more, courteous or. Gracious, member, of parliament.

Mr.. John Hayes. I'm. Only. Just beginning mr. speaker the, promise they will will. Know of the. Devastation, debtor despair. Caused by fixed, odds betting, terminals, which, now become widespread far, cry from the charm of the bingo war the. Pools coupon, or the. Starless, water Kings given. There's a review will. She meets me and others to discuss how the maximum, bets when these terminals, can, be reduced, and, take the chance of all taneous lee to, plan how a crackdown on the. Online. Gambling. Sites which target, young children. Mr.. Speaker the stakes are too high to gamble with our children's futures. Friend. But we are clear that the fixed odds betting terminal stakes will be cut to. Make sure we have a safe and sustainable industry. We're vulnerable people, and children are protected, as I suspect. My right honorable friends knows the consultation. That the Department for digital culture median Sports has. Launched on this actually closed yesterday so a final decision will be made in due, course. He. Will know with regard to the specific point about children, this is important, that there are of course in place controls, to, prevent children young people from accessing online, gambling. And the gambling Commission has asked the responsible, gambling strategy. Board to, examine the wider relationship, between children, and gambling I think, it's important, that as we take these decisions we all recognize the potential threats and dangers here, but, that we ensure that we have the best information possible in, order to be able to ask Julie, Eliot. Thank. You mr. speaker, Ambrose. Cliff, my 25. Year old constituent. Lost her battle with cervical cancer and. Died in January last year, amber. Went to a GP, around, 30 times, with symptoms, and repeatedly, asked, for, a Samia test and she was refused she only got the test when she paid to have the test done privately, and sadly, the cancer had spread at, that point, will, the Prime Minister's, fought Ambus family, in their campaign, to, introduce umbers law which, will change the regulations. So that women under, 25, can, access, a smear test on the National Health Service when they are symptomatic. I. Send. My condolences and, I'm sure the whole house does to, Amber, and have as, family for this terrible, thing, that has happened the. Smear test is hugely important. Sadly. What we see even for those who qualify women, who qualify today to have the smear test that, too many women do not take it up and up, I know it's. Not a comfortable thing to, do because. I have it as others, do but it is so important, for women's, health and I, first of all want to encourage, women to actually, take the, smear test pass that test, secondly. She's raised an issue about the availability, of that test. And I will ask my right. Honourable friend the Secretary of State for health to look at this issue it is a question that's been raised before for those who are under, the age of 25, of course action, has been taken in terms of the vaccine, that, has been introduced, for, teenagers. That. There have been some questions about that I've had people in my constituency raising. Questions about that we need to address this issue in every way possible so. I will look, we will look at that question of the age qualification for, the smear test and my overall message is please, those, who are called for a smear test go and have it.

Would, My, right honourable friend join me in congratulating. Bexley. Rugby Club on its 60th anniversary. And, agree with me that the pursuit of sport is good for health and well-being. Friend. I'm very happy to endorse what, he has said about sport and indeed. To join. Him in congratulating, Bechstein Rugby Club on this significant, anniversary, I'm sure, that over all of those years it has, given many young people and others an, instruction, to the joy of sport, and the way that sport can be both good for the community, for society, and also for the individuals, so I'm happy to endorse his claim reishi brave in. This. Week I've been approached by a constituent, Emma Jane best who's, the single mama and up until December was, a teacher she's. Been told that she's going to have to wait over six weeks for universal, credit payment. And being denied hardship. Loan this. Means she's living on 20 pounds a week child benefits and the charity of food banks can, the Prime Minister tell us is that how universal. Credit is supposed to work and does she regret, Emma, Jane, son now, joining, the, nearly, 9,000. Children, living, in poverty, in Bali and Spain. No. Changes. We made we may change its the operation, of universal credit which. Were announced in the budget including. Including, changes, which mean that the the availability. Of advance payments, has increased, the, size of those advance payments, has has. Increased, but I'm sure if she would like to send the details of the particular tape right in with details of the case then we can look, at it and make sure it is properly considered. Maggie. Through. Natural. Statistics, which, show that the government is making further, progress in reducing the deficit with, my ride to the bull trend degrees be reckless to change course now in favor of qualitative. Realization. Which, would burden taxpayers like, those in their awash with an estimated bill of over 170.

Billion Pounds. Yeah, Prime Minister, my. Own will friend raises a very important, point it, hasn't been easy reducing, the deficit in the way we have we, had to deal with the, biggest deficit in our peacetime, history that was left us by the Labor Party but, by the government's. Decisions. From the government. They. May, not like hearing that but it's what happened, and. It. Is it is, by the hard work of the British people and by, decisions, that the government has taken that we've been able to reduce that deficit, but, a hundred and seventy, billion pounds, extra in, order, to meet the ideological. Desires, of the leader of the Opposition, would saddle, people up and down this country with higher debt and ordinary. People would pay the price did we bra. Well. She instructs, the DWP, to, release the details of, benefits, claimants, with disabilities, who, have taken their own lives, after their claims were turned down stopped. Without notice, or significantly. Reduced. That. The DWP, does, not give, details. Of individuals, with, whom it deals, and that's absolutely, right. It's. Absolutely. Right what it does do is ensure, that we have a welfare system that provides, support to those who need it and a welfare system that, increasingly. Encourages. Those who can to get into the workplace because, we continue to believe that work is the best route out of poverty. The. Bank of England described the UK's financial, system as both the national asset and a global, public good does. Our eternal friends think it's unreasonable that the UK's financial, services sector which pays billions, of pounds of taxes, wants. To hear the government's, ambitions, to ensure the City of London remains, a global preeminent. Financial, center, in, the same way that the government set out its ambitions, for other sectors last summer, minister. To. My right honourable friend that I have said, in this chamber that we retain that ambition, for the city of London to remain a global financial centre I've said it outside this this, chamber, and it is indeed what, we are working on I was very pleased to welcome a number, of senior representatives. From the site financial, services sector to, number 10 Downing Street only, a matter of weeks ago to sit down with them and talk to them about how we can ensure that, we do exactly that London's. Place as. Financial Center for the world is not, just to benefit to the United Kingdom it's, a benefit to the global financial system and it's also a benefit, to the European Union Mr Tan Manjeet Singh this.e.

Talking. About building walls we, in Britain are talking about building bridges. Together. This, fight breaks it but, let me reassure our, American, friends that the Mexicans, or the French will, be paying for it because. Our NHS, needs to be properly funded first, however. Can the Prime Minister confirm, that. Rather than building airy-fairy 22. More long bridges over, the English Channel or a 50 billion pound borĂ¥s, Airport in the Thames Estuary when. Will the six kilometre rail track the Western rolling to Heathrow from, my Slough constituency. Connecting. Wales the south and the West directly, to Heathrow when will, that finally, be built or will we be subjected, to further sluggish, studies. And, consultations. Can. I say the Honourable gentleman that I believe, there is very strong cross-party, support the, Western rail link Fahey throw the. Honourable gentleman has expressed his support my, right honourable friend the member for Newberry has also been, supporting. This it would reduce, journey, times for passengers in the southwest, it could, support the terms family economy as well it's, something that I myself have looked into as a Thames Valley MP, previously. Development. Funding has been committed, for this project and the Department of Transport is going to provide further detail on the timing in due course dr., Andrew, Harrison. And I congratulate, the Prime Minister, and the parties, in Northern, Ireland for. The resumption today, of talks at, Stormont, what. More can be done to, ensure that the executive, is restored, and the nightmare, of direct, rule avoided. Minister. Honourable. Friend is absolutely, right that the people of Northern Ireland needs strong devolved, government, and political, leadership and they. Cannot continue to have their public services suffer, by the lack of an executive without. Ministers, making key policy and budget decisions, so, we are determined, to re-establish. A, fully functioning, inclusive. Devolved. Administration, that works for everyone, in Northern, Ireland we. Believe that, a basis, for a deal exists, and that's why as my unreal, friend has said today my right honourable friend the Northern Ireland secretary has started a set of political talks to restore, the executive, I believe, this is very important, I would encourage strongly. Encourage all parties, to come together and focus on the job of restoring devolved, government in Northern Ireland, Thank. You mr. speaker over, Christmas tune, aid, and, Newcastle, United, football fans raised, over fifty, thousand pounds for the West End Food Bank in my, constituency, which, you are soon to visit mr. speaker, helping. To, feed people. Like John, who, despite, having, COPD. Arthritis. Dyspepsia. Pro, status on type, 2 diabetes. And anxiety. And depression was sanctioned for not working hard enough, to try and find work, will. The Prime Minister, congratulate. The people of Newcastle, on their, generosity and. Will she explain, why, it, was. Necessary. I minister. To, the honourable lady that, i applaud. All those who, give, their time voluntarily. Raise, money, for. Across. The board in terms of the activities. She's raised a specific, specific. Example. Of the work of people in Newcastle and I commend people for the, when, they do raise. Money and raise money for causes. Can. I just say to the, Honourable lady I can't, discuss an individual, case across, this dispatch box as she well knows I think, it is important, it, is important. That we do ensure, that we have a system which. Works does, work properly and fairly and I'm sure if she wants to raise the individual, case with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions it, will be looked into Heidi Allen very. Much indeed mr. speaker the, Prime Minister will know the very welcome introduction, of the national minimum wage has, created, an as-yet and resolve difficulty, for the care sector a. Number, of difficulty, with the care sector specifically. For 24-hour. Care for those with significant, learning difficulties, the, common the issue is calling it fair to sleep in shifts and owed money stretch mercy with, the prime minister agreed to meet with me in a number of concerned colleagues to see how he can best find a way forward through this impasse. Raises, an important, issue and this is an issue which is of concern to a number of organisations. And to. Those others. Around the house I'm.

Very Happy to meet you and look into this particular, question, I would say to and will friend this is a matter that the Cabinet Office has, been looking, at and working with, the. Relevant government departments, now that plan for health and social care to find a resolution to, this issue which, I know is Pascal's concern. That's why there have been measures. Taken to deference, of the implementation of certain aspects, of this but we continue to work on it and I'm happy to look, into it finally, John Woodcock. Thank You mr. speaker no one has been charged, with poppy, Worthington's, death despite the 13:30, monthly world probably having, been anally, penetrated in. The, hours before her death at home, poppy, was not known to social services, despite a staggeringly. Troubled, family. History, so, will she agree to our cross party calls for a public, inquiry so that we can learn the lessons, from this and make, children safer, across the country. That. I think this is a case that has shocked and appalled everybody, around, the country when they have seen the. Horrific. Abuse. That, was, carried out and. Obviously the tragic circumstances. Of Poppy's death and, I'm sure everybody will join. Me, in offering our condolences. The. As, I understand, it the Crown Prosecution, Service has, announced that it is considering. The coroner's decision in liaison with the Cumbria Constabulary and I, think what is right is that we actually allow that process to continue. To take place and, we await the outcome of it before considering, money and ever any further, action, is needed but I can assure the, honourable gentleman that I think everybody across I and everybody across this house is well appraised of the. Significance, of this issue and how, appalling, this, tragedy wants and was and the need for us to ensure that, there is indeed justice, but also that lessons are learned from it thank, you order.

2018-01-28 05:24

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