Prime Minister’s Questions: 20 June 2018

Prime Minister’s Questions: 20 June 2018

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Order. Questions, to, the prime minister, dr.. Alan whitehead, question. One mr. speaker. Thank. You. Mr.. Speaker. Mr.. Speaker yesterday. Marked. One, year since the attack on the Finsbury Park mosque, it. Was a truly cowardly, attack that was intended to divide us but, we will not let this happen we. Have been joined today by the Imam of the mosque Mohammed, Mahmoud and I, am sure members from across the house will, join me in paying tribute to his, extraordinary. Bravery and dignity. Mr.. Speaker Friday is the 70th, anniversary of, the arrival of the MV Empire, Windrush at Tilbury Docks it. Is right that we recognize, and honor the enormous, contribution. Of the Windrush generation, and their descendants. That. Is why that. Is why we, have announced an annual wind rush day which, will keep alive their legacy, for future generations. And, ensure. We all celebrate, the, diversity, of Britain's, history, mr.. Speaker this morning I, had meetings with ministerial. Colleagues and others in additions, to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings later today dr.. Allan Whitehead, because, I can concur, with the Prime Minister her. Remarks, concerning the, terrorist. Attack on the Finsbury, mosque, and it. Is right that we should remember that's. One, year on in the way that we are. Could. I ask the Prime Minister. Following. The. Agreements. That were signed up to by. The UK, at the Paris, climate change, summit, will. She now commit, to. A new UK climate, change target, of zero. Net emissions, before 2050. Gentlemen. That the, United Kingdom has been leading, the way in relation, to dealing with issue on climate change it. Was the United Kingdom, that was I think the first country, to actually bring in the, piece. Of legislation that, related to this and, this government and this government pass and this government has a good record in dealing, with these issues crucially. We have ensured, that we do remain committed to the. Paris Accord - and, I would pay tribute, to. Those. My, right honourable friend the member for Hastings & rye who actually played a very key, role in ensuring that that that. That Paris Accord was agreed to and everybody signed up to it Simon. Hall. Thank. You mr. speaker, Dorset, is the home of the Jurassic. Coast but, my Rhydon will friend will be pleased to know it's not full of dinosaurs. We. Are embraced. The day sort of accounting, all. Of my North course of constituents. Want, to ensure the safety and dignity, of women, as. A husband, and father I do too, will, she confirm that we will make the horror of upskirting, illegal, quickly. And in, government I. Thank. You I can. Reassure, my honourable friend I agree, with him upskirting. Is a, hideous invasion, of privacy, it, leaves victims, feeling, degraded. And distressed, we. Will adopt we, will adopt this as a government, bill we, will introduce the bill to the Commons this Thursday, with, the second reading before the summer recess but. We're not stopping there we will also ensure that the most serious offenders are added to the sex offenders, register. And victims. Should be a no doubt their complaints, will be taken seriously, and perpetrators, will be punished Jeremy, Corbyn. Thank. You very much mr., speaker, I joined, the Prime Minister in welcoming. My friend Imam, Mohamed. Mahmoud the. Mood for coming here today and for the, enormous, humanity. And presence of mind he showed on that terrible day a year ago when, he prevented, violence, from breaking out on the streets of my constituency, and I thanked him and, all the religious, leaders in the local community who did so much to bind, people together as a country we should be bound together in condemning, racism, in any form wherever, it arises. Mr.. Speaker I'm pleased that the prime minister mentioned. The Windrush generation, and I to join, her in commemorating, that, event, when the Windrush generation, arrived, in this country I hope, we, the, hostile. Environment will be put behind us, and that. We will take this special moment today to, welcome a daughter of the Windrush generation, as a new, member of this house the member of parliament, in Lewisham east. She. Brings enormous experience, to this house in dealing with the problems, of poverty, and dislocation in her borough and she'll make a great contribution, to this house. Mr.. Speaker today, marked, World Refugee day a time. To reflect on the human, misery of 65. Million refugees, displaced. Across. The globe there. Is a responsibility, on all political, leaders to both aid refugees and act to tackle the crises and a, conflicts that are driving this vast movement of people. Mr.. Speaker the, prime minister said that's, there. Well. Thank you the, Prime Minister has said extra, funding for the National Health Service will come from three sources brexit.

Economic, Growth and tax and the taxation system well, there can be no brexit, dividend before 2022. Economic. Growth is the slowest since 2009. So which. Tax is it going up. He. Mentioned, a number of issues in, his. Opening. Question. First. Of all can. I first of all take this opportunity, can, i first of all take this opportunity, of saying that i was struck when, i visited, Finsbury Park mosque after the attack by, the very close work that was being done by a number of faith leaders in that community I commend. Them for the work that they're doing that they were doing then that I know they, continue to do and that we see being done in other communities, including, my own community in my constituency in Maidenhead. The. Rajala. General ended up by asking I think asking question, on the, National. Health Service. Can. I be very clear about this. We, have set out a long-term plan for the NHS that is securing, the future for the National Health Service we, have set a five-year, funding settlement. That will be funded there will be money that we are no longer sending to the EU but, we will be able to spend on. Well. Honourable members may shout about this I know that, that issue is, not the policy of the Labour Party front, bench the. In, relation to money we no longer sending to the EU being, spent on the NHS, the shadow housing, secretary called it bogus, the. Shadow health secretary, said it's a deceit, but. Perhaps I can tell them perhaps I can tell them was another labour member, said a few weeks ago he. Said we, will use the funds returned, from Brussels, after brexit. To, invest in our public, services. It. Was him the right honourable gentleman the leader of the Opposition. Mr., speaker. I'm. Very pleased. The Prime Minister's, reading my speeches, so closely. I said. That, the money sent to the EU should be ring-fenced. To replace structural, funds to regions, agriculture. And fishing, industry. Support. For. Universities. Mr.. Speaker could I remind, the prime minister the question, I asked was about. Taxation, to. Deal. With her NHS, promises, at the weekend, last, year she might care to forget, last summer actually but, she. Wrote in the conservative, manifesto, firms. And households cannot. Plan ahead with, the threat of unspecified, higher. Taxes. By. Her own, admission households. And businesses need, to plan so. Can't you be straight with people which. Taxes. Are going up and for, who. As. I said on Monday the, my right honourable friend the Chancellor will set out the full funding back. He, will send it set it out properly before. Properly. Before, the, spending, review, but. I'm interested that the right honourable gentleman has now confirmed, that, the Labour Party thinks will be money coming back from the European Union I have to say I think that there will be one circumstance. In which there will be no money coming back from the European Union that's if we adopted, Labour's policy, of debt in a deal at whatever the, price. Mr.. Speaker at the weekend, the Prime Minister said there. Will be about, 600. Million a week more, being spent on the NHS, in cash that. Will be through the brexit, dividend, well. Our, net, contribution our, net, contribution to, the European. Union, is about, 8.5, billion. A year. 600. Million a week is over 30. Billion, a year. Mr.. Speaker, have figures, are so, dodgy, they've, been long on the side of a bus. We. Expect. We, expect. We. Expect that, from. The we, do expect that from the foreign secretary, but, why is the Prime Minister pushing. Our own Mickey, Mouse figures. Can I say to the right honourable gentleman he thanked me earlier for reading, his speeches can I just suggest that he or perhaps his researchers, should spend a little more time carefully. Reading. And seeing, listening, to what I actually say. He. Has claimed that, I said but, by 2020 324 there, would be 600, million more in cash terms per week being spent on the NHS, from the brexit dividend no, I didn't say that what. I said was the following there, will indeed be. 600. Million, pounds, more around 600, million pounds more being, spent, on the. NHS, every. Week in cash, terms as a result of a decision taken by this Conservative. Government, the. Future of the NHS, that will. Partly, be funded, by the money we no longer spend on the European. And as a country, as, a, country, as. A country we. Will be contributing. A bit more we, will we, will listen to views on that and the, Chancellor of the Exchequer my, right honourable friend will, bring forward that package, before, the, spending, review but.

I Have to say to the right honourable gentleman if he is so concerned. About. People's, taxation. Of what they're spending in tax why. Is it that, when we increase, the personal, allowance and have taken nearly four million people out of paying income tax altogether he, and the Labour Party, opposed, it. Mr.. Speaker last. Night the Prime Minister sent an email to, conservative, members, telling them and I quote the, money we now send to the EU will go to the NHS, the, government's. Own office. Of Budget Responsibility says. They. Won't see any dividend, until, at least. 2020. Three the. Prime Minister talks about a strong economy but economic, growth last year was the slowest, of any major economy, and already, been downgraded this, year, so, if growth. Doesn't. Meet expectations. Does. That mean this. Is the question does that mean. Extra, borrowing, or, higher. Mystery. Taxes. And I say. Can. I say to the right honourable gentleman it is the balanced approach that this government takes to our economy, which, is enabled us. They. Don't like to hear actually, that, there is there is a fundamental difference between us because we do believe in, keeping taxes, no we, do believe in putting money into our public services, and we also believe in dealing, with our debt and making sure that we get debt falling. What would the Labour Party, - the Labour Party, wouldn't have money to put in the National Health Service because. The labour party would bankrupt our economy, and, yes. If, we're talking about the amount of money that's being put into the NHS, let's, just look at what the labour party offered, at the last election. The. Labour Party. Said that. 2.2. Percent, more, growth growth. For the NHS, would, make it the envy, of the world, well. I have to say to my honorable and right honourable friends I chose, not to listen to that we're. Not putting 2.2. Percent growth in we're putting, 3.4. Percent growth. Mr.. Speaker under, labor the NHS, increase, would have been 5% this year. And. The IFS, confirmed, that. In this year in. This year that would be seven. Point seven billion, more, for the NHS, and. What's her offer a promise. Of. 394, million pounds, per week without saying where any of it is coming from apart, from these, mysterious. Phantom, taxis. That the Chancellor, is presumably dreaming, up at the very has the very this very moment but. Mr. speaker. There. Is a human, element to, all issues, surrounding the, National Health Service and public, spending let. Me give you an example but. Virginia. Wrote to me last, week and she says. She. Says my. Diabetic. Daughter's, fallen, down on four occasions in the last month's she. Now has both legs in plaster, and he's been told there isn't enough money for. The NHS, to give her a wheelchair. Mr.. Speaker the IFS studies. Say the NHS, needs 3.3. Percent just. To maintain current. Provision. Which, I remind her are at, crisis, levels does. She think standing. Still is good, enough for Virginia. Or anybody. Else that's waiting for the treatment, they need and, deserve. That's. Why we're. Putting in extra money to ensure that we see improved care in the NHS, but, can I just remind him what the chief executive, of NHS, England Simon Stevens has said of our announcement, we. Can now face the next five years with renewed certainty, this, multi-year, settlement, provides the funding, we need to. Shape a long-term, plan for key improvements. In cancer, mental health and other critical, services, and if he wants to talk about what the Labour Party, do in relation, to health service that's where he started let's, just not look not at what they say but what attack they actually, do for. Every, 1 pound, extra. We, spend, on the NHS. In England labour. In Wales spent, only 84. Big timber. Labour say, one thing and do another. Mr.. Speaker health, spending, grew, by 5% in. Wales last, year, rather. More, than in England per three point four percent is, actually. Just, three percent as it's only for NHS, England, nothing. For, public health budgets, nothing. For community, health or, vitally. Nothing, for social care this. Is less than is needed just to stand still and, after, the longest funding. Squeeze in history, any. Weights are, their worst ever, four. Million people now waiting on NHS, waiting, lists cancer. Treatment, target, not met for over three years, nurse. Numbers, falling GP. Numbers falling and. 100,000. Staff, vacancies. And it, just trusts, a billion, in deficit, and a. 1.3. Billion, funding. Gap for Social Care the. Prime Minister is writing, io u--'s just. To stand still until. This. Government, can be straight with people where. The money is coming from why. Should, anyone. Anyone. Anywhere, trust, them on the NHS. I'll. Tell them right honorable gentleman why, people should trust us on the National Health Service for, the 70 years of the National Health Service for forty three of those years it has been under the stewardship, of a conservative. We, have. Despite. Despite, taking.

Difficult. And necessary decisions, on public spending in 2010, as, a result of the deficit, left by the last Labour government. We. Have consistently. Put extra, money into the National Health Service we. Have now announced a National, Health Service plan that gives it certainty, of funding. For the next five years and, working. With clinicians and others in the National Health Service we, will see a ten year plan to improve services, and to improve, care, for patients, but. Can I say to the right honourable, gentleman he, can stand up here all he likes and talk about the Labour Party's, plans for money but, what we know is that the Labour Party's, plans would bankrupt, this economy. The. IFS, have said labor, labor. Would not raise as much money as they claim even. In the short run let alone the long run in short, their, plan. Absolutely. Doesn't add up. Conservatives. Putting, more money into, the National Health Service labor, losing, control of public, finances, and bankrupting. Britain. Reports. From the Health Foundation, across our front pages, this week conclude. That Millennials, will face worse health problems, than their parents, and that, a key cause of this is relationship, challenges yet. 31%, of Millennials say that they didn't. Have strong relationships. And support networks, whilst, growing up what. Actually is the Prime Minister taking, in response to calls for over 60, honorable, friends to strengthen, family, relationships. I. Thank my honourable friend for, the way in which she continues, to highlight, this important, issue of family. Support and family relationships, and we are determined, to do what as much as we can to support families that's why we, are providing for high quality relationships. Education that's. Helping children be equipped and prepared to. Maintain healthy and respectful, relationships, in their adult lives the. DWP, is providing, relationship, support services, to families through the voluntary sector and backed, up by 30 by up to 39 million pounds, the reducing parental conflict program, will, help counselors, across England integrate, support for family relationships, into, the local services for, families, as my. Honourable friend says, and as she has said before children. Who are exposed to frequent, intent, and poorly resolved conflict can. Experience a decline in their mental health we, understand, the importance, of supporting families. At an early stage Riaan, Blackford. Associate. Myself with the remarks of, the prime minister on the incident. A year ago at the fin assembly park Mars, mr.. Speaker many. Of us in this house will. Be aware of the deeply, distressing. Audio, and images of children. Separated. From their parents in u.s., detention, centers, infants, as, young as. 18. Months, are, being caged like. Animals. Babies. Of eight months have been left isolated in. Rooms and, last, night the. Former head of US Immigration, and Customs enforcement's. Said, he expects, hundreds. Of these, children, never. To be reunited, with, their parents, lost. In the system, orphaned. By. The US, government. Is the. Prime Minister still. Intending, to roll, out the red carpet for, Donald, Trump. Can. I can I first of all say the right honourable gentleman I'm pleased to see him in this chamber to be able to. On, the ferry on the very important, issue that he's raised of what we have seen in the United States the, pictures, of children, being held in what appear to be cages, are deeply, disturbing, this. Is wrong this is not something, that we agree with this is not the United Kingdom's, approach indeed. Indeed. When I miss Home Secretary, I ended, the routine detention, of families, with children we. Have a long and a, special, and long enduring, relationship, long-standing, relationship. With the United States and I, think it is right there will be a range of issues that are discussing with President Trump a range, of issues about our shared interests. And I think it's important, that we welcome the we make sure that when we see. The President, of the United States here in the United Kingdom we're, able to have those discussions that means that when we disagree with what they're doing we say so. Mr. Speaker I have to say that is a disappointing. Answer. Condemning. The actions of, Donald Trump and, I asked the prime minister to do that but, of course on, the issue of immigration well. The US administration calls. It a zero, tolerance policy the. Prime Minister, calls it a hostile. Environment we, know that. This government detained, children, in detention centers here. In the UK the. UK is the only EU country. To, detain people indefinitely. For. The Prime Minister today on, what, old refugee. Day show, some leadership an end, hard policy, of, indefinite. Detention. First. Of all in relation to the question he asked about what we've seen happening in the United States I clearly, unholy, unequivocally.

Said That that was wrong on. The on the issues that he's referred to in relation to detention, the, detention policy here in the United Kingdom as, I've said he referred to the tension of families with children we ended, the routine detention, of families with children we, did that early. After 2000. Under. After 2010. We. Do we, do on occasions, need to detain people but we take their welfare extremely. Seriously, that's, well I when I was Home Secretary, we, commissioned, I commissioned Stephen Shaw the, former prisons and probation. Ombudsman, to look at this issue as a result, of his report we introduced, the at risk policy, which, means that we have a clear presumption, that adults, are at risk should not be detained along. With better mental health provision, for them we, have asked him to go back again and look at this issue he, has reported, we're carefully, studying that report and will publish in due course you, see Alan. The, number of children in the care system in England rose, to a record of, 73,000, with huge social and economic, consequences the. Care crisis, review published, last week found, the drivers, of this increase, included. A risk-averse. Blame culture and a failure to direct spending to family support will. The Prime Minister ensure, that her children's, Minister considers, the reviews recommendations and. Will she commit to ensuring that state intervention, to, remove children from families, is only, used as a last resort year, I, say, to my humble friend she's absolutely, right to say that care proceedings should be a last resort should be only undertaken, after other steps have failed because, we want every child to be in a stable loving home that's, right for them, the, sector-led review that my own girlfriend mentioned, is an important, contribution to work that's being done across the family justice system to, address the pressure caused by rising public law volumes in family courts and we're carefully considering the report's findings and, recommendations, in. Shuka mr.. Speaker if I can summarize what, we have just heard President. Trump has locked up 2,000, little children, in cages. And, is refusing, to release them unless he's allowed to build a wall. He's. Quit the young Human Rights Council praised. Kim Jong Un's treatment. Of his own people, turned. Away Muslims. What. Does this man have to do to have the invitation she's, extended, revoked. Oh, dare, they order yellow, general. Gentleman's question was heard, with courtesy, odor, and the reply must, be heard with, courtesy, the Prime Minister first, of all as I've just responded, to questions on the on the issue of the pictures that we have seen of the behavior, in the United States in the way that children are being treated which, I've clearly and wholly unequivocally, said is wrong now, on the wider issue of the, President, of the United States coming, here to the United Kingdom there, are many issues on which members, of this house including his right honourable friend the leader of the Opposition, consistently. Encouraged, me to raise with, the President of the United States we, do that when, we disagree, with the United States we, tell them so but. We also have. We, also have, some. Key shared interests, with the United States in the, security and defense field and in other areas as well and it is right that we are able to sit down and discuss those with the president, president, of a country. With which we have had a long-standing and will continue to have a long-standing special, relationship. A. Very worried about proposals, to build housing, on land. Next. To sites where there's known to be contaminated waste tipped in the 1970s. With the prime minister to agree that planning guidance should, be changed to make clear that a thorough and competent, assessment, of the risks of that contamination should, be carried out before permission, is, given to build houses on those sites what. Can I say to my humble friend I completely understand, the concerns, that he's raised on this issue I've dealt with issues of contaminated, land sites and development. On them in my own constituency, in the past we, do take local residents safety in relation to contaminated, land very seriously, and we. Do ensure that the guidance is updated, the guidance is updated, regularly and. Developers. Are already required, to ensure, they comply with a host of legal and regulatory safeguards. Before they build on contaminated, land, and we also require they work with in conjunction with the Environment, Agency and meet, building regulations, to ensure residents safety, ronnie.

Cowen. The, speaker's, the government has granted a license, to British sugar to go cannabis, on an industrial scale. The, government has licensed, medical cannabis, produced by GW, Pharmaceuticals but, now they've stoked and they proposed a panel, synthesizing, a one-by-one. Basis, who can benefit, from medical cannabis, I'm wondering what happened and dear ones with twenty thousand people are played to that panel can, the government not see the rating in a wall and, move now to, provide medical cannabis, under prescriptions, that mainly mainly people who would benefit. Well. Can I can I say, to, the. Honourable gentleman I first. Of all want to offer my deepest sympathies to those suffering severe conditions where the treatments, have not been effective, and the. Cannabis based medicines have, potential, to help and I recognize that of course people suffering from these issues will want to look to alleviate, their, symptoms but it is important, the medicines are carefully, assessed a thoroughly assessed to, ensure that they meet rigorous. Standards, so, that doctors and patients are assured of their efficacy their, quality, and their safety and my right honourable friend as he will know my right honourable friend the Home Secretary, announced. Yesterday a two-part, review, we. See from the recent cases that we need to look at this carefully and that, would be a review by the chief medical officer followed, by a review by the Advisory. Council on the misuse of drugs but, my right honourable friend is also acting, to set up a panel of commits clinicians, an expert panel that can advise ministers, on any applications. To prescribe, cannabis based medicines. Antoinette's. And back. Last. Saturday, marks, two years since, the murder of our colleague Joe Cox though, she is no longer with us Joe's, legacy, still lives on, through, the work done, in her name this. Work covers, many issues including. Loneliness, can. I welcome yesterday's, announcement. On a 20 million pound fund to combat, loneliness, and will my right honourable friend, join with me in paying, tribute to groups, such as bright light for an aged UK, in my constituency we. Do so much to tackle the rural isolation. I'm. Very happy to draw vulnerable friend in commending the work of the groups that she has referred to in her own constituency. Of bright life and age UK. And the work that they're doing she's, absolutely right of course Saturday, did mark the two-year anniversary of the death of Joe Cox but she's also right in saying that the legacy, of Joe Cox lives on everyday in the work that is being done on the, issues that she care for particularly, on this issue of loneliness, and I was pleased, that we were able to announce the 20 million pounds to combat loneliness, this is going to be used to help bring people together explore. Using technology, to connect those in remote areas and improve transport, connections to make face-to-face, contact. A lot easier. Joe, was passionate, about seeing a step change in in the way we deal with loneliness in this country and we determined, to support the continuation of her, work after, her sad and tragic death Gareth. Thomas terms. Water and other water companies, have profit margins close to 20 percent paying. Out annually a huge, 1.4. Billion pounds, often, to overseas, owners that, could have been used to cut bills and accelerate, repairs given. That only Welsh water a mutual, makes no such payments, when, might the Prime Minister get behind efforts, to double the size of the mutual and cooperative, contribution, to our economy. There. Are many, good examples of Mutual's, and cooperatives, who operate in our economy and do so well and provide services, to two, individuals, there, is no limit. On the on. The number of Mutual's and cooperatives, who could choose to to be set up what we want to see is a mixed economy and they play an important part bill. Wigan. My, Tamil, friend will be aware that I have raised the issue of more, beds for hereford Hospital oh no. Fewer than 12 times over, the years can, she now confirm, that the funding is in place to, deliver these much-needed, beds. Can. I say to my honourable, friend I know yes he says he has been a consistent campaigner, on this, on this particular issue we. Have announced over 3.9, billion of new additional. Capital funding for the NHS, up to 22 23, the, majority, of that is to support the implementation of, the local STPs, the sustainability, and transformation. Partnership. Plans of local communities. Major. Projects are under consideration across the country, we intend to announce one large-scale scheme the size of the shows Brean Telford plan every, year going, forward, based, on high quality plans, but coming forward from local NHS leaders.

It Is important, that these plans are driven by, the local NHS but, they will ensure better, care for patients tam. Manjeet Singh deci. There. Is no, greater pain than losing your child, especially. When it's under circumstances that, are entirely, and easily, avoidable my. Slough constituent, marks gave whose son Michael, tragically. Drowned in, the doobly River was. Shocked to learn that, schools, are not required, to teach water safety and the impact, of cold, water shock, does. The Prime Minister not agree that as we are currently in the middle of the, Royal Society role, life-saving, Society's, annual. Drowning. Prevention week, now, is the opportune, moment to discuss this, matter with the ministerial. Colleagues and announced. The compulsory, inclusion, of these. Vital. Lessons. When, I say to my honourable friend I thank him for aiding this important, issue and our, sympathies, are with the family that he, referred, to in his question, but we do take the, sting of water safety very seriously that's. Why we're supporting the National Water Safety forums, national, drowning prevention strategy. Which, aims to achieve 50%. Reduction in drownings by 2026. By, encouraging people to stay safe whilst enjoying themselves, we have made sure that swimming and water safety is compulsory, in the National Curriculum for, PE at primary, levels but we do recognize that there is more to do and we've, established an implementation, group we're reviewing the recommendations, of the report that, is part of the sporting future strategy, which aims to improve the swimming curriculum, there Matt follow me. The. Prime Minister knows that I as son, of a doctor and pharmacist, share her strong, commitment, to the NHS, would. She reassure, me and, this, house that. The additional, funding to be provided, will lead to measurable, improvements. In patient outcomes so. That this extra money is spent as wisely as possible. That. Assurance what, we do not want to see what we do not want to see is money going to the NHS and not being wasted or spent on bureaucracy and not actually getting to patient care and that, is why that is why it is so important, that alongside. The, extra, money as. Part of the 10-year plan we'll be working with the NHS, on, making, sure not only that we see better outcomes for patients as a result of this extra money going in but that we make sure that this money is spent wisely and spent in the interests, of patients and Mandy. More, weeks of Northern Rail chaos, passengers. In the north of England have had enough, the government has said Network. Rail didn't deliver and that northern wasn't, prepared, but. I have been handed, emails, from, within the department for transport that. Show that ministers, and officials were. Warned of impending, chaos, as long, ago as two, years, ago, these, emails, are, a disgrace, in. Them officials. Describe. Key northern routes as valueless, discuss. Classic. Handling, strategies. For, members of parliament. Discuss. Whether, to throw a stop to. Northern passenger. Groups, and debates. Whether to propagate, myths in order, to divert public, attention from. Agreed, plans. Route, closures, zone, will the Prime Minister, explain, to this house why, she has withheld this, key information from. Us and from the public or is she so incompetent, she. Literally has not got a clue what, is going on. Can, I say to the honourable lady that she was referred to documents. That she is described as being leaked from the Department, of Transport, can, I say to her that we, do not know, government responds, across the despatch-box, to leech documents, that they have not seen what, she she.

Can. I also say to the honourable lady but, in advance of the timetable changes, that took place were both northern, and go via in May there. Was there. Was a separate, panel independent. Panels set up by the DFT to. Reassure the, Department, for Transport about. The nature of those, plans, and. She. Met the like the Honourable lady may shake her head but, that independent. Panel was set up and. That's independent panel advise the Department for Transport steam. Dreaming, Thank, You mr. speaker, is the Prime Minister aware, that, Birmingham, Airport will, have 15, percent fewer, international. Flights than otherwise, Manchester. 11%. Fewer, Newcastle. 14, percent fewer and warmers over 40%. Fewer. International, flights than otherwise by 2030, as a result, or p3, expansion, and how does it help, investment. In our region's, by. Suffocating. The regional, airports, growth. My. Right honourable friend, she asks about the issue of, expanding. Heathrow and the impact it's going to have on regional. Airports, can I perhaps just, say. One anecdote. When. We first made our announcement, so the first announcement about the decision on the the, in principle, decision on the third runway at Heathrow I, went, down to Cornwall and I visited nuki and. I say to my right honourable friend but, in Newquay they were very pleased and they welcomed, the announcement, because of the ability it was going to give them to improve their local economy, and inspire, expand, particularly, their tourist industry. Like. A mr.. Speaker Prime Minister today. 123. Thousand, individuals. Will. Visit community, pharmacies, across Northern. Ireland the. Pharmacies, as you know are a front, door on a shop window to, the health service. Telling. Them that. The, best way to solve their problem in there of a shortfall, of over 20, million pounds, is to write to a funny, assembly. Is not, an answer to their problem, what is the Prime Minister able, to do for, community pharmacists. Across, Ulster, today. The. Value of community pharmacies, I think everybody across this house recognizes. The valuable work that they do in communities, and we've indeed, we've recognized, that with our hundred million pound, contribution. For a Health Transformation fund. We, will do what we we. Have done and we will continue to do what we can in the absence of an executive to, protect the delivery of vital public services the, Secretary of State's budget for 2018-19.

Addresses, The key pressures across public services including, the aunt Northern Ireland Health Service and she'll, be bringing forward legislation, to put the budget position on a legal footing but, I know that secretary State for Northern Ireland will be more than happy to meet, the Honourable gentleman to discuss this issue further sir, Mike. Can, I also pay tribute with, the Prime Minister on the lead of the opposition to the bravery of the American a mosque in Finsbury Park can. I also pay tribute to two people are also in the gallery today they, have shown dignity. Bravery. And integrity, they. Other parents of Alfred English Alfie. Has got the license yesterday so, that he cannot have so many fits that we know this treatment, and give him - I thank the Prime Minister and particularly the Attorney General for their inquiry into this but, also tried with the family to work to, make sure we can speed up other families, which I know that is the most important, thing the family wants now I. Say. To my right wonderful friend that, I too want. To welcome, the. Parents, of Alpha Dingley and also, commend. Them for the dignity that they have shown in, dealing with this very difficult issue of ensuring. That the met, that what they wanted, to see available for their son it, was as my, right honourable friend has said a license, has now been issued but, it is right and this is the point of the reviews, that my right honourable friend the Home Secretary, has set up to, make sure that the process we have of ensuring, that where these, drugs are considered. And are being looked at they are going to be efficient. They are going to be efficacious, and, are, going to be safe for the patients, that that process is not a long drawn-out process because. The length of process has sadly Alfa's. Parents, found can, be deeply distressing, mr.. Nigel dogs. The. EU, and Michel, Barnier say, they don't want the hard border, on the island of Ireland and we agree, with that but on the other hand yesterday. In, his remarks on security, cooperation he, seemed to be erecting barriers in. The way of the best possible, cooperation, between, the UK and the rest of Europe the. Belfast Telegraph in, its editorial today says this is a boon brinkmanship. By the e use of boon to terrorists, will. The Prime, Minister, make it clear that this kind of approach is completely wrong, and it appears that the EU is wanting to make praxis harder, for the UK but.

Easier For those who want to cause damage across, Europe. Can, I can I say to the, right honourable gentleman that, the future, security partnership, that we want with the European Union is an, important, part of the deal that we negotiating. With them I set, out our intentions. In that security. Partnership, back. In the speech that I gave him Munich at the Munich Security Conference I fully, recognize the. Importance, of the particularly, some of the instruments, that we've been able to use within, the European, Union to, the working. Of the. Police, across the, border in Northern. Ireland and Ireland and ensuring, that those, who would seek to do the, people of Northern Ireland harm are, indeed. Brought. To justice, are apprehended, and are prevented from doing so, I am absolutely clear that that security partnership, is a key important. And very essential element of what we negotiated, the makers in, speak. In. The gallery today are two young men for my CLE thoughts constituency. Calum Procter and Oliver Freeston, both of whom won seats. On northeast Lincolnshire, Council, last. Month's elections. Perhaps. The youngest councillor. In the country, could, I invite, the prime, minister to congratulate. Callum and Oliver and also, would she agree with me that it is this government, that provides the policies, that allows young people to prosper and be successful. When, I say tomorrow my friend I'm very happy to welcome welcome. Kahneman, Oliver and to congratulate, them on their success in, the. May local, government elections I think that's very important, the fact that. It is under this government and this party, that we see an 18 year old being able to take a seat on the council actually, shows as my honourable friend says that it is this government that is ensuring young people have the opportunities, to prosper and pursue their hopes a Norman, lamb. The. Conclusions, of the Gosport, independent, panel which I set up as Minister with the support of the Secretary. Of State are truly. Shocking both. The fact that there are, 456, people, who. Lost their lives, throwing in appropriate, prescribing of, opioids and. The fact that there was a closing, of ranks which prevented, families from getting to the truth does, she agree that the now needs to be an independent. And thorough police, investigation. By another force, will. She also agree to meet with me together with family. Representatives. To discuss the implications, of this report. And does, she agree that we must never again. Ignore. Families, in this way and that there must be a mechanism when, allegations. Of wrongdoing arrays, so that they are investigated. Immediately, including. The families. Say. To the. Right honourable gentleman first of all that my thoughts and I'm sure the thoughts of everybody across this Harris will, be with all the families of patients who died as. A result of what happened at Gosport Hospital, the. Events. At Gosport Memorial Hospital were tragic. They're deeply, troubling, and they. Brought, unimaginable. Heartache, to the families concerned, but, they are a matter of which we should be concerned, across, this house and he, raises an issue about the way in which the public sector, often, in.

His Terms closes, ranks I think, this is one of the issues that we need to deal with across the public sector and if. I may say I pay, tribute to the right honourable gentleman for having established the, inquiry when he was a, minister, I'm sorry. That it took so long for the families to get there, is the answers, from the NHS, I'd. Like to thank Bishop James Jones, and, fellow panel members for what they've done I'd be happy to meet the right honourable gentle with Bishop Jones and can I also say that I think this shows why it is absolutely, right that my right honourable friend the health and social care secretary, there's point in putting such a focus, on patient. Safety and transparency. In the NHS, because, we need to ensure that we do not see these sorts of these. Things happening in the future and the findings, are obviously. Distressing. They are deeply concerning, of course measures, have been put in place to, deal with issues but my right honourable friend the, health secretary will, be making a statement shortly, this, is an main. Peak. Hurricane season is due to hit Bangladesh, and the ringer in the camps, the. UK is leading, in aid to the rahaga other countries, pledged aid but do not deliver what, more can this government, do to put pressure on those countries who, renege on their pledges of aid. For. My humble friend has raised a very important, point I think the first point she's raised, which is important, is that this is a country that not only says what it's going to do but actually puts its money where its mouth is and goes, out and helps people across the world including the, reinker in the circumstances. That she's referred to we will continue, to put pressure on all those countries, who say they will do something but, then don't actually deliver the money to ensure that they do. I. Want, to return to the broader context, of the question asked by my humble friend meant for Luton South this, has been a chilling, week mr. speaker for those of us right across this house who believe in values of tolerance and diversity not. Just President Trump Victor Orban proposing, a new tax on organizations, that defend refugees. The, Italian, government targeting. The Roma people it's, good that she said President Trump's policy is wrong but Mr Speaker I want her to do more and I think this house wants her to do more what. Is she gonna do proactively. To, defend, these values, what, is she gonna do to work with Chancellor, Merkel and president, micron to make clear to the rest of the world and the European, Union that, these these values, that are so inimical, inimical, to our country, cannot, stand. Gentlemen. That we. Do we, do work with, governments. Across Europe particularly with the French and German governments on these issues of migration in relation to Europe. We expect all members of the international, community to add ear to international, law and commitments, to human rights we. As a government we oppose extremism, in all forms including. We're, in such extremism, threatens. To damage ethnic. And community relations, we, believe in the fundamental values, of Liberty of democracy, of respect, for human rights we, will continue to work with others, to ensure, that it is those values that are preeminent. In everything, that we and they do salut. The.

Prime Minister's renewed commitment to the NHS, is extremely, welcome. Recently. The Health and Social Care Select. Committee, visited. The Lord House GP, surgery, in workshop, where generally, all patients. Are seen by the doctors, the same day what. More can the government do to make sure that this best practice, amongst GP practices, is spread across the whole country so, all our constituents, can get in to see a doctor when, they need to it. Raises. A very important, point and one of the principles underpinning what. We will be looking to the NHS to do across its 10-year plan is to, ensure that the best practice, that we see in many parts of the NHS is indeed, spread across the whole of the NHS, so that patients, are able to get the access and the same standards, that they need across, the across the National Health Service I I commend, the work that has been done in the GP surgery that he has referred to in his constituency this, is very important, and, I also commend work that is being done elsewhere to. Bring services together to ensure that we that patients. See an improvement, in the care and treatment that, they received finally. Today Angela, eagle. Speaker, the. Last Labour government. Oversaw. A 5.9. Percent increase. In spending on the, NHS, the Thatcher, major. Government, managed. 3.6. Percent so. Far her, predecessor, David, Cameron, and the right honourable lady have managed. 1.9. Percent, why. Are. We meant to be happy and amazed. By. Her unfunded. Pledge to. Deliver an increase of 3.4, percent which. Is under the annual, average of cheap since the NHS, was, first, created. This. Is as I clearly said, from the, chief. Executive of NHS England, he, recognizes. That this is what this is the funding that the NHS, needs but crucially, giving. A multi-year, funding settlement, based, on a 10-year a long-term 10-year, plan will. Give the NHS, the stability, and certainty that, it needs to, be able to, introduce the transformation we, all want to see in patient.

Care And we, will also be ensuring, that unlike, what happened, under the Labour Party, this, money will be seen in improved, patient, care.

2018-06-23 06:02

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