Prime Minister's Questions: 16 January 2019

Prime Minister's Questions: 16 January 2019

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Order. Questions. To, the Prime Minister, Charlie. Elphic, number. One mr. speaker, the. Prime Minister, q mr. Speaker I. Am. Sure, that the, whole house, will. Join me in condemning. The, appalling, attack in Nairobi, and in, sending, my thoughts and prayers to all those who have lost loved ones our, High Commissioner, has confirmed, one, British, fatality, and we're, providing consular. Assistance to, British nationals, affected, by the attack we. Stand in solidarity with, the government and people of Kenya and will continue to offer our support to meet the challenge to security, and stability that, is posed by terrorism, in, the region mr.. Speaker this morning I have meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings later today Charlie. Elphic, Thank, You mr., speaker man I joined with the Prime Minister in her strong condemnation on, terror, and, so, you will know mr. speaker and the premier sir will know that I first sought election, to this house because I believed in more, jobs lower taxes, a stronger economy the. More investment in the public services on which we all rely. On does she agree that since 2010, Conservative. Government's have delivered, time and again for the British people. And the biggest threat to that, is sat on the opposition. Front bench with, a leader whose policies, would mean less. Jobs higher. Taxes. A, weaker. Economy and. My. Honourable friend is absolutely, right what have we seen under the Conservatives, in government we've seen, 3.4. Million, more. That's. More people earning an income earning, a wage able. To provide for their families, we've, seen more children, in good and outstanding, schools more, money into our National Health Service, what would put that in danger, a government, led by the right honourable gentleman more, borrowing, more taxes, more spending fewer. Jobs. Enemy. Gorman. Thank, You mr. speaker, thank you may, I start, by correcting the record last. Night I suggested. This was the largest government defeat, since the 1920s, I, would. Not wish to be accused of misleading the house. I've. Since. Been informed. That is in fact the largest ever, defeat, for a government in the history of our democracy, so. Mr., speaker, shortly. After, the Prime Minister, made her point of order last night her, spokesperson, suggested. The government had, ruled out any form, of customs, union with the European, Union as part of her reaching out exercise, can, the Prime Minister confirm that's, the case. That. The exercise that I indicated last night is as I said about. Listening, to the views of the house about wanting to understand, the views of parliamentarians, so.

That We can identify what. Could, command, the support of this house and deliver, on the referendum and what, the government wants to do is first of all to ensure that we deliver on the result of the referendum that's, leaving the European Union, and we want to do it in a way that, ensures we respect, the votes of those who voted to leave in that referendum that means, ending free movement it means getting a fairer deal for farmers and fishermen, it means it means opening. Up new opportunities to. Trade with the rest of the world and it means keeping good ties with our neighbors in Europe. My, question, was about the customs, union the. Prime Minister seems to be in denial about that just. As much as she's in denial about the decision. Made by the house last night I understand. The business secretary. Told business, leaders, on a conference call last, night we. Can't have no deal for, all the reasons you've set out can. The Prime Minister now reassure, the house businesses. And the country and confirm, that, is indeed, the government's position that we can't have, no deal. I think. The point of the business sector is making and that he has made, previously. Is that if you don't want to have no deal you have to ensure that you have a deal now I will get this I will. Give this too I. Will. I will, say this to the right honourable gentleman there, are actually two ways of avoiding no deal the, first is to agree a deal and the, second would be to revoke article, 50. Now. That would mean staying, in the European Union. To. Respect, the result of the referendum and. That is, and that. Is something that this government, will not do. On. A customs, union hasn't, answered on on No Deal and continue. To spend 4.2. Billion of public money on a, No Deal scenario, can't. She understand, yesterday. The House rejected her. Deal, she, needs to come up with something, different than. That but. Mr. speaker it's not just on brexit, that this government is failing. Formally. And working people are living in poverty half, a million more children in, poverty compared, to 2010. The, roundtree foundation, confirms. In work poverty, is rising, faster, than the overall employment.

Rate With, poverty rising. Can. The Prime Minister tell us when we can expect it to fall for. The time she remains in office. Gentlemen. What is happening, we now see 1 million fewer people in absolute. Poverty. That. Is a record-low we see, 300,000. Fewer children in absolute poverty that, is a record low, we see a record, low in the number of children living in worthless households, and income. Inequality, income. Inequality. Lower, than at any point, under the last Labour, government. Conservatives. Delivering, for the people of this country what, would we see from the neighbor party. 1000. Billion pounds, more in borrowing and taxes, the equivalent, of thirty five thousand, pounds for every household, in this country, that's, labour failing. To deliver for working people because working people always, pay the price of the labour party. In. Denial, on, a customs, union in, denial, on no deal in denial, on the amount of money being spent repairing, for No Deal in denial, on last, night's results and even. The UN Rapporteur, on poverty, says the government, is well. Mr.. Speaker, mr.. Speaker it's, very it's, very telling, very. Telling, indeed, that, as soon as I mentioned, the, report of the UN Rapporteur, who said the government, was in a state of denial about. Poverty in Britain, Tory, MP, start jeering, tell, that to people queuing, up at food banks. The. Government -, mr. speaker has failed on children's. Education. Can. The Prime Minister tell us what is her greatest failure, is it, that education, funding, has been cut by seven billion per. Pupil funding fallen. By 8 percent 6, form funding, cut by a fifth or, that. The adult, skills budget, has been slashed by. 45%. Which is it Prime Minister. Hundreds. Of free schools are reformed curriculum, 1.9. Million more, children in, good or outstanding school. Narrowing. The attainment gap the disadvantaged. Children this, is a government that is delivering, the education, that our children, need for, their future, but I say to the right honourable gentleman he says he, talks about being in denial the, only person in denial, in this chamber is him because he is consistently. Consistently. Failed to set out what, his policy. On brexit, is I, said, to him last week I said. To him last week that he might do with a lip-reader I think when it comes to his brexit, policy the rest of us need a mind-reader. Speaker. The Prime Minister is very well aware that we wanted, to be a customs, union with the EU she, seems to be in denial about that but. One of the problems she has on her denial is the flagrant. Disregard for this fact, and statistics, and the, statistics Authority. Has written to the Department, of Education, four, times.

To. Express. Their concern, about the use of dodgy figures, by her ministers, when. Police officers, told that, then Home Secretary. Not, to make more cuts to police that, Home. Secretary, accused them of crying wolf with. 21,000. Fewer police officers, and rising. Crime across the country, does, the Prime Minister accept, that, the then Home Secretary, got, it wrong. Look. What, is happening particularly. At what is happening on live crime and serious serious violence, we recognise the need to. Take, action that's, why we've introduced the offensive weapons bill and it's why my right honourable friend the Home Secretary, has, introduced. The serious violence strategy, it's also we, are also making nearly 1 billion pounds, more available. To free sources, over. The next year but I also say to the right honourable gentleman yet, again in all of these questions about public services, he only ever talks about the money that's going in what. Matters, what, matters with the police is the powers, that we give them as well. And what, was it what, was it when we came to the issue of knife crime when, we came to the issue of knife crime when, he came to the issue of taking more action, at criminals, who were involved in knife crime when, we said that if somebody was caught on the streets for a second time for, a nice crime they should be sent to prison what. Did the right honourable gentleman to he voted against. He doesn't, support our police he doesn't support our security. We, go increase. The number of police on our streets it was a Labour government that, brought in safer neighborhoods, it was a Labour government that. Properly funded the police force, it's the Tories, that have cut it ask anyone. On any, Street around this country do, they feel safer, now than they did eight, years ago I think we all know what the answer would be it, was that Home Secretary, that not only attacked. The police with that but also created, the hostile, environment, and the Windrush scandal, she. Promised, to tackle, burning, in Justices she's made them worse as Windrush showed more, homelessness, more children, in poverty more, older, people without, care longer, waits at A&E fewer, nurses rising. Crime less, safe streets cuts the children's education this. Government, has failed our, country. It. Cannot, govern cannot. Command the support of most people facing, the most important. Issue at, the moment which is brexit, they failed again, and lost the vote last night isn't. It the case mr. speaker, that, with every, other previous. Prime Minister, faced, with a scale, of defeat last night they, would, have resigned, and, the country, would be able to choose the, government, that they want. The. Right honourable gentleman in that for, peroration talked about the importance, of the issue of brexit that is facing this country later. Today we will have the we're going to have the no-confidence debate, he, has been calling for weeks for a general election in this country and yet, on sunday when he was asked in a general election would. He campaign, to leave the European Union he, refused, to answer. Not. Once not, twice not. Three times but. Five times, he refused to answer so. On what he himself, describes as. The key issue facing, this, country. He, has, no, answer. The leader of the Opposition, the leader, of the Opposition, has. Let anti-semitism.

Run, Riot in his. He would abandon, our, allies, weaken. Our security. And wreck our economy, and we will never let, that happen. The. Prime Minister we aware of the, serious, minerals project in my constituency, that is already employing, around a thousand, people and he set to boost British exports by two billion, pounds from. Their visits to China where, she met the company's customers Sheila. How important, this Polihale like fertilizer product, can be around the world the. Company is currently seeking a treasury guarantee to complete its financing, does. The Prime Minister agree with me that this is precisely the sort of project the government should be supporting, to show our commitment to, the northern powerhouse and the industrial, strategy. Can. I say to my right honourable friend I'd, like to thank you for raising this issue because I was particularly. Pleased to meet the CEO CEO of Sirius during my trip to China and talk to them about the work that they're doing and it is as he says exactly projects. Like this that drive investment, and exports, in the north that of what the northern powerhouse is all about now, in relation to the particular discussions. My right honourable friend mentioned I'm sure, he'll understand, these are commercially, sensitive so, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the, specific, discussions, but this as I say is exactly the sort of project that is what the northern powerhouse is all about in driving. Investment, driving experts, good for the north. Blackbird. Thank. You mr. speaker can I associate myself with the remarks of the prime minister than the atrocity, in Kenya, and of course our solidarity with the people, there mr., speaker yesterday. The. Attorney General said, that any new, deal would, be much the same as the, one already, on, the table we, know that. The European Union won't. Renegotiate. If. The Prime Minister survives. Today to bring forward her plan be boshi concede, that Plan, B will basically be a redressing. Of planning. As I said in my one of my answers to the leader of the Opposition what, we want to do following, the defeat that that, we had in this house last night is listen. To parliamentarians. And find out the point at which what. Is it that would secure the, support, of this, house, that, is the question that we will be asking, but that is against the background of ensuring, that we deliver on, the referendum result. That, we leave the European Union and we recognize, what people were voting for when. They voted in that referendum, result an end to free movement ensuring. That we could have trade and negotiate, have, our own trade policy with the rest of the world be fair to our farmers, fairer to our fishermen but maintain, that good relationship with, our neighbors in the EU the, in, black bird I'm, afraid mr. speaker that simply didn't address the question the EU won't renegotiate.

The Prime minister has, no answer, she has failed what. An omni shambles, from this government suffering, a historic, and a humiliating, defeat the. Worst for any UK. Government. Westminster, is in chaos. In. Scotland. Mr.. Speaker, Scotland. Voted overwhelmingly, to, remain and remove north among our, country, to. Be dragged out to the European Union are brought down by. This 20 government the Prime Minister, you that, this deal was, dead since checker she knew it, was dead when, she moved the meaningful, vote and she knows as we, all know last night was. The last straw. The, Prime Minister must now seek the confidence, of the people not, simply, the, confidence, of this house the only way, forward is to, extend, article, 50 and. Ask the people of Scotland and of the United Kingdom, whether, they want the Prime Minister's, deal or whether they want to remain in, the European Union mr. speaker the, Prime Minister, might now must, legislates. 40, people's votes. -. He knows, - and, as I have said before this. House legislated. For, a people's vote it, legislated, for people's vote that was held in 2016. And, that vote that votes, determined, that the United Kingdom should leave the, European Union, he. Talks about our country, our country is the whole of the United Kingdom. Scotland. Wales and Northern Ireland. And it is for the whole of the United Kingdom, that we will be looking for a solution that, secures, the support of this house and ensures. That this. Parliament, delivers, on the vote of the people. Thank. You thank you mr. speaker on behalf of all. The members of the ill party group on Kenya which I chair on behalf of my honourable, friend the member for Derbyshire. The Prime Minister's trade in voyage to Kenya can we express our sincere, condolences. And sympathy to the President and people of Kenya and, encourage. Them in their fight against, this terrorism. My. Right honourable friend has rightly committed. Very, very substantial amounts. Of extra money to the NHS, her and her government and the, plan produced, last week is very. Encouraging, but. Can she also look, at the. Difference, between the, money given to the, highest, CCGs. And the lowest CCGs per head we're, not wanting to see amounts, come down but we do want to see a fairer formula, to. Allocate money, for, those CCGs, receiving, the lowest amount.

Thank. My honourable friend for, the remarks that he made his. Position as chairman if your party parliamentary groups landed, on Kenya. I was pleased when I visited Kenya last August to meet with some of those who are working to fight terrorism, doing, him very important, work to, bring stability, and, security to people in that region and very important, that is to first. Of all I thank my honorable friend for highlighting. The long-term plan that we've set out for the National Health Service that, the resources, allocated, to CCGs, reflect the needs of the population and, that includes levels of deprivation and, the ODE age profile, of the population and, changes. Have been made to the allocations, for 2019-20. Increasing. The fair share allocations, for Staffordshire, CCGs. Which I'm sure my honourable friend is particularly, interested. In and they will see a higher level of growth in their actual budgets over the next five, years and, that, difference, will ensure that overtime, funding, across the Staffordshire and stoke-on-trent, CCGs. Will, become, fairer, so that biggest cash boost in the NHS is history is in us to do that and I think that I hope that we'll be addressing the, issue that wild girlfriend has raised ok I'll. Defeat. Yesterday, was historic, and Titanic. Everything. Has changed and. She, has to change -. Yesterday. Thousands. Of people to say that on Parliament Square to demand their say nobody. Was taken to the streets demanding a, Norway or a Canada, option she. When she came to power she, promised, that she would give people more, power over their lives if she, is not going to give people power, to have a say over this deal then what is the point of that promise in the first place. The. Honourable gentleman that. He. Cannot ignore. The fact that, in the 2016. Referendum. That in 2016, referendum. The people of this country voted, to leave the European Union, and I, believe, that it is a duty. Not, just of government, but, of Parliament, to ensure, that we deliver on that we, will be we will be speaking to, parliamentarians. In my own, party, the DUP, across, the house about. Finding. A way that secures the support, of the house for. The way forward but. I say to the Honourable gentleman once again a vote, was taken in 2016. And I believe it is incumbent on, this, Parliament. To, deliver on that vote. Thank. You mr. speaker, my right honourable friend will remember from her visits to Copeland, just, how capable. Our, nuclear, community is, and how proud we are of that heritage. What. She said, a meeting with me and a, small delegation of, Cumbrian nuclear, workers, to, understand, how important, mu aside is to Copeland, and to. Also bear in mind the solutions, that the center of excellence, can, bring to that challenge. My. Friend when I have a visited Copeland it's been very clear to me not only the expertise, and skills that, in, the nuclear industry that are, there with the population, but also the importance, of the nuclear industry as. Regards form or side sight it is it, will revert the nuclear decommissioning Authority and, we are considering options for its future it the site does remain eligible for new nuclear, new, build and we are committed to seeing new nuclear as part of our future energy mix, but can, I say to my honourable friend that I think it might be helpful if the relevant minister from the business department were to meet with her and that group to be able to explore this issue further Seema. Malhotra. Mr.. Speaker last night, in, this house, after. The biggest, government. Defeat in history, the, prime minister, said the. Government will approach meetings, with parliamentarians. In a constructive, spirit. But. It appears that cross party talks means inviting people, in to, tell them why her deal is best or to see if they've got any ideas. On how to get her deal through. Apparently. Now number. Ten's resistance, to a customs, union with, the European Union after, breaks it was a principle, and not, a redline, so. Which is it and if she is genuinely seeking. To work with Parliament, and hear the will of this house is, she prepared to change any of her red lines and work to bring Parliament, and the country, together on how, we move forward. As. I said in the house last night I will be talking to parliamentarians. On in my own party, in the DUP in other parties across this house and will, be and will, be ensuring.

And Will be looking, to see what it is that can secure, the, support of, this, house but again I say to the Honorable ladies I've said to her honorable, and right honourable friends that, what this house must always have in mind is the, importance, of delivering, on the vote of the people to, leave the European Union. Prime. Minister agree. With me that, if we, failed to. Deliver on press it the. Public, perception, of politicians. In this, country, will. Be at an all-time low. Absolutely. Agree, with my honourable friend and. This and this is so, important. I believe that, if we fail to deliver on, what the British people. Instructed. Us to do in the vote of the referendum that. The. Views. Of the British people of this house of parliament. And of politicians. Will, be at an all-time low because. They will have lost they will have lost faith in politicians. Across, the, whole of. This Parliament. We, need, to deliver brexit. For the British people, dr.. Roberta, Blackman woods. The. Prime, Minister, may have created a breakfast, a brexit, crisis, but other crises are unfolding, to, chronic. Health conditions. And obesity in the northeast are the highest, of any English, region, and people, in Durham over 65, can only expect, eight years, of healthy, living compared. To 14, in windsor, and maidenhead so. Why on earth is, the Prime Minister planning, to cut Durham's, public, health budget, by a massive. 40%, that will not only worsen. Health outcomes, in my constituents. It will ultimately. Cost, the NHS more. And further why can health inequalities. In. Terms of Public Health spent funding, that will be looked at in the spending review but, if she assumes that the only action, that is taken, in relation to obesity, and other conditions. In terms of prevention is through Public Health that is not the case if she looks at the neonate chest long term plan that has been announced. And looked a funded, of course by the biggest cash boost in the NHS is history given, by this government, what she will see is an emphasis on prevention and on emphasis, on ensuring that, people are able to lead, healthier. Independent. Lives for longer, mr., Kenneth Clarke. Mr, Speaker I chat. Through many. Hours on every day but one of the recent, debate and I did. Listen very carefully to the extraordinary, range of views, that was expressed on, all sides throughout it and it. Did seem to me that, the, only clear majorities. In this house on a cross-party, basis. Firstly. Against, leaving, with, No Deal. A gay. In favor of extending article. 52 give us time to, sort out what it is we, now propose to do. And, in, favor of a customs, union some. And. Some. Sufficient. Regulatory. Alignment. To, keep all our borders, between the United, Kingdom and the European. Union open, a freely, will. The Prime Minister, not just. As I have, had to accept that the majority, in this house is committed. To the UK leaving, the European Union, that she, must accept, that she must now, modify. Her red lines which, she created, for herself at Lancaster. House and find. A cross-party majority, which, will be along. The lines that I have indicated. My. Right honourable friend started, off by saying there were a considerable, number was a considerable number of views across this house it is precisely because of that that we will be undertaking the discussions, with members with, parliamentarians. That I indicated, what, happened, last night. That. I indicated, would happen last night he, talks about the. Possible. Extension of article 50 of, course article, 50 cannot be extended by the UK it has to be extended in in, consultation. In agreement, with the European Union the, government's policy the government's policy is that we're leaving the European Union on the 29th, of March, but. The EU would only extend, article, 50 if actually. It was clear there was a plan that was moving towards, an agreed deal, that. That, is the, crucial element, of. Ensuring. We deliver on brexit, is being, able to get the agreement of this house to, the deal that will deliver on the referendum result leave the European Union and recognize, what, lay behind that, vote when people voted to leave. Thank. You mr. speaker in my constituency, in, the villages of easing, Tenkaichi hoardin, and black hole that. There are quarry rows standing. Derelicts, characterised. By law demands high, void rates many. Are not fit for human, habitation the. Neglected, by absentee, landlords, a magnet, violently social behavior, and crime so, will the Prime Minister commit to, provide the funding required for, the housing, master, plan developed.

By Durham County Council, to fix these issues and, if she can't do that would she please get out of the way and call, a general election let us have a lever. To. The can, I say to the honorable gentleman I haven't, seen the housing master plan that he has that, he has referred to but of course it is this government, it is this government that has put more money into affordable, homes that, has put more money into. Ensuring. That we're seeing more homes being built and that, is and that is lifted, lifted, the cap on local. Councils so that local councils are also, able, to build more homes and the homes that people want, Traci. Crouch. Speaker. Next month I my three neighboring colleagues, for Maidstone Humberto morning publishing weekend will host our second, apprenticeship, fair connecting. Nearly 40 leading organizations. With more than 700, pupils, from 22 schools does. The Prime Minister agreed me the apprenticeships. Offer a viable alternative to, full-time higher education, while, creating a skilled workforce, that benefits, business. First. Of all commend my honourable friend for, the work that she's doing in her constituency through, the jobs fairs and can I absolutely agree with her I think it is very important, that young people are able to see that, there are different, routes for them for their futures, different. Routes, into the workplace and apprenticeships. Is an important, route. For some, young people all the apprentices, I meet say, the best thing they have done is taken, up an apprenticeship, and that was right for them we want every young person, to be able to take the route through be it higher education, further education, and apprenticeship, the route that is right for them yes, been crochet. In. The 16th, and 17th 1.2. Million pills, pills that prescribed to women including. Three of my constituents. Each, dose, is equivalent to 40 oral contraceptives. That is the babies were born with deformities a recent. MHRA, reviews widely, criticized, for being a whitewash, now, professor Karl Hannigan, at Oxford, University has. Published, a review, of the scientific, data that. Clearly, showed that criminals. Did cause deformities, was, the Prime Minister's show that any response, to this review does, not involve, the MHRA. As we have no faith in the. Lady. This is an important issue it's been raised by a number of members from, across the house and our. Priority, always it's on safety of patients and members and ministers are aware of the new study. That has come out we. Have a commitment to review any new evidence in this area and we do that but we do it by could with consulting, independent, scientific, experts, and Baroness. Convolute, is leading, the independent, medicines and medical devices safety. Review that's, expected to examine, what happened in the case of prima DOS and will determine what. Further action is needed but can I reassure the Honourable lady that, we will listen very carefully to any recommendations. That come out of the review and of course that, study will be looked at very carefully to, see what comes, what has come out of that study dr., Philip Lee. Speaker. Does. My right honourable friend, particularly. Since last night. Recognise, that in these complex, circumstances. That. Her role as Prime Minister now is to create the political environment in, which solutions, to the brexit conundrum, can be found and. Not to continue with a plan, expecting. A different outcome, and. That, she also accept, then that. If she cannot get what she wants that she will need to change her mind in, order to secure public confidence. As. I've, pointed. Out today and as I said last night it. Is precisely because we recognize, that we need to. Understand. Rather better where it is that, what it is that can command the support, of this house and can secure, the, poise point, of this house that we will be looking and we will be talking to parliamentarians. Across the, house that, includes, parliamentarians. Includes my colleagues honourable the right honourable friends includes, the Democratic. Unionist Party and, parliamentarians, across, Arthur as is because as my right honourable and learned friend the member for rush cliff said there, is quite a variety of views across this house about what is right. Malcolm MacDonald. Mr.. Speaker said the dealer was defeated last night is a product, of rodent redlines so. Which of those red lines is she willing to give up in order, to get the compromise, she seeks. We. Will be as I said last night we will be approaching these talks these discussions, in a constructive spirit but, underlying what. We will be doing is the.

Need To ensure that we deliver on, the referendum result, and we deliver brexit. Raymond. Khichdi Thank, You mr. speaker very much welcome the recent statement, by the Foreign, Office Britain. Must do more to support persecuted. Christians. In light of that will the government now review, its position, on the ash of bBK's, and offer, her asylum, in the UK so, she can, choose which safe destination she wanted to go to and not, the UK asking, a third country. To take her in which would mean shifting. Our moral responsibility, to another, country and that can't be right. I can. I I hope reassure, my honourable friend by saying that as I've said previously our primary, concern is for the safety and well-being of Ostia, baby and her family, and obviously. The UK's High Commissioner Innes in islamabad is keeping me in the government up-to-date with developments. We, have been in contact with international, partners about our shared desire to see a swift and positive. Resolution in this case and a, number of countries are in discussions, about a possible alternative, destination. For a Copp once the legal process is complete. I'm not going to comment on the details of that because this is we. Do not want to compromise, Accio peepees long-term, safety, and. On the timing, I think the foreign minister from Pakistan, has confirmed she'll, remain under the protection of the Pakistan, government until, the legal process has, concluded, and the, Prime Minister of Pakistan has supported, the Supreme Court and promised. To uphold the rule of law, what matters is ensuring. That we are providing. For the safety and well-being of, Asiya, Bibi and her family Rani gamble Thank, You mr. speaker the. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Said. In a recent survey the. Four million, in work, workers. Are, living, in poverty Korea is there, not a double, report, of, nine, years of this Tory government, and. Will just stop being. So hard, and. Fast and. Call a general election here. The Honorable gentleman i referred, earlier to the figures of people, in absolute poverty which are at a record low under, this government but. He talks about people who are in work what this government has taken a number of steps a number, of steps to, help those people who are in work we, have been cutting the cut taxes, for 32 million people with increased, national living.

Wage We've, helped people by freezing fuel, duty and what happened what happened in a number of the measures that we have taken to, give to, give financial, help, to people who, are just about managing, two people the sort of people he's talking about unfortunately. In so many cases the labour party opposed, those measures martin, vickers. In. An article i posted, on my website in november, i put i concluded. By saying hopefully. We will eventually come to a position that both sides who support, the agreement and those like me who oppose it can coalesce i believe, this could happen over coming weeks though there may be more, drama before, we reach that point mr.. Speaker i think we've all had our fair share of drama but, with my right honourable friend agree agree, with me that it's not both sides meaning, remain and leave whom others coalesce, around an agreement it is the european, union, and can, i urge her to continue. Negotiations. With. Europe in in the hope of them showing some flexibility. Can. I thank my own boyfriend for pointing out a very what is very obvious point but actually has been not, been raised by those who've been talking about the sort of discussions we will have across this Parliament which, is I want to see what will secure the support of the house but of course we do have to ensure that that can secure the support of the European Union because this is a treaty an agreement between, two, parties and, as, I said last night once, we have those, ideas from the from the house I will of course take those to the European Union David, Crosby. In. March, 2010. Greater, Manchester, Police had eight thousand, one hundred and forty-eight police officers, and the Chief Constable wanted. Ten thousand by, June 2018. We. Had six thousand, one hundred and ninety-nine and the numbers, are still going down incidents. Of crime, arising. Right across Bolton, and is it any wonder and more importantly, mr. speaker, is it acceptable, that, the police are failing to attend, violent. Attacks and, systematic, drug-dealing, location. Indicated. Earlier we, have as a government made more money available to, police, furled forces, next. Year nearly, a billion pounds extra will be available, to to police horses but. It, isn't just of course about, the money that's available to police forces, it is, about, the power that the police have and it's.

That Is why we have been introducing, the offensive weapons bill it's why we continually, take action, to make sure that police have the power they need to keep us safe Nicky. Morgan thank. You very much indeed mr., speaker to, her, point of order last night and the questions are so far at this question time does, my right my friend agree that we all need, to maintain maximum. Flexibility. If, we are to build a consensus, around brexit. In this house. Yes. As I said last night we, will approach the discussions, we will have with Honorable members and right honourable members across this house with, in, a constructive, spirit the, the one and. As I said earlier what we do need to retain, though as we're looking at those discussions. To find what will secure the support of the house is to, remember that what we are doing is finding, a way to deliver brexit, and deliver, on the vote of the British people. To. What do you play Minister but it's notable that I had a question, David. Cameron's, final, PM to. Last. Night after the trade ministers, crushing, defeat, she said, EU. Citizens, who, have made their home here, deserve, clarity, on these questions, as soon as possible, mr.. Speaker the clarity, is in the claimant sister's own hands so will she knows sure leadership, proves, that she values, EU nationals, scrapped, the sentence the sect would status, fee and give, a guarantee to. All the you nationals, that their future, and your kids secure. Withdrawal. Agreement, that was negotiated with, the European Union set out the ways in which EU, citizens, rights would be guaranteed here, in the United, Kingdom and reciprocal, rights for UK citizens, in the European Union would be guaranteed now the vote last night rejected, that package, of the withdrawal agreement, and the and, the political, declaration, we have said as a government and made it clear that in, a no deal situation, we will also guarantee the rights of EU citizens who are living here and we stand by that Julian. Keegan. No. Country, is ever left the EU using, article, 50 so I do not underestimate, the challenge but back in the real world businesses, up and down the country with the possible, exception of Weatherspoon's are extremely, disappointed with, last night's vote and short-term, investment, decisions, are still on hold, or going against the UK. Minister. Agree that protecting just in time supply chains on which my constituents. Jobs depend must, be at the heart of any solution. And. That she has raised a very important, point because of course what the deal we, put to Parliament last night one of the things it did do was to protect those just in time supply chain models and our, position on their importance, past not changed. Today. As we look ahead to today's vote backing, the government today will enable us to find a way forward on brexit, and on the issues as she says that matter at home and ensure, that this country has the government it needs to take its forward it, take it forward to deliver on the referendum and as she says ensure, that we are protecting the jobs not just of her constituents but, jobs around the whole of this country. We'll, burn nuclear, power station, is a 20, billion pound. UK. Japan trade, deal of vital. Importance, to North Wales to, Northwest England, and to UK, energy policy. As a whole. Did. The Prime Minister discuss. Its difficulties. With, the Prime Minister of, Japan last. Week and if, not why. Not. We. Have been we have been working with, Hitachi, we, have been working with the government of Japan and yes, I did raise the issue of the wilfer a site. With the Prime Minister of Japan last week of course the, company involved, will be making a commercial decision in relation to this matter the government has been in discussion with them for some time has, been providing, support, we do want to see new nuclear as part of our energy mix in the future we also have to make sure that, the cost of any energy that is provided, by nuclear is at a reasonable. Level for the consumer, Kirstin, hair. Speaker. I recently, welcomed, the news from the Secretary of State for detains in his ministerial, team that in five four five commando would remain RM contour in my constituency and, Zulu company parts of the four five commando, group recently took part in specialist, chemical training which will ensure they are ready to respond first to any chemical, or biological attacks.

Such As the one that we had in Salisbury, earlier eight last year can the Prime Minister join with me in congratulating, the, Royal Marines at four or five command with all the men and women that work at the base for the tireless work that they do to keep our country safe. Well. Can I can I say, to my honourable friend I'd like to thank her for raising this issue I know she. Has raised this in her Westminster, Hall debate because it's of importance to her there's, also importance to many other members around this house and I would like to pay tribute to all the Royal Marines past, and present who, served in RM, Condor and I'm pleased to say that we do plan for four or five commando, to remain based at RM Condor barracks in Angus will, ensure they continue to have the required facilities that, have to live work and train in Angus and I'm delighted in joining, my honourable friend in congratulating, Zulu. Company for their hard work in keeping us safe you cable can. I first, of all welcome the Prime Minister's, offer of cross party talks and she, will remember as well former colleagues that, my party has a record of working with others in the national interest. I, say. To women she shouldn't even bother, lifting. The telephone, to, opposition parties. Unless, she's willing to rule out categorically. A new, do brexit, unless, she's willing to enter into a, constructive. Conversation. About a people's. Mobile. Gentlemen as I said earlier of course there are two ways of avoiding a, No Deal one is to have a deal and one is to stay in the European Union, we will not be staying in the European Union but I, look forward to having I'm always I'm, always happy, to have constructive, discussions, with party leaders who want to put the national interest first sadly. From everything I've heard not every party leader wants to do that dr.. Sarah Wallace they're. Driving. Off a cliff never, ends well, particularly. If it results in a crash and burn brexit. With No Deal in just 72, days time but, there's another way that we can avoid this and that, is to be realistic in extending, article, 50 to allow us to put a realistic. Negotiated. Brexit, tyreq. To the British people to us if it has their consent, when, also to include an option to remain with the excellent, deal we already have. So. She will not be surprised to hear because I've said it this are in, Prime Minister's Questions today I believe, we should deliver on the vote of the referendum in 2016, that we should be delivering, brexit, as I've indicated earlier, to, her the. She. And others have talked about extending, article 50 the, European, Union would only extend, article, 50 in the circumstances. In which it was going, to be possible to come to an agreement on a deal the talks that we will be having the discussions, I'll be having with parliamentarians. Across this house will, be aimed at ensuring, that, we can find a way to secure, a deal that will get the support of this house.

2019-01-19 04:07

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