Prime Minister's Questions: 13 December 2017

Prime Minister's Questions: 13 December 2017

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Border. Questions. To the Prime Minister. Mrs., Jerrel, Gilliam. Number. One mr. speaker. Thank. You mr., speaker, this. Week marked, the six months anniversary, of the Greenville tower fire I will, be attending the national memorial service, tomorrow and, I'm, sure I speak for members, across the house when, I say it remains at the forefront of our minds is a truly unimaginable, tragedy that. Should never have happened, many. Who survived the fire lost everything, that night and I can assure the house that we continue to do everything we can to support, those affected and, take, the necessary steps to make sure it can never happen again mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house and I shall have further such meetings later today this, is Gerald Dillon Mr. Speaker I think the Prime Minister will be able to take to that memorial service the. Thoughts and the prayers of every single member in this house across seven projects. My. Right honourable friend has said that, at the end of the brexit process, members, of parliament, will have an opportunity to vote on, the, deal. Can. She confirm. That. It is still her intention, to hold such, a vote. I'm. Very happy to confirmed my right honourable friend that, we will put the final withdrawal agreement. Between, the UK and the EU to. A vote in both houses of parliament before, it comes into force, as. We, have said we expect the UK Parliament to vote ahead of the European, Parliament so. We fully expect Parliament, to vote well before, March 2019. So. To be clear the, final, deal will be agreed before we leave and right honourable and honourable members will get a vote on it and as, my right honourable friend the Secretary of State for exiting, the European Union has set out today. We, will then bring forward, a withdrawal agreement. And implementation. Bill to, give withdrawal, agreement, domestic, legal effect which, will be subject, itself, to full a parliamentary, scrutiny, and of, course after believed withdrawn, agreement, will be followed up by one, or more agreements. Covering different, aspects of the future relationship, and will, introduce further legislation, where it's needed to implement this into UK law providing. Yet another opportunity, for proper parliamentary scrutiny. Thank. You mr. speaker, this, week does indeed mark six months since the avoidable, and tragic fire at Greenville tower which took the lives of 71, people an injured, and traumatized, many more and I too will be at the service tomorrow in, memory of them but.

That Fire also shone. A light on the neglect, of working-class, communities, all over this country and. Since. This government came to power, homelessness, is up by 50%, rough. Sleeping, has doubled, homelessness. And rough sleeping, have risen every single, year since 2010. Will. The Prime Minister, pledge today, that. 2018. Will, be the year, when homelessness, starts, to go down. Across. This house we don't want to see anybody who is homeless or anybody who is sleeping rough on our streets that, is why the government is putting, 500. Million pounds, into, a question, of homelessness it's why we, backed the bill that was brought forward by my, honourable, friend the, member for Brent sorry. For Harrow and it's, why we, have, ensured. That we are putting into place a number of projects, that will deal with this issue of rough sleeping, but, I have to say to the right honourable gentleman that when we look at the question of housing, we, need to look at ensuring. That there are more homes available to people that, we are giving people support, to get into those homes that's, why in the budget my right honourable friend literally, our Chancellor set out a whole range of ways in which we will be helping people to ensure that they have their own roof over, their heads, compared, to Labor warehouse. Building, went down. Where. The number of homes bought, and sold went, down by 40%. And. Social. Housing went down by. 400,000. Mr, Speaker the last Labour government, cut homelessness, by two-thirds, during. Its time in office, when. Labour left office the number of children in temporary accommodation. Was, a lot less than it is now, I asked. The prime minister for a pledge to, reduce the, amount of homelessness, next, year the pledge was not forthcoming, a, hundred. And twenty eight thousand. Children will, spend Christmas. Without a home to call their own 60, percent up on, 2010.

It's Too late for this Christmas, but, will the Prime Minister promise that by Christmas. 2018. Fewer, children will, be without, a home to, call their own. So. To the right honorable gentleman again look, we of course want every child to wake up in their own home particularly, at Christmas, but, it. Is incredibly important people know they can keep a roof over their heads even in the most desperate, circumstances. That's, why we're making sure that councils, can place families, in a broader range of homes if they, fall into these circumstances. So since 2011, councils. Have been able to place families into private, rented accommodation so, they can get a suitable place sooner. We've. Changed the law in relation to, so. The families with children shouldn't, find themselves in B&B, accommodation. Except in an emergency, and, through. Implementing, the homelessness reduction, act we're, making sure our families at risk can get support before they find themselves homeless, and, I say to the Honorable, gentleman I have been very clear as I was a few. Weeks ago that this, government, is going to be a government that puts a clear focus, on housing, on building. The homes that people need on, insuring. On ensuring. That people are given help to get into those homes and also. On acting. To prevent homelessness, before. It happens, that's, what we're doing that's, what will make a real difference to, people's lives. Mr.. Speaker the sad reality is that one in a hundred children in this country are homeless, at any one time it is a national, disgrace and, it is getting worse and. For all she says about the private rented sector can. I just quote from a letter I received from Rachel, this week. She. Says I have a knot, in my stomach every, new, year period, when, we're due to sign a new, tenancy. Agreement, after, renting, the same flat, for, 10 years never, being in arrears and keeping. The property in good order we were given notice, to quit out of the blue, will, the prime minister help people like Rachel and back. Secure. 3-year. Tenancies, for all private. Renters. Save. The right honourable gentleman that if I think he was present, in the chamber when the budget. Was given, to this chamber. And that's. Why precisely, why we said that we are looking at ways in which we incur can encourage. Longer-term. Tenancies. The. Point is, what. Is what. Is important. What, is important, is, ensuring. That people have the, ability to have the, accommodation, that they need that they want and on the basis that they that is right for them that's, why as I say we are dealing with this issue of longer-term, tenancies. But he talks about. Renting. People renting, their. Homes and his. Response, on renting, is to. Bringing rent, controls, now. Rent controls, have never worked. They. Result, in reducing. The number of homes that are available for. People who want to be able to have accommodation. And a roof over their own head and it's not just me that says that Labour Party, policy won't tell people who are renting shelters. Say it, won't tell people who around. Mr.. Speaker. Evictions. By private, landlords, have, quadrupled. Since, 2010. There, is not security, in the private rented sector and the Prime Minister well. Knows it, she. Also promised. One-for-one, replacement of. Council, housing sold, off through right to buy but. Just one, in five, council, homes have been replaced, hundreds. Of thousands, of people, are on housing, waiting, lists, will. The Prime Minister, apologize. For what she said and tell, the house when she will deliver this one-for-one, replacement. We. Are increasing. The flexibilities to enable councils, to actually build homes we've, put more money into affordable, housing, he talks about the right to buy I have to say what, a contrast, we actually want to give people the opportunity to. Buy their own home the, Labour Party, would take that opportunity away, from them, what. Do we see what do we see on housing near the shadow Housing Minister the, shadow Housing Minister recently, said that, fewer people owning their own home is not such, a bad thing, well. I have to say to the right honourable, gentleman but. What he's offering to people on housing, if you live in a council, home he'll take away your right to buy if you're looking, to rent shelter, say his policies, will harm you and his shadow Housing, Minister doesn't, want to support people owning their own homes, it's only the Conservatives, that, will deliver the homes this country needs.

If. Only it were true mr., speaker under, the. Tories. Homeownership. Has fallen by. 200,000, under. Labour it rose by, 1, million, and 40%. Of, all homes, sold, to right to buy and now in the private rented, sector, the. Latest figures mr. speakers show that a quarter, of all, privately, rented, homes are not, up to decent standards, meaning, many families, are. Living in homes with damp that, are not secured or very, poorly insulated. Does. The Prime Minister, support. Homes being, fit for human. Habitation. To. Be fit for, human habitation but can I just, remind the, right honourable gentleman that the number of homes failing. To meet the decent, home standard, is down. By 49. Percent. Since. The peek under the Labour government. I'm. While. I'm talking while. I'm talking about, the, record of the Labour government's, statutory. Homelessness. Statutory. Homelessness. Peaked under, the Labour government and. Is down by over, 50%, since. Then it's. This government, that is delivering, for people on housing. Ever failed to deliver over 13, years. I, were. Just reminding, her Prime Minister Mr Speaker that under Labour a million, homes are brought up to decent, home stereo, I. Would. Also assume, from, what she said she will be here on the 19th, of January, to, support my honourable friend the member for Westminster North's bill, to make privately, rented homes fit, for, human, habitation. When. It comes to housing mr. speaker this government, has been an absolute, disgrace, after. Seven, years more. People are living on the streets more. Families, in temporary. Accommodation. More, families, in homes not, fit, for human, habitation, and, fewer. People owning, their own home, when. Is this government going to get out of the pockets, of property. Speculators, and rogue landlord, and, get on the side of tenants. And people, without a home of their own this Christmas. Prime Minister. Under. Labour house building, down homes, bought and sold down social, housing down what. A thing I'll tell him one thing did go up under, the last Labour government, the, number of people on the social housing, waiting, list. 1.74. Million. People, waiting for a home under a Labour government we've. Delivered over three hundred and forty six thousand, new affordable. Homes since 2010. More. Affordable. Homes have been delivered, in the last seven, years than. In the previous seven, years under a Labour government. We're. Building, more homes last. Year we saw two hundred, and seventeen, thousand. More homes being built in this country that's. A record apart, from one year that's a record for the last thirty years. It's the Conservatives. That are doing what is necessary labour. Would produce failure, for this country once again is the Conservatives, that are delivering the homes that people need the, economy. That people's needs. Thank. You mr. speaker, Isabelle, wheel is a fourteen-year-old constituent. Of mine who lost both their arms and legs at, the age of six when she was a victim of meningitis I, was one of many camp many MPs campaigning, for the meningitis, vaccine to be introduced, into the NHS. Isabelle. Is now on her way to becoming one, of the UK's, most accomplished, gymnasts. Junior, gymnast, one of the most talented, trampolinist. In the country, she, was recently handed, the pride of Sports Award, as a young achiever what. The prime-minister join, me and congratulating, Isabelle. On receiving, this prestigious. National. Award. I'm. Very happy to join my honourable friend in congratulating, Isabelle on receiving. This award in congratulating her, on her, sporting, achievements, but also on, her incredible, bravery and I think she's an inspiration to, all of us my, honourable friend has mentioned about the, meningitis. Vaccine, and that, she was one of those who was campaigning on this issue of we, know meningitis, can be a devastating disease. That's why we have taken steps to increase the availability of the vaccine, and in, September 2015 we became the first country to have a national, and enjoy to speed vaccination, program a my, honourable, friend as she says contributed. To the work on that and but. It's necessary of course the public health England continues. To, raise awareness of the symptoms, and its, campaigns, are reaching hundreds of thousands, of parents and the, NHS has been running a program to vaccinate, teenagers, school leavers and university. Freshers, against four different strains of meningitis, I think, my humble friend can be pleased with the impact. That she had in the work that she did in relation to this. Thank. You mr. speaker, in 2008. We collectively, build out the Royal Bank of Scotland at. A cost of forty five billion pounds, in. 2017. Royal, Bank of Scotland are, paying us back by turning their backs and 259. Of our communities, given. We are the majority shareholder. Well the Prime Minister step in and tell, the Royal Bank of Scotland to, stick to their commitment, and not cause the last Bank had told I.

Think. The gentleman. Knows the, decision to open and close branches, is a commercial, decision taken by the banks without intervention, from the government but we do recognize the impact this has on communities and the. Secretary of State for Scotland raised, concerns, of, the, house, have expressed on this issue in his meeting with, RBS. Of course. More people are banking, online this is having an impact but we do want to ensure that all customers especially, vulnerable ones can still access over-the-counter. Services, and that's why we've, established the access to banking standard, which commits, banks to carry out a number of steps below before closing a branch, and. The, post office have also reached an agreement with banks that will allow more customers, than ever before to use post office services. So, we recognise the importance of this on communities, impacted in a number of ways. If. The Prime Minister recognises. The importance, of this she should be summoning, Ross McEwan antiserum. We, will not accept omens. And villages up and down the united kingdom losing, banking, services, there are 13, towns in Scotland, where the last bank will be going this is not acceptable, it is about time the Prime Minister accepted, her responsibilities. Well she summoned Ross McEwen and will she tell the Royal Bank of Scotland, this must be anniversary. The. Decisions. On opening, and closing branches, is a commercial, matter for. The, banks as I say this is an issue that the Secretary of State has, raised with, Royal Bank of Scotland but. What is important, what is important, is that services, are available to, individuals, that's why those, are being provided and alternatives. Are available but. I also say to the right honourable gentleman that, actually an awful lot more people are banking, online these days not, requiring, the use of a branch we, want to ensure that vulnerable, customers particularly. Who, don't have access to online banking, are able, to have services provided, that's precisely, what, we're doing through the access to banking standard, and the work with the post office William Knight. Thank, You mr. speaker, in 2015. The heart of England hospitals frost which, serves Solihull, got it suffered in major trouble due to poor management in response. The management, of university hospitals perming under Dane Julie Moore was brought in to take charge as a result, finances. Patient, care and staff were al have improved considerably would. The Prime Minister join me in praising. My brilliant, local. NHS staff will this turn around and agree, that we must encourage and support, good. Management in the NHS. -, my honourable friend that, I'm very happy to join him in praying tribute, to. The work that's been undertaken by University, Hospitals, Birmingham. In support a part of England Foundation, Trust we, do want to see strong management across the National Health Service I understand. There are a number of practical and financial issues still to resolve in this in this issue and I'd encourage all of those who are involved to make progress on this important, matter but I congratulate, those NHS, staff who, have seen that improvement, in a worked hard to ensure that improvement, takes place I tell. Does. The Prime Minister, agree with, me that the resignation. Of Lord Kerslake, really does put the government on. A final. In my constituency of particle, despite.

Having A perfectly, good hospital, the. People house is disgraceful. That people have to travel 50. Miles to get to the nearest okay. Can. I say to the, honorable gentleman's I think Lord Kerslake made the right decision, in stepping down. I'm. Not surprised that the Labour Party are interested, in this and given of course that the noble Lord Lord Kerslake is a key adviser to, the Labour, Party. But. If I can say to the honourable gentleman he might care to look a watch NHS, improvement, said about, King's, College, Hospital the. Financial, situation at Kings has deteriorated very, seriously, over recent months and we have now placed the trust in special measures to maximize, the amount of scrutiny and support that it receives it, is. Not acceptable, for individual. Organisations. To, run up such significant. Deficits, when, the majority of the sector is working extremely hard, to. Hit their financial, plans and, in many cases have made real, progress they. Call the situation, the worst in the NHS, perhaps. It's no surprise that noble, Lord Lord Kerslake I understand, is advising, the Labour Party on matters of debt and deficit. At. The end of their first and, successful. Term will, my right old friend congratulate. The teachers, the, parents and, the students, of the Newark free school a school, designed, to raise standards and, performance anew, as is happening across the country and, would she agree with me that, to conservatives. Great, teaching, like this is not just about education it, is a daily, battle for. Social justice and, we will never be distracted. From. Well my honourable friend is absolutely. Right first of all I'm very happy to join him in congratulating. All those who were involved in setting up this much-needed free, school and as. The. Chair of Governors I know my own girlfriend will ensure that the school does provide young people his constituency, with an excellent, education, despite. I understand, at the school being code opposed, by the party opposite, but, my honorable friend is absolutely, right this isn't just a question of education it's a question of social justice a good, quality education opens, the door to the future for the lives of every one of those young people and that's why it's so important, that we ensure the quality of education is there to give the young people the best possible, start in life Brady Alexander, thank. You mr. speaker tonight. This, house will hopefully have, the chance to vote on my new Clause 22. To, the EU withdrawal, bill which, would give Parliament. The power at. A future, date to, determine, whether we leave the single market by, coming out at the European, Economic, Area it, doesn't. Dictate, how. Honorable.

Members Should, then vote, but, it does ensure, proper. Democratic. Oversight. Shouldn't. It be a, sovereign. Parliament. And, not, the Prime Minister, that, decides, our country's, economic future. First. Of all as I indicated, earlier in response to my right honourable friend to the members of Cheshire Manan mission this Parliament will have an opportunity to vote will have a meaningful vote on the. Withdrawal, arrangements, but but can I say to the Honourable lady that. She says that it should be Parliament, that makes the decision, about our, membership. Of the single market actually, this Parliament gave that decision, about our membership of the European Union, to the people. People of this country who were voted to leave European, Union and this government will deliver for the people of this country she. Sooner. Mr.. Speaker today thousands, of profoundly, disabled, children are denied, the opportunity to. Enjoy a day out with their families simply, because there isn't an adequate, changing room the, stories, of parents. At the Dale school in my constituency deeply, moved me so could I ask the Prime Minister to strongly, consider updating our, building, regulations, to, ensure broader, provision, and in the meantime to. Urge all relevant, buildings, to voluntarily, install, changing, places to, give these children the opportunities, they deserve. Can. I say to my honorable friend that I think he is right to raise. This very important, issue which, might but, one glance seem quite, a small issue but actually is very important, in the lives of those disabled, children. To, enable them to lead the life that they want to lead and I agree with him that the provision, of changing place over changing, places can make a real difference to, disabled children but also to their carers I understand. That the Department for Communities and Local Government it. Has been working to increase the number of facilities I would, certainly urge relevant. Building and owners, to consider installing, changing, places where they can and I'm sure that my right honorable friend the community's secretary will be happy discuss. This matter further with my humble friend yes, now. Thank. You very much mr. speaker mr. speaker this week the. Right reverend Jeff Anna's the Bishop of Stafford wrote, to the conservative, Ron stoke-on-trent City, Council to plead with them not, to cut a million pounds, out of the homelessness support budget does. The Prime Minister agree with the bishop Jeff when he said that, the measure of society, can be found in the way that we treat our vulnerable, people and if so will she join his calls for, the City Council not to cut its home as a support budget and will she agree today to. Fund local government, properly so that it can play his part in ending the scourge of homelessness. Say. To the honorable gentleman's as I said in response to. The questions from the leader of the opposition we don't want to see people without a roof over their head that's why we're working in a number of ways to deal with this issue it's, why we're committed to having rough sleeping by 2022, and eliminating, it by 2027. As, I've also referred, earlier a number of announcements have been made in the budget and we're, now educating over 1 billion pounds to 2022, tackling, homelessness and, rough, sleeping, that's across a number of areas, that's a billion pounds to deal with this, issue to, tackle what we agree is something, that we don't want to see on our streets dr., Caroline, Johnson.

It. Is now one year since, I was sworn in as the MP for Sleaford, along. The. Biggest issue in my post pact has been the provision, of broadband, to rural areas the, government is invested, heavily in this area but many are still struggling with slow, connections. When, my right honourable friends. Reassure. My constituents. In sweet and blankie dales sudra an L and L swear that we will do everything to ensure that everybody, gets superfast. Broadband, and no one else left behind. And. I congratulate. My honourable, friend not, only on her election a year ago yesterday as I believe. It but also re, elections earlier this this, year and on, her year in this in this house she's, raised, an issue that is a matter of concern to many rural areas, across the country and. We do remain committed to universal broadband. Coverage of at least 10 megabits so, that no home, or business is left behind the, superfast, broadband, is now, available to over 90%, of premises in Lincolnshire, which, is up from 26%, in, 2011. And we've committed over, 1 billion pounds for next generation digital infrastructure, I can assure my honourable friend that we have not forgotten any community, across the United Kingdom we recognize the importance, of broadband to communities, and we working to ensure that we deliver further, so. That people have the services that they need NARAS. Thank. You mr. speaker, in 2016. The then host secretary, launched. The ending violence against women of girls strategy, which emphasized, the need for national network, of domestic violence refuges. In 2017. Women's. Aides say that the government's proposals, for short term supported, housing threatens. This network, in 2018. Will that then Home Secretary, the now Prime Minister, show personal, leadership support. Women's aid and step, in to save our refuges. Professor. Honorable gentleman then I recognized the importance, of tomato dealing, with the issue of domestic violence, when I was Home Secretary we ring-fenced, funding to, support, the victims of domestic violence we have continued, to ring-fence that, funding, we've also made a number of steps we'll be introducing a new domestic violence, law we've, introduced, the coercive good law in a criminal, act of coercive, control we've, introduced, a whole variety, of, changes that have improved the, support for people with suffering. From domestic violence we, are proposing, a new funding model in relation, to the provision of, housing. Homes for people who have suffered from domestic, violence and there's a very good reason for wanting to see a change which is to make this more responsive, to the needs of, the. Of the individuals, at a time of crisis, in their lives to, make the system work better because, at the moment the funding isn't responsive, enough to their needs in local areas they, have to worry about meeting housing, costs themselves at, this time of crisis, and access. Relies on welfare claims and eligibility so we're proposing, a new model that frees those women, from worrying about music, meeting the housing costs themselves and the overall amount of funding available will remain the same dr.. Sarah Wollaston. Prime. Minister join me in thanking all the wonderful staff and across the European Union, who are working in our NHS, and social plan, and. Will she give them her personal, unequivocal. Assurance, that they and their families will have the right to remain after. Britain leave the European. But, I'm cristobal i'm very happy to join my own boyfriend in thanking, all those, who work in our NHS and social care sector including. Those from, the across, the european union they do do incredible, work and it's absolutely right we recognize, the contribution, that EU Nationals are making in this sector but also across, our economy and our society, that's, why we want people to be able to stay and we want families to be able to stay together and that's, why I'm very pleased that the arrangements. That we have were, published in the joint progress, report between the United Kingdom and the European Union last, Friday, showed, very clearly on, citizens, rights that, where people have made that life choice to be here in the United Kingdom we, will support them and enable them to carry on living their lives as before.

In. Our answers so far the Prime Minister's shown she haven't got a clue about the concerns. Today. And, on the 14th, of June she said that no one and no community, will be left behind but the Doncaster, market, towns have thorn and bought tree I've just been told that they're not west branches, are too close that's two more on top of a record-breaking. 700. Bank product. Closures, this year and that's despite the big full of banks delivering. 13.5, billion, half, year profits, it's great well the Prime Minister, admit that, the government's, access, to banking protocol, has failed to keep a single branch open, and, will she restore, the bank levy and use some of it to stop communities, losing. Their last buy crunch. Okay. I say to the, right honorable lady first, of all I responded. To the, leader. Of the Scottish Nationalist, Party earlier, in relation to RBS, closures which i think is what the. Honourable lady is referring, to but, I think also she. And others need to accept, was actually people's, behavior, in relation to banking branches Bank branches has changed, over the years and there, is less demand but we have the access to banking standard, in place but, she referred to, the bank levy let's be very clear there is bank levy there is also a corporation, tax surcharge, for banks, and this, government is raising, more money from the banks and the Labour government ever did. Would. By audible right honourable friend join me in congratulating, the, UK's, Community. Foundation's. Who've, just reached a notable, milestone. Is contributing. 1, billion pounds to local communities, across the country would she agree the. Community, Foundation's. Are a perfect, example of, her, shared society. And that funds from dormant, assets, once, available should. Be provided, to them to continue, their very important, work. I'm. Very joined my honourable friend in congratulating Community, Foundation's, across the UK I was, very, pleased to be able to have a meeting with the chief executive of the Berkshire Community Foundation, just, a couple of weeks ago to hear the excellent work they're undertaking in Berkshire, and I know from what my honourable friend has said that across communities. Across the country these are an important, contributor, to the. Share an example of the shared society, as he says and I understand, dormant accounts, scheme, has already distributed, over 362. Million for, benefit of good causes and there's, been a report on possibly expanding, the scheme which would have the potential to significantly build. On, the success of the current scheme and the, DCMS will be looking at this and will respond in due course, mr.. Barish chairman. Mr.. Speaker can I remind the Prime Minister of June the 2nd 1997. When I heard her make a very competent maiden, speech in. Which he stressed, the importance. Of vocational. And practical, education so, many young people in our country is, she aware there is now a crisis. A crisis. In for apprenticeships. A 62%. Apprentice. In her starts many. Independent. Excellent. Trainers, going out of business every. Colleges. In dire, dire, financial straits, will, she break.

A Few heads crack. A few eggs and, get me sorted. We. See growing number of young, people going into apprenticeships. We're introducing, the tea levels, we're putting 500 million pounds into technical education, to ensure that for the first time this country has first, passed technical, education, I called, for it in 1997. In 2017. On delivering. The. Speaker as an enthusiastic. Member. Of the women inequalities, committee I I aim, to be a strong, champion, for the Equality of women and I aspire, to the title of honorary sister, has bestowed, on you mr. speaker by the Honourable member for, Camberwell, and Peckham, so, will the Prime Minister join me in congratulating, Ruth. Cooke on her, recent appointment as chief executive career, in group the largest hazarding Association, in the country, proving, that exceptional. Women can, get the top job in housing, and politics. Very very. Happy. To agree with my honorable friend and to congratulate, Ruth cock on her appointment, for the Clarion group this does show that women can take on those very senior jobs I have to say to my honourable friend that, he is aspiring, to an. Accolade that I don't think the right honourable member for Camberwell in Peckham has ever given to me, despite. Despite. The fact of being only the only the second, women prime female, prime minister in. A. Sisterhood, will manage to get a female leader, of the Labour Party. Stephen. James, mr.. Speaker assessing. The impact, of leaving the European Union, on the different sectors, of the UK economy is surely basic. Spade work for the negotiations. And yet, the brexit, secretary, told the Select Committee last, week that none of it has been done why. Not. It, isn't the case that no work has been done in looking at these. The. Right honourable gentleman knows from the over 800. Pages of sectoral analysis, that have been published. Mr.. Nicholas, Bowles. Thank, You mr. speaker, the Prime Minister, has made clear that brexit. Means, brexit. When. It comes to the closure of Grantham A&E, now, that the Trust believes, that it has recruited, enough, doctors, does, she agree with me that, temporary. Means, temporary. But, can I say I know my uncle fred has been a strong, champion of, his constituents, on this matter he's been campaigning, tirelessly, in, relation, to it I know that he will agree with me that the first priority must. Be to ensure patient, safety and. That's. Why a report was commissioned by NHS, improvement. I understand. NHS, improvement. And will are continuing, to work very closely with the trust and I'm sure that my right honourable friend the health sector would be happy to discuss the detail with my humble friend. McDonald. In. The run-up to Christmas several. People will be taken on an extra, seasonal, work to try and earn themselves some extra. Cash for this time. Of year but many employers will be offering, unpaid. Trial work often. Where an actual job doesn't, actually exist. And it's affecting, tens of thousands of people up, and down the UK but. I've got a bill coming to the hosts in March, next year to end unpaid. Trial chefs so will she ensure this, is the last Christmas of this exploitation, and give, government backing for it. He. Knows of course we already have a legal, position in this country in relation to the payment at the national minimum wage and. Ensuring. That people are paid for the work that they do. Thank, You mr. speaker and given. That the SNP, Scottish government has an extra two billion pounds to clearer thanks, to this to service of government's budget. Though. The play minister join me in calling in the First Minister of Scotland to, rule out the higher taxes, for hardworking Scots. Well. I have, to say to my. Honourable friend I think this is a very real test of the First Minister and, the SNP government in Scotland as to, whether they are willing to recognize I mean last week I seem to recall we had some or in previous, weeks we've had some rather strange, claims, being made by the Scottish nationalists, here in this house about, the impact of decisions, taken at UK level on Scotland but my homophone is absolutely, right 2 billion, pounds, extra going, into Scotland but. Let's watch very carefully at how the SNP, government choose to spend that money. Mr., speaker last week I tabled a written question to the Chancellor, asking, for the evidence, behind his extraordinary claim, to, the Treasury select committee that, disabled, workers, are responsible.

For The UK's productivity, problems last, night I received his, written answer. Unsurprisingly. There is no such evidence for, that claim. Disgracefully. Since, he's so far declined to, express any regret, will, the Prime Minister take back control and, order, the charts that withdraw, his remark and apologise. The inaccurate, and offensive, comments. Young lady that actually the Chancellor did not express, the views that she. But, he was expressing, this is a government that values, the contribution, that disabled made people, make to, our society and to our economy in the workplace this is a government that is actually, working to, ensure that we can see more disabled, people getting, into the workplace we've, had some success there's, more to do but we will continue to work to ensure that those depicted disabled people who want to work are able to do so. Davis. Sponsored. An event in this place for, the UN they draw the line campaign. Which has helped, 6000. Women and girls worldwide, to, have a better life but one in four women in the UK and 70%. Of girls around, the world will expect, to see physical. Or sexual violence in their life, can, this Prime Minister confirmed, this government, will continue to lead the world on tackling, trafficking. Trafficking, mother and exploitation. I'm. Happy to confirm that too my honourable friend and she raises once again raises a very important, issue it is of course this government that introduced modern slavery Act it's this government that is continued, to continuing. To work not. Only to increase. Our ability to deal with the perpetrators. Of these, crimes but, also to provide support to the victims I want. A, world in which women, and girls have the confidence, to be able to be what they want to be and no they won't be subject to exploitation. To violence, to trafficking, to slavery course, slavery applies to, men as well but I think our commitment, as a government to ending, violence, and exploitation of women and girls is absolute, in, Fletcher. Speaker. Last, week it was an act that my wonderful city of Coventry, had, been successful. In its bid to become the UK, City of Culture to. Twenty-one, and, we are bursting, with pride, well. Prime Minister, join, me in congratulating, everyone. Who was, instrumental in, this great achievement and. Wish Coventry, success. Prosperity, hope. And so firm in the next few years up, to, 2021. And beyond. Now I say to the, Honourable lady that, I will, join her in congratulating, Coventry, on being, selected, as City of Culture as she, will be aware from exchanges. That have taken place in this house at p.m. cues there will be a number of vulnerable, members of this house who are disappointed, because their cities have not achieved, that, particular, status but I'm very happy to graduate all those who, were involved in putting the bid together and ensuring, that Coventry, is that, City of Culture including. The mayor for the West Midlands and E Street. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister and I have many things in common including. If, I may say being, proud of being called bloody difficult women. My. Right honourable and learned friend, the member for Bekins field is not, in that category for, many many, reasons. Obviously. He's. A respected. Seasoned. Parliamentarian. Unlike, many on these benches, has been for many decades, loyal. To his party, nobody, wants. To be disloyal, or to, bring about more disunity, the, Prime Minister says she wants a meaningful, vote, on brexit, before. We leave European, Union even, at this last moment would, she be so good as to accept, the, right honourable, and learned it gentleman's, amendment. 7 in the spirit, of immunity. For, everybody, here, and in the country. My. My. Marginal friend makes an important point about the concerns, that people have had in, this house about having, a meaningful vote, on. This particular issue before we complete the, deal as I, set out in the earlier answer I gave my right honourable friend, the member for Chesham and a mushroom that is what we will have we will ensure that there is a meaningful, vote on this, in, this house there, will then of course be an opportunity, for Parliament, to look at the withdrawal agreement, and implementation. Bill this, the. The, fact that there will be that meaningful vote has been set out and confirmed by my right honourable friend the brexit secretary, in a written ministerial, statement today. We. Were very clear that we won't commence, any statutory, instruments, until that meaningful vote has taken place but. As currently, drafted, what the amendment, says is that we shouldn't make any of those put any of those arrangements any of those statutory instruments, into place until the.

Withdrawal Agreement, and implementation. Bill has reached the statute, book that, could be at a very late. Stage in the proceedings, which, could mean that we are not able to have the orderly, and smooth, exit. From, the European Union that we wish to have. You. Old I say the Honorable general who is trying to overcome, his natural, reticence. I know, he's a shy fellow but I'm trying to encourage him, mr., dreamy, mr.. Speaker not, one penny for, but to fit, sprinklers. To birmingham's 213. Tower blocks from government, now. The city, suffering, the biggest cuts in local government history is, to suffer a further 100. Million pounds unfair, funding, cut yet. Maidenhead, is the, constituency. The least hard-hit. Of any in Brittany. How. Could the Prime Minister, begin to justify, one, law for her own constituency. And another law for the great city of Birmingham. But. Of course the local government settlement has yet, to come before this, before, this house and. We, have been very clear in relation to fire, safety arrangements. In any action, that needs to be taken by local authorities, that, they should discuss this with the Department, of Communities, and Local Government we, will ensure that, it, is possible, for the necessary safety, work to be undertaken. Speaker. 2017. Marks the hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the women's Royal, Naval Service and, event which will be celebrated in your house immediately, after p.m. queues by interception. Will, the Prime Minster joins me in in in marking, the outstanding, service of women over a hundred years in the Royal Navy but also Royal. Air Force and Army and. What you particularly join me in welcoming the fact that women are no longer consigned. To duties, ashore but, they can now take part in every aspect of service. I'm very happy to agree with my, honorable friend I think we should be it is right that we're marking the centenary for, the women's, Royal Naval Service but, also recognizing, the contribution, that women have made across, our Armed Forces and, I think it is important, that they are now able to contribute across. All, aspects. Of work. In the Armed Services and. Are no longer restricted as used to be the case in the Navy two, jobs, on shore I think this is an important, step forward it strengthens, our Armed Forces and I congratulate all women, in our armed forces thank. You.

2017-12-17 07:09

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