Prime Minister's Questions: 12 September 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 12 September 2018

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Questions. To the Prime Minister, David. Duque. Prime. Minister thank, you Thank You mr. speaker and I'm sure members across the house or wish to join me in congratulating. Alistair. Cooke on his fantastic. As. England's, highest ever scoring, batsmen his incredible, career had many highlights including. The Magnificent. 147. In his last innings, against India and, we wish him the very best for his future, mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings, later today David. I. Know that the Prime Minister appreciates. The significance, of fishing communities, around the UK not, least my own constituency of ban from buckin what. Steps will my humble frantic the support our fishing communities during the implementation period and will, she look at ways to support the expansion of the catching fleet infrastructure. Processing, capacity and, other businesses, reliant, on the sector. I. Fully recognised the importance of the fishing industry to, his and to other constituencies. Represented in. This house and I'd reassure, him that what we want to do is to secure a sustainable, and profitable fishing, industry that, will regenerate coastal, communities and will support future generations, of UK fishermen. What. We can do when we leave here you it means taking back control of our waters, but setting our own Fisheries rules and exclusively. Determining. Who fishes, what, in our, feeds, and it's. The priority, of this government also to make sure we have an innovative productive. And competitive food. Supply, chain and, work to consider the long-term future, of all funding, programs, that are currently managed, by the EU is underway Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank. You mr. Speaker I too joined, the prime minister in congratulating alistair, cooke on a fantastic, achievement and, both, teams on what has been an absolutely, brilliant series which, I really enjoyed. Mr.. Speaker the. National, Farmers, Union. The. Federation. Of small. Businesses. The. National. Audit. Office. The. National. Housing. Federation. Gingerbread. And, the. Royal Society. Of Arts. Does. The Prime Minister, know what these organizations have. In common. I I. Can tell the right honourable gentleman that what those organizations all. Have in common is that across, a variety of, areas of activity they. Give excellent, service, they, promote, the interests, of those that they represent, and they are bodies with which this government interacts. And to, which this government listens. I. Am. Truly grateful to the Prime Minister for that answer the first part of which I wholly, agree, but. What they also have. But. What they also have. In common mr. speaker, is that, they're telling this government, its flagship. Benefits, policy. Universal. Credit is flawed. And, failing. Hundreds, of thousands, of people both, in work and out, of work in. 2010. The. Government declared that universal, credit would lift. 350,000. Children out of, poverty, does, the Prime Minister stand by that figure. Prime. Minister. Can. I say two right honourable gentlemen we, introduced, Universal Credit because. We needed a system of welfare in this country, which. Encouraged. People into work rather than discourage, them. Which, made sure, which made sure that work always pays and, that was a simpler system than the legacy system that we were left by, the Labour Party. Remember. The legacy system, of the Labour Party it, meant that we even had individuals. Being, paid a hundred thousand. Pounds a year on benefits. All paid for by hard-working, taxpayers. Mr.. Speaker the child, poverty, action group, says that far, from taking, children out of poverty, Universal. Credit will, now increase, the number of children in poverty and. Since, 2010. Half, a million more children have gone into polity. Relative. To that time the. Government, knows this policy, is flawed and failing, their, own survey, on universal, credit found many were in debt a third, in arrears with their rents half fallen.

Behind With their bills does, the Prime Minister, dispute. Her own government, survey, or dispute. The experience, of the claimants. Some. Of the claimants, Roberta, who said my, work coach helped turn my life around, he, tailored, his support to my situation and thanks to him I found my dream job Brian. I'm happy, with the new universal, credit my, work coach has been great I didn't, expect to have a job so soon. Mayim. Universal, credit gave me the flexibility. To take on additional hours without, the, stress of thinking this might stop my benefits. Straight away we have, gone from a situation under. The neighbor party, where. 1.4. Million, people. 1.4. Million people spent, most of a decade trapped, on benefits. We, are helping, get people into, work and that's why earlier this week we, saw unemployment yet. Again as a recorder. It's, the speaker, we, are all we. Are all constituency. MPs, and I, think most of us are well aware of the, pain that Universal, Credit is causing, when people come into our advise. Bureaus. Sixty. Percent of families, facing, cuts due to the to child policy are, in, work. Universal. Credit isn't, making work pay it's, taking, money away from families, and putting, more children. Into poverty the, National, Audit Office report, found, that Universal, Credit is creating. Hardship, forcing. People to use food banks and could, actually end, up costing the system even, more does. The Prime Minister, dispute. The National, Audit, Office findings. The. Right honourable gentleman talked about constituency. Cases, I. Remember. Oh we're. In a very early stage of the proceedings we've got a long way to go but, questions must be heard and the answers, must, be heard and as usual I want to get through the order paper the prime minister the, right honourable gentleman started his question, by talking about constituency. Cases, I remember. The, single mother who came to see me as her Member of Parliament when, Labour were in government who. Told me that she wanted to get into the workplace and, provide. A good, example to her child. But. The Jobcentre had told her she'd, be better, off on benefits. Mr.. Speaker, my. Question was about the National, Audit Office the. Trussell trust backs the NAO they. Say that food bank usage, in areas. Where universal, credit has been rolled out is four. Times. Higher, in, areas, than, in areas where it has not been introduced, but. Without resolving, any of those failings, in the next year the government proposes to, inflict this on another two, million people as. Part of that transfer, hundreds, of thousands of people with disabilities, on Esha. Are saying tax crates will receive a letter telling. Them their support will, be stopped, they, will have to make an application for, universal. Credit does, the Prime Minister think it's the responsibility, of the government, which is changing, the system to ensure people, retain the support they need or is, it down to the individual, many of whom are actually very. Vulnerable people, who need help and support. The. Government is doing is delivering a system that does give support to vulnerable, people but, encourages, people to get into the workplace because, we know that work is the best route out of poverty but, if the right honourable, gentleman if, the right honourable gentleman believes that Universal Credit needed, some change then, why when we make changes like, ensuring. That we reduce, the waiting days for payment that we bought in a housing benefit overlap, to help people beyond why was it that Labour voted, against those days. Mr.. Speaker it's labor that's been speaking up for the poorest in this country, has. Been challenging, this. Decency. Within, our society. That this government is incapable, of delivering. To, mr., Spencer, I was what you were a good-natured. Laid-back. Farmer. You seemed to be a very over excitable, Dennison of vows today come yourself, man Jeremy. Corbyn speaker, the mental health charity, mind says there's a real possibility and, I quote that many people with, mental health problems could see their benefits stopped, entirely.

It Is outrageous that vulnerable. People risk, losing out because of these botched changes, the. Government's, brexit negotiations. Are an abject, failure I, can, see that by the sullen, faces behind her. And that's not just the ERG, group it's the whole lot of them. But everywhere, you look mr. speaker, this government, is failing. 1, million families, using food banks, a million, workers on zero hours contracts. 4. Million children in, poverty wages, lower, today than 10. Years ago and, on, top of that there's. The flawed and failing, universal. Credit disabled. People risk, losing. Their, homes and vital supports, children. Forced to use food banks, and a, prime minister wants. To put 2 million more people onto, this. Mr.. Speaker the. Prime Minister, is not is. Not, challenging. The burning, in justices, in our society. She's. Pouring, petrol, on the crisis, when, will she stop, inflicting. Misery on, the people of this community. Right. The, right honourable, gentleman, the, right honorable gentleman, talks, about. Challenging. Or burning in justices. Challenging. The burning in justices, that's. About setting up the racial disparity, audit which says what do public services, do and how do people from different communities in our country how. Do they are treated, by our public services, it, means saying, that nobody, in this country should. Be stopped, and searched on our streets because of the color of their skin with. Me as own secretary. Never the labor. What we are doing is, seeing. 3.3. Million, more, people in jobs as a result. And what have we seen from labor over, the past few days, Iranian. State TV. Broadcasting. No confidence, vote. Police. Investigating. Anonymous. And threatening, letters about, the D selection, of Labour MPs. Shamefully. Most. Shamefully. Of all. And. Most. Shamefully. Of all the. Honorable, member, fruss stretcher saying. That the Labour Party, is now, an, institution. Amazed racist. Party, that's. What he's done to labour just, think what he'd do to this country. Thank. You. Thank You mr. speaker. Major. Sticky Latian is required, mr. break arm yourself, you're a former deputy leader of the house the, Haven estates moonlight, Manor. Let's. Hear the questions, and the, answers mr. Nigel, huggles stone. We. We, quite rightly spend, quite a lot of time in this place talking about crime and criminals, and prisons, but perhaps we don't spend enough time talking. About the victims of crime, so I warmly welcome, the government's announcement this week of a victim strategy, but, can the Prime Minister assure me this will not be some kind of dry document, but a genuine, effort to, boost support, for the victims.

Assurance. Because we, know that nothing can take away the trauma and distress, of being a victim of crime but. We need to ensure that people get the support they, need as. They rebuild their lives and this is absolutely vital it's our duty to keep people safe but it's also our duty to, ensure that. Victims are properly protected and listened to and that's why we're taking steps to enshrine their, entitlements, in law to strengthen, the victims code and this first ever cross government victims strategy, will, ensure that victims of crime received, the care and support they deserve at every, stage of their interaction, with justice, system and I'd like to commend my right on will friend the Justice Secretary but also my own behind the member for Charnwood for the workplace. Thank You mr., speaker. Turkey, dawn from the financial, crisis, the Buddhists in our society, are still, paying a price the bankers, were, bailed out the coordinate, people, paid, the bill. Decade. On and people. Are further a, damning. Indictment of, the, UK government's, leadership, indeed tell us Prime Minister, why, have you abandoned, millions. Of families knows just. About managing. What. We've done is created an economic environment where 3.3. Million people are in, work we, now see the number of children, worklist households, at the lowest level, ever we, now we, now also see, what we have done is we've increased the national living wage we, have ensured, that we've taken four million people out of paying income tax all together over, 30 million people have received a tax cut that's, what this government's been able to do by a balanced, approach to the economy keeping. Keeping, taxes, low putting, money into public services, and reducing, our debt. Simply. Ignores the reality, that people are booted it's been the worst decade for, weed growth in over two hundred years those. Schools are struggling and they know a deal breaks it is reported, to increase, the, annual cost of living for, low-income households by hundreds, of pounds yet. This Prime Minister, still. Wants to walk off the brexit, cliff edge the.

Prime Minister is unfit to govern she's, incapable of, leadership. We, know it, they. Just know it and the country knows it ten. Years after the economic, crash and, that Buddhists are still bearing the brunt mr.. Speaker it's as simple as this the. Prime Minister, should end her austerity, program or, admit, that her party, is unfit, for governmental. He. Mentions, the question, of frets it and of course we are working to get a good breakfast it deal for the whole of the United Kingdom including Scotland. And can I suggest to the right honourable gentleman that he might listen, to the views of the. Scottish. Nfu, who, said this week that the plan that the government has put forward is, something, that certainly the Agriculture, and Food and Drink sectors, can work with and that politicians. From. All sorts. Of Parliament's, and assemblies. Should, actually get, behind it. Thank. You mr. speaker, now. That the practing constituency. Has a mere 69, miles from, London as I'm sure my rifle will friend remembers from her visits a few years ago and. And, you're lucky to cover that tiny journey, in an hour and 40 minutes and that's if you avoid the Network Rail works, now our Sunshine Coast has a lot to offer economically. A lot of which remains, untapped, we, could attract new homeowners, doctors, and businesses, to the area so can my right honourable friend please tell me what, this government is doing to improve our rail services, and speed up the journey, to class. Can. I say -, can. I say Donald and first of all I do indeed remember the visits that I made to Clapton in 2014. But, actually, there I was very pleased to meet with Caroline Shira the. Work that she done on anti knife crime the. Charity sheet set up in memory of her murdered, son J wisdom, but, on the issue of rail that my humble friend has raised Greater, Anglia will, indeed be introducing a whole new fleet, of trains they. Will be available delivered, from the middle of next year they'll be state-of-the-art with. Much improved, acceleration. I think my humble friend will be pleased to to, hear and now they need to work with Network.

Rail To ensure that they can deliver those improved, journey times, and. There are infrastructure, complain, constraints. On the on, the line but, we will we will engage with Network Rail to understand what plans they have to renew the infrastructure, so that we can see the improvement, on the, attractin branch mile friend. The. Prime Minister, has just said that work is the best, route, out of poverty. Without. Repeating, the response. So she just gave to the leader of the SMT, can she explain why after, eight years of a Conservative, government the. Living wage foundation, reports to forty percent of, people in Greece we do not earn enough to live on. Honourable, lady that what the figures show is that the, portion of people, of the workforce, on low pay is actually. At its lowest level this. Is as a result of the changes, that we have introduced that made changes, we've made in, relation, to the economy, and the balanced approach the, balanced approach that we have taken I also, say to the Honourable lady but, if she is worried, if, she's worried, about, people, living, in Grimsby then, the answer is not a Labour, government with, five hundred billion pounds, of extra borrowing, fewer, jobs higher, taxes, and people, suffering, the cost. Thank. You mr. speaker given what we know about the Russian States involvement, in the Solsbury poisoning, does the Prime Minister think appropriate, that parliamentarians. Both current and former appear, in Russian state television. Can. I say to the my honourable friend that I'm sure we all have doubts about the objectivity, of the reporting, on Russian. Russia today which does remain a tool, of propaganda for. The Russian state, now decisions, about appearing, on Russia today is a matter of the judgment for each individual. But, they should be clear that they, risk being used as propaganda tools, by the Russian state. And. I know that that is a view that is shared by other members of this, house including, the. Right honourable gentleman the member for Ross Skye and Lochaber who's. Made clear he doesn't think people should appear on that station I would. Also say the same applies to Press, TV whose license to broadcast, has been revoked. In the UK by off by. Prime. Minister refused. To answer my written questions, about aggregate IQ visiting. Downing, Street so, I will ask her here, why. Did Jeff Sylvester, and that missing ham of aggregate, IQ visit, number 10 last autumn who, did they meet who, invited them what, was the purpose of the meeting and most, importantly, why was the meeting not recorded, in the transparency, database. I. Say. Can I say to the honourable lady that her letter has not been drawn to my attention I do not. Following. Her question, following, her question I will ensure that she receives a reply in writing. Thank. You mr..

Speaker, When, it comes to brexit, the joint statement, of the 8th of December, last year said. That nothing is agreed until, everything is, agreed does. The Prime Minister agree that this means the, payment of the thirty-nine billion pound exit. Payment and the Northern Irish backstop, are, dependent. On agreeing. Satisfactory. Final state trade. Arrangements, and that she also agree that payment, of that money should. Be locked into the legally binding withdrawal. Agreement that also requires, those, final, state trade agreements, to be fully agreed. And implemented, by. The 31st, of December 2020. In a form acceptable, to this house. We. Need to have a link between the. Future relationship, and the withdrawal, agreement. But we are a country that honors our obligations, we believe in the rule of law and therefore we believe in abiding by our legal obligations. However my honourable friend is right that, the specific, offer was made in the spirit of our desire to reach a deal with the European Union and on the basis as the EU themselves. Have said that nothing is agreed until everything is, agreed without, a deal the position changes. The. Prime Minister was right yesterday. To, be promoting, electric, vehicles. But. She also needs to focus on electricity production. Investments. In renewable. Energy has halved as a result of government's policies and, instead of encouraging. Carbon. Emitting technologies, like fracking which is deeply, unpopular in Sheffield. And across the country will she recognize our future depends on serious, investments, in wind solar, tidal and. The. Honorable gentleman that I believe that in the terms of the provision, of energy across, the United Kingdom we need to have a diverse range, of. Surprise. That's why yes we do and have supported, and continue, to support renewable, energy, but it's also why, it's also why we're ensuring, for example, that we have a supply of energy in the future from nuclear, and, that we look across other forms of energy as, well in terms of also, for example ensuring. That we see an increase in the number of interconnectors, with with, Europe so a diverse, supply is what we need in our energy. This. Morning except, that it annoys me a close trade and security, partner for the EU does my vitamin, will friend agree that, this means that giving the Britain a good, deal is in the interest of both sides. I've. Always I've always said to, this house that I believe a deal that's right for the UK will be a deal that's right for the European Union, but I note, not. Only that president Jonker said, what my honourable friend has, has commented. On he also went on to say after the 29th, of March 2019. The, United Kingdom will never be an ordinary third country, for us I welcome. Prime Minister Mae's proposal. To develop an ambitious, new partnership, for the future after, brexit we, agree with the statement, made in checkers, that the starting point for such a partnership, should be a free-trade, area between, the United Kingdom and the European, Union so, let me be very clear when we leave the European Union we will be an independent sovereign state we, will have control of our money our borders, and our laws but, I want to say to our closest, allies in Europe, you, will never also, never be an ordinary third party, for us. In matters. There. Is huge concern, over proposals. To take decisions, on fracking away from, local councils, but concern seemingly shared by a prominent conservative, MP, who has a number, of statements, on her website including, local planning decisions should be returned to locally, elected councillors. And local, power councils, need the power to, stop unsuitable. Developments, the Prime Minister will hopefully recognize, these comments she made them does she still agree with them. It. Has, always been the grace across the planning structure. That we have here in the United Kingdom that there are decisions that are taken at local level but there are also decisions.

And Sometimes those decisions at local level are referred on to a national, level, order. Closed, question. Mr. Michel fabric, on question, 12 Mr Speaker Prime, Minister I was indeed very pleased to be in the West Midlands yesterday, at the world's first zero, emissions. Vehicle summit, where I made clear my determination to, put our manufacturers. In the West Midlands and across the UK at the, forefront, of the design and manufacturing, of zero emission vehicles. The, midlands has a very strong automotive, industry, the growth of high-tech, manufacturing across the region continues, to drive investment it's creating, high school jobs it's boosting economic growth, and the latest employment statistics released, yesterday show there are now over, 320,000. More people in work in the West Midlands within 2010, Michael fabric, and I thank my right honourable friend for that answer also, based, in the West Midlands, is Silicon, Canal Silicon. Canal is like Silicon, Valley but, without the sunshine. Employs some. 40,000. People working. In computer, science and, some. 6,000. Different companies. The, second, largest cluster, of its kind in the whole of Europe, so. With. The announcement. Last week mr. speaker of 5g. Being, based in West Midlands, of the testbed, what, more, can the Prime Minister, do to, promote high tech in, the West Midlands. Highlighting. The silicon Canal I'm sure that. Like, me he was delighted that, the West Midlands build which, was pulled together by, the conservative, Metro mayor Andrew Street was, chosen. Was. Chosen as the winning location, of the urban connected communities project and as my own defenders referred to this will see the development of a large-scale 5g, pilot across the. Region but, GCMs are also working closely with the West Midlands combined authority to develop and deliver a region-wide, digital. Skills, partnership, which, will bring together key, sectors in the region working, on improving the digital skills of individuals of small businesses and of Charities and, ensuring. Strong government engagement, and support for, these sectors. Will be critical, to the success of the government's industrial, strategy. Education. Ounce the pay award for teachers recently, which as a prime minister will know is not yet to devolve responsibility, now the government, has outlined, how it will fund the award for teachers in England but as yet has not done so for Wales so will the Prime Minister intervene, to put right this oversight, and ensure that Welsh teachers, and Welsh pupils, and not the ones left to foot the bill. That. The Treasury, will be setting that out shortly. See. You guess why er speaker. Back. In July in Prime Minister's Questions, when, I press the Prime Minister on the possible publication, of Salix. Allen's report into the Windrush affair she. Confirmed that the Home Secretary at the time who, was considering publication, very carefully, two. Months later nothing. Has come from. The Home Secretary or the Home Office so. Could she as prime minister in the interests of transparency. And accountability which, I know she believes in and I personally authorized, the, publication, of this long-awaited report. Reassure. My. Friend, that the, Home Secretary, it has been looking at this issue the cabinet secretary, is looking at this we, are committed. To making. A publication but. The form of that is currently being considered. Yesterday. Majesty's. Inspectorate of, probation, issued a devastating. Report on. Its findings relating, to the model of two years ago but my constituent, Lisa Skidmore, the, report sets out catastrophic. Failures, on, the part of the provision service, to, act on warnings, about, the behavior, of her killer Mirai. Campbell, the lifelong, violent, sex offender, and concludes. That Lisa's, murder was, entirely, preventable. Lisa. Skidmore, was a young woman with a whole life in front of her, family have, been left completely heartbroken, by, her loss she, was let down in the most appalling way by, a service, which is there to, monitor offenders. And to protect the public and in this case failed to do so with. The most devastating, consequences. Can, I ask the prime minister what, can she and, the Ministry of Justice do, in, response, to this report to, prevent something like this happening. He. Has raised what, was an absolutely, devastating. Case. It was a horrific crime and devastating.

For Lisa's family and I. Understand, that my own will friend the prison's Minister has met the family of Lisa, Skidmore, has apologized, for the failings in this case but, as the, Honorable gentleman says this should not have happened I, understand. Some action has already been taken that two members of the Probation Service have, been suspended, but. While, nothing can be done to bring back Lisa or to. Minimize the impact, that this has had on her family, Dame, Denis Stacy has been asked to conduct an independent review, to. Look at what can be done to prevent such tragedies from, happening again to do as the Honorable gentleman has said to, make sure that this never happens, to anybody else, Trudy, Harrison. Career. In the Lake District, it's one of the most beautiful, parts of the UK. And. Our farmers, place such a unique, role in maintaining, the, landscape, on, back British, farming day can my right honourable friend ensure. That, our Cumbrian farmers, will be able to export, their meat their world-class, meat, after. We leave the European Union. Can. I can, I say can, I say to my honourable friend she. Is absolutely right to, recognize. The the beauty. Of the, area that she represents, at Cumbria and the Lake District, and the, important, role that farmers. Play in, the, in that part of the country as indeed, our farmers do elsewhere, when, we leave the European Union we are looking to ensure that we have trade deals that do enable. Our farmers, to continue. To be able to export, their very very, important. Product which is enjoyed, by people elsewhere, but. We are able by leaving the European Union, to do something else which has come out of the Common Agricultural Policy, and, actually, develop a policy for farming, in this country which is right for our farmers, and not for others David. Mr., speaker last year. 183. People were, returned to this country to, face justice, because, of the european arrest warrant, if, we leave the EU without, a deal, the european, arrest warrant will not be available to us what, the permit is to be happy with that. Secretary. I stood at this dispatch box and led. A debate in which we ensured, that when we exercised, on the powers available under protocol 36, we actually went back into the European Arrest Warrant the. European arrest warrant is one of those instruments. Which, we have identified, in our checkers plan as one that we wish to discuss with the european union with, a view to being able to continue to use it it's green, Thank. You mr. speaker, Lia. Aldridge was killed by a father in 2002. And, after the coroner, and Greater Manchester Police finished. Their investigation the, body was returned to the family for, a funeral, last. Year the police discovered that they had retained. Sort of Lea's body parts and these, were returned to their family for, a second funeral. Only. A few weeks ago yet. More body, parts were discovered, by the police and, the, family had to go through the ordeal of, a third funeral. They. Have no confidence, in Greater Manchester Police or. The police and crime Commissioner, the, mayor of Greater Manchester, that, they now, have finally, allowed. The, family to lay their, daughter Leah, to rest. Would. The Prime Minister hold an inquiry into. This matter for, the sake of Leah's family, and for, other families, across Greater Manchester. Prime, Minister say, to my humble friend I think this, is an absolutely, terrible. Case, that has set out and we I'm sure as he will have felt from the reaction, for members from members across the house when they heard him, setting out the details that we all want to express our deepest sympathy to Lea's family for, what is a prolonged. Trauma, that they've had to endure as aware as a result of the way that this has been handled I understand. The deputy mayor of Greater Manchester's, been in touch with the human tissue authority, about the case and the human, tissue Authority are, advising. On, ensuring. That the the establishment concerned, take the necessary work to, evaluate what went wrong in this case put in measures to, minimize, the, chance that this can ever happen, again, and officials. In the home office are going to be meeting both with the Greater Manchester Police and, the, National Police Chiefs Council, to, further address this issue have historically, held human. Tissue and I'll ensure, that. The relevant, home office Minister updates while honorable friend on the outcome of those meetings her Monaghan. The. Windrush scandal, continues, to affect my constituent. Who. Despite, receiving his, British passport, has been told he's ineligible. For ESC, as he, has not made enough national. Insurance contributions. Over. The last two years an impossible. Task, since he's been prevented. From working by, the Home Office. Sermo, the prime minister take responsibility. For ensuring. The DWP, has. Special, measures in place to deal with Windrush, applicants. And can, she confirm that my constituent.

Will No get, the support, he deserves. The automating the Home Office of course set up a special task force to deal with, the, Windrush cases, to provide help and support to, the, individuals. And yes. I know that the shadow foreign sector is mentioning DWP, I'm coming to come onto the DW. I. Think, what is important, for, the. Individuals. Concerned is that they are able to interact with one government, body that is then able to give them the support and take on the issues for them so I believe. That they should produce the, individual, concerned to get in touch with the task, force and the Home Secretary, will make sure that, the necessary inquiries. Made a, pristine. Mr.. Speaker will the Prime Minister visit my constituency. To open Airbus's new wing integration. Center and Filton which is a 40 million pound investment which will secure hundreds of jobs and good quality apprenticeships of the future and will she joined me in thanking and paying tribute to Airbus for, their strong and enduring commitments, to the UK. Issued. A very interesting invitation, I can't give them an instant response, from the despatch-box on it because. Of nature, look at diary commitments, can I also say to him it's absolutely, right, that we thank. And congratulate. Airbus, on the commitment they've made to the United Kingdom on the high quality jobs that they provide here in the UK and, when. I went to the farm bruh Air Show I was very pleased to actually meet with executives. From Airbus, to look and talk about some of their latest products, this. Summer Roberts. Leviathan. In, a meeting on Monday the aluminium and steel industry, told leaders of opposition parties with. The exception, of the leader, of the Labour Party who, refused to attend the thousands. Of jobs are to be put at risk by, the British government's brexit, policies, and threadbare industrial. Strategy. It's. Not the case that she is prepared to dole out, p45. To. Manufacturing, workers. Simply. In order to appease, the. Breakfast, extremists. In her own party. Nothing. Portraying. The situation, couldn't be further from me from, the case what, we have put forward in the checkers plan is a plan that delivers, on the result of the referendum ensures. That we take control of our money our borders and laws but, does so in a way that protects jobs and livelihood, that, does so in a way that protects jobs and livelihoods across, the United, Kingdom government has, given support to the steel industry in a number of ways and the, industrial, strategy is about ensuring that we have a, healthy. Healthy, manufacturing. Industry in this country but, manufacturing industry, for the future, providing the high-skilled jobs for the future and the skills for people for the future Johnny, Mercer. The, Prime Minister will be aware of not, only my feelings but the feelings of pretty. Much everyone in this house and the vast majority of this country when, it comes to seeing our veterans, being dragged through the courts in Northern Ireland rupees, it's. Called differences, as. Prime Minister can I ask her what she person.

Is Doing how she is personally. Investing, of herself in this process, to, bring to an end something, the vast majority of her country, find, completely, a pourraient. This. Is an issue I'm well aware of the degree. Of concern that there is about this issue which is why I have held a number of discussions with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on this, matter we, over vast debt of gratitude to, the heroism. And bravery of. The soldiers and police officers, who upheld, the rule of law and, we're themselves, accountable to, it and that is something that has always set. Them apart from the terrorists, who, during the Troubles were responsible, for the deaths of hundreds, of members of the security, forces but. As I've made clear the current system, in Northern Ireland is flawed, it isn't, working it isn't, working for soldiers for, police officers, or for victims, a group, in fact which includes many soldiers, and police officers as well and so. While the number of terrorist murders, art from the troubles are actively under investigating, investigation. By PSNI, and other police forces under, the current mechanism, for investigating. The past there's, a disproportionate. Focus on former, members of the armed forces in the police we. Want to ensure that all outstanding deaths in Northern Ireland are investigated. In ways that are fair and balanced, and proportionate. This, is Mhairi Glyndon, q. Mr. speaker, since a life-changing. SME treatment, spin Raza was rejected, by nice and its first guidance, last, month families. Affected including. That of young son, McKee, in North Tyneside, have, been left heartbroken, when. The Prime Minister meet, with me and muscular distrophy UK, to, discuss, progress, urgently. Needed, was the managed access, agreement, so that patients, can access bin rasa as soon as possible. Stay tuned but. I'm very happy to look at the issue that the specific, issue that she has raised in relation to the decision that's taken by by. Nice and I will ensure that health ministers. Look into that and have. A meeting with her to discuss the details on it you order.

2018-09-14 10:15

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