PREPARE for What is COMING | Landria Onkka

PREPARE for What is COMING | Landria Onkka

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i want to prepare you for what is to come we're  not in it yet we have much more to come and i want   you to be prepared for it in a most powerful  way because what i'm going to remind you of   could change everything now i've  said this in almost every video   i'm going to say it 101 different ways  until you go to that space where you realize   you're totally in control you want to talk  about what's going to come let's do it right now welcome to Landria Onkka on youtube here  to help you break through those fears   live an amazing life some of you are  experiencing some scary stuff some fear why   why is that because stuff's going on out there  all of us are contributing to create that   it is 100 percent created by humans and you  are a part of that because if you find it scary   you are one of those humans creating fear yeah  i know it doesn't seem like well i'm not doing   the one i'm not the one doing all the fear i'm  not oh no not me mcfly you can't experience   fear unless you're choosing it i'm not choosing  fear absolutely you are fear doesn't have to exist   it's a choice now some of you going through some  really really scary stuff like you're talking   about food shortages or hatred and all these  other things this is the planet working out   its density if you are focused on it and you  see it as fearful you will experience fear   and your reality and your future your big change  your big event out there is not only going to be   cray-cray for you but everything leading up to  it is going to be a really unpleasant experience   you're going to say we can't  avoid that that's another story   i know you're going to have a tough time with  this some of you we are all here experiencing the   challenges of the planet that we can't get out  of we chose it we came here to take the ultimate   tests if you don't pass these tests you don't go  into that joyful new golden era that is already   launching it's already taking place there's a  whole movement of people going into that that are   saying i get it i'm there oh my gosh i see the  world totally different we are evolving we are   coming out of it and yes there is a whole group  of people making decisions that are dense they   haven't pulled out of it yet i don't see that as  bad i see that as part of the play of the planet   you have to change the story you cannot experience  fear unless you're choosing it you cannot   experience being a victim unless you tell yourself  that's what you are you are 100 in control this   power and i teach this in the miracle circle this  power that flows through you this body is you   as the human being it's your energy field which is  what you are a light being animating a vehicle but   there is intelligence in every  part of your body it's not just   this thing that you animate it is intelligent  everything in your body has a little universe   a little solar system a communication system  intelligence just like everything out there is   talking it's communicating at all times maybe not  worth words but intelligence always communicating   everything is your thoughts changing that world  out there but more than anything it's changing   your reality that thought is a thing you're  creating the thought no one else is doing that   no matter what happens out there  no one can make you feel anything   there are people in the most dire of circumstances  who are in awakened states and understand what it   is and know that they signed up for it and that  there's some role that they're supposed to play   in that challenge and they go for it they say wow  okay all right i designed this before i came here   what is this how can i be amazing in this how  can i learn from this how can i come out of   the victimization and the names you have for  yourself i'm this i'm that you are nothing in   everything you are nothing and everything you are  unlimited you are the power of the universe not   separate from anything that person that you feel  threatened by all those people out of the hatred   is us and when we know this we  change it well i can't change them no   no you can't make anybody do anything but you can  affect them and they get to change and they get to   choose and you can do that by coming out of your  own fear which you're projecting with your fear   and running around and watching these channels  telling you the end of the world and all this   cray-cray stuff to create that they want you to  create that and you're going hook line and sinker   oh they're the good guys no there are no good  and bad guys we're all one thing so when you   go into a space of not having an opinion  good nor bad about things and you observe it   and you just accept things and you make higher  choice thoughts and beliefs you do affect them   you have to because they're totally  connected to you we're not separate so   those people out there guess what they're  gonna feel that wow this doesn't seem right   oh i've got my little organization here we're  gonna go out there and pick it we're gonna do it   wait a minute this doesn't seem right is there  another way is there another way can we come   together with a meeting in the minds okay maybe we  can't change anything that way but we can affect   our energy field and that's what we are energy  cannot be created nor destroyed and that's what   we are everything else is a made-up story it's  a play my friend it's a play a damn serious one   this is absolutely the turning point for you if  you don't get this and you are in fear right now   you have to sit down and ask yourself why  and work on that because you're choosing it   and so it's not always easy to get past  how do i change the thinking landrieu   oh you know what i have 2 000 videos  and about 25 courses master classes   and a lot of free stuff a lot of free stuff i  think i have like maybe 60 videos that are free   called manifest anything i see people  unsubscribe i want a quick fix fix me fix me   i won't i can't i will empower you because it  already exists when when you can recognize this   when are you going to recognize that this body  and your energy that animates and flows through it   has activated amazing things but if you send  the wrong messages to it it will go into   fear it's going to send all of these you know  little messages through your nerve endings and   and you know all the communication systems in  here are going to be in turmoil and they're going   to stop communicating with each other because  fear makes everything retract did you know your   dna coils up when you're going to fear did you  know that it opens up when you go into joy fact   everything else does that it pulls back it  coils back it goes into density and when you say   i don't have to fear anything no one can  truly harm me maybe the physical world   can create experiences that you choose  to entangle with that are very unpleasant oh well what is that what is that okay that's being human i'm going to  remember that now can i move past this yes   yes let it flow through and pass me i'm like i'm  gonna let it go i'm gonna let it go good yes i i   want to experience it because then i'll know love  and then i'll know what it's like to never fear   and i'll know what it's like to give freely and  never feel like i'd lack for anything and you're   gonna give and what if what if you don't have  enough you'll always have enough someone will   show up for you because when you're sending giving  out there even if you gave your last loaf of bread   somebody's going to show up with one  for you because that's how it works   because you sent that message because that is  your directive to the universe it's not going   to give you something your directive is i have  enough and i'm not worried about it and then   it flows to you because that's what you created  you're creating everything everything and we as   a collective agreed to this experience together  and within it we create our own everything you don't need to think anymore  thoughts are not necessary   do you have to think to go to the  bathroom or eat do you know how   how long you can go without eating pretty damn  long time miracles can happen at every moment you know everything came here to be with us and  entangle with us including the animals the plants   everything and we're all counting on each other to  make higher decisions so everything that agreed to   come here we're all saying cheering each other on  going okay let's not go into that space anymore   we're here to pull out of that we're all here to  pull out of it all of us there is no side to take   there's no such thing there's no side that big  cataclysmic thing that's going to happen in the   future maybe it'll never happen big changes are  happening yes they're going to happen they have to   we don't want to stay in what we've been in you're  here to experience that yay oh my gosh that's   amazing wow we got to be here in this absolute  amazing time period on the planet but most of   all i get to contribute to it wow wow me i'm  gonna make a difference yeah you huge difference   you're beautiful you have the same  power as anybody else the billionaire   the healer you have equal power there is  no separation of this power it's one thing and it's pure love and you are not alone  my friend any of you who say you're alone   you've never been alone you're telling yourself  a story because you think if it doesn't exist   in the material world that it's not there well  guess what when you stop thinking you're alone   you'll have more friends and people you'll  ever want and by the way you may not want them i need some time alone my case like yeah  i like being alone i love it but i'm never   alone i never feel like i'm alone in fact  i just feel like there's so much out there   and i attract amazing people all the time why  because that's what i generate i generate the love   and they pick up on the fact that i see they're  beautiful even when they're annoying as hell i just don't hang out with those but i see how  beautiful they're and i think ah something's   going on in here wow there's a story and they're  striking out there's anger they're striking out   that there's somebody wrong and there's somebody  that's not acting the way you want them to and   the world's not the way you want it to be  that's what creates this conflict the world   isn't the way i want it to be they're not acting  thinking believing the way i think they should   100 ego it's you it's you that stress that  anger those problems they're coming from you   they're not a problem they're your teachers   and then what are you going to do to  counterbalance that we're going to get   together with those that are in higher frequencies  and we're going to send our power out there   if you don't believe you have it then you haven't  seen what's going on out there with the quantum   physics experiments mind-blowing stuff we have  power to change everything through our blessings   and our thoughts and we do it every day if we want  to change the world are you doing that every day   guess what every time i really really focus  on that boom stuff showing up showing up like   whoa okay all these amazing things are  showing up why i'm not focused on that   i'm focused on sending out abundance and light  and love and awakening for the planet for those   who choose and allowing everything to happen the  way it or that person chooses and blessing that   and hoping that they find those answers sooner  than later and if they don't we're all going   back to the same place because we never  left it you never left your higher self come back to my channel every chance you get   because you're going to hear the same message  over and over and over again you're creating   your reality right now and if you think the  world's a bad place you created that it's not   it's not it's an adventure and experience  it's yeah a challenge it's school you don't want to flunk do you nobody  wants to flunk can't make a mistake   ultimately but let's not let's not go there  you are absolutely 100 in control of your   thoughts your feelings your beliefs what  are you choosing you know i have a free   now i did this like a year ago but my developers  who are amazing they're canadian cool guys created   my uh app and you can see all their information  when you download it uh free what am i thinking   what am i manifesting what are you manifesting  i catch you and then you realize wait a minute   whoa i was i was thinking bad thoughts about  my colleague whoa i was manifesting bad things   i don't want to do that so download that  go to manifest anything like 60 videos   free stuff download that come take my courses come  join the miracle circle quit complaining pie hole spiritual butt kick what's new right you know why  you know i'm not gonna go easy on you you freaking   power the universe walking around i'm supposed to  feel sorry for you you could do anything you want   you really can you chose a role be okay with the  role be the most amazing role that you can be   what can you do with this wow mind blowing  stuff i've got people going outside their bodies my friend race experience that it's amazing  i've experienced it a lot of people are   experiencing that where you're actually  outside the body and you're like whoa   then you come back in guys experiencing that  you're gonna go you're gonna go out instead of   going they're doing that and they're doing that  oh who's gonna tell me what my future is oh can i   you know hire somebody who's going  to predict something for me yeah   i'll predict it for you what do you  want it to be there's your production enlightenment going to hell in the handbasket  that won't last long by the way because you know   it's created by you so it'll end at some point  just like everything does we go to singularity   we go back out right you're powerful please  subscribe and share these please share it with   people who running around looking at conspiracy  stuff give them an option don't lecture them   say hey you know here's something else you  might want to look at because guess what   we're doing amazing things miracle circle we are  absolutely doing amazing things amazing things   like people are realizing they're not focused  on that they're focused on okay i'm gonna go   into my body i'm gonna get connected with what's  what's going on what's flowing what's not flowing   let's go into that heart chakra why  is that not feeling powerful today   okay am i telling myself a story we got to correct  that because i don't want to have a negative story   okay let's push that energy field out let's go  let's commune with it i'm always out there i am   that however i want to focus on i become entangled  wisdom answers inspiration uh higher paying jobs   food health wealth awakening you never lost it  you've always been awakened you're enlightened you   are that that's what we all are you never lost it  this is just a self-created adventure to know that   i'm gonna say this over and over and over until  the cows come home oh there's one there's a cow   no i'm kidding i'm on the golf course they don't  allow cows out here just flamingos all right   hey um uh you know i would have shown the puppy  but she's uh that was in the last video barking   like a little fool in the background if you notice  i had to cut that thing about five or six times   because she got out of control she's blind and 16  years old but if i babysit the puppy again and i   have to shoot over there i will show you the  puppy all right she's adorable she's a little   feisty little thing why don't you get feisty  why don't you go out and have some adventures   why don't you go have some fun it's about time  oh because the world's a horrible place okay   choose it i'm not going to judge it just  thought maybe you'd want to make another choice   if you so decide to you are whole and perfect  strong and powerful loving harmonious and   happy i think i'm going to go to the yacht club  tonight and have a cocktail and visit with people you can choose any life you want and you can  create that and it doesn't take a lot of money   you'd be shocked at how many things that you  desire can come to you in amazing ways we're   doing this come on over to the miracle circle take  one of my courses if you'd like breakthrough fear   as a five-star review why people are breaking  through it and saying i'm not afraid anymore   wow wow no barriers no blocks anymore what  does that do connects you to the miracle   space what's the miracle space everything is  beautiful and perfect no matter what you see   everything's beautiful and perfect you are  please subscribe share my videos sign up for   manifest anything come on over i'm giving  you the tools to change anything you desire   blessings to my beautiful friend my  beautiful light beam we are one namaste

2021-08-07 20:13

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