We. Live in a time of relentless, business, transformation. We're. Connecting customers. Products. People. And data wins. We're, smarter, winds. A time. Where microsoft, technology. Can, help transform. Organizations. Bringing. Together company. And customer. Patient. And provider. Factory and feel service. People. In government. Storefront. And supply, chain. Without silos, without. Limits, just. Customers. Products. People, and data connected. And ready. This, is, dynamics, 365. Microsoft. Business, applications. Unlock. Next. Please. Welcome, CVP, business. Applications. Group James. Phillips, and. CVP. Business, applications, and global industry, Alissa Taylor. Welcome. To Orlando and ignite I'm James Philips I run engineering. For Dynamics 365, and our power platform, my, name is Alissa Taylor and I run our global, product marketing team responsible. For a go-to market for Dynamics and the power platform as well thank. You so much for being here with us this morning the. Goal of today's session is really, to showcase how organizations. Of all shapes and sizes across. All industries. Are leveraging. Technology, to not only disrupt, but to innovate, and to meet the needs of the constant, changing, expectations, of customers and, so. This is important, because industries. Across are, in transition so if I just think of a couple retail. Is one that comes to mind that industry. Has seen more disruption, in the past decade, if you, think about it customers, now expect a. Seamless, experience between, what they what, they get in store and then, what they experience, digitally, and, another. Great example is the financial institutions. I think, that it we used to have bankers, hours we would actually go in and meet with the teller to, access our financial, portfolio, yeah I can remember when tech was the vacuum tube things when you went through the drive-thru with your mom absolutely. You put your cash and your checks in there and make that sucking sound but. Now we. Have to have technology that allows. Organized. To, their financial portfolio, 24, hours a day from, any device across, the globe yeah and, I think you know the tech is cool but, I think the the thing that has to happen is sort of a coming together of IT and, business, absolutely, it's tech is is sort of the enabler but ultimately, if it doesn't move the needle for the business it's sort of like trees falling in the force that no one's there to hear yes absolutely, and it's very much a cultural shift and I think it's one that we are embodying, at Microsoft, as well and we're, looking at not only from the technology, enablement, but, also how do we know how do we get organizations, and individuals, to work together to have an my inside a growth mindset. Absolutely. And so that, that's what we're gonna talk about so for the next hour I'm. Gonna spend time sort of going through with, one of our my, favorite customer actually if I can pick favorites, digital. Transformation, talking about some of the technologies, that we're bringing to bear and. Then I'm gonna come back and I'll talk further about some of the industry trends that we're seeing and we hope between the two of us and our sessions today that. We are going to leave you here with lots, and lots of good information and, to think about transformation. And how to leverage it that's right so I'll see you in an hour okay. So, as. I said I'm gonna try and spend most of the time looking at product looking, at technology, we've we've got a what, I think is a pretty, unique and special session today we've got one customer I'll save that for a minute who it is that's. Going to come out and sort of stay with us through the entire hour, but. This session is of course about business applications, and if, you think about business, apps I mean we for, 40 years business. Applications. Have been used to to. Allow us to engage. Our customers, transform. Our operations, engage, our people, and. They've been relatively, unchanged, right, you think about, you. Know back in 1978. Sitting, in front of a vt100, terminal. Talking to a VAX on the back end a business, application at that point in time looked like forms, that you fill out update. Lead records, update call records it stores data in a relational database and you get information back out in the form of reports you, fast forward to nineteen, collé at 92, you're, sitting in front of the same application, it just happens to be running in a windows fat client talking to a Sun system on the back end you fast. Forward to last year and you open a browser same. Forms. Over, data running. Reports right so unchanged. Pretty, much for all time but we, are, we're. On the doorstep, of fundamental. Change literally, for I would argue for the first time in the history of business applications.
Where. Change, fundamentally. Both. In what's possible, for the business and sort of what's possible in the business applications, that run the business is. Beginning to happen we talk a lot about digital, transformation as, sort, of the buzzword if you will. That wraps all that up into the opportunity, and. I want to talk today about our, point of view on digital, transformation, what, does it mean how do you do it and, try to get a little bit more pointy, than just simply throwing the buzzword around and, so. If. You if you peel, back everything. If you if you just sort of get down to what's really happening, in the world that's different that's allowing, this change to occur the. Thing that's changing, more than anything else is that data is coming out of everything, everything. Every. Time someone, has a mention, on social media every time they update a LinkedIn profile, every time I use a connected, product, every, time a jet lands with a GE. Or rolls-royce engine, and a terabyte, of data uploads, on the performance. Profile, over the course that everything, is, sending. Data and, that. Data if you use it to. Gain intelligence, to gain insight, allows. You to fundamentally. Reimagine. What's, possible for, your business but, it requires a different kind of business. Application, it's not some, human fills out a form to create data and then that leads to the business applications, value the, data comes first in many, cases an analysis. Of that data that's coming from everything leads to this transformation, so this. This. Sort, of scrip flip if you will you know turning turning, the data upside, down having it that's what's really making all of this possible and, as we go through today, you'll. See how, we've leveraged, that reality, to. Go change the nature of customer. Engagement operations. How, you engage your talent etc now. The. Microsoft, cloud, three. Broad, components office. 365, dynamics, 365. And Azure all come, together, and. As a company we've really started to rotate around this digital feedback loop concept, it's a great grounding, and framework, for. Us to think about how we bring all of our products, to bear on behalf of our customers who are trying to navigate these changes, and so, when I talk about Dynamics, 365, I never ever talk, about it in a vacuum it does live in the context, of all of these other capabilities.
That When, used together I, think bring unique value, to our customers. But. It centers on data so let me just talk. A little bit about something SOT you said this morning and highlight, how important, that center, part of the cloud is data and intelligence, so. One of the things that we believe is critically. Important, is, the. Ability to sort of bring. Data together in, a structural, and semantic, form that allows relationships. To be drawn, and in in sort of insights to be gained that, span, across all. Of your applications, you need to understand, which, customer, is using which product, that, was serviced by which employee that, was created. By which supply, chain member. Right and so tying together all, of your business applications in, a way that allows the interrelationships. To be understood, and therefore value, to be created, as super important in with Dynamics 365, we've, built on top of something called the common data service that makes that possible but, it's not just Dynamics, it's office 365, so, it's important to understand the communications. Collaboration. The creativity, and all those interactions, that are occurring also. Related, to those structured business processes, and it's not just office LinkedIn, so, bringing external. Signal and understanding. Not just the relationships, inside your company but how they extend, beyond your four walls and this, morning. Satya, announced with Adobe an S AP that we're making this unified. Data initiative, this open data initiative, available. To the industry and we, as three companies are all, sort of supporting, this ability to bring data together out of our business applications. In this common, form to. Allow reasoning. To occur in value to be extracted. From what is ultimately, the most important, and valuable resource, of any company going, forward and that is your data and so, very excited. For, the open data initiative, to to, sort of come in to market today we've been working on this as you can imagine for, a long time and. It's a big opportunity for you our customers, and for our partners to, go get more value out of your data and, ultimately. That's. Sort of the, key point getting, value out of your data it's one thing to collect a bunch of data and to store it. It's another thing to be able to turn that data into insight and, ultimately into action into transform, processes, and so one, of the things that we'll see a lot of today, is, the application of artificial intelligence the, the, use of cognitive services to. Take data and turn it into insights, and. We believe with Azure we, have the broadest collection, of services, and capabilities to, take data and turn it into insight. And action whether streaming, data Big Data relational, data on-premises. Data or in the cloud our. Collection, of tools to harness data and make value out of it we believe is. Unmatched. And. So. That. Sort of encapsulate. The opportunity, digital, transformation, via the digital feedback loop data, intelligence. The Microsoft, cloud we're going to start to focus now on Dynamics. 365. And, the power platform, again, never, forget, it's part of the bigger picture and as we go through today you'll see LinkedIn. You'll see office 365. You'll see a sure you'll see power bi coming, together but. For a moment let's just focus on Dynamics. 365. And the power platform. So. The, if, you look across Dynamics. We, talk about sort of what's the essence of Dynamics what makes it unique and.
We. We have four characteristics. That we highlight modern, unified, intelligent. Adaptable, I've, talked a lot about unified. And intelligent, the ability to unify, your data and to, unify across. Applications. And processes and. To bring intelligence, to bear against. That data there are two other characteristics. Modern and adaptable, as I'll spend a couple of minutes talking about so from a modern perspective if. You think about. The. Data side you, think about what's powering business applications, data coming out of everything intelligence, being applied if. You go all the way to the other side of the, value chain there. Are the experiences. That are being delivered to take that data, and that intelligence, and to actually render, it to the users of business applications, or your customers, you're. Going to see hololens, today being, used to deliver a completely. Transformed. Experience, that, goes far beyond, simply forms, over reporting, and transforms. The world sitting, in front of a field service worker and so this ability not, just to change the input side, but, to change the delivery of experiences. And applications, is what we mean when, we talk about modern, and it's sort of a core part of what dynamics, is and then from an adaptability, perspective. We'll. Spend some time with the power platform, so, power bi power apps Microsoft, flow allow. You to. Tailor. These applications. And by the way not just Dynamics, 365, but also office 365, so both dynamics, in office today have. As a common. Core the, power platform, which permits, understanding. Your data building, applications, orchestrating. Workflows, and sort, of tailoring these applications. And making them your own or building standalone, applications, atop that same data that's beneath those, application. Families, and. So as we, go through the day two things number one the, digital, feedback loop and how we make that possible and the, characteristics. That make Dynamics. Unique in the industry as part of the Microsoft cloud. And. And we'll sort, of showcase, the the features and the capabilities, that fit each of those categories. Ok. So I talked, about one. Customer, and the. Sort, of how we're going to go through the day and and demonstrate, the the capabilities. That we're bringing to market. And. We're gonna do it again in the context, of this digital feedback loop so I'm gonna I'm gonna sort of walk through each one of these blades as we it kind of looks like a propeller in some ways and so each of these blades customer, product people operations, will. Talk about how the, transformation. Of these processes, is, made possible, the, the thing that I want to land and, then, I think is important, is that, these. Blades do not operate, in isolation, you, know, how I interact, with my customers, are engaged my customers, has a lot to do with what they're doing with my products, if I can observe that through IOT, and in connected, products and services how. I empower. My employees, train them develop, them has a lot to do with their. Experience. Or my experience, and and data about how they're operating right, in the intelligence. I get from observing, them, executing. Our business processes so these are all, related you know bringing these blades together top a common, data core is important. And so in, the past we. Would sort of bring out one customer, to talk about one thing and another customer talk about another but I thought it'd be super powerful to. Bring one customer, out and talk, about how they're transforming.
Their Entire operation across. Customer, product people operations, and. I was super fortunate, to. Develop a relationship with Scott wine who's the CEO of Polaris. We've, spent a lot of time together it's an amazingly, cool company, they've got great products, and. So to talk about what they're doing across. The digital feedback loop on each blade I'd like to welcome Scott wine out on stage. Thanks. James thank you Scott so. We've, spent a lot of time together we've talked about your business and you. Know this this digital feedback loop conne concept. We, had you out in Seattle I think a couple of weeks ago I've been out twice in the last six months. It's. Good and so, as as. We roll this sort, of digital feedback loop concept, out and you and I have talked a lot about what you're doing or across each play I thought it'd be fun to just talk about sort. Of customers, operations. Product, and how Polaris, is transforming, and why don't we start, with customers, well, we everything, we do is about our customers, in fact our our, strategic. Purpose is to be customer, a highly efficient, customer centric, enterprise and what. We've done through the Microsoft partnership. Is use all of the tools you make available to us to get closer to our customers from, taking. Their information in, our CRM system to figure out how they're riding, to helping our engineers. Design the product so really it's been a pretty, remarkable journey, with the companies, we've been you, know started as a transactional. Customer, of Microsoft, and now really embracing. Is you all have transport form embracing, all of your tools as building, blocks to make players a better company for our customers, got it so, what's you know as you think about your customer, base, changing. Needs changing. Sort of viewpoint so how are your customers, changing, with you well you know we're the world's largest power sports company we've got about 4, million customers, in the United States and, obviously, wanted to channel, we have is to reach a younger demographic and, so one way we do that is through technology, and understanding, how, they're riding where they're riding making sure we reach them digitally, not, just with the same you, know television ads that we used to run got it so they're I mean they're our custom to have an apps for everything and and, you guys are engaging I think in that way well and we'll talk more about the product stuff later on yeah really it's also about. Creating the, the database, so we know what that customer wants, me me they expect. Us when they walk into a dealership to understand, what, they're riding history has been how they're gonna ride in you know with the huge, data Lake capability, that we've built with, Azure we, have that information for our dealers ready when a customer walks in got it and you guys have. Both b2c, and b2b right, you sell to, fleets and you also sell to individual consumers the largest, portion of our business is certainly the consumer side we've got a fast-growing government. And defense, business where we sell to a lot of consumer. Meaning business. Like customers, and they're really important, to us because their needs are somewhat specific yeah good, good so, let's let's flip over to operations, and so if you think about your manufacturing, operations, if you think about supply, chain distribution talk about how that's changing, for you well. You know we've been a dynamics. Customer for a long time and I think, I remember when my CTO. Finally, told me that it was owned by Microsoft he, thought I was gonna kill him, no. Because I don't like ERP systems yeah but what we've done know, it but what we've been able to do with. Dynamics. Is in all parts of our businesses, whether it's an acquisition, or our manufacturing, plants we, look at lean manufacturing as. A competitive, advantage and with, the IOT, capability. That we've. Been able to build in our factories your partnership, with PTC, we, get data after, all, parts, of our operational, system and you know in, the future we're very soon future we're, gonna have that digital twin, to have that Product.
Lifecycle. Knowledge. All the way through the customer, journey got it yeah it's I think it's important that you mentioned PDC one of our one, of our great partners and it's, that common, data model that sits beneath everything, that we're doing that allows both Microsoft and our partners to connect your data and create more value, well and we do we, with, that partnership, you know we're able to pokeo or prevent, mistakes from happening in our Factory which gives us ultimately a, competitive. Advantage and it only happens, because of the, way dynamics, has been embedded, in all the things we do in our manufacturing. System and we're just building on that got it ok so we're gonna do something a little bit different here I like different yeah so, we're going to bring, a product out on stage so that people understand, what. It is that that, you guys build and so if we can just sort of fire up this. Arranger, 1000, I. Think. The fire marshal, needs to be here. Come. On out. Nice, job. Welcome. To Ranger 1000. Okay. So, this is, this. Is one of your products tell me a bit about the ranking this is our work utility, vehicle, we have you know, recreational. Vehicles but this is our true work utility, vehicle it is the best, product, on the market by, quite, some friend. It's the we've been in this business since, 1998. And this. Incorporates, all of the customer, learnings we've had along the way it truly, is the best vehicle, players has ever made fantastic. They did hunt we built a new plant in Huntsville Alabama recently, again, we took all of the, dynamics. Capability, to build the system, the infrastructure, for it and I. Was just there last week with Brian Sullivan for CNBC interview we got to see these being made on the factory but one, of the things that you'll see is the ride command, technology, in the vehicle so not only do we use, the, tools to help build the vehicle we produce to provide technology, into, the vehicles so we can actually see where our customers, are riding take, that feedback and make the vehicle better for the next customer fantastic, so I bought 30 acres of farmland. Outside, of Seattle about two years ago and I'm. Getting one of these as, soon as I get on just one just, one. Okay. So I'm going to talk more about the feedback, loop and product thank you so much for joining you thank you very much. Okay. So this wasn't just a trick, to bring this out we're actually going to we're going to use this in, one of the scenarios that we demo to you a little bit later but.
Let Me just talk a bit about the. Transformation. That's happening on this product blade, so. I mean you think about historically. When a product a physical product left a manufacturing, facility or a warehouse and sort of hit a distribution, chain it was gone as far as the manufacturer, was concerned you had to physically, go out or you had that engage in phone calls to, understand, what a customer was doing but as Scott just, articulated. Ride. Command, which is a part of this Polaris. Is, right, there with the writer there's a camera right on the front of this thing there's, GPS there, are applications. In the in the cockpit, of this vehicle, that allow you to connect. Your friends, to send information back, to Polaris, to automatically, post videos on YouTube and so it's a super powerful, connected. Product, that, instead, of being a black hole once it leaves Polaris, is is a source of information about, the, customer and their activities, and their interests, in what they're doing and it serves, in some ways as a social, fabric for, all the folks that are using these vehicles, together and so really really powerful and the, thing that you know one of the things I often hear from, some. Of our customers they look we're not a product company what. Does this have to do with us well, service, companies. Too are almost. Always at this point at, least somewhat, digitally, intermediated. With apps I get, ride-sharing services. By pulling an app out I schedule. A service call with my utility, company by pulling, out an app and so, even service. Organizations. Have, software, applications. That allow customers in the business on the other side to connect, and. That connection, point provides information, about, service, delivery it provides, information about customer, satisfaction, and so, products, and services, increasingly. Connected, and in some ways that's. The, tip of the spear as it relates to the overarching, digital, transformation, journey once you can really understand, your customers, because, you see them using your products, and services now. You can go engage them with far more intelligence. Now you can understand, what's working quality. Wise in your operations, manufacturing and service delivery and so pulling all of this together I would, argue kind of starts, right, there at the product or, the service, okay. So let's move to customer. Engagement. The. Thing that I think characterizes. More than anything else. Digital. Transformation. Is a shift, from, reactivity. To proactivity moving, from someone. Has to call me and tell me something's, broken or I need to wait, until someone walks into my organization before, I can engage them to, a world where we can reach out and touch individuals. Customers, prospects, before, we even know them typically. My first encounter, with the customer, is through an anonymous web, session, where all I see is a cookie profile, on the other side of the exchange. Or a Twitter, handle talking, about my brand somewhere, on social media and so engagement, starts now long before we.
Even Know who the customer, is typically, and the ability to begin to very proactively. Build, that relationship and, begin, to understand, our customers even, before we know them is. Fundamentally. Different and again it starts because data is coming before the apps land, themselves and so, to talk a lot about how Polaris, is using, Dynamics, 365, in the rest, of the Microsoft, cloud to engage their customers Ryan, Martin's gonna come out and do a demo for us come on out Ryan. Thank. You James thank. You hi. So. What, we're gonna look at today is a journey a journey of, one of Polaris customer, they, actually start as an anonymous IP address, and they go all the way through to becoming a lifelong fan, of pilars. And then we're gonna flip it we're, actually going to see how Dynamics, 365, empowers. The employees, of Polaris through each step of the way of that entire process so, I'll jump over here and start as I, mentioned I'm an anonymous IP address, actually, I've been tasked with purchasing a fleet of these vehicles and I start that process by browsing the Polaris website so. What we see here is that I get a really good overview of the features I can look at the gallery but, I'm having exceptionally, busy day and I need to move on so, what I actually decide, to do is follow them on Twitter and once. I do that I go about my day the. Next day I return and I actually see a tweet that talks about a new product that's launching that, really looks fit for our purpose, and they, asked me to go to community, portal to actually engage with them so. What I do here is I go to the community. Portal I can read blogs I can see forums, all kinds of ideas sharing I'm really starting to become excited and an agent reaches out to me as I'm browsing the portal and I could actually have a dialogue with that agent they first ask how, they can assist me and I mentioned that I'm interested in this new product that's, launching so. At that moment they, actually can detect my location and they, can say hey guess what an event, is taking place near. You and if, you ever have the possibility, here to an attender, Polaris event highly, recommended, they're super entertaining you have a great time and you learn a lot about the products, furthermore. I actually, accept, that and they asked me for compliance reasons if it's okay that they passed my details, on to the marketing organization that can invite me out to that event I agree. I consent, to that and they asked if there's anything else that they can help with and I do I have a very detailed question, because, it's about me getting the details I need for, our acquisition, about. The cargo bag capacity of this Ranger and actually. Reply to me and tell, me that it has a cargo bed capacity of just over 680 kilos, so I found the information, I need I actually, attend the event and during, that event pilaris. Sales representative, talks to me and asked him to come visit me so we can actually explain the details behind our needs further and the, sales. Representative, visits, me and using. The product configurator, we actually look at this beautiful Ranger. Here and we go through the features and options to actually work out the spec that we need right as, they start to leave my premises, I'm really happy and I say hey can you provide me with the quotation, and as, they leave the door in my mailbox I immediately. Received the exact, quotation, that I was looking for from them and using. Adobe sign I actually have the ability here to present. This to my board of course but, then digitally signed this quotation. And I become a customer, and at, the moment I become a customer, of Polaris, I also, receive an additional, email welcome. Me to the family and what they're also able to do here is allow, me to register for, warranty so, I've acquired, the fleet I was an anonymous prospect, I went through this very nice journey of attending event I'm now a customer, and a member of their family so.
What Did that actually look like for, all of the Polaris employees, that were supporting, this process well, we're gonna start with the marketing department we're. Actually going to be looking here at Adobe, campaign and a, journey that was defined in Adobe campaign to support the browsing, of the website that we saw earlier but they do a lot more with than that they, defined a lot of marketing activities for example Polaris. L through independent dealers, these dealers needs to be trained they need to have certification. We need to shirt ensure what the showroom set up is going to be all of that being designed in customer, journeys one. Thing you may not have noticed but, when we were talking to the Polaris agents. Portal that, was actually a bot a bot, that's available 24/7. In a multitude of languages and was able to detect my location, pass. On my details to marketing organization and answer. A very detailed question, about, the particular Ranger that we were looking at what. Marketing also did was, qualified this lead and pass, it on to the sales organization, the, sales organization, was, using Dynamics, 365, for sales and all. Of this information was actually passed from Adobe through, the common data service, into, Dynamics, 365. And once. That sales representative, picked up the lead they, had a reason, to act on it and that, reason was actually, managed through predictive, lead scoring this. Was qualified as a grade-a, lead, and assigned, to the sales representative, to take action, quickly because. It has a high probability to close based, on a top 10 scoring reason, that the system computed. Furthermore. As the. Lead was picked up they, immediately, had sales navigator controls. Embedded. In Dynamics, 365, on the main form the first thing they saw was able, to expand the network they, had icebreakers, when they started to talk to that lead they could even go further into that account and find new leads that they could begin to work with or connections. That they could use to utilize within that deal and taking. It a step further as they, began to follow the business process, they, obviously exchanged, phone calls tasks. Email, appointments. Using, the power of dynamics, 365. Office, 365, and Azure, the, system will calculate the, relationship, health it, will look at all of the emails I set all of the appointments we had it'll, even go as far to say how much time have we spent, on this deal how, much time has the customer, spent on this deal what, our response, time is what their response time is giving, me a true idea of the relationship health, and obviously, a quality, of pipeline within the organization, there. Was also one thing the customer never saw within, this process and that, was the fact that they had specific. Customization. Requirements, for the vehicle they were purchasing, so. Using Microsoft, teams and Dynamics, 365, I was, actually able as a sales representative, to interact. With product, engineering, in the context, of the opportunity. In most organizations product. Engineering typically, don't have direct access, to a sales application so, they actually can do this through teams based, on conversations. And file sharing so, in this case they actually provided, me with the PowerPoint. Presentation, that I could then pitch to the customer about, this specific, customization, for the vehicle so. As I mentioned at this, moment they signed that quotation based, on the perfect quotation, we provided them and, we transitioned, into customer, service we, saw that the register, for warranty email went out the customer service manager starts, to monitor all incoming cases, from an omni-channel environment. And a, customer service representative. Actually. Receives that case and through, knowledgebase articles, which we see here on the right-hand side was. Going to make a phone call because, the size of the fleet that was purchased, it was warranty, for I was sorry I was able to offer a free, first service for, that particular, fleet so, making that phone call they obviously use the knowledgebase article, to walk the customer through each one of those steps and that's the end-to-end process, so, let's zoom one, step out here and I'm actually quite proud to stand here and announce Dynamics.
365, AI for sales during. This process we, did see infused, intelligence, within the Dynamics 365, app that, guides the sales representative. Through what they're looking at but, this tool, here that we're looking at is insights. For a sales manager to, manage the health of the organization and to coach the sales team so first, of all we start to see insights like there's 11 days left in this quarter where 87k, below target, okay so, let's view a report that actually supports, that particular, data this, is embedded power bi but, we like to take it a step further and through. Statistical. Modeling and machine, learning, we're actually receiving, here insights, for example, we've been selling, more in Australia than we were last year by 10% if we, drill even further through, that particular process, and we go back to the homepage here we'll, see the health of our pipeline 3, deals are worth. 180, care they're closing soon but they have a poor relationship, health we're. Actually in our inside, sales team using. Cognitive, services able. To track the sentiment, analysis, on all the calls that are taking place are, the, as happy are the conversations, going the way we want are we, listening to the customer enough during that conversation, then. Here as a sales manager I have highlights, of what's going on in the day for, example Ryan just won a deal and it's pretty cool because it was a 5k deal that was at risk of being lost but, it managed to turn it around, additionally. I've got an upcoming one-on-one. With Eric and remember, we had that 87k. Gap. That we were looking to close so, if I look at the sales leaderboard in our organization. Eric's also you know struggling to meet his quota for the quarter, so this is a pretty important, one-on-one for both Eric and us as an organization, so it's like actually, drill into Eric's, scorecard. Here we. Get an overview of the, opportunities, that are at risk for Eric at this particular, moment and we really need to talk about them and, one, thing that the insights provide is on one of those particular deals I personally. Have a connection, at that account and, I can introduce, Eric, to a stakeholder at that account which is going to help him most, likely turn the deal around and help, on that quarter and, furthermore back. To the sentiment, analysis, because Eric is working in inside sales we, see that he's also been lacking, or trending, in a negative sense on the, sentiment, analysis, of the calls that are taking place so perhaps offering him additional coaching and training would be able to turn that around as well so. With all of that being said we've looked at a customer, journey and we've looked at how a i-4 sales can improve a company's health, so with that being said back, to you James and thank you very much. Thank. You Ryan. So. I think the. You. Know the thing I want to highlight on this one I'll do this as we we sort of roll through these is for. This one I think it really shows unified. And intelligent, in some ways you, know the opportunity, to bring data together we saw office 365, data coming in LinkedIn, data coming in Dynamics, 365, data coming in and. Really transforming. The experience, for. Everyone involved the customer, the people that engage the customer, I mean imagine, we. Talked about not liking ERP, early or I'll go pick on CRM, for a minute I mean as as. A salesperson. Who has to use CRM in a prior life. I didn't, enjoy it you know it's all about entering, call records and having someone else look to see if you're doing your job here. This business application, allowed me to get help it connected. Me with someone in my network that could help me move this deal forward, and so the ability to bring data bring. Intelligence. And to transform, that business process ultimately. To, deliver better service, to them. So. Let's move now to. Operations. Critically. Important part Scott talked a lot about the the lean manufacturing and. How they are assembling. Vehicles, and delivering, those through. Their distribution, chain. Transforming. Their supply chain kind, of a dry subject. Traditionally. And you think about the business applications.
Again In that domain, where. You know you're keeping track of inventory items, and, you. Know planning manufacturing. Schedules, we're gonna look now at a demo, that. Completely. Changes. What's possible, and what it means to. Run a modern, optimized. Operation. And to, do that I'm gonna have Kevin Horlick, come out and then Chris and Madison will join him later on in the demo but we'll start with Kevin Kevin come on out. Thank. You thank, you James yep. So. I'm. Gonna pick up this journey from, a sales order I got Peter Sione up from a sales order in finance and operations now. Within finance and operations I need to find the sales order that we were hearing about from Ryan earlier, now, when Ryan was talking about it he was talking about it from the perspective of a sales quotation, and, we, went through the journey of that earlier, with the sales pitch which. Was supported, by a product, engineer. Now. What's significant, to us in this instance, is that because that, quotation, is now being converted into, a sales order within finance and operations as a, product, engineer I need, to respond, to, a change, request, that, was made by the customer, in that pitch. I'm. Confirmed, on screen that I've got the right vehicle, the, one we can see on stage today and during. That pitch the customer wanted us to change out a particular, component. They wanted us to change out the, air intake, they're, going to use these vehicles in a very hot extreme, environment, all the time and they, want to make sure that the engines, will run in a cooler more, efficient, perspective, so. As. A product engineer how do I deal with that I need to be due diligent in there I need to make sure that the change, is appropriate, and I can go out to the sources of data that we have that you were hearing about earlier, across, a multitude of repositories, so for instance. I could. Come across to, my. Release products and. Within. My release products dashboard, I can. See I've got a particular power. Bi dashboard associated. With it and, this. Is actually now taking advantage of the common data service and, the, common data services it's actually drawing data from my production, data it's, looking out to Polaris, its own write command app and I'm also taking the information from the Azurill I of T data and, I'm bringing that all together so I could start to take some insight, so I can start to see immediately where those vehicles are being used, when, they're being used how, we got so many going through production and what the sort of average tech engine temperatures, may well be. But. I can also delve deeper, into perhaps, one of those vehicles so. For instance I could come across to, the azure, IOT central, dashboard and I. Can see I've got a particular vehicle on on display, now I'm looking at all the metrics that are available to me I can even sense and. I suspect you all know this Death, Valley is a rather warm location. Because. I could see that also from the metric that's telling me that running at about one hundred and ninety eight point, five degrees Fahrenheit so it is running at a good temperature there and I can also see other metrics, in terms of engine performance when those vehicles are being used, so. The, customers concern I'm starting, to feel totally, valid how would I go about making that change within finance. And operations so, what. I could do I can. Come back to the sales order and I, can go into the individual, item I need to get to in effect in the Bill of Materials, and. From the Bill of Materials perspective, I, will. Be able to. Evaluate. The. Design. Now, Bill of Materials in effect we can have many versions of a bill of material and it might be appropriate to have one version for that particular customer in, my case I want to go directly into the designer itself, and as, I go into the designer I can start to see a number of pertinent, information so I could start to see the operations, that it's going to go through where we have all the IOT data kind of being, accumulated to date which I'll touch on a little bit but, I can also see I've got the four inch air intake going on as well now, as the, product engineer.
I Need. To model I can model different scenarios, before I make a change and this is where I can take advantage of embedding, some power apps to go out and look at my data that I have in the field so, you can see on screen I've got one for air intake for exhaust for suspension so, I can click into the air intake into the configurator, and it is going to go out to my 0t, data represent. The data that appropriately, for me to help make my decision. So. I'm working at data that is in context, to my role so here the default position is the four inch air. Intake module I could start to see the bottom graph which is where I want to draw your attention to which is running around 210. To 228. M, per ature but. If, I was to actually switch. That to the largest available and, click that across to configure it's going to go back out it's going to grab the right data for, that air intake module now I should just highlight I'm not redesigning, the. Whole new vehicle all I'm doing is a customization. Against. A number of variant, components, that are approved against, this design, and. When that comes back we, can see here that the engine temperature has dropped down to around 175. 185. Range so that's a good sign that the, end that making the change is going to have the right impact that the customer is looking for. So. We're. Going to adjust the Bill of Materials we're going to send a new bomb, to production, off the flow will go and whilst, that is occurring, if, we might move our clock forward a little bit at. Some point the customers likely to get in touch and ask us how, is our order coming along are we going to meet the delivery date and so, from a role perhaps of an internal sales associate, I may, well ask we, asked that question and traditionally, what would we do we, dive into the sales order we'd locate, a delivery, date and we confirm that backers as to what the best is yesterday tis but. If we wanted to be more transparent. Take advantage of the data that we have on the go we, can come across to our production status and, we have an embedded powerup here that, is going out and it's looking at the position of all the operations. Referring. Back to what is actually occurring in relation to our order so, I could start to see how, I've, got 15, completed, I've got 10 in work in progress and I can see a fairly even four across the operations, nothing. Is showing in red everything is in the blue so, I can give that extra kind of comfort back to our customer, and let them know that we are actually in a really good position to deliver on time. Now. Let's wind that clock forward a little bit further we. Have now a very happy customer with, a fleet of these vehicles out in the field and I actually think they're probably a lot of people out there having a great time of those in the desert. We. Have an Account Manager to consider, now that Account Manager is going to be making sure everything. Is as it should be with, their account but they're also going to be looking for opportunity, to upsell something. To the customer, and, that's perhaps where the dashboard. That we touched on earlier where, we can take insights, from a different role perspective, and look at when the vehicles are being used so for instance where my cursor is I'm over in the mid to then evening night time there's a lot of activity, a lot, of activity, with this particular fleet perhaps that, could lead us to a discussion with the customer to indicate, perhaps. We need some light bars to add on to the standard light fitting that we have so. An, upsell, order could result which, is brilliant news so, we've got our 25, new light bars we, can ship those light bars directly, to the customer from our factory.
But. The vehicles, are already with that customer, so we also need to sell some service, time as well so we need to provide a field technician who, may need some, remote assistance. How. We would go about approaching that is by, organizing. For a work order so we can take advantage of c.d.s and. We. Can generate a work order across into field service and, from. A field service perspective we, could be looking at it from a sales, manager perspective, now. That field, service. Manager could be looking at it from a work order, scheduling. Board and they could be thinking well I can manually allocate this or I, can, take advantage of the auto scheduling, either way there's, going to be a notification, sent. To a field technician in the field onto their mobile device and. It could be a field technician such, as Chris. Hey, thanks Kevin. Today. I'm, also joined on stage by Luke, was, a special camera that will allow you to see what I see on hololens. As. A subcontracted. Field technician, I receive. A notification of, a new work order on my field service app it's, got everything I need the, details the job where. To go as well, as any other necessary information. When. I arrive on site I find, that the white bar delivery is already here and I can get started on the first one right away. This. Order included remote assistance, from a player specialist, and. This. Mod is a little new to me and the electricals a little bit different, calling. Remote expert, will help make sure that the install is smooth like, it was right out of the factory. By. Connecting with remote expert, it. Gives them a window into my world and. Not only is a real expert able, to see what I see but they're also able to mark on my world with 3d annotations. Allowing. Us to connect, and collaborate more, effectively. What's. Great here is. That dynamics 365. Has. Provided the work order to remote assist and I, can see all the relevant information from, the work order on hololens. Dynamics. 365, has, even recommended an expert based, on skill set and scheduling. All. Right let's. Give Madison a call. Hi. Chris hey, Madison how can I help well, I'm, here to install the new lights under my fleet and I haven't worked in the electrical, with these models yet so it's hoping you could help me get this first one right yeah. I can definitely help, I've, got your work order here and it says you're working on the Ranger XP 1000, EPS correct, that's, right and. It says you've got the SR series LED light right yeah. And I already went ahead and stalled into the bracket cool, can I take a look at your install before we get started sure. All. Right how'd. I do looks. Great. And, dynamic. Shows on Mayan that the Park Service ordered, the Rangers with an auxilary switch already installed that's. Right okay, let's begin on the electrical. Okay. I was thinking I should install. The harness into the main line here. You. Could but, let's do it just like the factory using the 12-volt bus okay sounds good first. Let's install the wiring harness into this bus, go, ahead and remove the cover now okay. All. Right got it next, snap the relay here, Oh. Looks. Like it's even pre-drilled. Okay. Got it great, now, grab the wire adapter. Okay. We'll replace these leaves with the adapter this, lets us natively connect to the 12-volt bus which you'll see in the wiring diagram take, a look ah. Okay. Now, combine, the ignition lead and positive, lead and crimp them together like, it shows here, to here. Okay. And connect. It to this red lead exactly, and, be sure to remove that yellow ignition lead from the harness you won't need it anymore, okay. All right here we go. Okay. Almost. Got it. Here. We go, all. Right what do you think how did you looks, good go, ahead and plug it into the bus okay, and. Done. Now. You're ready to connect the switch heads, up you don't have to pull the whole dash off just, remove that Center Bay by removing, these two clips oh.
Okay. Well that's easy. All. Right. Go. Here. Alright, switch is connected, nice, work Chris you are all done, reconnect the battery and light it up. Alright. Batteries. Connected here, we go. Whoa. Hassan. Hey. That's. Great hey. Thanks for your help well, only 24. More to go no, problem you've got it from here give me coughing anything else all right will do by Madison Seacrest. Now. That the call is ended and I, finish upgrading, the UTV with the new light I can, close out the work order, this. Automatically, updates dynamics, to reflect that the job is complete what. Time I finish, and it also gives me opportunity, to record anything else that I feel is pertinent. The. Customer can also see this change whose. Power bi is connected to a shared system and they can see that their fleet details have been updated, in real time. This. Completed upgrade shows, to the power of dynamics 365. Combined. With mixed reality, can. Integrate traditionally, isolated systems. Physical. Work share. Data and remote, expertise, come, together to, get the job done right the first, time thank. You. Thank. You what, that was that was crazy I think you know if you think about the the. The, other two characteristics. Of Dynamics 365, so modern, and. The ability to adapt we saw both of those happening, here I mean this is unbelievable if, you think about the, traditional. Field service, business application, support, the technician, would normally come out maybe. With an email maybe, with some printed, out report, about what needed to be done and now the the technician, can literally be with the, expert, back at the factory, hands-on, sort, of heads free or, heads. Up hands-free, repairing. The vehicle. Through. Hololens I mean it's it's a completely, transformed. Business process, made possible, by this this, modern approach to business applications. On. The adaptability, side, I, it was super, powerful to see in the context, of dynamics, 365. Power. Apps that, sort, of tune the experience, specifically. For the needs of Polaris, so, looking, at operations. In a fundamentally. Different way powered, by data. Intelligence. Modern. Experiences. And, adaptability. So. We're going to shift to the to, the last blade in the propeller and talk about empowering, employees and I think you know as we look across the business process, spectrum, this is arguably. The most important, one our. Employees, are ultimately. In, our people what makes our business what, it is and finding. The best people winning. The war for talent in, in, developing, your people as they come into the organization, is what, gives. Us all our competitive. Advantage, and we. Have been very fortunate to to. Partner with LinkedIn, who joined Microsoft, almost. A year ago to. Sort, of sit at the front end of that talent lifecycle. LinkedIn. Is the world's, professional, network it is the place where connections. Are made and where people are sort. Of highlighting, their skills and capabilities, and by leveraging LinkedIn. And, then, sort of moving, forward with Dynamics, 365. On the back of something like LinkedIn recruiter we've got the ability to connect, you with candidates, to, identify, the best people to, onboard those, candidates, into your organization, to make them successful very, quickly and to develop them over the life of their career and, if you think about how that's done again it comes back to data and it comes back to intelligence, and transformed, experiences, it's one thing to keep a list of people who've, contacted you, and sent resumes, and indicating, they want to join your organization it's, another to be able to go out and proactively, find. The best candidates, and then engage, them in a modern process. Bringing. Them into your organization, and having, them join you and become, productive. Very quickly and to develop them over the course of their career so to take a look at LinkedIn.
Recruiter Joined. With Dynamics, 365, for talent I'm gonna ask Lydia Williams to come out and do our last demo Lydia. Thank. You. Great. News we've, actually received so many new sales orders from customers recently, that we're going to need to go ahead and hire some new engineers. Into the organization. To be able to deliver those sales orders, for our customers, I'm. A hiring manager I manage, a team of field engineer's, and I've, received the go-ahead to bring, some new candidates, in to, find someone to join my team let's. Take a look at how using, dynamic suits it's five battalions and LinkedIn, recruiter I, can, find, some potential candidates, bring, them in for interviews, identify. Who is the best match make. Their comic compelling, offer and ultimately. Onboard them for success within my organization. So. As I said I've been given the go-ahead to start to identify some candidates, and the first thing I want to do is make sure that my job of it actually. Represents, my team from. Both a skill level but also make, sure those individuals, that come in for interviews are going to be a good cultural, fit for my team I can. Jump straight into dynamics through six five four talents and start, to personalize the job to make sure that I'm happy with it personalize. The skills that were identifying, and the, job description. The. Next thing I'm gonna do is identify my, hiring team and it's, typically a challenge as a member of a hiring team you, might feel disconnected you, don't have the information that you need about candidates. And, you'd be lucky to receive a resume, the night before an interview but, what I can do is I can identify those. Key members, straightaway, on day, one so. That as we start to interact with candidates, the, hiring team has one place to go to get a really clear understanding of, the different candidates, that were interacting with. The. Next thing I'm going to do is personalize, my process, this, is really simple drag and drop the key stages. Of my process which. Might be an assessment and interview. And I've actually included, in mine including. Skype details. If I want to interview any candidates remotely, I'm. Then going to post my job out to LinkedIn, and it's, at this point that I would hand over to my recruiter, and my recruiter can use LinkedIn recruiter to. Source candidates, from across their professional, network, now, they've started taking, a look at Mattie's profile, and she looks like a good match for the role they, can see her full profile, but, what's more they can actually see, any interactions.
We've Had with Mattie previously. We. Can see any jobs that she's applied for and the stages, that she achieved, we, can see notes against, her record and, we can even see interview, feedback, about why she may or may not have been successful, in a role previously, so. This means that my recruiter, has full. Visibility of, our relationship, with Mattie and they, can then go ahead find, the job that she's related to and, easily. Push her out to, that job directly, with indictments three six five four Talent, now. If I come back to being the hiring manager or a member of the hiring team I can, now see every, applicant, who is applied for the job directly. Within Dynamics two six five four talent and as, we receive a really, high volume of applications, I want, some help and support identifying. Candidates, who are a good match for the role and using. Machine learning dynamics. V65 the talent is going to go ahead and identify the, candidates. Who have the greatest skill, match for the role by, looking at the skills that I've identified in, my job description. And comparing them to the skills in everyone's, application. And it, looks like Mattie is a match for the role so I can now jump into her application and, the, first thing I can see is a LinkedIn, profile, I can understand, all of the information that she shared with her professional, network and I can also see any notes from my recruiter. The. Next thing I can see is her resume, which, means I don't need to jump out to Outlook to find that file that was shared with me by the, recruiter. So. I think Mattie is a match for the role so I'm going to go ahead and bring her in for an interview. Interview. Scheduling, is a very manual process, literally. A case of going into different outlet calendars, and trying, to find a time that works for maybe three or four members, of an interview team but. Using dynamic suits it's fine for talent I can automate, that process I. Can choose whether it's a panel interview or one-to-one whether. To include Skype details, and in, real time the solution is going to go away look, at their outlet calendars, and tell me the best time for everybody, to meet with. And I can simply push that out to the hiring team and they can accept or reject it from directly within office 365. Now. On the day of the interview we, all come in and meet with Matty and we decide that she's a match for the role I want. To be able to come in and record my feedback, but. I don't want to have to do that on my laptop I don't want to have to do that connected to corporate network so, we've made it really simple, with Dan emeritus it's five for talent I can, pick up my mobile on my way out to the interview as I'm commuting home record. The feedback while it's fresh in my mind and in, this case I'm gonna say that we recommend, her for the role now. What's great is once I've recorded, my feedback I can then see the feedback of the rest of my team and, the reason we do it that way it's because we wanted to give everybody the opportunity to. Share their honest feedback in, an unbiased format, but, then get to see whether we agree on whether Matty should be brought into our team, now. We've decided she's a great match for the role she's a really good cultural, fit and she has the skills that we need so. We want to go ahead and make her an offer and using, offer management, within Dynamics ooh six five four talents I could automate, this process pull. In all of the key information into. A contract, ensure, that it's complied, by using our templates, and then really easily send this off to Matty, to sign electronically. Matty's. Received the offer she likes to look at the package and she's gonna sign it electronically. This. Is the point in lots of organizations. Where they decide okay the hiring process is over we found a candidate, they've signed an offer brilliant. But, actually we're seeing it slightly differently, and seeing, this is really the start of our hiring process. Because. There could be between a few weeks and a few months before Matty actually, joins the team on day, one so. We want to bridge that gap between accepting. The offer and turning up on her first day at work by, sharing an onboarding, guides that, starts off with a welcome message welcoming. Her into our organization. And then. Starts, to allocate out activities, some. Tamati so that she's all set up for her first day at work but, also some for other members of the team and I've, included for example a video tip so she can learn more about our vehicles, but. One of the great benefits, of working for Polaris is that, every new employee has, the opportunity to use a UTV, for, 12 months, so that they can understand, and be part of the riding culture within Polaris, and also, importantly, share feedback, about the, vehicles, directly, to the organization, so, I've embedded a powerup she, can come in look at the specs for every different option and then ultimately order.
Her UTV, so, that it's ready for when she joins the organization on, her first day and. The, final thing I've done is started, to introduce her to some key contacts. Dynamics. 365 for talent, it's gonna look the, individuals, that I network, with regularly, who, are important, for Mattie to me when she joins her organization. It's, gonna suggest them I can add them in his contacts, so that I know when, Marty joins on day one she's already built out a strong network within my organization. So. Using dynamic c65 for talent and LinkedIn recruiter I've, been able to find, great candidates, bring, them in for an interview identify. Who is a great fit for our team get. An offer signed by them and ultimately, set them up success, onboarding. Them into Polaris, thank, you very much. Thank, You Lydia so. You. Know once again it just it's it, all comes back to, data. Intelligence. The, ability to pull all of these systems together it's sort of the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts and. In this case the ability to find the right candidate, engage. Them convince. Them to join and then the, thing that I thought was such. A Google, demo is this power app that's embedded and man it can you imagine working for Polaris and getting a device. As part of your, onboarding. It's it's it's, pretty amazing and and all of that made possible, because we've. Got this power platform. That. Sits beneath dynamic. 365. And allows for this built-in extensibility. Integration. And, the ability to engage with data via power bi and so we've we've kind of covered I said it was our last demos last demo of Dynamics, 365, and we've spanned. Customer. Product people operations, we've looked across marketing, sales service, operations, finance and talent now. I want to talk a bit about that power platform. Layer, because. Ultimately, you. Know no business application, is ever exactly, what, you need it to be every. Company has their own unique processes. Selecting. A Polaris, as, an employee is certainly unique to Polaris, and the ability to create, these unique, experiences. To tune these applications. To make them just what you need them to be is part, of what makes Microsoft. Business applications, special, and it spans power, bi power, apps Microsoft, flow I think about it in some ways as measure act automate. Power. Bi allows you to understand, and measure business, outcomes, power apps allows you to create experiences to, act on those measurements, and you can automate business processes. With Microsoft, flow and as I said before this. Is a connected, platform, that is now also you know sort of part of and built into both office, 365, and Dynamics, 365, on top but. Connect it down to a shore beneath and so, you've got this low code no code you, know highly effective.
Platform. For, customization, and extensibility, but, with no cliffs you can always drop down into Azure functions, as your app service logic apps and pull all of that technology back up into the power platform, to, then inject in to these. Business applications, and so, to take. A little, bit deeper, look at power apps I'm going to have Ryan Cunningham, come out and show how that particular, Polaris, power app was created inside of Dynamics 365, welcome. Right Cheers. Morning. Everybody. So. I want to zoom in on power apps here and we've been seeing it all morning, we saw Talent, we saw it in finance and operations it is throughout Dynamics, 365, the platform, we're using to customize and extend business apps I want to look at this through the lens of this awesome program we've been talking about the, Polaris, owned unit, program, pou I don't know what your experience, was showing up at your company on day one I I came to Microsoft they handed me a t-shirt and a water bottle I. Mean. I was excited to be here but come on you walk into Polaris, tomorrow his first day in play they say well you take on one of these bad boys that's, pretty awesome right but fulfilling, that, program, that's. Non-trivial, I mean you're talking, 12,000. Employees globally across, dozens of the corporate locations, across, multiple continents, they can cho
2018-10-03 14:27
Awesome, Awesome digital transformation with Dynamics 365, Power BI, PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, HoloLens, Remote Assistant, AI, Bot and more, thank you