Positioning yourself least likely to get exploited | The Mastery Series

Positioning yourself least likely to get exploited | The Mastery Series

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different ways that these markets will lure money out of you both financially but also mentally and they just have to break one of these sites either your mental side if your mental side goes your financial side will go to if you finance the side goes your mental side will go too they just have to break one of them our goal of breakthrough trading is to build software that helps humans that helps people because we have a vision that everyone will be a traitor in the future everyone will become a trader but no one is equipped to it if you don't show up in these markets like it's the olympics and you're the best of the class you don't stand a chance it's just a matter of time until it gets you the problem is if your account bound to keep growing and you haven't learned these lessons yet by the time you lose that account balance you will feel like you just lost life and to some people that would be everything big moves happen when everyone is wrong and they have to get out at the same time that's where you get a big move hey guys this is asking from breakfast trading and i thought it was about time that i made a new video for you all since roughly november i've been trading actively and taking a lot of notes on what went really really well for me and what went not so well for me i have achieved a much better understanding of what's going on in the markets than i i previously had and i feel like i'm up guys obliged to share this information so there's a couple of key points that i want to go through today it's actually a pretty long less than a half of very insightful information it's it's all about communicating towards you guys that is my real challenge so i hope you'll stick for me and then and listen to me about what is i have to say now this this is trading on a vastly higher level um it doesn't mean that a beginner can't watch this video but you have to understand that before you even will get to these issues yourself you have a lot to overcome yourself first and those are just like basic basic stuff that you need to get to so this is a bit more advanced video um for people who've been training a longer time who who understand the challenges that uh will be a hat and that will always be ahead because that's my first point for every level there's another devil for every level there's another devil so you understand as you climb towards your career as becoming a professional trader you have to understand that every time every time something goes right for you every time that you step forward there will be another devil for you to challenge there will be another boss that you need to there'll be another there'll be something else for you to work on you are never safe there are always something out to get you and it's the minute that you think that you're safe that you're not safe and we saw this during the weekend when we had a huge liquidation event i think we had 9.2 billion dollars liquidated across crypto and 9.2 billion dollars in crypto liquidations in a single day it's like it is so large that you just you it's like it's hard to even understand where all this leverage came from but it's very obvious it's just people who are just bored and you know they're locked at home they can't go outside because of carbon everyone is participating in in in crypto everyone and they're using a lot of leverage because it's fun you can make that money money um it it it feels exciting it's it is a great escape you know it's a great escape from whatever else is going on in their life so 9.2 billion dollars liquidated that

is such a huge amount that is just like it's it's probably close to like a million people okay a million people who lost everything on their account everything you had multiple of these coins just die 30 40 50 in uh minutes where they just temporarily just die and this is this is not accidental these are events that clever people have been waiting for they've been waiting very carefully because they have they possess the skill that you do not patience and what they've been waiting for is exactly the scenario where you'll have a build up of leverage across you know let's look at daily let's look at daily for this you have a market right and it's in complete bull market mode meaning it's it's just going up up up and up right and once you have these markets like this it's not this this really goes when you market there comes a time where the market makers are fully aware that you as a retail trader has been conditioned over and over and over for nearly a year okay this is since october really that the only thing you should do is buy the dip meaning that every time you get a pullback you buy it and you can buy it with high leverage if you buy for a high leverage you'll make a lot of money right so over over a series of months it's like sheep people are conditioned to keep buying every time it goes down and if it goes down a little bit well they buy they keep buying until it stops going down right and for the majority of the time this will work in a bull market in a strong bull market which is rare you don't have these bull bikes all the time in a in a sideways market this does not work and you'll get punished for it you know you know in in a bear market you this definitely does not work but in a bull market like this you are conditioned to learn that all you gotta do is a don't touch the short button don't short b by the dip when it comes so people naturally get used to this and they leverage up and they start to see other people showing off you know how much money they're making and so on they get greedy get into an euphoric state if a state of envy they want what someone else has an enemy leads to losses and i can only talk about this so clearly because i i understand this process fully myself as i went through this four years ago and it can be really really difficult to to successfully make money in your first bull market like in the first crypto run in the first time that market starts to boom in front of you let me rephrase that you can very easily make money in those markets you can very easily but very very few people get to keep what they made at the end of it that is the key difference between people who've seen it before and practiced and traded it and then people who are new and in and for sure we got a lot of newcomers to seeing crypto absolutely and they all being taught a very very very difficult lesson that's going to take them weeks months if not years to recoup from mentally and financially so let me go to the next point on my list [Music] positioning yourself least likely to get exploited what do i mean by that let me just write it here positioning yourself least likely to get exploited that's the first one position yourself least like to get exploited so what does this mean there's two aspects to this okay so we're gonna let's use this drawing tool there's two poles here all right um this one we're gonna call m and that's what we call f so this is mentally okay what you're seeing here is basically a path to your mental health this is a path to your finances now when you participate in the market there's two ways they can get you one is they can get to your head [Music] two they can get to your finances so as a human as a human operator in this world you have two entry points that can kill you this one you don't think so much about this one you think about all the time but this is the one that gets you and for season traders they will have a much better idea what this is but for beginners it will be it will be very difficult for them to understand when they are no longer in control of their own mind they they are not mentally equipped to be taken over by greed and euphoria while operating something that can have life life-changing [Music] choices for them okay so what do i mean by this mentally and financially how how how can i lose my time okay so when we perform traits there are always well almost always opportunities available to us the question is if we are willing to wait for them right it's on gold right now we can see a goal of just crosstalk bullets is about to maybe it'll go a little bit up maybe it'll just be something like this or something like that we'll see but for now it's crossing out to be a little bit worse right and our strategy is showing us okay we we will be buying here that's great we love to buy here but before gold gets back to it's gonna take two days so what we're gonna be doing for two days we're just gonna sit and watch no [Music] no we impatient stupid humans we're not gonna sit much we're gonna we're gonna go to a lower time frame and find a setup available right so what do we see well we see gold trading into resistance here right now so what could you do you could maybe perform a trade here you can make performance right here here right you could also be really really really naughty and perform a short trade from here to here all right what would be so bad about that would that be so terrible yeah you should you're going against the trend but it's a new trend and so on you could probably pretty easily with your smart mind you can probably easily justify this trade for yourself so what's happening while we're doing while this while you're sitting here and you're switching through the different time frames you know looking for opportunities looking for ways that you can acquire capital fast looking for ways for you to make money while you're doing this what you don't understand is that in your head at the same time and i think we'll just make like a line like this and let's duplicate this and then we'll do that and give it a little bit of blue forget about the border [Music] while you while you're doing this activity of looking for setups looking for opportunities in the market your mental your mental bar your mental energy bar will slowly deplete let's say you start here right and you put on one setup it's a loss okay let's try another one it's a loss oh you're like okay let me go find a different market maybe it's a win even if it's a win this is not going to move anywhere if anything it still go down because you're using some you're using so much energy on i'm trying to do the right thing and trying to be engaged in the mind trying to make money from the market trying to make bread for yourself right uh you're trying to make something happen because you have dreams you have aspirations so the problem is as you slowly deplete your mental energy you get fatigued and you just run out you just you run out of you run out of being able to control yourself you run out of having the ability to determine what is a good trade what is a bad trade and what that means is that by the time by the time that the real setup comes and the market has actually moved from here let me get that right so from here to here by the time i actually get here you have already lost you already lost all the mental capital that was required or maybe you're short for some reason you ended up being short on this and you were supposed to be long down here and you ended up showing this here and you're completely depleted you don't have the energy to actually execute the trade that mattered because you were too busy you were too busy chasing small opportunities with low probability because because it's exciting and it's fun but that's not why we're here guys this is not about entertainment okay the second you think this is about entertainment is the second that you get complaints complacent and you lose all your money just like it happened during the weekend to all all those people they if you ask them now do you think that john thought it was a good idea to be 30 times leveraged on dodge coin no but he didn't know better or he or he actually knew better but he was so busy he was so he had been keeping his mind so busy trying to trade these low probability setups that by the time by the time the real opportunity came along like buying bitcoin at 50k or getting into futures positions that's heavily discounted over eight percent where you could make free money you know by the time the real opportunity showed up they were already done either financially let me see if i can find it either financially or mentally or both so what happened let's get back to the question positing yourself least likely to get exploited so what happened well this poor human being this poor human being all all that he was doing is he was trying to make a bit of money for himself but he got lost in the low time frames executing poor traits he used all of his mental energy and this and and in a sense what really just happened is that the market just ate him do you understand the market is fully aware even the big boy is fully aware of all the small degenerate traders that is trying to make money on every single move that's an opportunity on right the market is fully aware of this they know people are engaged they know they are leveraged they also know that they just need to wait for the right moment for all of those people to lose simultaneously because remember guys [Music] big moves don't happen when everyone is right big moves happen when everyone is wrong and they have to get out at the same time that's where you get a big move so when you trade you need to keep in mind that you have this energy bar i think i already deleted but you have this energy bar with only certain amount of limited energy per day for you to execute your trading plan for you to do your disciplinary task for you to to to trade the best you can while keeping in mind that you are human and it's so easy it's so easy to exploit you you understand it's so easy in these markets to just lead you on the wrong path all wave a couple you know just it's it's it's the dream you know it's a dream cocktail it's like you're dreaming of what you're gonna do with this money and if you had this money and you could do that and and your mind is wandering all these places away from what really matters away from risk management away from rational or way away from you know this it's like many people will be asking themselves today and tomorrow maybe for the rest of their lives like why did i why did i launch this coin with leverage and so on what did how did it happen how did it happen i do not understand you got exploited you got mentally exploited you are not prepared for this world you have to understand when you come to trading the people out here my job is to take your money in this game that that is what i'm here to do i don't know who's on the other side of my trades and we don't know we never know who's on the other side of our trades when we take them but someone is and i don't care what dreams aspirations that you have when i am taking your trade in the moment if you're buying into resistance in a in a bear market and i'm selling it to you [Music] doing that for a reason and i don't care what your reason is i care about my reason you have to understand this is as cynic and brutal as it gets and if you want to go up against me in trading you gotta understand that if you're not the one making a mistake then i'm the one making mistake and you need to ask yourself who is making a mistake in this very moment who's making a mistake buying whatever coin at whatever price that has gone up a thousand percent in the previous two weeks like who who do you think is making a mistake buying that even if it has room to go even if it has room to do another 10x who is making the mistake and you know who you know it deep inside it's just that you had materialized it in your head you hadn't thought about it and this is what i talk about positioning yourself least like to get exploited mentally and financially so we talked about mentally you get lost the low time frames you try to execute trades and maybe the market is just chopping upside you know up down up down up down whatever it's just going sideways you're getting lost in it instead of waiting for the real opportunity to buy the extra level you should buy you're getting chopped up today in in bitcoin here for example like in like a perfect parallel to b would be like here with 90 probability i can tell you that just buying this level here would be extremely profitable but there's a lot of people today they just what they choose to do is that they choose to engage with the market inside this little range that it's making here right so you have a bunch of dogs that's now out fighting with each other trying to decide where this is gonna go you know they're doing uh market market long when it's going up and they're going market short when it's going down they're buying the top and they're selling the bottoms right i'll show you starting the bombs buying the tops and i'll do this again and again and again well all you should do what would really like wait for it to come down here don't engage with it up here don't engage with it here don't engage with it here engage with it when you have a high probability trade right because if you engage with it while it's doing all this here that's not a clear trade that's not an obvious trade that's not like well then you're no better than the rest you're just another rat in the rat race no what you have to do is you have to wait for the rats to fight it out and once they fought it out and they found a loser winner well if the longs wins it will go up if the short wins will go down it's your job to wait for that for that conclusion and then buy it when it gets there that's your job your job is not to get lost inside of this and that unfortunately is a lot of people it's what they're doing [Music] positioning yourself least likely to get exploited holy this was only one thing on my list and i have i don't know 15 more [Music] okay now on to the financial part of it so let's say we want to buy this yes if you want to buy this right [Music] you got to put a trade together where if the trade fails it's because that your whole idea of what is going on is invalidated you do you cannot afford to lose a trade on getting ricked out like as an example let me lower this here right this is a bad trade setup right here right now because it is entirely possible this is a neutral level it's entirely possible for this market to do this and take your stop loss before it hits the tp why is that possible well because this is not a single point this is an area this is a song what's that and that zone can easily extend to down here it could actually even extend probably even extend all the way down to here right but you don't know that yet because you don't understand marketable utility you haven't gotten to the point where you really got a understanding of flow for the market [Music] and and this will take time to learn this will truly take time to learn but we built some great tools you know we put some really really good tools into navigator to help you control your risk find high probability setup not get lost in low time frame action you know low probability setups we've been working on this for years because when i four years ago got completely devastated in the market and lost everything to my name basically it was not small it was massive i still think about it every single day just like these people will be thinking about this every single day and you should you don't have to be a trainer it's very important you don't have to be a trader but you have to understand if you do want to be a trader and you decide this is what you want this is who you want to be this is what you want to do you have to understand you're going to go through several of these cycles hopefully hopefully you'll be trading with us on navigator because we built out some really great tools to make sure that this does not happen to you and they're about to get a lot better as well because when this happened to me i [Music] i realized that this i wasn't the only one this was going to happen too and i not only i realized i was the only one had happened to this time i realized how many this is going to happen to in the future because most people they get engaged with trading and it might it might be an investment that turns into you know a trading balance instead that's usually how it goes but it usually also ends with someone losing all that money the problem is the greed that falls and they end me and they aim and all those human emotions that are so hard to tackle it's so hard to control and so hard to get rid of because the first thing you want to do after you lost your entire account is you want to deposit again to get it back you want to revenge straight to get it back and humans are built in a way where if we lose something really really precious to ourselves the emotional pain that our brain gives us simulate exactly the same same kind of pain as physical pain because you see when humans were designed if you will i'm not i'm not a believer but let's just say it's an ai or a god or whatever it is when humans were designed they made sure they made sure that whatever emotional pain we would feel it would feel as intense as physical pain because that is how we were taught to survive when 10 000 20 000 years ago you know when we were cavemen walking the earth for food you couldn't afford to lose your let's say you're [Music] you're just a guy you know you're just a guy it's 10 000 bc you're walking around on this crazy planet you barely have clothes and you're just trying to get some food you find some berries you find some mushrooms you're having a pretty good life maybe somehow you catch a fish right you got like a got like a good good basket of food that's gonna and this is you know essential for you to survive because you need this who knows if if you're gonna be able to catch fish next time or get berries or whatever so it was taught it was designed into us as humans that if we lose that basket of food that almost certainly means death you just don't recover from that you just this you just you don't come back from that see humans were decided this way that we can not lose anything we cannot lose valuable stuff valuable anything whatever it is we cannot lose it and if we do it it could mean death and this mechanism is still deeply encoded into ourselves maybe it's been ten thousand years but i promise you the human the human dna hasn't changed that much and all these basic functionalities still deeply rooted in us so when you lose those ten thousand dollars that you made which was you know 90 of your net worth maybe and you were gonna i don't know maybe you were gonna buy a car with that maybe you were gonna pay off some debt with that maybe you were finally able to to pay back that loan or that student loan you wanted to pay back and maybe you even told your friend who you wanted to that that money was coming it was secure you had it it's coming and now you couldn't do it that emotional pain for that human is unparalleled and it will feel as painful as he was about to die because that is how we designed so when we trade guys you have to understand there are programs there are market makers there are coins designed to trick your basic human brain into these different states where you're no longer in control not your rational mind at least not your neocortex no your uh your reptile brain your old brain the oldest brain we have the brain that can't even talk the brain that when you get so mad you don't you can't even talk that brain how old is brain but also very reliable to survive in dangerous situations but just completely for trading you have to understand there's programs in the markets designed to trigger this in you and then take your money afterwards that's how that's how devious this is this is not a playground for child for children or child or this market will take everything you have and more if you let it so i was remembered this weekend why we built breakfast because we have a vision that everyone will be a trader in the future everyone will become a trader but no one is equipped to it so we're trying to build safety protocols strategies a mechanism that gives us a chance to fight against these markets mechanism that allows us to ride these trends and when it's no longer safe it will keep us out and when you are no longer safe as a human it will keep you out i'm sorry for dragging this so on and on but i think it's important to understand that our goal of breakfast trading is to build software that helps humans that helps people helps people because you have to understand why i just told you all this about markets and different ways that these markets will lure money out of you both financially but also mentally and they just have to break one of these sites either your mental side if your mental side goes your financial side will go to if your financial side goes your mental side will go to they just have to break one of them right just one of them [Music] it's just really important to me that people are not put in the same position that i was in years ago you hardly stand a chance if you're just operating on your own if you if you're not applying risk management and the tools and strategies to how you go but if you if you don't show off if you don't show up in these markets like it's the olympics and you're the best of the class you don't stand a chance it's just a matter of time until it gets you the problem is if your account bound to keep growing and you haven't learned these lessons yet by the time you lose that account balance you will feel like you just lost life [Music] and to some people that would be everything they will they might not have any friends they might not have anyone to talk to if if that's the case these human [Music] emotional hijackings [Music] can just be so violent it can be so damn fatal you know so that's why we set out to build the software breakthrough training is to help people this is also a really really great time to become a trader because we're going into an inflationary economy and what that means is that everything is going to rise in price um you might not see it yet but very soon you'll start to see that food prices going up all around you and everything will slowly start to increase in price and this is an effect of how money is being how monetary policy is being administered and it's not healthy but that is the situation we're in so that's what we're gonna that's what we're gonna run with it right now if you're determined to make this if you determine that you want to become a trader and this is what you want to do have understanding for that this is going to take some time if and what i mean is that i know our strategy mode delivers some fantastic results and it's it's sona is put really well together and finds some exceptional good traits right but the real challenge really comes after this i really hope we can do everything we can to prepare you and the the next generations of traders for this because it should not be possible to make such a fatal mistake in training that it can potentially cost your life and everything you have it should not be possible but here we are and unfortunately this is one of the few jobs in the world that can put you out completely so next time guys we're gonna talk about the stages of a traitor at this different stages of a trainer that he goes through as he becomes as he learns the ropes as he starts to understand what's going on and i'm looking forward to doing more of these videos and i'm sorry if there's a very dramatic tone today so on it's it's this is something that's touching me really close to heart and it's probably also why i woke up with such energy today that i was like we need people need this we know people need this and sometimes sometimes it's easy to forget you know when you're just sitting and just working every day on the same project sometimes sometimes you lose sense of why is it that you're doing it and you need a reminder and we got that reminder we so as hell got that reminder yesterday [Music] so i'm looking forward to kicking ass working with the best team i ever been in to create even better software that can help more people keep more people safe [Music] and give people a chance to ride this huge inflation that's coming you know that that's going on across different currencies and make money from it because that's the best that's the good news okay let's end this video on some good news so the good news guys is that when we have these markets and and they are constantly trading against here for example we have gold here as being trading against the u.s dollars now gold has just been in like a downtrend for quite a while it's been pretty pretty sad to be honest maybe this is it maybe it's not but this is uh this is a hint that this could be something so we'll see it has a good chance to take back 2000 in the future if it can hold this level if you can hold 1750 it's a good chance we'll see 2k again in my opinion what actually happens of course is is entirely uh we will see in the future but what you have to understand is that this market is being traded against the u.s dollar right now they have increased the u.s dollar um i think i think the total supply of u.s dollars was increased about 40 in one year and that's also why a lot of assets has gone up so rapidly in price gold included but you have to understand if we know that the federal reserve is going to print around 50 percent of the usd [Music] u.s dollar per year

the next four years they're going to increase the circulation of the us dollar by 15 if we know this that means we can also use it to our advantage all we got to do is we're going to find a strong trending market that has established itself and we're just going to keep buying the dip we're not going to be engaged in low time frame in low time frame until we really have a good idea of what's going on and when we do engage in low tone in low time frame markets uh sorry low time frames but when we're doing gits we're going to keep in mind of our own mental fatigue we're going to keep in mind that our we have two ways that we can lose mentally and financially if one of them goes both goes right so i want you to really keep this in mind and i want to understand that this is a great time to become a trader but for every level that's not a devil and if you think you're just jumping into this and you're gonna be rich from day two that's not that's not that's not what we're doing what we're doing here is potentially building you to become an independent trader where you have a skill set that can feed yourself for life not only you but your family and everyone around you it's gonna take time it's gonna take work everything in life that's worth doing takes work we made it significantly easier for you to become a trainer to become an independent that i can do this but it still takes a lot of work but if you do want to make it and this is for you i'm looking forward to talking to you guys next about stages of a trade up okay have a great day guys [Music] you

2021-04-26 03:06

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