Pompeo delivers remarks at State Department

Pompeo delivers remarks at State Department

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To turkey. To georgia israel, got her to turkey. To georgia, israel, gutter the uae. And to saudi arabia. The conversations, will differ obviously, in each country many different things to cover. But i'm sure many of them will focus on this administration's, historic, efforts to forge peace and cooperation, throughout. The middle east saudi arabia. The conversations, will differ obviously, in each country many different things to cover. But i'm sure many of them will focus on this administration's, historic, efforts, to forge peace and cooperation, throughout. The middle east. That leads me to my big theme today. The trump administration, has had enormous, success. In marshalling, coalitions, of like-minded, nations. For the good of america and for the entire east. That leads me to my big theme today. The trump administration, has had enormous, success. In marshalling coalitions, of like-minded, nations. For the good of america and for the entire world. As one example, just three weeks ago. We continued our unprecedented, defense of the unborn, by signing the geneva, consensus, declaration. Alongside, 32, other nations. I'm especially, proud. Example, just three weeks ago. We continued our unprecedented. Defense of the unborn, by signing the geneva consensus, declaration. Alongside, 32, other nations. I'm especially, proud. That we made religious freedom a top priority in the united states foreign policy for the first time in america's, history. Our efforts are gaining, momentum. We're building. They're getting a momentum that is all their own on november 16th. That we've made religious freedom a top priority in the united states foreign policy for the first time in america's, history. Our efforts are gaining, momentum. We're building. They're getting a momentum that is all their own on november 16th, and 17th. Poland will host the third ministerial, to advance religious. Freedom or belief. This, virtual event. Uh on the heels of the. 2018-2019. Ministerials, which were hosted here in, washington, poland will host the third ministerial, to advance religious. Freedom or belief. This, virtual event. On the heels of the. 2018-2019. Ministerials, which were hosted here in, washington. The state department. Are the largest human rights, events ever held here at the state department. Albania. Morocco, taiwan. The united arab emirates. And colombia. Have all held follow on, the state department. Are the largest human rights, events ever held here at the state department. Albania, morocco, taiwan. The united arab emirates. And colombia. Have all held follow-on events, as well. And the international, freedom, or belief alliance, that i launched in february of this year. Now has blossomed into 31, member states, and growing. Next week i'll have a. Very. In the international, freedom, or belief alliance, that i launched in february of this year. Now has blossomed into 31, member states, and growing. Next week i'll have a. Very special opportunity to participate, in a virtual alliance ministers meeting, to solidify, our plans for future action. Action in the religious, freedom space. You know we're building out coalitions, too that share our values in the economic, special opportunity, to participate, in a virtual alliance, ministers meeting, to solidify, our plans for future action. Action in the religious freedom, space. You know we're building out coalitions, too that share our values in the economic, sphere. In recent, weeks under secretary, keith crock has traveled to more than. A dozen countries to bring freedom-loving, countries and companies together in the clean network. A group that pledges to use only trusted vendors, in their 5g, in recent weeks under secretary, keith crock has traveled to more than.

A Dozen countries to bring freedom-loving, countries and companies together in the clean network. A group that pledges to use only trusted vendors, in their 5g. Networks. I'm happy announced, we have almost 50, clean countries, today representing. Nearly 23. Nearly two-thirds. Of the world's, gdp. 170. Networks. I'm happy to announce we have almost 50, clean countries, today representing. Nearly 23. Nearly two-thirds. Of the world's, gdp. 170. Telephone, companies telcos. Have agreed to be clean. And many of the world's leading companies are on board. It includes 27, of 30 nato allies. 31, of 37, oecd, members. 26, of 20s telcos. Have agreed to be clean. And many of the world's leading companies are on board. It includes 27, of 30 nato allies. 31, of 37, oecd, members. 26. Of 27. Eu, members. And 11 or 12 of 12. Of the three c's, nations. Under secretary, keith crock is now down in south america he's discussing, the clean network with the government officials and private sector seven, eu, members. And 11 or 12 of 12. Of the three c's. Nations. Under secretary, keith crock is now down in south america he's discussing the clean network with the government officials and private sector leaders in brazil. And in fact i got the news within the last hour that the government brazil supports the clean network principles, and i'm confident we'll sign an mou. In the very near future. I want to thank brazil, and its leadership, for doing that. And in fact i got the news within the last hour that the governor of brazil supports the clean network principles, and i'm confident we'll sign an mou. In the very near future. I want to thank brazil, and its leadership, for doing that. We're also standing alongside our brazilian partners to protect the environment, with the u.s brazil environmental, framework, dialogue, that was held earlier, today. The united states and brazil are about real results. When it comes to. We're also standing alongside our brazilian partners to protect the environment, with the u.s brazil, environmental, framework, dialogue, that was held earlier today. The united states and brazil are about real results. When it comes to protecting the environment and growing our economies. Not empty rhetoric. Under secretary caucus also led the first ever japan, u.s, brazil trilateral, exchange, which will advance democracy's, ability. To prosper, together as sovereign, our economies. Not empty rhetoric. Under secretary, caucus also led the first ever japan, u.s brazil trilateral, exchange, which will advance democracy's, ability. To prosper, together as sovereign and independent, states. Talk about asia for just a minute. I'm pleased to announce that on the 20th. Of this month. Under secretary clark will lead our economic prosperity, partnership, dialogue with taiwan. Under the auspices, and independent, states. Talk about asia for just a minute. I'm pleased to announce that on the 20th. Of this month. Under secretary, clock will lead our economic, prosperity, partnership, dialogue with taiwan. Under the auspices, of the american, institute of taiwan, and the taipei economic, and cultural representative, office. Here in the united states. The dialogue, signifies, that our economic, relationship, with taiwan. A vibrant democracy, and a reliable, partner. Is strong in taiwan, and the taipei, economic and cultural representative, office. Here in the united states. The dialogue, signifies, that our economic, relationship, with taiwan. A vibrant democracy, and a reliable, partner. Is strong and growing. Will help increase cooperation. Everything from safe and secure supply chains, to the clean. And 5g, security. To health security. And to more. Attorney, and growing. Will help increase cooperation, on everything from safe and secure supply chains, to the clean. And 5g security. To health security. And to more. Attention to another state burn bureau building out coalitions, of the like-minded. Last week the bureau of energy resources, under. The leadership of, assistant secretary, fanon. Convened a virtual meeting of the energy research, governance, initiative. 20 countries. At coalitions, of the like-minded. Last week the bureau of energy resources, under. The leadership of, assistant secretary, fanon. Convened a virtual meeting of the energy research, governance, initiative. 20 countries. Attended. Working for secure resilient diverse and well-governed, critical energy, mineral and supply chains. And we're proud to participate, in the 35th, annual joint economic development group meeting, with israel, later, this week, intended.

Working For secure resilient diverse, and well-governed, critical energy, mineral and supply chains. And we're proud to participate, in the 35th, annual joint economic development group meeting, with israel, later, this week. The trump administration, has exerted american leadership in unprecedented. Ways in multilateral. Institutions, too. Just as we helped protect the intellectual, property rights, by ensuring that the world intellectual, property organization. The trump administration, has exerted american leadership in unprecedented, ways in multilateral. Institutions, too. Just as we helped protect the intellectual, property rights, by ensuring that the world intellectual, property organization, is run by an individual who respects property rights. Last week the united states helped ensure that the united nations stewards its finances, responsibly. I'm happy to report. That an american with 40 years of administrative, advice run by an individual who respects property rights. Last week the united states helped ensure that the united nations stewards its finances. Responsibly. I'm happy to report. That an american with 40 years of administrative, and budget experience will be placed in the u.n system. Having won a seat on the advisory, committee on administrative. And budgetary, questions. Doesn't sound like much but it's a big deal this advisory body shapes the un's regular budget. And its peacekeeping, budget the u.n system. Having won a seat on the advisory, committee on administrative, and budgetary, questions. Doesn't sound like much but it's a big deal this advisory body shapes the un's regular budget. And its peacekeeping. Budget. It's nearly 10 billion, a year with more than 2 billion coming from the united states, alone. Our diplomats, made the case. To our allies and partners on why having an american voice on this committee, for the first time in an awfully long. It's nearly 10 billion dollars a year with more than 2 billion coming from the united states alone. Our diplomats, made the case, to our allies and partners on why having an american voice on this committee, for the first time in an awfully long time. Is crucial to ensuring the money is spent responsibly. I want to congratulate, donna marie. American leadership also continues on the counter-terrorism. Front, today the united states and nigeria are co-hosting, a virtual meeting, crucial to ensuring the money is spent responsibly. I want to congratulate, donna marie. American leadership also continues on the counterterrorism. Front, today the united states and nigeria are co-hosting, a virtual meeting. With members of the global coalition, focused on countering the threat of isis and its worldwide. Branches. Including west africa. And to supporting ongoing international, efforts. Throughout the region. And in the middle east just with members of the global coalition, focused on countering the threat of isis and its worldwide. Branches. Including west africa. And to supporting ongoing international, efforts, throughout the region. And in the middle east just last week the united states sanctioned foreign's. Former, lebanese. Government, minister jabron basil. Under global magnitsky, authorities. For his, role in corruption. The lebanese, people clearly, want, their conformities. Former, lebanese. Government minister, jabron basil. Under global magnitsky, authorities. For his, role in corruption. The lebanese, people clearly, want, their corrupt political, class. So much of it beholden to hezbollah. To stop ruining their country. Our action shows. That american people stand with the lebanese, people, as they call for their political leaders to chart a new direction marked by, political, class. So much of it beholden to hezbollah. To stop ruining their country. Our action shows. That american people stand with the lebanese, people, as they call for their political leaders to chart a new direction marked by reforms. Transparency. And honest to governance. And on iran our efforts to protect the american people from the regime of tehran, will not cease. Today the treasury department sanctioned an international network of companies, and individuals, that procure an electricity. And honest to governance. And on iran our efforts to protect the american people from the regime of tehran, will not cease. Today the treasury department sanctioned an international, network of companies and individuals, that procured, electronic components. For a sanctioned, iranian, military, firm. I think it's clear by now that those, who do business with iran's military in proliferation, sensitive industries.

Are Risking the exact same punishment. Chronic components. For a sanctioned, iranian, military, firm. I think it's clear by now that those who do business with iran's military and proliferation, sensitive industries. Are risking, the exact same punishment. In europe the united states welcomes the eu's adoption of guidelines, for third state participation. In permanent structured cooperation, projects. Opening the door to u.s participation. In eu defense initiatives will strengthen, nato europe the united states welcomes the eu's adoption of guidelines for third state participation. In permanent structured cooperation, projects. Opening the door to u.s participation. In eu defense initiatives will strengthen, nato eu cooperation. As well, and very importantly. Interoperability. We look forward. To completing, an administrative, arrangement, with the european defense agency to ensure broad u.s participation. Inside, eu cooperation. As well and very importantly. Interoperability. We look forward. To completing an administrative, arrangement, with the european defense agency to ensure broad u.s participation. Inside of pesco. Closer to home our prayers are with the people of the region. As they recover, and rebuild. From hurricane, adas. To horrible, devastation. The united states government is proud to have provided assistance, already to our friends, closer to home our prayers are with the people of the region. As they recover, and rebuild. From hurricane, ada's. To horrible devastation. The united states government is proud to have provided assistance, already to our friends in central america. We're proud to support chile, colombia, ecuador. Peru, as these governments work together to address illegal, unregulated. And unreported, fishing. We're, very concerned. It's in central america. We're proud to support chile, colombia, ecuador. Peru, as these governments work together to address illegal, unregulated. And unreported, fishing. We're, very concerned. That the chinese, iu, activity this unregulated, fishing took place off the coast of ecuador, as it has elsewhere in the world. I was with the ecuadorian, foreign minister he and i both agree that this must stop. On bolivia, president trump was pleased to send a do you activity this unregulated, fishing took place off the coast of ecuador, as it has elsewhere, in the world. I was with the ecuadorian, foreign minister he and i both agree that this must stop. On bolivia, president trump was pleased to send a delegation, headed by treasury. Under secretary, brett mcintosh, for the inauguration, of president luis arsey. On november, 8th. I also spoke to the president-elect. Last week to congratulate, him on his, historic, delegation, headed by treasury. Under secretary, brett mcintosh, for the inauguration, of president luis arsey. On november, 8th. I also spoke to the president-elect. Last week to congratulate, him on his historic, victory. We also congratulate, the people of saint vincent and the grenadines, on their successful, election last week and we continue to seek similar. Free and fair elections. In venezuela. And in nicaragua. There's also, we also congratulate, the people of saint vincent and the grenadines, on their successful, election last week and we continue to seek similar. Free and fair elections. In venezuela. And in nicaragua. There's also plenty of news before i close on the human rights front. Yesterday, the state department sanctioned, four, senior, chinese communist party officials. And hong kong police. Who have undermined hong kong's promised autonomy, and crush the freedoms, of its people plenty of news before i closed on the human rights front. Yesterday the state department, sanctioned four, senior chinese communist party officials. And hong kong police. Who have undermined hong kong's promised autonomy, and crush the freedoms, of its people. We will continue to challenge actions by the ccp. And its hong kong proxies. Who stifle democracy. And basic freedoms. On monday, in syria we unleash the fifth branch of the caesar act as we continue to challenge actions by the ccp. And its hong kong proxies. Who stifle, democracy. And basic freedoms. On monday, in syria we unleash the fifth tranche of the caesar act designations. On bashar assad and his regime. And the united states commends the eu for taking similar actions to sanction individuals, responsible.

For Prolonging, the horrific, conflict. Inside of syria. We will nations, on bashar assad and his regime. And the united states commends the eu for taking similar actions to sanction individuals, responsible. For prolonging, the horrific, conflict. Inside of syria. We will continue to coordinate with our eu and like-minded, partners to promote accountability, for the regime there, and the atrocities. It has committed against, the syrian, people. In geneva, yesterday the united states presented our national report on the u.s commitment to domestic eu and like-minded, partners to promote accountability, for the regime there, and the atrocities. It has committed against, the syrian people. In geneva, yesterday the united states presented our national report on the u.s commitment to domestic human rights, at the u.n universal, periodic, review. I'm very proud of the work we did our remarkable, vibrant democracy. Provides for the greatest freedoms and protection of human rights anywhere in the world. The brutal regime human rights, at the un universal, periodic, review. I'm very proud of the work we did our remarkable, vibrant democracy. Provides for the greatest freedoms and protection of human rights anywhere in the world. The brutal regimes, shouting the loudest about our record, have the most to hide about their abysmal, treatment, of their own people. And with that i'm happy to take questions. Rich. Secretary, hi. Uh, is the state record, have the most to hide about their abysmal, treatment, of their own people. And with that i'm happy to take. Questions. Uh, is the state department currently preparing, to engage with the biden transition, team and if not at what point does a delay, hamper a smooth transition. Or pose a risk to national security. There will be a, smooth transition, to a department currently preparing, to engage with the biden transition, team and if not at what point does a delay hamper a smooth transition. Or pose a risk to national security. There will be a, smooth transition, to a second trump administration. All right, we're ready. The world is watching what's taking place here we're going to count all the votes. When the process, is complete there'll be electors, selected. There's a process, the constitution, lays it out. Right. We're ready. The world is watching what's taking place here we're going to count all the votes. When the process is complete there'll be electors, selected. There's a process, the constitution, lays it out pretty clearly. The world should have every confidence, that the transition, necessary, to make sure that the state department is functional today. Successful, today. And successful, with the president who's, in office on january, 20th. Admitted, after clearly. The world should have every confidence, that the transition, necessary, to make sure that the state department is functional, today.

Successful, Today. And successful, with the president who's, in office on january 20th. A minute afternoon. Will also be successful. I went through a transition on the front and i've i've been on the other side of this, i'm very confident, that we will. Do all the things that are necessary to make sure that the the government the united states government will continue to perform its national security function, is successful. I went through a transition on the front and i've i've been on the other side of this, i'm very confident that we will. Do all the things that are necessary to make sure that the the government the united states government will continue to perform its national security function. As we go forward so you believe there's widespread, voter fraud that the reports, that we're getting from pennsylvania. From michigan, showing vote totals and massive leads or significant, leads. With 99. Reporting. Are going to be overturned, as we go forward so you believe there's widespread, voter fraud that the reports that we're getting from pennsylvania. From michigan, showing vote totals and massive, leads or significant, leads. With 99. Reporting. Are going to be overturned, and that the united states failed. To conduct. A, fraudulent, free election, rich i'm the secretary of state. I'm getting calls from all across the world. These people are watching our election. They understand that we have a legal process, failed. To conduct. A, fraudulent, free election, rich i'm the secretary of state. I'm getting calls from all across the world. These people are watching our election. They understand that we have a legal process they understand that this, takes time, right took us 37. Plus days. In an election back in 2000. Conducted, a successful, transition, then, i'm very confident. That we will count. And we must okay i understand that this, takes time, right took us 37. Plus days. In an election back in 2000. Conducted a successful, transition, then, i'm, very confident, that we will count, and we must count every legal vote we want to make sure that any vote that wasn't lawful i'll not be counted that dilutes your vote, if it's done improperly. We've got to get that right when we get it right. We'll get it right. We're we're we're in good shape should foreign leaders not be calling, we're going to make sure that any vote that wasn't lawful i'll not be counted that dilutes your vote, if it's done improperly. We've got to get that right when we get it right. We'll get it right. We're we're in good shape should foreign leaders not be calling. President-elect. Biden. About the sanctions. Against. About the sanctions, against, uh. In lebanon. We know that. We heard that this was on the making, for some time but i want to ask about the timing. Are you uh, where you are. We're, doing this. In lebanon. We know that. We heard that this was on the making for some time but i want to ask about the timing. Are you, uh, where you are. We're, doing, this, uh. To, make a new stage for the, new administration. And. Also i want to ask about that i'm saying. To uae. One, we expect, that to be delivered. To. Make a new stage for the new and new administration. And, uh also i want to ask about that and say, to uae. One we expect, that to be delivered. So the second question was about the arms sales to the united. Arab emirates. So, we'll have significant, announcements, with respect to that here very very soon.

Uh, We we continue to review, arms sales. All across the world including to our arms sales to the united. Arab emirates. So. We'll have significant, announcements with respect to that here very very soon. Uh, we we continue to review, arms sales all across the world including to our important friend and partner in the united arab emirates. Uh we're confident we will uh. We will be able to provide them weapon systems that will, ensure, their security and do the work that we all need to do collectively, to counter the threat from the islamic republic of iran our important friend and partner in the united arab emirates. We're confident we will uh. We will be able to provide them weapon systems that will, ensure, their security and do the work that we all need to do collectively, to counter the threat from the islamic republic of iran. Did you ask about iranian sanctions earlier and the impact of those no the sanctions, against gibran basil, in lebanon. Are you setting a new stage. For the new administration. I want to ask about the timing that's it yeah, so iranian sanctions, earlier and the impact of those no the sanctions, against gibran basil in lebanon. Are you setting, a new stage. For the new administration. I want to ask about the timing that's it yeah, so i'll answer that question more broadly no the sanctions we put in place are because the right and proper, and will deliver good outcomes for the people, in the country in which we sanction their leaders who are corrupt, that certainly holds true for gibran basile. Right this was someone who i'll answer that question more broadly no the sanctions we put in place are because they're right and proper. And will deliver good outcomes for the people in the country in which we sanction their leaders who are corrupt, that certainly holds true for gibran basil. Right this was someone who. Was deeply connected to a foreign terrorist organization, hezbollah. We've now sanctioned him the lebanese people don't want to have anything to do with that they want an independent, nation they want a sovereign country, they don't want the political elites that have been corrupted. Uh through the system to a foreign terrorist organization, hezbollah. We've now sanctioned him the lebanese people don't want to have anything to do with that they want an independent, nation they want a sovereign country, they don't want the political elites that have been corrupted. Through the system that was put in place and permitted them, to loot and rob their country they want freedom they want prosperity, they want jobs. Those are the things we want the sanctions that we put in place against. The former minister, are appropriate, and useful, some that was put in place and permitted them, to loot and rob their country they want freedom they want prosperity, they want jobs. Those are the things we want the sanctions that we put in place against. The former minister, are appropriate, and useful. Towards getting us closer to that one day where the lebanese people can have what it is they so richly deserve, are we expecting, a new sanction, christina, thank you mr secretary, hi christina, hi, how are you good, good good, um is there any evidence to that one day where the lebanese people can have what it is they so richly deserve, are we expecting, a new sanction, christina, thank you mr secretary, hi christina, hi, how are you good, good good, um is there any evidence that the ccp.

Has, Interfered. In the recent election, or is trying to sow chaos in the aftermath, of the legal challenges. Was the question about russia, i'm sorry ccp, or any uh yeah any foreign interference, yeah so that the ccp. Has interfered. In the recent election, or is trying to sow chaos, in the aftermath, of the legal challenges. What's the question about russia, i'm sorry ccp, or any uh yeah any foreign interference, yeah so i'm going to leave that question to the department of homeland security, and to the justice department the folks who deal with that but as i think we all said, prior to the election. We did an enormous, amount of work, to reduce the risk that they would have the capacity. To happen to the department of homeland security, and to the justice department the folks who deal with that but as i think we all said, prior to the election. We did an enormous amount of work, to reduce the risk that they would have the capacity. To have a significant. Capability. To, uh to interfere, in the elections, themselves. And i'll leave the details, of, what they have determined so far about that to for them to announce. They have a significant. Capability. To, uh to interfere, in the elections, themselves. Uh and i'll leave the details, of what they have determined so far about that, for them to announce. Go ahead i'll take one more. Hello, hi hello secretary. Um. You said when the process, is completed. So. What when are you, yeah this is the this is the third question, just just ma'am if you would. Hello, hi hello secretary. Um. You said when the process, is completed. So, what when are you, yeah this is. The third question, just just ma'am if you would, i came out here today and talked about important foreign policy issues this is now the third question most important thing that's happening in this country right now i'm wondering yes ma'am go ahead and ask your question i'll give my answer, what kind of guidance are you giving to american diplomats, and how to character, i came out here today and talked about important foreign policy issues this is now the third question the most important thing that's happening in this country right now i'm wondering yes ma'am go ahead and ask your question i'll give my answer, what kind of guidance are you giving to american diplomats, and how to characterize, the results of the presidential, election. And also, this department, frequently, sends out statements, encouraging, free and fair elections abroad, yes and for the losers, of those elections to accept the results. Doesn't. President, trump's refusal, to credential election, and also, this department, frequently. Sends out statements, encouraging, free and fair elections abroad, yes and for the losers, of those elections to accept the results.

Doesn't. President trump's refusal, to concede, discredit, those efforts, that's ridiculous, and you know it's ridiculous, and you asked it because it's ridiculous. Uh look the truth. You asked the question yes when you ask the question if you if you will permit me to answer it, um. Discredit, those efforts, that's ridiculous, and you know it's ridiculous, and you asked it because it's ridiculous. Uh look the truth. You asked the question yes when you asked the question if you will permit me to answer it, um you asked a question that is ridiculous. This department, cares deeply, to make sure that elections around the world are safe and secure, and free and fair and my officers, risk their lives. To ensure that that happens they work diligently, on that, we often encounter situations, for, this department, cares deeply, to make sure that elections around the world are safe and secure, and free and fair and my officers, risk their lives. To ensure that that happens they work diligently, on that, we often encounter situations where it's not clear. About a particular election we work to uncover, facts we work to do discovery. To learn whether in fact, the outcome, the decision that was made reflected, the will of the people that's our, responsibilities, what we try to do along with it's not clear. About a particular election we work to uncover, facts we work to do discovery. To learn whether in fact, the outcome, the decision, that was made reflected, the will of the people that's our, responsibilities, what we try to do along with partners all across the world along with osce, inspectors. To make sure that those elections we're free for we want every one of those votes, to be counted in the same way that we have every expectation, that every vote here in the united states, will be counted too it is totally appropriate. Along with osce, inspectors. To make sure that those elections were free for we want every one of those votes, to be counted in the same way that we have every expectation, that every vote here in the united states will be counted too it is totally appropriate. The united states has an election system that is laid out deeply in our constitution. And we're going to make sure that we get that right and we have we we have all of you have. And should be committed to making sure that that happens i think every one of you wants that same outcome united states has an election system that is laid out deeply in our constitution. And we're going to make sure that we get that right and we have we we have all of you have. And should be committed to making sure that that happens i think every one of you wants that same outcome you want, every vote to be counted, you want to run the process we want, uh the the law to be imposed in a way that reflects, the reality of what took place and that's what, i think we're engaged in here in the united states and is what we work on every place, all across be counted, you want to run the process we want. The the law to be imposed in a way that reflects, the reality of what took place and that's what, i think we're engaged in here in the united states and is what we work on every place, all across the world, thank you. Refer to all. Have you given state parliamentary guidance. The world, thank you, all. To refer to president-elect. You given state parliament. Guidance. You.

2020-11-14 07:16

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