Physios HUGE Reward Trades Break The Back Of The Market w/ Tanz Vertex Investing

Physios HUGE Reward Trades Break The Back Of The Market w/ Tanz Vertex Investing

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training that episode 134 oh so structure is  everything uh structure is where liquidity   is sitting so that's our target points  and we exit based on if there's a change   the market's going to do something your job is  not to fight it the market never ever runs away   it's always there that personal diary of trading  will make you a much better trader than i could   be right about the direction but wrong about the  trade don't focus on the monetary side trying to   make too much money on a trade is what i have  seen killed every trailer your losses offer you   some of the greatest insight you can find into  your mistakes relax learn the process looks like   pattern training is a freaking trap don't be in  a rush to become a millionaire let the market   tell you what the market wants to tell you this  podcast is not financial trading or investing   advice of any kind what's up traders welcome to  another installment of the trading up podcast   i'm your host cam hawkins and today we've  got tanz from vertex investments on the show   this is some doozy of an episode okay not just  this episode but the video we shot afterwards as   well tans basically breaks down his entire  entire trading strategy and it's not just   a run-of-the-mill strategy this one here actually  has humongous reward potential like i'm talking   mega r trades like humongous i mean the guy enters  on the five second chart we don't get that in the   video but we get pretty much everything else so  you guys you got to check this out this is so good   i know you're going to love it now before we jump  into it which i know you're dying to i do want to   quickly share something that occurred to me this  week so my wife asked me have you got a growth   have i got a growth mindset or a fixed mindset  and i said oh i think you've probably got a   growth mindset anyway she's reading a book and she  said according to the book that she had a fixed   mindset and the book gave a really unique way  and i'm telling you this because it relates back   to trading a really unique way of looking at a  growth and a fixed mindset so a growth mindset is   very much if you make a mistake you love it  you think great i can learn from that i can   move on i can find a better way fixed mindset  is if you make a mistake you don't want to know   you only want to know when you get it right okay  so what i realized was i've got certain parts of   my life where i've got a growth mindset and  certain parts where i've got to fix mindset   so for example football i have a fixed mindset  when i play a game of football i don't really want   to grow i don't want to be making mistakes  i don't want to know if i make mistakes   um i'm not learning to grow i've been playing for  years and years i'm done you know this i'm sort   of at the twilight of my career i'm not learning  i'm not looking to learn anything here new but   with everything else pretty much everything else  in my life it's been a growth mindset although   that said when i look back at my trading that was  also in a fixed mindset for a long long time where   i didn't like losing i didn't like making mistakes  i didn't want to learn from those mistakes so guys   my challenge for you this week is to check whether  or not you have a growth or a fixed mindset and   if your trading isn't a fixed mindset then you  need to somehow switch it to a growth mindset   guys job for you there okay now um also another  job for you is to check out my robot builders   club if that's something that you might want  to be looking to do is turn some or all of   your trading strategy or any strategy come up with  into a fully or semi-automated trading robot then   the doors are still open for that they will be  closing soon so if you do want to come on board   now is the time to do it i've got live q a calls  you get 30 plus ready mode robots when you join   all of this gets imported and there's no coding  at all okay no coding at all and you can build   virtually anything guys if you want to check that  out it's all over there on trading along with   this episode and the video we shot afterwards  with tans in the meantime let's just get on   with it here we go tanz from vertex investments  hey folks my sponsors city traders imperium have   just launched some amazing changes to the funded  trader program you gotta check out you can now   skip the whole evaluation trade gold as well as  forex plus they've increased the drawdown you're   allowed in both the evaluation and when funded  with c2a it's even faster and easier to reach   up to four million dollars in funding with a 50 to  70 profit share click the link in the description   to find out what else has changed well folks here  we are on training up we've got tans here all the   way from uh the uk welcome to the show tens hello  hello how is everyone hello how is everyone here we're all good over here in new zealand um so  tanzan's from vertex uh investments and you're   recommended by one of the listeners on the show  and they said you've got to get them you've got   to get these guys on i know there's a group of  you but you're obviously the representative here   get you on the show to hear your story and  i've actually caught a couple of your videos   um like what you're doing and what you're going  to discover here guys is some ridiculous uh risk   to reward kind of trades and i'm intrigued to find  out more because um what you showed in that video   that i did see it looked like you know there was  you guys have found obviously a better way to do   it or a more effective way to do it to get squeeze  out more from these these high probability trades   sorry all high return trades i don't know about  the probability but we'll find out about that   so now to start off with tens do you want to  share your story how did you get into trading and   and maybe you can sort of weave in how the other  guys that are part of your vertex outfit uh got in   involved in the mix as well yeah firstly thank you  to the listener who actually recommended us it was   uh when you met when you emailed us it was uh it  was very random and i didn't expect it at all so   it's yeah thank you for reaching out  to us um yeah so i started trading   uh when i was 18. i was in uni and initially  that was signal so i did signals for about a year   i think i followed the signals um i don't know  how what your experience is like with signals but   it wasn't uh it wasn't great it wasn't great  and at this time i was still in uni so i was   starting to be a physiotherapist is that what you  guys do you guys call them physiotherapists yeah   that sort of thing yeah um so during the first  year i had a i had several deposits i don't know   how many times i deposited and bear in mind as a  student at that point i really couldn't i couldn't   afford to do so so it was sort of kept quiet for  my parents at that point um but there was two   particular trades um that hit tp overnight this  is from a signal and they both hit 21 pounds each   and it was those two trades actually told me  that uh you know there's money to be made from   uh from trading the signal's just not the  way to go and then uh from the next next   two years i focused on learning myself so i bought  several courses and i think i think at the time uh   technical trading was probably the most used  as in like trend lines fibs uh and so on but   i just couldn't get my head head round it and  i came across this youtube channel um i had to   say his name or yeah of course yeah yeah so his  name is wb trading um who trades mechanically   and then when i you know when i saw his videos  it was basically like you set and forget   and i joined him and ever since then my eyes have  been opened to the rule-based method of trading   and then since then is that's how i've ever  thought so for those two years i've focused on   uh because there is the award on that trade on  that sort of strategy that i was focusing on   focusing on was a one to one one to two which is  fine but then i realized in the long run it's not   it's not ideal like you can get through  a string of losses and that's it you'll   your wins are basically irrelevant in that  sense um so i spent time trying to refine that   to get to one two three one to four  and it was fairly consistent and it was   i was working i was able to work and study  full-time as well as trade so it was okay   and then after two years i actually joined a  signal team and that was when i met james who's   one of the vertex mentors so james was already  part of this team and he me and him were doing   the signals for this group and we did signals  for uh this thing was for about a year or so   yeah about a year so i waited till i  was profitable till i actually joined   which took about two years um and then  we yeah we ran signals and then it was   the problem with running signals is we have people  have high expectations you have a lot of messages   emails like saying why didn't this trade win and  so on and it didn't seem worth it and then from   there i started to teach what i what how i trade  um and then ben came along at that point so then   me and ben met at a different uh like an education  company so we were working as mentors as such and then ben started vertex so ben yeah ben  originated originally started vertex uh back   in november 2019 i believe or september some  of that and then i joined in the following year   um and then we became yeah so me and ben started  vertex and created what it is today and then   james james joined in but the concept about you  know the high probability trades that we trade now   this is very short story by the way but but the  concept of this actually came from nick and nick   was a signal client from me for me and james so  two two years ago nick was a signal client and now   then he progressed to his own trading he messaged  me and james about it i ignored him because god   knows how long because for me he was just a signal  client but then uh he was showing me his trades   and i thought you know i'll give it a go and see  if it actually does make sense because some of the   risk rewards sounds sounded uh unrealistic and  it probably sounds unrealistic to you as well   hey just jumping in here with a message from my  sponsor sage strategies do you want to trade gold   and crypto like the institutions well now you can  and it's free for 14 days with sage strategies   fully automated trading strategies check out their  live track records for 25 unique strategies plus   they'll host everything for you which is perfect  for beginners and advanced traders or investors   simply sign up for the 14 day free trial at sage  strategies dot io and experience it for yourself   do you want to explain what these risk rewards  are for the guys that haven't like are familiar   with what you do yeah so he was analyzing trades  that were hitting like 1 to 41 to 50 and i think   there was one trade which actually got me was  a one two uh one to one hundred on uh gdp jpy   and when i saw that i thought okay i need to give  it a try and see and then since then we've been   working together refining what we can and  then the issue was me with me was i can't   i don't like having such a like i  don't like having guesswork and trading   so that's why i introduced a rule-based  approach to using smart money concepts   and that's what we have today and uh that's  what we are teaching so so you sort of sum   up your approach to trading as smart money  concepts yes anything else added to that yeah so   um so advertise we believe that you know any  strategy with an edge works you know it's not   like one strategy is not better than the other  the only difference is the risk to reward so   i still teach like my previous strategies because  i know they work and they're all rule based um   and i think that's the main difference is the  fact that it's all focused on strict rules that   you have to follow and it takes away the guesswork  you're basically just waiting for your rules to   set out it you know you can sit on your hands and  just wait for your rules basically and from there   that's when i noticed my consistency that's where  that came from because i think people have that   issue when you first start you're thinking you  know you're always trying to guess what's going to   happen next whereas my thinking is you follow your  two rules and that's it so yeah that's that's the   main thing and so you sort of went from like one  to ones one to twos even one to threes and one to   fours i mean what what was trading that way like  compared to trading the the one to forties one to   one hundreds yeah another thing before i go on but  like sometimes when you see and it's marketed so   well for some people but like when you see like  one to forties one to fifties you have to bear   in mind that people take partials along the way  so like uh i've got a trade i'll show you it's   running at one to 50 or so but i've closed i've  closed like 20 hour on that trade so i've only got   i've only got about a quarter volume running so  the hot even though the tp is one to 68 i believe   um you know it's not going to close at 68 percent  or 68 or anything like that it's just the whole   analysis but the change was and the biggest change  was for me last year it was the best trading year   that i've ever had in terms of uh my return and  i think it's the speed of the okay that could be   interpreted quite badly to be fair but it was the  growth of the account last year which was crazy   like the last few years was was consistent um and  i was doing well the edge was perfect but then it   was like i was achieving what i achieved in a year  in the space of two months right which is sounds   it it was bizarre like it's it still baffles me  today like some of the like the understanding   behind it and yeah it's very good hey folks if you  want 10 off the vertex investing trade management   or the two-day boot camp then use this promo code  here at checkout it's tn10 use tn10 at checkout on website and you're going to save  yourself temps in off here with trading that   and and what was the sort of i suppose if you  had to sort of sum up what you can sum up around   what nick had discovered or done versus what you  guys were doing or yourself was doing what what   what was what was the difference so the difference  mainly was when nick addressed it to me it was   um it was more about uh wickhoff or wyckoff if  you heard of that yeah with all the schematics   and as soon as i saw the schematics i knew i'm  not going to get it but it is the most confusing   thing to look at like for any new trader if you  look at a schematic you know you'll be put off um   but because it's sort of like it's somewhat of  a pattern and then i went and back tested that   pattern several times to understand what is  a repeating cycle that is happening because   the market is essentially a cycle you know the  same things it repeats it repeats and repeats   and uh i realized that i don't need  to know the phases of the schematics   um as long as i can sum up sum up sum it up to a  rule-based understanding i'll be okay because what   because nick's got a very good understanding  of of the schematics and which is really good   but for me i just can't get my head  around it um i don't have it in me to even   to understand that because i was speaking to  i want to speak to the other traders um i'm   sure you've heard of meant effects at all yeah i  have actually i did reach out to him recently um   so he might he might come on the show uh we sit  with we're discussing his requirements there's   a chance he might come on oh sweet yeah so i had  a few uh calls with him we just got just catching   up and when he was explaining the schematics but  comparing the strategies he was explaining his   schematics and then it boiled down to my two rules  that we teach at vertex and you know it just shows   that your understanding can be so different but  you can have the same result same result but that   was the main difference which i couldn't grasp  from nick and nick couldn't really teach me either   but it's not something that i don't think in that  way if that makes sense and then james sort of   tied in with both of us because he's quite he  was always a technical trader so he was quite   good at grasping those sort of concepts but i  think we've found consistency in having this   uh rule-based approach which is quite nice that  everyone is now so you sort of have you put rules   around wyckoff is that what you're trying  to say yeah so it's all based on two rules   we've got two rules for everything so two rules  for our structure and two rules for our entry   and um i mean in terms of like what you were  doing with your three to one three to ones   and four to ones and that sort of thing versus  now it wasn't the same entries but just with   a more refined stop-loss or was there plenty  of different entries yeah so the strategy was   so the previous strategy was basically supply and  demand it was around engulfing candles um and you   just trade off the supply zone and a demand zone  but your stop-loss would be it's basically a   refinement to that so the stop-loss would be like  30 40 pips at times with the old strategy and you   would aim for that the the engulfing candle low  and gotten kind of high anything like that or your   structure points whereas now we sort of pinpoint  where price is going to react from it's not always   going to be exact but we pinpoint where price is  going to react from so we catch it at the apex   of the move as opposed to allowing that drawdown  so that's the main difference so the strategy was   based on the same sort of idea but just  with the added refinements nice cool   um okay so uh signals i just  want to quickly touch on that   um i mean what somebody's sort of been through the  washer with signals um what's your sort of general   you know summary for anyone out there who's either  trading signals or thinking about trading them   or um has been through and done it done been  there and done that and given up on them yeah   i would say you know i think nowadays for people  starting now i think they have more exposure to   signal scams and the fact that skidmore signals  don't work because in my opinion signals just   don't work it doesn't matter who you follow even  if the person is profitable it's just difficult to   get every single trade that that person is taking  because we need to be profitable you need to take   every single trade right and sometimes say when i  was doing signals people based all over the world   they can't catch the same timings that i would  trade for example even though it's london it was   only london and us i don't trade any of the time  um it was hard for everyone to catch on to them   some people would just catch the losers which it's  a shame but it does happen like to me i missed so   many signals when i was doing it um when i  was copying signals it just doesn't i didn't   i didn't find any profitability from it but  um as i said it was those two i had two tp's   ever from signals and those are two tps those  two tvs are the reasons i'm trading today because   it showed me that you can make something from it  it's just a matter of how you how you go about it   because it was like 20 it was on a 200 pound  account it was 21 pounds bear in mind it was   over leveraged i had no idea what a lot of sizes  meant at that point um it was 21 pounds in the   space of three hours it was some crash of  something that happened on uh new zealand   it was it was crazy and i was so excited i  actually withdrew actually withdrew that day   just for the sake of having it um but yeah signals  it doesn't work i mean we ran signals initially   and in the space four months we had a 78 return  and that was my personal return but that doesn't   mean that the clients had the same return if that  makes sense because i still had uh messages emails   saying that you know they're not at the same  uh roi as me that's purely because they missed   trades they missed the alerts and so on uh you  know it yeah they take the losing trades and then   they over leverage yeah yeah that sort of thing  hard it has to be profitable you have to be on it   all the time you have to just sit there and wait  for the signal to to come up yeah yep cool and um   uh what i was going to ask here was around  oh damn it i've forgotten what the question   was i'm struggling with that struggling with  the cold hair and um i'm not quite on to it   um signal signal signals i might have to  edit this bit out damn it oh it's gonna work   i've been sick for the last three days really  probably the worst sickness i've had um i've   just just come around today a signal client um  i don't know i can't remember what it was it   was going to be good as well um right let's just  move on um well if the end of this bit out i'll   make a note of this right can you give us some  uh insight into the stats around your trading so   like what peers are you trading across uh how  many trades a week that sort of thing yeah   so uh primarily now this year i focused uh i'm  just focusing on the major pairs when i first   started this concept i was trading every single  pair under the sun because i was so excited about   this strategy and this is where the difference  in win rate comes and this question we get so   many times so at the moment i'm trading uh gu  eu au eg and gj sometimes i would uh move on to   like other pairs like new zealand dollar but i  wouldn't i wouldn't go anything past that then   the reason is is purely because of spread broker  spread on those pairs are fairly tight and because   our stop-loss are generally sub-five pips you  wanna have uh you know good spread on your pairs   although because sometimes you also need to  add spread to your stop-loss when you trade   um you don't want to sacrifice your  our your wrist to reward too much   um and that's a that sounds a little bit greedy  but yeah it's a there's i don't know it's when   you get used to using that small stop was kind of  hard to go back i think that's my sort of issue   at that point that's why i don't trade too many  pairs with bigger spreads can i just ask question   on there i mean what what's the um what kind of  order are you using to get in the market with your   stock limit limit order orders limit orders or  stop orders limit orders limit okay cool yeah um what time frame are you using to get in um  so the time frame uh differs so at the moment   uh our entry time frame so as i start from the  from the top so my direction time frames are daily   in the four hour and the entry time frames would  vary from one minute to the seconds time frames   depending on what is visually clear like if price  isn't clear to me but to my eyes then i'll go to   whatever time frame so we have i think nick does  it more than i do where he would pick some obscure   time frames like a seven minute eight minute  12 minutes some weird time frames um but just   to make it visually clear um that's quite a big  tip to be fair just starting this concept because   i think people try and fixate on you know the  standard time frames you've got h4 h1 15 minute   and so on if you're so busy trying to force like  a setup in those time frames you're gonna miss   what is happening and that's that was probably  the hardest thing to overcome when i first   started using this because you have to be  because it's so precise you have to be alert   of what's actually happening in terms of price  and analyze like each candle analyze what price   has broken where prices moved and the momentum  and i explained a bit more when i share my chart   anyway but uh yeah and your time frames are one  minute and lower usually and is it quite a uh   intense or it sounds it sounds intensive in terms  of getting into a trade is it intensive or is it   like you know i can do a five minute analysis and  bang i'm in i'll set my order and i'll walk away   yeah so um since january this year i've  been focusing on swing trading purely   because i realized last year i sort  of reverted back to my old self where   i was on the charts for several hours a day and  that's purely because out of excitement to be fair   um i think my excitement came back into trading  last year from learning this because it was just   amazing what you can well you can achieve with  this strategy uh but i've reverted back to my old   self now where i'm taking my time i don't  trade as much now at all and i just focus on   the bigger moves so sometimes our setups  take a few days to actually just reach   so it's fairly relaxed depending on how you want  to do it so i would set alerts on my pois and just   not look at the charts until i need to and the  only time i'll look at a charge if a student asks   me to look at their their charts for example other  than that i'll just wait for their lives to go off   um like the trade i'll show you today it took six  days to reach the poi but i did get a little bit   a little bit impatient and i'll show you the  trade that i was wrong on as well um yeah it does   uh it does vary in that sense um i forgot what the  question was um i'll ask the question later on and   don't worry good answers here so what about the um  we'll go back to the original question what about   you sorry that was yours was it is it quite  intensive yeah it wasn't intensive it sounds like   it's it sounds like it's got periods of intensity  but separated between periods of like being   patient and waiting which is yeah yeah when your  alert comes off that's when you sort of need to   focus and this is another reason why i didn't want  to do signals anymore because when price reaches   the poi because you're focusing on like the minute  time frame or less price is moving very quickly   and i don't want to sacrifice my own account for  the sake of sending a signal out for example like   for for students i will send out the chart and the  poi that i'm looking at but they're expected to   follow the rules to enter because i just don't  have the time to look focus on anything else   because for that for that like five ten minutes  that you're waiting for your rules to play out   for your entry you know you you need to be 100  there and that's the reason why i can't focus on   too many pairs because at times last year uh like  so many alerts were golfing one go and i don't   know what pairs to look at and i remember this  one this pair that i hates i can't describe how   much i hate it so it's euro swiss franc i don't  know how much experience you have with europe   don't trade it at all i hate it it's lowest pair  ever but i remember i was so fixated on this pair   uh for an entry i missed an entry and then gj went  on to move to one to 20 in the time that i was   looking for an entry on us frank and instantly it  was gone it was gone from the from the watch list   that's that was my issue so i only focus on the  majors now because i know they're big movers and   generally something that i didn't focus on was  the rate of return the rate of return is higher   um than you were than on like exotic pairs or  minor pairs to be fair cool so yeah it's fairly   intensive when price comes to your poi and so  like just getting into the details around the   alert so i'm using alerts now where i draw a line  on trading view and it prices that line i'll get   an alert i've had the same issue with you whereas  like all these loads happen seem to happen at the   same time when there's a big spike and whatever  and then you don't know what to do or which pair   to focus on so how do you how do you sort of deal  with where do you set your line to give you the   alerts uh so that you've got enough time to get  back to your machine and what if you're not by a   machine what happens then um so to be fair a lot  of the time i had my ipad and my phone with me   and to be fair most of my trades i do off  my ipad and that's just from practicing uh   because i used to struggle doing it off my  phone am i bad it is be very difficult um   because i'm not always buying a laptop or computer  i don't always have one around me and i don't like   that either um so i guess it took some took some  time to get used to being able to do that on there   on having your phone to be fair um it's  weird because everyone asked me like is   there some trades like this trade that i'll  show you i think i took when i was in bed   to be fair um and it just takes time  to get used to being able to use it um   i can't remember the last time i really analyzed  not analyzed i can't remember the last i took   an entry from my pc itself like it's rare that's  interesting it's interesting to hear because it is   it's probably something i should look  at thinking about doing as well um so um   as in because i was when i was working full-time  i had no reason i had no choice yeah i had to   do it off my phone so my eyes have always been  fixated to be able to look on my phone and do it   and what what about because i mean i i suppose  if you're setting a limit order how long between   setting the limit order and the order being  triggered is there typically uh not long so   say if you're trading off the minute time frame  or less the trade would you play when you place   your oil and try to trigger in less than a few  minutes so you're not really that active and this   is when it comes back to your strike rate and  probability so our strike rate is seems a bit   uh too good to be true but that's purely because  we're taking more we'll probably take more   breakevens than losses i don't know if people  count as break-evens as their losses or not um   because we're able to move our stop-loss to break  even like fairly early on like within like 5-10   minutes of being in the trade um at that point  price is probably a one to five or one to ten   um usually uh and that's where our strike  rate comes into play but last week i took   three trades lost one um so it does vary and if  you're an aggressive trader like i was last year   i was taking like 10 15 trades a week and to be  fair the overexposure on my account was ridiculous   but again it was a risk that i was willing to  take um and i don't think i actually i understood   the true exposure but i wasn't setting a good  example for students to be fair because it's   not in my eyes it's not true investing like how i  was before it was just pure excitement um because   i realized that you know if you're taking 10 15  trades you're risking i would say i i use a 0.5   on my account per trade so say if i use intent  trades i'm risking 5 of my account in that one   week so i can lose five percent and that's a you  know it's a huge percentage to take as a loss um   they didn't match right yeah i did that  uh yeah yeah so um yeah nowadays is more   like i'm focused on the high high probability  setups and since january well since uh   i took a three week break at christmas  i've been working on this added refinement   and since doing that that's using the seconds  time frame since doing that i'm able to break   even a trade within a few minutes like within  two three minutes i'm already break even   and you know if it goes back to break even it  does the only thing to be aware of when you're   doing it is you're playing to place your stop loss  and somewhat profit because the charges on your   account are huge because a lot size that you're  using yeah so you do need to cover that so you do   you do have a small loss sometimes if you don't  calculate it right i don't always calculate it   right should be fair um so there's a small loss  in that sense but and then are you going to be   entering like multiple times to get the break  even sorry to get uh catch the actual trade or is   it once it's broke even you're like that trade's  done i move on to the next opportunity yeah so um   so the poi that we have uh depending on the poi if  the poi is not violated then i will look to trade   but generally if you're correct probably shouldn't  come back to to your entry if you are correct and   um not saying i'm correct all the time but  generally it doesn't come back um unless i'm wrong   or sometimes it's price will come back to mitigate  my entry point and you just have to be aware of   you know if your entry point is worth if your  entry if price will come back to your entry   point or not so we do have a risk management we do  have a way to manage that trade if that's the case   in order to mitigate the loss where you'll  close like a partial trade so you'll close like   0.5 percent and leave your stop-loss where  it is so if it does hit your stop-loss   you know you're okay you're still breaking even  yeah um there's there's ways around it but i think   risk i think the way people manage your risk is  where profitability comes in because i can say   you know i don't like giving a full figure  for strike rate because it's so difficult to   uh give someone's trading appetite because my  appetite is probably less than a lot of people   yeah essentially so i mean like thinking about  moving your stop to break even i mean where   at what point do you go is it  like a fixed thing like a 1r   in profit move to break even or is it more of  a if this level breaks and holds then we we   moved to stop to break even uh so it's all about  structure so if structure is broken uh generally   confirms that we're correct um not all the time  it can just be a liquidity grab we don't know   but generally when structure is broken we move  to break even and say if like the first structure   point say if it's like 10r generally we close half  so we secure 5r and then let the rest run and what   i realize is securing that 5r consistently is  it's crazy it's it's actually it's mad like how   i think people forget you know 5r doesn't sound  like a lot in terms of in the smart money concept   world i would say 5r don't seem like a lot to  close but if you're doing it consistently on   pretty much every trade you're taking it adds up  to a crazy a crazy return across across the week   or month even but that's mainly see i'll close  i always close half at 10 hour if i'm going   counter trend um or if the timing for the trade  is not right so say if i enter a trade like uh   which i don't normally do say if i under trade  quite late for me as in like past like 5 5 p.m  

it's too late for me to have really trade  like this volume is not great i would take 5r   and then let the trade do whatever it needs to do  sometimes it plays out sometimes it doesn't but at   least i know i've secured from that trade so if  your anybody gets to like say 4r and comes back   and takes you out of breakeven that's not not an  issue for you that's just like business as usual   you know the next one will probably get a 5r  and they'll take half of blah blah blah yeah   yeah so the minimum is 10 hour for me to actually  take anything off the table and it's so annoying   sometimes you get price that comes to like 8 or 9r  and you're watching it and it goes back to break   even ah but in terms of psychology paying yourself  and it's something that i talk about quite a lot   paying yourself is so big because you know if  you're securing something at least you're telling   yourself you know that you're earning something  and nothing from the market is guaranteed so take   what you can from the market really that's how  i see it it's not about aiming for the big risk   rewards all the time because it doesn't happen  that often and you can't expect it to happen that   often and you know it's even worse when you hit  like a 20-yard train and it goes back to breakeven   and you didn't close anything like how i can't  explain how that feels it's it's horrible it's   it's not great it's fully it takes you back it  takes it back right it's so i mean what does if   you go back to last year where you were taking 15  trades in a week how many of those when we break   even uh way too many but i think i was taking more  losses to be fair my risk management uh there was   less confirmation last year as in i would have  my poi and i set my limit on the poi itself   rather than wait for the reaction which is what i  do now right but now nowadays i'm waiting for the   reaction and then waiting for another reaction  just to confirm that first reaction was correct   so that's why the strike rate this year has been  insane compared to compared to last year but yeah   i took a lot of a string of losses last year i  think i took two weeks of losses and that's where   that's what forced me and that this was in at the  end of july yeah end of july and that's in august   when i started to work on the added refinements  so although my account wasn't back at breakeven   but taking the string of losses is horrible  although you have the big wish to rewards   you know you say you can have you can have a 10  hour trade and then lose 10r lose 10 trades and   by be back to break even that point but i was  fairly comfortable with my account size and how   it's grown that but still the two week losses  fully that made me realize that i can't lose   that much in one go like psychologically it's it's  horrible and it's really hard to bounce back from   and it was a good learning point  and i think everyone learns from   the losses uh so in august that's when i worked  on the ad refinements so me james nick and ben   we work together to find you know what works  what doesn't work and yeah it's i think since   from november we've been fairly everything's been  working really good has been really consistent and   then january for me uh because the others haven't  really started the others didn't really start   doing the extra confirmation that i do now uh but  january since january for me the striker has been   unreal it's been crazy cool now um diving into  some of the other questions i've got here like   what would you say your typical trading day  looks like uh typical trading day so so i   so i still buy background i'm a physio and i run  a physio company as well um so i juggled the two   um so i trade a few hours i sit about two three  hours during london and then i'll go off and do   whatever i need to do um and i'm only sitting  at the charts for like two three hours a day   sometimes i would come back during london but i  would just monitor price on my phone so on monday   evenings i would set my alerts whatever where my  high probability poise are and just wait for them   um and then if i've got the time i would take  intraday trades that's only if i'm 100 there and   if i've actually got the time to do it so  if i need to like rush for something after   say like i sit eight o'clock eight o'clock in the  morning and i've got a meeting at 11. i wouldn't   force an intraday at that time because i know  that i've got something else on my mind i think   psychology for me is such a big such a big thing  that i'm very controlled as to my environment   which i don't think a lot of people are to be  fair it's something i try to portray across to a   student to our students but uh you know whether  they get adhered to or not i'm not sure but   it's a big it's such a big thing it's such  a big thing but it's fairly relaxed it's uh   i'm not i'm on the charts all the time it's a few  hours of here and there so so uh you mentioned   you you've got your own physio firm um yeah i mean  what how does that sort of i suppose the question   is there's a lot of people out there and i mean  you're a young guy who who are trying to get out   of that sort of whatever they call it the rat race  or you know that their day job or whatever it is   i don't know you run it but i mean is there was  there was it a cons conscious decision of yours to   say hey i actually want to be part of society and  and out there and doing the sort of stuff helping   people as well as trade or why did you decide to  like combine the two yeah so a big passion in mind   was to be involved in healthcare from the from  the start like that's the reason why i went to   uni to study it and i worked in our healthcare  system and the nhs that you may be aware of um   about our high school system i wanted to give  back to our system to our healthcare and then   um probably my second year i did i did leave  physio for a while and i had like three months   and i thought you know i'm a full-time trader  i can do whatever i want my partner's still a   physio and she works for the healthcare  system and i was on my on my own at home   and to be honest being young you know i don't want  to be sitting around doing nothing i want to be   actually active doing something and to be fair  the pay in our healthcare system is not great and i knew i needed another stream of income to  because trading i can't guarantee that i'm going   to make this amount like i'm not going to be i  can't guarantee that i'm going to make my mortgage   uh or pay my bills or pay for my car and so on  um and i knew i had to do something and physio   is still a passion from of it's a passion  of mine and i didn't study three years to   you know just to leave it so that's when i  branched out and started working on my own   my own thing my own company which my partner now  works with me and um it's just enjoyment to be   fair i think people want to leave purely because  they don't enjoy the job whereas i love it um i   love everything about physio it's it's uh for  me it's rewarding i'm not that's the main thing   with trading i don't feel that sense of reward  like actively i don't see clients as a physio   anymore i just don't have the time to do that but  i focus on the development of physio so i teach   that's a passion of mine to to teach basically  um that's the reason why the t is trading to   be fair i i enjoy teaching the aspect of  teaching is great but the rewarding aspect   comes from physio as opposed to trading cool  trading you can do stuff with it um in terms   of what you do with your money afterwards to to  make it rewarding but for me i think the change   i need something some sort of feedback to  make me feel like i'm doing something in   life if that makes sense well after after having  a back injury recently and going to the physio i   know what you guys do so uh appreciate the all  the work there um you know diving back into the   price charts what do you what three things would  you recommend somebody go off and start studying   on a chart uh i think the biggest thing and to  be fair chart time is your best educator you   need to just understand what price what price is  doing and what you realize is repeated patterns   and it sounds easy to say but and people  you say all the time and i used to ignore it   but from that back testing sessions that you  do and forward testing sessions you'll see   the repeated patterns itself and you'll gain that  understanding because i can teach you i can teach   everything but pete's and you can teach anyone  right but without having that true understanding   of your own you've you will struggle to find  any sense of consistency so what i would suggest   is it's opening up a chart well firstly having a  strategy in place that you can actually implement   and then back test it as long as you can it's  not about making money from the get-go i don't   focus on the money aspect and i think that's a  good point to bring i didn't have that stress   because i was working full-time i didn't have  the stress of making money from trading when i   first started i think that's what a lot of  people have where and i get these messages   every day where you know trading is the last  resort and if you're trading with bar you will   struggle to find any form of consistency because  you're forcing everything whereas i didn't i   didn't i thankfully didn't have that pressure um  because i was earning earning full time anyway   um so yeah so when they do it within when  they're doing this back testing session   i mean what what stuff should they be looking  out for do you think people should look out for   so depending on what strategy you use even  if you want to use the free strategy that   we show just focus on how price is reacting to um  the poise that you know that you show so it's kind   of hard to describe it to be fair so three things  i don't know how to say three things to be fair   understand price and understand uh the  reactions that's the main thing price action is   everything in terms of trading like indicators  i've used in the past i don't know about your   experience with indicators but i've  had no success with indicators at all   um i've realized that most of it is just  understanding what each candle is doing   understanding where price is heading as long as  you can understand direction direction and market   structure if you can understand that with a good  level of understanding you should be okay cool   and um thinking about our traders mindset what do  you have any special techniques you can share with   us to help get someone in the right mindset or fix  their mindset issues yeah so mindset is quite uh   mindset's quite a big thing because a lot of  people come in thinking especially when they see   like our risk reward they'll come in thinking  they can replicate it within a few days and i   think the majority of our students come in with  that aspect um actually i'm not actually i'm not   going to knock them but not majority some of  them so i'm going to come in with that mindset   thinking you know they get to replicate it and  the thing is it's hard to replicate the experience   so don't don't always don't compare to  other people focus on your own growth   which is probably the biggest  thing that i would say   don't focus and it's very hard to do but don't  focus on the the money aspect of it focus on the   skill and uh focus on the talent of actually trade  and the main main thing is enjoy it enjoy trading   if you don't enjoy it you'll struggle to find  any sort of motivation to do it because then it   feels like a chore to you know you have to sit on  the chart at london you have to say the chart us   you know you feel like you're forcing yourself  to do it whereas if you're doing it out of   enjoyment you'll realize you're in a  much relaxed state and i think having   the financial backing as in having a steady  income from elsewhere when you're learning   it allows you to relax a little bit and not force  yourself to to try and earn something because   i tried it and it i tried it when i was a  student and i really couldn't afford to do it   but i had that pressure to pay off my  car at that point um and i was trying   to force everything to just pay off that  car and it didn't really work in that sense   so yeah it's hard to say that i have a financial  backing but make sure you have something in   place as a backup when you're learning because you  can't guarantee that you're going to make x amount   and you'd think about it as a long-term thing  i think everyone focuses on having everything   like now like right now tomorrow you expect to  be like having thousands you know it doesn't   work like that it doesn't work like that cool well  we're going to dive into the quickfire around here   before we wrap up the show so how long did it take  you to go from newbie to consistently profitable   uh two years what's your favorite entry setup oh  favorite entry setup uh how to describe it is our   two rules on the one minute time frame and then  two rows again on the five second or 15 second   what strategies do you use to exit or manage  trades oh so structure is everything uh structure   is where liquidity is sitting so that's our target  points and we exit based on if there's a change in   trend uh yeah what's your recommended trading book  or resource ah you know what i got that i got that   this is what um this book was was so good you  know it was a gift it was a joke gift because   people used to call me the forex scammer my friend  so it's called the black books black book or forex   trading oh yeah i don't know if you heard of this  so this is where i learned supply and demand uh   initially from the only difference is i'm not i'm  not great at following books to be fair i need   someone to actually teach me but this is uh it was  crazy i always had this with me not that i still   read it but yeah it was it was a start so a friend  gave me she was a joke and it was uh it turned out   to be a really awesome book yeah yeah yeah it  was crazy all right who's the author of that   uh paul langer and he does he's got youtube  videos as well showing the strategies he didn't   have it when i got when i had the book though but  yeah i always thought this would come up again   what's your preferred broker and trading platform  uh so i use ic markets and ig so ig for spread   plating for tax purposes and i see for leverage  because ig i'm only allowed one to 100 at the   moment whereas as in the leverage and then with  ic i can use one to 500. how you ever wonder   what broker i use well i use henko trade it was  a no-brainer because i was looking for a broker   with good trading conditions and no restrictions  on trading my strategies but one of the main   reasons was their raw ecn spread which could  challenge any other broker you're trading with   learn more at or click the link in  the description and what what trading do you use  

to place the trades mt5 uh right now now can you  walk us through the worst ever trade you've had um so the worst trades actually happened where straight down the hand you know what i  don't know if i should say it to i was driving   i was driving and that went off and  i actually like parked up uh i wasn't   doing it when i was driving but i parked up  place the trade and it lost within seconds   all i remember like i was  panicking that this is when i was   yeah this is when i was like very very excited  about trading with that stuff at the start and   you know i was driving with my partner and i said  i really need to stop irene stop saying i bait i   wasn't motivated at that point i literally stopped  on the side to place the trade to find that it   lost as soon as i placed the order i placed the  order i was just about to pull off and then i   see stop stop-loss here it's just like an instant  and yeah don't don't rush don't rush any trades if it goes off when you're driving it's probably  not the trade for you um right last question of   the show if you could leave our listeners with  one piece of advice what would it be uh one piece   of advice uh focus on the long term and focus on  yourself awesome now before we wrap up uh terence   what's the best way for the traders to get hold  of you guys um our vertex investing instagram is   probably our most direct way to message all three  of us coolio or our website we have a support uh   email there well look a big thank you to tanz for  sharing with us today everything we've discussed   here along with all the links will be in the show  notes to find them simply search for tans there's   t-a-n-z in the search box on until  next time wish all my listeners trading happiness   and success hey folks if you want 10 off the  vertex investing trade management or the two-day   bootcamp then use this promo code here at checkout  it's tn 10 use tn10 at checkout on   website and you're going to save yourself 10 off  here with trading nut there we go interview with   tan's done and dusted do remember we shot that  amazing video where he breaks down his entire   trading strategy approach very mechanical to  way to get high reward trades or mega reward   trades got to go and check that out right now  uh do remember also whilst you're on trading   dot com check out my free trading robot course  i teach you how i build trading robots you're   actually going to see me build one you're going  to have one that you can take away and download   and use for yourself and also there's a few  other things in there as well after that you   might want to consider my robot builders club  where i teach you how everything i know about   building trading robots without doing any coding  and getting them to do virtually anything you want   fully or semi automated all over there on  trading dot com guys remember last but not   least your fixed mindset or growth mindset  challenge work out what you got especially   around your trading alright guys until  next time we'll see you in the next episode

2021-08-06 21:33

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