Pelosi: Trump wants to crush the Affordable Care Act, not crush the virus

Pelosi: Trump wants to crush the Affordable Care Act, not crush the virus

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States. In a debate, with a potential. President, of the united, states. Refused, to condemn, white supremacists. Refused to come. Commit to. Refuse to commit to a peaceful, transfer. Of government. To ignore the climate crisis as our country, is burning. And our. Coasts are hit by. Fierce storms. To, be there to crush the affordable, care act instead of crushing, the virus. What keeps me at night is that what we saw that night was authenticity. On both sides, of the stage. The president, authentically. A bully. Joe biden, authentically. A decent, person, who cares about, america's. Working, families. But isn't just like a democratic, or republican, debate, that's the. Exchange, of ideas. That's what we came here to do. This is something, quite, different. Undermining. Our institutions. Undermining. Our democracy. By the president, of the united, states. With no respect. For the office that he holds. So. And. That's. My colleagues, don't like it when i don't get enough sleep. So. So in any event, hopefully we can resolve. Uh some of these challenges, to the. To our, our great country, as we go forward. Right now. We're at the table, discussing, how we go forward with a possible, covet. Bill. Again. At that table reflected, some of the differences. That you saw in the debate. For example. We have. We're hopeful, that we can reach agreement. Because the need the american people are so great. But there has to be a recognition. That it takes, money, to do that. And it takes the right language, to make sure, it is done, right. So, again we have concerns, about. A sufficient, amount of money to address. Unemployment. Insurance, needs of the american, people. We have concerns. About for example how about this as a stark. Example. Of, a difference, not just of dollars. But of values. In the cares act the republicans, sneaked in a, piece of legislation, that gave, 150. Billion, dollars. To the wealthiest, people in our country. 150. Billion, dollars. In heroes, act we take that out. They put in 150, billion dollars which is more money than they spent on state and local in the cares act. And in the heroes act we had, 149. Billion, dollars. For refundable. Tax. Credit for the earned income tax credit and child tax credit, refundable. 149. Billion, dollars almost the same amount. In the interest, of coming down, we came down, to 54. Billion, dollars, just by change, changing the timetable, but nonetheless. Came down two-thirds, almost. To 54, billion dollars. They, have. Zero. In their proposal. They still want to keep 150. Billion dollar tax. Break for the wealthiest, in our country. And have zero.

In Terms of a. Refundable. Tax a child tax credit and earned income. Tax credit that addresses. The poorest of the poor when i. Sent out the letter, saying we had this bill and we had tremendous, response. Every, possible, kind of, organization. In our country. Who cares about how government meets the needs of american, people, supporting, our legislation. I framed. The legislation. In terms of what it means. To a family. Of four, making, twenty thousand, dollars a year. You probably saw that i don't have to go into all of it but some of it relates, to. This, these tax credits i'm talking about, which make a big difference, in their lives. What happens in terms of health care what happens in terms of if they become unemployed. It is, it is about. The children. And how they their needs are addressed. And that's how we have to look at this, so we're located, from the standpoint, of a family, making 20 thousand dollars. A year a family of four. And they're looking at it. From a standpoint, of 150, billion dollars, to the wealthiest, people, in our country. That's why we not only have a dollars, debate. We have a values, debate. Still, i'm optimistic. The um. We. Have come to, kind of in the ballpark. Of some things. Still way off in terms of state and local government. State and local government, our heroes. Health care workers, police, and fire. Teachers. Teachers, sanitation. Transportation. Food workers. The people who make it possible, for us to be here. They make, government, function. State, and local. We're still far apart on that, we're far apart on. Again, the refundability. That we talked about. Already. And. Again. We are coming closer, online, uh, money for. Our health provisions, in the bill, it's just a question, of the language. Because we've had. Provisions, before. But the language, was not adhered, to, so that's a question, of language. We're coming closer. On small business, but we have the restaurant, and. Small venues, for. Stages, etc. We're not in agreement, as to how those though that all would be treated because ppp. Is one initiative. Uh that, other initiative, is a grant, from the secretary, of the treasury. As opposed to a loan, from a bank. And, we'll, i'm hopeful that we can work that out, but that's a big piece of the legislation. So they're just um. Some examples. Of um. Of of how we are. Trying to reach common ground. Then, then of course all everything always comes back to healthcare. Healthcare, healthcare, healthcare. That's how we won the congress in 2018. It was the most, the three most important, issues. For america's, working families, healthcare, healthcare, healthcare. Their good health of course, but their financial. Health, as well. So the president, of course. We owned the very day that ruth bader denis, ginsburg, left us 10 states were already voting, we're already, in a presidential. Election. He's rushing this so that he can get to court in time, to be there for the november, 10th. Oral arguments, to overturn. The affordable, care act. President, and so we're saying to everyone vote your health. Because what they're out to do is to overturn. The affordable, care act that means. No more. Benefit, for, if you have a pre-existing.

Medical, Condition. That means eliminate, the preventive, care. And free exam, every year which is very, very popular. In our country. What means, being a woman. Once again be a pre-existing, medical condition where you have to pay, more. That means. Rolling back the, improvements, in the medicaid. And those places where medicaid, was expanded. To help those on long-term, care seniors, and long-term, care much of that, paid for by medicaid. People think of it as a poor people initiative. And it is for poor children. And others but it is also. A middle-class, benefit. For. Long-term, care for seniors. And that. There are some other things if you, if you're a. An adult child on your parents, policy, you can stay there until 26. Not anymore. Under what the president, is proposing. The list goes on on the benefits. That are overturned. The time of pandemic. 207. Mill, thousand, people. Have died 207. 000 people in the united states have died we passed the one. Million mark, globally. We have a higher percentage. Than our population. Uh, to the number, with the number of deaths. Over seven. Million, people, infected. And the president wants to, crush. The affordable, care act instead of crushing. The virus. And so again. This. Rush to judgment. That the president is putting forth. Is about, overturning. The affordable, care act and all that that means. To america's. Working, families. So that's a. What that is again, on the heroes, act it's so called because, again it is about our health care workers, our, police and fire, our. Teachers, our sanitation. Transportation. Food workers i listed them earlier, and more. They are heroes they risk their lives many of them. To save lives and now they may lose their jobs. And when they do they will go on to unemployment. Insurance. Services, will be cut private. Taxes, may be raised. They'll be on unemployment. Insurance. And. What good is that, for our country. Then again. We've had, i think constructive, conversations. Of secretary mnuchin, and i but, they have not, uh, we are not, finished i'm hopeful.

But We do, come at it from, two different places. 149. Billion, dollars. For child tax credit earned income tax credit refundable. 150. Billion, dollars. For the wealthiest, people, in our country. Retroactive. Doesn't have to do with the covariant, environment. Retroactive. So you see, we come from two different places, and that was the case on the cares act one, because that was written in the senate, it was a trickle-down. Bill. As, we went in with our take responsibility. Bill. Came together. And. Bubbled, it up, with compromises. But as you see it still had. Some of their um. Some of their um. Tax breaks, in it. That tax break, in it hopefully. We can find our common ground on this and do so soon. Any questions. Yes ma'am. Hi can you tell us what to expect. In these negotiations. Over the next 24, hours. Will you meet again, with the secretary. Will you will the house vote on the new heroes bill. Well i'm hoping the house will vote on new here's bill because it is really it's important. For people to see. Uh, that we completely, identify, with the concerns, that they have, and how we have. Allocated, the resources. Necessary, to get the job done, we came down a trillion dollars, as a compromise, to begin with, we then went further for another 200. Billion dollars, as i said earlier. Not, undermining. Our priorities. But, um. Realigning, some things in terms of the the timetable, how long they would last. In addition we took some things and put them, in our. Negotiation, right now where, again we, last night the senate passed the continuing, resolution, that we passed last week, which was a compromise, that mr. Secretary, and i worked out, however. We have to now be working, on, the actual appropriations. Bills, so we move some stuff. Into the appropriations. Bills because that is imminent, when we first started talking about this was. Almost four and a half months ago, and now we're in the. The time frame that we some of this can be done, in that time frame so. I'm i'm hoping that we will be voting on it today there's other, other items on the, floor of great uh consequence. To us and i'm very proud of our members. For their leadership, in bringing, legislation. To the floor. That relate to the women who suffered abuse. You know the issue, in georgia, and. Just. I don't even want to talk about it it's so appalling. About. Congresswoman, pramila jayapal, took the lead working with the women's caucus, and will have legislation. On the floor about that. And then. Congressman. Malinowski. Has his legislation, about.

Kuanan. On the floor i hasten to add that he. The assistant, secretary, for human rights and the obama administration. Uh has been a champion. For human rights. And now, you see these. People. Violating. Violating. Who we are as a people, and, again he is unfat, unfairly, being targeted, by them in a violent, way. And speaking of violence. Uh the. Proud boys. The president's friends you know the proud boys who are celebrating, the green light that he gave him in the debate. You may recall, perhaps you don't but. I will remind, you, that. A couple years ago during the 2018. Campaign, i was in, florida. In southern florida we had the race of um. Donna shalala, and, debbie marcusel, powell. And the proud boys came it was a like a press conference and volunteer. Meeting they came and pounded the doors and, shook the place scared. You know, we signed up for this they, these people don't, scaring, everyone. And they had desantis. Signs they were tasked, by. The florida, republican, party. Uh to come and disrupt, that. Meeting, which they did. Uh and in a violent, way. Uh so in case the president doesn't. Remember that he could call his friend governor desantis. Who was part of that uh, uh that thing, so yeah i think we'll have that bill on the floor today. We will. Where we end it yesterday, was, my concern, about no money. For the. Refundability. Which is a very important, part, of our legislation. To meet the needs of these people, and by the way it's a stimulus. Injection. People spend the money right away injects demand, into the economy. Creates, jobs. And so uh, that, will contin. It is my expectation. That perhaps they will come back with some. Uh. Counter. In in terms of, of all of that they seem pretty wedded to their tax cut at the high end, i hope they'd be wedded, to a tax, uh, credit for, low-income. Children, and families, in our country. These negotiations. Between union administration, have been going on for a couple of months now, do you see this round of negotiations. As the last chance to get something done before election day. They have with all due respect. They haven't gone on from. We had them early, on. And there's been, a pause, and now they've called and said. They're ready to talk again. I i never. I'm i'm hopeful that they can produce something. I, i, i never say this is the last chance until election, day, although that's 33, days away. Even if we were to come to agreement. On language, and money the construct. We're pretty ready because of. The heroes, act, had its structure, had its um. Alleged, council, approvals. Had the, cbo. Scoring, and that, but when there changes, their changes in that but still takes, time. So, um, i just think that. If we come to a place. That is hopeful. That hopefully. We'll be ready to implement, it but that it's in the language as you know the devil is in the details. So are the angels. I like to say. If you keep saying you're hopeful, i guess. The cynic in me says, why it does not seem like they are moving. At all towards your position at least from what we can see publicly. Because of the needs of the american, people. I just, think at some point they'll have to know.

That The american people have these needs and, the fact is that we are four and a half months from when we pass the heroes, act. Or three and a half months until we get sworn in as a new congress. Closer to a new congress. Less than four months, in time. When we set. Inaugurate, a new president, of the united, states. So we we're, getting ready for what comes next. But we need stuff now. And and. Some of you have asked is it something better than nothing no. It can be an opportunity. Cost. That says we're. Rewarding, and wealthy, because. They're wealthy, they're successful. At the expense. Of the poor we're not going to exploit, the needs that people have, in order to once again increase the national, debt. Uh, to help the high end. Yes. Yes. But i mean there's no inflection, points between now and the election that would get us to that point the fact that you're here voting, you just suggested, a second ago. That you hope you put the the revamp, bill the bill you released on monday, today that suggests. That there's nothing that can be resolved, on this. No relationship, to anything, no, it just says. Uh you asked. Here's what it is, this is how we came down. Uh this is how we came down, we uh. Shortened some time periods, we moved some things on to the appropriations. Process. Which is, needs to be uh, negotiated. Soon if we're going to keep government, open. As the cr. Uh, uh indicates, by the. Like the 11th, of december. It, is that they have no relationship, to each other, except, to say, this is what we're are this is what we are. Pushing, for. On the floor. Of motivations. Uh but our members are very eager to uh. And i am too and i i. The. The joy, of being part of a, a, dynamic. Not rubber stamp. No. Lock step. Caucus. Is. Is. Is wonderful, i have to say so, we have a lot of. Exuberance. And vitality. And, people worked hard, our chairmen, and our committees, worked hard. To meet the needs with the science-based. Academically. Justified. Institutionally. Respected. Amounts, that are needed. Whether it's rental, assistance, or mortgage, assistance, whether it's food. For those food insecure, in our country. Whether it's. Health care if you lose your job if. We have a provision, in there to. To, immediately. Immediately. Have people qualify, for the affordable, care act with the highest, level, of subsidy.

Uh For, uh for being part of the. System. Uh it doesn't require an open enrollment, so it's, a very, smart, bill we're very proud of it and we want to see people to see. What the possibilities. Are. Has more to do with. That, than whatever, intricacies, you had going. With president there. People that the, vaccine, is coming soon. Would you be willing to get an fda, approved, coronavirus. Vaccine, provided your doctor clears it. Would happen, well let me just say and i thank you for asking about the vaccine. Because what we have to do is have confidence. Trust. In the vaccine. And that means politics, should have absolutely. Nothing, to do. With how the vaccine, is approved. I'm so, pleased that the, pharmaceutical. Companies have said they will not market or promote. A vaccine. That does not go through the clinical, trials, that are required, for approval, and the approval. Of the advisory. Committee. That makes that recommendation. I don't like the. Uh. The pressure, that the white house is bringing, on all of this and the statements, that maybe we don't need. Clinical, trials. No as we normally do we can just do it two instead of three and all that, no. This has to have the government and let me salute, the scientists. At the fda. And even some of the people at the cdc. Not not working on this project but while i'm saluting. Some of the people who. Have been there for a long time about the highest, caliber, of science. Now back to fda. Working, on this initiative. Let science. Determine, this, not politics. And then people will have confidence. In the product. And, again. We're talking about what the distribution. Of that is and we have, a significant, amount of money in the bill for the distribution, of it in an ethical. And um, with equality. And ethics. How it would be. Distributed. Uh. I'm not a big needle taker. I mean i had a hard time getting my ears pierced i'm not a big eater, i mean they have to talk me into the flu shot. Under great duress. Each year so um. But if it serves as a model to other people yes i would take the. The vaccine. If it is, approved. Uh, by the regular order of things. Yes, that should be the last i think because. I have to go to my day job. Not that that isn't this, about the electoral, college, you have been speaking, about the importance, of trying to block, republicans. From, having the majority. Of the state delegation. Can you explain. Why you're doing this and what you hope to accomplish, and. Maybe tell us some of the races you're looking at. Well. No i may not go into that but well. Maybe some. Let me say this. The president has made clear that he will do everything. To undermine, the integrity, of the election. Declare, victory, with only the basis, of those who voted that day. Uh. Discrediting. Vote by mail. That's one. The next thing he may try to do. Is to. Have a. Chaos, when it comes to a state. Joe biden may win the state the state legislature. May be republican, and say well we're still sending, trump, electors. To the electoral, college. That won't carry, really but it takes, time because it will go to court. President loves to go to court and that's one of the reasons that he's in a hurry. To, beef up the court so he has his protections. Uh for all the chaos he would like to call, in the election, there'll be many, many many court cases and we've been involved, in, a number of them, under the leadership, of, of uh eric holder who's done a great job under the national. Democratic. Uh. Redistricting. Committee. That is, also working on this but many, stacey abrams you name it there are all kinds of. Legal minds at work attracting. Other legal minds. To protect, us in the courts. And in the court of public opinion. Where the president is saying to people your vote doesn't count don't go vote all that, really the president of the united states really. So uh, if all that chaos, takes us to a time, that could be past. The um. The date when the electoral, colleges. Must meet. The president, has said and, and some of the so i've been doing this a long time because i've been watching, all the things that he might like to do dismantle, the postal, system. Invite, welcome. Russian, interference, into our election, vladimir, putin should decide, who our president, is not the american, people and all that stuff, we know that so, tracking, all that. I'm a former chair of the party. I'm in politics, because i love the policy. And the issues and what it means the american, people.

But Campaigns. I thrive, on. And uh, and. Elections. So on the election. There are three phases. The time leading up, to election, day. Which we are in. And now more and more, early voting, has made it. The election, time. As well as the preparation. And the uh. Challenges, to what he might put out there for voter intimidation. And the rest of that okay, so the preparation. And the early voting. Election, day. To make sure that his intimidation. And his threat, of. Intimidation. And all the things that he has said. Is countered, and that people, feel. Comfortable to vote if they culturally, want to vote, in person, i would advise them to do it early. So that. Their vote will be, clearly, counted, in time, i would also advise them to vote by mail. If they have any uh. If they don't want to jeopardize, their, health. So you asked me this question which i love to talk about so i'm trying to be brief believe it or not, okay so then we go to the president, saying it is rallies. At his unmasked. No social, distancing. Dangerous, rallies. I'm going to take this to the, the house could decide, this and he, points out. Uh we have 26, republican, states. They have 22. So we have the edge in the house now, the constitution. The 12th amendment to the constitution. Says. The house you'll choose, if there's no resolution. Of the um. At the electoral, college in a timely fashion some of you heard this over and over so forgive me for my repetition. As you may recall. I said. That. We will be ready. We will be ready. And, we are going to be ready, the constitution. Clearly, says. A majority. So, 26. Is one vote away as one, majority. We take one seat away from him one state. Just so you understand. The house of representatives. Voting, by state. California, has 53, members, of congress. We have one. Vote. One state, one vote. Alaska, has one member of congress. One, vote. So you see the unfairness. Of it all with all due respect, to alaska, wyoming, north and south dakota, montana, et cetera et cetera. So the um. So that, so we have, multiple. Opportunities. Where we can take down that one vote. And we also, have multiple, opportunities, where we could get to 26, ourselves but that's not necessary. No majority. Then it goes into, another. Range where the speaker becomes. The, acting, pres it's complicated. After that. But our purpose, because your last question was the. Really the culmination. Of it what do you hope to accomplish. By this. What i hope to accomplish, is to send a very clear. Message. On election, day to the president. There ain't no light at the tunnel, for you in the house of representatives. It isn't going to work. So don't don't cause, chaos. Because you think it will lead. To a light at the end of the tunnel. Because that light at the end of the tunnel and the house. Is going to be a train coming right at your plan. Thank you all very much have a nice. Not day.

2020-10-05 20:11

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