Pastry Chef Ranks Top 5 Candy Bars • Top 5 Beatdown

Pastry Chef Ranks Top 5 Candy Bars • Top 5 Beatdown

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[Music] hi i'm ryan and i'm shane and welcome to top 5 beatdown a show where we compare top fives for things that seem completely asinine yet somehow garner strong opinions and to add some credibility to the mix we compare our top fives to that of an expert in the field today's topic is candy bars and today's expert is the resident chef at tasty please welcome to the void riya mclenny yeah there is no studio audience but we will add audience later oh great uh riya now you are known on instagram as at the dessert snob yes what has earned you that moniker it's a self-claim so i just like this art so i just picked that handle today's topic is candy bars and just a couple things up top here we classify a candy bar as something that has no gummy ness to it no no gummy bears no no no gummy inside the bar itself happy to hear it it needs to be the size of a cup perhaps like a reese's cup or or a a peppermint patty or larger and it needs to be in packaging that is available in mass produce so around the world so no local candy bar from the corner shop so so so it couldn't be like me maw's special little bar that she makes for you with the holidays no that's right so yeah if you have me ma's candy bar on your list take that piece and and kindly throw it in the trash because it's not valid here in the void well i'm gonna have to change some things around on here also since we are filming this season remotely we are going to take advantage of that so this season in addition to each contestant having one chef's kiss to signify something great every guest will also have the capability to mute completely another person for the entirety of that ranking let's move on to the list here nailed it great don't use your chef's kiss no no no that was uh sorry i was just testing it this shows the wild west baby no rules except the ones that we have all right starting with number five let's start with brie number five is twix for this shoe i got this giant candy bag that's all because i don't remember when was the last time i had twix so i had to remember and it was good i think texture is very important so twix has crunch it's a biscuit and also they have caramel it's chewy so you kind of have like three nice flavor and a texture and also like american candy bar my opinion don't me it's a little bit too sweet so twix has nice kind of like blunt biscuit it kind of helps that's true like it kind of balance it out sweet like too sweet caramel and it's very sweet milk chocolate i do think it does have a good combo of savory to sweet and i never really considered the fact that it might have been because of that biscuit being rather bland that's very funny if i'm making a candy bar my thought to improve it is not well i this needs a bland biscuit is what it needs right now that's a an astute observation it's almost like you know food candy bar more like blandy bar my number five is reese's take five interesting wait i never had that obscure candy bar reference here well it's obscure only because let me tell you something this is the hot new trendy buck on the scene this premiered in 2004 it's chocolate peanuts caramel peanut butter and what's that pretzels now that is good i will admit i've only had a reese's take five one time so it's more like a take one for me but did you enjoy it it's pretty good i just think it's a great combo of ingredients there's sort of like sedimentary layers to it when you're eating it layers of flavor which i like you know when you're hitting that's that crunchy little pretzel which is salted so you get a nice that's good a nice you get a lot of different flavors in there a lot of textures the peanut butter is very creamy the chocolate shell is you know a little firmer the pretzels obviously i mean you're talking about the crunch that's some good crunch right there well welcome to crunch town and as i said it premiered in 20 uh 2004 and yet in 2019 it took top honors as la times in their official candy bar power rankings oh wow i wasn't aware that the la times had a power ranking for candy bars i follow it very closely this is not something that i just learned certainly not if you haven't had it like i said it's new no he's right if you haven't had it it's because it's 16 years new i know you're making a joke about that but if we look at the uh amount of successful candy bars and their life spans 2004 that's basically still wet from the uterus number five for me this was one of my childhood favorites it is crunch my list is based around crunch so why not have number five be the crunch bar how do i describe how this feels when you bite into it i'm actually not quite sure what gives it gives it the texture of the crunch that it actually has because it almost has kind of like a a crackly like sensation almost like a it might be a rice crackle i i i did just look it up to confirm that yes it is in fact crisp crisped rice that is inside this crunch bar rice crispy like you know twix biscuit it doesn't have any flavor it's like blank flavor again it's a blending that's a blandy bar it kind of helps you know like too sweet milk chocolate but if you put like rice crispy which doesn't have any flavor kind of helps yeah they used to sell these at the movie theater that i used to go to as a child all the time so i would always get one of these bad boys along with a coke and popcorn and uh i gotta say it was a good time at the movies uh the milk chocolate in this is also you got something to say you got something to say there big boy when you were a young lad did you ever uh sort of catch that crunch bar winking at you uh maybe uh you run away from the shopping cart and you grab it and say mama mama a crunchy for me actually what i did say i didn't say crunchy for me i said mama munchie crunchy for ryrie bunji crunchy mama mama she'd slap it out of my hand oh god it would explode on the ground oh and uh and and no one got crunch bars in that entire market my number four eats kikka ujji matcha especially japanese kikka has so many different flavors yes i did a taste test with alex for my youtube channel if you want to check it out we are trying to get people away from this episode subscribe right here [Laughter] i thought ujimajo was the best flavor and uji is famous they are famous for making high quality tea the reason i like matcha flavor it's a little bit bitter so it kind of balancing out with sweet like white chocolate flavor i think i also had one of these in a in a taste test back in the past somewhere and i remembered this one being very refreshing and it felt unlike most candy bars that i've had it felt light there was a lightness to this yes i didn't feel gross after eating it like i felt like i could put down a bag of these and feel not too horrible about myself but i do recall thinking it was very very tasty and weird because it's a green kitkat i've had one before i mean i've had a green tea kitkat before and it was a very mild sweetness and i enjoyed it very much what is this persona well i'm just saying look like i said i'm a candy boy i love candy and i'm here to celebrate it let's move to number four for shane this one is a banger my number four is the reese's fast break you are going all in on the reese's universe no no that is no no so they're good at making candy bars no big deal there's a part of me that thinks shane might be in the pocket of big reeses absolutely not no no no absolutely not okay and i resent that now i just want to ask out the gate if you guys have had a fast break like i said my previous one was released in 2004 this one came out in 2001 so it's a little it's been on the scene a little bit longer i'm still kind of stunned by the fact that you put two reese's products in your top five riya can you ask me uh what's my name why don't you see your name oh hi i'm reese's oh wait oh look it i got something in my pocket is that it's shane that's crazy how'd you get in there how'd you get in there oh man i'll put you back in there okay all jokes aside i do very much resent that and i'll say this let me let me discuss the fast break so the fast break is very much a reese's own take on the milky way and the problem with milky way which i do look i don't mind the milky way but ryan i think you'll hear me on this when i say it's a little sticky yeah it's a little sticky a little sticky with that caramel in there i don't like uh a candy bar that i immediately have to take a trip to the dentist which in my case is my father um not to say that i don't like seeing my phone you don't like seeing your father you don't like we get it you don't have to you're right yeah let me make sure that that came out clear i don't like seeing my father but i do like seeing the dentist it just so happens that my my dad is a dentist so yes i don't have the nutrition facts to back this up but i think they might be healthy for you that oh how i'm gonna i'm gonna go out i'm gonna just say it without looking up any research that is not true that is 100 not true uh for my number four look we all know this one everyone loves it it's butterfinger baby i love butterfinger it has such a unique crunch to it i looked into it apparently it's because it's hard candy inside the actual butter finger itself mixed with peanut butter and i guess how they make the hard candy is they just boil i guess maple or corn syrup i'm not sure which one honey maybe probably gets it probably coarser that mixture mixed with like i think it has corn flakes in there and the peanut butter is just you know what nope i almost did it i almost went in for the chef's kiss but i'm gonna save it because i have other things on this list that are worthy of it but i do really enjoy the crunch of the butterfinger in fact it might be the most satisfying crunch out of all the things on this list i mean you bite into this bad boy not only is it just really conducting a symphony in your mouth but there's like shards of it flying all over the [ __ ] place it's getting on your pants it's great it's a fun time a really fun kid candy bar and when you pair this with some ice cream hit the deck tsunami i thought about putting it on my list because i i do enjoy a butterfinger a great deal i'm gonna get a butterfinger right now you're gonna leave this shoot you're gonna get them just leave this shoot you guys can have fun hosting the rest of this because i'm about to go stuff my mouth full of some butter fingers all right let's move to uh number three here but before we do let's hear from our sponsor thank you to our sponsor surf shark vpn most internet users aren't even aware of the amount of surveillance limitation and data mining done with their personal information on a daily basis surfsharkvpn can get rid of all these problems for you with an easy to use one for all solution surfshark turns you into an anonymous and hard to trace online user and makes the internet a safer and more enjoyable place for you use promo code watcher to get 83 off plus three extra months for free surfshark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's no risk the link is in the description and now back to top 5 beatdown oh this is getting juicy my number three eats reese's peanut butter cup zamo now you're hitting them with the classics that's that's the good stuff right there that is the good stuff zamo i don't know why shane keeps saying ammo that's actually my new catchphrase for this show i think it's it's the most popular halloween candy right i can i can tell you it's not the most popular halloween candy oh it's the most popular candy okay period look at him go how'd you get out of my pocket [Laughter] if you like peanut butter it's it's really good right it was good something about peanut butter though like you guys like american people love it's peanut butter what's up [ __ ] love peanut butter [ __ ] love i mean it's kind of strange all right let's move to number three for shane my number three is [Music] reese's peanut butter cups oh yes do we get anything we got a zamo yeah let's go through shane's top fives thus far okay we have reese's take five oh reese's fast break reese's back to classic you're kind of starting to sound like uh bubba from uh from forrest gump does he like reese's shrimp shrimp stew you got shrimp i've only seen that movie once yeah well you're a fool you're a fool look i like the big cups i like the little cups i like uh that the wall the ridged wall has a little structural integrity to it so when you bite on it you feel like you're knocking down a little fortification and get into the little yummy yummy in the center that's good stuff one other commendable thing uh i was on the internet a few years ago and there was a thread on reddit when someone said i hate it when you have a reese's peanut butter cup and you peel away the wrapper and little lines yeah stuck to it and someone replied to it and said i work for reese's we're fixing this and i swear to god two months later i bought some peanut butter cups and it has never happened ever since then you buy a raised peanut butter cup right now you're not gonna get that it's been around for almost a century and they're still improving it i think he is in the pocket of big reese's i'm only in the pocket of big reese's and that i love reese's peanut butter cups your shoulders getting a little tired they are carrying all that water big boy it's a perfect candy it's a perfect it's a perfect kitten why is it number three then um because there's some better ones my number three is kitkat now that's i'm not talking any permutation of cat you could maybe glob them into them but i'm talking the original break me off a piece of that kit kat bar honestly this was one of the the things that as a child introduced me and warmed me to the concept of sharing because when i had my buckets of popcorn i'm not sharing that bad boy you're a monster but when it came to a kitkat it was like i'm gonna share this with a pal now i got a friend it's a way for you to make friends and talk to people out in the world what other candy do you know that uh that encourages that kind of behavior you know i respect your list i'll simply say that uh when i think of waxy chocolate i do think of kitkat bars okay well i mean uh your your tongue is dead it's a little too sweet for me boy we're getting down to it now top two my number two is sneakers i'm on the mini snickers almond mini just to be clear here you're excluding snickers almond normal i think sneakers regular sneakers is a little too much i don't think i can finish whole thing so i don't want to waste my time i like smaller sides so you can just have a perfect bite and this is exactly what i need when i need sugar wow that's fair i like almond better than pina in sneakers interesting so you're a fan of almond butter as opposed to peanut butter then it's a different story if it comes coming down to them on the bottom okay all right i did not mean [Music] [Applause] i thought they'd be less gross over remote but they're even more gross because i actually have to look at you and also like sneaker is not meant to be you know like say before later like twix or kika you can break it and you can eat it and put it you know in a refrigerator or something snika is very sticky because it has very sticky peanut butter so if you have a bite and save it say before later it's all messy because with a big snickers you take a bite of it it's like [Music] you know turns into a [ __ ] trombone let's move on to shane's number two mine number two is pearson's salted nut roll you hear that sound ria you hear that silence right there that's the entire audience at the same time googling what the [ __ ] piercings whatever the hell he is no i'll tell you this it's a lot of the audience but i'll tell you who it's not it's the folks in the midwest midwest right another midwest muscle job to muscle this thing into the list no no no listen to me here this candy bar is a [ __ ] treat and you're not you're muted this candy bar i went camping uh back in i think it was 2009 and i did a lot of my camping out there in illinois great state ryan has said before everything he's heard about illinois it sounds better than california chicago obviously a better city than l.a he's ryan has agreed with me on this um so in one particular camping trip we went up to wisconsin and stopped at a little mom-and-pop corner shop and there on the shelf um i saw what looked to be a candy bar transported straight out of the i don't know 1920s looked very peculiar and it was called pearson's salted nut roll it is nougat a vanilla nougat it is caramel and it is all coated by peanuts in the same way that you'd see a payday oh you look very vintage it looks vintage it looks like something that herbert hoover would eat and i love that i think that about wraps it up for my number two ron go ahead the the anchor i felt in my chest during that mute session is uh hasn't been matched in my entire life sounds like you got some issues let's move on to uh riya's number two wait no it's yours oh it's mine oh it's mine i spent so much time locked in the void that i forgot who i was number two for me is twix now oh we had this at number five look we already talked about it before but i think this is a pretty damn near close to perfect candy bar as shane mentioned you have two of them so you could share with a pal or you could eat them both like a little piggy like me i've never once shared a twix that's how i knew it was better than kit kat when i had a kit kat of course i'm going to share it with my pals but for twix it's all going straight to the rye guy let's move on to our number ones my number one eight toblerone dark chocolate it's dark dark dark chocolate i like the shape have you ever seen anything like that like triangular box it is a unique packaging yeah it looks like a mountain you're breaking like one mountain yeah and it it's different than a crunch it's seems like you know kind of similar category but it's a little bit stickier yeah what i don't even know what that crunch is but it's a great crunch it's a very subtle crunch yeah and it's smaller because i feel like it's more elegant than the crunch i was just about to say it's so elegant this candy bar feels like the adult candy bar there's something about it it's stream that being said it is from what i've seen enjoyed a lot by uh senior citizens mostly english people it's the it's the geriatrics number one candy bar i thought they just like peanut breeze i think it's not senior thing i think it's a sophisticated thing let's move on to your number one chain which i'm sure will be only available in midwestern gas stations number one is rhys is not rages unbelie you went four for five i think let me out of here please let me out oh because shane's piping up again in the pocket i've had this conversation with people outside of top five we've talked candy bars uh till the cows come home when i think of the sheer amount of candy bar innovation that reeses has done uh in the past century or in the past few decades i don't think anyone else in the game is putting their best foot forward uh not rages is incredible it's peanut butter it's peanuts it's caramel and not the kind of caramel gives you a gooey little stream but a nice severable caramel covered in chocolate it's um a flavor explosion it's got a beautiful textures it is widely available it's easy to find i simply love it definitely not widely available just because you're getting hypnotized by uh a [ __ ] twix doesn't mean that the nutrageous isn't sitting there winking at you from from a few shelves down i'd like to see some photos of people sending them in send us your photos go to your local store and take a photo of an outrageous i think shane didn't know what his list was he hopped i knew i knew exactly oh you wanna zoom this is a list this is a list with notes you know what let's move on to let's move on to my number one and it's gonna piggyback on this one because my number one is reese's peanut butter cup oh wow wow it is the top dog it's the cream of the crop a damn perfect candy bar which is weird because it is a cup but it's perfect as shane said before the ridges provide this nice kind of uh structure to it where the inside is just so creamy and soft that it just kind of just tucks you in for the night and this lays you to sleep it's a perfect a perfect combination i i'm not actually sure how they create the i don't know what to call it the mash that's inside the cup the peanut butter cream i think they refer to it as it's not really creamy though that's the thing it's not creamy it's got a almost like a gritty it has like a grainy texture to it that's why i almost refer to it as a mash but it is so goddamn satisfying i like it because when i bite into the cup the ridges are at the back of my molars here so i'm biting into the ridges meanwhile these top teeth are biting into the softness of the cup so i'm getting like this variety of bite texture from just the first bite and i know it's crazy to have this number one when i have been singing this whole time that on my list is based around crunch but that's just how goddamn good this is is that i'm willing to put that aside that being said i almost kind of group all of the other rhesus products into this i know they're different things but uh it's funny that shane would have varieties of reese's and not include the best variety that was ever introduced in terms of reese's family i did include it it was my number three no no no no no i'm saying if it comes to side products of reese's you did not include in your list the superior one reese's number one what is what is the superior one it's crazy that you haven't said it it's the reese's sticks oh the reese's sticks let's mute let's mute shane it's not as good as the reese's cup but if you want a reese's cup with some crunch reese's sticks is where you want to go it doesn't have any of that other extra stuff that you really don't need because like all the other stuff nut rages outrageous uh when you talk about the fast break take five all these extra fixins and gadgets and gizmos you don't need it you don't need to dress up reese's in a little outfit it's already almost perfect if you want some crunch just add a wafer it's almost it's a don't don't overthink this okay that's all i'm saying you could go ahead and unmute shane now did you did you have some time to reflect in the void there i hope i was just chilling i was thinking about and my nutty little nut rangers bar over here well that does it for this episode of top five beat down if you guys uh liked our list or disliked our list or just thought we missed the mark make sure you try them off in the comments 3 is there anything else you would like to shout out here but while we still have a captive audience check out make it fancy at the buzzfeed tasty and subscribe my youtube channel until next time that's the list definitely nailed it remotely

2021-01-31 09:50

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