Overcoming FEAR in the Business World

Overcoming FEAR in the Business World

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well dj you all we're going to get started for today's discussion of kingdom economics if you hold tight please for at least 30 seconds so we can get all the links appropriately set up and mr joseph i'm tagging your name right now all right all right so once you see that as a notification you can push it out to your contacts i'm going to tag a few other people you're looking on of course who else for those who are listening right now as we prep and get this whole stage ready al dasuka um may be joining us he's involved in a very healthy discussion and and talking about land and that's a good discussion to have with our hebrew people um so we want to thank you for joining us we will open in prayer that's only orderly let us get set for just a moment and i i'll push this out to a few other groups here i think that's my phone easier and also for you business-minded individuals specifically hebrews if you have questions we will entertain those questions as best as we can if you're watching this in the present and the now we love the real-time present interaction we'll open up chats so the conversations will show um his chat overlay you'll see content being posted on the right side so me and our kiosk will be able to see that conversation and interact with you in real time for those that might see this conversation in the future comment and this will be in facebook of course um we're prep making some other things in place such that this interaction shows on youtube so there's things i'm working on but make comments we'll respond and we'll reply as quickly as we can and just a few more few more seconds i'll do that okay and that pushes out to some of our hebrew groups here um as we discuss all right so let's get started um father abba daddy we bless you broth your name we thank you for all things that you have done and are doing and will do unto the nation of israel we thank you for the hearts and the minds of the gentiles whom you've turned unto righteousness father we thank you for blessing your people your kingdom people we give you glory and we worship you we adore you hello thank you for all those that will be uh blessed and would receive may our hearts as the hosts of the cohost be sensitive and tender to be led and to instruct with wisdom may we be open to reproof and correction if we speak in air even if we're earnest and honest may we may we receive correction that you would be glorified may we may we be light father that men may see the candle on the hill and see the light and glorify your name bless those they have a desire to go forward and what you've put within them their gift their talent allow them to be responsible with their resources their their time management their resource management may they be confident in you and may they be confident which you placed in them and how to operate in that space that you might be glorified and all things may your son yahusha be esteemed we thank you for your ruach give us wisdom give us insight give us knowledge that you will be blessed in all things keep our hearts honest and pure before you father you bless you amen amen amen well i could have kept on going that felt good man just uh just uh i don't know man just being thankful with the from what the most high has done um akios if i want to thank you you know we discussed last week even prior to that we've had discussions at least at the salt community event about business business not just the concept of business but uh how to build the kingdom appropriately with teaching and resources and um many people know you uh but for those that don't yet know you can you give a introduction of yourself once again hallelujah uh joseph joshua uh you know of course some know me as brother joseph and um my background as it relates to uh business is concerned um i have been self-employed uh and running my own business basically self-employed jumped out there uh close to about 12 years ago and i've been in this uh sales industry uh for going on close to 30 years i want to say close to like i said 25 years last week on the call it might be closer to like 26 27 years of sales so those are some of the sales is one of my strong gift things that i've had i've worked different jobs uh that had to do with sales it was about 12 years ago where i had enough of having someone tell me what to do uh tell me when i can go to the restroom uh tell me when i go take a lunch tell me when i can you know tell me when i can do anything i need to do that's important um and to me that sounds like slavery so i took that leap of belief and uh it's been the last 12 years have been some of the best years of my life um you know ups and downs as it relates to learning business there are a lot of things that you have to learn stepping out there on your own you don't have a safe secure paycheck to look forward to every day and i'm totally fine with that because up to me if i'm going to eat if i get out there and labor do it supposed to do in the marketplace and i'm going to be reward handsome before that but if i sit around and be lazy then i have myself to blame for that so i'm totally fine with living that type of lifestyle um you know starting my own uh my first business was a little small uh stand uh you know how you go to see those individuals that were inside of the airport and you're coming in and you bout to catch your flight and you know you come down you see them people are true fans well i actually own my business and it was in a a prominent place um in the city of kentucky and there was a nice amount of traffic that came through there i also did it at the airport i learned to trade at the airport first and then i applied it and started my own business doing it and that's how some of us even got started running our own businesses some of us we work a job at first we learn that drive inside and out like the back of our hand and then we start wondering saying why am i making all these people all this money yeah i can do this myself so the person that owned the shoe shine business when i first got in he taught me how to design the shoes and put the polish on and buff the rag and make the signs sparkle so that all the travelers can go on their flights looking good right and he will have these different stands set up all around the airport and he would just he he will work occasionally and then he would just take off and leave and he would leave myself and a couple other truth channels there and we could be working that he's out he's somewhere out in the restaurant enjoying life uh so i had to learn how to you know run it from a business standpoint i did done that and after that um you know i went on after running that business i went on and got into the car sales industry uh i've been doing that now uh for i'm in my eighth year of doing that now so but i did the shoe shine thing about three to four years leading up into that i was also involved in network marketing uh that kind of opened up the door for me uh making an investment in myself and getting talking to people uh i was the individual i could save all this because i know you just asked me for a brief introduction i was about to go into that no there's no need to apologize because i i think i think that shows passion and and for those that are listening you know if someone asks you what do you like we you would just light up and start talking about oh i like kids i like traveling i like i like you know teaching i like vacation whatever i like djing i like music i like writing and and what we're trying to do is we want to encourage you to operate in that space that gives you excitement operate in that space so when we ask that their brother give us an intro he starts talking sales and and doing shoes and then he's winning this and automotive and network marketing that level of excitement is what he presently operates in right now so to have someone working in the space that gives him joy or a sense of purpose i mean for example when i wake up and i come down to my office i'm so full of purpose i feel like i'm right where i need to be and that's that's a that's a phenomenal space to be in and that's not boasting how many of us work at a place and you're sitting there and you're thinking i'm not supposed to be here now we're not saying you're not thankful for the job we're saying are you supposed to be operating with your gifts and talents in that space and only you're gonna answer that so our job is to help you identify these areas and to ask the father father how can i operate how can i activate how can i engage in this space you're calling me in the marketplace how do we monetize and i say this carefully with the right intent how do i monetize my gift because you have to bring resources into your home to take care of your wife your children your utilities so on and so forth last week we talked about you know what is your gift or what is your talent or what skills or trades were used uh for hebrews right many operated in working with gold uh silver um wood um they were craftsmen they made jewelry perfumes they worked shipyards that worked in logistics building the solomon's temple and you can go on and on on musicians you name it and then we move that conversation forward with a set of questions and one of the questions we ask what modern skills or talents do people have now whether it's technology logistics project management the salesman automotive sales the list goes on and the thing we were attempting to do was to allow you to see the thing or skill that you have your trade and to encourage you that it's okay to operate in that trade it's okay so we launched from there into today's conversation which is going to be on fear now for those that are listening to this in real time you're thinking okay you must be talking to me listen i'm talking to me i'm talking to brother joseph i'm talking to my wife who's presently out of town attending a real estate conference right talking to everyone that's in the business mindset or at least in the entrepreneurship mindset also during our discussions we're going to give a shout out to some hebrew business entrepreneurs i submitted a post uh sometime last week and i said hey business owners hebrew business owners you know share your logo your your website and so i'm going to give a shout out for those that did so i'm going to share my screen this is going to take us into a discussion that myself and mr joseph are going to have and let me share this screen again i think this is it and it should pop up right there all right so when chat comes in i'll be sure to share the chat let me disable this just for a moment so we can have more space going to zoom in for your benefits and again this will be a lively discussion we're going to kind of go back and forth nothing too static about this these are just some of the questions i'm not going to entertain that entirely the space i want to get down to you right here the challenge dealing with the fear right um this space right here second timothy 1 7 for elohim has not given us the ruach the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind i got some bullets here but now we're going to get into this space where we're just kind of going back and forth so as it relates to fear brother brother uh joseph what are some things that we often are afraid of and now this is a wide question it's not just business only so you tell me off the cuff what do you think of of what makes what some people are afraid of um the majority of people they are uh afraid of the fear of failure uh the fear of rejection the fear of loss of loved ones um you know domain fears that individuals deal with on a day-to-day basis and some of these fears um some people will almost almost choose overseas over being rejected individuals throwing ideas out there something that's been laying dormant inside of them all these years and um some individuals they fear poverty as well they fearfully but take the necessary steps to get out of the city that will keep them in part there are a lot of people no go ahead go ahead fear is a disease all right let's go ahead and call it as it is i know a lot of individuals even today we know we're not going to get too caught up into what the world is fearing right now but they're fearing a disease but the disease that's being pushed through the media and through the outlets and through social media spirit fear is the thing that is taking a hold of individuals and uh if i could share a quick scripture real quickly if i can uh do that i sound like you had something that you were going to say so maybe i could share a scripture after you say what you're gonna no i'm share the scripture but what i was gonna say is that many of us fear public speaking individuals will also die and stand in front of a group of people and start speaking um so that is definitely a fear uh you know one of the ways to overcome that fear one and one of the ways i've had to overcome that even as i uh travel to different cities and speak even today i just take a real deep breath and i just get right into it i just have to because you see you're going to you're going to get out there perform or you're going to sit there and you're going to freeze up and you're going to be looking at look at that as a fool so i just choose to take a deep breath and dive right into it uh but the scripture i want to share is in uh job chapter 3 25 all right job 3 and 25 i just want to throw their individuals that do have the scriptures all right it said the thing that i greatly feared has come up on me and that which was afraid of has taken hold of me so the thing that we fear they actually come upon us um i want to i want to turn your attention to one more scripture uh in proverbs chapter 10 and 24. all right we see that job now job is considered by many as a righteous man and he said the thing he feared will come up on him and we uh proverbs chapter 10 and verse 24 is that the fear of the it shall come upon them all right so job we see that job is considered a righteous man and he said that the thing that he feared come up on him and then proverbs 10 is the fear of the wicked shall come this is a spiritual law uh that very few uh you know talk about today but that if you fear something it is going to come up on you all right it is a it is a disease that will plague anyone all right for individuals poverty they're going to be poor for the rest of their life more than likely all right if they fear that their business is going to fail their business they're going to be a part of that statistic of individuals that failed within the first three to five years because they didn't even believe that they had what it took to even make it in the first place all right so um go ahead elder you have something to say about that give me that scripture on job again i was there in the in the bible act but let me write it down what was that again it's job 3 and 25 okay it's proverbs 10 and 24. okay thank you so much but the flip side of proverbs 10 24 is it also it says that the fear i'll come up on it but at the last part of that it said the desire of the shall be granted so it works both ways fear and faith belief are the exact same things they're the exact same is that one of you using for you know optimism and positive results other uses for pessimism and negative results so that that they say it's the same thing though what you hear what individual fears they think on ponder on and it takes a whole thing every single day the same thing that a person has faith in their belief in they think they ponder on it and they think about it every single day it's the same exact thing one is used for this way the others used for that way all right so what you see like uh dj oel elder corey elder sukha has has done as we have had ideas within us that's been laying inside of us but we stepped deep against all the odds against what the naysayers were trying to say or maybe even family members want to say even even sometimes even what your your spouse or someone close to you have to say you have a dream vision and and you and we've stepped out there onto the deep of course the most sign has he sustained us he's allowed us not to completely go down there's times where you have these wavy moments in business uh but it beats work as a corporate slave or or a puppet you know going in there and having someone else to tell you what to do this is not a insult or i'm not trying to offend those of you that are working because it is necessary all right we need individuals out in the labor force all right everyone doesn't feel like they are a business owner so i do understand that but i'm talking we're talking to those of you that know you have more to offer than what you are displaying we're talking to we're talking about to those of you that you know without a certainty that the most high has put certain giftings in you not this one gift he's given you multiple talents and you are sitting on them this this is who tonight and those of you that aren't working their jobs by the way good you're working the job at the most high has given you talents and getting to do more things to generate income that can help his kingdom then you fall into the category of being guilty as well so i want to read the scripture everything that's within me go ahead please hallelujah so uh for those of you that do not notice a book called the apocrypha all right different groups of people that take a look at this but in the in the apocrypha it's a book called this solomon i want to go there for a second i will share with you this fear all right and i'm praying after this message tonight that you have the courage to do whatever it takes on your dream and do what you need to gather the resources together to build the most highest kingdom all right and before i read this wisdom of solomon chapter 17. i feel something special

tonight i thank you for that prayer i thank you for that prayer tonight because uh i just feel a lot different than i did last week think about this for a sec the most high has given us these gifts and even with what i could to take my download because they're my first ministry but after that is to feed the homeless the widows the strangers and the fatherless and to travel and do other things pertaining to the kingdom this is called kingdom economics we're taking our resources and if things realize them in the workforce for gathering income the workforce putting it back into the kingdom it's going full circle so therefore the talents and the giftings that the most has given us go back to the screen of scripture where the parable the messiah gave the parable of the man of the man with talents the man with the two talents and the man with one this was physical money all right so i know individuals would say it's your town your giftings but also look at it like that as well because sometimes scriptures have a twofold meaning but we know up front this was about money they went out there the person with five he took the resources demo sign or yahusha or the parable with whoever this parable was speaking on he took what his man gave him and he multiplied it all right the same thing that he's given us he's given us time given the abilities all right this other he took it and multiplied it all right in another script the book of luke he says occupy until i come some individuals want to be so spiritual right they want to be so spiritual well they say gonna wait for the most high to come back i don't have to do anything what the scripture says he said until he comes all right so we have a responsibility to get out here into the workforce and use whatever he has given us the same things given us are the same gift things he's given me all right shalom the same gift things that he's given me to say to promote to persuade he's given me that ability to take it to the marketplace to use it for for my my gang like dj ol said longest is not nothing that's dishonest and not righteous i lose my gift to the marketplace and i'm able because i work for myself i don't have someone to see how much money i can make on a daily on an hourly basis gives to the marketplace some weeks i make a various weeks i make a nice amount all right i take my gifts to the marketplace i'm i'm paid according to my efforts and then i take that money i take a percentage of that money and put it towards the kill like we like here yo that's a wonderful thing going on for those of you that's that's watching now or for just gonna watch this in a later time all right going out and feeding the poor the widows the strangers and the fabulous going back so we take off our no substance we use that money to do those things to help to listen to you when you say hey brother i'm just gonna pray for you or i have a meal for you i have some shoes for you i have something of substance to give to you now as you tying those brand new shoes up that we didn't gave you now your ears are wide open now you want to hear what we got to say instead of just sending them off saying i'ma pray for you so to go this messiah chapter 17 because this topic of fear right now this is and like i said this is not to be offensive to anybody that wants to work i'm not trying to throw stones at you i'm only seemingly throwing a stone at you or even possibly be offending you if fellas and get things they're not doing nothing with them you are the individuals that might be offended by this and i hope that that even if there's a little bitty offense that it causes you to act on your ideas i'm not telling you to go to your job i'm not telling you to go away what you've been working and you've got benefits i have been feeling i'm not telling you to go away and have your family out here starving i'm saying if you have something that's been um that's been bothering you something that's been pulling and boiling inside of you right started on a part-time basis do it on the side all right until you to build up something um and eventually be able to away from that if you choose to all right but let me go to the wisdom of solomon chapter 17. i keep saying i'm gonna go there keep talking and talking and talking so solomon chapter 17 because we're talking about this disease called fear tonight all right if you don't know fear is a disease all right so let's go to whis solomon chapter 17 verse 12. all right i don't know if you're going to pull that up for me to read it either way that's cool all right i'll go ahead and read it all right psalms 7 and 12. it said for fear is nothing else the portraying of the sir course which reason offereth let me say that one more time fear is nothing else but a betraying of the course which reason offers what reason your reasoning the individual's reasoning who is afraid afraid to take a chance on themselves me personally if it's anybody that i'm going to bet on is myself i'm willing to put my money on me tonight i'm on any anything or anybody else that's just me i'm not saying this i'm not saying this in no no arrogant way or no braggadocious way but i believe in the giftings and the talents and the cause of the most high as all right but let's continue though verse 13 all right i'm gonna go back to 12 again it said there is nothing else but the train of course which reason offers number 13 and the expectation from within being left counted the respect in the call ring of the torment did y'all hear that it says and the expectation from within being less count is more than the cause which brings so fear is nothing else but betraying of the record support which reason it offers start in we start wondering you know i can't uh it'll never work for me it's just for those you know greedy rich or that's those people that you know they were born and they was born with everything given to him i don't think dj oil was born didn't give it to him i definitely wasn't all right it was not forgiving sleeping the same sleep hallelujah so he said verse 14 he said but they just sleep in the same sleep that night which is which is indeed intolerable which came upon them out of the bottom of the inevitable this is what individuals go through when they're dealing with anxiety when when they are afraid of spirit of fear what did the elder read he started off with this lesson at the beginning started so if you are operating in the spirit of fear then who spirit are you operating in how can you say you are a believer of the scriptures where you call yourself a christian whether you call yourself an israelite whatever you call yourself and you are afraid to take a leap on what the most high has put inside of you from the foundations before you is even birthed of and thought of that gifting was already ready to manifest imagine you laying down at your at your bed normally when you're when you're getting ready to pass on to the next life you and you take all your family members around you and they and they want everybody to huddle around your bed all right so that they can so they can see you take your last breath but imagine that's hurting around you is all the dreams and the visions and the goals and the things that you were supposed to accomplish why you were here and they're looking at you saying we have to die with you because you never did anything with us how would the most time look at you for an individual you have and i'm talking to individuals that's going to see this you might not even be on this live right now but you're going to come across this all right if the most high is put talents and giftings in you all right it is up to you to to to get those things to come out to the surface because they're individuals that need your gift to take place they need you to operate in your maximum capacity so that they can get to where they need to go to all right if i am out of alignment if i'm not doing what i'm supposed to do first of all the most i don't need me he could raise up some rocks he could raise up wherever he want to raise up but when i'm operating in my full capacity as an individual that goes about to persuade individuals to either buy something from me or persuade people to live for the most time if i'm out promoting handed somebody a flyer handed somebody a cd handed somebody a business or something to watch if i'm in maximum if i'm operating my maximum opportunities then it's all kind of good it's all kind of things that's happening he's connecting me to the right people he will connect you to the right people and sometimes that job or even that little that business that little side hustle that you have going on is a stepping stone to something greater it's something that will lead you to another opportunity it might be someone that you meet as you're laboring whether the book of soraka or ecclesiastical chapter 11 verse 21 says it says trust in the most high and abide in your labor for it is an easy thing in the side of y'all on the sudden to make a poor man rich most times want you to abide in your labor a buyer in that thing that he has given you to do and when other ideas come other things start coming to your mind you act on those things not that you could just hoard up and just and just gain all this money just for yourself you're gaining the income for the kingdom so that you can build up kingdom economics so you can feed the widows strangers fathers and outside of the kingdom economics then that can lead to you doing group economics and then you spend it with your brothers and sisters all that money is circulating back and forth they say the jewish dollar goes around 13 different times before it leaves the community our money is the so-called black african-american society israelite society whatever you want to call it all right as soon as we get the money it's right out the door all right we sent it right outside that's right we send it right outside of our uh our homes all right so let me go to verse 15 and i'm going to close this out wisdom of solomon chapter 17.

all right i'm going to read the whole thing from 12 just so you can get it again i know i've been interjecting interrupting talking speaking but let me read it from the top again solomon chapter 17 and 12. it said for fear is nothing else but a betraying of the sakura which reason offered verse 13 and the expectation from within being less counters the ignorance more than the cause which bringeth the torment but they sleep in the same sleep that night which is indeed intolerable and which came upon them out of the bottom of an inevitable hell verse 15 were partly vexed with monstrous aberrations and partly fainted their hearts failing them for a sudden fear and not look for came upon them then we read the elder in job chapter 3 25 proverbs chapter 10 24 there the wicked shall come upon them it says it right here in wisdom of psalm 17 the same thing the thing that you fear it will come upon you in verse 16 so then whosoever there fell down was straightly kept shutting a prison without iron bars he said they were shut in a prison without iron bars that means that they were in an invincible prison that was not in a prison was with bars it was imprisoned in their mind monstrous aberrations the sudden fears failing them the most high don't want us to have fear all right we go to the ecclesiasticus you will also see the anxiety fears cousin brother whatever you want to call it all right it brings carefulness it brings age before it's time all right it brings death all right you individuals that's out there being afraid afraid of this afraid of this afraid of that you are you are actually signing yourself up for early grave according to the torah of wisdom all right so fear is something that we really need to take heed to because if we truly believe in the motive we're not supposed to be afraid of anyone himself or him and that's what the elder and i was talking about earlier is it a good fear is it a bad fear the only good fear out there is the fear of the most high that's it anything else you're going into the umbrella of the of the deceiver you've been deceived if you fear that your idea won't work and the most i gave it to you it's not going to work you're right your idea is not going to work if you don't believe that you have what it takes to to dedicate and give towards kingdom economics you are right you don't have what it takes same thing the flip side of scripture that scripture says the desire of the righteous shall be granted remember i told you fear and faith are the exact same things one is going this way one is going that way turn it back over to you elder man that is some good preaching boy you got me over here fired up oh my goodness so the scripture i'm gonna go back to let me see if i can find my history give me one second here that was um oh what scripture was that my dear brother uh second timothy second timothy one seven let me go to my bible what i'm gonna share this right now man that was so encouraging everything you shared was so encouraging and and the beautiful thing is that when you have brethren that operate in the in the corporate space or the marketplace and then being able to share passionately just some jewels just some insight really by way of experience here we go here we go here we go second timothy 1 7 we're talking about fear to entrepreneurs we're talking about fear for anyone actually ii timothy chapter 1 verse 7. this is the king james version we've seen this before for elohim has not given us the ruach of fear but of power we started off reading this let me click on this link for fear we're going to the concordance of this it means timidity timidity also means to lack confidence in something we go to the root of timidity and it's from the second form of dread to be so timid that you dread in this result look at the last word here it's a result of faithless faithless how do you acquire faith man how do you acquire faith you acquire faith by meditating on torah by meditating on the writings of psalms prophet wisdom by rehearsing and visiting the bizarre the gospel the son may call them refreshing renewing the spirit of truth the spirit of the word of truth the spirit of truth the word of truth the word if you look back at the at the early writings the word of truth spiritually it was always a reflection of torah so when you build yourself up on your most holy faith according to torah according to instruction the foundation the faith platform is there you're working off knowledge so if you understand that the father gives you the desire or desires of the heart we often think that's the result of the result we in other words if the father put in your heart a business we think that the manifestation of the desire is the business but we have to revisit that scripture carefully the father gives you the desire big difference when he gives you the desire you are to operate in that many of you have have the gift of baking bread every time you go to pray about business every time you go to pray about finance every time you go to pray is your uh okay so every time you go to pray about you may get this impression about your bread bread what what's that father why are you showing me my bread baking skills because that's what the father wants to use that's the avenue of what the father will use to bring those resources so you can pay the mortgage some of you are good with working with automobiles and you're praying about this you're praying about needing your finances and the father keeps showing you you working with your hands to fix automotive stuff the father will give an impartation through a dream through a vision through an insight somebody would say a word or somebody would be talking to you something about that conversation one word out of that conversation just has has a weight has a sense of insight and you can't shake it there might be a song you might have heard the father will use all these things to speak to your heart to speak to your mind to speak to your spirit and when he provides the impartation we are to operate in that space so how do you eliminate fear that's part of our discussion and thank you so much for those that have joined this is this is so good right so there's fear we get fear of mistakes fear of failure wrong thinking is often a result of fear why fear is there how you've been reared as a child fear you might have picked up for your mom your mom might have been scared of everything your dad might have been scared of everything and you thought that kind of way of operating and thinking was normal until you get on this side and you start digging in the scriptures and you find that you're supposed to renew your mind you're supposed to meditate you're supposed to hide his word in your heart that you might not see the word sin means to turn astray so that you may not turn astray so let me encourage you right and i've said this before get out a sheet of paper write down your gifts your talents your abilities write down all that stuff and understand that you are simply writing down what the father has instilled in you that's your profile so i'm good at sewing you might be good at baking bread you might be good at doing automotive stuff you might be good at cleaning carpet doing woodwork using it writing whatever it is write down all the stuff and then look at that with the different views look at that from the aspect of this is what the mossad yahuwah has put within me this is my inventory of goods this is what i can tap into to build that home or to fix that car this is what i could tap into to generate income see the father's giving us the power to get wealth where did that power come from we know it came from him but in a practical sense the ability to get wealth comes from the gifts or the talents or the abilities within you now this isn't carnal teaching okay we're staying dead on scripture as best as we can we want to encourage you to operate in that area that you that makes you excited makes you excited not knowing what to do how to acquire resources how to obtain resources that's another fear so so how do you fix that here's how you fix that you get around people like-mindedness or you're getting around people that are smarter than you are you getting around people that are doing what it is you look to do there's a hebrew brother uh the name of his shop is called hebrew bakes located here in atlanta georgia and my daughter my one of one of the gifts my daughter has is that she enjoys baking if you've never had her cookies oh my goodness go to eon bakery a-e-o-n plug-in for the daughter a-e-o-n bakery.com right play some order but i took her i took her to this dear brother's uh shop in atlanta uh near the west end shopping area uh introduced my daughter to him they sit there and talk he talked about how he started his business and he shared that so encouraged my daughter she's like i gotta get going i gotta get started so his gift of baking and his experience provided encouragement to her to come home and get her thing going so someone's gift and operation provides motivation provides encouragement provides a sense of direction provides a sense of clarity and insight it takes the vision you may have and someone else can share what they've done and it amplifies it amplifies that and so now that you've been associated with someone that's operating in the thing you might be familiar might be getting uh called into you know i got direction the vision is clear you understand what to do because you've you've allowed someone else to pour into you um some solutions i guess we're going to kind of wrap this up brother this is so exciting my goodness we can go another two hours some solutions to to help us resolve or fix this thing of fear now i will say this some fears may take time to eliminate i'm not saying we want them to stick around i'm just saying it may take time because you gotta know you thinking right you raised up in the family in the poor family i shared a room with two of the two of the two oh two older brothers we shared his father my brothers he's wearing a dresser with clothes for years and years but that comes with growth so some lose so some solutions joseph shared this brother don't you hear this stop it where you are whether it's a part-time job okay some of the weather do it okay uh first of all um i'm gonna say solutions to uh going back to what you're saying how to overcome this disease right here all right is that we talked about words of words are very powerful your words are more more powerful than what you believe they are all right so they say faith cometh by hearing and hear the word of the most high but i want to tell you today that faith kind of hearing when you hear something over and over and over and over it comes by hearing and fear comes by hearing that's the same reason why people are so afraid of what's going on out here is because they keep hearing it over and over and over and over and over so when you speak to yourself let me go and give you another scripture like we said i don't know what people think that we just made up top right here when you go to scriptures in proverbs chapter 12 and version all right proverbs 20 12 14 he's satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth and the recompense of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him so you're going to be rewarded for what you put your hands to do all right but it also said a man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth you have to speak life to your situation every single day you have to say even when you don't feel like you decide you have to say i can't start my own business you know i will i have to and especially you got family depending on you and you still not trying to do nothing with the gifts that the most signs lead you to do you're not letting you know not only let yourself down you let your family down too but another one proverbs chapter 13 the very next chapter over they said a man so good by the fruit of his mouth the soul of transgressors shall eat violence so you are going to eat good by the fruit of your mouth you have to speak it over and over when you start speaking over and over again i know some people don't believe in like affirmations and positive sayings things that nature but i'm telling you if you speaking to yourself because you you once you leave out the door you better have that full armor on according to feet of ephesians 7 because once you leave outside and go out to this world you're going out to a negative world all right so you have to speak positive things to yourself all right what did david say and today what did david do yeah in the scripts he said when they thought about stoning him he had to encourage himself you have to speak to yourself sometimes you have to speak life to yourself you have to say that if the most high has given me this idea then it has to be able to work i just need to find out how to work that hello talking to someone like a dj oil someone that can get to you and that can draw out the information that you need to come out of you all right i was talking to someone yesterday tell me how they had a conversation with someone else other person was able to draw some things out of them sometimes and that's what we need sometimes you might need someone that's a a friend or a business partner or a mentor or a coach or or someone that can see your picture from a different vantage point to where you can see it at and they can draw the necessary things out of you that can push and propel you to a whole different level so i would definitely say you have to speak life into your situation all right there are times as a business owner i'm not going to tell you every day with peaches and roses and ice cream and all that no it wasn't all right it's been many times where i had to sit back and it just didn't make me feel good about that so i continued to keep pushing forward if an individual is going to tell you no all right they told you no go on to another person you got to make uh 20 or 50 phone calls to get to what you need to get to go through the people don't get too emotionally attached to it all right so if you think about use using your resources and your gift things to build up the kingdom if you look at this as if i'm going to be judged on if i use this or if i do not use it and i think that it will light some more fire to the individuals that take a look at this it will light some fire into the individuals that's going to watch this at another time if they understand that i i djol is going to have to stand before almighty and give an account for the gifts and the resources and what we did with what we was given in our hand and i believe personally that i may not be a five talented person i know that i have to be at least the truth telling person i believe that i might be the kind but one person that person that hid his stuff in the earth you do not want to be the one talent man that had that one talent and and he gave it to them according to their to their abilities elder he gave it to them based off of what they can do and for me to sit back and say that he's only giving me a one talent that i'll be lying myself so i and i know there's plenty of people out there that may be taking a look at this that you know that is that you're going to be held accountable for you not doing what you're supposed to do uh so big think about it like this and i'm gonna hand it back over to the elder because i know you gotta get ready closing but think about this your gift there are people out there waiting for you to use your gift they need you to use your gift the marketplace needs you to use your gift the ministry needs you to use your gifts the poor and the needy they need you to perform the best that you can so that they can reap off of you and the scripture says that he that has pity upon the poor he lives upon his most high and that would he have lent he would give it back to him so the poor needs usable form so that they get help from you and when you give help from them the most high is bringing down more help to you oh i am so fired up i'm so fired up i am so encouraged you know man this this this sharing this this level of passion and helping people i mean just imagine just imagine you starting a business and the first person you employed was your wife all right chatty the first person you employed was your husband you took them off that that job where they disrespect him imagine your second third employee being your children that see that's that's a that's a whole different way of thinking imagine your business partners or people you buy products from other hebrews that's a you're building an economy you're building an economy the clothing that you now acquire you buy that from another hebrew or a set of set of hebrews that design set apart the pro there we go i see you my dear brother our music that you support our dj hints what what you're doing is you're you're taking what the father has given you you're building with that from the marketplace it's nothing more than a conduit to tap in and to pull those resources back over here so you can use them for the kingdom how are you going to take care of the poor if you have nothing to give to the poor how are you going to take care of the widow and the elderly how are you going to take care help them get their medication help them get back and forth to whatever visits how you what clothing or utilities how are you going to keep that early furnace on if you have nothing to give so what we're providing hopefully we're encouraging hopefully we're challenging you with the right heart with the intent the goal is not to offend but the goal is really to motivate you so that you're so uncomfortable to where you're sitting there you're saying i got to do something because i know there's so much more in me and you know what it is often we already know what it is we just don't do it all right so i'm heading towards the direction of closing out i'm gonna give a shout out i did a post earlier this week about hebrew businesses posting their logo their name if i could maybe let me share my screen here oh brother go ahead one more there i want to throw one more here the book the book of jesus the book of james chapter 2 and verse number 14. all right it says

what does it profit my brethren though a man say he had faith and have not works can faith save him number 15 if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them depart in peace be ye warmed and filled not with standing you give them not those things which are needful to the body what do it profit so if someone is naked and they need someone's naked and they need to get filled with clothes and like we said earlier you're not in the situation because you didn't operate in your giftings and talents to help build up the kingdom then this poor person is walking down the street naked and destitute of food we didn't fulfill our obligation and and and served him the way that mozart wanted us to so i'll turn it back over to you wow my dear brother wow so for those looking at this you're seeing the uh one of the posts here let me zoom in here up get it was nice and close let me get rid of this here um well burke's enterprises that's me that's my business and under that run my other separate companies right we got reggie cadoge this is this post in the fire wilderness records and the fire wilderness records hey my dear brother he's doing some other things under that platform as well uh he's doing outreach in his own city uh blessed to dear brother uh the corey sudden you see his love with their son leadership and business planning we have you hooking on my dear brother the hebrew switch forward great awakening support him visit his website we have yahshua lifestyles that's um chad yashawala we have aqua rock unk um the clothing line go to if you want to i'm not sure how you get to my page but just search yellow the hebrew and find the post or something um what do we get we got uh abraham israel uh let's see uh can you read that righteous righteous films hey we got some media producers okay i'm gonna reach out to him because we need a lot of media let me let me kind of segment just for a minute okay one of the things that the father has imparted into me separate from just playing music kingdom righteous music is i got these very large some of you might have seen these these very large 20-foot diagonal inflatable screens the father just blessed me with some new projectors so being able to host media movies videos imagine being at a park a hebrew event just just a fellowship is meant nothing special this fellowship the hebrew community watching media and supporting media produced and designed by beautiful people that you see in this post very righteous films and dj ul is pushing that out through his jumbo screen so that's the vision i have more to come on that other success he's also on the the panelists in this discussion here for kingdom economics um he was he just shared some stuff with me he's launching a platform in which you can get material to help you grow your areas of business all right um who else do we have water and roots make people healthy and whole that's monique gladden um monique gladden also has another platform let's see motion bleed motion blends i'm sorry bring your balance in your life of course do we have one here um help me pronounce this brother uh yes yes yeah gm um chosen tease that's a pearl line [Music] um yappa yeah l um as far as i can tell that's uh i think it's creams and lotions um yeah also fruits of her hand beautiful her hand dot com fruits of her hand calm um who else do we have um fab aim edits let's see fubu sets great awakening in orlando from them you get caribbean kitchen foods um there's the website we got uh virtuous boutique that's from zechariah israel and aj allen i'm not really sure what this it's i guess it's a logo business um don't really have a business name there uh urana battalia israel that is sorry what's that w dom apparel it's hard to interpret what this is entirely i can't see that all the words there um so those are shout outs certainly you cannot all the work you're doing keep doing it um keep doing it uh um there's an event that's happening here in atlanta if you live in the atlanta area there's a jazz fest that's happening this weekend he's going to be there offering and selling um his his jewelry his beautiful stones and jewelry work so let's go out and support these fox where they may be in the marketplace um brother joseph any any shout outs for businesses i can't make a video i've got a loss there's so many people businesses i know i can't thank him any though um my brother i don't have anything else um i want to thank you for your passion for your sharing um i think he fired up a lot of people i think he really did uh now and i'm appreciative of being able to share this fire of building people and encouraging people or hebrew people to step into their space such that they can bring an economic system and benefit and build one another while providing service unto those of that need um i don't have anything else brother you want to close up in prayer oh yeah uh most i would just told out of you for your goodness your favor your kindness so pray right now that you be with those that are taking a look at this i pray that you stir up the gifts inside of them allow them to use their giftings for your esteem into the marketplace that even as they're selling their products acting on their business ideas that you lead them to people that they can talk to about you and father they gather the income that they need to take care of their bills to take care even of any debts or whatever they need to pay uh father that they take care of those but first fruits father that they put aside something that the poor the strangers the widows and the fathers so that they're operating and hidden on all cylinders i pray right now that they eliminate any ounce of fear that they can go back and watch this video over and over again if they have to then go and look at wisdom of solomon chapter 17 verse 12-16 and they see those scriptures on how bad of a disease this really is and how it's a plague in so many of our people even around the world even today right this disease is ever known to mankind so we thank you right now for putting on dj orwell uh to talk about this matter to talk about the sun tonight and we're praying that your people take action immediately take one step tonight to do something towards goal or that dream or that purpose that you will put inside of those inside of them so that they can help build up your kingdom when it's all said and done we give you thanks we give you praise name of yahusha hamashiach hallelujah also amen amen thank you so much go out and join the new group that we've started it is called kingdom economics network kingdom economics network we're going to be streaming in the future these posts directly there conversation of course we'll continue to have and we have all our kind of stuff there so we're building this thing hopefully you'll be encouraging bro and build with us i say shalom and peace thank you so much until next time we'll see you next wednesday

2021-10-20 09:14

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