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So, guys welcome, back and we are discussing, things, you need to do before, your, wedding day and this is a very important, list that you just need to. Do. List for the. One. Taking. You. As the bride which rose. Ready. But, these people will start looking for to share and four shots last minute will. Take. On Friday. You wanted to wear an old shadows, like new luckily, I have a white shirt why'd you have to get a. Tattoo, like mr.. Keema. Maitake. -. Excess, my cabin I mean I. Think. The other thing that men. Normally, forget, to do is, that or not, forget I think we take it too easy, so for men out there you, need to be serious about the day cuz, University, tupaea Ali, and alicorn. Afonya what work wanna pee mangu the previous, night, so. What's the or nepata truth. I saw has you ought to say shut, in you blah blah, funny adjustment, foolish I'm an otaku toka, yeah a sequel to key Endicott ground do what wanna later on you, don't do that because we are men let's. Take it easy guys, I would, advise three, weeks, before the wedding, get, your outfits, ready. Everything. Is. One of a kind of among know what. That you as a bride if you have a friend who can help you for know what yeah you see this dress yes just, now let, that fool. You a follow-up. On a okay - no, no. Come on you like given us a little need, to be reminded who's, people you know to have so many things going so. They might you know this is a serious thing for you you need to show the most recipes. So. For, your love, make. Sure exactly, but I recommend the couple of yeah. Yeah. And this is the actual movie yes so. Choose. Entire, laugh, and it, depends. It Zico. Mmm, possessed. We're, lucky because our legacy. And then for you as the lady Mishra, me Kansas Carradine, who not to wonder how she wanna hear please sign your name so, spot like a summer party diem for society. It's, gone up in Bhutan I had to send someone in the morning but, I got them, so shoes, dress, jewelry, hmm. Makeup. Yeah makeup. By. There you need to know who's doing your makeup and what, makeup I use and, have a taste like. If you can afford it just fine your child yeah a child I know it cost money but just. So that you get the, coach's eye makeup, do it before the wedding er to get in the mood. Flashes, for the first time. And. Then other. Things to do make. Sure every. Four not we every, kid has. They. Have the shoes they have necessaries, movie everything. And. Don't. Forget.

News, Raja. Massage. Gvv maybe must. Make its beauty to a Fisher like a few days pre-wedding, that, maybe I'll hit you then boil, it in and then do a month ready a few days like this ready so. That I love with you the last week. Yeah. Yes, do. Everything, prior, and geek on the list and as you click, on the list gonna end okay okay. Who are more you. Know relaxed. For. Me we're gonna pick up my dress. Get. My, mates jewelry because I learned who was getting them and, also that something, very important, you need to pay your deposits, Andy and then. Like. For their service providers and, then sahaja yoga no service providers, when wat amazi or do you play them like for me Tenten so make sure I give someone their money yeah so let afterward, details, of doctors no service provider yeah, new capo number, he congratulations. Bye. But. She'll like 30%. Make. Sure it's. Won't. Be an Anya dump you. Because. The mica for Fannie Mae. And. Also, deal only your, meetings, for your meetings finalize, everything one. Week before your idea I feel like the last you should not have so many meetings don't. Have the, last yeah yeah and also I did. Go. For a date on the last week talk about how you're feeling you know just, make sure let. It be on the to-do list one, date, that you don't talk about waiting. Not told, talk. About each other. See. Any moon, so. Cosmic. Autumn kapenga wedding you view each other as planners. Make. You. Remember, this is your girlfriend or your fiance this is your your. You know boyfriend, so in, any cut it cut special, you, build up on the already you, don't have any ties idea, the, next thing is you, make sure you plan all your travel, document, if you are traveling get your visa get, your passport if you're not doing outside the country make, sure you have a kayak. Amalia. And just, sort, out your travel. Plans, by, the time you, named up for now in, it long a list Nick Amaya one two weeks before the ready two. Weeks before they ready make, sure these things are set there, is also something else in your writing pack your clothes your. Honeymoon clothes zipaquira, make. Yamazaki, my Luna do I come and please yeah yeah Beach you, rob your bitch way well. Yeah. So, if you have anything that is you know you. Jucama, by day it, is very special. Go. See, you a gynecologist. During. This time these two weeks - well you see if you are not planning to get a honeymoon baby or.

If. You you know honeymoon, women end up from the Mambo and you know it's your first time me me me me yeah, make, sure ma'am be WA the two cava like just go see you Organa would. You ought to expect, you see entertainer, by they we've heard stories where was, he at a while, you took a honeymoon, Wally schirra but you are not the reboot but you know it's ok it's, ok it's. Again, an ambien up to pelvic mean even a. You. Need to talk about six. Yeah. But, I think from. That I I'll and you need to talk about sex, mister, Quiapo when they used to get, energy. You know you need to talk about it resign the honeymoon you could say how you walk. So, Nanda how, you are relaxed, thanking, you happy what, you are it is a course of quack they want me to lucky me gender. You are you not get Munna is a honeymoon, Thomas II see what can you are come ok, what, do you do when that happens, you need to talk about sex. We. Came back and we went now for honeymoon, the next week society, aqua more. Romantic, one the other one in eco just as relaxing after, the, planning of the wedding and all that but, it is because something happened. And. Also a boat like the honeymoon you can this past like discussed. As much as me maybe, the guy. Was. Actually. Planning on. Yeah. Lucky. To like I was pulling up on everything, can, be decided let me just. So. You can disperse, like do, any. The. New books did you are consumed. Submitted. Tsugumi, on the honeymoon, honeymoon. By the in actually. Well. I think it's the, decision you make but for us to record to me decide mean don't, take. Care of having like I just do not don't worry about the honeymoon yeah so. I went around medium valium accompanies, our tours, and travel because. She. Really wanted to go to Dubai, so. Many men are only not, after a company, that was in trouble and that was actually the first time nearly, interacting, upon file suit, canonical, part are the best, deals, equals, upon fair but if you are planning to do our wedding I'm telling. You this for free bonfire. Has the best deal and. Not because I did to knocking me now or anything even, that time you are not walking with him I was just a client and million. The Oconee kappa waaat deal more yamato nanika, do tremenda to buy in fact nearly per the. Next week after tomato committee talkin to me a quotation. Nickel eepa nanak, afonya I think you kinda to buy. Thank. You Maya. When. It's asked your son Timothy to do ba he. Once. You get to Dubai be someone, waiting with, a. Mirepoix. So. You don't have to go to. You. Can go to a destination that, you love and you'll enjoy, yeah. And. Then, the ocular, design a popular, color so if you start fail and when you start. Planning the wedding. Honeymoon. Last-minute syphilis. If, maybe you're traveling outside the country need to get a visa in order your passport, and everything so it's also very good to plan your your.

Honeymoon Early very. Soon. A peace, of mind knowing that that is sorted yeah or even one is up wedding. By. About you, I, love. Ya, consider. A transports. 20 that transports. From that, Nene to the. Day. Transport. From the ground do your house. Yeah. An. Ambulance. If. You a kidney, but. In Zurich about a button awaiting ended any corners route why so early by Bucky lucky the magic. My coop, on her, machete. - I also need to consider ground. Security. Night under Amana piak you consider, a planning, committee whose, planning committee Atacama from a sharp audience, I will. Define, a akashic, non-ambulatory. Garena, - ahi tuna k WS. Yeah good. Also. On that night if you have to go into your honeymoon destination, the same night was so consider, placing. Tonight. Maybe. It's. In, it's too, tight budgets. Your budget it's too tight, Liza. But. Well. Jonathan a we didn t like, you on the wedding day like everything. For that moon is ready here when the same day of the following day but. Even if you win a week later, oh. Yeah. I. Love, piya honeymoon, kotohira to rediscover you need to discuss, what. You want if I'm not a friend of Banga isa al adhim. A thematic window, - Lea - so that you it's a relaxing, destination, or you want to go and explore the world together. He. Goes for us -, leeches Dubai. For. A deposit. In yamuna's. Some, enemies, are. Given. That Singapore. Japan. Honeymoon. Tonight a query. To. Machaca. Bug, in waka come by there you need to also. Know who, not your no man I do a sauna sauna for the main Oona's, end and a very high expectation, honeymoon. To mend up go down to go down cabeza lucky, new coudair, non. Je crois honeymoon, wagon, yarmulke or do you do you have to leave with me so, I mean for us is only way to truly learn about honeymoon, it's not always about to Ottawa you need to discover each other in, about oh yeah, yeah. You know you've not been together for, a clone in two. Of you. So, come, on over to the country because, maybe. Zanzibar, was also a I can imagine it's a relaxing, place let me I'm not a fan, of the. Ocean, everything. I prefer. The window so weak force is perfect, for me on kita mmm, so, then by making a load of fasts, and ah sorry what's. Happening. Yeah. So. This opportunity, to go out and but. Also you can plan your itinerary as. I as I knew, as a newlywed, you, can plan, like if it's you, know. Mission. Is awesome I'm a bead one times new. Expressions. Mob may, be getting in front of you and desert safari in something, but who, hasn't seen it but Manila quality. Like you yeah. We. Want explode explode. Is you. Can, we. Are going back. In bucket. Also. Select. A playlist, for you waiting so you have to say. Come, on I'm gonna to when. I didn't get to it. Unless. You're get third meaning ladies. Like at least say. Makinia. At hey music, dramatic. IE, like choose no, choose, your plate turn you out that you don't. Know i love DJ of cheesy. Sona. Taka at least, magazine. Oh. Yeah. Guys, by they fun fact the, same song that the, DJ played during. When I proposed, and his abs the jacket is a young gamma P, an Ikea watch at. Ya. Young. Money look, at me he'd say I, mean your monetary. Yeah. So I think, it, is important, that you also I love you BJ could, I please in Andy Burnham on BIA to, clean the coop and requested, which is n gamma flan, yeah NHS, at their own so so, you need to be very working. Shades although massive effort and and that's the point where you, need to do a rehearsal. For. Even, with their DJ, DJ. I am see watch where and, so at this point to touch ASA oh. My. God is good oh I love with you talk about an idea. Reasoning. But. Something. Else be they can you watch you forget, because idea groom, people. Need to sit yeah. May feel like I can look at the blindness, you know and thought about them, tippy-toe. Tippy-toe. Golly, nama, my eye yes. My voice. Yes, but. Is, working in here. Yeah. You're creative. Eally. And the wave us, will be here and you got your email us. Yeah. Okay. I think that it's comin down we forgot. To mention something that is important, to do, before your wedding that's right on the comment section so that other people can also learn yeah, we're here to learn from each other this is Delta experience but we knew so, many people out there have, very, different experiences that. You would want to hear and we want to know on the comment section.

2020-06-03 18:23

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