Options Trading करने का एक Unique तरीका।

Options Trading करने का एक Unique तरीका।

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hello hello friends, I am Vivek Bajaj, founder of stockedge and elearnmarkets today I will introduce you to someone who is actively trading and is running his home with trading you must be seeing that I am talking too much about options these days someone even commented that hopefully, the next topic won't be about options selling I am trying to move from options trading but what to do everyone is doing options trading. Maybe everyone is not understanding options propoerly. we have so many guests who will talk about options trading and options selling I have met so many people who want to create wealth through options so he asked if it was possible I said yes, so I thought let's record this and show you people so for today, our guest is Amit Goel. So Hi hello I am fine, how are you? Can't complain everything is fine I am Amit Goel, I used to work in a mutual funds company as an analysts I also gave penalties and had my losses and slowly I started gaining interest in options I do all my work in index options What to do sir, I don't think it behaves like a bank nifty, it behaves very methodologically this is following the bandwagon that it has volatility so everyone should trade accordingly there is a pattern that has to be followed. I am not able to understand bank nifty the name of your company is very sweet, trading owl. Their is a very small story behind it I thought because you work till late your wife must be thinking that you are working like an owl in this session, I would like to prioritize one thing that how options have an upper hand in trading the possibility is there if you see the graph then the graph is very linear if it goes up then the money is earned and if it goes down then loss happens so options have an additional advantage of risks management in the life cycle, there are certain steps that I follow in the beginning, I was a non-directional strategist now what I do is I try to identify the range in the market generally what I do is I look for a confluence of what I told you here this I will count as my lower range the position of the market is very clear from sideways it has become up trending I am the buyer-seller and options trader I don't use any custom made indicator, I go for the ready-made ones as we come to the IVP filter when we use the non-directional filter It says that the premiums now are very cheap I deal with these 3-4 strategies in total I am first a fund manager and then a risk manager It should be even-steven, if I want to take less risk in bullish bias then I will shift to bearish If I am taking monthly, then take any expiry, I am just giving an example I will explain this graph in a better way ahead will play around volatility and I will take cheap things when I am buying inexpensive things then my vega will be positive I can bring a 16% return and with a good margin In the scope of loss, the biasedness in the bullish, the more you try to do it it will affect the delta what I will do is that the diagonal I planned here, I will do it again Then we will use our traditional method so there are chances of 16000 plus or 16000 minus so if it is bullish and biased so I will go to the non-directional What I do here is I check 20 deltas, it's size, and money to take it forward I would like to take it slow and ask you about the put and call you saw the delta and you sold the point, okay the second thing I can do is instead of selling delta I can sell something else this is the point of trade that I check before pressing the trade button this is decided according to the range in the first set the maximum profit I get here is 1600 you have to see how you can control ka vix that is important I will take the entry when it is in the middle you will get profit or loss and accordingly to have to work I keep 1000 as my limit that is 1 trade I should at least get 1000 as a profit the ratio is pretty high in the 90s That is decided according to the loss and then I can take it after the range is finished I take my losses and then I get out biasedness comes so we have to minus accordingly so if it is 12 so can we assume the vix is more so what we will do is that we will check the near month so we are selling the put of 16500 many people do not get it for a long time so if the call becomes 16500 then what will happen if it goes again next Friday then I will get a profit of 3000 it is your model so it must be working properly if my weekly target is 1000 then my rr will be manageable

2021-08-15 05:13

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