Open House Sessions | Business and Business Administration

Open House Sessions | Business and Business Administration

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my name is tom supra again i'm a professor here i teach mostly i.t related things and um you know analytics in today's world i helped to build the analytics program i have a background in liberal arts i.t and also i have a masters of business administration so i'm very committed to education myself you know i love to help young people and guide them to you know mentor them to stellar careers i do understand why you're here you want to you're considering taking a business administration program diploma program here at george brown college honing your skills developing your skills to become business administrators and supports for all the people throughout the organization administrators are really super important kaitlyn here is here to help me as a host for zoom z the zoom call today you know she would be classified as something like an administrator at this point she's she's absolutely instrumental to my life right now i need administrator people to follow me around to capture all of the great things that we do with students to take pictures all sorts of things and take notes and all everything and consolidate all of our thoughts and strategic ideas admit everybody is always screaming for administrators in business it doesn't matter which area you're in if you're in human resources marketing supply chain operations anything at the end of the day we all need administrators in fact it's in my very first class that i teach in the diploma programs for business admin b 125 v v145 and b155 i do a business concepts course and you know the first thing the first person that i designate on each of my teams is the business administration student and i usually pick a b 125 student to do it but of course the b145 student b155 student can actually um and this is all of three of our business administration programs they can affiliate so i just wanted you to be aware that this is a valuable skill and a really important kind of thing for you to get involved in so let me share the uh the web page here for one of our programs i'm going to actually share the program b155 which is what we use to refer to the business administration program and this one has work experience associated with it when i say work experience i literally i'm sorry you guys this is what happens so when we have work experience um and the like uh you know what i'm talking about here in this case generally is a co-op and so you know this program really is like b145 the business administration program without work experience and so you know you need to maintain a certain level of gpa in order to stay in the b155 program or if you're shifting over from 145 to 155 without work experience to a co-op situation then you need to maintain a bit of a higher gpa our grade point average requirements are at 1.7 for everybody um you know to stay in college but you know we're requiring a little bit more upwards of about a three percent 3.0 gpa out of four um you know in order to move forward with co-op and that makes sense because you know we're putting you in front of real world employers and so we want to make sure that uh you know everybody is uh is going to be satisfied with that experience um i use this uh this example of b155 or the the one with coop because b145 and b125 are derivatives or you know parts of this actual program just eliminate for b145 we just take out the co-op and the co-op prep courses and for b125 we actually are only doing four semesters uh with a little bit of career prep as opposed to a co-op okay so any one of these uh leads to the credentials that they do and they're very similar notice that when i come to this page i'm going to and then i am looking for whatever program it is that you're seeking b155 b145 or b125 very similar shows you the information here you when you scroll down i'm going to start with the overview and in the program overview um you know it should show you just information about the overall program which i think is hard for you know most students to sort of grasp what's that about i think if we come down to the career and post-graduate opportunities that's where we can see that administration administrators actually become the assistant managers they become the csrs or customer service representatives financial services representatives but remember this is just the start of your career if you become a csr then you can move up the ranks and become that management team and then eventually become you know an executive assistant which is you know the person that's sort of the right hand of the president or someone really high in the the organization i have to be honest with you i prefer to talk to the executive assistant the business admin person than the actual president because i think that the executive assistant and the administrators know what's going on in the organization a lot more than even the president's this is a really important role you guys we need lots of people to uh to take on these kinds of things when i click on the full description here i want you to see that we have certain things like accreditation which is associated with our program accreditation is not a certification it's just simply a body that checks the quality of our work and over and over again they come back in and they check the quality of work our work to make sure that our courses are adhering to what's necessary from an educational standpoint but also what we need to do for the business from a business standpoint as well we have business people on our program advisory committees helping the faculty to build these courses etc field education options talk about the co-op work term for b155 business administration with co with work experience this does not exist for b145 or b125 if you're taking those two programs instead okay but you can always switch over assuming that you have the right gpa program learning outcomes here are what i want to pay attention to when you're on these pages okay on

and you click on the full description please scroll down and take a look at the program learning outcomes the plos or program learning outcomes are what are set at the ministry of colleges and universities level the ontario government ratifies your credentials for those of you that might be international students our government backs our degrees and diplomas even if the school shut down and that type of thing which it's not going to you know at the end of the day we're quite we do quite well um you know we have the backing of the of the government that will always ratify credentials so that's the way that it works here in ontario we faculty um you know top senior faculty work with the ministry to develop these program learning outcomes for whatever program you take the plos are the same at all the schools and we all then roll these out into what's called course level outcomes for each of our courses to ensure that the students are able to demonstrate what you're seeing on the screen upon graduation and that's really what we're doing here collectively we're trying to get you as students to be able to reliably demonstrate all of those program level outcomes through uh taking each of our courses okay so hopefully that's clear if you have questions about that please drop them in the chat and i know sometimes your questions might be uh maybe you're not sure of a question and later on it will formulate that we'll make sure that you have my my contact details afterward and the contact details of anyone else that you might have questions tuition and fees how to qualify and apply and all that kind of thing is in there as well and when i click in there it shows you the requirements it also shows you for international students there's other things to connect with our international center to get your questions answered and other things like this as well on how to apply clicking on contact us you can see there you do have the ability to contact a number of people when it comes to these types of programs including my colleague mario pascucci the program coordinator and i will put my email into the chat when i'm finished today as well so you can reach out to me directly i love you know mentoring young people as well i've been doing this job for 22 years so you know pl feel free to reach out we can put our heads together and help you um you know to make some decisions because i know that this is something that your parents are also concerned about you know having a mentor or somebody you know that can guide you to the to the right decisions for yourself and i don't have a mandate you know to guide you in the incorrect way i wanna i want our society to do well so you know i think it's really important that we have these kinds of chats okay so if not me find somebody to reach out to and chat with please as well so as you can see this is generally our program and you know we actually run a number of different courses so i'm going to scroll down there and show you that when i click on the courses all of the requirements and everything are there and as i scroll down i want you to know that it doesn't matter if you're taking b uh you know the business administration business administration with co-op or just the uh two-year is the shorter business administration b125 semester one is pretty much the same for everybody and you're all mixed in with a whole bunch of other students from marketing supply chain hr and this is great because you get to know people in all different walks of life and that's important to us as well as you can see you study things like business concepts computer applications and i mean computer applications for business we're not using facebook or anything like that or how to use reddit or something it's or you know making tick tock videos we're doing excel we're doing databases we're doing digital analysis and analytics uh fundamentals of hr principles of marketing math i recommend that you all pay attention to the math courses certainly it is a very important consideration in these programs in terms of moving forward okay semester two is also pretty similar across all three of these programs the one difference is that b125 the shorter two-year program takes an elective around this time period which is slightly different semester three is quite similar note that b155 the co-op experience is going to uh be is going to be added here on b155 versus b145 with the that does not have the co-op experience okay and so for those of you wanting that that's going to be added in here in semester three because you're going to be going out on a co-op soon semester four is also very similar except of course career planning and development is the course that b125 students the shorter course will be taking in order to assist them to be job ready and prepared to go out there and find work you know which we also assist with please remember we have the host of other services at the college as well as we've been explaining to you we have a career center for those of you that want to become entrepreneurs we have an entrepreneur center called start gbc that can assist you on that area as well and a whole myriad of clubs and other activities competitions speaker series this is what my job is you guys i network out there i go and find business people bring them in we have guest speakers all the time you know we try to find those opportunities work integrated experiences for you to do capstone projects to work on in the real world and that type of thing as well so there's a lot of stuff huge huge amount of things that actually go on even in the online environment actually now that we've been online i've been able to bring more guest speakers because they're they're available so we actually have more and more of that type of thing as well you know students are still coming to school things are going well the discussion lists are rich the discussions online are very rich we're doing you know things are actually happening there's very few students that are not continuing forward the reality is most people are continuing forward with their education so please commit yourself to yourself as well for those of you in b125 semester four would be the end you'd be done and uh you know out into the field after two years you know most of the time i i recommend for people that take a two-year diploma program you will eventually probably be going back to school in order to pick up some extra skills eventually so we want to have a discussion because you know i think there's a longer game with respect to the choices and decisions you'll be making after a two-year program the diploma program but let's definitely have that discussion you know these types of programs can certainly feed into university programs and shave off some of the years of the university experience i know people that over four or five maybe over a five year period end up with a diploma and a degree for example we have articulation agreements with some of the universities uh university of western sydney down in australia uh royal roads university out in victoria british columbia and other universities around ryerson other other types of universities also so there's good pathways for you to go on your educational journey remember that education is something that nobody can ever take away from you right once you acquire this then no one's going to be able to take it away from you at all it's the one thing it's really quite astounding to have we aim to help you with developing your critical thinking skills i would like you to um you know walk out of here with insightful problem-solving skills rather than just doing trial and error which is kind of the lack of problem-solving skills isn't it so you know i want you to develop these types of skills and networking of course we are continually networking with the business community we do serve bay street this is what the college is is right downtown in the financial sector we service the marketing industries the educational industries finance as well but a whole host of other industries as well as you can see the other programs uh continue on so b145 and 155 with co-op or without co-op but that's the three-year program rather than the two-year program does continue on for a couple of more semesters and there are a number of different electives when it comes to those types of programs as well okay so beyond that we have a number of different other things that we like to do at the school and so this was your b125 program okay the b125 program as you can see is two years of the b145 program as i come down here and click on the courses for those of you that are considering this program mainly people would take this program because they need to fill a gap for example uh you know when i ran my business i'm an entrepreneur and i ran a business starting in 1998 and so from that period of time i realized that my actual understanding of accounting and cash flow and cash flow was uh problematic so i needed to go back to school and study accounting because i didn't pay attention to it when i was you know first going to school it's a common thing but i realized later on i really did need to know that math and the accounting was really important for running my business so i went back to school and i picked up those courses i find that people that um you know need some business understanding and they just really need a taste of that would take b125 for sure i think for those of you that are just coming out of high school i probably would go more for the three-year for the three-year program because it will open up more doors for you the two-year program generally doesn't open as many doors as the three-year program will um you know and as i said before students of b125 usually these are like people that are out there in the business world and realize that they need to come back and pick up a couple of uh skill sets and things like that too but that doesn't mean we don't have students that just go directly into b 125 take these uh these two years of uh the program and then potentially articulate into a university situation i see students take the businessmen program for two years and then they filter into our accounting degree or you know potentially into our analytics degree that we're actually going to be launching in the fall of 2022 right analytics so um yeah at the end of the day you have all these types of path pathways tom it's kate sorry to interrupt uh there is a question regarding the math for business and management course do you happen to know which type of math it covers so i don't have the actual fundamental understanding of specifics that the the teachers specifically teach there but i will tell you it's really you know this is not a hugely high level of mathematics what it is is business oriented mathematics we try to apply it in the real world but you know so imagine you're doing something that is uh related to calculating like an earnings per share calculation right so if we want to look at yahoo finance and pull up a website like yahoo finance we want to be able to read that right so we want to we'd like to be able to read you know stocks and dividend paying stocks and what's a dividend paying stock what's the dividend yield and this type of thing so we need you to have the basic mathematical understanding of you know percentages fractions and things like that so that you know you so that you can actually perform those duties on doing a calculation in eps for example and generally speaking you know that is you know those are based on you know algorithmic things um and also in all honesty everybody i have to tell you i'm actually an analytics guy analytics is the future so the people that understand numbers are going to own the future please don't be afraid of math okay at george brown college we have tutoring we have support and please just reach out and ask us to help you with these types of things you have to understand a little bit of math we can't go forward in our society without understanding a bit of math we're already into the idea that we are applying certain levels of statistical analysis to uh data and so you know people in data analyst fields are now having to understand statistics data and business cases so you know please don't ignore the math courses and they are prerequisites as well so my answer to you really is it contains the business oriented mathematic that we require it isn't like some top-level trigonometry or you know calculus or anything like that does that answer your question i hope it does caitlyn any other questions at this point i do not see any okay all right if you guys have questions please ask them of me okay all right so also i want you to be aware that you know beyond just the programs we explode these out right i mean we have lots of other opportunities for people and i cannot get to my hold on for example uh and for those of you uh that are taking b155 again that is very similar to uh you know to the b145 it just has the uh in the semester three you've got co-op work experience uh you know and other types of elective courses and things like that to meet the requirements okay um but also i want to show you you know for instance we do have clubs and other organizations at george brown college that you should join because i think it's really important that you make friends i think it's really important that you connect with other people and other students you know i mean for for one of my programs i threw a party over at a a bar and you know we ended up having a whole pile of students something like 65 employers showed up it was a really great event because it's a networking event and so we can showcase the students to the employers and i think that's the important thing that we do with these types of programs as well what you see on screen right now oh sorry caitlyn sorry i'm trying not to cut you off uh there's another question from nicole and she's asking how easy it is to maintain a 3.0 gpa for co-op oh um you know so this is all about you right so remember that george brown college is um you know is a college as opposed to a university um i you know in my own classes in 20 some odd years of teaching i've never bell curved like i just don't do that if everyone gets an a plus great because the truth of the matter is if i'm teaching you um you know excel or something like that i actually want all of my students in the class to know how to do it it's not you know it's not that i you know i'd like these ones to be better than these so um really the maintaining a high gpa is just applying yourself and making sure you're handing things in and handing in quality work it's not tough like it's not hard it's onerous so maintaining that gpa is all about time management and time management everybody gonna teach you something time management is actually priority management that's what it is what comes first what comes next and so you know the best students that do really well are the ones that prioritize their lives properly and so you know they've scheduled for the you know the studying and all that kind of thing in their lives so you know we we have uh all sorts of soft skill courses classes things like that um speaker series workshops um to help you with those types of soft skills as well like time management um yeah so i think that to maintain a gpa of 3.0 it's just a matter of applying yourself quite a few students do very well it the students that don't do as well in my classes it seems to be the ones that just almost like check out you know what i mean like they're not there they didn't hand anything in i can work with anyone else and you know and we can work together and co-create things i hope that answered your question anything else okay what you're looking at on the screen everybody is a team that we have here at george brown college called enactus and this team actually is uh i'm a faculty advisor on this team what they what it is a social enterprise so this is one example of a club that you can join this team brings trophies i have to show you i've got a couple of trophies from their competition oh you can't really see it with my screen but anyway there's a one trophy that we actually received here i'll try to put the other one in front of me there's the other trophy that we've seen as well right and so we received trophies for entering competitions this is social enterprise and the students actually spark ideas they're teaching financial literacy to newcomers you know we did gift exchanges with seniors in a senior center they're taking uh plastic spoons and replacing them with organic material spoons to save the oceans these kinds of things as well and this is all run by the students i'm just an advisor but get involved in these types of things okay so regardless of where you go to school or what you do apply yourself you know pull out the intrinsic motivation out of yourself as well um you know and apply yourself and just do you know really just try okay make some friends on campus even in the zoom situation until we get out of this uh situation for sure and you'll have a great experience you know you can find me on linkedin you know you can see i have lots and lots of uh students that have that have been graduated uh you know pretty much like an army of students that are doing amazing things out there over the 20 some odd years that i've been teaching here and they're all part of my business network now which is fantastic okay sorry an interrupt uh so there are quite a few questions in the um q a section here so first i wanted to know about the articulation with universities for the b125 program to be bva degree program yeah so in those situations um you know in those situations b125 is not going to give you quite as much of the you know weight behind you to be able to sort of petition to the universities to say you know please accept me into say year two of a three or four or a four year degree so you know the three-year diplomas certainly will articulate into that a lot and shave off your first year of university um a lot easier um b125 was not geared to do that it was more about you know business managers coming back to school and learning the things that they may have missed in school so um you know however that question is exactly the kind of question you should pose to the accepting university so if you wanted to go to u of t you would ask you would contact the program coordinator for that program knock on their door send an email and say i'm just wondering if i take this program over here would that articulate in is there a pathway ask the university that you would like to attend especially if you are a b125 student okay i can't say no to that i don't have the details what i can say is that i certainly know that the b145 and 155 students have a much smoother ride um on taking off that one the first year of university but that is actually a question that the university has to answer thank you so much the next question is from mina she's asked she's saying she really likes your energy uh do you have any course of entrepreneurship in the business program yeah well so i'm the coordinator for the b416 entrepreneurship management program actually um you know it's interesting so you know mina stick with me okay so if you do come to george brown and i hope you do um find me because again that entrepreneur that whole group the enactus thing there's 50 students on it right now we have five projects you know and an executive there's a president vp it's all about entrepreneurship and then we go to competitions and everything like this too we also have an organization called start gbc um i wonder if i can actually bring that up let me just bring it up and answer to your question really quickly so we do have an organization it's called start gbc and start gbc is actually like a career center for entrepreneurs the guy who runs it his name is neil lalit he loves working with students he just ran a whole like dragon's den shark tank kind of competition for entrepreneurs and uh yeah really amazing so we have lots of supports for entrepreneurship i'm not sure there's a particular course for that within one of these programs that you're looking at because b125 b145 and b155 our business administration programs administration and management is a little different than entrepreneurship right remember the entrepreneur is the one that creates the wealth in society and the opportunities like creates the job so the entrepreneur starts the restaurant and creates a bunch of jobs for people and then creating wealth for everybody and then they have to hire the manager an administrator to run it and that's what you guys will be kind of you know heading towards on b125 b145 b155 but at george brown college we are super committed to uh to entrepreneurship and we'll cultivate that outside of your program whatever you want you know okay so keep in contact with me that start gbc is certainly at the area that we do that in next question fantastic uh so we are just at time here but i'm not sure if we have time to stick around for a couple minutes uh quick yeah so mina just pointed out that she um has already had an admission for 125 just so you know and uh she wants to contact you so make sure you put your contact info in the chat yeah and we have one more question here uh i applied for the business 125 just to go into a vague business course to fully understand what i want to get into and then i'm planning on going to post-secondary after that further education after listening about b155 how would i go about transferring if i can yeah so um usually you know okay so what happens is is you know at in george brown college ecosystem this is how it works you apply for a program and you pass the first term or the first semester excuse me you pass enough of the first semester i think it's like 65 or something of the courses and you pass that enough of that semester to move on to the next one and get a gpa of 1.7 you can continue on okay and that's in the first semester if you don't pass enough courses or you get a lower than 1.7 gpa in the first semester then you have to reapply to the program so my answer is twofold if you're still in the first semester and you want to switch over you're actually doing a new application to the program if however you go past semester one and you pass everything and you have like a gpa of 3.0

in semester two you say i'd like to switch over assuming there is a seat they will shift you over no problem i i see it all the time okay so hopefully that helps awesome thank you so much uh and it looks like that wraps up the rest of our questions uh can you be safe everybody thank you so much for coming cedric chloe claire raj that's cool uh janelle jordan carlos leah mina uh morelli uh nicole everyone else owen tracy vicky seth rania thank you so much for joining me today anyone else that's watching this later um you know again i put my uh name and email in the chat i do like to mentor people so i really wasn't lying about that feel free to send me a message if you need anything uh you know i think caitlyn will tell you you know i'm just sort of that person that just likes to do it i do this job out of passion hopefully that's coming through um you know and i look forward to meeting you guys on campus when when uh you know we get off and running and we're out of this situation it'd be great thank you also to caitlin for hosting i appreciate that thanks everybody

2021-11-22 04:01

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