Onpassive Latest Public Webinar | Questions & Answers A to Z

Onpassive Latest Public Webinar | Questions & Answers A to Z

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only let's see i am uh kali kali hello dan is saying hello to all naim raza hi there marge robins is saying hello from nova scotia there's ju yeah judy we're gonna see each other can't wait here he comes mr digarmo himself marty de garmo uh yes we will judy uh hamp sales is here from south carolina welcome oh clinton is here holly is saying hello um olena is here from london uh marty degarmo just joined us on the panelists um you can see those of you watching you're an attendee and here we are panelists um and you're gonna hear a presentation today about a business called on passive and a few of the panel will say a few words and then we're going to open up the q a and i'll give you instructions at that time as to how we're going to do the q a just a gentle reminder today's q a is for our guests this is a public webinar and today's q a is for our guest only okay uh so we appreciate everyone's patience with that if you're looking in the chat you're going to see people saying hello from all around the globe and that's because this business called on passive is in is a legal business in over 200 countries across the globe and we have many many many founders uh who come to these webinars they learn a little bit more each time they're here to support you if they've invited you and we're here to help explain what on passive is and how you too can become a founding member because the only way to become a founding member like the rest of us who have big smiles on our faces and you'll see why is through invitation so you need to get back to the person who invited you and we will get you on board and then you will have access to the private information and private webinars where you're just going to get more and more excited about this business so i'm going to keep saying hello to some of my friends we're going to get started in about 10 minutes ah let's see where was i lena saying hello from london romeo is saying hello from utah hello oh raquish panchal from india hello there douglas harrell is saying uh he's saying charles that you you have a charlie brown look today so those of you who know that's interesting right you know what i think i should go off it's going to change looks sometimes right yeah so you don't look boring you don't want to be boring yeah i put different glasses on i just may put my lobster hat on for uh the q a just to have a little fun but yeah you're looking very sharp today charles like you're ready for action i i am so excited about this opportunity you can't even believe how excited i am that's what it is i know i know um oh somebody says i'm looking great hot well thanks die elle yes and isn't marty looking great marty you're looking great i love those glasses look at him smiling he's got his hat on i just may put a hat on for after the presentation um you're going to understand why charles just say said he's more and more excited we don't um we don't do these webinars to create all of this hype to take your credit card and uh to to try to get money from you where we are so far from that we are here to share information about this real business this legal business that's in pre-launch getting ready to launch to the world and giving you an opportunity to join in as a founding member so after you see the presentation today i have a strong feeling you're going to jump right on board just like i did and the rest of us uh you want to reach out and get back to the person who invited you because you can only become a founder invitation only we are going to open up to the q a after the presentation today and the q a is for our lovely guests to have joined us so i'm going to say hello to a few more people and i apologize if i don't get to everyone barbara johnson hello there how are you um uh thank you dale ravindranath is from india hi see you later um muhammad is here oh pradeep sharma from india there's one hunk of a man joining us um mr q a okay now he has a hat on so nobody told me i was supposed to wear a hat today so i just hang on didn't you get that didn't you get the memo no hang on one second i got my special hat okay we got a lobster going oh wait i'm a little backwards here we got a lobster go oh look at now now mike ellis comes on and he's got a hat on okay so it's hat saturday okay i gotta i gotta clean myself up so i live in um i live in new england which is an area for those of you outside of the united states it's uh an area that includes a bunch of states up in the northeast i live in massachusetts but i'm telling you the best lobsters come from the state of maine and if you're ever in this area you've got to get a maine lobster cold water lobster i mean they are delicious the prices are out of whack right now but i got my little lobster on okay hi oh mike took his hat off but that's okay i'm gonna keep saying hi to people have a little fun here sit back relax we're gonna get started in um a little about six minutes or so five minutes after the hour if you have some people that you want to invite invite them now to jump jump in here for this webinar we have almost 300 people on this webinar today so welcome everybody if you were invited to this well the person who invited you really cares about you and likes you a lot because they want you to hear about this business called on passive you know sometimes when you hear about an opportunity or a business we all get really really excited about it and we're not quite sure if we're we're giving you all the right information and that's why we have these public webinars so that if you sign up as a founder and you want to share this business with others you can send them we have them on tuesdays and on saturdays uh so that you can hear about the business in a relaxed way some details and then have the q a opened up to you so remember this is a public guest webinar we do have some founders joining us you'll see in the chat they're here they're always positive they love supporting these webinars they also help answer some questions in the chat and we appreciate that but after the presentation we're going to open up the q a for our guest only so if you're here and you're a founder and you have a question you can save that for monday is our private founders only webinar um at 2pm eastern time so i appreciate everybody's um support in that today if you are a founder and you're asking a question uh we're going to save it for monday okay today's for our guest hi kathy knight sandra fletcher how are you sandy i went to college with the sandra fletcher but i'm not sure ontario canada i'm not sure if it's the same i think you would have remembered me chandra sharma saying hello hi kathy knight gilbert is from rwanda hello gilbert how are you there she is rose rose is saying hello to everybody she's in south africa she also helps provide a lot of support here and answers questions abdi alasso hello uh gadwari jean-claude is here and saying welcome to everyone and all the guests well there's harvey from las vegas hello harvey we're glad you joined us we have abdi alasso like i said from melbourne i'm assuming that's melbourne australia although it could be melbourne florida not sure uh ohamata kumar is saying hello um rp verma red redfern saying hello to everyone i'm a little behind on this but that's okay if i don't get to you hello everybody and welcome there's i've got about a hundred plus messages here uh proven hello uh how are you uh denise hello denise from india how are you raj hey there yes harvey is saying hello subhash chandra from india um let's see cr carte hello yes we have rwanda kigali people coming from there the champions hello cecil brevitt from she is new york there's nothing like new york all of you need to travel in new york city if you've never been there boy what a time that would be amila kumbar hello uh okwigba jeffrey ama is saying hello from get this austria so if you're watching this for the first time um you're going to hear about on passive we are a legal company in over 200 countries across the globe and we are in pre-launch getting ready to launch so you're at the right place at the right time uh to to hop on board and become a founding member like the rest of it so this is i'm going to repeat myself a few times we still have people joining we're up to almost 400 people we understand if you're watching this you don't always see how many people are here well we've got quite a few joining us um who have been invited guests or our current founders so we're going to start in a few minutes i'll introduce our first speaker then you're going to hear a presentation and then a few of the panelists may chime in a little bit and then we'll open up to the q a and i will give you instructions about the q a after the presentation this is a public guest webinar that you've been invited to so would like to welcome all of you especially if this is your first time would also like to welcome all of the existing founders who join in because they learn a little bit every day too by joining these and they're here to support you our guests and as well as the people on the panel who are going to be speaking remember the q a today is for our guests only so if you are a current founder we would like you to reserve your questions for the monday afternoon q a you also know you can reach out to any leadership council members through the back office and you can ask those questions there but today's all about our guests so we're going to get started in a few minutes i'll just say hello to a few more people there's so many and i apologize like i said if i missed you um tracy jr um yes you can later tracy go ahead and email me or on facebook that's fine alam khan is saying we are in it to win it uh fatoma vote column is from senegal okay so your mom invited you to come watch this meeting well you're smart that you're here and we're glad that your mom invited you because this is for you today so you're going to hear a lot of information today and afterwards you're going to want to get back to your mom and find out the next step to become a founding member this isn't your typical webinar um if you've been to other webinars or other business presentations i don't know about you but i don't like going to ones where i feel pressured or i'm pestered or um you know people are trying to get my credit card and upsell me we're not about that because quite frankly we don't need to do that we just know after the presentation if you catch a glimpse of what the vision is of this company you're going to want to take action and get back to the person who invited you and jump on board okay so we can start the recording charles and i'll introduce our first speaker and then i'll be back for the q a okay welcome everyone i'm susie mcrae coming to you from amherst massachusetts in the united states welcome i am a very happy global founder and a company called on passive today is our public guest webinar and you're going to hear about a business called on passive and then after we have a few speakers we're going to open up the q a and i'll be back to give you instructions on that today's q a is for our guests only so we'd like to welcome everybody our first speaker is marty degarmo he comes to us from the state of new jersey in the united states for over 17 years marty was a project manager in the corporate world for a very large global company he traveled all across the world and then in the last 15 plus years he became part of doing network marketing online opportunities all of that and uh he has seen everything he's experienced everything he has a lot of wisdom and knowledge about uh opportunities out there and how marketing online really works and he's going to speak to you today um and tell you a little bit about his story because he's been there he's seen it he's done it and you're going to want to listen to him so um looks like he may be uh we all love marty because he's a no-nonsense type of guy he's going to tell you like it is and uh listen to him and he'll let you know why when he heard about on passive he knew this was the right right business to jump on board with okay marty it's all yours and i'll be back for the q a thanks susie hello everybody welcome here on this uh saturday the 17th of uh july which is unbelievable almost 500 people here that's amazing um a little about myself 61 years old grandpa live in new jersey i have been online for some this is my 17th year uh i got on for the same reasons as millions of others maybe not everyone but a lot of people got on to try to find a way to make a little extra income maybe to mlm email marketing affiliate marketing whatever it didn't matter to me at the time whatever whatever i could do and i joined businesses many um and one reason or another it failed um either the company wasn't what they said they were and they disappeared into the night get up the next morning and they're just not there or it was so expensive you couldn't afford to stay in the oldest ship with so much money that you actually lost money every month i know i didn't get in to do that and i found out the hard way that no matter what some guru might tell you whether it's a man or woman doesn't matter um to follow them do what they tell you and you'll make money it sounds good they still do it today and it's just not true it's an absolute fault it's a it's a lie um i don't know some do it on purpose some don't maybe they really think it could happen but let's think about it any business i've been in the first 10 years same people make the money and the 97 don't so about nine years ago i ran into mike ellis and uh dan street he's not here today and uh i decided i need to learn how to market online personally because the only way you're gonna make it i had full time doing this because i was i wasn't working and i learned it took many many hours and many many dollars to even start learning how to build a team and then i thought wow how people are gonna have time to do this if they're a single parent or they're working 40 50 hours a week they can't let's face the facts they can't um and it bothered me but anyway when i joined up with mike and dan they had skills i did so between the three of us i i love the idea of working as a team anyway because you can bounce off each other ideas and all that and then we got where we can build fairly large teams in the thousands but guess what happened i'm now meeting marty 10 years ago i'm meeting mike ellis 15 years ago and they have their skills and they don't know and i'm telling them i'm going to help you make money and i'm lying lying like a rook not on purpose i didn't mean to but i i really meant i'm going to help you and i couldn't so any business we got in myself mike and damn were actually building many many small businesses to help them build that business and it was a nightmare it was an absolute nightmare we built a little system we'll try this and this will help you trying to bring people up to four or five years experience that they don't have that's nothing to do with how smart you are it's do you have the time and that was a nightmare about two and a half years ago uh talking with mike and dan yeah we could make some money yes we could build the team but the feeling of bringing people in i'm looking at them and saying i'm gonna help you and i can't it really got old and it started feeling not so good so i was thinking about maybe i'm not gonna i'm not gonna work online i just don't wanna i don't like the idea i don't like building teams and can't bring anybody with you i worked with red redford who's here today and peter rogers a couple years before that it was in a business together and i trusted these guys and i hadn't seen him for a few months so i saw peter when i saw redness so what are you guys doing and they explained to me this business that you're going to hear about today and i was blown away fairly quickly uh the reason was is the bar is pretty low at the time because i'm looking ken so i asked him in this business can anybody make money yes do you need these special skills no so anybody i invite in has the same playing field as anybody else yes they don't need any special skills no marty no they don't okay uh auto ship there isn't one okay uh packing my closets full of freaking potions and lotions that i really don't want none digital products okay is it products that are they're trying to sell that it's going to be double sell just trying to get people to buy it no high demand right now and they're being sold for the billions of dollars right now today except the brand new state of the art i'm in i paid the money i'm in i went to mike mike ellis here and dan and i what they call in the industry barfed on them and i don't even know what i told them but they just signed up i think originally just to get me to shut up but once we got the information and found out what was really going on with this business i never looked back i never we're not doing anything else stop anything i don't look at anything else because this is a business that anyone and i mean anyone fat tall ugly skinny black red purple if you happen to be to make money in this business and i met really really um experienced people that would know when they saw this how powerful it is so what i'm going to do now so that i don't ruin everything for you i'm going to introduce charles osaul now charles has 30 years experience in the i.t sector okay online offline he's very was very very successful so he understood this digital product probably more than any of us when i than when i got in and uh he's going to explain to you in detail of how powerful this is and how fortunate you are that you came across this today and like uh susie said we're not forcing anybody we're not trying to talk anybody into anything we're delivering a message and we're sharing this and we want you to know whether you give in or you don't get in makes no difference to our success we're doing it because we care and we want to make an impact as much as we can so i'm going to turn it over to mr charles i'm my friend business partner and he's gonna throw your socks off thank you thank you maddie what a story what an honor for me to be working with guys like you yourself my ellis red reference susie mccree we're all here just to help out guys that's all it is and you're gonna be hearing my story and my story is not that different from maddie's okay if you're here today you're a guest someone invited you you should feel very very blessed very lucky because this is an opportunity of a lifetime and i'm tasked with bringing it to you the way i normally do that is i just tell you my story my story is always the same it doesn't change it's the same story right mark twain once said as long as you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything okay excuse my voice today if you're a little bit uh hurst but i'm gonna do my best excuse me now i have been in the united states for a very long time decades 36 years to be exact and during that time i've worked like everybody else sometimes two jobs just to make ends meet for the most part like mother just said i have worked in the i.t industry and i'm pretty sure if you are familiar with it you will know that it is a very very broad industry but i've been blessed enough to touch almost every discipline in that industry but during that time while i had this so-called good or great job i have always looked for ways to make extra money because i have a big family and i love to help out big family both in the united states and outside of the united states about 34 years ago i came into the works of mr warren buffett and he said something that has always resonated with me and he said if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will walk until you die so every night before i go to sleep i'm asking myself am i making money or am i not making money one good day just about four and a half years ago i attended my resignation from my corporate america job i recall a colleague of mine looking at me and saying to me charles you must have saved up a lot of money to be retiring this early and i said to him on the contrary i have been working for so long but can't seem to save up the kind of money that i would love to so there's got to be a better way it's got to be a better way according to robert einstein you keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results that is his definition of what insanity and i agree with him so once i retired i went and took myself a small office in greenbelt in maryland in the united states and just over two years ago a very trusted friend of mine came to my office and said to me charles i must show you this opportunity and just so you know prior to retiring i've been studying rigorously the behavioral patterns of successful people and one of them is this you bring them an opportunity they will look at it inside out so as to make an informed decision so i pretended to be like one of them that day and i told my friend yes i'm gonna take a look at this right now but first i have three questions three prerequisites before i move on this is gonna save you time save me time because if we can get through those three questions forget it i'm not going to be part of it okay question number one with this opportunity if i cannot recruit if i cannot sell to even one person am i gonna make money and when i say money i mean real money enough money to give me financial freedom now remember i had time freedom because i was retired but i'm still looking for that ever elusive financial freedom when you have the two time and financial freedom then you can say that you have total freedom so i asked my friend that day with this opportunity if i cannot recruit and again my friends this is not for me okay most people don't know how to recruit and i want to make sure that if i'm getting into a business it is good enough for everybody if i cannot recruit even one person am i going to be able to make that kind of money that will ensure my financial freedom he said to me charles with this company you will be able to make enough for you your children your children's children and beyond that sounded like music to my ears i have to tell you the truth and i said well two more questions let's go to question number two with this opportunity am i gonna have to come out of pocket every month month in month out to pay some bill in the industry they call it ownership am i gonna have to pay a monthly ownership he said to me charles when this company launches that means the company was in pre-launch and he said you will have to come out of pocket once and that's it i said okay i think we're getting somewhere let's go to the third question the last but certainly not the list does this company have legitimate viable products now by legitimate i mean legal by viable i mean necessary something that mankind you and i we need on a daily basis if you don't have it life is simply miserable think about your cell phone think about internet access wi-fi you don't have those trust me your life will be miserable so that's what i mean and so my friend said to me charles you have an ideal background i am sure you will understand these products better than me and i said okay i'll go back i took a look at the products came back to him and i said my friend should this company succeed in what they're trying to do we are going to have an internet checkup we're going to have an internet this company can realize this dream he didn't like that because he's like most of us we want money now we want instant gratification and he said to me charles why would you say that i said it's simple you told me to take a look at the products and i did and i believe i understand what is going on this company is using artificial intelligence ai for short in every step of the development process ai my friend is a disruptive technology and what do i mean by that one that comes every once in a while and it will change our lives like the internet in other words it'll disrupt our lives ai is yet the most disruptive technology mankind has ever known but ai is very involved it involves machine learning it involves empirical data it involves millions upon millions of lines of coding and for those of you who are familiar with software development you agree with me that this ain't no joke this is time consuming the reason why i told my friend we're gonna have to just buckle up and enjoy that roller coaster but i also told him i don't care how long it takes i want to be part of this company right now i had something we call fomo fear of missing out i had missed out on a few opportunities earlier on in my life and i wasn't gonna miss out on this one not for any length of time and not at any cost so i asked him how much is it gonna cost me to be part of this company today and i was expecting some humongous amount of money something like twenty thousand dollars even more i had my credit cards ready in the united states we don't need cash we just need plastics my friends and i had a few of those at the time but my friend looked up at me and said to me charles believe it or not all you need is ninety seven dollars nine seven dollars i looked at him with disbelief and i said you gotta be kidding he said no i'm dead serious i say okay well yes my card put it on there by the time we were done it had costed me 102 so yes there is a small five dollar charge that the banks will charge you if you use a credit or debit card big deal i told him my friend i don't have five years or more to be monitoring this business so do me a favor when they are closer to lunch call me text me email me do whatever it is to get me informed so i can get more involved he said dear eight months later he gave me a call charles the ceo of this company wants to talk to all of us in one week's time can you make yourself available and i said why not one week later i hop on a webinar and there was mr ash moffara mr ashmore follow my friends as a ceo of this company mr ash mafara for those of us who have been around for some time we have come to know and love him why not only because it's going to help us make money and i can assure you it will help us make tons of money but also and more importantly because of his heart his heart for humanity there are quite a few genesis out there there's bill gates mark zuckerberg ellen musk jeff bezos eric one just to name a few these guys all of them have the brains but do they have the heart my friends i should come to join on passive you're gonna find out that our ceo not only does he have the brains but also he has the heart the heart for mankind and that is why most of us leaders myself particularly resonate with him so well but mind you i was listening to him for the first time that day and he came on and he said folks we have been making a lot of progress in fact we are closer to lunch than ever that statement threw me off i was saying to myself just eight months earlier i told my friend we want to be waiting for the long haul all of a sudden is this dude telling us we are closer to lunch whom is he kidding but he got my attention and i was listening keenly and he said we've gone to bangalore in india for those of you who are familiar with that part of the world bangalore is like the biggest technical city in india but if you look up behind me you're gonna see a building it's also behind maddie it says on passive this building is in high-tech city in hyderabad this building was non-existent at the time mr moffatt had gone to bangalore and he at least he had leased two floors in a high-rise building he said and he said we have hired 200 engineers the best of the best and these guys are working day and night to make sure our dream is realized so now in my head i am thinking most startup companies are going to have 20 to 25 engineers most startup companies are going to have this engineers work eight maybe nine maybe ten hours a day i know because i've been part of a few of those now mr moffatt goes to the source and when i say sauce for those of you who are familiar with india or family or technology i want to say indians are the best in the game he goes to the source he didn't get 20 or 25 engineers he got 200 of them and they are not working eight or nine or ten hours a day they are walking around the clock they are taking turns 24 7 to make sure this dream is realized so in my mind i am starting to think yes with this kind of a resource you are able to cut time frames yes with this kind of a resource you are able to do in two or three years what's supposed to take five or six years so my belief factor goes off the roof this time before i went on and he said some of us have been unethical and we're going to come up with an nda a non-disclosure agreement and i'm going to let red graphene talk to you about that later on but two months later he came up and said the ngs are out go back take a look at them i did and by the time i was done it occurred to me that this is that time i told my friend call me text me email me so i can get involved i wrote i said i'm gonna roll up my sleeves i'm gonna call a few friends to my office and we're gonna have to spread this word because i looked at the time money energy spent from the time i got involved up until then and i said this is no longer a joke so my friends came to my office and we brainstormed how best to spread this word we are going to become men on a mission i am a man on a mission and i want all of us to become men on a mission we brainstormed and came up with zoom thanks to technology with zoom all you need it's a smart device it can be a smartphone a laptop an ipad you need internet access and you are on so what is this company again on passive if you look behind me you see it and that name was not given by chance this is a passive opportunity that means what you come in you pay your little money the employees the engineers they go to work on your behalf and you sit back relax money in your bank account our ceo mr ash my father and founder yes he has so much experience in artificial intelligence he graduated with masters in e-commerce he went back to harvard did are more stories on ai online businesses this guy is a guru when it comes to traffic traffic generation my friends traffic is a reason i can dream today traffic is the reason i can invite you all to dream with me today so what is traffic let's spend a couple minutes talking about traffic traffic is the most fundamental element in any business offline or online but most of us we have an age we are more used to offline businesses so let's start there say you have an offline business and it can be any business it can be a car dealership it can be a hair salon it doesn't matter but let's just assume that you have a restaurant and i have the same exact restaurant only because i love food and i know everybody eats okay your restaurant is located in a busy area a shopping mall people come in and out all the time my restaurant on the other hand is hidden it is located in a back alley somewhere well your restaurant is gonna fare better than mine and here is why people are gonna come to that shopping mall minding their own business to do their hair their nails buy some clothes maybe just window shopping doesn't matter what it is that brings them to the shopping mall eventually they'll get hungry they'll look up at your restaurant wander into your restaurant and the end result of that is what sales my restaurant on the other hand is going to suffer because people are going to have to know that it is there people are going to have to leave their homes deliberately just to go there so it suffers it suffers from what traffic so what is traffic people customers coming in and out of your business that's it now what about traffic online but before i go there i want to say this in this day and age you have that business offline like the restaurant you better get yourself an online presence otherwise you will be smoked by a competition so what am i saying in essence yes it is true that we have lots of businesses offline millions upon millions of them but it is also true that we have more businesses online than we do offline billions of businesses online and all of these businesses thrive on traffic too without traffic they are dead so what is traffic online clicks my friends clicks if you have a business online say charleston.com the first thing that needs to happen for you to make a sale someone has to come and click on it no clicks no sales the more the clicks the more the sales so we have individuals online businesses online small large how do they make money by driving traffic to all these billions of businesses online typical example google and then we have something called targeted traffic even better what is targeted traffic say you go online to look for a tv and then somebody comes behind you and whispers on your ear go to charleston.com and the moment you get there all you see are tvs all sizes all colors all prizes your chances of buying very high well guess what that store just got itself a targeted traffic a targeted customer our ceo and founder that i just mentioned to you guys a few moments ago is the best in the game of driving targeted traffic he proved himself when he graduated he joined a few businesses he got involved drove customers to them bunch of customers drove affiliates bunch of affiliates yes he made some millions doing that and these companies also made lots of money but unfortunately most of them went out of business why remember guys i told you in the beginning legitimate viable products no legitimate viable products any company is just a time bomb so mr mufarah and his family notably his wife are gonna sit down and say you know what we need to stop driving traffic we need to stop sending customers people that we care about to businesses that will eventually go out so we are going to start our own we are going to have legitimate viable digital services we're gonna have founding members you and i we will drive traffic to them they will make money we shall make money and everybody is what happy my friends that is the best of unpassive so over three years ago and i mean over three years ago it's important because there was no pandemic there was no covet 19.

these guys were just visionaries they are going to sit down mr muffer and his friends and they're going to say we are starting our own we need services legitimate viable services we have close to eight billion people on earth and at any point in time statistics show that seven million of them are online now seven million more than three years ago you can imagine what it is today you can multiply that number by 10 maybe but 7 million is still a lot and these folks are looking for services what kind of services are they looking for so we can provide them well some of you online are doing what we call online banking i know that i do that sometimes twice a day and i know a bunch of you do that and when we do these things there are people online who are monetizing on our services businesses monetizing our services and these guys are gonna say hey with ai we can do that even better some of us online are doing what we are on our favorite social media platform linkedin instagram twitter facebook i love facebook but when we're on facebook what are we doing we are sending texts photos to friends family members classmates colleagues well guess what that is called it's community my friends and these guys are gonna say with ai we can have our own community even better even bigger and as you come to join us you're going to find out still in pre-launch our community is way over 772 000 and climbing by the minute some of us online are doing what e-commerce drop shipping email marketing book emailing well there are people online i can assure you making six and seven figure income just doing email marketing i know that i thought about it once upon a time and these guys are gonna say you know what with ai we can have our own even better some of us online are doing video conferencing just like you and i right if you can see me you can hear me it means you went to some application online called zoom you put in some code and there you are it is called video conferencing zoom as we speak is making serious money from us but zoom is not the only one we have skype we have any meeting cisco webex google hangouts microsoft teams we have a plethora of more than 25 of them making serious money especially since the pandemic zoom is the most popular amongst all of them why because it is the most user friendly but not for long you wait you wait until one passive unleashes our own connect our own webinar platform some of us who have been found us for some time we've been fortunate enough to have a sneak peek at it it is clearer 3d faster more secure end-to-end encrypted more scalable and above or guess what more affordable like my friend mike ellis always says at a lower price point now prior to kobe 19 zoom was averaging just about 10 million participants a day well guess what april 1st 2020 same company took a statistic that number had risen to weigh over 300 million participants a day november 30th 2020 forbes magazine came out with a report zoom has made more profits than exxonmobil the decades-old american oil company what does that tell you the world is going digital the world is going virtual ever since the pandemic every university high school middle school elementary school asking students to take classes virtually i have seen pastors men of god women of god having virtual prayer studies i've seen virtual weddings all kinds of stuff and these guys are unpassive they are i'm gonna just say you know what with ai we can do all of that even better but let me just tell you this when on passive launches there are big players in this space video conferencing like zoom oh yes do we know then we know there's a new sheriff in town now let's talk about another service virtual private network vpn sounds like a mouthful vpn right what is it fancy word for a tunnel it's just a tunnel that cuts across a major network such as internet employers use it so that their employees can get into copy data without fear of hackers fear of bad guys ever since the pandemic every company most companies facebook microsoft even the federal government asking employees to work from home well that means what that means somebody is monetizing these guys our own passive they are going to say with ai we can have our own vpn super super smart more secured more scalable and above all more affordable when we launch the big players in this space like cisco networks they will know there's a new kid on the block i can assure you now let's talk about one more service search engine optimization sounds again like a mouthful what is that we know of search engines we know of yahoo we know of bing and for those of us apple enthusiasts we know of safari and then there's google everybody knows of google okay it's almost a household name now well these companies are all free you can go to google 10 times a day 100 times a day free of charge okay you go to facebook as many times as you want free of charge yet these companies are multi-billion dollar companies how do they make money most of us don't know frankly most of us don't even care because it's none of our business but let me tell you guys the most the biggest way that google makes money is through search engine optimization and let me tell you how that works say you go to google today to search for something and it could be anything it could be a phone a watch it doesn't matter but let's just say it is a camera only because i market my cameras to google okay what happens a bunch of them will pop up and one of them is going to be from my store and if you click on that camera from my store you just cost me money call it pay-per-click so google says you market something to us you advertise something to us and the customer comes looking for that item we are going to optimize our search yeah because you've paid us we're gonna bring that item to the top so that they can see it eyeballs once they do game over you pay us so i have a credit card on that file they just bill me directly so guess what a small business person like me i'm paying google every month averagely 400 every month believe it or not i'm also paying microsoft why because microsoft bought over bing and i'm using them and then go daddy for domain name service every business online must have a domain name so when you here.com.net.org that is a domain name and somebody is monetizing and as you will find out on passive is going to help us monetize the same way that godaddy is helping others monetize on passive is going to help us monetize the same way with search engine optimization by the time we type the first character because of ai it is gonna know exactly where you're headed my friends this is value what what am i doing or what have i just done just gave you a few of the services that on-passive is putting together there are more but i just gave you the ones that we can relate to the ones that we use on a daily basis now what is some passive doing on passive is simple if you are individual online your business online small or big and you need a service we've got it for you under one umbrella same place in it will call it single sign on and here's a big word for you to take home my friends integrated no company on earth has ever succeeded in integrating all of these services but on passive is already there this is value i told you guys earlier you don't have to recruit to make money you don't have to come out of pocket every month to pay some ownership and above all we have the most legitimate viable digital services in this day and age my friends you will be hard-pressed to find this in any company out there today and if you do take my word for it give me a call and i will be your first customer now i'm going to hand over to mr red reference to explain to you guys what it takes to become part of this company mr red reference has been with on passive almost since the beginning he understands this business inside out there is nobody better than him to explain this to you so mr ray take it over thank you very much charles and welcome everybody here i am super super excited as charles said i've been in on passive for a very long time every single time i hear any webinar whether it's charles's mics or anybody else i am so excited about the prospects of our passive and this founders opportunity which he has shared with us today fantastic job as always charles i am so so excited about the future for all of us so what exactly is it going to cost you guys to get involved as a founder as charles rightly said it is all done for you 100 automated this means this is a opportunity for absolutely anybody no qualifications you don't even need to know anything about a computer the internet or anything all you have to do is to become a founder and right now that founder's position is going to cost you 97 us dollars okay it is as easy as that so how exactly do you sign up well the first thing you must do is get back to the person who has shared this webinar with you go back to that person ask them for a registration link they will give you that once you have that registration link just click on it and fill out your details this is your name and email address and then that will take you to the payment page now depending on what country you're in you can pay by a credit or debit card visa and mastercard you could pay by cryptocurrency and a couple of other ways as well depending on your country once that has gone through guys then you need to log back in one more time okay and this will pop up a thing called an nda this is a non-disclosure agreement this is as much to protect the company as it is to protect you now this is a really good thing this is not a bad thing it is quite long it is very in-depth but this just shows how dedicated how serious this business is okay because if it was just a fly by night if we were just trying to get money out of everybody we would not go through all this effort to have a very long and decisive nda for all of us so just give that a read all the way down to the bottom there is two boxes you need to click over on the left hand side and once you've done that then you sign it digitally either on a device with your finger on the screen or you can do it by digital signature on your computer once that's been sent off then you have access to your account now the next time you have to pay any out of money pocket okay is when we come to launch to the world now this is going to be imminent we are so so close to that time period of launching to the public once we get to that point you have to activate your account now at the moment we know that this is going to be around about the 250 us dollars it might be less it might be more but it's certainly going to be around about that figure once you pay that amount then you have activated your account and then you guess what guys you can start withdrawing any funds immediately if they are in your account you can withdraw them you can withdraw them into your bank account in local currency you can withdraw it by cryptocurrency and other methods as well depending on your country so that is how you get a founder's position and that is how you activate your account only out of pocket twice 97 and 250 after that any subsequent payments come from commissions that are generated from the company okay so that is a really really important thing to remember okay the maximum it is going to cost you is around about 350 bucks once that's paid you're good to go now i'm going to leave you with a couple of little things here just to get your head around okay to really start thinking about what onpassive can do for you as a person and the rest of your family amazon we all know is the largest internet company around okay they've been around for about 20 years now but one of the things you probably didn't know was that amazon have produced 40 000 millionaires in that time period now they don't want to give any money away they want to keep it all to themselves i mean look at uh jeff bezos he is one of the richest people in the world right now now he didn't get there by default he got there because he keeps all of his money ash uh ashwara our ceo like charles song has just told us has a heart for humanity he wants us to be successful he wants that 97 percent to have a fair shot at making a residual income online just imagine how many millionaires will be produced from on passive you as a founder have that opportunity to be one of those people whether you got in three years ago one year ago tomorrow or today you have exactly the same opportunity to be one of those millionaires so the time is now guys um really is the time to seize the opportunity and you know as they say if somebody offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not so sure you can do it just say yes and then learn how to do it and that is a very important saying because there is no time like the presence to get involved the other thing i'm just going to leave you with as well is the decisions you make today will have an impact on your life your family your friends and people around you in two years time today is the day to take that leap of faith to trust the person who has invited you to have a look at this opportunity for 97 guys it really is a no-brainer and the best of all of it is guys that 97 comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee from the company if you don't like it you can ask for a refund and you will get a refund from the company and also if you don't believe what i've just said you can par pay by credit uh debit card like charles did using your visa and mastercard and you're covered by their guarantee as well so get in guys we'd love to have you on board enjoy this journey as a founder we are very very close to launching to the uh world now and we want you on board with us back over to you charles and susie all right susie um i think if mike ellis has a word or two to tell the founders we can hear him before we go to q a sure hi mike mike i'm sure though you have something sweet to tell this new guest here today no charles great presentation as always and and you and red have really covered a tremendous amount of information about on passive for those individuals that are new here i know your mind is probably spinning and you're gonna have questions don't be shy come on on uh this panel can answer any questions you have and like suzy said there's no pressure here we want you to get the full picture and once you understand on passive what they're doing and more importantly what they can do to your bottom line you're going to find a home and you're going to find a way forward to to really take care of those monthly woes that we all have and and get to a place where you don't worry about finances so again charles read great job come on in you all that are new and ask your questions and we'll give you the best answer we can susie back to you okay thank you mike always your words of wisdom charles great presentation love hearing marty and everyone loves to hear red and his accent he's got quite a following so we're going to open up the q a but first i'm going to um maybe give you just a very quick insight you see us here on the screen we volunteer to do this we volunteer to do this because we are hooked on the vision of on passive and we run these webinars to help explain the business for our other founders and their family and friends and the benefit is greater for you to get in it's i'm gonna say that again you are gonna benefit more by getting in we are here to help answer your questions and explain things so i'm gonna tell you how the q a goes and i've got a cue a few in the chat that will go through this is for guests only so we have uh seven people with their hands raised i'm going to bring you on to the panel the screen is going to change a little bit and then i will call on you to unmute yourself and turn on your video and you'll have access to that once you come on to the panel this is for guests only if you're a founder please lower your hand so i don't bring you on uh so as we're waiting to do that we have a question uh what are you offering to these companies large and small in an all-in-one package so would someone like to talk about maybe the products when we launch yeah i can start it off susie and then rad and charles and marty and you can can chime in uh unpassive is a is a really unique company yes you can come in and get all the products of unpassive but as we look at on passive they're primarily a customer-based business even though we have the privilege of participating with unpassive and there will be very very large companies coming in uh with a set of uh of products that they want and on passive uh will will will give them exactly what they want if they don't want all the products maybe they want a a funnel builder or a webinar or a webinar platform or a number of tools they'll customize those for that particular company and and then obviously they're going to have to pay for them so it's going to vary depending on who we're talking about whether it's a fortune 500 company whether it's an individual that's a marketer online and he wants the automated marketing platform with all the tools we use to market online uh but but in the end really people can come in pay the 250 right around there that's a subscription fee and get all the products up on passive for a very very low price and that's really what ash mufara does he gives people value and tremendous value value you've never seen before and because of that our market today is about 5 billion people there will be something in on passive for all of them and they're all going to come in in their own unique way whether they hear it from a friend or or or some some advertising or whatever else uh and and on passive will tailor what they need uh as they come in and ask hopefully that that answered the question you all can kind of chime in and add to that if you'd like i i want to add a little bit and then uh red red can tell the truth i'm just kidding listen um the main thing with this company and it's emphasized by the ceo every day every time i ever hear them talk is value like mike said and to give me an example you know my opinion you hear about competition okay zoom's been going for years they they made 139 billion dollars last year all these things all these companies but what do people want they want value if i could this this zoom that we're on right now cost eight thousand dollars a month to run it eight grand now let me give you an idea of what what value is the company would give anyone a product like this that you're looking at right now and 49 other ones for somewhere around 250 dollars that's value there is no competition when you do that kind of value none if you pay a buck and you get a hundred dollars worth of value you're going to go there all day every day twice on sunday people in the world want the best value the best products for the lowest amount of price of the lowest price and there will be no one lower or better than on passive so i mean it it's going to be a runaway okay i don't i don't it's going to take time but and what happens with any company and it's happened to the last 50 years is companies get complacent and think nobody's going to touch me i'm the king of the hill and boom boom boom boom in the united states with a company called kmart kmart was the the main the main big company of as far as stores go and department stores and here comes walmart and they laughed at walmart who are you you're five and dime what are you gonna do to me well i don't need a crystal ball to tell you what they did to kmart i don't think there's any left and you know the same thing amazon started as a bookstore selling old books who comes online two years later orange and noble barnes noble's a multi-billion dollar business where is barnes and noble now why was there a change it was value it had people are looking for value people don't want to just throw their money out there uh the value of one passive will be the biggest deal in the last 50 60 years i i just i i see what it is i know what things cost because i do market with mike and it's expensive very expensive and you get no guarantees with them passive they're going to make you an expert on day one you don't have to know anything i know people think all these customers i don't want to deal with them guess what you won't even know where they are you're just going to get a little bit of money from each one that walks past your cash register it's that simple it really is that simple that's all i got okay okay i'll just i'll just chime in just for a quick question on uh with the as far as businesses are concerned with on passive now a lot of people are thinking about their own businesses there is a couple of criteria that you need to point out uh before uh four people and one is your business has to be legal has to be registered for it to be hosted on the on passive platform yes on passive will be able to drive traffic to uh your business and that is standalone from uh on passive you'll be able to bespoke it where it goes to and uh categories etc but one of the really really important things to remember as far as businesses on passive is we're going to have our own marketplace guys very similar to what facebook has and we are at the moment sat at 770 000 founders that is 770 000 eyes on people's business instantly within the on passive ecosystem we also estimate that within our first year we will have 100 million customers so every single business that comes online with on passive is instantly going to have a hundred million people looking at that product within the uh on passive marketplace we will be the hunted as far as businesses are concerned they will be falling over themselves to have on passive host their businesses within our own ecosystem because of what charles is talking about one of the things which is so important is traffic if you do not get eyes on your product on service you are dead in the water on passive is going to deliver for that not only for us as individuals but also for you people who have your own businesses thank you susie okay thank you everyone for responding we have a few uh questions in the chat but i'm going to go to the people who we've brought on uh first if you could unmute yourself puss palata if you could unmute yourself and or turn on your video puss palata okay we will try the form uh sorry no form yay for micah the form in the eye for manka if you could unmute yourself okay we do know we have some questions from oh here we go uh chew chew okay neform monae for maca what is your question please uh good afternoon hi we can hear you hi good afternoon hello hello yes we're hearing you we hear you what's your question please okay uh i i wanted to find out how secure how secure is the the investment because uh i believe so much in in online investment and uh i have put my monies on the other panels and then it's like after a while the the investments start to like oh we are sorry because of this we cannot pay you off or because of that because of the falling the value of bitcoin the currency because of the kobe stop the agency has shut down his doors so i wanted to find out how secure the unpassive can be because i have faith in unpassive seeing charles because from his family name i think i know where he's from and i think i'm safe i'm more secure knowing that i can i have someone on the on the founder who i can really contact if i have any difficulty i just want to know how secure it is okay who would like to respond to his question um i see i see my mic is ready to do that go ahead mike yeah no no i i i can do that when you talk about uh um how secure your investment is number one it is not an investment okay you're coming in and you're actually starting a business with unpassive okay you're going to be participating with on passive so it's not an investment and charles said that that you go out of pocket once and that's all and that's that's true red red talked about it also the total amount of money you'll put into on passive is right around 350 dollars after that's put in you will never go out of pocket again ever ever ever and when we look at on passive and the longevity because that's really what you're asking how long is unpassive going to be available and how long can we make money from on passive and build that residual income you have to understand that because of what ash mufarah and his team have done unpassive when we launch day one will launch as a unicorn company and that's a company with a value of a billion dollars this is not small ball this is this is this is the big leagues there has never been a company in the history of the world that has launched day one and been a multi-billion dollar company the way on passive is structured the way ash and his team have have done it is so ingenious when you talk about uh not only the products of on passive but how we get paid and how the math works i can tell you that yes i'm passive it is secure yes on passive is going to be around for a very very long time and it will give you the ability having onpass a go to work for you to develop that income develop a residual income and there will come a point in time where you just don't worry about finances and that's why we're all here really as you come into on facet on passive and explore more about unpassive you're going to under understand everything that i'm talking about and you'll see that it gets better and better and better as far as being able to contact the the leadership council in on passive we are all at your your beck and call whatever you need you can contact any one of us whether it's charles or red or marty or susie and we will get back to you we don't hide we're always out in the open and you're going to know exactly what we think uh when whatever question you have so it's a really unique uh situation it's a company that that uh i've looked for for 15 years and marty and i dan charles red susie we found this and and got very excited because when we help people we really are changing lives and as you get into it and learn more uh yeah you're going to get excited about your future not ours but your future i hope that helps yeah thank you red hat i think i'm i'm clear now thank you just to ease your mind a little bit more as well charles mentioned it right at the beginning of his presentation which was legitimate products and he meant by legitimate he meant legal on passive is a completely legal company it was first registered back in november of 2018 in orlando florida and subsequently it's been as an ssl company in the us and also it's actually been registered in hyderabad india of january this year as a limited company this gives us the legal right to operate online anywhere in the world exactly the same way as apple does or google does amazon does exactly the same and just as a little side note as well the onpassive.com domain name has been registered for 10 years this business and this opportunity this company is not going anywhere my friends we are here for the long haul we have not spent three years developing these products and services getting it all

2021-07-21 03:18

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