ONPASSIVE latest public webinar | ONPASSIVE business presentation

ONPASSIVE latest public webinar | ONPASSIVE business presentation

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i can't hear you nope still nothing no i'm joined with everything no we can't hear you i can't hear you charles not necessarily a bad thing though oh that's better there it goes how are you doing andy hi how are you doing i'm good how are you pretty good very good you know quite early today that's good i mean something is about to happen something big it's getting exciting really exciting i listened to that last night and then i um ended up sending a load of emails out to the uh pending founders and the and the guys in my team and i think i finished last night about um half a half past 12 and then i was up at five this morning it's oh my god there you go one of those weeks this week there you go here's susie there's is that like here's johnny yeah there's andy charles oh song oh you guys were chad is working here i didn't get the memo oh he has the chat the chat was a configuration issue so i took care of it today love you charles you're on top of it is it the susie and ethel show today right oh yes oh look at her wow you're muted you're muted ethel with some light hi everybody it's just a little bit gloomy over there and there's so much happening that we need pretty in pink so andy the memo memo was just for you and i yeah the men wear blue i wore like gray i don't know well let's wait until marina comes we see what color she's gonna have on okay well i'm gonna say it'll be bright it'll be bright yes i gotta put my sunglasses on ethel i love that pink color thank you yes but matches her lipstick too and we have someone we have someone in the chat sharon saying she's new here so good hello okay i'll say a few things and then ethel if you'd like to um take over after me welcoming our wonderful uh loved ones and guests to this webinar let's get this let's get cracking right okay okay my pleasure hey and charles you're not i well his his mute is on but i don't hear any chirping today so oh okay let me put it on let me put off the mute and let's see do you hear anything okay i'll i'll let you know as soon as i as i hear it so hi everybody i'm susie mcrae coming to you from amherst uh massachusetts in the united states and today is our let's bless our loved ones webinar this is a public guest webinar that you've been invited to to learn about a business called on passive and very soon you're going to see why we are all smiling here on the panel so let's see we have over 80 people on right now so welcome everyone uh just to let you know what today is going to look like and then we'll start welcoming people a little after 2 p.m eastern time we will begin the webinar and we will introduce a speaker and then you'll have a presentation today you're in for a treat because red red fern uh from the uk will be doing a presentation and i will be doing the slides in the background and then afterwards we will open up for uh any questions that you guests may have now as you see in the chat there are people all around the globe joining us today so how great is that you know why there's so many people joining us from around the world because onpassive is a registered and legal company in over 200 countries across the globe so in the chat we have guests and we also have current founders of this company called on passive and those current founders are here today supporting the guests that they've had and have invited and to support this on passive business that you soon are going to be hearing about now just a few things don't worry if you have never been in a business or owned a business or part of a business because the great news is you're going to learn none of that matters onpassive is made for everyone and for everyone to be successful and you're going to learn more and more about that today and we're just thrilled that you're here and you uh joined us this webinar is not going to be asking you to take out your wallet and pay money and dumping you upside down until the change falls out of your pocket and then trying to sell you something even more [Laughter] there is a cost and we will go through that there is a cost to join this wonderful business but the value you receive in return is unbelievable and the great part is the only way you can join and become a founder is to get back to the person who invited you because to be a founder is invitation only so we don't try to convince you we don't pester our pressure we're just excited to share something that um is like nothing else you've ever seen before and for you to be part of this journey with us so with that um like to welcome there he is mr red red fern he'll be doing the presentation today so i'm going to turn over to the lovely ethel coming in from atlanta georgia she will welcome a few people and we'll get started in about 10 minutes all right ethel it's all yours thank you susie thank you what a pleasure what a pleasure indeed to be a part of this wonderful awesome wonderful wonderful wonderful i lack the word to describe it business that is getting ready to be birthed you know in the entire world i am so happy to be on this seat and so i welcome all our guests today founders i welcome you it's good to see you there andy again it's good to see you read you have come back on always smiling good to have you guys in the pa on the panel this this afternoon afternoon my time i say good morning to those in china i say good evening to those in europe and africa we are worldwide and so those who have been able to come on this webinar this afternoon atlanta my time i want to greet you in a very special way guests because you deserve to be to be lifted up this afternoon because what you're about to hear i tell you you will be baffled get your pants on papers ready like susie said i see you are here landy gonzalez you are welcome i see abdul you are welcome it is good to have you here alfred faith it is good to have you here i'm at math it is good to have you here and anita schubert it is good to have you angel good to see you antonio and christian it is good to have you this afternoon how are you doing antonio fra freddie how are you doing benjamin quad quad wall it's good to have you bibia viviartka it's good to have you another benjamin it is good to have you be diaca it is good to have you bridgette chandra you are welcome how are you doing today cecilia bevert you are welcome cecilia cecile morgan you are welcome cheryl it is good to have you chew it is good to have you christy chong you are welcome clementine macro crow way you are welcome clem comfort tango you are welcome it's good to have you delete how are you doing today dawn out you are welcome dawn i see you are there dog i see you are there that's dog baboo you are dr samwell brown it's good to have you in the house this afternoon dr dr um elizabeth i'm sorry that's elizabeth donald it's good to have you in america it's good to have you that's a maker as zee it is good to have you emmanuel i see you are in the house this afternoon welcome to this webinar welcome eric welcome ernest esso welcome francis akiko how are you doing today it's good to have you i hope everyone is doing great this afternoon because we are happy to be here to get the all those who are still here to invite their guests please let them know that it is still time for them to come on come on board as i was about to take from takeover from susie i was inviting someone i just thought of that i had not called all this while their name just came to me and i just got them on yvonne you are welcome zakaria zechariah you are welcome zininggi you are welcome zorak zorika you are welcome i see you are in the house this afternoon wayne i see you vicky you are welcome wayne is good vivek it's good to have you in this webinar this afternoon it is an all guest webinar and so our founders i know you are happy to be here to support you are happy to be here to bring in your loved ones you're happy to be here to see what they are getting introduced into ladies and gentlemen get yourself together because we are in for a wonderful ride susie you want to tell them why we are here this afternoon again okay yes thank you thank you ethel you do such a lovely job welcoming everyone there he is dan street good to see you dan on the panel we have red red fern we have andy we have charles we have marty in the background there how great is this so welcome everybody we're gonna get started in about five minutes or so this is a let's bless our loved ones webinar and the reason we call it that is because once you hear about this business on passive you are going to truly feel uh blessed and be glad that you are one of those loved ones that someone reached out to to share this business with you this is our guest webinar it is a public guest webinar and you'll see in the chat we have people all around the globe we have almost 200 people participating right now in this webinar today and it's growing and growing so you'll see in the chat people from around the globe uh because onpassive is a registered and legal company in over 200 countries so in the chat we love saying hello to all of our guests and to our fellow founders you see our founders join us on this webinar because they've invited their guests and they're here to welcome you too and they're also here to support this business on passive now if you've been invited to other webinars before you may have you may not have doesn't matter either way doesn't matter if you've ever been online or not doesn't matter if you've ever had a business or not if you catch a just a whisker of what we review with you today you're going to want to jump on board because you see on passive is an inclusive business that is here for those who catch the vision and uh want something in their life that is going to totally change everything for them and we're not talking hype here we're we give you the truth we tell you what we know you're going to get a great presentation today uh by uh red red fern coming to us um i think he's on his boat somewhere floating around there he says yes so what we'll do is uh very soon i'll be introducing red he's going to go through a presentation i'll be managing the slides in the background for him uh so red you just make sure if i uh if i need to uh go back to something or i'm too quick you just keep me in line red does a great presentation and then afterwards we will open up to a q a and the way the q a is going to work is that if you are a guest you can type a question in the chat and i'll review that again when we get to it and the panel will answer your questions here remember fellow founders who are here today we have our own private webinar we had one yesterday where you could ask your questions today is for our guests because they're hearing information for the first time and they may have a few questions okay so that's um that's how today's gonna go we're gonna start in a few minutes presentation some questions and answers afterwards and then we know you're going to get back to the person who invited you cared enough to invite you because the only way to become a founding member of onpassive like the rest of us here on the panel is by invitation and how great is that so you're going to want to get back to that person who invited you because uh you're you're gonna really be blown away by today's presentation so ethel if you want to say hi to a few more people that will be great and then we'll get started okay susie i'll do that but before i do that please please if there's anybody else if you have an enemy and you want to make them your friend go and invite them right now they still have a few minutes to get here and so go get them to to to you send them the the link and they will get here and put the id number and be a part of this i guess you know we you can use the chat to say where you're coming calling from where you and say that you're a first timer but it's unfortunate that because of the time will not be able to get all of you greeted and so those that i miss i want to globally greet you right now and say hello i'll try to call the names and for those i'm going to mess up your name please forgive me i'll do my best dion diana you are welcome to leave i see you are in the house you're welcome dawn you're welcome dog i think i i greeted you ellia dominique you are welcome donald you're welcome elizabeth sullivan you are in the house good to see you elizabeth leary you are welcome america you are welcome fatima good to have you how are you doing today eunice tenbeka you are welcome gee you are welcome gimme you are welcome gibian you are welcome have a green you are welcome hamisu it's good to have you james yes it's good to have you john is good to have you jeanette you are welcome how are you doing today joelle jerry and wonder how are you two doing today judy oliver you are welcome joyce ranky you are welcome juha you are welcome josephine you are welcome um zingy ziningi you are welcome zero zorinka you are welcome even when you are welcome i see you are in the house vinod thai you are welcome team you are welcome to really terrila you are welcome torsa i see you are in the house how are you doing today tracy how are you doing today sudka how are you doing today sylvia it's good to have you sub dough it's good to have you sanjat it's good to have you terrance tears you are welcome ladies and gentlemen the names are just floating up on me we have over 275 in attendance right now charista you are welcome what a wonderful presence it's here robert you are welcome robert robert robert you are welcome robert owen you are welcome renata you are welcome peter you are welcome pious you are welcome ladies and gentlemen it's already over 205 and so i have to i have to let it go so that suzy can kick it off it's all my sister my friend okay thank you apple wonderful job uh welcoming everyone and we have marina here too on the panel welcome marina oh yeah so i guess charles if you start recording i'll introduce our speaker and then i'm going to right now disable the chat and we'll open it up after the presentation so you guys can really focus on what you're going to hear today okay we'll start the recording in progress okay thank you charles hi everyone i'm susie mcrae and this is let's bless our loved ones guest webinar where you've been invited to hear about a business on passive after the presentation today we're going to open up for any questions our guests may have after hearing about this so sit back enjoy we will turn the chat on after the presentation i'd like to introduce the person who's going to be doing our presentation today his name is red redfern he'll tell you he's a chef and he's an excellent chef and he has learned about this business over the last three years there's not many questions that he can't answer about it he's very passionate about this business and he'll tell you just like i have this business is for everyone so sit back and enjoy uh red if you want to say hello i'll start sharing the screen and we'll get going thanks very much susie and welcome all our new guests as susie has rightly said my name's red redfern i'm 58 married and i am a chef that is my trade which goes to show everybody here that you do not need any i.t qualifications any knowledge of computers or anything like that to be able to uh do uh on passive whatsoever uh so what are we going to be doing here then we're going to be showing you the on passive opportunity but more importantly we're going to be showing you uh the founders opportunity within on passive this is what this presentation is all about here this thing we call the founders position i always like to start off by relaxing our guests and trying to get rid of some of the questions that have probably got in the back of their mind and the one is is is on passive legal well the answer that is yes we are we are 100 legal and above board we were first registered all the way back in november of 2018 in orlando florida in the united states as an ssl company and subsequently we've also been registered as a limited company in hyderabad india of january of this year both of these licenses are the same licenses as all of the big names around the internet have to operate online and we are completely legal and compliant with of all the legalities that is needed for us to operate in now over 200 countries worldwide the other one i always like to say to everyone is is this opportunity open to everyone as susie has said yes it certainly is there is no qualifications to be a founder in on passive absolutely everybody can do it you don't need to know anything about computers you don't need to know anything about it or anything like that the only requisite is to become a founder pay your fee to become a founder and once you are in we will make sure that you win and the last and main question that everybody asks me is can i make any money without passive at the end of the day 99 of absolutely everybody who look at on passive for the first time are looking at it because they want to make a residual income online real money not just uh chop change as charles says but real money that's going to make a difference to you and your family with on passive there is no limitations this means that whatever your financial goal is it is achievable with on passive and the best of all of this guys is it doesn't matter when you join when you come into on passive this is a bit this is available to absolutely everybody so if you want to invite somebody along to become a founder as well whilst this opportunity is open to them they have got exactly the same ability to be able to make their financial goals come to reality with on passive so saying all that let's get going what are we going to learn in this webinar today we're going to have a look at what on passive is the person who is in charge of on passive the guy who came up with the idea uh we'll have a look at the products and the services of i'm passive and why we actually do need them and we're going to have to see why we think it is the right reason for you to become a founder in this pre-launch stage that we are now the benefits of that founder position and actually how to get started so what exactly is on passive well for a start it is a internet based business we are an informational technology business that has artificial intelligence at our source we also have brick and mortar assets and we'll show you those in a minute and we are a complete online marketing solution and we also have a done for you marketing platform that is a plug and play system these next two photos here are the two offices that we have the one on the left hand side is where our ceo and founder is house this is in orlando florida and the one on the right hand side is in hyderabad india this has been leased on a nine-year lease in december of last year it is six stories high it's been completely refurbished and this is where all of our technicians developers support staff and absolutely everybody else in between that we need to have an online presence at the moment there's around about six to eight hundred strong staff there this will be increased in due course to around about a thousand and as you can see this is can be completely refurbed and uh done up to a very very high standard so why have we got a presence in hyderabad well hyderabad is the high-tech city of india it is the silicon valley of india it's very similar to the states a lot of the big names of amazon apple uh microsoft to name a few all have presence there and the reason is is because indians are fantastic at the it game they are amazing developers uh so instead of dragging them across the waters to the united states our ceo and founder decided you know something let's have a presence there so that we can then hire the best of the best which we have done to develop and produce the products and services of our passive so that's why we have a presence there if you want to you can go on to google maps put in uh on passive hyderabad and you can actually zoom in yourself to have a little look at it as well so who is the brainchild the guy who came up with the idea of i'm passive his name is ash mufarah he is our ceo and founder he's a family man he's got a wife and two great kids he's got in his own right well over 20 years of online business experience and he's been extremely successful of that as well and one of the things that he wanted to do was to give everybody a fair shot online he's been very very successful in his own right not only individually on his own but also for other businesses as well he is a guru at driving traffic to businesses he is amazing marketer and he is fantastic at recruiting and even though he was extremely good at doing all this there was always something that was eluding him and that was to bring the people that he had brought into these businesses to do and replicate what he was doing for them he even built uh platforms and funnels and all sorts of other things for these people to help them but unfortunately they just didn't have what it took to be able to be a marketer like him and he thought there must be a much fairer way of doing business online because some of these businesses that he had been involved with for one reason or another they went out of service or they just ceased and he thought i cannot keep doing this time and time again getting people to trust me and then these businesses that i put my faith in and trust into falling by the wayside so he decided with the help of his wife and his family and close friends to come up with this idea of on passive and this is what we are going to present to you today a fair and level playing field for absolutely everybody online there like i said there is no qualifications to be successful with on passive because everything is going to be done for you so he went around and he looked for a company that could facilitate his needs he couldn't find one so he decided you know i'm gonna build it myself he went back to uh college to get himself an mit a masters of information technology and e-commerce and attended havard for a short period of time to get uh specifically about online business creation and way back in july of 2018 on passive was first born so before i get into the products and services are on passive what is onpassive going to do for you this presentation is all about the founders position this early bird position that you have a chance to be in this new emerging mega giant of internet uh business before we launch our to the world we are looking for founders at the moment but when we launch to the world we will be a customer-based business this is how we will be earning our money but right now right here we are offering you this founder's position so what is onpassive going to do it is going to be it is a done for suit you solution this means that it is a 100 automated done for you hands hands-free so you do not have to recruit you do not have to get uh affiliates or anything like that because everything is done for you because we are going to be actually paying the company of onpassive to do it all for you so there is no recruiting or converting of leads because i'm passive will do all this for you how many times have you gone to your friends and families told them about other things you've been doing online you know you go there time and time again with the best will in the world with all the faith of the company that you are showing them and it all goes down the pan and then you try and do it again and again every time you go to them you get the same reaction from now on in everybody hates recruiting without passive you do not have to onpassive is also going to drive targeted traffic to your domain name and website that you will get built for you and given to you by on passive we'll also be using proprietary technology developed with artificial intelligence at its core this is a very very important thing and i'll be getting to this later on in this presentation onpassive will also manage all of your customer support this means that any of the customers that come in the organization via the on passive platform you do not have to do anything to them whatsoever on passive will take care of absolutely everything on your off all the tools needed for your success will be available all in one place under one roof everything except it's accessible for one just simple long long login as in the in trade we call it single sign-on and the best of all of this guys is it is 100 totally self-funding with on passive you only ever pay twice out of pocket wants to become a founder and that is 97 us dollars at the moment and the next time you will come out of pocket is to activate your account when we have our global launch and i'll get into that in a little bit of a time so then let's have a look at some of the products and services so before i go into these products or services at any time and at your leisure you can go over to onpassive.com

and you can have a look at these 20 products here now there is going to be a lot lot more when we launch there's going to be around about 50 but for the purpose of the website and this presentation now i'm just going to show you some of these 20 here now as you can see there's a bit of a theme here and it begins with the o and the name of the um product after it this is so that people will get used to knowing what our products and services are but there is many many products out there right now that are similar to the ones that we are going to be producing and they are very very good the marketplace at the moment for the products and services that we will be using is around about four and a half billion people online right now are using a similar products and service of hours at the moment so i'm just going to pick out two of these the one on the top left-hand side at the moment here is called academy this is our e-learning center so if you're a college or a university or a school and you've got any of your courses that you want to upload for your students to do then you put them on academy on passive itself we'll give you a completion certificate but if you are a licensed uh college university or um school and you have the curriculum there then they will give you your your certificate as well if you're a business and you have training modules you can put them on there if you're an individual or a chef or a carpenter or a florist or anything like that and you have any courses that you want people to do whether it be languages or anything else then you put them on academy and you will be able to teach your students anywhere in the world from academy the other thing we have here another one of our products is called oh connect this is our multimedia suite of products and services so we are using zoom right now oh connect is very similar to this it is a multimedia service and what is the difference and why is it going to be so different to zoom zoom is the most popular at the moment because it is the easiest to use there is others out there about 25 in total but with oh connect we are going to be completely different to what zoom is going to be doing now we are using new technology all integrated with artificial intelligence with zoom at the moment you have a main screen you've probably got a little picture of me on the top right hand corner we have a chat at the bottom there but you cannot bring anything over the top of this main screen with oh connect there is a drag and drop facility where you can bring stuff over the top of the screen without losing your main screen so if you're a teacher and you're teaching students on academy with using oh connect you can drag in a chalkboard and do some uh chalking up on there you can drag in a a chat box to put it over the top of your main screen or you can actually as well bring in videos that you can place over the top of your main screen it is revolutionary and nobody ever ha nobody else has ever done it but one of the main features that onpassive will have with oh connect is it will automatically translate live into 57 different languages can you imagine the scope of oh connect around the globe just for that one feature the auto translated live this means teachers businesses or anybody can do live webinars like we're doing now they can speak in their own language you just put something in your ear you press a button to select your language and it would automatically translate what that person is saying into your own language no other company has ever ever done this so there really is some exciting products coming out of on passive we think that we will be taking a small market share from some of these big names out here and there is some big names we are looking at uh some really big uh players on the block here the likes of zoom click funnels go daddy uh google just to name a few so why are people going to come across to uh on passive rather than using uh their original services well quite frankly because we are going to be newer and better at the moment these companies here have been around for a long long time people have been using old technology with these companies for a long time with onpassive we will be doing things differently we've got artificial intelligence that is sewn into everything we do we are visually better we are easier to share but above all the price point of these services is going to be lower than what people are using now these people out here they are using us because of our um because of the what i'm trying to say here they're using us because of the information that they are getting from us for other services with onpassive your information is completely secure the other thing as well is with onpassive we will physically be paying you as a founder to use our products and services now i can't remember the last time i searched on google and they paid me to do it i can't remember the last time we use zoom and they paid me to do it with on passive as a founder we will physically be paying you the customer to use our products and services it's never been done before and we are going to revolutionize the online space because of this okay next slide please so one of the ways we're going to do this is we're going to use video um sorry one of the reasons we're going to do this is by using video marketing now video marketing is a new thing that people are starting to do more and more now because beforehand it was very difficult to do because of bandwidth people didn't have the data to upload the videos so we used to use email marketing we used to use text we used to use uh other formats as well but video marketing is up and coming because people have got the data to be able to use uh to be able to view videos now before i get into this remember i talked about targeted traffic now with onpassive this is going to be one of our core features companies will actually be using us because we will be marketing their businesses and services to the customers online now before i get into uh traffic i need to explain simply what targeted traffic is now if you go on to google right now you will uh be able to search for anything you want so say for instance you put in a washing machine you put into google uh washing machine you go searching you click on anybody you might buy it or you might not buy it but when you come back onto any social media what do you instantly see down that right hand side in all of those adverts you see washing machines this is what targeted traffic is because they know that you are looking for a washing machine they are then targeting you with that products and service onpassive is going to be doing exactly the same technology as soon as you type in a product and service of on passive they will target you with that product and service and the the rate of conversion is going to be much higher than it would be if someone was just searching on the web aimlessly because you are physically looking for a similar product and service of on passive remember i said that we as onpassive will be giving you a domain name and a website that will have all of the products and services of on passive in within it we will then market that website for you on your behalf and if a customer clicks on that website to then go on and purchase one of the products and services on passive you will get a commission this is how you will make your residual income with on passive and one of the ways that we're gonna do this is using video marketing we're gonna have high quality videos with intelligent video formats easily friendly interface easy to share and we're going to have prioritized target audience to the person who is looking for it so what is on passive okay let's recap where we're at two so far what is onpassive going to do for you it's a fun solution for any cause this means that you can use the money that you have earned from on passive for anything there is no qualifications if the money is there in your wallet you can withdraw it immediately there is no on a friday or once a month or until you get to a certain level if you are in the red if you're in the black and it's in your wallet then you can withdraw it you will give you an unlimited residual daily income if you are in profit all the top marketing is going to be done for you completely hands-free without you having to touch it because we will be paying the company to do it all for us they are going to guarantee visitors and sign ups to your domain name and website using breakthrough products for the automation of your financial freedom plus a lot lot more now remember i told you there is a second payment that you will have to do this is to activate your account when we hit that global launch and at the moment this is going to cost you between 200 and 300 us dollars around about a 250 mark up or down a bit the reason it's not been set uh exactly to date is because our ceo and founder ash mufara wants to make sure that the majority of the profits of on passive go to us the founders but before he does that he needs to find out exactly how much it's going to cost him to pay all the bills of our passing but just imagine this guys we have got a ceo and founder who wants to give the majority of the profits of his company to us the founders it's never been heard of before the likes of google the likes of amazon the likes of facebook they give some money to their affiliates but it is such a small amount with on passive the majority of that money will be coming to us the founders which will give you your residual income so what is onpassive going to do it's going to provide us going to provide a platform for us that have a business so that we can become more successful so if you already have an online business and it's legal and legitimate and approved by on passive you can host it on our platform and they will drive traffic to your business completely automated the only thing you need to remember with this guys is we will only drive traffic to your business after that it's entirely up to you but with on passive with on passive products and services so that is people who do not have a business we will provide for you an online marketing plug-and-play system that will guarantee your success on passive will follow up on passive will close the deal on passive will then keep marketing to these customers on your behalf without you having having to do anything and we do all this to help to obtain your your abundance and uh everything online because we're going to be using artificial intelligence so let's have a little look then at the old model online and why we are so different most things that you see online and offline to be honest are based on competition and conflict nobody likes this you've given targets you're given things that you have to achieve before you either get any bonuses salesman of the week all these types of things all it does is make things very very stressful 97 of things out there end up being a scam they turn into a money pit you're paying in month in month out and you get to a stage where you can't afford it anymore so you just end up leaving or worst off you wake up one morning and it's gone normally requires selling or recruiting and everybody hates that tools are normally obtained separately there's never any guarantees of money pick marketers against each other and worst of all is that the competition compensation plan is normally based uh on your own efforts with ambassador it's completely different it's based on the mutual benefit okay the more i help you the more you succeed but more importantly the more the company on passive succeed and that is what is more important the company succeeding online we are a real business i showed you the uh offices that we have we have real in demand products and services that people are using right now we have real people that built these products and services and we have real people behind them that are going to uh be our support staff at the moment if you send an email it is replied by a real person in the future you'll actually physically be able to call our support staff in a language of your choosing in a country that you are in is completely self-funding you as a founder once you have paid those two out of pocket payments we will then be paying you to use the products and services of el paso on passive completely i've heard of no one has ever done this before marketers do not have to sell or recruit why because we are paying the company to do all of that for us every tool needed for our success is included in those two out-of-pocket payments no best of all is it's the lowest price that you will pay anywhere online it also comes with that founder position that comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can actually join have a look around if it's not for you then you can get your money back within that 30-day period you can also pay by a visa or mastercard debit or credit card so you're covered by that as well anyway if you don't believe what i'm saying here now right now marketers will only ever compete for themselves okay there is no one ever going to tell you what you have to do whatever that level of income you want to earn that is attainable with on passive is entirely up to you after that is it whatever you want to do you do it no one's going to tell you you've got to do this this week you've got to go and get this this week or whatever it's completely up to you can be completely passive or you can be active and the best of all of it is guys it comes with a revolutionary breakthrough compensation plan that is never been seen before online before and when you become a founder you will find out more about this later on so ashby farah said everybody in the near future will use something from passive whether they come for the money or the tools benefits connections or even just the communications and we know what's just happened last night so how many people do you think are looking around right now for a different communicational service they will have a reason to come to on passive because we are providing something that they want we have residual bills guys so why not make a residual income to pay for those bills how are we going to do all this we're going to do it by using our artificial intelligence it is changing the world of digital marketing we are able to have all of our products individually stand alone but also they can integrate with every single other product of our passive seamlessly because they have been built proprietary products for us in on passive from the bottom to the top with artificial intelligence sewn into it it means that you can use one or two or three all together or separately no other company has ever done anything like this ever before on the internet we are going to bring the internet to a revolutionary quake because of what we are doing it the only other company that has ever done something similar to what we are doing was about 25 26 years ago they brought lotus one two three excel word they put it all together and what do they call it microsoft office now look how big microsoft are now we are going to be doing something that has never been done before we are giving you the opportunity to be a founder and partner of our passive for that very low price of 97 the early bird really does catch the worm do not miss out on this opportunity to get in now in this pre-launch stage whilst you can you do not want to look over your shoulder thinking i wish i would have for the sake of 97 so let's recap then what is on passive going to do for you it's going to effort effortlessly build your team and grow your businesses 100 automated hands-free without you having to do a thing by providing over 50 in high demand products and services that are you being used right now on the internet to the tune of over four and a half billion people they will they will also automatically send targeted traffic to your website they're going to seamlessly follow up with it convert these leads so that they will join your own passive business they're also going to manage all of the customer support and provide a system that will enable maximum team retention so let's have a look then at the growth of on passive over the last three years since july of 2018. let's go from july forward to the january of 2019 we had 10 000 founders we're going to leapfrog forward now one whole year to january of 20 20 and we've got 56 000 founders so we've got a massive 46 000 founders who have joined in one year let's go forward six months to june and we've got 90 000 so we've just done in six months what it took us a year before let's go forward three months to the september 150 000. we've just done in three months what we did in six months then in september of last year things started going absolutely crazy between two and three thousand founders since then have been coming in on a daily basis we are now stood at 640 no yeah 660 founders today this screenshot here was taken three weeks ago guys 898 in three weeks to 660 000 founders why are people coming in at two to three thousand thousand thousand a day because they can see the value of becoming a founder in this early bird stage they do not want to miss this train it is coming into the station you can buy that founders ticket to be part of this revolutionary next mega giant of an internet business we really do hope that you will jump on board so this picture here is a unicorn what is this depicting i said that we are going to be the next mega giant of a company so what is a mega giant of an internet company quite frankly it is a unicorn company there is many out there the likes of google apple facebook youtube disney as well they're all unicorn companies this means they have a gross turnover of one billion dollars now most of these companies do it in two years five years ten years on passive no will not only do it in our very first year it will do it in the very first month of our launch no other company online or offline has ever ever done this before and like i said guys you have got the chance to be part of this next mega giant of a company so let's recap then what is this founders position going to do for you not only is the company going to do everything for you but you also get these other benefits as a founder you will have exclusive access to our very own founders website within that there is a community that you can chat to other like-minded founders there is videos webinars they have bespoke links with your name on it so that you can share this opportunity if you want to because you do not have to and there is a webinar services and a lot lot more all within this founders website you'll also get early access to use the products and services before they go to the general public most importantly though you'll be locking in your position within the company payment system by becoming a founder you'll also be a member of the inner circle where we get to beta test in a round table kind of ideas to see what we think the next up and coming trends are going to be plus we get to be to test the new products and services so that they are going to be fit for purpose plus a lot lot more the founder position is a very sought after position and especially for this very very low price no other company has ever given uh the foundership this opportunity to join them at such a low level so let's recap then guys what is onpassive going to do for you it is automatically going to advertise market get leads recruit get the sign ups convert all of these people they're going to build your team and this is for you or for any other legal legitimate business opportunity and they do all of this in the in and under their one massive roof and ecosystem that we call on passive using artificial intelligence there's been some massive people out there who have produced some fantastic companies the likes of jeff bezo elon musk and uh who else have we got there we've got mark zuckerberg to name a few we have got our very own very own ceo and founder who is revolutionary he is creating something that has never ever been done before ash mufara is created on passive you are going to look at this guy in the same way that we look at these people underneath here you have got the chance to join us on this journey of on passive before we launch to the world as a founder we really do hope that you will join us and get on that journey please guys get back to the person who has invited you here today we sincerely hope that you do join us that's it for me susie back over to you well thank you red for a great great presentation today i told you guys you were in for a treat um if you caught just a whisker of what was reviewed by red we know you're going to get back to the person who invited you and jump on board as a founder just like the rest of us so um what i did was i enabled the chat and the way we're going to handle questions from our guest only today is if you could type um your questions in the chat we will get to those okay and also i will be putting in the chat and i know marina helps me with this or marty um if you want a copy of today's presentation you can email onpassivenation at gmail.com that's onpassivenation gmail.com and we will send you the link please do not put your email address in the chat it's um much easier if you just email onpassivnation gmail.com so thank you thank you red that was a great presentation like we said we have a panel here today and if you have any questions i doubt that uh you'll be able to um to get anyone not to be able to answer it uh esau said when is the window closing for the founder position uh we don't have a date on that right now but it is coming soon like we spoke about we are in pre-launch we're soon to go into um a semi launch and then the global launch um is scheduled um sometime this year so the sooner you get in uh the better so any other questions from our guest in the meantime i'd like to introduce charles osan to say a few words charles has over 30 years in the i.t world information

technology he's seen a lot of things he's been very impressed with on passive and has been on board for about three years he knows this business inside and out so charles if you'd like to share a few words that would be great and we'll keep a lookout for any questions from our guests thank you so very much susie i want to first of all thank you and ethel for setting the stage welcoming our founders as well as our guests so very well and special thank you to ray i always look forward to his presentations his energy the way he puts it together the slight you know the pictorial view great great great what really fixed my interest in that is that last picture we have so many different big founders you know bill gates mark zuckerberg all of them but guess what only our ceo has his hands open asking all of us to join him right that is a great great picture and i do know that a lot of you the guests that are here today you are listening and going hmm well being there done that heard that before right how how is this different from those that will eventually go out right all those kind of things are playing your mind okay because i've been there too but let me just settle that once and for all right there are three things three questions that make me join this business and if you understand these three questions you just think about them that's it okay question number one when you're joining a company first you want to ask yourself today do you have to recruit to make money in other words if you don't sell if you cannot sell or you cannot recruit can you make money and like red said we're talking about real money right not job change a lot of them are out there yeah you can put in 10 000 and maybe make 300 a month 500 a month that's not what we're talking about this is real money okay now without recruiting second question do you have to come out of pocket every month to pay an audition okay if you have to do that guess what happens if you're not making enough money that ownership goes out the window and you lose that opportunity the third and final question certainly not the least does this company have legitimate viable products now by legitimate i mean legal now of course we do have a lot of companies with legal products but are they viable what do i mean by viability think about the internet think about wi-fi okay if you don't have wi-fi nowadays you are just miserable if you don't have inner access you are miserable okay those are the kind of products we are talking about if you are individual if you are a business person online what on passive has to offer believe it or not if you are not a founder you will be a customer for at least one of these products that's all called viability and if a company doesn't have viable products it is a time bomb just a matter of time believe me they will go out so you go back think about those businesses that you've been part of and they go out no viable product okay they come to you and tell you or you know we're gonna sell we're gonna give you money for trading for doing this for doing that and none of that is being done none of that is viable okay so here is the difference on passive has all three of these and i guarantee you you're not gonna find one company out there with all three of these things that i just mentioned either they have one don't have the other two they have two don't have the other one okay if you have all three i'm pretty sure any one of us up here in this panel will be glad to be your first customer believe me so i want you to rest assured that this is unique this is revolutionary and we are about to have an internet quick does that one exist i don't know i do know there is an earthquake so there's got to be an internet quick okay so be part of the revolution jump on board now that's it now you heard the man speak charles has been around and when he was presented with this uh he was just he was like oh my goodness so that leads me to one of the questions here before we get to another panelist um i think it's khan gonzalez uh asked can there be a lot of founders in one country and how much does it cost to be a founder so um would someone like to respond to that question marina maybe or if you'd like to marina yeah she is hi susie thank you charles thank you red fantastic as usual hello africa hello world awesome being here you know this is one of the lowest lowest risks you'll ever take in life because in business and if you are a risk take any businessman needs to be a risk taker but this is one of the lowest risks you'll ever take it's only 97 to join as a founding member with on passive 102 if you're using your debit or credit card as there's a five dollar admin fee and that's it you're done for now when we launch to the public there'll be a one-time subscription of only well anything between 200 and 300 we're probably looking at more on the upside of 250 to 60 dollars still to be um confirmed but you only pay once as a founder going forward your subscription comes out of profit from the commission's earned from the autumn and artificial intelligence marketing campaigns or driven marketing campaigns the company is going to be doing the work for us they're going to be placing customers under us and we only pay one-time subscription it's a very very smart business module um subscription based that's the way to go and you're going to be able to earn residual income so all in you're looking at about a hundred and two dollars now to secure your finding member position and when we launch anything between 200 and 300 and that's it you never have to go into pocket again so great question thank you so much okay thank you marina so good to see you yeah about the number of in a country too right i just want to tell that person that the whole country can be can be a founder so if you have the power to bring your whole country in as a founder well guess what that'll be the richest country on planet earth exactly thank you charles thank you marina yes um i think maybe the question came by back from like is there a limit and one thing great about our ceo ash mufara is he really doesn't put limits on anything you know there's limits on zoom and if you have more people in you have to pay more you have to keep going up ash has opened up this opportunity to come in early as a founder to everyone and it's not going to be open much longer but he did not cap it at in any country or any persons or any time limit right now uh that's just how he operates so if you catch the vision you need to get back to the person who invited you and jump on board and you are going to have access to our back office which will show you even more and more information uh next um i'd like to uh maybe see if dan street would like to say a few words dan has been around in online marketing uh he's newly retired and uh he has been with on passive i think a little about two and a half years now as a founder and uh if you want to share a few points dan that would be great well thanks susie i'm sorry if i'm not talking very well i just had a dental procedure and my half of my face is numb so uh forgive if forgive me if i'm not looking all that great i i know exactly how that is that happened to me a few weeks ago oh gosh well anyway i'd just like to real quickly add that you know the heart of ashman farah and red was mentioning it for him to want to give the majority of the prophets to all of us uh all the founding members and is is probably one of the most uh generous things i've ever seen in in all of the online marketing companies that i've been involved with or any company that i've been involved with and there is a rare opportunity here for all of you new people to get involved with something that will change your lives i mean that's just the bottom line and you've got a owner and founder of this company that really does want to help those 98 of us that have never been successful sharing any type of business online and uh he is uh he is there for us he's very transparent and honest and his integrity is just incredible so the only other takeaway i would i would get all of you thinking about is that you've got with those two fees that marina was mentioning that's it and then every other fee the cost of doing your business is taken out of the profits that are generated for your business every single month and those profits are the company is driving that traffic and i don't i hope a lot of you understand how important traffic is because when a company drives targeted traffic through very very specific and uh targeted advertising to your business and is building your business every day so that you can increase your customer base in order to get those commissions that's unheard of and then in addition to that they're going to follow up on the visitors that come to your site and they are going to answer the questions and they're going to close the sale and they're going to do this through the automated process that red was talking about in this presentation everything is 100 automated and done for you so really it's unlike anything you've ever seen before and then when you think about the fact that we're going to disrupt all of these industries that are currently doing business online and we'll probably take over a few of them and for 97 um i'd say punch your ticket because it is going to be a great ride it has been a great ride and it's continuing it's getting more and more exciting as we're we're getting towards the end so if you have any questions we're here for you you sounded okay dan even though you might have been a little numb in the mouth so thank you for sharing appreciate it yeah one of the things i love is that it's fully automated and that onpassive is going to take care of all of the customers all of any troubleshooting or support to me that was like such a breath of fresh air i mean don't get me wrong i i love people i love helping people but when they're gonna do all of this for you immediately i reached out to all of my loved ones friends family all of them and told them about it and they jumped on board because they saw my excitement in it and like we were talking about the the amount of money to put into on passive to get a founder position 97 and then when we launch somewhere between two or three hundred that's it and then they take every month subscription out of your profit and they go to work for you so you have a fully automated business working 24 7 on your behalf helping you out and our ceo wants us to have abundance and when we do then we in turn are going to pay it forward with that abundance by giving back uh to things that we're passionate about and one by one we are going to change that the world um so i think the next person i'd like to introduce and no i'm not saving you for last because ethel can say something at the end is the wonderful andy burks who will tell you he's a numbers guy he's not really a techie guy but he has a big heart he loves on passive and maybe you could share a few words andy sure thanks susie i'm not last lethal is going to go yes that's a first um it's interesting amazon have made 40 000 millionaires over the last 20 years and jeff bezos as you well know went to uh into space recently and when he landed he said i want to thank all of my employees and all of my customers for making me so much money um well the the thing i love about on passive more than anything else is our ceo has a heart for humanity as as dan has already pointed out so his intention is to make a million millionaires now um i've had some people say to me well there's 960 odd thousand of you already isn't that too many and not at all because the products and services that we have um are are far superior to what's available at the moment but we get paid to use them so it's like using your email and getting paid to use your email or going on social media and getting paid to use social media so in our first year we anticipate taking on 100 million customers now that 960 000 is therefore still less than one percent of the first year's customer base that's an incredible figure and as red pointed out we've got a customer base a potential customer base today with just these products bearing in mind ash wants to add an ad and ad so the customer base increases increases increases but today we have a customer base of a potential customer base of 4.56 billion all right so first year a hundred million we're still less than one percent it's fabulous now again with uh with the likes of google and amazon and facebook they all started in the garage um and and they took at least three years to come to market they provided one product and that product was in the states we have 50 products and they're going global 200 and we're already in 220 companies it's fantastic but i love the simplicity as susie said i'm not a technical whiz kid by any stretch of the imagination i'm a figures guy i haven't got a clue how to put a website together i have registered the domain name but that's about as far as it goes i love the fact that this company are going to register a domain name for me build me a website drive specific targeted traffic to that website close the sale and then deal with the customers for me so i don't know how to do anything it's fabulous nice and simple and straightforward hope that helps yes thank you always good to hear from you andy we do have a question in the chat from palma vega how many launches does onpassive have i understand that the new founders will start seeing profit after the launch which might be at the end of this year one of the others who have been what about the others who have been founders for years have they never had any profits before now if someone wants to maybe comment about um that that would be great um i don't know don't go chelsea charles if you want to told me on a phone call ahead and then then andy can um comment to anyone else you know and i i would just say i probably was one of the most impatient people you'd ever meet onpassive has taught me patience but for a very good reason because i've realized you know the longer you wait and learn and throw yourself into anything in life in this case i'm talking on passive the journey that we've been on has been our opening it's been life changing already even though we haven't been earning any money because we see the heart of our ceo this opportunity is definitely going to change your life it's life changing you know creating wealth you you're able to leave a legacy for your loved ones for generations to come something that i was never in a position to do before and i'm sure many of you as well you know watching tonight and that is what on passive was both for was for people like us but for those of us who were here in the beginning in july 2018 it was just an idea um that anything that you know putting it together hadn't even didn't they didn'

2021-10-06 20:33

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