NSA Nugget #1 Business Optimization Review with Davey Glantz

NSA Nugget #1 Business Optimization Review with Davey Glantz

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welcome folks to the NSA Nugget episode  1 on business optimization review   my name is Brian Weaver and I'm the vice president  of sales with NSA so let's get the show started! Well I'd like to uh introduce our two special  guests today uh we have both patrick van petty and   Davey Glantz welcome gentlemen hello brian thanks  for helping me now you bet absolutely so Patrick   if I can start with you patrick as our president  and chief operating officer with S he also happens   to hold a CPA uh patrick can you talk a little bit  about your tenure and role that you play with NSA   absolutely thanks brian so as brian mentioned  my name is patrick van putty I'm the president   chief operating officer of NSA computer  exchange I've been with NSA for 22 years   and i can't tell you how excited i am to talk  about our topic today business optimization   reviews excellent patrick thank you for that  introduction what I'd like to do at this point is   to introduce Davey Glantz, Davey is the principal  with glance and Davey if you could talk a little   bit about uh your role with Glantz uh your  tenure and a little bit about your company please   I sure will thanks brian i um help operate and  run a privately held distribution business we sell   industrial supplies into the signing graphics  trade I've been with Glantz going on 25 years   and we've recently engaged with NSA  to do the business optimization review   feeling um it was a needed step in our evolution  as an organization so it seems only appropriate   that our first nugget event that we're holding  is on business optimization review NSA always   encourages our clients whether they're new to NSA  or whether they're taking on a major project or an   upgrade to consider doing a business optimization  review so patrick can you talk a little bit as to   why that's one of the first steps that we take  and what a business optimization view review   really is and what it's all about absolutely  brian so the business optimization review   is one of the tools that's in the NSA tool chest  that really supports part of our mission statement   and that part of the mission statement in  particular says every day our mission is to   support our customers with a level of service that  adds productivity and adds value to their business   the business optimization review has several  purposes for customers using sx enterprise first   it allows us to define a partner's existing  state in regards to their use of sx enterprise   how effective is the tool do their existing  policies and procedures support the software   are they fully leveraging the feature  functionality in their current   software release the BOR process is the  foundation for which a project plan will be   constructed allowing senior business consultants  of NSA who all have at least 15 years experience   establish a relationship and earn credibility  with the staff from the each functional area in   this transition period where you're migrating  from sx enterprise to cloud suite distribution   there is an enormous opportunity here  for each and every one of our customers   the uh the ability to review  existing policies and procedures   finding ways to add productivity  and profitability to your business   it is another building block in our partnership  excellent well thank you so much for that patrick   certainly the business optimization review is  a fairly involved process is there anything a   client can do uh to best prepare for getting the  business operation optimization review underway   I think there there's lots of things they can do  brian and i think what I'd like to talk a little   bit about is the process that's involved and  as we go through that process uh identify some   of the preparation the customers can do the format  for the BOR does vary today by client historically   they've always been conducted on site but  today due to the pandemic we are working   with customers to determine which format or hybrid  is most appropriate the BOR will start with the   client completing a short questionnaire  providing NSA with existing documentation   for processes standard operating procedures and  policy and procedural manuals if they have them   once the information is reviewed NSA consultants  will meet on-site or remotely to start the process   we will meet with the executive team back  office staff branch managers line supervisors   and functional area leads this is not a  conference room exercise but a hands-on   review each functional area how data is processed  through SX enterprise in any manual systems   some of the preparation that customers can  start with is completing of the questionnaire   provide NSA with documentation regarding process  flows critical reports they're using today forms   and then the last part of the pro i  think preparation that goes into effect   is really to have a short meeting or on usually  on site but in today's world again remote   meeting with NSA and the clients  team to discuss logistics   as well as any initial questions excellent well  patrick you did mention that obviously this is   done specifically for every client so there's  no two that are identical but can you give us   a kind of a rough idea as to approximately  how long the bor process would tend to take   yeah i i absolutely can historically what  you're looking at the amount of time will   vary uh depending upon each customer  and the number of branches they may   uh may be required to be reviewed but  normally as we go through this process   you're looking at roughly a three week time period  from start to finish to complete the process   uh the first week NSA will have two to four  business consultants that will meet with the   executive team in functional areas the second  week follow-up questions will be reviewed   and the write-up process will start the  third week the write-up process is completed   and an executive review report is reviewed with  the management team of the client excellent well   patrick thank you and uh Davey during your  introduction uh you mentioned the fact that   you've recently gone through a BOR with NSA so I'd  like to ask you specifically can you talk a little   bit about your experience in going through that  process and share with our listeners what that uh   process was like for you and um you know how long  it took and maybe what your experience has been   well brian I can I'm here so i lived through  it i promise you they should get through it   um as i had mentioned to patrick when we were  when we had completed the BOR and seeing the   the booklet upon which we received after after  completing it by NSA and and reviewing it   diligently with our team and and both the NSA  team and the glance team um it was humbling uh   there was a lot of ground covered um i think  you're you may be looking at a table of contents   or or one of the pages from within the BOR but  they really NSA team was incredibly thorough   very diligent about the process it was strategic  they had their plan they acted upon their plan   we were compliant with meeting their requests  I think that was very important to us   that we did not hold this up this process  we chose to move forward doing a BOR   so we wanted to optimize it and get the most  out of it and we certainly did um there was a   lot to digest in the end I think in in sum total  our our the deliverable was over 85 or 90 pages   and a an immense amount of valuable content both  about what the organization looks like today   and feedback as to what we should be doing  and thinking about when we want to construct   the evolution of the organization tomorrow the the  feedback the takeaways range from very simplistic   to easy to to more difficult and um complex  issues that we will need to tackle over time when we do complete the feedback from the BOR we  will be a better company for it unquestionably   well that's excellent Davey it sounds like the  process itself was fairly straightforward albeit   you know comprehensive um and it really kind of  leads us into the next question that I'd like to   to cut over to patrick on and that is patrick can  you talk about the deliverable Davey held up the   report uh as to what's delivered  can you talk a little bit as to   how that's put together and how clients use  that not only for their engagements with NSA but   as Davey mentioned just for the  overall organization of the company   yeah brian I'd be happy to do that and I think I'd  like to take a step back first and maybe uh talk   a little bit more about the process that Davey  just described and then talk about the highlights   that are generated based upon the activity so  when you think about the process that's involved   the initial discovery begins with an interview of  the executive team and obviously david was a part   of that we are we want to know what your strategic  goals are both from a business perspective   and a project perspective what are the tactical  goals that we expect or you hope to realize   what are your future growth  plans organic growth acquisitions   are you going to be putting in a new sales  channel all this information will ensure   accurate recommendation of setup configuration and  workflows that address current and future needs   we will review the process from quote to  cash procure to pay leaving no stone unturned   both inside of sx enterprises as  well as any manual systems being used   this will allow us to ascertain a degree  of differences between cloud suite   distribution processes in your company's existing  workflows and to identify alternate policy and   procedure changes that may be necessary  to adapt those differences some of that   is absolutely defined inside that narrative  that Davey held up and showed that report   gives us that foundation it's that building block  it's that definition of existing state today   additional branches maybe we may have to visit  them if they have unique situations or challenging   processes or procedures so again what we're doing  is starting with management understanding what   their pain points are understanding what's working  what's not working not just senior man strategic   management but management at the functional level  and then we're actually spending hands on time   with the back office staff the line supervisors  the managers branch warehouse whatever it may be   um asking inquiring looking at how they  process information and data through the system   and then how they use that information to conduct  their daily duties we made through that process   ask for sample screens critical reports files  etc the end result of all of this process   really is the start for how we're going  to define and use cloud suite distribution some of the deliverables include an executive  summary a narrative of the discovery   there's always going to be a list of issues that  need further discussion whether that's process   or functional we're also going to identify  a list of gaps in in regards to process   as naturally as part of this process what we also  identify are what might be some project risks we'll gather additional collateral to support  the report at the end of the day that business   optimization review needs to stand on its own from  NSA standpoint as well as the client standpoint   one of the deliverables is a list of pain  points and recommendations for improvement   and again earlier we talked about a transition  period from where you are today to where you   need to be or where you want to go and and  frankly this is I think is the first step   in getting to the finish line it's identifying  what those pain points are and implementing   recommendations so many of our clients don't  wait until they migrated to the new solution   but review those pain points and those  recommendations and immediately implement   new tools new technology or change process again  with our mission of adding value and productivity   it fits in perfectly with what we're trying to do excellent patrick so there's a few takeaways  that i have from your responses there I'd   like to address debut with them so it  appears that what the BOR really does   is it helps to create this roadmap that we  have it helps to align uh our understanding   of the clients needs as as we know their  business better it helps the client   understand where improvements and process  improvements can be made for their business   so Davey that being said I've got two  questions for you one can you talk a   little bit as to how you believe the business  optimization review has helped in terms of your   engagement with NSA specifically and what that  means going forward for you as well as maybe um   you know not necessarily specifically but can  you mention you know have you uh identified   certain gaps and process improvements  as you went through this process as well so yeah absolutely brian so in terms of the  NSA piece and and having NSA get to know Glantz   better um we've opened the kimono up to NSA  and we they they know the the good bad and ugly   about our organization and I felt that that was  an important step in our long-term relationship so   by doing the BOR they now know what works  what doesn't work and what are significant   opportunities and that will impact time  and resource allocation going forward   this for patrick was a must do when we first  started this engagement with NSA on our road   to csd it didn't understand at that time why  patrick was so adamant about doing the BOR I   was also concerned because of the environment  we were in would we get the most out of the BOR   having now done it completing  completed it and lived through it   I can understand why patrick felt this  was so important for them them being NSA   to be able to effectively do their job  with glance and i envision that process   to take place over the coming 18 to 24 months so  this was a small window within that time frame   and i will speak to the efficiency of the bor  in the environment we're in there was originally   going to be some on-site work done we had a  bit of an audible opportunity and we called it   and i think for the most part i know for the most  part about 90 of the BOR was completed remotely   and it worked frankly incredibly well and  efficient and was was efficient so I'm   was satisfied with the way it played out in  terms of your second part ryan if I could   one of the things we wanted to do as an  organization was strike while the iron was hot   so soon after the completion of the BOR myself  and other executives within the organization   huddled in a conference room safely  socially distant for about a day and a half   and they were approximately 150 round number  pain points that patrick spoke to about glance   and again some insignificant and some pretty  substantial that we will have to work on over time   and we categorized each one of those we we talked  about the importance we talked about the ability   to improve we talked about the necessity to  improve was it real was it something that we   wanted to tackle now or or will it wait will it be  something that we will deal with as we evolve and   move to um so in summary after that day and a half  there were probably 30 items that i think we will   tackle and improve upon in some [ __ ] in  some way shape or form in the coming quarter   to two quarters as we get into 2021. excellent  well Davey thank you for that and i want to   touch on importantly you said because NSA  believes it's such an important element   of our organization and that is the trust uh  that's required to be able to conduct something   like this you mentioned opening up the kimono  and uh we so greatly appreciate that level of   trust and we feel that it's earned every day  and uh it's truly a partnership that we have   with our customers and the BOR is probably a great  example of that showing fulfillment uh patrick i'd   like to come back to something you said earlier  because we talked about how the BOR has changed   specifically this year in terms of being more much  more of a remote process uh where it's typically   done on site and davey's point that about 90 of  his bor was done remotely so can you talk about   what the changes have been in terms of methodology  and process maybe not only this year but talk to   this year as well but just in general uh how it  evolved over the course the past few years brian   we've been doing business optimization reviews  for about 15 years and when we first started the   process it was more of what i would consider to be  a conference room project where you know we would   give the client a questionnaire to answer spend  a day or two on site reviewing it with them   and and then proceeding to move to the next  process as far as an implementation migration went   um and again what happened over time is we  found that that information just wasn't enough   most clients we find know what they know and they  may not know anything outside of that so it's very   difficult to get a true picture of an existing  state of a client from just a questionnaire   so that evolved to a questionnaire  and then time in a conference room   with us completing the questionnaire or  filling in the blanks really shuffling in   and out functional area champions managers  etc. and again it increased our knowledge   but not to the extent that was really  required in today's environment and so the   final evolution piece was where we're at today  and it's again evolved again because of covet   but we've gone from a questionnaire  to what I'll say is a conference room   simulation to all right mike the consultants  that NSA has who each again have 15 years   experience or more in distribution and on this  software sitting down with various department   asking questions on why facilitating  conversation and discovery   building a foundation for a relationship  we talked about trust we talked about um   confidence etc all that stuff has to be earned  and it has to be earned not just with Davey   and his management team but with the functional  leads also and and so we have found over time   that the best way to do that is to be  able to talk to talk and walk the walk   having a specialist in an area of procurement  sit down with a procurement manager or buyer   and walking them through the process and asking  questions just gave us such a deeper understanding   and knowledge of our customers and that allowed us  to do what we've been trying to do all along which   is add that value we talk about you know helping  our customers use the tool that's available to   them and maximize the investment they've made in  that software took it one step further which i   didn't know if it was possible um which is really  going through that same process but virtually and   there were some concerns that i had just like like  Davey mentioned you know what was it were we going   to be able to establish relationships could we  ask the right question could we get the response   you know when you're sitting with somebody  it's easy for them to give you the attention   you require but when you're doing things virtually  there's so many distractions sometimes but what we   found with the support of the management team at  glance letting them know how important this was   like Davey said I feel it was extremely successful  now there were pieces of of the BOR that   you know we had to have somebody literally take  a phone around or a computer around and show us   certain areas for example the warehouse it's  very difficult to get a real sense of what the   warehouse is like virtually so we literally as a  team in the very beginning discussed about well   can we have somebody work have a body cam can we  use phones can we use computers we we started to   get outside our comfort zone and get creative with  it and i think at the end of the day we captured a   significant portion of what those pain points were  and offered resolution where we could and listen   i i see this as something that's going to keep  evolving with time as our customers requirements   and needs change this process is going to  have to change with it and we recognize that excellent well patrick thank you for that  uh sounds like an awful lot of change and uh   you know some pretty quick thinking i guess  during the unexpected you know covet epidemic   as well uh Davey i'd like to come back to you and  just offer you a chance for anything that i may   have neglected to ask you about that you want to  make sure you share with our audience about theBOR   the process the value whatever um you'd like to  mention that uh we haven't covered already i will   brian something sticks out um patrick mentioned  the the people on the NSA side who conduct the BOR   I was really impressed with Patrick's team um a  woman by the name of Kathy really quarterbacked it   and she did a phenomenal job and right behind  Kathy were were a number of other gentlemen who   were really kept us on our toes helped us and and  i appreciate what they offered to our organization   so i was impressed with with the group of S  folks that assisted in our BOR really useful   excellent well thank you for that baby thank you   yeah yeah patrick really good stuff i don't know  about you so much but your team was pretty good   I'm just the front end right you're the pretty  face you're the good looking guy I don't know   about that Davey but but you know what i  mean here here's the thing I'm passionate   about it because i truly do believe it makes  a difference and you mentioned how adamant i   was about it and i truly am because it is a it's a  difference changer not for NSA but for our clients   and and that's what's vitally important you know  it it for us it adds a lot also it's not just   a document but anybody that is working with glance  can pick that document up and understand where   we started and have a pretty good picture  of where Glantz is at today in regards to   utilizing the tool called SX enterprise. I will say one other thing brian for for  prospects who are considering doing the BOR   you have to be in the right place leadership has  to be invested in the process from start to finish   and you have to truly want to get better and  be willing to look at yourself in the mirror   don't do a BOR if you're  not really willing to listen well i think those are very thoughtful words  Davey and I think also extremely important because   it's it's a partnership right it's got to work  from both sides to make it successful um with this   I'd like to go ahead and thank our guests thank  you Davey thank you patrick for your participation   and what I'd like to do is offer up to  the audience anyone that's interested in   uh possibly considering a BOR themselves  as Davey said you have to be in the right   moment and have the right dedication internally  to get this done and one of the first steps we   have is an initial interview initial phone  interview you can go to the NSA website   and there's a brief questionnaire on our site  about a handful of questions and you can line up   a call with us or you can reach out to any of the  NSA team members and we can have that initial call   and discuss how we might start to plan  things out specifically for your company   with that I'd like to say i wish everybody's  success and i invite you to see further NSA   nuggets we'll have another one coming your  way after the first of the year shortly and   thank you all for your participation and i hope  you got a lot out of this particular session.

2021-01-28 20:35

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