NIO IPO Delayed! This is HUGE! Biggest Breakthrough This Year!!

NIO IPO Delayed! This is HUGE! Biggest Breakthrough This Year!!

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felix here guys we're talking nio the news is that  the nio hong kong ipo is rumored to be delayed   until october and why is that well it's good  news because it means they're waiting for q3   numbers it means that we have lots of news that  the chip shortage the worst part of it is over   and therefore they're going to wait for this  that great quarter to come in and it means that   the dilution will bring us more cash next we're  going to look at uh there's a fake nio car route   i'm going to show you that there is also lidar  news and there are more battery swap stations out   and niocapital has bought into yushin a nasdaq  listed second-hand car dealership so what's all   that about we're going to look at that as  well because that stock's tanked like 25   in the last 48 hours and we go of course going  to round it up with the technical analysis on   nio as always guys um check out the course coupons  down below they are still valid till this sunday   when the options trading course becomes public  on the 21st so this is the pre-sale guys   39 off there for make money is the coupon if  you want to earn passive income with options   trading that's the way to do it 115 lectures plus  coming and of course if you simply want to build   long-term wealth with the stock options uh  sorry the stocks not options there's a 29   off coupon down below some are good so check  those out guys and let's dive straight into it   um someone very kindly kevin on our discord posted  one of these articles and it made me trigger   and connect the dots in my head and the  dots are as follows we were rumored to be   having an ipo in hong kong right here where i am  of probably five to seven percent of nio over or   overall value and that's this due listing in  fact they're probably going to triple list   um if you hear that sound guys this is my chief  financial analyst here this little monster so   she might be making a few purring noises here so  we're expecting that in august because normally to   listen hong kong is very quick if you're already  nasdaq if you're already listed in the us and   they're delaying it why are they delaying it  because this whole quarter is a bit of a damp   squid is a bit of a flat one we know the cars  we're going to deliver but we're not going to get   much of a surprise there however this really ties  it together and this is citic securities is a big   investment bank out here they're saying they  believe that may will be the worst time for   chinese passenger cars as the tight chip situation  begins to marginally ease from late to mid to late   may and this is because there's going to be a  capacity boost at renisas in japan where we had   that fire and if you followed me for a while  guys the fire was alive while we were live on   the live call was rather dramatic and that was of  course another kicker for the whole chip situation   so they see that things are going to improve from  june onwards and that's they're not the only ones   saying that there's lots and lots of news out  on that score basically cicc one of the largest   chinese investment banks which were originally set  up by morgan stanley i think it was more stanley   they said that the um you know et7 is  going to go on sale and it will be the most   intelligent hardware equipped vehicle in the  global automotive market so again the closer   we are to the et sail launch i think the  more bullish people will be on the stock   and they're basically saying it comes with  you know proper nio-autonomous driving   which can do gradually everything trends driving  should do and they're saying that nio will have   industry leadership in autonomous driving so  again to demonstrate that for us to get more   data on that more of this kind of language will  i think make people a lot more bullish on nio   which is is rather exciting to see so in in short  what's happening we are basically delaying the ipo   until after the third quarter numbers are out  and then you have higher deliveries per month   you'll have a forecast for q4 at that point and  you will presumably have a lot more revenue and   profitability and better margins and all of that  in q3 it means the price stock price is expected   to be higher and it means that they collect  more money per share they issue which for us   as short shareholders we have to suffer through  the dilution although five to seven percent isn't   really all that much compared to q4 last year  was 17 dilution q3 was similarly around 15 to 17   dilution so it's not a massive dilution but it  still is dilution so wouldn't you rather collect   more money than less money if you were selling  something it makes sense and it'll allow nio   to grow more and more cheaply from a shareholder  point of view so i think that's that's very very   good news for us and makes me rather bullish on  the next quarter as well because if the management   thing that they know more than we do right they  they see the orders they see the pipeline they see   the production issues and they see what they can  actually do now you might see a photo of this on   social media sort of touted as some sort of et5  et3 or the smaller sedan because we get expect   to have a new smaller sedan launched at nio day  likely in december possibly early january they're   still confirming that but is it no because i found  the original picture this is the original picture   which is uh in chinese news and it's an et7 and  it's an actual real built et7 and if you can see   what they've done they've sort of messed with the  back and try to make it look like a different car   but it isn't it's a fake they've even managed to  bother to change the wheels but i sort of thought   it looked a bit off so it is soft it's complete  nonsense that's what it is to show you that one so   then we have a little bit of news here on on lidar  new slider supplier is saying um that the product   i'm gonna put out will respond to level three and  level four autonomous driving and we are expecting   that so level three means you basically don't  need to do anything but you're still in control   level four means you don't need to do anything  unless the system tells you to so you're sort of   sitting there like you know half asleep and then  it beeps and it says hey uh warning do something   and level four means you've swiveled your chair  around and you've fallen asleep and you're having   a foot massage so that's what we're aiming to  get china is uh legally at level three this year   i think level four will come next year so again  i think they will therefore create autonomous   driving champions because people can collect data  and actually do this whereas what we're seeing in   in the u.s and in europe is regulators worried  every time somebody hits a tree now there are a   lot of cars on the street a lot of trees get hit  and i feel very sorry for the trees but that's no   reason to stop technology he says if we draw an  analogy with smartphones this is the eve of the   smartphone explosion this was we are basically  in 2006 when we were running around with nokia   bricks and before we had you know all these lovely  screens and things so that's basically where we   are you're wondering what i'm doing with my hand i  i have to uh a massage a cat otherwise uh they'll   be all hell will break lucia she is only about  five pounds but she rules me with an iron pool   and we have more news also nio is putting up more  second generation generation battery swap stations   along highways and very strategically where there  are very popular tourist sites so they're putting   one up here near the sort of white horse temple  shaolin temples which is a very popular tourist   place so these things and i've been saying that  all year is that these are not just battery swap   places call this cat this cat i don't know  what to do with that here we go and they're   not just for battery swapping they're actually a  massive massive billboard you know you are there   refueling inhaling petrol fumes standing there  and then someone sits in their car and magically   it gets driven into this thing and three minutes  later they drive out of it and you haven't even   paid yet so that's also why they're doing it and  they're putting them very strategically in all   the great places where lots and lots and lots  of people see them so it's just like putting   billboards in the best places and you know  they don't even have to pay for them for the   land because now they have all these fantastic uh  hookups with lots of different companies who own   these um you know service areas so this might be  uh this might be another petrol station i suppose   i think a very very smart move and they are  going to reach 500 this year they are at the   moment building one every 0.8 days so they're  building literally a battery swap station more   than once per day and that'll get us to 500 by  the end of the year at the moment we're at 250   which is i think fantastic because  that also means there will basically   be 500 massive great big billboards showing  off the technology across china so a big boon   now what's this last story yushun i don't know if  you've heard of it it is nasdaq listed here it is   a ticker u x i n it's a secondhand car dealer  if you know a little bit about william lee's   background nio ceo you know that his previous  business was essentially second second-hand car   dealer healing he had an online business which was  sort of turned from a second-hand car dealer into   more of a publication about cars and letting other  people advertise on there to sell second-hand cars   and that did reasonably well then didn't do so  well and then 10 cent bought them out so you know   he didn't he didn't do a bad job but it was  listed in the us for a while and then got   de-listed when 10 cent and a group of investors  bought it out and niocapital which isn't nio   it is a private equity fund essentially run under  the nio brand and managed by nio it's the venture   capital armor so they describe it here they  have agreed to invest 315 million us dollars   in yusuf and if you look at the stock chart here  you might be thinking what on earth is this all   about it's insane right it went up to the moon  sorry these these are really old annotations that   i put in there let me just see if i can delete  them there we go i needed to lean around to see   something there on my screen and we also have  tpg one of the world's largest private equity   u.s firms we've got warburg pinkers in there and  they are converting some of their debt their bonds   into convertible bonds into common um they're  converting their convertible bonds into class a   stock so it essentially removes debt load that's  i guess what the hold the point is of all of this   and william said that the used car market in  china has the potential for exponential growth   and we also know that nio is investing up  to three billion uh i think it's a remnant   b right yeah mmb so about 450 million  us dollars into their second-hand retail   business so it's this nio-certified thing which  basically underwrites the value of a nio car   and it means when you buy a new car you're not  worried that you're going to lose half the money   within a year because no one else wants to buy  it nio basically says we'll buy it back from you   at a guaranteed price and by doing that they  won't have to it's like an insurance policy so   that's why they're where they're doing that and i  i imagine they're going to be tied in a lot more   closely with usion uh because it makes sense  right there will be lots and lots of nio cars   that will be sold in the second hand market and  you should we'll take a huge chunk of that so   we're going to look at that stock chart as well  here in a second and well why don't we do it   right now and then we look at nio afterwards so  what is it all about well the first thing i think   that really springs to mind i hope you don't mind  me carrying a cat on my shoulder i used to do it   a lot i don't know she i think i don't know why  she hasn't been sitting with me for a while um   so what you can see down here is that a lot of  people bought down here okay there she is gone   bought in that sort of 150 to 2 range right  that is like where most people bought and why   you're wondering why can i tell that well the  blue bars are the positive volume bars guys   so they tell you what where it comes from and  if you're wondering what that indicator is   it's called visible range if you want to look it  up on tradingview is the website i  

normally use all of this technical analysis it's  free and unless you want a few extra features   like i i saved the charts so you guys can see them  on the patreon but other than that you wouldn't   need to pay for it and so you can see most people  i know that price very little volume up here very   very thin so we have this massive massive rally  up obviously people are hoping that they were   sort of going to turn around and get bailed out  and then on the announcement of this deal we went   down 12.9 uh yesterday another 12.6 and as i'm  filming this we're down pre-market seven percent   but it is still very pre-marketers i'm filming  this guy so apologies uh but you can have a look   at what's going on there today so this is this is  proper taking right this is classic sell the news   behavior and that's what we're seeing here now  where's our support going to be as this go down   it goes down and is this a a good investment  that's really the question let me put in some   retracements here so there is support here let  me put in a few of those tags at 360. that's 360.   and then there is a bit more after that at sort  of 333. whoops where's my attack on there it is   and then a bit more below that the slight problem  with a profile that we have here on the side is   when your blue bar profile you know down here is  is like that as in everybody bought down here and   hardly anybody brought up there the temptation  is simply for people to sell and take profits   and for the whole thing to come crashing down  again to 160. so i would not touch this at this   point i know new capital half but they  probably have done it because they see   very very different value for themselves  as some sort of tie up to to run the   second-hand car division but as an investor  massive rally two days will be losing 25   you know what what is this what is to stop this  from you know these guys who bought in the two   dollars to three dollars range why wouldn't they  cash in if you know if or you know the guys down   here everybody who bought that 160 to two dollars  they can still double their money or more than   that if they just jump out now in in fear and then  they can buy back when they get drops a little bit   lower so i'd be very cautious of this personally  we can also have a quick look at william's r   and here you can see a massive massive sales  signal here let me just put a line in here and   then i put another line where this happened so  you can see guys where that blue line dips below   the horizontal red line which is the minus 50  point line that's the cell signal and then i put   a dotted line here vertically up so you see where  that kicked off and it was the big sell-off there   and of course that makes sense right so we  are still very very much in the doghouse and   in terms of momentum here so would i touch this  absolutely not i i would wait this out a little   bit it's easy for some of that madness to to go  away but i thought i'd throw it out there because   it's an interesting company you shouldn't a uxin  and certainly should be something on our radar   now where are we with nio uh apart from  a pretty drawing so that i put on here   i do need to tidy up my charts sometimes don't  i so many things i draw in and i look at it the   next day and i'm like what what did i do there  so messy well let's look at william's r here as   well to round us up and again you know buy signal  kicked in on the 21st of may and ever since we've   basically been up here and not being up there  is positive momentum it's a good place to be i'm   very very happy to be up there the last time we  were up there for such a long period of time you   make this a little bit smaller so you can see it  more easily was basically november last year and   that was this beautiful rally i'm not saying we're  going to get the same beautiful rally but i think   we are still in in in the clear uh we had all that  fed news yesterday all that you know all those   dots and the threats of tapering they're going to  decide on tapering in the next couple of months   we might get two interest rate rises by 2023 or in  2023 and the market is just like yeah and so what   uh we priced this in guys we are so you know still  what is where we 46 we were at 60 something 65.  

so 65 minus 46 is 19 over 65. we are 29 down  so we've basically priced in three percent   higher interest rates and that seems exceptionally  unlikely to materialize in the next couple of   years and therefore we are not bothered so that  stuff in a way doesn't really move the market   anymore i think we know you might still get a  bit of panic selling occasionally and those are   dips so you can jump in on but i i think this is  really the whole inflation saga is well and truly   priced in now in terms of uh you know we are still  moving up above all of our ema lines we can also   chuck a moving average line at this uh let's make  that not nine days but change it to a hundred days   that's a little bit more useful as an indicator  and we are now you can see that here you see   that blue line coming down that's the 100-day  moving average line and we are nicely above it   and it provides nice support for us as well so  at sort of 43 what is it today 4348 we have a   nice support level here if things get tested a  little bit more let me put a little flag in here   i'm off by one cent but it doesn't really matter  so we have good support levels there that also   coincides almost with the fibonacci support which  is at 43.22 so that is a pretty good place to be   okay 43.22 in fact it is you're always off  one or two cents when you put these flags in  

so for me nothing's changed here still  bullish on this i think we should have a   very good next three months coming up that's the  way i see this um always doing research guys come   to your own conclusions if you have any questions  let me know ask me and if you're wondering how   to do technical analysis how to analyze companies  how to do financial analysis discounted cash flow   models all of that i teach literally absolutely  all of that in the master stocks course down below   and that coupon code summer goat is valid only  until sunday and if you want to make some money   with um with options trading most people don't  really understand options trading and what you   can actually do which is why i had the box and  drawn in okay if you're buying stocks right every   single day you have more or less a 50 50 chance  of going up and down in the long run okay you can   work out a little bit but it's basically up or  down and you got to make a bet you buy the stock   it goes up or you short the stock it goes down  and what you can do with options trading is you   can make money in either direction so you can say  you know nio is going to trade between 50 and say   43 dollars in this time frame in this box and as  long as i am i'm not showing it to you apologies   guys okay here we go so this box i've just put  in here this one you could basically say as long   as nio is trading here within you know say forty  three dollars and fifty dollars as long as i'm in   this this space here i make money and you can do  that with a fixed probability and so you know okay   70 probability i'm gonna make money on this trade  and therefore if you keep doing repetitive trades   and remember the options options are much much  cheaper they're a fraction of the cost of the   actual stock then it means you can run multiple  trades and in the long run i think it's a very   good way of earning passive money if you really  understand it guys so that's still on the pre-sale   at the moment that course so check it out uh while  it is the coupon code is of course make money and   it's 39 off and of course both of them come with  a private chat group you can ask me any questions   you can ask like mine investors any questions  and either way guys i truly appreciate you just   for watching i love all of you guys who watch  videos uh leave a comment hit the like button   if you like it subscribe it and share and just  interact and and and enjoy the content and i think   truly truly appreciate that guys thank you very  much for watching and see you on the next video

2021-06-19 07:59

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