NEW Love and marriage huntsville (Jul.17.2021)219 Blaque in Business - full episoder HD

NEW Love and marriage huntsville (Jul.17.2021)219 Blaque in Business - full episoder HD

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previously on love and marriage huntsville no one to destroy your misfire so i can't destroy is there anything that you get excited about i don't have a passion for anything yet so how's the hiring processes going to go i wouldn't hire a general manager first i'm really thinking about jalen does he have experience he's going to make mistakes but in the end i think he's the right person for the job because he cares i'm ready and i understand it's not like a gift no i know i'm gonna have to work for it i got i got the right one i got the right all right she pregnant with your kid i will say so this other person i'm talking to she satisfy me [Music] now this is the first time that they will do a photo shoot without their dad okay so i bet you gonna look so handsome [Music] well this is really africa african themed do you look like a young prince oh you're one kissing [Music] i'm gonna go be the queen okay i'm the queen first of all i thought i was the boss and that's you but she was not in the chair he was over there so go back where he was let me get back in my spot i will be so mad at you it [Music] if i wasn't done with martell before the intervention at the fletcher's i'm surely done with him now and what better way to move forward with my new life as a single mom than to have an amazing photo shoot with my children so that i can put these photos around my home displaying and showing this new [Music] [Music] beginning [Music] no you can sit down i'm so happy that destiny was able to stop by the shoot today she's just really been there so supportive of me and the kids throughout this entire process which means so much to me considering that she has no martel longer well i love this photo shoot and you embracing your independence oh absolutely first photo shoot with just myself and the kids i don't really want pictures of me martel around the house i have released him for the pickets speaking of i checked him a little bit the other day were you saying at the fletchers this joker is sitting there talking about well if mel had been taking care of me this is what doesn't make any sense to me you say even to me that you want your family you want your wife back but then you say things like that don't get me wrong i'm also sensitive to the fact that i understand you're losing a lot you're losing your entire life your family i get that i told them i said get on your knees pray get into some therapy but i want you to know my tell you don't be okay and at the end of the day you have to um be okay with the decisions that you made now come that caused it absolutely i think martial has been a long time thinking there are consequences for his actions now he's got a consequence that he can't hide you got a whole baby all the way there's no hiding of that well eventually they're gonna have to meet their um half brothers and sisters i don't have anything to say about that look slow down we ain't gonna jump that far into the future i am focused right now on living in the now not the past not the future but the present so that's where i am i don't want any drama i don't want any ideas that's too much it's way too much and then people be wondering why i feel good still because i'm leaving so much [Music] we're after this melody myself i'm really looking for some type of guidance i don't want to go into the second place it hurts a lot you know when i think about my children and and my wife and how it used to be [ __ ] francis martial hey it's been a long time man needs some type of relatability um to guide me through this and that's what i'm looking at dr francis for okay well this man it's been a while you have picked up the phone a couple of times left a message for me i called you back and you never followed through yeah because you'd be tearing me up my sessions you know i feel like yeah i mean well i guess i should be more open and willing to just allow things just to flow out it's like it's just hard just to to open up to you about just everything in my life but i gotta realize that that's why you're here that's why i'm here all right enough for me to open up it's okay um well you know the this entire divorce thing um because you know the the separation being in different households my family has been you know ripped apart i'm at the lowest i feel that i mean i can go and make ground level like i'm like i'm broken i have my children still but considering everything that i had they feel like i'm i have nothing i cry now you know you do know it's okay for men to cry right dr francis wants what's best for me i feel that it's necessary for me to open up to dr francis about any situation i guess the space that melanie that that we're in right now is just so much tension she probably wasn't getting everything she needed from me okay and i wasn't getting what i needed from her um so it started to to pull us apart right so here's what it is what did you want in your marriage but you didn't have i think i knew i wanted um more attention a little bit more affection for my wife okay at times she stopped complimenting me um i still remember that because that's like i mean like what you think she slowed down with the sex did she have the ability to give you what you wanted yeah okay if you're saying listen she had the ability to give it to me but she didn't give it to me what you're really saying is that she withheld it from your dad that's accurate you still have a need to satisfy that part yourself so what'd you do you took an alternate way to satisfy that need yeah but it doesn't mean that because she withheld it that you had to satisfy it the way you did it it was constant chaos but i enjoyed it and she knew you were doing that yeah then my question is why would she take your acting out but had what what you wanted but wouldn't give it to you i guess i i need to ask her that yeah because that's a great question for her to ask hey listen this man likes oranges you're with holding his oranges and so yeah but as time progressed i started to love the oranges too then that's the whole thing but what everybody don't seem to get now you know with her knowing about those oranges her trying to show me that her orders are better now oh so so now it's i stopped picking these oranges now went back to my home oranges and i'm still thinking about these other oranges i've been picking because it was really good yeah and now everybody is like why are you still picking those oranges i mean i've been picking those oranges for so long right it's kind of hard for me to stop picking these oranges now and go back to these oranges you know i would definitely say i got caught up being loyal to two women at the same time my wife told me i i need to choose and i told it i can't and i guess to this day this is why i'm in the situation i'm in now that part of you that the orange is satisfied isn't still alive and well it is how are you satisfying that part of yourself my knees are being snipped your knees are being met yeah what if this woman when she got pregnant i mean i think anybody know that if you have sex you definitely can get someone pregnant i'm 38 years old i'm a grown man and um you know like with all my children i take good care of them so you know what man you you should get a job in washington as a politician you know i ask you you know so you're making sure i just i asked you doctor i called you to come here because i want to get some help i don't want to you ain't hey yes the question is she's already pregnant she's pregnant so yeah but she's pretty right this baby doesn't make you a bad guy so don't let nobody tell you that you know you're some kind of a thug because you're 38 and you got another woman pregnant that's not the issue see a lot of people they just ah man he's just holding around down there i need to make sure you don't believe you're thinking oh man i'm not a baby no no no no no there is a difference between who you are and what you do yeah it is now your divine responsibility to make sure that all of those children get the best that they can in life all right great you agree with that i do this what i want to know from you what are you willing to do to make sure that one day these children and they're gonna boast about you because they're making the difference between what you do and who you are dr francis he's letting me know that what we're going through as a family is going to pass i do want my children to be proud of proud of their father and i i just hope that they can appreciate the person that i am coming up [Music] [Music] oh how dare you say that you know you don't want this marriage up are you trying to call me a hoe you ain't [Music] [Music] it's so exciting to finally be at this moment where we get a chance to have all of our close friends and family around and really just celebrate now it is like a dream come true we gotta figure out the right font so that we get the beans matching and like [Music] of course i'm going to support them regardless of male goals and not but every time i see her and we're not together i mean it hurt himself i don't want that you know so yeah [Music] dr francis you know he kind of like counsels me um to do some things and you know i'll just straight up honest about everything when it comes to our situation i mean he left me in a in a good space i didn't call you ask another peasant just making sure you never know what you no you do know he made me feel a lot better about the situation you know about me owning the situation me just knowing that i'm gonna say if if if the child is mine you know this is your child we both know this but what do you want dna test like is it it feels like that's where you're getting it well yeah i mean i want a dna test i mean i'm not saying that it ain't mine i'm not saying anything like that i just want to make sure like a hundred percent i'm a thousand percent sure so okay um what's the soonest that we could have it though oh i can't believe this is the question i can't even believe no i mean i mean really i didn't i didn't ask i didn't ask the question you you kind of like brought it up yeah i mean there's nothing wrong with that well over the years she has shown a great deal of loyalty when it comes to me but we're not together 24 7. so i want to know for a fact that he or she is mine and if here she is mine i'm gonna take full responsibility and i'm to treat the child just like i treat my other children um so i know you know that i'm difficult to take care of the child you know no matter what yeah you've always been good to me yeah i guess i'll call you after marshall's uh opening call me later [Music] hey baby [Music] and also too um since we here well i guess i was very disrespectful so you know regardless of what like our moms would do i still do need to understand that he is like your mom you know what i'm saying so i do apologize um i mean i think this is like the martel that we met when we first started hanging out the best apology has changed behavior no one [Music] you regroup from um [Music] he said he was being truthful now man can't be honest these days yes you can you have to speak your truth yes you do no you know i just feel like if you're going to talk about the situation then you have to be truthful about the situation right but how do you move forward when two people don't think they're wrong because whoever the person is right they're gonna be like okay whatever let's just agree to disagree okay [Music] i can't be more happy for marcel latisha right now that this has finally you know got to the place where we can get inside that camp isn't that cool yeah get a chance to see some of his ideas come to pass and jalen gets to do his little general manager today oh he is he starting today yes that's good yeah tonight do we have tapas tonight ladies even though there are some lingering issues between myself and the scots i want to support marcel and leticia with the opening of black you know i don't really know if martel is gonna be here or not but i feel great knowing that marcus definitely has my back [Music] coming up on love and marriage huntsville i definitely wanted to talk to you about the comment that i made i just really wanted to apologize for that absolutely i never would have left you if you've never done wrong [Music] you look amazing right i feel even better i feel like this has been good yeah this has been a challenge transitioning jiggling from you know college to the to the workforce but i think this is going to be great for him i'm happy that he's landed something so we can put the ordeal to rest so what are y'all getting to drink everybody's getting immune no i'm getting the black um billionaire special black billionaire what's the difference because i need a black billionaire what's up mellow who are you how are you feeling [Music] thank you congratulations it's beautiful thank you so much it is nice he was invited and you came so i really appreciate that um i know that our last event that we was in you know it ended very badly so i definitely wanted to talk to you about the comment that i made you know when you were expressing yourself i felt like that was a moment for us to really try to move forward because you was open and you were expressing yourself um my guard was up still i don't want to keep breaking up the past you know what i'm saying i'm like you know the passes have passed it we can't change nothing about the past the only thing we can do is just move forward so what made you i mean this is a big change from the day they retreat to now you know i thought about it you're not only your stuff right now but what's that someone speaking usually i call bs and then wonder why they get mad honestly i really think it was my fault that the energy changed you know at the end i think that it could have ended in a different way had i just been open to listen to what you had to say and hear you out i just really wanted to let you know that you know and apologize for that well i want to say i appreciate you apologizing i don't think we just need to rehash the past just like the past being the past and just whatever direction that leads us absolutely okay i'm actually amused by leticia right now cause we've been down this road before with the apologies and all of that and so sometimes it's hard for me to really decipher if she's being sincere or not and so i can only hope and pray that this apology is sincere and legit right click box so at 4 45 we gotta go and make the big reveal okay all right so i was just coming i didn't mean to interrupt probably the relationship thank you all right i think that jayla is a good fan i believe in his competency and ability to run black jalen is definitely growing into the role as gm for black he saw something that i didn't see everybody hey guys thank you guys for coming i really appreciate it this is really near and dear to my heart we started as together as a group in the comeback group and as brothers growing up and family we always believed that we could do something beyond what we were living in my dad told me you can never leave a legacy unless you start one that's what this is about thank you guys for coming out [Applause] this mural represents like legacy marcel my brother micah my sister millie we all have sons around the same age and this is the next generation of the scots the baby girl should have been up there too that would have been nice but you know i'm just saying um [Music] [Music] to know husband and wife now they've been exposed to husband husband like that's why i don't want them to be confused about that you know what they told me when it was time to go they told troy will you be our daddy the thing is when we when i was trying to talk to you last time i wasn't trying to be nasty negative or anything like that nasty is an understatement for that you know especially especially being a father that i am i take pride in taking care of my children you know you guys can give a kid cookies and they'll be so happy they'll be so happy and then they probably will say something like that but when you say that um a kid said something like that you're speaking so shallow that because to be a father you have to be so much more right and i'm all of that i was coming to you trying to tell you that most of y'all actions is affecting the kids which i'm sure you probably already know so i was trying to tell you what the conversation was from the kids so that you would say okay and melody maybe we need to do this differently in front of the kids i wasn't trying to come to you and tell you how to raise your kids or nothing like that because ultimately you are the parent yeah i'm not um but when they were around me for the last however long it was yeah um of course our relationship grew more right and you don't mind the kids around me i'm sure right really have i ever i don't know how many years thirteen okay um to me your situation is unique you know um but i've always accepted you in your relationship like just like you enjoy being married i mean i was accepted that but i want them to to know husband wife is what i want for them just because now they're not going through something now they've been exposed to husband husband like that's right i don't want them to be confused about that so then that's wrong if it's wrong or right i'm saying today what i want for my kids i was gonna say they should be around picking up what i'm doing because there's nothing negative about what i'm doing everything about my life has been positive never been in handcuffs 25 years a teacher retired sanctified preacher regardless of so one part of my life has nothing to do with the rest of my life so i understand that look they see on tv they watch shows they watch tv they see yeah okay what are we talking about now is just kind of talking about the kids being around me i just said i want a foundation for the kids i don't want their foundation to be husband husband their foundation has been husband and wife martial coming up on love and marriage huntsville are you gonna get an attorney my attorney said you don't even have an attorney anymore all right what are we doing you shut up there's no more [ __ ] it's over here [Music] talking about now is just kind of talking about the kids being around me oh it's okay for me around periodically but being around often every day i guess it's kind of negative because you don't want them to pick up i just say it's negative like i didn't like i didn't say it's negative i didn't say it's good or bad i don't want their foundation to be husband husband their foundation has been husband and wife martial what are you talking about they already have a foundation um they're so young that foundation really hasn't been fully developed that could come from your part as well for the things you've been doing you said that their foundation isn't fully developed yet i mean would you consider their foundation whenever you decided to mess up the family i i mean you messed up the family too how did that mess up the family we're here because if you know we're here because of you let's be here martel needs to be worried about what he has done and what his children have seen and heard from him and not worry about marcus my brother loves my children and my children love him and i will not take that away from what's the them uh you know i don't have a problem with your brother or choice i know that because you're saying something you said i've been around them for 13 years like we go there i want to go see them just as much as you i don't want the kids around your brother all the time that's all and you think you're better with the choices and things that they're around seeing you make and do and treat their mother the kids didn't see me yeah they've seen you on facetime yeah i heard you on the phone talking to your dude no they never have to do it the girls did not tell you that the girls didn't tell you that you never said that to me until now and i don't believe that this guy heated like always every time we get together it's always something so it's like what are we gonna do i know we we're going opposite directions but still we have to um find some type of uh median for the kids you know they already been affected by us not being again and it's only making things worse nothing for all of us you know um i still i love the i love the hell out of it you know what i'm saying dude i wish this never happened i miss us i wish this was all a dream wish i was going to wake up and you didn't tell me that not all of it y'all i mean i know you hurt you know i'm hurt going through things like i never me doing all this stupid stuff it's like i never wanted this to be us what did you think it would be because we had everything that we wanted everything was was right everything was right well you know all of that sounds good and all of that sounds like you know something that a person would want to hear the reality is you don't value and you did not value me you did not value our marriage you did not value our family you did not value everything that we worked our asses off at such a young age to create and you know the amount of time that i gave you to get it together and it's the pain i heard that you caused and for you to continue to sleep with when then became an enemy for me and now you have a baby coming by the same person that's a out for me i'm not checking for that at all i never will check for that ever ever understand yeah but you know um you got to move forward you know absolutely we have to be peaceful you say that it should be peaceful but that's not what you've been giving that's not what you've been given we i mean we haven't been given that you know i can't just keep continuously let you say that i'm the cause of everything okay i no longer accept that well who is the cause tell me both of us in what way we are in what way in what way go ahead please speak your peace well i mean i want to be peaceful it's just tough with you so you know that i can say the same thing you know every time you see me you gotta throw jabs and stuff like that to let the world think that it was all because of martial but it was if it wasn't no it was it was though we're here right now because of martel because i kept doing kept doing wrong absolutely i never would have left you if you've never done wrong i never would have left you but i want to lift you for not doing what it's like what are we doing are you gonna get an attorney my attorney said you don't even have an attorney anymore all right what are we doing you shut up there's no more set of pups over here are you gonna get an attorney my attorney said you don't even have an attorney anymore all right what are we doing you shut up there's no more [ __ ] over here sign the papers be back with you is for the kids that may be an excuse that works for you did you deal with several of them but it doesn't work for me you you're one that doesn't work for me no i'm not a hoe how dare you say that and the fact that you sit here with me in front of my face when you know you don't want this marriage up and you're trying to call me a whole you ain't you're not i'm going to really tell you you shouldn't be trying on papers that's right baby find new papers and quit coming in my idea of involved martell seems to have wanted to be married and single at the same time now it's seeming like he wants to be married and divorced at the same time martell thought that he could have his cake and eat it too but this cake is done with martel's ass for good man what y'all doing what's wrong baby i feel like he is just so amped on doing whatever it takes lies included to make me seem like i'm a certain way that i'm not and i'm tired of it and then he thinks he can disrespect first of all you've been disrespecting me for years let's be clear on that you can't nobody but you you kept doing that you know what i'm saying you're not going to keep being disrespectful who the [ __ ] you think you are and it's like i'm to the point where i'm just like i don't want to talk to your demons because that's where you're coming from right now this should have been over and i'm so for real and i didn't want it to i promise i didn't want all this extra i just want it to be over you go i know we do what we got to do with the kids and just let it be over and he just makes everything a living hell if any way possible that he can it just makes me feel like i just want to get my kids and leave just leave and change my number don't tell nobody just so i can kind have peace this is not what i want for my life this is not what i want for my children i don't want the stress i don't want the drama i want what's best for us and i want things to end amicably like i don't understand i don't know why martel can't just feel the same way kevin i'm sorry i know my tail good guy you ain't gonna apologize to me and only you would know the true hill you've been married to him and you know the good the bad and the ugly why the hell you care who i'm entertaining and sleeping well you got a whole baby on the way that you need to be focused on the world has a baby for roof around for real for real that's what he needs to be focused on more about that and that ain't got to do with me you better handle that over there with you by yourself he's just trying to make you like a whole sled out here he called me a hoe oh wow oh you want to be shy and then you wonder why i have no respect for you because you ain't what how do you feel like you keep saying you want your wife you want your family but you keep because he don't want it he wants cake and either too i love tails that's my boy but i can't keep doing that because at the end of the day it's the kids yeah i do and you know what i love seeing my kids happy when they're with me we have a good time i'm sorry i'll be glad when everybody is kind of like on a good space like on a good space where you you don't have to feel that way you know what i'm saying i don't i feel poorly i feel you have to be a dog yeah martel ain't about to change i'm sorry it's gonna take a long time mel is my sister so if she's hurting of course i want to be there for her we can put all the drama to the side it means nothing if you see your sister hurting it's like forget all of that let's just be there for her women support women we know what each other goes through from time to time and amid all the bickering and the arguing and the insults nobody wants to see somebody fail nobody wants to see a marriage fail at this point we need to just wrap our arms around anyone in need but especially male in this moment because she needs us [Music] for these women to be able to be here for me in this moment this is really what it's all about outside of the this moment right here is really what life is about [Music] next on love and marriage huntsville ever wonder how we got here this isn't behind the scenes cause nothing on this show is scripted period did you forget to talk to your wife your brother you can't get a job damn stupid the story behind the story who's popping up that's not us production did not tell her to do anything you have a problem say i'm offended that's it's about to get real i'm not doing the show [Music] [Music] you

2021-07-19 09:28

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