NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - November 25th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - November 25th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Breaking news a presidential, pardon, for michael flynn the president granting, a full pardon to his former national security, adviser, who pleaded, guilty, twice, to lying to the fbi. In the russia investigation. President-elect. Joe biden, warns of a long hard winter, and says we're at war with the virus, not one another. In a thanksgiving. Call to unify, the nation. With more americans, traveling, than at any time in the pandemic. Growing concern, that thanksgiving. Will be a super spreader event, leading to far more coveted, cases. And deaths. As the numbers, keep soaring the new pleas, by frontline, workers. Plus, just how protected, are you from the virus. A new coving, test, may have the answer. The crisis, within the pandemic, with so many struggling, financially. Heartbreaking. Scenes at food banks, facing, almost, unprecedented. Demand. Holiday, shopping, reimagined. What stores are doing to make shoppers, feel safe, trying to preserve, a little holiday, magic. Meghan markle's, deeply personal, revelation. About her pregnancy, loss her message, to so many families, who've been through the same experience. This is nbc, nightly news, with lester, holt. Good evening i'm kate snow in for lester tonight president trump announced today he will grant what he called a full presidential. Pardon, to his former national security, adviser michael flynn, flynn was the only white house official to be convicted, as part of the russia investigation. Led by robert mueller, he was also an early supporter, of mr trump's presidential, campaign. The move ending a long drawn-out, legal battle and coming after repeated, complaints, from the president, that his ally was being mistreated. We begin with kelly o'donnell, at the white house. Tonight, a show of presidential. Power. Undimmed. By his electoral, defeat. President trump wiping, out the conviction, of his former national security, adviser. Michael flynn. Who had pleaded guilty, to lying to the fbi. In the russia investigation. The president, on twitter. It is my great honor to announce that general, michael t flynn, has been granted, a full pardon. I know you will now have a truly, fantastic. Thanksgiving. The president's, clemency. Was anticipated. But still striking. As he long complained, that flynn had been mistreated. By the justice, department, we went through two and a half years of. Ruining people's, lives. Like general flynn and many others ruining their lives, fired in 2017. For lying about his, contact, with the russian ambassador. This year flynn, asked to withdraw, his guilty plea, and the justice department, attempted, to drop its case, but a judge had not signed off leaving flynn, in legal peril. Separately, today president trump, used his voice, to air grievance. Even, desperation. This election, has to be turned around, the president, on speakerphone. As his lawyer rudy giuliani. Appeared before pennsylvania. Republican, state legislators. To make complaints, about election, procedures. This was an election that we won easily. We wanted by a lot. Minutes later in wilmington. President-elect. Joe biden, offered a starkly. Different, message, let's be thankful for democracy. Itself. Biden, called for unity, and compassion. Acknowledging. The many hardships. Brought on by covet, this holiday, season, we need to remember. We're at war with the virus. Not with one another. President trump has now used his pardon power 29, times, and commuted, another 16, sentences.

With Flynn he has used that special power to help a personal friend and political, ally, that the white house is referred to as an innocent man who should not have been prosecuted. The flynn family offered thanks tonight. But house speaker nancy pelosi, called this pardon. An act of grave corruption. Kate. Kelly o'donnell thank you let's get right to nbc's, pete williams, pete does this mean no more legal trouble for flynn. Sure seems to it ends a legal saga for him that lasted, nearly the entire, trump administration. He's lately been waiting, two months for the judge to rule on whether the justice department, could drop the case, attorney general barr decided that flynn's, false statements to the fbi were not material. To any open investigation. And therefore were not illegal. But it's not clear tonight how broad this pardon, is even if it does leave the door open to other charges, like failing to report his lobbying, for turkey, it's highly doubtful the biden administration. Would pursue them kate. Pete williams thank you health experts, are sounding the alarm tonight about the concerning, number of americans, who are traveling. During this worsening, pandemic, a level of travel, not seen since the covet crisis began. Here's nbc's, tom costello. Despite, a raging, pandemic, and a skyrocketing. Death toll americans. Are on the move this thanksgiving. From miami, headed north. So far being here has been safe, everybody's, following the rules. So, no problem. To new york headed west. I really want to see my family. My dad was really sick so, it just, needed to happen. Roughly, a million people, flying, each day since friday. Even as the cdc, urges, americans, to stay home. Aaa projects 48, million people are hitting the roads. The caduto, family keeping, a tight bubble. Driving to wisconsin. We want to stay safe and that's why we're absolutely, staying within our inner circles. And just going to our cabin, while cars and planes may be lower risk, experts worry about airports, restaurants, trains, rental car shuttles, and meals, with family and friends. The nation's, top docks warn, we will likely pay a devastating, price if hospitalizations. Soar. As they did after memorial, day july 4th, and labor day. This is clearly, a super spreading event, and we can see a surge of cases, on top of the current surge. In a couple of weeks. 18, states plus d.c, now require, out-of-state, arrivals, to be tested or self-quarantined. But the cdc, is now considering. Dropping, the recommended, self-quarantined. Time, from two weeks down to seven to ten days.

The Accumulating. Data. Suggests. That we don't have to wait 14, days, we know that the average person will get sick about five days after their exposure. Meanwhile, back at the nation's airports, tonight, tsa, agents are behind plexiglas. And keeping travelers. Separated. And tom's with us tom i know you have some tips if you must, travel. Yeah experts say wear a mask wear eye protection, if you can onboard. Don't use the restroom stay seated don't eat or drink, and keep this mask on until you're in your rental car or your home. All right tom costello, thank you for those traveling, or planning thanksgiving, outdoors, let's bring in al roker, al how's tomorrow shaping up kate there's a pretty strong, line of storms, making their way toward the east that's going to bring rain. In for the east coast on thanksgiving, day mild to the midsection, of the country cool out west we move into friday it'll be nice and warm dry sunny from the northeast, all the way through the great lakes heavy rain though develops along the coast which will continue. On, saturday, sunny and dry in the east with warm weather continuing, out west, into the plains, and for folks who were returning, home on sunday, soggy through the south mild in the east, sunny and dry, out west, happy thanksgiving, kate. Happy thanksgiving, to you al as the covid crisis, deepens. New restrictions, are taking effect across the country as hospitals. Already overwhelmed. Are bracing for far more patients. Also overwhelmed. Many food banks the night before thanksgiving. Here's miguel almaguer. As americans, prepare for thanksgiving. Tomorrow, will be no holiday, for those fighting, covet. 261. Thousand, lives lost, in a battle nurse aaron bonai. Is trying, not to bring home. One of the things that we have been struggling with is what we do with our, kids. If we feel like it comes to a point where we can't. Keep them safe, that includes potentially. Sending them, to live with a relative. Away from us, so stay home. Please. To slow covet spread there is a growing, but confusing, list of restrictions. Landing in california. From out of state, you'll be asked to quarantine, for 14, days. Flying to illinois. No statewide, mandate, but if you arrive in chicago. You may need to quarantine, or face up to a seven thousand dollar fine, but there seems to be little enforcement. In pennsylvania. The governor, may have found it easier, to ban alcohol, sales, at bars and restaurants. By 5 pm, today. The biggest day for. Drinking. Is the wednesday, before thanksgiving. Let's, forgo, that this one time. With some hospitals, at capacity, the fda, just authorized, a new antibody. Test that could measure not just if you have protection, from the virus. But how much. Help arrives, too late for many families. Cliff anderson, lost his mother, mary ann, we said mom it was. It was okay to go. And then we had to decide, to take. The accident, away. That was really hard. Tonight, amid so much staggering, loss, a reminder. Many of us still have much to be grateful, for. Miguel almaguer. Nbc, news. I'm sam brock in miami, if a picture tells a thousand, words, the images outside, food banks all over america. Could write a novel, on need. Now due to the virus. You know the money is not there, it's an ongoing, pandemic. Putting a crisis, into focus. In miami, people waiting online, for hours. If it weren't for these sites. Would you be able to get food on the. Table. Not really. Feeding south florida, has seen demand. Double. We went from serving 706. 000 food insecure, to over 1.5. Million families in need of assistance. At this food site in miami, the line started at 11 o'clock, last, night, behind me there are about 600, people in this parking lot, waiting to come and get their meal, once they hit that number, everyone else is redirected, to another location.

An Estimated, 50, million, people will be food insecure, this year and 17, million, kids, were one in four, a situation. Only set to worsen, as federal dollars from the cares act are about to dry up, a real reminder. It will help you to at least, go to the end of the month, and. Survive. Of what's at stake. Sam brock, nbc. News. Americans, struggling with the pandemic. And economic, hardship, were front of mind for joe biden, as he realized, he would be president. He spoke about that moment, in his exclusive, interview with lester. What was the moment, when uh you heard that you were projected. I was confident. We were gonna win this election. I really was. Um. Because, um. I was so certain the american people are going to speak out. People, are. Really, really, really, really, really. Worried and concerned. And they want something done. Both sides. And. I uh. After. 30, lawsuits, were thrown out. In rapid succession. I was convinced, it was just, a matter of time. Uh. And was going to happen and that's why i've decided, just to move on as if i were the nominee. And do the business i would do within my power. From the day. The election. Occurred. And that's why i've moved along as if. I'm the president, and you decided to act like you own it, yeah i mean because, i believe we did and. I think it's important, to. Send the message, that um. Of confidence, and surety. And let people know, what, i will do. Give them some. Glimpse into what i will do. That's why i started off with the covet. Uh. Decision, and who i appointed, and putting together that group. I think people are just looking, is um. Is somebody taking this seriously. And i am deadly earnest, about what i want to do. And i believe. I, truly believe. That i we i, can unite, this country. I think the country is so. Hungry for it, including. A lot of republicans. And you can see lester's, full interview with the president-elect. Online. At. Nbcnews.com. In europe where the strategy to control a second wave of the coveted pandemic, looked much different than here in the u.s, leaders announced, success, this week and an easing of strict lockdowns. As richard engel explains now the message was a simple one, stay home, to save, christmas. There's finally, something to celebrate, at the end of grim, 2020.. The lights tonight, are on down paris's. Champs-elysees. On london's, oxford, street. In dublin. And in madrid's. Royal botanical, gardens. Christmas, in europe this year is a go. Saved, by pre-emptive. Lockdowns. Most of europe closed, three weeks ago, leaving, schools, open, but shutting, nearly, everything, else. Christmas of course is more than just a holiday, it's essential, for many retailers. And getting to it is giving people, a goal, a collective. Feeling. That if they sacrifice. Now. Maybe there's a present at the end of it. It's been working. The uk announced, restrictions, will be loosened for the holidays. With up to three households, allowed to get together. It is the seasoning to be jolly but, it is also the season, to be jolly careful. In spain, christmas, parties up to six, are due to be allowed. In germany, up to ten. No limit on the number of children.

France, Is keeping most of its lockdowns, in place until december, 15th. And only dropping, curfews. For christmas, and new year's eve. It's a covid, christmas. And europe hopes. Not to have to pay too big of a price for it. Richard engel, nbc, news, london. In just 60 seconds, shopping, reimagined. How stores, here this holiday, are trying to make us feel a little safer, if we shop in person. Covid, has many brick and mortar retailers. Fighting for their lives this holiday season jolene, kent tells us survival. Means thinking, outside, the box. And the store. The holiday, shopping rush feels so very different in the pandemic. As online sales surge with discounts, already, on for weeks, malls are trying to lure customers, in safely, and restore, some of that traditional. Shopping magic, before possible, new lockdowns, hit. Everything's, closing really soon. And i just wanted to see everything in person, before i made the purchase online, the kids like to see. The toys. Like to see their clothes they like the hands-on, experience. The pressure is on, online holiday sales expected to search 33, percent compared to last year, that's, two years of growth in one season. That's why in california. Malls like south coast plaza, are moving, outside. Transforming, parking garages, into temporary, shopping areas, allowing customers, to knock out their list, by appointment. Only. Here at westfield. Mall you can steer clear of crowds by making reservations, for individual, stores in their mobile app show up at your appointed time and get shopping. Shoppers are also taking advantage of outdoor markets. Full of small businesses. Like the winter village, in new york. I think it's the, the atmosphere. Right there's this this whole kind of excitement. Seeing what's in each other's baskets. Getting inspiration. Balancing, the holiday, spirit, with safety, in this unprecedented. Season, of giving. Jolin kent nbc news, los angeles. We're back in a moment with meghan markle going public with a deeply personal, loss, trying to help others. It's a powerful, message that's resonating, with so many families tonight meghan markle, sharing the news of a pregnancy, loss this year, here's erin, mclaughlin. Meghan markle, gives intimate, details, of her pregnancy, loss. Writing, an emotional. Essay, for the new york times. How it happened, in july. While she was holding baby, archie. I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms. Humming a lullaby, to keep us both calm. I knew as i clutched, my firstborn. Child. That i was losing, my second. Markle describes, watching prince harry's, heartbreak. As he tried to hold the shattered pieces of mine. Up to one in four of all pregnancies. Ends in miscarriage. I think this gives. People, the ability to feel it's okay to talk about it it's okay to encourage, people to get support. Markle recalls, a grueling, royal tour to south africa. And this moment, with a journalist. Not many people have asked if i'm okay. She writes, i realize that the only way to begin to heal, is to first ask. Are you okay. Markle, encourages, us to ask the question, of others, writing, loss and pain have plagued, every one of us in 2020. Adding for the first time in a long time, as human beings, we are really seeing one another. Are we okay, we will be, erin mclaughlin. Nbc, news los angeles. Are you okay. Up next, americans, thankful this holiday, in spite of kovid. And because of, it. As we head into thanksgiving, in the middle of a pandemic. Americans, are still finding plenty of reasons, to be grateful. For what they have, and what they can give. My name is, orion. Jean, i'm in fifth grade, and i'm from fort worth texas. I'm just thankful that all of these, things that have happened. They've made me stronger, as a person. So. In a way. In a very, strange, way. The coronavirus. Had, has kind of made us. Better and more prepared, for what's happening what's going to happen next. My name is ben hurdle i'm a ups, driver in maple grove minnesota. There's always beautiful, things in the world. Don't give in to darkness, or fear. There's beauty everywhere. My name is eric hale and i teach first and second grade i remain grateful, and hopeful. Because every time i look in the eyes of the students that i serve, i know they need me now more than ever. So it's my duty, and my obligation. To give them. Five-star, service regardless. Of the pandemic. I'm dr daval desai, and i'm the director of hospital, medicine, at emory st joseph's, hospital. Time and time again i'm reminded that i'm not doing this alone i'm doing this with others who have the same mission as me, and that, really makes me feel the most thankful for what i do on a daily basis.

It's Hard to, stay positive, about the things that you still do have. But, sometimes, that's what you need to do to stay happy and stay. Stay focused, and thankful. So much wisdom, that is nightly news on this wednesday, thank you for watching. For all of us here stay safe, and have a great, night. Hey nbc, news viewers, thanks for checking out our youtube, channel. Subscribe, by clicking on that button down here. And click on any of the videos, over here, to watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives. Thanks for watching.

2020-11-27 05:36

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