NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - June 2nd, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - June 2nd, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight. The growing crackdown, on violence. Marring, peaceful, protests. In New York City the earlier curfew, after, a night of chaos, looters, smashing, stores including the iconic Macy's flagship. Hundreds. Of arrests, and in st. Louis four police, officers shot, while, in Seattle, our correspondent. Caught in the middle as police, deploy flashbang. Grenades. Also. Store honors taking up arms to defend their, businesses in. Los Angeles the tense moments had played out on live TV a woman, chasing off looters only, for police to alive on a chaotic scene and put her against, the law new. Reporting, on who ordered that major show of force outside, the White House police. Backed by National Guard firing, rubber bullets on, peaceful, protesters. Moments. Later President, Trump walking, out to a nearby church, for a photo with a Bible the, new investigation. In the George Floyd death into the Minneapolis, Police Department. And the mother of his six-year-old, daughter speaking, out for the first time her, powerful, message, and his, co bid 19, spreading, along with the protests, the rising, concerns. This. Is NBC, Nightly News with, Lester, Holt. Good. Evening everyone a passionate. Movement, for justice, is fighting itself swept under the feet of rampaging. And destructive, mobs who, have sown chaos, in cities across the country in. New York last night looters, again, overwhelming. Police to ransack stores and businesses this, time in the heart of Manhattan the. Mayor now banning, cars in much of the city tonight, police officers, themselves being, targeted in st., Louis overnight, several, were shot as elsewhere. Peaceful. Marchers, are taking, the streets again, at this hour, trying to reclaim their voices and the narrative, we've, got a lot to cover tonight Miguel, Almaguer, leads us off Miguel, what are you seeing. Lester. This crowd here in Los Angeles easily. Soars into the thousands, as one of the largest, crowds in this entire region it comes after a of violence, and looting but, for now this, crowd has been peaceful. It. Wasn't, demonstrators. But looters, who marred the message of peaceful protest, with acts of violence. From. Coast to coast, brazen, breakage, as police, tangled, with criminals, in. Midtown. Manhattan, Macy's, flagship, ransacked. In Herald Square famed. Fifth Avenue raided by thieves, smashing, windows after, 700 arrests, 8,000. Officers had, now enforced, the city's 8:00 p.m. curfew. The, police in New York City. Were. Not effective. At doing their, job, last, night period. In, some of the nation's biggest cities, the night's spiraled, out of control early. Across, the street from the White House rubber, bullets and flash grenades, were launched into a peaceful crowd, before, curfew. There's. Also trouble, in st. Louis Steve, Patterson is there, city, leaders here condemning what they're calling a tragic, night of violence four police officers shot after peaceful. Rallying devolves, into shootings, fires and widespread, looting now a 9:00, p.m. curfew for, the first time tonight with, the president, threatening, to deploy the US military, of Governors, can't keep their state safe pockets. Of violence continue, to unfold after. Seven nights of protest in at least a hundred and forty cities you're, tarnishing a powerful. Movement right now it's not allowing our word to be heard with, six police, officers shot and several. Struck by cars a plea for the mayhem to end the, National, Guard deployed, in at least 21, states including. California. Where looters again raided, stores and shut down the 405. This. Is the moment protesters. Took over one of the busiest, freeways in, the nation, traffic. Has, come to a standstill, looting. A store, burning. A building. Attacking. A police officer, seeing. The death and destruction cannot. Bring honor it's, not done in an honourable way. In, cities, like Portland Oakland. Denver. And Phoenix, protests. Have started, peaceful, those. Behind, the badge shaking. Hands. Kneeling. For justice, and even walking alongside, protesters. There's. Racism here, that's what we're standing against that's, what we want change for and that's why they're walking with us after. Police in Seattle took a knee hours, later who picked up their guns. Declaring. A riot when rocks and bottles were hurled at them, Joleen, Kent caught in the crossfire. As. Police. Push, back the crowd. But. Tonight after a week of protests, patience, is wearing thin, as. One. Side of the police line demands order and the, other justice. The. Question, tonight in this city and so many others, what, will happen after curfew. Here in Los Angeles police are staged just around the corner it could be a long night ahead laughter.

Miguel. Almaguer, in Los Angeles, tonight thanks an early, curfew taking, effect here in New York as well after last night's violence Ron, Allen, has been following, the protests, all day Ron what's, the latest. This. Is what we've been seeing all day through the streets of New York City thousands. Of peaceful protesters. Apparently. Trying to make a profound statement before, the 8 p.m. curfew goes into, effect we're, also seeing a massive police, presence what's. Expected to be one of the in recent memory because. Of all the prisons, that they've been facing now, the understand the protests, here may, be turning a corner there and heading, about a mile in that direction the, president, Trump's Trump Tower for, a big rally this evening the, police have been saying that as these pokers have been going on day by day they've been getting more and more peaceful but they say they're fighting a determined. Sophisticated. Organized, criminal, element that sermon that caused vandalism. And destruction tonight. Police seem determined to stop it they'll see what happens after dark Ron, Allen tonight Ron, Allen in New York thank you and as the country tries to deal with this wave of violence and vandalism marring. The protests. Some, people are preparing to take a stand to defend what's theirs, here's, Gotti Schwartz as, plywood. Goes up, across. America, more guns are coming out as well store, owners seeing images like this now arming, themselves, we will arm ourselves we. Will protect our business but defending property has turned deadly in places like Philadelphia where police say a gun store owner killed, an armed looter the owner of the. Gun shop was. In possession of one of his guns fired. Several shots, striking. The, one male at least one time in the head a woman in Rochester, attacked after telling looters not to steal from a jewelry store in, Phoenix.

This Armed store owner saying he's trying to protect his property this isn't a protest, assisted rioting. This, is this, is crying they're, having a standoff, oh my god, yesterday, an armed liquor store owner chasing, off looters all unfolding, during a live broadcast by. Fox 11 in Los Angeles that, has since gone viral even when police arrived there is confusion, between who is a criminal and who is a bystander. Protecting. This door that, is Monnet Wadley who helped chase off looters put against a wall, the Fox reporter insisting, she was helping to protect the store. Eventually. Monette is released what do you think would have happened if the camera wasn't here. No. Net says she understands, the pain and the rage but the looting is hurting everyone, it's not right this is not what a protest, is about you. Turn. Up all the stores. Everybody. Sitting. We're. Not giving nothing done as, for the police who handcuffed, her I understand, you're tired the all the work go fast go alone we're. Still human, her message to both police and those looting, is simple, accountability. Starting. With what happened to George Floyd Gotti. Schwartz NBC, News Los Angeles and. Tonight. President Trump, is facing a furious, backlash, after visiting a Catholic, shrine today, and that visit last night to a church near the White House for a photo-op after, police used force to clear protesters. From the area here's Jeff Bennett. President. Trump sparking, sharp criticism from, top religious, leaders for the second time in two days with. The Washington, Archbishop, slamming, the president's, visit today to a Catholic, shrine I find. It baffling and reprehensible that, any Catholic facility. Would allow itself to be so egregiously. Misused, and manipulated. It, follows fresh fallout, over the government's, decision, Monday night to use physical, force and, flashbangs, to, disperse peaceful, protesters, from in front of the White House. Clearing. The way for the president and his top advisors, to walk across Lafayette, Square to the historic, st. John's Episcopal Church, where, a fire was set during demonstrations, President. Trump posing for pictures holding. Up a Bible without explanation. It. Was Attorney General Bill Barr who asked, for the perimeter around the church to be expanded, the White House within, hours editing footage, of the president's, brief outing, into a triumphant, video the, Episcopal, bishop of, DC blasting. The president, saying she never gave him permission to be there he, didn't come to church to pray he didn't come to church to offer condolences, to. Those who are grieving he didn't come to, commit, to healing, our nation, a group of pastors today echoing, the bishop. Sources. Tell NBC News, the president's, decision to visit that church was, fueled in part by, frustration.

Over, News reports, that the Secret Service assured. Him to a bunker, during Friday night's protest and it, was his idea because, he wanted the visual, of looking, strong and in charge, meantime. Joe Biden offering a stark contrast to, the president, today in Philadelphia, the. Country, is crying, out for leadership, leadership. That can recognize pain. And deep grief, of communities, that. Have had a knee on their neck for a long time the apparent Democratic, presidential nominee, pledging, to address, racial injustice the. Motorist come for our nation to deal, with systemic, racism. To. Deal with the growing economic inequity. That exists, in our nation. To. Deal. With. The denial of the promise, of this nation. Made. To so many, and. Tonight rare comment, from former President George, W Bush in a statement he said he's anguished, by George Floyd's killing, and that it's time to examine what he calls America's, tragic, failures, saying, it's critical, to seeing the country's reality, honestly, and improving. On it Lester. Jeff. Bennett at the White House thanks 8 days after the death of George Floyd the Minneapolis, Police Department. Is under intense, new scrutiny tonight, as the, mother of one of Floyd's children, speaks, out for the first time Gabe, Gutierrez is, in Minneapolis. Tonight. As this memorial, grows the state of Minnesota has launched, a sweeping, civil rights investigation of, the Minneapolis. Police Department. For the first time in its history today, as a step towards that deconstruction. Of systemic racism, but, there's mounting, frustration here. That three of the fired officers, at the scene of George Floyd's death had not yet been criminally, charged. Donald. Williams is still haunted. By that night. Since. He walked up while Floyd was already, on the ground at the time George. Is on the floor panting. For his life. Acting. For forgiveness. Calling. For his mom sandy. Can't breathe could you believe what you were seeing no, it was like in. A twilight, zone it was like something, that was unreal, former, officer derrick, Shelvin has been charged with third degree murder and, second degree manslaughter, after kneeling, on Floyd's neck for close to nine minutes should, those other, officers, face charges yeah. They. Killed the human being all, of the officers have declined to comment publicly the, state's attorney general is now leading the case and has declined to give any timeline we, expect, the other officers, to be arrested, before, George. Florida is laid to rest, Floyd, leaves behind two children including. Six-year-old Gianna. Her. Mother Roxy Washington, says Floyd was very involved in their life in Houston. Gabe. Gutierrez NBC. News Minneapolis. In, 60. Seconds the tense standoff and, The Good Samaritan, who took action, what he did that has so many people talking tonight. Back. Now with that remarkable, story from Washington the, man being praised by some for, taking, in dozens, of protesters. Cornered, by the police, we, get that story now from NBC's, Andrea Mitchell. A. Harrowing. Night for a group of protesters, in the nation's capital, they, say police herded, them into a narrow one-way, street about a mile from the White House corralling. Them with no way out and unleashing. A barrage of pepper spray, they said, they were enforcing. Curfew, but people were asking please let me go let me go home I live right there please let me go home Rocco, Dube a longtime. Resident standing. On his front steps describes, the scene like a tsunami coming, his way, and just. A stream, of people came running through here and pepper spray is being, sprayed. All the way up against the house up against the windows people are running through for ten minutes straight. According. To police 194. People were arrested in the area the police chief is looking into what happened.

Inside. They were coughing using, milk to wipe away the pepper spray how. Did you decide to let all these strains are he in your house, Andrew, there was no decision to be made it was very, reactive, they. Were brutally. Getting. Crushed and decimated, right in where you're standing, when. The curfew lifted, at 6:00 a.m. the, protesters, emerged grateful. To the stranger, who gave them sanctuary, we all came together so beautifully man and, honestly. I couldn't pick, a better group of people to be locked in with it, was. It. Was perfect how, many people, did you have in your house about, 70, about, 70 people here total, strangers total strangers not anymore not. Anymore, people. Coming together in the midst of chaos, Andrea. Mitchell NBC News Washington. For. So many protesters, across the country there is hope that this could finally be a turning, point at last, here's Blaine Alexander, with that for. So many black families it's, an endless, cycle. Don't. You all give up we shouldn't be. Mother. Testifies our great grandma's had the fight generations. Of frustration, and fear that became real for Somalia rice, we've got late developments, tonight in a case a lot of people have been closely watching, the police shooting, death of Tamir rice in Cleveland, Samari, a son Tamir, was 12 years old when he was shot and killed by a police officer who said he thought the child had a gun it was, a toy pellet, gun I don't, know what this, beautiful face would have developed, up as a young, man because. America, robbed me of that she, has been fighting to spare other families the, same pain she's lived with every day for five-and-a-half years do. You hope that this moment finally. Brings about change I do hope I do I hope that this is the start of brokes the camel bag because, now she's, still, afraid afraid for, her other children in their 20s and for, her community I hope. That not, not 100, black person, get murdered in this country, on, behalf of law enforcement for, so many black parents, it's a cruel reality as mothers. How, do you feel in this moment it's. Devastating it's devastating you're scared to even say you know what okay, you can drive you can get out there you can drive to the store and not knowing whether your child will will come back I called my son to, make sure he's home at night I called, him every time I look at the news I said where are you I called, my nephew, you can't sleep at night until, you know that they are home in the house because. You never know they fill these streets so their children don't have to live in fear when they become parents, it's him in his sister's world that, are going to have the ultimate chance, to. Truly truly be what we intended, to be so. They stand together people. With different experiences but a shared feeling it's just, so unfair, I think, that this. Is a time that this generation, just really is saying no I'm tired of it and hoping, because of that the next generation, will not inherit. Reality, gleen Alexander, NBC News Atlanta and. We're, back in a moment with a new tropical storm, taking aim at the Gulf Coast. There. Are growing fears of new spikes in kovat 19 amid these massive, protests. Were seeing in the midst of a pandemic, Morgan. Radford has, more from Philadelphia. Thousands. Of people taking to the streets and taking, a chance amidst, a virus that's now killed, more than a hundred six, thousand, Americans, I'm, willing to risk my life. And. I'm, willing to risk my health for that you're both medical, students correct so. You all understand, better than anyone the health risks, right now of being in large crowds did, that make you feel uncomfortable when, it comes to protesting, I wear. My mask I try not to be around people who aren't wearing their masks, and try and make it as safe as possible yeah, I think the benefits, of being out here definitely outweigh, the risk. But. Health officials warned the protests, could accelerate a second, wave of the virus, a new, report out this week found, that social distancing, is the most effective. Way to keep corona virus from spreading even. More than face coverings, and eye protection, in Minnesota. State, health officials are urging protestors. To get tested, but, it's becoming more difficult in some places to get a test because of the protests, here in Philadelphia, all citywide, testing, sites are currently shut down and it's happening in other cities too, now, experts, urging, demonstrators, to use signs and noisemakers, rather, than chant to prevent the spread of droplets, to, keep six feet apart and stay, away from others for 14 days. Hoping. To keep people safe as they fight for change. Morgan. Radford NBC, News Philadelphia. All. Eyes tonight in a new tropical storm, in the southern Gulf of Mexico, Cristobal. Is the earliest third, named storm of an Atlantic hurricane. Season on, record it's, busy out there already, and the storm could track North threatening, the US Gulf Coast this weekend, we are of course going, to be monitoring this track and up, next tonight talking, to kids.

About This moment in America. Before. We leave you we want you to know there's a new episode of nightly news kids edition and parents, you should be advised in this episode, we do deal with the George Floyd story and you may want to watch with your children, we'll be hearing from a child psychologist, about, the best ways to frame events, for kids as well, as meet the young singer, whose personal, message has struck a powerful, note the new episode, is streaming, right now that. Is nightly news for this evening I'm Lester Holt please take care of yourself and each, other good night. Hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our youtube channel subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and, click, on any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-06-06 02:04

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