NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - June 1st, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - June 1st, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight. Anger in the streets across America, massive clouds gathering, again to protest, the death of George Floyd, in cities from coast to coast peaceful. Protests, Martin as violence, erupts stores, looted, and destroyed vehicles. Set on fire in New York and officer appearing, a police gun on demonstrators. In Louisville. A man shot and killed as police broke up a crowd, the chief late today fire new, curfews, going into effect tonight with the National, Guard activated. In 20 states also. The powerful moment, Floyd's brother, visiting, the memorial at the scene of that deadly encounter. His powerful, message about the violence, and late, today the results, of two separate, autopsies, what. They reveal President. Trump lashing out of the nation's governor's what he told them about dominating. The protesters, and could. The president use a 213. Year old law to deploy, active-duty, military in, American, cities new, Kovach concerns as protests, in the middle of the pandemic health. Experts, in one major city urging them to self quarantine for, 14 days and amid. The chaos the, images giving hope to, so many tonight. This. Is NBC, Nightly News with Lester. Holt. Good. Evening everyone the shattered glass from, a night of rage has largely been swept up here in New York's SoHo neighborhood and, communities. Across the country that were rocked by spasms, of looting, and violence overnight. Now, the ritual, of boarding, up takes place and bracing. For what tonight, may bring an, anguished and weary America, asking, when will this all end when will the protests, end when, will the police brutality, that trigger them in the, virus, the financial, ruin that have taken us to the edge when. Will they end tonight. As an independent autopsy reveals, new information, about George Floyd's death in police custody, his, brother tonight is sending a poignant and powerful message. We're, covering it all starting with Ron Allen Ron, what's the latest. Lester. New York's mayor just changed, course in order to curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00, a.m. in the morning as we gear for more huge demonstrations. For the possibility, of war violence you can see the crowds already, gathering in the streets police. Are also gearing up doubling. The number of patrols in parts of the city where, there's been trouble. Across. The country an ominous pattern. Whose. Peaceful, protest by day demanding, justice for George Floyd. To. Those who want to turn this into something that, it's not. Then. Mostly, under the cover of darkness violence. Erupted with. Chaos lasting, well into the night in. New York intense street battles between police and people, brazenly. Targeting, some of the city's most exclusive, neighborhoods, famous. Names shops like Chanel destroyed. And robbed it, breaks my heart that there are people undermining, what. The protesters, are doing. It's. Just wrong, residents, capturing, it all on their cell phones, his office corner for looting, tonight. Police, blame armed, organized criminals, using the demonstrations, as cover for the violence today, NYPD. Asking, the public to help identify at, least two suspects, in this surveillance video wanted. For allegedly firebombing. A police vehicle on Friday while. At the same time NYPD. Faces growing outrage accused. Of using overly, aggressive, tactics, but, shoving a protester, and driving, a vehicle into a crowd this. Video appears to show a police officer, brandishing, a gun at demonstrators, the NYPD. Says the incident is under internal review, that, Officer, should have his gun and badge taken, away today in, Louisville, gunfire. Killed business owner David McAtee, during, a protest he, was innocent he wasn't doing it I mean this, makes. No sense today, authorities said, two officers, and two National, Guard soldiers, returned, fire as they dispersed a crowd the, mayor says the two officers are on administrative leave. Because, their body cameras were not activated, in violation, of policy it's unclear who fired the fatal shot the, police chief relieved of duty the, protest originally, over the police shooting of Brianna Taylor last March her, mother today this, is so much bigger than her, but. We can't get justice, with violence, it, doesn't, make sense it. Doesn't help in, Oklahoma, at least three people were hurt after a truck drove into a crowd of protesters on, an interstate, in Boston. Whereas thousands, of demonstrators converged. On the State Capitol Police. Say they were attacked by a barrage of bricks and bottles fire. Exploding, on the Boston Common this. Fashionable, shopping district set to reopen this morning after, months shut down because of covert 19 cleaning. Up after, the mayhem Ron. Allen NBC, News New York. I'm. Miguel Almaguer. From. Colorado, to California. Nearly every, protest, started peaceful. Until, unrest, erupted, into chaos. With. Stores looted, businesses.

Torched, And violent. Arrests made. Four. Days of chaos are on the verge of another night of mayhem. In. Santa, Monica the famed Third Street Promenade, overrun. By a mob police. Making dozens, of arrests, while squaring off with crowds, along, the iconic, pier a hijack. Our, our. Protest. The. Protest he makes us wanted a reason to break window as, some peacefully, protested. Others, provoked, confrontation. Officers. Firing teargas and projectiles. Into, crowds. Moving. All of these protesters. Back because. The situation, here is unraveling, in Los, Angeles a state of emergency as, buildings. Were torched again from, Beverly, Hills to Long Beach millions. In damage so well mean. Hurt. Mark. Robles, comforted. By the National, Guard says, small businesses, pay the biggest price I saw. It all unfold last. Night in on the news but. Being. Here seen. An in person. Horrible. With. Banks burned in roads blocked in San, Diego, City Hall and a shopping district, was trashed across. The country it was often demonstrators. Trying, to stop agitators. From destroying so many American. Cities this. Is unnecessary this, isn't, a message she doesn't say so. Sweet involved, as the. National, Guard deploys, 20. California, cities are under siege at, this DMV, in San Bernardino, a man, with a makeshift, lo torch tried, to burn down the building that, serves the public. Thousands. Of arrests now made while, in Seattle, Anarchy, was in the streets after mobs, were on the moon, here. In the Seattle area it's been tension, and heartbreak, night after night looting, and protest now, the community coming together racing. Or what could be next with. Protesters. Demanding, justice there, is growing worried their peaceful demonstrations. Are overshadowed. By outside, outbursts, of violence tonight. A fight for their message, and one, for, the streets. Protests. Like this continue, to play out across Southern California for. The most part they have been very peaceful, but I can tell you Lester not far away from here police are standing by they're at the ready they're also with the National Guard a curfew. Was set to go into place soon but, Lester it is still very early in, what could be a very long night ahead Lester. All, right Miguel Almaguer, in Los Angeles, thanks as we look now over a ten cell ho here in New York we want to turn to Minneapolis. And an appeal to end the violence from a brother of George Floyd, who visited, the site of his death as results. Of an independent autopsy, were released, here's Gabe Gutierrez. Today. Terrence, Floyd was overwhelmed. His steps heavy with grief as he saw for the first time the ground where his brother took his last breath. We're. Not gonna take it it, was exactly, a week ago that George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer, knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes, he's dead now, with the heart of the nation's, unrest. His. Youngest, brother is calling for an end to the violence. Today. The Hennepin County Medical, Examiner, released Floyd's autopsy, determining, his death was a homicide caused. By cardiopulmonary, arrest, while, he was restrained by, the officers, hours. Earlier Floyd's family, released, its own independent. Autopsy it, found the manner of death with homicide, caused by his fixiak, - to a neck and back compression, that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain the. Autopsy. Shows. That. Mr.. Floyd, had, no underlying. Medical. Problem, that caused, or, contributed to. His death a new, NBC News analysis, of police records found that since 2015. Minneapolis officers, have used so-called, neck restraints, using, an armored leg to compress someone's neck more, than 200. Times in at least 44 of those cases the suspects, or other individuals, lost consciousness. Several, police experts, say that number appears to be unusually high, that. History is part of what's fueled the anger and, pain, these, buildings could be rebuilt, lives. Cannot, be brought, back once, they are taken, on the sixth night of protests, here following Floyd's death police surrounded, large crowds making, almost 300, arrests it was largely calm. Except. For this shocking scene a semi, driving, into a huge crowd of peaceful, protesters, the driver arrested, incredibly. No one seriously, injured, I think, the incident just underscores, still. The volatile, situation we have out there. Tonight. His family hopes that name is a call to action not. Destruction. A, public. Memorial is, now scheduled, here in Minneapolis, on Thursday, and others later in North Carolina, where he was born and Houston.

Where He grew up laughter. Hey, Gutierrez, tonight thank you as we've, seen the protests, and violence have come within blocks of the White House and today President Trump told the country's governor's they should take a much tougher approach, to keeping order Jeff. Bennett is at the White House as. Protesters. Surround the White House the sounds, of flashbangs, heard in the background President, Trump tonight saying he's deploying thousands. Of military and civilian, police, to, stop what he calls the rioting and looting across. The country I have strongly recommended. To every governor, to. Deploy, the. National, Guard in, sufficient. Numbers that. We dominate, the streets if a, city or state refuses. To take the actions, that are necessary to, defend the life and property of their. Residents. Then I will deploy the United, States military. And quickly solve, the, problem, for them earlier, the president lashing, out at governor's during a videoconference. Calling, them weak and urging, them to take a hard line against protesters. According, to audio, obtained, by NBC News. President. Trump pushing, the governor's to use force to take back the streets. At. Least one governor, Democrat, JB Pritzker, of Illinois pushed, back. The. Conference, call followed the latest night of unrest across the country, as many, peaceful demonstrations. Exploded. Into violence, NBC's. Garrett, Haake covering the protests, in Washington, DC all, day, long Sunday, more than a thousand, peaceful protesters, packed this park and the streets around it but late at night some set fires including in the building behind me it's about that time police decided, they needed to clear this street they used rubber bullets, gas, and flashbangs to do it all of it happening in the shadow of the White House multiple. Sources tell NBC News, that, some of the president's, closest, allies, are, urging, him to strike a more unifying, tone his, advisers divided. Over the proper response, meantime Joe, Biden today held his first in-person campaign. Event in over two months the. Apparent Democratic, presidential nominee, met with community leaders at, a predominantly black church in his hometown. And. Tonight President Trump left the White House to visit Saint John's Church part, of which was set ablaze during the protest that was after police cleared a larger group of peaceful, protesters, in the area with rubber bullets and flash bangs Lester. Jeff. Bennett in at the White House Jeff thank you in 60, seconds a deeper look at just who these protesters, are and what makes this mom it's so explosive and the crisis, on top of a pandemic, the urgent new warnings, about the bread of coronavirus. The. Protests, were witnessing, tonight may have been sparked by the death of George Floyd but the anger driving, then goes much back further here is Blaine Alexander. We. Have been here before he's, in a race in has had to deal with me just a continuous, cycle. Protestors. Taking to the same streets, signs, with the same words chants, echoing the, same message. The. Only difference the names each time that same hope for progress is followed, by yet another death how, many of you have protested this before in some, form, so. All of you all all, of you all have been out protesting police. Brutality and, some phone before tired. I have. To protest my right to not be killed it's that feeling of frustration of, desperation, driving, so many to try yet, again to be heard it feels, different. Britney Pakman helped organize rallies, in Ferguson, six years ago certainly. There is a fresh, aid and despair. And an exhaustion, that is very familiar but, also there. Is more, understanding. That people have to be actively, anti-racist in, their everyday lives but, just, like then. Calm. Is turning, to chaos, President. Trump and his attorney general say, the violence is fueled by an Tifa a militant, anti-fascist. Movement but, have not provided any proof of that local, officials say they believe some, anarchists and other extreme, groups are directing, looting and violence in an, essay published today former, President Obama writes we should not excuse violence, or rationalize. It or participate. In it he says the focus should be on both protest, and politics. Adding, reforms, to police departments and the criminal justice system often, happened, at state and local levels. This. Video from Charlotte viewed millions of times captures. A raw pain spanning. Generations. You see right now it's. Gonna happen 10, years. Right.

Now That 16th is coming. With a better way he angry, at 46. I'm angry at 31, you, angry, at 16, and so, that, is why they March we're. Trying to teach our kids that, yes you could have a voice you. Can stand for what's right with, the hope that this time finally, can, be the last, Blaine, Alexander, NBC News Atlanta. There. Are growing concerns tonight, about these crowds protesting. During this ongoing pandemic. And a potential, spike in cases there Sam Brock with that. Massive. Crowds swarming cities, across the country are choosing, social justice, over social distancing, I could, be dead tomorrow if, I walk on the street Senate but. An urgent health warning, from officials, no, question, there's a danger this could intensify, the. Spread of the corona virus, just, at a point when we were starting to beat it back profoundly. How many super, spreaders, were in that crowd how many young people went home and kiss. Their mother hello. Or. Shook hands with their father but, these demonstrators, see in America, infected, with injustice - are. You worried about your safety. Yes, but the answer is that I'm, worried about my safety to both those viruses, late, today the first comprehensive, study, on stopping the virus found, physical, distancing, three feet or more is most, important, even more than wearing a mask and with. Tear gas fly, the, risks even greater. Tear gas makes people cough sneeze their eyes water and when that happens, the respiratory droplets, that carry the virus can, travel further meaning they can affect a lot more people public. Health and prosperity. Now, jeopardized. This, restaurant, owners reopening, was put on hold. In. South Florida businesses. Were expecting, to see Miami Beach reopened, today that's, now been postponed, because of the protests, as officials everywhere wait to see if cases of the virus surge, in the next two weeks Lester. All. Right thanks very much and on this first day of hurricane, season we're watching a tropical depression that's. Formed in the southern Gulf of Mexico, it's, expected, to strengthen into a tropical, storm by tomorrow, forecasters. Say it could come close to the US Gulf Coast this weekend, and, up next for us tonight signs, of unity and hope. For. All the anger, and division, we're seeing there are also examples, of unity giving us hope for what's to come here's, Gary Schwartz the. Scenes. Are heartbreak. Tearing. At the very fabric of America, the, distrust, the, disgust, the doubt with questions, asked by the youngest, among us and, my next is my dad next one, simple, plea stop. Killing, us for. So many watching, the unrelenting, images, of rage peace seems, out of reach but among the pictures of division there are moments, like these. In. Flint Michigan Sheriff, Chris Watson telling, his community, that his police force is with him. Well. Across the country, some officers, dolphin protective, gear taking, a knee and for a slight moment, they in the crowd become, one for, police in Coral Gables keeping. The peace means praying with protesters. Hampton, New Jersey's police chief marching, in lockstep with demonstrators, honoring. The memory of George Floyd, the, african-american, community is, now.

Trained You know I understand, me rightfully so you. Know we, have to be better law, enforcement we, have to be better Houston's. Chief art acevedo also, spending the weekend trying to heal his city. Glimpses. Of hope breaking, through the days of Rage offering. A chance that. Somehow, this, time might, be different, Gotti Schwartz NBC, News Los Angeles. And. We'll be right back. Before. We go we wanted to let you know we'll be monitoring, the protests. Around the country tonight, we'll come back on the air if events, warrant for, now that's nightly news I'm, Lester Holt please, take care of yourself and each other. Hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube, channel subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and, click, on any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-06-04 06:33

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