NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 17th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 17th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight. The battle over reopening, America, as the u.s. death toll surges, to over. 36,000. President. Trump tweeting a call to quote liberate several, states encouraging. Protesters, a day after saying governor's, would call the shots on lifting, their own restrictions, a number, of states extending, their orders, others already, easing, them in Florida. Some beaches clear, to reopen, also. The nightmare at nursing homes severe. Staffing, and equipment, shortages families. Not even told when their loved one has died the, potential, breakthrough an experimental. Treatment, with. All the medicine I believe I. Won't. Even see my father again, the. Drug said to have helped patients leave, the hospital within. Days the, growing concerns over where your food comes from over, 600 meatpacking. Workers in South Dakota now, testing, positive a growing. Number of plants, shutting down will, it cause shortages, at the store and American. Heroes the bus driver keeping, the wheels rolling, through personal, tragedy, and a, moving moment a health care worker who, spent two weeks on a ventilator the cheers, as he finally, goes home. This is NBC Nightly News with, Lester, Holt. Good. Evening remember, that unity, and resolve to, bend the curve to stay home and save lives it's being tested, tonight across, an America, still facing, death on a staggering, scale over, 36,000. So far but, also in America impatient. To rebuild, a crumbling, economy a, restlessness. Stoked, by the president, today as governor's. Across the country weigh, their, next steps we've. Got it covered tonight starting with Gabe Gutierrez. Across. The country from offices, to restaurants, to air travel a patchwork, of plans to restart, the economy, it's, a marathon it's. Not a sprint we. Are we're, not really even halfway through even, though we hit the peak state-by-state, the, rules are dizzying, from Georgia to Louisiana, to Arizona, many have stay at home orders and expire on April, 30th, others, like New York and Connecticut have already extended theirs, through at least May 15th, Missouri's. Governor wants, residents, to go back to work on May 4th but, the mayors of st. Louis and Kansas City will keep their stay at home orders through mid-may, at least we're. Just not putting an end date on it but we are committing, to reevaluating. This continually. From New Jersey to Minnesota, today new protests, demanding an end to the shutdown today. Beach is reopened, in Jacksonville, Florida in, Texas, the governor started easing, some restrictions, on state parks, and elective medical procedures. But said schools, should stay closed for the rest of the academic year we, must be guided by data. And by. Doctors. We. Must put health, and safety first a new, poll finds that by a two-to-one margin Americans. Are more concerned, that social distancing, restrictions, will be rescinded, too quickly than too slowly. It's, frightens, me. Areas. Of the city and then going backwards again experts. Warn that to reopen the economy, safely, there must be testing, on an unprecedented. Scale here. In New York as new sites open today the governor issued an executive order, directing all, labs to coordinate, with the state to ramp up testing, this, is Mayhem we. Need a coordinated, approach between the federal government and the. States. And new, research from Stanford University suggests. That the number of people infected could, be up to eighty five times. Higher than the official count the study found that up to four percent of, those tested, in one California County, at kovat, 19 antibodies. And, the head is spinning. 23, year old Matt nuit from Utah survived, coronavirus. He's skeptical, of easing, restrictions you. Know I would say we really need to take this this slow, and very and, be. Very cautious because you know, this, could easily get out of hand again as America's, death toll surpasses. 36,000. Today, a moving, tribute for, Newark Police Officer Daniel Francis, he. Was just 51. Years old de. Peter is NBC, News New York, this. Is Peter Alexander, after insisting, governor's would call the shots about lifting coronavirus, restrictions, in their states it's going to be up to the governor's Westin, Trump encouraging, demonstrators, using their own language, tweeting. In all caps liber8 Michigan, Minnesota and, Virginia, all three battleground, states have Democratic governors and each has faced protests, for their stay at home orders the, president, asked about those conservative, supporters, Thursday, they seem to be protesters, that like me, and respect.

This, Opinion, and my opinion is, the same as, just. About fall of the governors they all want to open nobody, wants to say shit but they want to open safely said away president, Trump notably silent, after Mississippi's. Republican, governor today extended. His state's stay at home order one, Democratic, governor tonight calling, the president's, tweets unhinged. Warning he's putting millions of people in danger of contracting the virus the. President, also attacking New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, saying he should spend more time doing, in less time complaining, Cuomo. Firing, back he's, sitting. Home watching TV maybe. You should get up and go to work right and after the president accused Cuomo, of inflating, New York's needs for emergency, medical equipment, the, governor said his requests, were based on federal projections. They, were the president's. Projections. Meanwhile. In Washington no, agreement, on replenishing, the government small business loan program, after 350, billion dollars, ran out in less than two weeks at, her, boutique wine bar near Houston Bonita, Billings laid off eight of her ten employees we. Went from having, an income, to, nothing she, hasn't gotten the $18,000. Loan she needs to pay her staff. Among. Those who did get money the high-end Steakhouse Ruth's, Chris which made forty two million dollars in profit last year now, receiving, a twenty million dollar loan and. As for those direct, payments, from the federal government, millions, of Americans, began receiving them this week but there have also been delays. Mixed-up, payments, and, some confusion, luster. And. Peter I know the president, at a news conference has evening evening was talking, about testing, what did he say yeah. That's right amid criticism about, the lack of widespread testing, the president earlier today tweeted, that it's the states that, need to step up but public, health experts say testing. Problems right now are largely the result of a vacuum, at the top with, no national testing, strategy, Lester, all, right Peter, Alexander thanks. And as we have reported extensively this, week this pandemic is taking, an especially. Deadly toll on nursing, homes with many families fearing, for the lives of loved ones a growing. Concern about the lack of supplies, and workers. With, more here's Kate snow. Tonight. New York warning, of a deepening crisis, 19, of the state's nursing homes have had at least 20 deaths each including. The Sapphire Center in Queens where, staff shortages, mean it's hard for families to get information, Leona, figero talked with our Ron Allen one week ago she tried to FaceTime her sister, there I called. The coordinator. And, she, told me that she could not get to the room it was close. I then called the desk the nurse's station and, the nurse told me yes. She passed away about 3 or 3:30 so. No one ever calls you and gave you some official, explanation, now she asked, me if the doctor had called me and I said nobody called me, amid, demands from governor's in New York Michigan, and Ohio for, nursing homes to be more transparent. About coronavirus. Cases, today, West Virginia's, governor went even further ordering. Every single resident and staff member in nursing homes across, the state to be tested, some, governor's sending in the National Guard to help we, need the protective, gear that we should, have to take care of these resident we have children, we are we have our own family to go home to in, a new national, survey of care facilities, seventy percent say, they are not fully prepared for kovat and nearly half are having staffing, challenges nursing. Homes are really struggling right now to find individuals, willing to work at, that, facility where authorities say seventeen bodies were found in a morgue the County Health Department, today disputing. Management's, claim that staffing was solid, many, workers at nursing homes are falling ill themselves. About a third of the staff at Belmont in Boston, Angeline. Byrne Adele died after, working as a nurse at a facility in Connecticut, and experts. Are concerned that some employees. Are coming to work sick often, times they'll feel pressure from nursing. Home administration. To keep coming in in, order to keep the building staffed, but, at San Simeon on New York's Long Island each employee is screened, at the door I have, a staff member calling, with a headache or. If their spouse. Works. With. Someone who tested positive I'm. Keeping them out two weeks with pay director. Of nursing Kelly Matero left her own family and moved in last month all, our staff has been just. So flexible, and willing to go the extra mile, for me right now to, date she says they've, had no cases, here, Kate, snow NBC. News a tragedy. Within a tragedy, in the search for solutions tonight, the experimental, treatment for kovat 19, showing, promising, early signs early, that it could be a breakthrough here's, Tom Costello.

Celebration. At Holy Name Medical Center in New Jersey as, 69, year old shrooming, Lou was finally, released after, a month, in the hospital, his son John says he nearly died. His. Father in, a coma and on a ventilator for two weeks recovered. After doctors, prescribed an emergency, treatment, a cocktail. Of drugs in, IV form that included, REM des aveer the experimental, drug first designed, to, treat Ebola without. The medicine what, would happen with, all the medicine I believe I I. Won't, even see my father again mr.. Lou the first Kovac patient at Holy Name to come off the ventilator doctors. Used rum deser beer in combination, with either another drug Kev's ara or a placebo. They don't know yet whatever, the combination though, it worked we do not have enough data right now to conclude. That they. Are indeed effective, we, have a strong feeling that they are in a snapshot of a clinical trial at the University, of Chicago stat. News reports, nearly, all 125. Cova patients who were treated with ROM des aveer were, released within a week only two patients died the, University, tells NBC News, partial. Data from an ongoing clinical, trial, is by definition incomplete. And should, never be used to draw conclusions drug, maker Gilead, says we expect data from multiple, studies, to, continue, to evolve over the next month to help establish the, safety and efficacy of REM des aveer. In. Philadelphia. Mike Diwan was on a ventilator for, 17. Days, doctors. Don't know if it was the compassionate, use of rum des beer that, saved his life I feel, very lucky and extremely. Grateful and, thankful. Especially. To depend Presbyterian, staff the. Nurses aides, and doctors importantly. This is not the drug President, Trump has touted, hydroxychloroquine. Is under, separate review but, if REM des beer is proven effective, the FDA could give it the green light for emergency, use within weeks Lester. Tom Costello tonight, thank, you as kovat. Hotspots grow in the heartland the food supplied, your local grocery, store may, start to look a little different, here's Miguel Almaguer. Tonight. With CDC, investigators inside. This meatpacking, plant in South Dakota officials. Will soon determine, when and if operations. Can resume at Smithfield Foods more, than 600, employees are sick at one of the nation's largest pork, processors. Leaving. Support groups, overwhelmed. There's a lot of fear I have a lot of families calling me what's going to happen the problems, at Smithfield are, shared by a growing number of food processing, plants where the virus is spreading from, Pennsylvania. To Wisconsin. To Colorado, employees. Working in tight quarters have complained, about a lack of protection, in Georgia. Willie Martin, says his mother Annie Grant felt, pressured, to keep working at this food processing. Plant. We. Don't get paid or we're getting, fired. You. Know days, later annie grant died from kovat 19, Tyson. Foods says it encourages, sick employees, to stay home now, because of the virus production, is slowing at packing, plants, raising, concerns, over food supply shortages. Blaine, Alexander. Is in Atlanta the. National grocers Association, is warning that shoppers can expect to see some products, temporarily out of stop until, the supply chain catches up while. Food is available for, many it's out of reach food, banks nationwide, are under stocked and overwhelmed. People. Who don't have the money that they had a month ago so they need to spread, their dollar as far as I can get it to spray it tonight our nation, worried, about our health and our, food Miguel. Almaguer, NBC, News Los Angeles and, we'll be back in just 60, seconds, with fears of a second, wave in China and US, intelligence concerns.

That The country isn't telling the truth about the pandemic. We're. Back down with a dramatic change in China's, toll as US intelligence, agencies. Question how truthful that country has been about, the origins, of coronavirus. And its response, here's, Pete Williams. As China. Works to control a resurgence. Of the coronavirus, US intelligence officials. Say it's showing no let-up in spreading something, else worldwide, disinformation. Some. Of it comes directly from Chinese, government, leaders or state-run, media claims. That the virus might have been a US bio weapon, or a disease spread by American, soldiers or one that actually showed, up first somewhere, else as in this from Chinese TV the, corona virus may, have circulated, in Italy before the outbreak in China what US officials say it's possible, that the virus could have originated, in a Chinese, military lab, perhaps, by accident China, strongly, denies, it any attorney, he says that's a theory, that lacks scientific, proof but. US officials say China is also spreading false information by. Hijacking existing. Twitter accounts, or setting up false ones lavishly, praising, the Chinese pandemic, response it's message, to the international stages look, to us for leadership look at the way we handle this. Pandemic. And. Contrast. That with the way the West is handling it some groups that analyze Chinese, propaganda say, the goal is to create confusion much, as Russia did and falsely denying, that it shot down a Ukrainian airliner. In 2014. Not, necessarily. To create, an alternative, idea but, to say it may not even be possible to, know at, the end of the day where the virus originated, one, of China's messages, US officials, say don't count on America in, a crisis, Lester, Pete, Williams in Washington, thank you on the front lines tonight co-workers. Who become much more than that after saving one of their own here's.

Cynthia McFadden. These. Are always happy, moments, a patient. Nursed back to health. Slipping, the grip of cope at 19. But. This particular victory, had, a little something extra I never. Felt alone and I, never felt, like I wasn't loved we, talked to the recovered, patient, a nursing coordinator, Derrick's Josie today home, with his wife and, two sons. Congratulations. Thank. You did. Ya, Gracie, guy yes, he's worked at the New York hospital that saved his life, Bellevue, for, 15 years. Remembering. Today a specific. Act of kindness from, one of his colleagues when, he was put on a ventilator when. I was about to go under miss. Kennedy was holding my hand and she, said I love you so much and I said I love you too miss Kennedy for, two weeks, Derrick hovered between life, and death, in, New York 80%, of, coronavirus. Patients, who end up on a ventilator don't. Make it. If. Love alone could heal that. All government, like, this. Because. Not. A dry eye in this corner it's. The happy ending they, hope for every, time Derek. Hurry up get better come back cynthia. Mcfadden, NBC. News, let's. Hope we see more moments, like that up next I want you to meet an American hero, with steeping life rolling on in the middle of a pandemic. Despite. A population. Virtually, shut-in during this crisis, the public transit system, is still rolling in New York City for thousands, who can't stay home, operated. By American, heroes facing, risks as they answer their city's call. Ninety. Eight point four all, right so I'm good to go bus, operator, Terrence, lanes showing, us his new morning, routine, every, morning we're not leaving my house I feel, some. Measure of fear some trepidation because, I don't, know if this is the day that, I myself may, go out and be. Infected. But, I guess, my courage is greater than my fear the, risk is real at, least, sixty eight of his fellow employees, at New York City's MTA, have, died from, kovat 19, in order to make sure the bus. Bringing. The whole wives do you drive people who you are pretty sure are sick absolutely.

There Are people that are, coughing, sneezing. We're. Driving, sick people to their destination, and driving, them to hospitals, and to seek medical attention. Terrence showed us new changes, on all buses people. Will now be boarding, through the rear door he's, driven during some frightening times. 911. Superstorm. Sandy and, now, this pandemic, that's hit close to home his, dad passed, away from coronavirus. Last, month there's, nothing comparable that. I've worked through in the past that compares to this this, is incomprehensible, his. Duty, to continue to serve even. Through some, of the city's darkest. Days what. You're doing is vitally, important, do you see this as a, special, mission that you're on now it absolutely is a special, mission in fact in my almost 21, years of service, I've, never felt so. Important, in the job has never been quite as fulfilling to be honest I get, up sort, of inspired, every, morning knowing that I'm coming and making a contribution to keeping, our city running. So. Critical, especially in so many New York neighborhoods where few people own, cars, up next, for us tonight the dramatic homecoming. After another national, crisis, fifty years ago. Finally. An example, of American, ingenuity, that reminds, us when we work together we, can solve, even the toughest problems here's. Harry Smith's. The, damage, - Apollo 13, you, gotta wonder how. Did those guys make, it back in one piece. Apollo. 13 commander. Jim, Lovell. Understate. But if we ever said it. Ingenuity. Rich. And dogged, determination, from, the folks on the ground and, in space fixed, problems, and foul. The, nation held its breath bringing the crew with making. Panic. By over when. They safely, splashed down. In. Retrospect, believe. In the possum, is, what got him. I believe, sure, and. Still, works. Harrison. NBC, News. Home, safe fifty years ago today American. Ingenuity making, it happen and that's, nightly, news for this Friday and for this week I'm Lester Holt please, take care of yourself and each, other. Hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube channel. Subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and click, on any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-04-23 19:10

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