Napoleon Bonaparte Invasion of Russia 1812 | Thai-Canadian REACTION!!

Napoleon Bonaparte Invasion of Russia 1812 | Thai-Canadian REACTION!!

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Welcome, to our channel. Today we have an amazing. Stream lab suggestion. By sand. Hello guys. The next part of the napoleonic. Series, is the invasion, of russia which is in my opinion the best part of the series. Please do a reaction, to it, thank you for the amazing suggestion. We are reacting to the napoleonic. Series right now and in the last, three or four episodes they were in spain. Yeah it was a duke of wellington. Fighting with the, french general, and having a lot of success, actually, but during that time napoleon, was in russia. Having a lot of trouble himself, so that the part that we're going to react to right now, if you want to suggest, or something. History, music, or others. There is a streamlab link in the description. For a small donation, we can do one of your. Suggestions. Okay. Let's get started. 1812. Napoleon. Invades, his former, ally. With the largest, army. Europe has ever seen. But for the french, emperor. The decisive. Blow, remains, frustratingly. Beyond, reach. Russia's, resilience. Is unlike, anything, he's ever encountered. And as winter, closes, in. His army begins the most infamous, retreat. In history. Run away during the winter. Oh, what are you gonna get. Ouch. Nepal and russia, won the invasion. In 1807. Following his defeat, of the russian army at friedland. Napoleon, had traveled to tilsit. To meet the russian, emperor. Alexander. During their celebrated, encounter. The two emperors, formed a friendship. And, made an, alliance. But it was not to last. Over the next five years. Relations, between france, and russia, cooled, dramatically. The russians were irritated. By napoleon's. Creation, of a duchy, of warsaw, in poland, which they regarded, as meddling, in their own front yard. They feared it would lead to the return of a fully-fledged. Polish, state, the traditional. Thorn in russia's, side. Then there was napoleon's. Offer to marry alexander's. Sister. Grand duchess, anna pavlovner. To cement, their alliance. But the romanovs, hated the idea. And after a year of russian prevarication. Napoleon, married, marie louise. Daughter of the austrian, emperor, instead. Later that year napoleon, broke a guarantee. Made at tilsit. And annexed, the duchy of oldenburg. Ruled by alexander's. Sister's. Father-in-law. Worst of all was the fallout, over the continental. System. Napoleon's. Not very effective, economic, blockade, against britain. Designed to [ __ ] his most steadfast. Enemy. Alexander. Had agreed to join the continental, system at tillsit. But it was hugely, unpopular. In russia. And ruinous, to her finances. During a period of economic, crisis. When napoleon, found out that russia was flouting, the rules of the system. And had resumed, an illicit, trade with britain. He was furious. With both emperors, accusing, the other of bad faith. Their two countries, began, preparing. For war. This video, is brought to you by our sponsor, curiosity. Stream. Home of more than two and a half thousand, documentaries. Exploring, science, technology very important, to support creator, like him. Because he's not making a lot of money from the ad, on your video because it's controversial. Sometimes, you just have to dive in. If you're a little worried about humanity's.

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And Transport, units. To feed the. But wagons, rolled, slowly, along russia's, bad roads. Which returned, to rivers of mud, by summer thunderstorms. The army had to make frequent, stops to allow its supplies. To catch up. Bad news for napoleon's, plan to catch the russians. But a much needed relief, for the many thousands, of young conscripts. In his army. Not used to hard marches, day after day. Many were soon dropping out with exhaustion. Others, deserted. There were also huge problems, of command, and control. Over a vast, multinational. Army, that was three times, bigger than any napoleon, had commanded, before. Lagonda. May, once famed for its speed of maneuver. Had become a lumbering, beast. After a pause, to rest, and regroup, at vilnius. Napoleon. Resumed, his advance. Barclay, continued, his retreat, to vitebsk. Where he hoped the gratian's, second, army would be able to join him. But davout, blocked bagration's. Path at sultanovka. Forcing him to make for smolensk. Instead. At vitepsk. Napoleon, clashed, with barclays, rear guard. But once more the russians, escaped. After setting fire to all the stores, they couldn't take with them. Meanwhile. 300, miles away, on napoleon's. Southern, flank, russian third army attacked. And defeated, the saxon, seventh corps. Forcing napoleon, to divert, schwarzenberg's. Austrian, corps, to their aid. By the end of july. Napoleon, had advanced, 250. Miles, into russia. Much further than he'd planned. And the long marches, in extreme, summer heat. Continued, to take a heavy toll on his men. Without, fighting a major, battle. The army had already, suffered, 20 percent, casualties. From exhaustion. And illness, particularly. Typhus, and dysentery. This is what we saw in the elastic build in spain right more than after the people that die it's from the disease, and the exhaustion, it's not even from the battle. Yeah, it's from the condition, and now it's gonna get in russia and figure out it's gonna be even more than that because the conditions are gonna be when it turns winter is gonna be much worse but for the. French, well i feel like you know the one that needs to. Rebuild, the truth to another, country. I think you you're gonna need to be careful yeah especially, you bring a lot of soil. But you don't know the air yeah you are in territory. That you don't know when you don't know the season, you don't know air, you don't know that they're gonna have anything, especially, a lot of soil like that, food is really important, like just now they just burn everything, like. I don't, get the russians. They took what they could and to burn the rest and you know russia they know the territory, so if they let the french go in and everyone go in because they think that maybe they're gonna struggle to get out after that you know yeah because. A lot of the in the history, right food is the most important, thing people when they're gonna destroy, anime they're gonna, cut the food further, especially. A lot of people like that i'm like um like some some sometimes they're gonna trap like they're gonna kill everything. Burn, everything, yeah that's why even, the small, army they can warn, and they can win yeah. They can win. The army had entered russia, with a quarter of a million, horses. But they were now dying at a rate of a thousand, every day. From exhaustion. And lack of fodder. It wasn't just cavalry, horses, that were dying. But the very horses that were supposed, to haul the army's transport, wagons. Making a bad situation. Worse. This crisis, in horsepower. Came just as the french light cavalry. Napoleon's. Eyes and ears. Met their match. In russia's, cossacks. Of china long ago. Wow. Self-reliant. Proud. Ruthless. And superb. Horsemen. Didn't play by the same rules, as other europeans. Every day they shadowed, napoleon's. Army. Swooping, in whenever they saw an easy target. But melting away into the forests.

If They were attacked by a stronger. Force. As well as russian partisans. Made hit-and-run, attacks, on french supply, lines and depots. Forcing napoleon, to divert, thousands, of troops to their. Defense. They also prevented, french patrols, from carrying, out reconnaissance. Which meant that napoleon, often lacked good information, about roads. Or the enemy's whereabouts. Napoleon, stayed, 16, days at vitemsk. Resting, his troops. And considering, his options. Among his many mounting, concerns. Was the security. Of his long, exposed. Flanks. But at vitepsk, he received, news that schwarzenberg. Had defeated, the russians. At gordezna. A week later at polansk. A french bavarian. Force, fought witchenstein's. Russian first corps, to a standstill. Napoleon's, flanks, were secure. For now. Although his main force had been reduced, to less than half, its original, strength. Napoleon, decided, to push on to smolensk. And try to force the russians, into a decisive, battle for the city. Barkley, was indeed, under pressure to give battle. From fellow commander, prince pogration. And emperor alexander. In saint petersburg. The army's morale. And russia's, honor. Required, it they told him. With the first and second, russian armies, finally, linking, up near smolensk. Barclay, decided, to attack, napoleon's. Army, which he believed was concentrated. Around rudnya. The offensive, was led by general platov's, cossacks. Who surprised, a french cavalry division, at incover. But alarmed, by false reports, that ujen's. Fourth corps was outflanking, him to the north, barkley, called off the attack. Napoleon. Reassured. That barclays, offensive, posed no real threat, began a grand, outflanking. Move to the south, to take smolensk. And cut off the russian retreat. The so-called, smolensk. Maneuver, was napoleon. At his best. Using miura's, cavalry, to screen, his movements. And keep berkeley, in the dark, the emperor, reached the nipper, on the evening of the 13th, of august. His engineers. Quickly, threw up four pontoon, bridges. And by dawn the next day, his army was a cross. Marshall, davu, led a second column across the river at orsha. But a single, russian division, the 27th. Fought a heroic, fighting retreat, from krasny. Delaying, the french advance. And buying time for bagration. To reinforce. The smolensk. Garrison. The chance for a surprise, assault, on the city, was a lost. And as the russian army began to pull back, napoleon, displayed, an uncharacteristic. Lack of urgency. Even halting the army for a parade. To mark his 43rd. Birthday. When the main attack on smolensk. Began, two days later. Napoleon, opted for a frontal, assault. 150. French guns, battered, the city. As three, french corps attacked, its medieval. Fortifications. The russians, resisted, bravely. But barclay. Fearing, encirclement. Ordered, another retreat. With smolensk, in flames. The russians, began to pull out. Just as the french fought their way into the city. The scenes of utter, devastation. Bagration's. Second army withdrew, first. As barclay's, army followed.

Its Rear guard was caught by nay's, third corps. At valentino. General, juno, commanding, the westphalian. Eighth corps, had orders to cut off barclays, retreat. But having crossed the river. He did nothing. And the opportunity. Was lost. A furious, napoleon. Swore, that you know, would never now win his martial's, battle. The battle of smolensk. Cost both sides, around, 10 000, casualties. And destroyed, one of russia's, most historic, and holy, cities. But settled. Nothing. Before. After the missed chance to defeat the russians, at smolensk. Napoleon. Paused, once more to consider, his options. His men were weary, and far from home. And it was already late in the campaigning, season. He considered, sitting out the russian winter at smolensk. And resuming, the campaign, in 1813. But now he was just 230. Miles, from. Moscow. A century, earlier, peter the great had moved russia's, capital, to saint petersburg. But moscow, remained its historic, and spiritual. Heart. A prize, for which the russians, had to fight. Napoleon. Always, a gambler. Decided. The russians, faced their own dilemma. Emperor, alexander, had experienced, a kind of religious, epiphany, that summer. And rallied the russian people to the country's, defense. Describing, the war with napoleon. As a war to save, holy, mother russia, from the antichrist. For months, the emperor had received, conflicting, advice. To stand, and fight. Or retreat. Now he decided. Change, was needed. The cautious, general barclay, kept his job. But the emperor summoned, general, mikhail. Kutuzov. To take over all command. Of russia's armies. Gurusoft. Had been beaten by napoleon. At osterlitz. Seven years before. But he'd since won several, victories, against the ottoman, empire. And was a true, russian. Loved by the troops. Although kutuzov. Agreed, with barclay's, strategy, of delay. He saw that constant, retreats, were destroying. The soldiers, and the nation's, morale. If moscow, was given up without a battle. The fallout, could be disastrous. And so, 70 miles, west of the city. Near the village of boradino. The russian army. Prepared, to make a. Stand. Europe was about to witness, the bloodiest, days, fighting. Of the napoleonic. Wars. This reminds me of the, the second world war when they were trying to go to russia, yeah. Moscow. I can't. Do everything blocking moscow, and every war it seemed they cannot go what they cannot it's like, like, it's like game of thrones. And the war, you know the, ice war, something like that you cannot destroy, it when you go there you're gonna need to retreat. And then. And now it's gonna be the the winter so yeah, we're gonna have an advantage because you know you know like what's going on, yeah it's gonna be interesting to see next episode, yeah because there's still a lot of people left actually. It's not finished yet, the russian one was long every. Every war yeah because there are a lot of places to go. This is excited, one usually, i was so emotional, like, for the last three and it's only two episodes. But this one is so excited, i don't know which side i'm gonna be. On. I'm going to be in the middle though. Thank you for your amazing, suggestion. Thank you for watching. And, see you very soon. Bye bye. Bye.

2020-10-18 02:54

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