Naked Trading, Trading Tanpa Ruet || Naked Trading, Not Complicated Trading

Naked Trading, Trading Tanpa Ruet || Naked Trading, Not Complicated Trading

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The price are pulling each other. When it's above, don't worry there'll be sentiment so the price would go down again and so on. It all started by the history There's question here Can a student give his analysis, then you correct it? It's okay There's an input. You can do an analysis if you want

Then, we can correct it so there's feedback. So we can understand your knowledge too This is what we all really need If you don't analyze or you're always wrong in analysis then you won't have any correction forever So, that input is correct and will be very useful You can analyze if you want If you want to analyze Euro, just say it Do an analysis, then the base Tell us that Then, we'll help to review it We'll correct it if it's too far because no absolute analysis, only nearing the valid one which means bigger the profit potential If you want to analyze, it's fine. We'll help and review it too It doesn't have to be in gold, you can use other pairs Our analysis works for all pairs But, each pair has different character If you like EURUSD learn the character If you like GBPJPY do an analysis there, then use it We'll help with the analysis Same way and technique the difference is just the character How? GBPJPY is different from EURUSD or XAUUSD, for sure At least we can read it generally by the technical because we teach price action Price action is reading by the history then we combine it with the present price What matters we observe the past price, then combine it with the running price Then, the main thing is master the candlestick character In the class, don't analyze by using other things I only teach price action, candlestick, without any indicator If you use indicator, you can google it or find the other, because I only teach price action Each person has his own skills Each person has his own superiority. So, if it's outside price action I don't answer it, including complicated indicators I only explain by naked trading Only plain trading We don't use indicator, only candlestick We learn candlestick, then key levels which are support and resistance, and retracement Next, we must also watch the trend or structure candle structure and market structure It's easy if we mastered these 3 Don't do complicated analysis, just do the simple ones If simple, we can explain it well The point is we do the easy way and we get the profit Find a simple way and easy to practice If you like indicator, it's fine but, don't ask it here because I never teach various indicators I'm bored with indicators, we used that too before I don't like that, so I found the easier way We can explain the easy way to common people. If too complicated, it'd be hard to explain especially we only explain by logic No need to do the complicated things but simple and profitable Every day, many friends can get profit consistently although not all In our community, not all people have the same skills not having the same mental power Some still need training, so test it If you want to test it, test it in demo account first until you find the easy way until you mastered it We often say this, when we test a technique at least do it in 100 transaction the more, the better For example, we use the running method The running is not as easy as we think of Don't think we sell when it goes up and we'd get it What if it's still going up after we oppose with sell? Other than understanding the character we must prepare the simulation of recovery There are many recovery examples that we explained You can cut loss, reduce, or add hedging, and etc.

Use what suits the condition After you master one, try the other, like, requirements technique It's when it reaches the resistance then a changing color candle appears There are rejections here, we enter when it's thick Or we can order sell after this candle is done, here This is related, so I'll review it If we want to understand it fully, want to have much experience then hone our skills at least when we test 1 technique do it 100 times, at least When there's breakout whether it's psychology area, support, resistance, or retracement Test it 100 times, at least From 100 times, see the result I don't think that not all of them are valid I'm sure that there's some losses Surely there'll be plus and minus. Some are failed Some are valid From all those tests, see the failure percentage We must have our own notes. See the failed and what we think are failed If we still think that it's normal and still more profit then it's incredible because what matters is the ending It's fine to do 100 transactions For example, we get losses from 70 transactions but the 30 are right and have potential to cover the loss The reward is more From all the plus and minus, the end is still plus If we test it, with the 100 times method the failure percentage must be low if the failure percentage is high, we must do a correction including in testing the lot Testing lot, we can't just use the same lot For example, we use 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 lots We may not master this well It means, we don't just cut loss it when we're wrong but from these numbers, we must be able to do recovery It's shown by the result See the budget, is it increasing or decreasing? If the budget and asset are increased, at least we must be able to do recovery I always say, don't just think about valid analysis not correct analysis No accurate analysis Once again, don't dream about correct, valid, right, and accurate Nothing is absolute. We only read the highest probability

From 100%, 70% is already good What matters is the failure rate is small In order to solve the failure rate, we need recovery In recovery, we must master lot If we don't master lot, we wouldn't be able to master recovery If we use 0.1, then what's the lot to do recovery? 0.15 or 0.2, or 0.25 We must test the numbers and train them including our hands, they must move fast. Train your skills because most of us do short-term trading. Different if we do mid-term trading The analysis way is also different, especially for long-term trading If long-term, it's more to swing Swing is different, we must use risk and reward ratio 1:2, 1:1, 1:3. You can choose

We can also do long-term trading, we do swing. What is swing? Swing from end to end. Extreme movement from up to down Swing is only for mid-term to long-term trading The minimum time frame is D1 We can't use H1, it's too small See in D1. If it goes up strong then we watch the left side If it goes up strong, like this swing tends to do 2 ways, 1 is following trend, the other 1 is countering the trend If it goes the same way with trend, it means it waits for correction Wait for the correction here, or here Then, it's starting to go up again When it's starting to go up we order here, at the edge We draw a line like this For example, we follow the main wind, which is going up The main trend is up. So, we focus on a direction, buy surely we order after the correction. Let the correction move first

Then, at the correction, the market is starting to go up again Starting to go up means strong, can be here or here We order buy here. The target is thousands The target is at the upper edge Or see if there's a higher one at the left Let's make a line here and see if there's a higher one No higher one, so it's the nearest and highest We order here and we place take profit at this edge We don't order yet because it's still a correction In the future, it'd go up to that edge Swing can't be done in short-term, must be mid to long-term trading Or, maybe there's a strong move here This. There's an opposition This goes up, then it's starting to go down Like the analysis in H1, it does a correction so we can order sell here The reason is it's starting to go down, not above There's a down movement The target depends on the budget power Surely, we do the swing The target can be here or here It also can be at this edge Since we're opposing a big trend, we don't take too far because we're opposing, maybe here or here From here to here, it's 30000 If it's enough, then place it Since we're opposing, we calculate to the nearest area We can place it here or above here Measure the target, it's around 19000 We can place it at the 20000, it's fine It depends on the power. If we're opposing, we must know that it's the psychology level Let's slide right It's touched But, since it's daily D1, a candle is a day 17 days It's not a short time, it's very long We get around 27000 If the lot is 1, then we get 27790 dollars Numbers game is easy. If we do long-term trading

it's more accurate and calmer But the budget must be big and able to hold a long floating I rarely do this, so I don't teach long-term trading much We better do it in a day so our head is more relaxed That's what we can say. Any more question? If there's no question, I'll end this. We'll meet again next time We'll inform the next schedule in the group Thank you. Good night and hope you can get profit consistently See you next time. Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

2021-08-07 07:49

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