My Trading Student Turned $4000 Into $1.8 Million in 4 Years

My Trading Student Turned $4000 Into $1.8 Million in 4 Years

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i spent the majority of my time studying in a very small actual period of time actually placing trades and i was under pvt so i was mostly watching mostly studying your stuff cortana stuff what's up tim sykes here with the man rollin wolf what's up tim welcome back to italy thanks for having me how does it feel we're gonna throw a little flashback from the last time what was it four years ago three years ago 2017. i don't even know yeah four years ago you were passing a hundred thousand then what are you doing now now we're at 1.8 million in profits everybody congratulate roland in the comments say congratulations roland because it's been a hell of a four years yeah it has been it's been now you have new clothes look at this there's little italy buttons here you got new kids too how many kids you popping out we got three and one on the way so four years four kids why don't you have four million why don't you just go four four four to be honest i thought i thought i would be higher at this point like the trajectory i kind of started on which i really like was plugging away yeah that's what i thought i thought like it was to go what happened half a mil 2 ml are you depressed no um honestly 2018 2019 seemed to be quite a bit slower like a lot of my patterns a lot of things that a lot of the sector momentum and stuff it just got slow yeah for a couple years so how about 2020 2021 and then it just blew back up yeah like the market like you really cannot take more than the markets can give you uh you know you hear people say that all the time but i've now experienced that over the span of basically five years that it's ebbs and flows there are times to put the pedal to the metal yeah and take as much as you can from the market and there are times where you've got to protect yourself and grind understand 90 of people watching this don't know what you're talking about because they lose money right how do you even get profitable in the first place what's the secret well if you're just starting the secret is obviously study and learn things you have to learn how the stock market works you got to learn all the very basic stuff um and it it takes a long time yeah it really does like and you study in the beginning in the beginning i wasn't studying hard enough i was just wanted to trade so i was just kind of like in a chat you know trying to trade um and why i always say study hard i always say learn the patterns before you risk your hard-earned money why did you ignore me i think it's a shout out no it's it's my personality type i'd like to do stuff and try things so like to me yes i wanted to study but if there was there and this is the thing there are no limitations like i didn't have to study to trade like school you have to study to be a doctor no it's too easy there's no barriers there's no barriers so can you imagine like a first-year medical student like you don't study like oh this guy is about to die here here's a scalpel you throw the scalpel at the doctor and he's fumbling around and he's like trying to like like that would just be dangerous no we have rules but training especially now with commission free it was just too easy it was too easy but i i personally see this two ways it and on one hand yeah you definitely need to study if you're going to put putting any money into the markets you need to know what you're doing at least a little bit but on the other hand you also have to get experience like and i just immediately started getting trading experience you know so i think they do go hand in hand and at some point the studying will meet the experience and i think that is the point at which most people that i know have gotten to be profitable and then sometimes parabolic well i say this so i say you have two accounts your brokerage account your knowledge account you have to grow your knowledge account first so much that it tips over spills into your brokerage account then you can grow your brokerage account everyone's like i don't want to study i don't want to learn i just want money you can't have unprepared lack of knowledge money because even if you do make some money and guess what a lot of people have made a lot of money lately in 2021 they're like what are you doing now we don't need to study you're unprepared you don't realize the risks that you're taking so if you make too much in the beginning you're probably gonna lose it over the next few years you know you know like lotto winners most of them go broke most of them lose and it's like how do you lose millions of dollars because they weren't prepared to win the lotto they don't have the financial education so you need the education and going to your point where you say you know you have two different things i would say it's like street skills and book skills right book smarts books yeah except it's wall street's smart yeah right so like treating seeing this stuff play out over and over again experiencing it when your money is at risk then you get the emotional intelligence book smarts like you can study everything but if you never trade you don't have the emotional intelligence you're never really going to do well so how do you balance how do you find both i think i think in terms of the actual experience if i would have gone back i mean i wouldn't change anything but if i could go back i'd say hey maybe paper trade for a little bit yeah at the time when i had started the community the trading community kind of frowned about paper trading because it wasn't real money and you're not actually yeah but if at least if you're doing that you're watching the markets you're watching moves you're watching for stuff and like the way i say come up with a thesis watch how it plays out every single day over and over and over again um that being said like i spent the majority of my time studying in a very small actual period of time actually placing traits you know i was under pdt so i was mostly watching mostly studying your stuff cortany stuff anything i could find that resonated with me yeah that's what i did fyi uh you can join the challenge roland is one of my challenge students turn masters you can click the link below go apply for the challenge that's where all my millionaire students come from when i say study hard there's dvds there's blog posts there's video lessons there's archive webinars which are amazing tip rotani he mentions um has now turned 1500 into 13 plus million he's basically taking the last year year and a half off just to be daddy right like he's got two beautiful children now that's fantastic it's not just about making so much money i was hoping that you would go into it where you know when i said we kind of got off the track yeah where i said like you know you thought you would be higher oh yeah yeah i wanted to keep talking about that so lived right so like it's it's two-pronged thing you make a lot of money to live well i know a lot of people where they make a lot of money they live terribly and they're depressed so you have to choose what do you value in your life and you value your family yeah i mean that's all that is all i value it's really all i value i've bought maybe two things since making any money at all you know i'm not i got you your 20 000 you got me a grill you literally can see the grill twenty thousand dollar grill in this man's backyard he cooks up some mean carrots we use it a lot and some cucumbers and some onions and everything grilled mushrooms and some you know sauteed sweet potato like it's an amazing grill yeah it is it's awesome but uh yeah my family is what drives me every single day it's what uh got me into trading in the first place you know um i i told cortana i actually got to speak with him somewhat recently just to kind of see what he was doing and i talked about dad talk yeah he's like just being a dad he is being a dad right now and he has the luxury of being able to enjoy every minute of these little babies lives like you know when i when my daughter was born my second child i wasn't very present for her because that was 2017. yeah so 17 hour work days 15 to 17 hour days of studying trading and then just like one or two hours that i would devote to them every day you know dinner hang out with daddy for a little bit but that's what parents do parents sacrifice to give a better life to their children and i would say to all of you parents out there thank you for everything parents the work is incredible i'm not a parent myself but i've seen the work secondhand i'm just like damn this is crazy but also i would suggest if you're watching this and you're not yet a parent and you want to be a parent in the future study now try to make as much as you can before you have kids so then you have better more quality time with them right yeah i mean you have this with with child number three and number four which which babies did i see i was the first person i was randomly in arizona for an interview i was like yeah i'm in the hospital i was like oh well come by i was the first person before the grandparents before anybody else to hold your baby and i was scared i was like i've never held a baby that was my second son my third kid oh my god i was first number one to hold that bait it was crazy it was funny and your wife was so amazing literally she had just given birth and i remember she was like cleaning up the hospital room because you know like when you have a visitor i was like since that like you just gave birth i don't care if your hospital room is amazed but literally i was like this is incredible like she was like making the hospital room neat for me and she was like i'm sorry i don't have any food like i don't just find she's so amazing that's crazy right yeah that's i mean yeah i love my family i love my wife and my kids like i said my daughter's the reason i got into it um and here's the thing i knew in 17 to 16 17 that if i want to be present for the real real meaningful stuff that they're going to remember because they don't we don't remember too much one two three or so i'm gonna have to bust my ass now and then by the time my son's playing baseball and soccer and my daughter she has dance and some things that she likes and you know i have another kid coming i've got my third son we got a lot of stuff going on you'll be there the whole time in december we're having our fourth what about baby number five in like two or three years done all right it's on video it's on video it's on video so police are it counts come after you if you're wrong it's perfect for my ocd two boys two girls right cool that's good um no you know it's good to talk about this stuff because most people don't what i love the fact is you know with you you're also now helping others if you click the link below you can apply for my challenge but also roll it at something new where he's accelerating your learning talk about that for a second how are you going to accelerate people's learning because you've actually put in a ridiculous amount of time how do we like make that more succinct yeah so i kind of got into it earlier uh but it's something i do like to talk about which is the trading learning curve talk about it multiple sure so we got uh we got the trading learning curve and it's not just one curve there are kind of two curves in my opinion the first would be learning the basics you've got to learn technical analysis uh the basics of technical analysis maybe some basic fundamental analysis would be good the basics about brokers how to get orders filled like what the basic terminology means and there's a lot of it there's kind of a lot of slang in the community too you just kind of have to under learn these things um and that is always up to you like how fast can you do that that's always up to you for me i realize like oh there's all this information to learn let's learn as fast as we can and that's what kind of led me to just studying a ton uh so get through the initial learning curve but then there will become there comes a point where like you almost hit a wall i guess like where you know so much and you feel like you're on the precipice of something but something's holding you back from becoming profitable something like something like that um yeah analysis paralysis there's a lot of people who are so smart we have several millionaire students here hudi is one of my newest millionaire students and for a while he was one of the smartest non-millionaires and i hung out with him in arizona and i was like you're so smart but you're just not wealthy yet like he just needed the confidence to size up and i was like listen you have the book smarts now it's time to put it into practice and frankly he sized up it was good fortunate that we were meeting up i was trying to meet up with a lot of my students and talk with more of my students when the market was so hot in 2021 because that's the time you scaled up and then he scaled up and now you know he's over a million and he can still push himself a little bit more you know i think you need to get that book smart you need to get that preparation to give you the confidence to bet bigger you should not bet big in the beginning what'd you start with four grand you start with four grand you're at 1.8 million what do you say to people who say this is like impossible because now we have i have 20 plus millionaire students they all have different stories but like you know timbertown started with 1500 you started with 4 000 i think kyle williams who's in the other room too he's over 2 million i think he started with 6 000. i want to say what do you say to people who say like this is impossible even though you show all your trades like are we faking it are you just a hired actor no they're not no it's 100 real uh that's what i thought like when i was getting into the game when i first saw that you know you're better actors than tim grittani and michael good they are terrible actors yes mark crook like what what am i searching for like the worst actors in the world to be my students if it were actors i would have a very different student base no it's but that's i mean that's what i thought just and a lot of it was just my perspective going into like the penny stock realm just from movies and stuff like that all you had from wall street yeah i mean that's all i knew you know what's that ib how's that uh paying a hundred million dollars back to your victims going not so well i hear ah that's weird yeah so uh yeah i that's what i thought getting into it and then and then uh tim grittani in particular i saw some of his stuff and i knew he wasn't an actor i knew listen to him talk for more than five minutes and you know that yeah and i'm not trying to say nothing i'm just saying like these are not actors these are average people and i love them right like this is for average people yeah i mean they're we're all here like they're people they're some of my good friends six millionaires here in this italian villa pascal will edit in some of our fun [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when the plays were hotter like frankly we had in 2020 2021 that's when you push it but first you need to be prepared all of these six millionaire students in this villa right now have been my student for three four five six years so when the market was slower in 2018 2019 that gave them perspective if you just got started in 2020 2021 fantastic you're in a hot market but you probably don't have that much preparation you don't have that much perspective zero perspective almost the way i here's how i look at it like if you started trading in 2020 you i really don't know what things can be like you don't know what you don't know what you don't know what you don't know you found like a better way like i don't need to study this much or i don't need a job or i don't need thing like they're certainly very spoiled people but i mean and the masses came in like robin hood but they were just gamestop amc like and they would not they know nothing about the markets they just know that someone on twitter and it's trending and it's going up but they might call you a boomer and then say you don't understand and you're just jealous of their quick i don't i'm not a hater on it i don't care like if so if you may if anyone makes money then so be it i'm happy for them you know i'm happy when retail traders make money but but but but but when the market crashes when the memes and the mania settles down when the stimulus check funded accounts frankly like churn out and burn out um they're gonna get a very nasty wake-up call so i'm not a hater you're not hater but i'll always warn like some people are like why are you talking about this like the stocks are at the highest i always worn yeah always yeah with a lot of these penny stock pumps like hmbl ltnc ggi alp abm l v p er and there's been so many where they went supernova and everyone's like it's amazing and i'm like yeah but there's a lot of promoters when you have a huge increase in an asset price of a stock of crypto of anything if the fundamentals don't support it it's not a question of if it's just a question of when and i want these stocks i want these cryptos to go as high as possible but at the same time i'm aware of how history works and i know that there's going to be a crash and i'm looking forward to the crash not because i want people to lose money but because when there's a crash there's usually a great bounce that's the number five pattern if you've been watching my framework dvds i love the number five pattern i love dip buying after a big crash so i can prepare ahead of time knowing how these charts work and say okay this is speculative this is frothy a crash is likely soon i don't know exactly when but when it happens i'm going to be ready for my bounce and if you're a short seller out there if you're evil if you're unethical if you're a leper and you like living in a cave and being scared of the world which you should be short sellers fantastic when there's a crash you can profit too and then you know you can buy your way out of the leper colonies do you short sell at all not these days not really why not because of what happened last year like like hold on pretend someone knows nothing like most people watching okay so in 2016 17 18 that's when i was starting but and i'm sure prior to that there were the patterns there was like first red day stocks would run and the first day that they went gap down and were gonna be red on the day yeah they would get destroyed the momentum shift the momentum shifts it would get destroyed all the short sellers pile in on that day uh they all cover maybe a day or two or three or weeks later yeah like because they could never almost never break back out because the momentum is busted it's usually the volume was different make sure it happens and it's just straight not sometimes a little bouncy ball bounce but bouncing ball down yeah yeah front side back side front side back side so that's still exactly how it works but the magnitude because of all the new traders last year the squeezes the i mean we saw like the ev sector squeezed four months like months you know like some of the crappiest little eevee stocks going to 50 50. um you know we had so many giant

squeezes lately that are so much bigger so like two to twenty two to forty two to eighty five to a hundred five to five hundred you know gme yeah it's literally insane before it would be like two to ten then down three to five three to seven then down three to fifteen max right then down so short selling i have been shorted at this point right now in nearly two years there is money to be made if you're like really meticulous but for us as teachers and us as like we're not very like stressful guys like there's some very competitive people they want to make as much money as possible they're trying to get as much from the market you're enjoying your family time i love to travel like you and i have made millions but we do it in like a very low stress kind of way and i think that's important because a lot of people don't realize like there's different ways to make money yeah i totally agree and and that's my whole goal is to be present for my family and provide better lives for them better anything that i need you know if they need coaching whatever i want to be able to go ahead and provide that for them so like if someone offered you let's say um a million dollars a year right now but to take your time so let's say it would take uh 50 of the time away from your family but you get a million dollars a year would you do it no what if it was 25 of your time in a million dollars per year i don't think so whoa i thought he was gonna crack there what about ten percent of your time in a million dollars a year maybe temperatures yeah come on i was like what's your number you're gonna have 10 right but i was going to start at like 75 i knew that would be a no yeah but like you have to choose what you want to do in life and the reality is that we both get so many messages from people who hate their jobs they hate their bosses they're in student loan debt they're in credit card debt they're building other people's dreams and they're working at these jobs that they hate while you know basically playing video games watching fantasy movies you know trying to forget the fact that they're miserable and it's just sad and they're like what's the way out and i'm not saying that we're always going to make money like we've both been you know very much helped by this hot market um but we've been there for it yep and this is what i said i say it's preparation meeting opportunity we were prepared and the opportunity presented itself right so i make videos like this just to show you real people like this is a real person he's not a hologram oh now he's leaning in yo the first time he just went quickly then he was like uh korean um what do you think people can do now to prepare for any upcoming crash any potential bounce any potential further mania like how do they prepare for 2022 22 23 24 25 30. like what can you do today this week this month to be better prepared in the future i see i never really thought about like that i just thought about it day by day and this is still how i take things i do have eyes on the future excuse me i do have eyes on the future i do have thoughts about the future but i don't get married to them i try not to predict when things are gonna happen because uh that's that will usually screw me up mentally i'm always i'm more reactive more of a reactive person um so in terms of what you can do going forward like the way i'm going to do it i'm going to take day by day see what happened yesterday think about tomorrow but keeps it like trading day by day by day uh if you're newer obviously this means studying watching material reading books under like all the stuff that i talked about earlier in that first learning curve getting through all that stuff as quickly as you can so that you can get on to the juice which is the psychological stuff the emotional stuff the stuff that goes on in your head that holds you back you need to build a foundation of knowledge right like if you look at any building it has a solid foundation if you don't have a solid foundation no building is gonna last through any storm so you need to build that foundation of knowledge his accelerator program my challenge i would do both i know i'm gonna get the question like which one should i do do both you cannot over prepare enough you cannot study enough in the beginning some people say oh tim like you always say study hard you've made all this money and you're still studying like why this is not a dream life i'm not talking about myself and he's not talking about himself how much do you study these days i only because before you used to do 17 hours a day what do you put in now um i just trade you know i'm just i studied the markets but now it's just a student of the markets of the patterns and of myself and that's the beauty of this this is not rocket science once you go through all the video lessons dvds and webinars once you start seeing this stuff then it's just about maintenance right it's just like okay i see the opportunities maybe i can learn a little something new but you're not gonna have to study 17 hours a day i've taught some very uh stubborn people okay very stubborn stephen johnsons who really don't follow rules or pay attention in the beginning and they still learn pretty much everything they need to know inside of four or five years like do you agree with that yeah stephen johnson last time in italy he was so undisciplined we went rope swinging and i tied him up with a rope swing so that he couldn't trade and that's and that's what i'm you don't have to trade you most people like i was just kind of obsessed not kind of obsessed i was fully a hundred percent of what are you saying like defensively that was kind of obsessed yeah no i was i was i was i mean that's why that's the only reason i could do that i have a lot of add like a lot of you know there are a lot of people with i got that adhd yeah um so my mind likes to wander especially if it's something that doesn't intrigue me and the markets continue to intrigue me that's why i love i love it no it's a beautiful challenge it's not about the money but with penny stocks with trading it's just not rocket science you're not going to be studying 34 years and be like i still haven't figured this out this isn't some unsolvable math equation you just put in a few years of study you'll be shocked at what you can accomplish and how knowledge compounds your two year three year four year five if you stick with it the problem i find with a lot of people is they think that there's going to be fast money they want to be my next millionaire student they want it to happen overnight when it doesn't they get disappointed they stop studying if you stop studying or if you really tone down your study you're only hurting yourself right like some people they're like frustrated like in month one month two month three and they're like i should have all this stuff because they have all these expectations like i've been putting in three months i deserve like twelve thousand dollars no no you don't you don't deserve anything if you don't study if you're not self-sufficient and let me put this thing into perspective for you jack kellogg who's here he's somewhere in this building this is a four-story villa it's pretty amazing he's now made over eight million dollars but he made nothing his first 20 months okay so think about that uh timber tony made nothing in his first nine months what did you do you got you were fortunate um i wasn't fortunate but i took your number one rule to heart which was cut losses quickly so before understanding anything like we spoke about that's all i knew so i wasn't just cutting losses quickly i was trying to not really take losses so in a way that does not work by the way that like that doesn't work i mean i've tried that it doesn't work so you're saying i don't need losses no i didn't know no i just mean that i took it so seriously and i had such a small amount of capital and so much riding on it with my children and my wife uh that the idea of just going yolo and like just letting it all hang out not knowing anything did not make sense your responsibilities kept you in chat yes and that's good so some people message me you have responsibilities you got a job you got a family you're in school that should help you tone things down some of you who i'm most worried about when you have no responsibilities these kids man yolo these kids go all in don't go all in don't use leverage do you ever use leverage no why because i don't need it i just don't well i don't need as many carpets as i eat i still eat them uh particularly if you're new yeah i mean it allows you to use some more capital but so but the losses that's the problem they get compounded you have you're trading with more money than you own the losses get big the drawdowns get big i just don't personally say the risk of loss okay a lot of newbies you're just not prepared for how fast these stocks move no so you're using leverage you're fine on one trade you're fine on another trade you may be fine on 10 trades and you're like ah tim's just being overprotected and then trade number 11 blows your ass out of the water okay it's the risks the biggest success that you have will take time so you need to be there learning growing your account gradually or not even not at all in the beginning even having losses if you have small losses in the beginning remember rule number one is cut losses quickly but even if you have small losses but you're learning that's a win you can call that market tuition i have some students like kyle you know they literally did not make much money they even lost money for the first few months but they learned you have two accounts your brokerage account and your knowledge account i would say if you are willing to lose two three four thousand dollars in your brokerage account it's not fun but two three four thousand dollars is not gonna be life-changing in the long run and if you lose them gradually let's say like fifty dollars at a time right and you take a lot of trades you get a lot of experience that two three four thousand dollars i know it stinks but that is a good market tuition basically like paying for school which is far less than some schools right and if you can learn a lot so the two three four thousand dollars that you might lose maybe that's going to help you make 50 or 100 000 later on with the lessons learning what not to do do you think like that ever yeah i do i mean what's your biggest loss forty thousand how did that happen short selling short sale i was moving ran total random short sale why are you short selling while you're moving that i wasn't supposed to be doing it i wasn't even supposed to trade that day i like came i like came into the market super late uh it was this chinese stock that was just like gapping and it was up a ton and down a ton and then i was just like threw a thousand shares at it and then it was like spike threw a thousand shares at it spiked through a thousand shares of it and like god damn it did you try to dig yourself out i did the one thing that had never happened to me that i had heard about from particularly from like gratani like i had heard a lot about it i was kind of jealous i didn't have it either i'm like i need a cool story like that now you got it your 40 000 story are you happy with it not happy but i don't but it's a lesson it is what's the biggest you learn what not to do so anybody who's watching this who's ever had big losses you learn what not to do remember that don't try to block it out don't pretend that it didn't happen remember how you felt remember how you got that way i had a 500 000 loss once upon a time it was terrible i had a giant drinking problem the press smeared it everywhere it was like the worst but it was the best a few years later it made me the traitor i am today the teacher i am today i would not be this conservative i would not be this effective without that big loss you had a big loss since no not even not even close to that what's the next biggest loss oh probably like five yeah five to six i've never had another five hundred thousand let alone a hundred thousand let alone a fifty thousand once you have that big scare you're like this is the worst feeling ever i never wanna put myself in that position again yep so you learn from your wins you learn from your losses you get responsible you recognize that this is a process because this is what year five year six of you trading six going into six the sirens are coming i can they hear the sirens good hear the sirens this is your wake-up call it's gonna take time click the link below the challenge is below wolf accelerator is below the sirens are in your ears i'm not making this up there's literally like an ambulance probably a short seller who just got squeezed passing by just had a heart attack pray for them rest in peace probably for their brokerage account get inspired

2021-10-02 20:59

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