My Top NFT Projects of 2021

My Top NFT Projects of 2021

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what's up everyone coach k here  we're going to look at nfts today   what are nfts non-fungible tokens non-fungible  tokens are basically something that attaches to an   asset it also can be the asset we're going to  talk about all that in a little bit more detail   but we're going to finally look at what are my top  d5 projects of 2021 and which ones are going to   absolutely melt your face if you guys want  to know this do me this quick favor smash   on that like subscribe hit the bell so  you don't miss on any of the extra info   that i always give you on these feats which  coins to go into which nfts am i looking at   and who else is actually backing the nft market  you want to know do that and let's get started   nfts non-fungible tokens who's looking at  them why are they looking at them and what   are they saying about them now chalmat said that  bitcoin was the future he said that ethereum   not so much he may have been wrong about that  because he said it a few weeks back but what   is he bullish on nfts and we just found that out  over the weekend so let me just play this quick   clip to start so you can get some perspective on  what he thinks about nfts in this current market   in addition to bitcoin which coins if  you will cryptocurrencies digital assets   are you a holder of are you a believer  in well i will be publishing this soon   i am building a fairly sizable portfolio of um  what are called uh nfts uh non-fungible tokens   um some digital art some you know virtual  trading cards and these may sound crazy to some   but i do think that that's the next frontier  of digital currency and digital assets   and so i have been building a portfolio my  decision is the team and i will announce it   we will publicize everything we own and we will  make our holdings transparent all right so that   happens chalmeth and he says he's building a  sizable not a normal a small a sizable portfolio   of nfts digital artwork digital collectibles  trading cards so we're going to look at what   are nfts and also a couple cool projects that are  using nfts maybe in a different way than you just   think about a trading card so i'm gonna give you  guys my priority list of what you need for nfts   in this video so if you stayed at the very end  you'll know which nfts that you should be holding   and why you should be holding them now let's  look at what gary vee another very famous person   in the traditional markets is saying another  famous entrepreneur i'm so happy for the artist   shows a picture blockchain what does he mean nft  non-fungible tokens so think about arts you can   draw something right on a piece of paper but it is  not yours on a blockchain it is always linked back   to you and no one can copy it or steal it but they  can definitely buy it and own it so let's look at   a couple projects to get started so you can see  what we're looking at and the first one i'm going   to start with is ikami now ekami has been around  since the last bull run and they have some of the   most prestigious licenses in the whole entire  industry when it comes to non-fungibles so they   have digital world of collectibles so people that  love batman and dc this might be the place for you   some of the different people that they have  already signed on let's just look at some of the   brands batman adventure time the monster hunter  the nfl dc collectibles star trek jurassic park   fast and the furious back to the future  ultraman superman and much more all of these   are licensed through economy meaning they are the  major sourcers of these nfts and the collectibles   you can get this access right now on google play  in the app store on your phone if you go to   and then you can check out call me which obviously  is super cool they also have this virtual showroom   so you can see your different collectibles online  virtually they're also going to be bringing in uh   fps game style and you're going to be able to have  augmented reality ar right on your phone so this   is super cool because you'll be able to think of  uh projects or games like pokemon go this will   have a very similar element to it built in to  their platform so the digital world basically   like you see it inside of pokemon go but will be  your actual augmented reality connection to these   major brands so if you're looking at a nft project  which has a lot of potential even though this was   old and took a long time to come out they do have  an active app they do have something you can play   with check out economy number two i'm a little  biased on this one because i am the cmo of the   company but anarchy x you can purchase play staker  nfts and compete in d5 based esports which we call   m sports there is a public beta test right now  you can go in and start using it but the really   cool aspect is using farming and nfts together  in one with a really really cool game play in the   background when we're looking at anarchy x what  you can see right beside me is jd salbego our ceo   talking about anarchy x and actually the game is  right behind his head this is a really really cool   game it's got a lot of amazing features and a  really strong team of developers and what you   can do right now is see jd on his pc choosing to  boost or play the actual connection to the game   so he can actually go in there and actually  choose the different types of nft boosts   and what you can do is as the ornament boosts and  boost your actual gameplay so that you can get   more yield from doing so it is very interactive  it's very attractive looking and you can play this   game it makes farming fun and easy for the normal  users so this is where you can come in and see   lots of really cool stuff definitely check out  battle waves coming soon public beta testing   is already happening right now you can go sign  up check it out i think this one is going to do   really really big things for the industry in terms  of making farming and gaming cool and fun to play   especially with the esports components it is kind  of like what you saw with wall street bets where   you get everyone to come in with you and go in and  play together to win it's kind of what happened in   wall street bets with dodge coin and other coins  we just saw recently it's a similar concept that   actually we didn't know was gonna happen but  it is how this works so check that one out   i think that is one of the hottest projects that  not many people are talking about just yet number   three digicol now people say okay what about  digicol is their usp their unique selling point   well their unique selling point is this with one  click of a button i can make an nft i don't need   to know the code i don't need to figure it out if  i want to make a coach case millionaires club nft   it will take me one click super simple super easy  and then we can have my own digital collectibles   and so could you so could any artists out there i  think it's really interesting and if you want to   tokenize other things with nfts you can do that as  well so this is really interesting like let's say   for example you're a wine connoisseur a wine  connoisseur could be like i want to tokenize my   wine in my cellar you can do that each nft can  be connected with a barcode or a scan qrs code   to that actual wine bottle so it could actually be  something very unique in ways that you can do that   and if you have a really expensive wine collection  there is potentially in the in some platforms to   use defy and actually take a loan against the  actual value of those wines and so with digicol   it's a very simple but amazing platform because it  gives you somewhere to do something that normally   is difficult in a very easy way and inclusive  to everyone else all right so next up is bondly   bondly obviously has logan paul's collection  what they have is basically an uh platform which   enables gaming and nfts kind of in one there's  also more to it because they have a peer-to-peer   exchange where you can use any chain because it's  interoperable through any medium telegram etc   to swap tokens and so that's a really great  thing because it's simple and transparent   and basically you can have trustless swapping and  recurring payments which is a huge issue because   most of the platforms in crypto don't let you  you know have a monthly payment so this is a   really nice aspect to what they do now they  have a couple games so they have the uh the   bcc g which has all of these nfts and what you  can do is it's an actual game where you collect   these nfts and use them in like a battle royale  type of sense against other people right so the   last man or woman standing gets to win the crown  and there'll be different types of prizes for   those people that go in things like bondly  tokens partner tokens special edition tokens   nft cards and specialty nfts from their  part partner networks and many other   things that they will have that they haven't even  mentioned yet but they'll be a very cool aspect to   why you would use it and the other idea is the  fees on ether really insane but using b swap   they have a cheap fee system the art is awesome  because they also let fans participate in that and   there is specialized staking so the heart of the  cards basically is that there's no fees uh you can   get into an ecosystem of other nft holders there's  an art a fan art contest so people can actually   take part in contests and the winners will receive  special rewards there's staking which will give   you access to air drops things that you know you  can go and sell or hold and add to your collection   and so much more um you have to pay for certain  ones five uh 0.5 eats per card with 750 cards   15 different unique ones you don't have to hold  them all because obviously that would cost a lot   but those also have certain types of benefits to  them so check it out another really interesting   one is polka picks very similar concept if you  buy and hold sets of these you can win airdrops   and special rewards so bondling is a pretty reach  rich eco system and it's why it's one of my picks   for 2021 and now a word from one of our sponsors  who we love so much well by golly you remember the   gimme that i bought well that crap broke it was  horrible i only used it for one time like 16 times   14 times i only remember how many times but i only  used it for like three months and that crap broke   so what did i do i bought myself a phillips shaver  whoa look at my hair look how look how nice this   is beautiful right philip shaver did that it was  crazy i just turned the knob like this and when i   turn on look at this you can barely hear the damn  thing it's so amazing you just shave your head   shave your face it don't matter even shave your  chest alright so you guys get that phillips shaver   and i'll see you guys soon okay welcome back now  this is one that i am absolutely freaking bullish   on and it is terra virtua so they have taken ar vr  mobile socials gaming and enable everything on the   blockchain and they have some massive massive  partners similar to economy actually in a way   but the newer better one in my opinion so no  nothing knock against akami but these guys   were much faster to do it and get to market than  economy was maybe that was strategic i don't know   no no knocks against them but i am much more  bullish on these guys so they have digital   collectibles such as their own art gallery  which you can use on pc you can obviously go   and trade and explore the different nfts they  offer they have a fan pterodome which you can   go and you can play inside of which is really  cool and they're going to have a cross platform   ability and the really cool part is they have the  ar journey so you could like take them with you   similar like i was saying with economy and pokemon  go it some of their industry collaborations are   with some of the biggest people out there  they're coming out with their own top gun   nfts they have paramount they have legendary  pictures big immersive they're going to have   more and more of these coming out but trust me on  this one this is a such a bullish nft project it   is going to be one of the biggest nft projects  of 2021 the ones that i'm bringing to you guys   are the ones that the big dogs are actually  looking at because they're giving inherent   value to those collectible cards the same way  as you used to collect cards when you were a kid   if you have a certain top gun nft that's one of  the first ones or the only ones it will have value   so the artist will bring a value so will whatever  is on the image and it is something that is   in my opinion a very very bullish project  next up is one that you all know super farm   they are making it so that you can easily  make your own nft farms without any code   this is kind of like digicol for the nft  without any code but this is letting you   do the whole entire farming process there's some  big partners plan and honestly i wouldn't want   to miss out on this one i definitely got in i  think that anything that elio trades touches is   you know it's leo he has a really big following  and not only that he's a gamer i've seen the game   that he's created he showed me some in some demos  it looks absolutely amazing i only can i can only   imagine what he has been working on for two years  that he i haven't seen very much of this but they   built super farm to make it really easy cross  chain and simple for people to create store   generate tokens everything all in one  platform so that you can just do this   and be part of the ecosystem without having to  make it very confusing so if you're looking at   getting into farming using nfts this could be a  solution and this is where some projects right   now are coming to them and asking to be a part  of their ecosystem some things to take note of   super farm does all of these things they do  erc 20 crypto farming they have a game involved   with their whole system there's farming and nft  generation and a marketplace others do similar   things but no one does them all this is going to  be a very large platform and people are not just   bullish because it's leo they're bullish because  the usp is a very good one super farm don't miss   it big one in 2021 you guys know what it is the  next one i'm very involved with as an advisor is   ethernet chain now at 30 chain you may have  missed it but i'm just going to play this   quick clip for you guys to just show you who is  in the 30 chain and what your what's to expect so the question is what does that all mean right  i'm sure a lot of you have that question okay what   is a 30 well all of these people cameron  tyler binklevoss like mike dimitri vegas   vieri michael rubin all these guys every  single one of them retweeted this exact post   so here's the thing all these nfts don't have  authentication or at least don't have full-on   authentication they have licensing but not  authentication what authentication does   is it lets the when what you're seeing is a video  of all these guys about to sign their nft with a   video so you can see them actually sign the nft  that you bought which comes as a package with that   nft so that video and that nft is yours and it's  authenticated and how we know how you could say oh   well how do you know it's not a deep fake here's a  brilliant thing they're going to retweet or repost   or post on their social media as this this will  be with the other 75 to 100 now different athletes   libraries and so on coming onto the platform and  doing the same thing this is gonna be the biggest   if not one of the biggest nft projects this year  this is a project which when i was introduced to   it i fell in love instantaneously because there's  a real substance this if you're the first person   to own a certain athlete's first nft it could  be worth a heck of a lot we already know sports   collectors are massive there's a billion dollar  industry so this is only the start there's actors   they're singers there's models so everything is  going to be put on to this that is of value and   it's going to have the charitable aspect of  the first nft if that that artist so chooses   they will be able to donate to their favorite  charity or one of the company's choices so this   is going to do not only good for the industry on  the nft side it is going to do good for the world   this is a project where you can love it because of  several different reasons whether you're someone   who loves the environment whether you're someone  who wants to help kids that are starving in africa   whether you want to um you know have a different  approach where you just love nfts and the artists   that we have it's going to be amazing and i i'm  really excited for you guys to share that journey   and definitely this will be one of the biggest  if not the biggest nft project this year   and now for the bonus because this one technically  isn't normally your normal nft and that is split   split you've probably seen on crypto banter let's  talk about it i'll just give you a really big   overview on what they are so split is basically  making decentralized finance and e-commerce simple   so normally when i have a store and i own a  lot of laptops or i own a lot of phones i buy   in bulk i don't buy one phone i want alibaba buy  a hundred or a thousand phones well here's the   thing if i can't sell those phones all at once  that's a problem if i sell the phone on shopify   and on um you know different platforms like ebay  and stuff if we sell the same item because there's   two items sometimes they get double sold there's  all these issues with refunds it becomes a mess   but if you what they've done is they attached an  nft per item so that you know if that specific   sku that specific box was sold whether it got  sold on one or another and you don't have these   issues which solves a huge problem in cost  and labor and time another thing that it does   is if you say have 500 apple iphones but you  could obviously be buying other stock but now   you're stuck with those phones until you sell  them they have made it so that you can actually   put in the defy aspect and take a loan against and  collateralize some of those phones while you can   then take a loan and buy some other product to be  able to increase in scale larger so this is some   really cool stuff that you guys should definitely  check out it is the wild card it is one that was   57x oversubscribed it is also in the nft space but  it is not a collector and it's not technically art   but it's using nfts in a completely different way  so non-fungible tokens are going to be massive   this year this all could do massive gains they  all could be the best of the best one of them or   two of them will take the cake but the rest of  them i still think will do extremely well based   off of my research and my time that i spent with  these projects so let me know what you guys think   what is your favorite my question to you today is  what is your favorite nft project that i presented   tell me your reasons why in the comments below  don't forget to like and subscribe to this video   and if you guys like when i do these top videos  of different projects by sector let me know in   the comments below because i plan to do others  for d5 for farming projects for others and um   i hope that you guys want that and if you do smash  down there hit a like hit that bell so you don't   miss anything else and let's get it done together  much love to all of you guys you're the best   crypto community you guys i hope we all get to  that millionaires club that i have as my aspiring   goal on twitter we are already at 20 of them and  we need 180 more and one of you guys or all of   you guys should join us on that journey so much  love to everyone i will see you guys tomorrow have   yourselves a great day don't forget to like the  comment the bell i'll see you guys later coach k

2021-02-22 08:12

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