my new DIET lifestyle! + bahas diet toxic ku dulu (+ bonus mini shopping vlog!)

my new DIET lifestyle! + bahas diet toxic ku dulu (+ bonus mini shopping vlog!)

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Hello! Today’s the last day of March and for next month’s resolution, I plan to restart my diet Honestly speaking, I don’t like the figure I’m seeing on the mirror Maybe according to some of you, I have an ideal body but for me, myself, I feel different since I gained so much weight during this quarantine BTW I made a mistake when cutting my bangs so it gets everywhere I don’t like the figure I’m seeing on the mirror, so I’ll be working back on my body again and change my lifestyle since there are some issues happening lately, which is why I don’t often update I’ll be doing my makeup while talking to you guys You may know that I’ve just entered my second semester of university and my university really isn’t playing around with its tasks There’s more or less 8-10 different readings required for classes Not yet mentioning a critical following the readings Doing these consumed a lot of my time Throughout 24 hours, I can even stay for 20 hours in my room only sitting down and doing my work I may forget to eat, sleep at dawn, wake up early for class hence why I need to change my lifestyle, since it’s extremely unhealthy My skin broke out as a result. Breakouts in these areas indicates stress which reflects my current lifestyle My work load is crazy. But today’s the first day of STUVAC, or student vacation In Australia universities there is this thing called STUVAC. which is a 1 week break free of classes but we’re still given work to do

It’s probably similar to spring break but I’m not too sure since Australia has opposite seasons So it’s not spring break here, but STUVAC Throughout STUVAC I’m hoping I could at least switch up my lifestyle, so by the time STUVAC ends I’ll be living a new and healthier lifestyle Since it’s 31 March today, tomorrow I’ll start sleeping earlier, waking up earlier, and start a diet Not a strict diet though, just simply moderating my meals and make it healthier The moment I entered my second semester, my eating system is extremely bad I used to cook my meals if I want to eat healthy But due to my workload, I couldn’t even think of what to cook anymore I ate anything that has been prepared It’s THAT instant I’ll be working on a healthier lifestyle compared to my current one since I feel my stamina dropping day by day I’ll be inviting you guys for these two days of filming, Since today’s the last day, I’ll be allowing myself to sleep late, wake up late, eat whatever I want And starting tomorrow I’ll be ensuring a healthier lifestyle You may feel unfamiliar with my face being like this It’s very rare for my face to breakout like this Don’t believe everything you see in social media hahaha This is all because of stress Anyways what have you guys been doing lately? Did you remember nearly a year ago when I started a diet? I lost around 5 kgs And I often share to you guys about my diet progress But I also received responses regarding my diet saying that I seemed like I was promoting weight loss. Like I advocated weight loss But it wasn’t the case, since I only shared what I was doing to myself and to those interested I shared what I ate, my exercises, etc But, I realized that my diet plan last year was a little bit extreme Hence the rapid weight loss I used to not consume simple carbohydrates like rice and noodles I avoided any sorts of flour when a healthy diet should not restrict anything but balance out by working out. Eating healthy, eating junks once in a while I used to not touch junks for 3 months, no rice for 3 months, no noodles for 3 months And I didn’t give myself cheat days So I understood the responses I was receiving, that I was advocating an unhealthy diet This time, I decided to not restrict anything but just make it healthier by adding proteins and limiting fried foods I used to not eat fried foods, I air-fried and steamed everything. And I work-out hard, 30 minutes a day while running on low nutrition I was malnutritional Hence my rapid weight loss but I gained it all back even quicker Because of the extreme diet, my body metabolism crashed and since then I gain weight very easily I regretted it During my school years, I ate whatever I want I skip breakfast since I can’t stand eating breakfast I ate lunch, I ate after school, during tutoring lessons, when I get home, dinner too But I didn’t gain nor lose weight, and my body was still slim But since the extreme diet, my body metabolism dropped and since then I gain weight so easily Which is why I decided to switch up my lifestyle now This time, I’ll be doing intermittent fasting Eating above 12 and stopping at 7, maximum 7:30 since that’s the usual time I have my dinner And I’ll try to stop eating after my dinner since I usually grab something else if I get hungry This time I’ll hold it in and hope for a result This time I won’t be pegged by the numbers on the weighing scale I don’t have it with me anymore I’ll judge through the figure I see in the mirror instead of weighing myself It’s a bit toxic to depend on the scale since I get stressed if I don’t lose weight So it’s just me and the mirror and what I feel, Do I feel healthier? Did my stamina rose? Something like that As a student, I find it so hard to balance a healthy lifestyle is pretty difficult Same for those currently working, focusing on work as a priority puts aside other things Plus it’s all online now, it’s risky to go out and hit the gym And to me, working at home is extremely demotivating So we’re all in this together. That’s what I can say

If you force yourself to get out of the house, it’s even more dangerous I had to take a sponge to blend everything in I’m sure you are demotivated by staying at home No inspirations, just sitting in front of your laptop That’s what I feel right now. I lost motivation I originally have low-blood pressure but I feel my body stamina dropping. I have a hard time just standing up I used to run here and there and have no problems with standing up But now, my head turns and my vision blurs for a second the moment I stand up So I have to increase my stamina since it has gotten so low now So since I currently have the time during STUVAC, I want to and I have to return back my stamina And the presence of you guys and through this filming, also motivates me I wouldn’t get myself to do any of this if I don’t challenge myself on camera So today’s plan is to go out with my family, have dinner, and today will be the last day of me eating whatever I want And I’ll take you guys along with me, it’ll be a ‘day with me’ but for 2 days I wanna ask, where did the weight you guys gained go? For me, it goes to my face, that’s why I hate it Looking at myself in the mirror, my body isn’t the problem, I don’t feel a major different on my body But my face feels so unfamiliar, I’ve never seen my face like this throughout 19 years of my life Again I remind that this video is not to promote an extreme diet, but rather to motivate you guys experiencing the same things as I do I forgot how to do my makeup since it’s been so long BTW I bought this lipstick like a month ago, This lipstick is so pretty Mine’s in the shade All That Jazz Shade number 2 But a drawback is that it dries out my lips So I have to apply lip balm above or below it which I’ll be applying later on But the color is pretty. It’s also pretty as a blush

My room is very dark, I only turned on my study lamp Not sure if it’s dark through screen but thankfully the camera can raise up the brightness automatically It’s noticeable that my face has gotten so much wider, right? Maybe it’s not a big difference but since I own this face, I notice it well I’m not saying weight gain is bad, not at all. Gain weight! But I feel unhealthy since my stamina dropped This is my bangs that I cut mistakenly LOL I curled my hair as well, I uploaded a tutorial on it on my Instagram on the “hairstyling” highlights This is my OOTD Sorry that’s my sweater I was styling my hair but it suddenly rained so hard It’s so hot LOL The ceiling is so short Queueing I met a doggo! Good morning everyone! This is the second day, 1st of April I always start my day with a warm glass of water with half a lemon. It doesn’t taste sour since the water’s warm This is my routine every morning even before this lifestyle, consuming probiotics and Vitamin B I had Korean lessons in the morning so I didn’t get to eat So I had my first meal at 3/4pm. I’m supposed to eat at 12 to break the fast but I didn’t have the time to So I packed my lunch since I’ll be going on a drive-thru with my friend I packed shirataki rice with mandu (dumplings) with kimchi filling, which I bought at Mugunghwa, Senopati It’s not a drive-thru without ordering McDonalds I ordered McNuggets as a side dish to eat with my lunch I think it’s okay since it’s my first and last meal since I don’t eat past 7 Since I had my first meal in the evening, I ate quite a lot. I had mandu, nuggets, and even dessert

Since this diet is a long-term diet, I don’t restrict myself from eating anything like what I did last time with my short-term diet What I’m doing now is a long-term realistic diet allowing myself to eat anything but in moderation, with exercises and better food choices Hence why I will exercise as soon as I get home I’ll be cycling as my cardio today and setting the timer at 30 minutes I cycled for 15 minutes and I’m already out of breath This is what I meant by my stamina dropping, I used to cycle nonstop for 30-40 minutes But it’s okay, it’s a process, and I’ll cycle again next 2 days I’ll be doing floor workouts tomorrow and cardio again the next 2 days, so it doesn’t get boring I can’t stand going past 15 minutes today LOL But this is my cardio today After my meals before I sleep, I take in omega 3 and puer tea to dissolve fatty molecules This is not a slimming tea nor weight-loss supplement, it’s just to shrink fatty molecules And that’s a little snippet of my new lifestyle, I’ll try to sleep earlier tonight as well I hope you get motivated to live a healthier lifestyle through this video

2021-04-07 13:47

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