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felix here guys and we're talking alibaba have  i made an enormous mistake buying alibaba and   buying more alibaba at the beginning of the  year you know i'm a big fan of the company but   nothing's happened to the stock price at all it's  probably gone down a little bit since and i want   to therefore revisit what are the reasons i bought  it are they wrong let's look at the numbers uh so   we're going to look at a benchmark compared to  other similar companies like amazon et cetera jd   we're going to look at the income statement we're  going to look at a discounted cash flow model   using past quarters numbers we are going to look  at what the analyst thinks where we are compared   to the price target and we are also going to look  at who else has recently bought barber and should   that sway me or us in in one way or another guys  so it's going to be a bit of a deep dive a little   bit more of a deeper dive than some so if you  enjoy that if you are interested in alibaba guys   stay tuned as always this is not financial advice  this is just for entertainment only and remember   guys there are two coupon codes down below 29 off  on the on the stock course summer goat and 39 off   on the pre-sale for the stock options course  that's over 115 lectures teaching you how to   earn passive income and that's launching on the  21st so in a few days and until then you have   the opportunity to buy it at this great big  chunky discount so let's start a little bit   with the news and then we're going to run through  all the things i just mentioned so you probably   saw this in cnbc uh billionaire alibaba founded  jack ma spending his time in philanthropy and   hobbies like painting uh sounds like what i'd  like to do but at least the painting part so   here is um the the the uh joe tsai there he is  the ceo of alibaba basically saying chakma's   fine what are you talking about um this is  unfortunately always been the story since november   uh and much more so since christmas  that this is apparently some sort of   vendetta against uh and it never has been there is  a broad change in regulation that's taken place in   china and that's affected all of the major tech  companies and we've seen it you know 10 cent and   and everybody else made one everyone else in the  space has the same issues because they've all been   behaving in a sort of rather laissez faire kind of  way and now regulation is in place for things like   anti-trust for financial holding companies for  regulating uh loans and lending and investments   and many many other parts that for simply there  wasn't regulation or if there was it wasn't really   enforced so that's been the change and quite  frankly it brings from my perspective china   up to kind of european or american standards  of regulation so i don't think that's really a   bad thing or a good thing now of course in a  sense if you have no regulation you can perhaps   make more money but in the long run regulation is  always something that kicks in so he's saying here   i think you have to separate what's happening  to jack and what's happening to our business our   business is under some kind of restructuring  on the financial side of things and also an   anti-trust regulation we had to pay a big fine  but we've gotten that behind us so we're looking   forward so i the best comparison i can think of  think of bill gates right build microsoft one of   the greatest biggest companies out there fantastic  stock i hold lots of it and what he's doing now   is very different from what he's doing in  microsoft right the guy made a huge fortune   and then people get well they want to do something  else nobody wanted he wants to do the same thing   all their lives most people want to make a certain  amount of money that they can do the things that   they really want to do with their time i'm not  saying he didn't enjoy setting up microsoft but   you know he's doing his philanthropy and you  know this and that and giving speeches and   being a talking head and meeting influential  people and just having an interesting life   that's basically what he's doing and that's what  jack ma wants to do when he got out of alibaba   years ago so 2018 i think he said i'm going to  focus on my philanthropy that's what i want to   do and you know he was traveling around africa  and he was helping young entrepreneurs and this   is the sort of thing but anyway enough of jack  ma he isn't really all that relevant i suppose   that's really the point i'm trying to make  now i've made the new benchmark table which   of course is on the patreon guys so if you  want to check that out uh the link is below   um all of these charts always are and  what is this this is a benchmark and i'll   zoom in a little bit here um and let me just see  did i freeze the first row no let me just do that   so you freeze the first column uh you can't  do it for some reason all right never mind   i'll show you so the first row here is alibaba so  this is alibaba and i've highlighted a few ratios   and numbers that i look at when i buy things  like this out and i've compared them and i've   highlighted the top three so it's the best three  and the key things that i look at so price to book   for example alibaba is uh the third cheapest uh  soho is cheaper is cheaper by that metric   p e ratio is the cheapest again  followed by ebay followed by alibaba and enterprise value divided by ebitda but sort of  divided by a profit measure again alibaba is   the third in that list jd again looking the most  appealing now what you have to bear in mind with   jd is that they are not so much of a platform  but more a retailer therefore their margins   are a little bit different and you can see that  here look at when you see this down here what i'm   looking at here you can see the operating income  margin of jd is one percent because they're a   retailer and retail is a very very tough business  whereas alibaba has a 12.5 percent margin so   therefore you would expect jd to be cheaper  because i'd rather pay a little bit more for the   higher margin business at least you know that's  sort of the rationale here so here jack uh sorry   jack mars business i was going to say you see you  see how the media get to us they get in there here   at is um the third highest so ebay again great  operating income margins as sohu again pretty good   alibaba in number three um return on common  equity ebay is fantastic with that absolutely   brilliant um why is that well ebay from  my perspective is a business that hasn't   changed a thing since about 1994 they haven't  changed a font or a website or anything at all   so they are just making money i think i think  that's the business model basically invest change   grow no no we don't need to do any of that we're  just making money so very very impressive return   on common equity alibaba with 17.8 to me that's  still a very good number why because to me it's  

one of the key things that tells me how much that  stock can go up by because if you are returning   17.8 on the equity that's out there on the shares  that are out there you would kind of expect that   share price to move somewhat along with that  number now it's not the only number that matters   but someone along with it but on this metric ebay and jd again very very impressive   numbers now how about ebit margin so ebit is  a much better number to look at than ebitda   with ebitda you can do a lot of funny business you  can do uh really some serious massaging of numbers   i don't normally don't look at it very much ebit  margin is twelve and a half percent um is that jd   no that's so who so who's 13.8 uh ebay again most  impressive margin here but 27 jd only one percent   now you're thinking why is this guy throwing all  these numbers at me because i want to get you a   little bit familiar with these numbers because  you should be looking at them i i would say   because then you really start to understand a  little bit what's out there now the numbers that   i like the most i've highlighted in yellow and  that's revenue growth so alibaba's revenue growth   is 30 that's pretty impressive for a company that  scale that size and that age jd very close and   pdd massive almost 100 much newer company it's  easier to grow at those rates in the early years   it tends to like fizzle out a little bit so to me  that's a number i really like ebit growth forecast   so again profit growth 34 i still very much like  that even though it's not the highest number here   and then we have um net income forecast so  this is compounded over five years of 16.6 so   to me that is still very very impressive because  to me this is a stable business and i'm getting a   very good return if i'm getting 16 17 compounded  return over five years i'm pretty happy like you   do that with your portfolio you turn a you know  small amount of money into an absolute fortune   very very quickly it basically means every four  years your investment doubles and think about   it you do it from a thousand to two thousand it  goes to four thousand is eight thousand it goes   to sixteen thousand that happens pretty quickly so  that to me is a fantastic number uh so i think the   underlying business is still very much there  yeah there are other companies that are also   interesting i think jd is certainly a good good  stock uh now amazon is and that's really something   i wanted you to look at here also the net income  margin of amazon is 5.8 percent um alibaba much  

much more profitable now the amazon profit comes  almost entirely from the cloud business whereas   alibaba is the market leader in cloud but it's a  newer business they've only just started to make   money with it why because they've been investing  very heavily into it now as that business starts   to become profitable that profit margin will  actually go up because what it has at the moment   is a platform business so it is not a retailer  alibaba is not a retailer they're a platform   they allow third-party vendors to sell stuff on  their platform whereas amazon is mostly owned   inventory right so therefore the margins are much  lower so if you therefore combine that with an aws   style cloud business i think you are going to get  a business that is way way way way more attractive   but there is of course the enormous china discount  hanging over it now let's have a look at a couple   more numbers don't worry there won't be too many  because i i i know you're getting you're getting   tired you're like this felix guy always shows  me numbers it does my head and i just wanted   to show you that this is last 12 months period  always revenue growth in the last 12 months was   40 that's pretty good that's better than the last  couple of years um kovitt of course has something   to do with that it's benefited everybody  in that space gross profit margins are 41   and then um net income was 21 billion  uh which is uh pretty impressive and yeah earnings per share is also pretty  stable and bear in mind there was a huge   fine handed out which will impact this so  actually uh being at 8.5 or something like that   compared to nine the year before it would  actually have been a much better number   uh than uh if we had not had the fine so to me  the numbers look solid they have tons of cash   if you look at the balance sheet there is uh more  cash than you could know what to do with there's   49 billion of it i think it's actually more than  that oh yeah the other current asset so there are   short-term investments so in total they  have almost 100 billion in current assets   i think about 70 billion or so of that is sort of  cash or cash equivalent so it is a very cash rich   company and nothing to worry about in the sense of  they're ever going to go out of business so i've   updated a discounted cash flow model i'm using  the latest numbers because bear in mind the last   quarter was a bad quarter because of that fine  right so it sort of hits numbers a little bit and   i get a fair value here at 337 which is you know  130 dollars above the share price at the moment   how do i get there it's actually not a difficult  thing to do again and it's something guys i teach   you in my course and i give you a template which  is actually a little bit easier than this one   uh so to check that out guys uh i'll stick  with the the master stocks course down below   summer go to the coupon 29 off that is where  you learn how to make your own discounted cash   flow models and it doesn't it will take  you half an hour i'd say per stock and   then you really have a very very different  appreciation for what's going on here so   for um this year 30 growth and then sort of it  fizzles out 10 19 10 in a couple of bad years   which is i think very very conservative because i  actually think they're going to continue to grow   at 20 to 30 percent for many many many years why  because they are growing in southeast asia the   cloud business is growing very rapidly and there  are lots and lots of other parts and components   to this business that are going to grow they  are the operating system to many of the ev   manufacturers in china so all the software all  that stuff they are of course building alibaba   cars and there's there's so many aspects to that  business that if only one out of ten do well   i think we are pretty much guaranteed much much  higher growth than what i'm putting in here   and uh profit margins okay i'm keeping those  pretty pretty steady because i think they are   just going to be solid why because of cloud i  think 31 is actually realistic so that gets us   to 337 dollars now you could of course say well  okay let's say we are going to keep growing at 20   so let me throw in a few more 20 percents here  for the those years going out uh and then maybe   it goes down to 15 in 2031. look at the fair  value then you had 500 is that a crazy number   i actually don't think so no i don't think so i  don't think it's a crazy number at all but i'm   going to take them back out i'm going to give  you the conservative one and you can play with   it yourself just click on file make a copy or you  can download into an excel file uh these are all   on the patreon guys now price targets let's look  at that let's look at am i just completely wrong   am i still in this like la la land where i think  i love the stock and therefore i'm looking blindly   at only the good news well let's look at what the  analysts are saying to us so let me grab a little   pen here the analysts we have nine strong buy  ratings we have 36 buy ratings and four holes so that's 49 analysts that's a huge number  of analysts who are very very very very much   positive on this there isn't a single cell rating  on this which is just bizarre we are down here at   that blue line over here we are at 209 the lowest  price target we have from one of these hold guys   on one of these guys who don't like alibaba at all  for whatever reason they have a 231 dollar price   target and now the bullish guys at 355 which  is similar to where where i get to with this   conservative number uh you could i think very much  justify 400 plus but you know what's the point   we're not there and the average is almost three  hundred dollars 295 is the average price target of   analysts so the difference between the average and  where we are right now is uh 40 upside here right   and that keeps going up basically i mean with the  little blip here it's essentially a straight line   the discount seems to be increasing  which is just bizarre because we have put   the vast majority of the regulatory stuff behind  us but the market is not really accepting it so   there was uh some chat here actually we have  a baba group on our discord again you can   get that through the patreon if you're  not on there already with a lot of very   very very uh dedicated alibaba investors um and  share a lot of research which i truly appreciate   and chinese braveheart here one of our lovely  members he's just shared well uh about monish   and he is if you don't know he is one of the great  value investors um he basically uh copied the the   warren buffett model rather aggressively  and is done very very very well with it   and um have a look at his portfolio here which  is this manuscript rice portfolio from the last   filing and you can see what does he hold he holds  three things and he bought alibaba he bought 14.6   of it as his portfolio is now alibaba he sold  some micron for that so that is is pretty   substantial and how big is that holding it's 38  million us dollars so it's not not chump change   and why did he buy that well i mean there is  another one you might have heard of charlie   munger he bought that and i did that in  a previous video 16.34 of his uh his um   publication company his portfolio is now  in alibaba also 34 million a fairly similar   amount again this this cheat the charlie manga  portfolio tracker is also on the patreon guys   you want to see it here the way you can find these  things you go on the patreon and you click on baba   or any of the other tags here and then  you can find stuff pretty pretty simply   but there is actually another pretty major owner  of alibaba you might have also heard of which is   bailly gifford who are early investors in  tesla and neo and many many other companies   real like long-term kind of early growth investors  and look 3.4 percent of their portfolio is alibaba  

limited here also and that is 380 368 million us  dollars so much much more simply thank you for   an amount because this is a seriously a large  fund and they've done a good job right look at   the line here uh that's actually a very very good  fun i would say so they've certainly outperformed   the s p 500 well they are a lot more techy it's  probably not the greatest comparison but they   have done very well so if you put in a 60 here in  2016 you would now have uh a hundred and and eight   basically so you know it's tripled uh and in five  years to triple that's pretty good you really   can't argue with that i know a lot of people are  kind of used to these everything should go up ten   times within three months or something but you  can do that with the part of your portfolio but   it's it's it's not something you're going to be  able to replicate over time otherwise you would   be the world's most successful investor ever the  munis chap for example is managed something like   30 on average per year and that's incredible and  that puts them very very much at the top of the   pile i think most funds would struggle to get to  10 a year and so i always advocate and sort of   educate on it you have to make your own choices  of course a portfolio of cool good stocks that   compound over time and that should very very  much be able to give you a sort of 10 to 18   return and again you compound that over time you  do that over a long period of time you become   fabulously wealthy you can't not be fabulously  wealthy in fact everybody by the time they're   40 or 50 should be a millionaire and that's not  putting people down if they are not it's just you   could still do it you just the earlier you start  the easier it is because if you understand this   process of compounding and that's one of the  key things of course i teach in my course and   what you can do about it and how you can achieve  it no matter what and you can do it with seventy   dollars a month or with a thousand dollars a month  uh you can make a huge amount of money on that so   in conclusion therefore i think the numbers  still stuck up nothing's really changed here um   i actually think it's gotten cheaper and cheaper  um you know if you look at the valuation uh pe   is 24 price to book is 3.89 and look at amazon's  period 63 and it's in many ways a worse business   because their retail business has very low margins  it's very capital intensive and very low margins   their cloud business is tremendous but alibaba has  already a retail platform business which is far   superior because it's a platform they haven't got  they have inventory and the cloud business they   have they're also the market leader in china and  in in in southeast asia they're very much pushing   that aggressively so they are going to get that  positive profit on top which will actually make   their profitability much much higher so you would  think the valuation should be the other way around   why aren't they well i think a lot of that  is a china discount it's just people for   whatever reason don't like it i think given that  we have very professional investors here like um   and uh and and charlie who don't really care  where companies are based as long as they're   very profitable and very well managed and i think  alibaba falls into that category it gives me   some comfort now i don't i'm not somebody who says  i bought this because of the gurus i do the other   way around i do my own research analysis and then  if i see oh they also bought it then it does make   me feel a little bit more comfortable it's true  because if those guys are right and they are quite   often going against the trend they are not running  with the masses if everybody has it you maybe   shouldn't be in it i think that's also something  to think about but i think in in short guys i   think nothing has changed to me alibaba should  be trading well over 300 it isn't um and it'll   take time uh i think we will get an ipo maybe at  the end of the year maybe sometime early in 2022   that will help a little bit it might not help  that much to be honest with you because all the   good news we've had in the last couple of months  haven't really shifted the stock so this is a long   term hold for the patient and i totally appreciate  if some people think well i'd just rather buy the   index i don't have to be exposed to the politics  fair enough but for me i just think it's it's   it's still a long-term very very good company  um and why not hold them that's the way i look   at it i just think it's undervalued but we don't  really know when it's gonna turn around i think   at some point is gonna turn around and it'll  then give us much higher than average returns   for a couple of years and i think that's the  point where we maybe can take some profits   but at the moment it is a long slow grind so  if you are in the alibaba suffering camp guys   come and join our alibaba anonymous discord group  and and and enjoy the misery with us but you know   it it is what it is you the market sometimes is  irrational for quite extended periods of time   so there isn't really a huge thing we can do about  it well we can jump out of it if we haven't got   the patience um but if we do have the patience and  we fundamentally believe something is undervalued   by as much as you know say 50 then you know  why why not hold on to it that's sort of my   view on that guys is that the most inspiring view  well why not hold on to it perhaps not but i i   for me you guys a lot of you know me i've done  a lot of videos on alibaba and the underlying   business check out the playlist guys if you really  want to understand this business but for me there   is a lot of really great stuff in here if you want  to understand how to make your discounted cash   flow models how to read financial statements and  just become a smarter investor and have to turn a   small amount of money into a very large amount of  money i highly recommend the master stocks program   down below 29 off is a summer go to coupon you  also get to join our private uh chat group with   me and like-minded investors and if you want to  make passive income while you are holding stocks   options are a fantastic way to do that and  that's the pre-sale it gets launched on the   21st this course it's 115 plus lectures teaching  you strategy not theory not history nothing boring   that you don't need to know only what you need to  know and that coupon is 39 off because it's still   a pre-sale so jump on those guys make money is the  coupon there because that's what i want you to do   and that's available until sunday this week so  i look forward to seeing you in the next video   guys i truly appreciate all of you who smash the  like buttons and join this beautiful community   subscribe that way you get notified of  more videos by the lovely algorithm and   thank you guys i appreciate everything you  do by watching and commenting and liking

2021-06-19 01:44

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