MS MARVEL 1x6 FINALE REACTION!! Episode 6 Breakdown | Post Credits Scene | Ending Explained | Review

MS MARVEL 1x6 FINALE REACTION!! Episode 6 Breakdown | Post Credits Scene | Ending Explained | Review

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what is going on there reject nation we  got coy with us today to watch the final   episode of miss marvel what where's jon well  i killed him nikoi has finally replaced him   just like you all fears have come true you  manifested them you did this john is out of   commission he got the uh vid diesel as i like to  call it he's doing fine he's boosted and vaxxed   uh but and we're pc hard and hydrated we took  multiple tests and we are fine we are we tested   negative so we're good now we are here to watch  the final episode of miss marvel you know it's   you can do everything you've always wanted  which is a take over chest everyone's like   taking over the channel here's step one step one  eliminate john leave a like that would be very   much appreciated also subscribe and click that  notification bell for something the koi's comic   corner we did that often we got a pretty epic  video coming epic one coming up for uh ranking   all the mcu films quite an excellent job on that  full-length reaction watch alongs where you sync   up with the time coder over at our patreon  for super sexy rejects uh that's where you   sync up with your own copy i think i'm said that  everything right the boys thank you let's get to   it wish john well in the comments so we're gonna  transfer the next stop and head up state okay it's okay wasn't easy one kamala first got our  powers either they're just like that was weird we   live in new york in the marvel universe no jersey  the passer buyers on that subway station are just   chilling they're seeing some crazy another day in  the marvel cinematic universe his powers are comic   accurate to that and miss marvel's now mirror  his which is interesting i have an announcement   drake all right let's do forgiveness i'm  about to bear hero i am the light girl nightlight oh my god i had no idea oh my gosh   are your powers limitless or do you have to  recharge oh actually also i have been dying   to ask you on eid did you drop that kid on  purpose or was that like a game time decision big bro just because you you can do all  these amazing things doesn't mean that you   actually volunteer to go looking for trouble  right i don't think you raised me to sit by   and do nothing when i can help people  i miss the dad he's great yeah i love   that she has a family no one does yeah that's  true and they're all like yeah we accept this   have you heard from bruno no why i've been trying  to get a hold of him because circle cue exploded   kamala khan you're not going anywhere not  dressed like that here i got something for you   did she make her the costume that'd be so cool  no that'd be the ultimate family yeah you know   oh she's coming around oh that's beautiful sign of character  i love that for this family   oh that's great i love that that's very touching   that's so touching she's the  first ipsu character that like   shares this yeah openly yeah to  this level like that's beautiful i'm a superhero that costume looks great oh that is so cool let's give it up for the vfx  artist yeah give it a please please   when the coast is clear you guys head to the high  school and i'll call kamala why would we go to   high school because the only place guaranteed  to be empty on saturday it's true she's smart   this is an exciting episode  costumes in the first 10 minutes   good afternoon i'm gonna need to see everybody's  i geez that was not our first rodeo miss agent   i assure you damage control is only here to  ensure your safety this is not a racist thing   at all white woman this kid could put you all at  risk if you are abetting a potential suspect no   one will be on your side chic i don't need anyone  on my side for god is always right i don't have   time for chronic quotes excuse me actually that  was abraham lincoln racist dodc racist confirmed it's good that they didn't hide out at that mosque  might have found them i know my mom would kill me   if she found that i had a boyfriend and that it  was that one did you hear that i'm a boyfriend   and you're both witnesses do you have  a body cam i'd love to have this one   nice yeah they were there take  clifton street whatever you do   avoid grant thank you why don't  they see that door sliding ah they all marvel disguise nice that's crazy these two are paired  up right now right and all brian look at her go what are you guys wearing what are you wearing   awesomeness i was just scared i thought  i'm okay we're okay tell her you love him i feel like i'm being crushed from the inside out yeah they're going to have heard that it's nice to see a costume  that's not cgi at all yeah like even the scarf it's a scarf it's a real  scarf i really need to get him out of town   i know someone who can get him out just get him  to the harbor by midnight okay thank you thor   captain marvish he knows he knows cat marvel  i tell you everything and this is the biggest   thing that's ever happened to you and you  didn't tell me so i mean maybe okay but   you like kind of hate superheroes i didn't want  you to hate me oh when hate me hate me it's um   i messed up i'm sorry geez i  love them such a good actor man   murder the dodc danish control  is here how do they even find us   it doesn't matter i'm the one they want you  guys should leave now before you get hurt i   already blew my apartment they invaded the mosque  twice they tried to trick me into giving you up what are you doing here the  theater has good lighting   it's where i film my tick tocks nice so we  distract and stall for as long as possible   until we can get cameron safe uh yeah yeah excuse  me hey uh are you sure you have authorization   for any of this sounds good we'll keep  him busy while you run out the back mom send me a watch out for  you um take it up with her i love this episode we grab every  single fire extinguisher in school very realistic you're on the softball team right  you and nokia grab as many balls as you can is this gonna be like home alone what's  going on guaranteed i don't care if you   need another 10 seconds okay you're not  gonna get it evacuate now deever you hear me i understand she's not gonna listen we're  in position do we have a green light   call in all additional units we have a villain i  think she's a skrull yeah let's go there i hope so   pretty hell bent on steamrolling over  our entire world with their realm okay i just yeah to make it who are you  even doing my sister driving lessons   do you even like british break off   do not tell carmen that okay   not too well out of here i think you should  tell him now make it high stakes that way   he'll blow all these people up it'll go  well for you oh looks like we've got a bomb the ultimate plan   those clubbing cops they  sent all of you just for me   nice okay so i'll play this live but i  don't know for a do do do that do now hey   it's so i'm at kohl's high school where damage  control is me and my friends totally surrounded   hey say hang on help i'm coming target  on foot get a red hoodie and a bait robinson i'm pat nicholson this looks like a lot of fun oh no chemistry yes your mom died i thought you should know oh my god is this about to happen hey you guys i'm sorry bruno um there's a team agent's  heading down this way i'll keep them busy   okay come on come on i'm rooting for you  bruno that was that hurts he already lost   spiderman he can't lose thanks bruno did you  know that he was up for spider-man was he   yeah i'm so glad he gave this because he's  so good in this hey guys what's going on oh god they are hurting him [ __ ] wow wow there it is it's working they hate my mom i miss my mom i want to talk  to my mom call my mom what happened to my mom oh now she's protecting him my mother's dead  he's in chain i'm sorry stop right there oh my god he's gonna break bad yep it's on now oh [ __ ] i guess this leaves room for bruno i don't know why i'm getting  like terminator 2 vibes for some reason we go oh damn is that what they use on the  hulk i think so that big like yeah yeah unless it's a laser no yeah wow this is so menacing who is this [ __ ] i think she's our skrull she said i'm biggen did she  i think she said i'm bigging whoa wild slight scorpion king vibes but you know  the vfx artist i'm so happy with it oh that's awesome the camera i love the variety and how he uses those  powers yeah there's like different weapons   extend yeah it's like carnage magic hero moment oh yay she's a superhero well that's not fun so trippy yeah oh wow it's like when strange in cases yeah  we're gonna have a conversation comrade   let's talk about this get to the harbor  i'll buy you time get to the harbor they both got like great grasps  on their powers now don't yeah she murdered that boy she ate him that was amazing they're all with you   oh this is a spider-man yeah you're gonna have to  get through me you went against my orders publicly   and then you attacked a bunch of kids using our  name and you know what that means yes that means   that you're relieved of your duty a union is  going to fix your mess get out of there now i would not want to get on his bad side oh she doesn't even get to celebrate  with the crowd she can go back today's news everyone keeps asking  me ruby ruby do you know who she is   if i knew who she was i wouldn't believe it  she looked so familiar that was the writer oh   really yeah oh that makes me happy what'd she say  when the jobs girls are the best in jersey city   freaking action superhero math skills but i don't  know where those skills went when she screamed   pizza for life celebrate our own superhero free  ice cream pizza after salah of course yeah don't   get addicted to social media the trap don't do  it it's not worth it people are saying about   my superpowers online yeah woodrow wilson's the  writer and she was the one that said real gw nice   now cat marvel where are you   i personally think this is a really solid  finale so far yeah this is actually really solid hey bro what are you doing here whoa oh my god this is really scary yeah right yeah right well you saved the world oh [ __ ]  that's what kamal means in arabic perfect   but it will do it's more like  what's the word wonder marvel i share the same name as freaking danvers  but you sure are and always have been   our own little miss marvel oh gets the  costume from the mom and the name from the dad   that's beautiful i love that i love you i love you i cannot wait to see her  interacting with carol danvers in the movie   like tiana paris real estate and here magic absolute magic i will monetize my daughter  there's the shot of the poster shot i like the costume a lot i  love it yeah it looks great oh captain marvel's bunking with  her heard you like your name   when i compared you to the rest of  your family something still seemed off   kamala there's something different  in your genes like like a mutation this is the first real like whatever  it is it's just gonna be another label please please oh dude i think your  theory is going to come true dude get in liz's we're getting schwarman  i love you they're making her a mutant i said this would leave yeah yeah  you did you gotta watch that one so missed mutation mutation that's crazy that's  wild right into a world that hates and fears   them through damage control that's just gonna be  another label oh dude do you what what video was   that i don't even remember i've been saying that  video there was a no you know it was a quiz cover   corner i don't remember i'll find it i was right i don't remember the damn i was like holy [ __ ]  this is like exactly how yes that's crazy that's   how we got x-men we're just trying to promote  koi's comic course yeah you should watch common   corner where i get right that was a solid solid  episode that was such a good finale i enjoyed   that a lot i think that and loki are the best two  finales it's gotta be a post-credits scene right   i imagine what video was that no memory of which  one it was was it the thunderbolts video yes yes   apartment damage control and all that yeah so do  you think comrade would be in the dodc no not the   dude sorry though thunderbolts comrade probably  not but i think he'll be one of the mutants that   is a villain like an early brotherhood  of evil mutants kind of thing yeah yeah   like you know setting up dates and fears  them like everyone shut up oh my god called it how did she contact her no she is hurt   the band had pulled her out and  put her in oh [ __ ] she's gone   that costume is great too the new one oh yeah that's the most excited  i've been to see captain marvel   i was like cool that was spectacular i've just  been saying since last episode you know i kept   saying that we gotta get that captain marvel cameo  and so and the new suit i'm so happy to just get   my captain marvel there it is there's the  magic that's what we'll put in the thumbnail   people will love it people will be so happy  i'll be so like i wasn't gonna watch this   but now i don't think you spoiled it i think you  encouraged me to watch it that's what they'll say   yeah yeah they'll say that exactly all right man  well we got we got chit chat there's some stuff   to say you want to play back that q real quick  the what the music queue make sure i'm not crazy   yeah yes okay i'm not crazy all right well  we just played back the audio of it and   koi pointed the shot in between because you're  doing the tick tock really quick and you said   that the the music yeah and i i didn't hear it  i think i was just so excited to hear the word   mutation that that literally like the like the  x-men animated series it's so fun i love how   much uh marvel studios honors the x-men animated  series you know like you hear that tune in doctor   strange multiverse of madness for a little bit now  you hear it here is the indication of the mutants   they're bringing back x-men 97. yeah i don't think  it's a coincidence expert 97. well it's going to   be michael yeah uh i think expert 97 and what if  we're going to be interesting bedfellows because   i do think expert 97 is going to be canon and it  ties into the original x-men 90s animated series   guys we have mutants in the mcu and we've been  having a hang with one for six episodes yeah   i know that's kind of crazy like this whole time  we've had a mutant here so they didn't do terrigen   mist but they did mutants which is more linear to  be honest like i i like the inhumans but i love   the mutants i like the inhuman storyline and i  like the inhumans versus the mutants but it is at   the end of the day a way more streamlined version  to have a character we're invested in be a mutant   and i love that she's like just another  label i like that they are already like   nipping that in the bud and addressing the  world that hates and fears them from the jump   and yeah and this was the first show i mean  you know falcon winter soldier dealt with   variations of racism obviously but this one really  is a culture as a people really dealt with racism   a lot and so you know when knowing that what  x-men mutants allegories are so much for that   like oh you're planting the seeds for that what  better show than a show that deals with you know   surveillance in a mosque and people judging you  immediately and like you know a fairly racist   government government wanting to shut you down  and what you are and i've been saying it for   months and kids shouldn't have powers right stuff  so yeah like it's a threat to be born with that   also it activates puberty yes yeah this is she's  the youngest of the experts she's the youngest of   the marvel characters dude that's right oh snaps  and this is all coming in post snap so this is not   something that is i want to talk about the  actual episode but it is obviously the big thing   yeah so this is something that won't be you know  a combination of of like mutants from another   universe smashing here and it is that we are  starting mutation here in the mcu yeah and she's   you know the first character to be in reverence of  the characters we've had so far so i'm wondering   if it's something about the planet and like  things that have been happening that caused   mutation to occur like i'm wondering if it's  gonna be a ramification of the events of blank   because we're you know we're chronologically deep  into the mcu the mcu itself is 14 years old in our   continuity but also in universe she's old  enough to worship these characters because   they've done their deeds yeah so i'm wondering if  that's gonna be a thing where you know you have   characters that worship uh and then you find out  like oh the reason mutation exists is some [ __ ]   wow it's kind of this is pretty cool so cool  it's funny that they they wrote this show off   so like a lot of people haven't been to the show  and they bring the x-men which is the number one   interview yeah yeah they bring the mutants in  i'm like oh damn the ending of this is a pretty   big setup it's the most important thing for a lot  of people and this show was extremely important   and now they got to watch it and also you know  i i do think that not many post credit scenes   for these shows lead obviously we were it was  it was safe to presume that captain marvel   would show up as a way to tease what's going  on what's going on in that post-credit scene   uh i think that the bangle brought her into  space maybe it matched its pair fascinating   i think decree lost an arm and another cree had  the bangle and she just got booted right into a   crease girl war oh damn i think she got [ __ ] up  she got booted through a beverage [ __ ] preschool captain brother i was at a pre-school world  now i'm in a bedroom what gifts i see me all   over the walls i don't want to see what's going  on tiana paris maybe she's photon maybe she's   spectrum maybe she's captain marvel now we're  the marvels and then we got secret innovation   too not sure what accent though uh secret  invasion i think is gonna be with the marvel's we just wrote it you're welcome uh i think  that uh melissa mccarthy is captain mark   she is she's all three of them yeah like  teddy murphy yeah i'm three women in shots uh i think that the events of captain marvel 2 are  going to directly lead into secret invasion but i   also think that like this is going to be a movie  already in progress when we go that post credit   scene is i think a mid action set piece and i also  loved her new suit oh yeah yeah that'd be cool   would this be the first show to feature  a scene from a movie anyway i think the   scene like remember when civil war when we  saw bucky in his arm in the thing yeah then   we saw that scene i think that scene  we just saw is going to be from the   other side of the movie awesome i think  we're going to see brie larson get bloop   and you know yeah yeah that's going to be dope or  it just starts moments either way yeah it's either   directly in or we see you know what i mean  the audience is going to be there like i   didn't watch miss marvel that's on you it's on  you you should have watched it this is a weird we got a spectrum we got ourselves a marble we got  a little mine we got a miss we got a captain k-pop   keep up with us i was so impressed with this  episode we should talk about the episode   um no mutants i do not envy anyone that didn't  stay up till midnight tonight because it's   gonna be trending all night like that you cannot  avoid that tomorrow that's a that's a hell of a   twist it's like it suddenly makes a lot of things  click that's what you want from like this kind of   landing right if you want a moment to be like  well of course and yet you also uh we didn't   see it well i mean i i'm gonna claim some credit  i did say this was coming i just didn't know it'd   be like with a music cue like i said this was  gonna be the show that led to x-men i've been   saying that for the last few months i didn't  know it was gonna be like mutation that's crazy   yeah that's right that's fantastic you thought you  think like oh in the next installment or whenever   it comes around then they'd show it but i didn't  think the show itself would set the groundwork   forward and like in in a way that really cues the  audience in yeah i didn't think we'd hear the word   yeah i know it's the first time we've  heard mutation other than like you know   that'll let there be carnage i mean cinema i uh i  do also think that there's an interesting aspect   of like told you so with kevin feige being like  this marvel's really important i really like that   saying that oh yeah yeah i also think that  this is the last show before comic con   so now we got gods and time travel and but think  about it like if you're going to announce it all   age and you're going to have a saturday crazy man  now this is the one that's 10 days before like i   said it's coming i like i and like they don't do  anything half way they don't schedule things like   a lot of times these things lead next to the other  the announcement of this show with the panel like   marvel doesn't need to go to comic-con they have  d23 you got a couple of weeks now yeah right   this is because of comic-con that like i mean the  comic-con i think is because of the show not the   other way around yeah i think that this episode  really stuck the landing yes you know a lot of   the times with these disney plus shows you end  up walking away feeling like because it actually   i thought earned when it got big haha big and i  think it earned when it got big with the action uh   and i know that people have their feelings about  the one division finale and 10 10 10 10 people   have their feelings about the one division  finale oftentimes we're left feeling like   that's pretty rushed they kind of tried packing  it you needed more episodes that's usually more   episodes three women italians very challenged  it's two in the morning wearing chocolate guys you're annoying we're talking about like some beautiful films he's always got great  like film perspective and he'd be interrupting our   like garish melissa mccarthy okay we bring the  important colors here there's a beautiful shot   in this where the camera actually goes under a  truck and then it like lifts and moves in a way   that i'm not sure how they shot it now what would  comrade you're talking about right where it goes   with his foot like and then she comes almost  like handheld like it starts off as a thing   that looks like it's on a crane and it's  actually like a guy's holding it yeah   it's i wonder if they did like a hidden swipe  there or something like that so impressed like it   looks like an old david fincher shot that would be  cgi where would like go through glass but instead   it couldn't be yeah because someone's wheeled  kid on the other side that's such a dope shot i   view i'm constantly looking at visual effects now  with marvel with a certain eye to go do they have   enough time to finish this doesn't matter i think  they did a great job you know like there are times   where it looks a little cheesy i think anything  stretch even though this is not full on like mr   fantastic stretch related that's still some of the  hardest technology i think you've got to pull off   anything with expansion of limbs or  anything like that even if you're   just kenny valley-tastic it's literally like  straight you're making a body amorphous yeah   yeah and i think the the the sequences with her  when she is in beginning i enjoyed them overall   i think no matter what even if sometimes effects  look a tad bit off i think that this episode was   all about the catharsis and the emotion behind it  more than anything else like you get such a great   wrap up i i love the wrap up here because you  had like a show in the beginning that was like   a teen show right like a teen high school show and  then next thing you know like you're in the middle   east for a few episodes yeah and then when you  come back to jersey they bring it all together   really well and in a very rewarding way ultimately  like i thought the emotion behind it was so   joyous a lot of the time and touching like the  fact that her family was the thing that gave her   because i i was always curious like how are they  going to tie this in with the pakistani culture   or even more make it full circle and then they  did it with even with the family being the ones   who give her the suit and give her the title as  well which we talked about from like how it was   in the first episode where they're like kind of  oppressive towards her ambitions and this whole   fantasy suits exactly she wasn't allowed to wear  superhero costumes they made her one and yeah then   they make her one it's like this feeling of uh  acceptance and she's been more accepting of uh   her roots as well and then her name being uh a  root to her family and then that being the root   of miss marvel is that in the comic that kamala  means um marvel is that like uh i mean i feel   like if it really means that then it just really  just changed that like yeah in this universe   uh i don't remember it being mentioned and now  i feel like a bad fan but i don't remember that   because that moment felt really new and special  to me yes i'm sure it is but it might have been   like issue one that was yeah i mean eight or nine  years ago uh for me reading it but i do think that   it was really smart to make it about her ancestry  in a different way like it's beautiful that it's a   translation of her own name and like that moment  of glee where she shares with carol danvers and   then it's her name like all of that is about  heritage all that is about ancestry about culture   this show thrived on family ancestry culture  action hearts and then the movie the show   landed with this great you know heist uh  home yes like you know all of that really   worked the action worked for me there was a  couple times brother coming around too dude the moment the kid rode the bike by on the fire  extinguisher i was like i wish i had seen the show   in high school this would be my favorite show i  think that this this finale brought the two kinds   of shows together that they were doing impossibly  like how did the show balance those tones   yeah it's like some stuff i mean i don't even know  like there's nothing i'm sure if i slowed down and   was like what what can i critique i got no notes  man uh i i'm sure there's stuff uh but to me it   was just about the experience of this episode and  i thought this was a wonderful experience overall   i think loki is the most consistent um in one tone  and i think one division is the most impressively   bold as far as what it tried to accomplish at the  top this is probably the most impressive balance   of tones like it does the most different stuff and  that's saying something because one division is   literally a show that is sitcom tropes to open the  show like this show's insanely accomplished and i   loved when like everyone gathered around  to protect her at the end so to stand by   yes to stand by wither and you've said several  times that miss marvel in a lot of ways is like uh   what would you say spider-man so that's what  he says silverade spider-man has a lot of this   really cool he protects his town personally he's  got a lot of family elements his friends me a lot   he's always the underdog chasing balancing school  and work and being spider-man all of that to me is   what makes spider-man so approachable everyone can  understand like i can't do all of these things at   once and i've got this stress spider-man's  us to me what i love about kamala khan is   those silver age spider-man tropes made sense to  me because i identified with all of those things   including being like a straight white dude kamala  khan made all those things make sense to me and   i've never been a girl a person of color um  i'm not religious at all so i've never had   any religious uh persecution or or judgments so it  was really interesting to read those comics and be   like oh i get 90 of this world but the extra 10  means so much for me because i don't understand   any of this context but i still identify yeah  and that's so special and so hard to accomplish   then this [ __ ] show did it yeah and they to my  understanding they honor the comics pretty well   it felt like the comics how so in the end even  zoe being a good girl again yeah so he teams up   i do like that that that at the very end of this  that the powers do come from her with within her   yeah ultimately um because i mean even though  the show already established that prior   very shang chi like which had the ten rings  thing too in here there's rings out there   when they tell you how phase four all connects  i can't wait dude i think the rings uh that   chongqi wares are made by fastos and i think the  bangle she wears is made by fastos and i think   that all of them haven't established that yet but  they're about to they're about to they're about to   go first they're kevin feige he's going to get  he's going to be like yo fast brian's tyrion   comes out and he's just making stuff and then i  then i come out on stage and it's dinner and i'm   like also expert oh [ __ ] that would be cool see  you at comic-con on stage uh i didn't catch who   directed this one the original the the homies the  fans of the show the two uh that's the brothers   yeah or their brothers they're just best friends  the reject nation fans yeah uh you get their style   here it's pretty prevalent i thought they did a  really good job with the action and i think that   they also provided moments that were more menacing  than previous episodes like there was some real   dramatic heft within the action scenes at times  like especially when comrad is going through all   these internal moments of which which path do i  go down and dealing with the feelings of his mom   knowing that she's dead i really liked  those action scenes a lot where they   the film would go into slow motion mode and then  you'd see kamala like trying to process this   they had a lot of good visual body language  just between just in the action scenes as you're   watching these motives either increase you know  especially when it comes to kamala who moments   before was about to you know kiss komron and then  now here when she's making the decision to like   like i like how a lot of it just wasn't spoken for  example when the dodc guy's in the bathroom and   he's about to attack uh she he's about to attack  him and she decides to protect him like you could   feel this yeah this gap happening between them  and the way they shot him in those scenes where it   got extreme close up and the sweat and the agony  and the suffering like there was a lot that was   actually the first time their style reminded me  of what they did in bad boys in a very positive   way mixed with their style choices here yes i was  thinking uh yeah this stylistically is i i like   their work so much and i gotta include they're  gonna include better music this time around   badass rap music there was so much cool stuff  in this tonally and it built out a world that   feels really special like i i said when chongqing  ended this is the thing i want a sequel to most   in the mcu miss marvel's second like i think of  anything we've seen post endgame this is the world   i want to dive deeper into along with chungchi  yeah and you guys know i love eternals you yell   at me all the time but like this is what i want to  see i want to invest more in kamala khan's world   and i can't wait for not only does miss marvel 2  give or captain marvel to the marvels give me hope   for captain marvel because i love the character of  captain marvel in the comic books most of the time   i love brie larson most the time captain marvel  the movie didn't work for me but nia de costa who   directed candyman with tiona paris whose spectrum  in captain marvel in juan division that duo was   so incredible and the visuals need acosta used in  handyman all of those things give me so much hope   already for the marvels and then this  show just put the marvels like you combine   what i am hopeful for with the director of the new  duo and this show ending and how this landed like   i think the marvels is maybe in my top three most  anticipated marvel properties going forward now   i really liked the delivery that brie larson  did in that one little one yeah i was like   i don't know i was like i like free larsen  i wasn't a big fan of her performance in   captain marvel and i usually think pretty  large is a pretty damn good actress yeah   so i don't know there's something about that  moment that just felt very natural to me   yeah it wasn't something i was really saying no  no we both had a moment of like this is nice yeah   yeah i liked it i liked it i i like this version  and i like the costume i like that it feels more   like i wonder who directed that scene wonderful  it might be nina costa well i thought that the   um i think that this episode overall was just a  great it really hit the landing the family stuff   with the emotional beast i'm so sorry  huh no it's okay because we love john   it's usually like ah you did someone talks i'm  usually i'm usually conducting of like yeah   you took now you talk now i talk or something  like but when you're conducting you're telling   yourself the time to talk so instead i'm  like but i have things to say like i'm just okay i just want to apologize but uh you were  saying about freelancers can you catch yourself   with that because then someone might say that here  in the comments but just so you know i'm like i   don't care bring coy here to talk i like least  talking i have to do the better off i am around   he's already done it i'm done three girls in  charge checked out man i uh i feel like the family   stuff to open the episode was genius and then that  re-established what the tone of the first half of   the show was right and then by the time you got to  where the moments ago events had happened you're   like oh right that's what this show is and then  it gave us all new stuff like this is a master   class in finale it wraps up so many story lines  it introduces new ideas it gives you action drama   heart it gives you all the characters you've loved  reminds you of something you'd forgotten about   and then it launches the next thing like this  every issue i've had with phase four has been   when creative freedom sacrifices the integrity  of characters this is how you do it this show is   stylistically [ __ ] dope this show introduces  new characters this show gives you a brand new   world to invest in the characters you  just met and makes you love them and   it doesn't sacrifice the mcu while still building  it out this is what i want out of these movies i was going to say several  things along those lines okay um yeah uh they did family stuff and uh powers and  mutation was and they set up things right that's   what you said right yeah you had a good checklist  here i did i said those words in a similar order   i think that they what because in the first  episodes that's when they were doing very   stylistic with it's like scott pilgrim influences  right and then here i felt like they really found   kind of a more unique look that wasn't just  clearly inspired by scott pilgrim yeah and   i think it at times did kind of remind me of a  comic panel i thought the colors really popped   well like i noticed when comrade walked out into  where all the cops are everything was blue and   that's his power that's his power looking like  it's like this is his power position right now   everything's blue before he's even attacked  anyone his clothes are blue his powers are   blue the lighting's blue everything around him  is blue until it they i think they use a lot of   great illumination with the power sets yeah and i  thought the powers actually looked pretty neat in   this one i know that people sometimes the visual  effects can be a little bit wonky but i really do   this whole talk about visual effects ours has just  made me go i want to appreciate what they do more   because especially in such a crunch time because  marvel's like we'd have none of the well every   studios like we'd have none of this without  them it's like mainly warner brothers yeah   let's attack them while we're in the moment you  know what i feel like that's what we're talking   about i was trying to think of a studio that's  like defunct and i couldn't really like be sure   you know man yeah you know 8 24 with their garage  struggling having a hard time columbia house yeah we did what was the one that  produced terminator corona oh no we should wrap this video cannon with a cannon  c-a-n-o-n iconic colors it was like yeah where you can go down to coco all right guys  what did you think about this finale um we   got to get coy to theorize about some [ __ ] you  guys want to see another comic corner that's been   birthed from this moment that would be amazing  but look before we wrap this up let's do it   let me do one they don't even patronize  me i just love them oh i heard about eric   horseman what a nice guy we talked  about him last time you pick a name craig do that thing with you and let me know what it's doing gabriel shout  out gabriel gabriel you are lovely i like your   double use of hay you are the sponsor of the  day i appreciate your zeal i appreciate your   name and i appreciate the fact that you may or  may not be named after an angel of vengeance   it's good it's a good thing to be named that is  a great thing to be named after it's like you're   doing vengeance for us by being at our patreon  page by supporting us your protector i assume   they go by gabe but i wonder if they ever go by  brielle i think it's gab gab gab i've never been   a brielle but it's a kind of a cool name it sounds  like literary like real have you ever met a gab   they want to kill themselves thank you it hasn't  gone well for them i've met some games never a   brielle or a gab though why do we shorten names  so weird why is why is robert bob his last name   i don't know if i could say his last name do you  want it like legally or pronounce it i don't know   i think it's french i don't want to be  it's not like we're reading his email out   it sounds like the what's the song that goes i'll  be bulletproof who's that artist that wasn't a lot   of rap that didn't sound like a rap to me no  i'll be bullied proof is that like a edm thing   yeah yeah that does look like that is that  the thing you're singing that's you you're   bulletproof you're trying to tie it back into him  you're bored i don't know gabriel like an angel of   vengeance is bulletproof koi's never kicked  off a shout out and this is where it's gone   poorly all right bye everyone thanks gabriel

2022-07-18 15:27

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