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Welcome. Friends so after, reading we, are going to move on to another important, module that is vocabulary. So. Welcome back to. This session and. For. The next couple of hours we are going to discuss. Business English, vocabulary. Will. Be learning, about. Various. Aspects. Of business English and its, vocabulary, including. Useful. Phrases, idioms. And, terms. Used, in all areas. Of businesses. Including. For, spoken. And written. Communication. And also. For, informal. Informal or. Semi-formal. Kinds, of situations. And conversations. The, objectives. Of this, module that is based on vocabulary, would be to, get an overview of the, words and phrases used. Or commonly. Used in the, business world so via parky basha the, Siham low-current a Vita, or, osmocon. Ski star hockey, shove, the use Kani the vocabulary. Yeah, so, idioms. And. Phrases. As. Well as commonly. Use. Expressions. We. Will also, discuss. How. To converse, easily, about topics, that are relevant in, a global workplace, this. You remember, is one, of the prime, objectives. Of this course that, we have to know that. Kind, of vocabulary that we, should, be sorry, we should be able to use. Those kinds of expressions, and. Words. That. Are relevant in, a global, work space. Or workplace, so. Not. Just in our. Local. Surroundings or, situations, but also in global, workplace, so please remember that in this era of globalization. We. Have to expand. Our horizons, so therefore we need this kind of. Vocabulary. We. Are also going to look at where, synonyms, antonyms, and abbreviations. Overall. Understand. Different, types of vocabulary, in business situations. Some. Important. Or, rather. Let, me put it in another way some. Very. Commonly, used. Kinds. Of expressions, or situations. Are, those. Which. I have given here. Vocabulary. Used for advertisements. Abbreviations. Popular, acronyms. We'll. Also look at the. Spoken, kind, of vocabulary we have vocabulary that you can use for, your every, representation. Interviews, semi. Formal and formal. Conversation. And discussion, so that's, also we are going to look at interviews, of course. In. Writing. Seeking. Information writing. Memos writing. Various, kinds of letters so. Those are the kinds. Of. Situations. That require a specific kind. Of, vocabulary. We, are party Basha. At. Araki am Bassanio. The--was Caicos Thor tariqa what the hell the, yeah it's. Module. Mecca nirvana. So. In, today's class I, would be talking about some of the useful and commonly, used words. I'll, give you a list but, that's not exhaustive. Or definitive as always. I have to put. A clincher, here or disclaimer. Rather here. Abbreviations. And then contrast. Markers, so this is going to be the focus, today. Look. At the slide here. Abbreviations. And popular, acronyms. Please look at the slide here. Several. Abbreviations. And acronyms. Are used in, the world of business. Account. Limited. Liability, company. Strengths. Weaknesses, opportunities threats. And. Will percentage, rate month. To, be determined. Certified. Public, account. Which. Is order not applicable, in, other words Rita, non-investment. Estimated. Time of arrival. These. Are very commonly, used acronyms. This, but, please. Stay. Forewarned. This is not the. Only oh these, are not the only acronyms, that you are going to use there are so many please. Read read and read, more that's. The only way you're going to so. One. Advice. That I keep giving my students, is that. In order to write and speak in a better way you have to read more also.

Expose. Yourself, to. Programs. That are in English, language. Now. Look. At this exercise. Look. At the slide match the following abbreviations. And, acronyms. To their meanings. Or, to their extended, forms. IPO. I, NCCP, a memo, GDP. ROI, certified. Public, accountant. Return. On investment, initial, public offer, gross. Domestic product. And, incorporated. Please take, a moment here. Are. Your answers 1. The initial, public, offer. IPO. 2 f ing, is incorporated. 3, certified. Public account. A so for B memorandum. Fee 5, e gross, a gross. Domestic product. And sexy. Return, on investment. Business. English depends, a lot on your knowledge. Of acronyms, and abbreviations. Let's. Move on and look, at this slide this. Is a list of frequently used words in business communication. Please. Look at it. Look. At the words this. Is not exhaustive, this these, are not the only words, that you would ever need but these, words are, very common, organized. Guidance. Guidance. Key. Cities curve, notation. Dana. Expand. Kcg scope Ilana, Klaus. Competitor. Dress. Code castara, Kappa Nava hona. Chahiye guests Erica have cap Lebanon. Corporate. World may corporate, kids or with, corporate. Cadonia may. Hysterically. Pen 800 second ahead dress code. Dress. Code could be semi-formal. Or formal. Leadership. This. Is an important, term. Teamwork. Trademark. Consensus. Consensus. Come at Livadia cassabi, log key, cities may. Agree. Carter here so yeah. Some. Disco. Monta, here so consensus. Mutual. Consensus. Agreement. Yeah. Agenda, a strategy. Estimate. A new man lagana, yes. So estimate, is to guess. Investment. Investment. Is to. Put your, capital, into something else Fuji lagana. Responsibilities. Kiska, card I take a cart of epics. Company, made so the kind of work you're supposed to do or expect it to do and guarantee. Of course so. These are. Some. Of the very. Frequently. Used words in business, and communication. But this is not me only live there would be much. More if you want to learn more about or. Expand, your vocabulary you. Have to read more particularly. The. Business section, of. Newspapers. Or some good business, magazines. Also. Now. Talking, about contrast, markers, what our contrast, markers some of the words such, as however. Although. Dou. Y. So. This is something. That is a. Contrast. Marcos although. Though. Yet. Nevertheless. However. However. Come at love ending on time making. Nevertheless. Piripi. Although. While. Whereas. Whereas. Can. Be taken, loosely. It. Could mean in in the. Quinto, paronto, so. In business, English we, have to be very careful, about the. Contrast, markers, they. Are the signposts. These. Words act as signposts to where. The conversation. Or the discussion, or the communication. The communication is. Leading. Towards, so you have to pay attention to, the ideas. Used, in the sentences. However. Expresses. Our general, contrast, you know the ideas, are. Good but the execution, however, the profits, were low the ideas, are good but, the execution is poor so but is also an example, of contrast. Marker. Although. It. Indicates, an. Element, of surprise. Profits. Fell although. The, turnover, increased. So. You have to understand, contrast, markers. Whereas. For example, indicates. And equality among the ideas that are presented. The. Condition, of company, X is, bad whereas.

That Of company, Y is, good although. And, even though are used interchangeably. Though. The letter, shows, emphasis. Profits. Fell. Even. Though turnover. Rates, increased. So. You have to understand. For example although, means, in spite of the fact that however. Means but, it, can also be used in the beginning, of a sentence, while, and whereas are used to connect two complete, phrases, and. Although and domine, in spite. Of something. Now this is your exercise please look at this slide here. She. Manages, everything she is only a junior employee. Although. However, wild. How. To make, a single sentence, using. Any one. Of these words so choose the best option, second, salaries, for the next four years have been decided, on they, will be changed, if business, improves, a however. Beware, as see even though. Number. Three the company, has 14 managers, all together. .. It has only 8 jr staff members, a whereas. B although see, however, number. 4 working. Conditions, in the company are average, there are no separate, washrooms, for women a, whereas. B, however. See. Though. 5. Site. B would be the better choice site, a would be a rather difficult terrain, a however, B though C while see. The main agency, concentrated. In Mumbai as, competitors. Turned their attention towards other places, a, whereas. B however see, even though and. Here. Are your answers please. Look at it look. At the slide a this. You although, although she manages, everything she. Is only a junior employee. The. Sentence indicates a surprise, at the ladies, ability. And, so. You can even say she manages everything although she is only a junior employee, that would be a better sentence, structure. The. Second one a salaries. For the next four years have, been decided, on however, they will be changed if business, improves. There. Is no indication, of surprise. Therefore. Whereas, is not applicable. Number. Three a the, company has 14 managers, all together whereas, it has only eight junior, staff. Members, it's, a clear contrast, keyword, is only. Number. For working, conditions, in the company are average, however there are no separate, washrooms, for women. The. Contrast, here is between two ideas that are not equal. You. Cannot say whereas a while or though. However. Is the best option. Number. Five C side. B should be the better choice while, site a should be a rather difficult rate, terrain, the phrases are equivalent, hence while is the appropriate. Option. For. Please. Look. At contrast. Markers, more carefully, there are lots of examples of, contrast, markers, on the, net and also. In good, English. Grammar books please. Keep. Revising number. Six here is a, please, look at the slide the. Main agency, concentrated. In Mumbai whereas, its, competitors. Turned their attention towards. Other places, and, the phrases, are equivalent and hence while. Is, used. Here. All. Right now look, at the passage here this. Is another exercise. Identify. The contrast, in this paragraph, the. Procedure followed, by American, companies when responding, to requests, from foreign, governments, including India, has evolved, over time and largely, carried, out voluntarily. By. The companies, subject. To restrictions, and then the stored Communications Act. The. Governing, law on the issue though, expansive. Interpretations. Read permissively. Companies. Have provided non content.

Data. A non. Content, data voluntarily. To, foreign. Law enforcement. Agencies, that protect the law of rule, of law and human rights -, data that. Revealed the actual, content, of communications. Can only be revealed through. A. Mutual. Legal, assistance treaty. Process, and the, source is given to you. So. Where, is the contrast, here what should be the contrast, here and the. Options, are however. Even, though though, look. At the slide again, however. Data. Even. Though though which, would, you prefer. And. The, best response, is a however. However. Data, and so. On look. At the sentence. Again and you, will find that however fits the bill in the best possible possible. Way. When. We talk about vocabulary. We should also. Consider. Conditions. If, you. Work hard you, will succeed. Conditions. Usually begin, with. The. Word if. Okay. And. It. Is, used. To express, if is used to express. Hypothetical. As well, as real situations. So. In a conditional. Sentence, you have two parts, condition. And the result if you work hard what's, the result you, will succeed now. Look at the slide here link. The following sentences, using. Conditions. Employees. Live very, far from office, promises. They, eligible, travel. Compensation, and. Which. Do you think is the best possible response a, if, employees. Live, very far from office promises, they would be eligible for travel, compensation B. If employees. Live, very far from office promises they are eligible for travel, compensation, C. If, employees, live, very far from office. Promises, they will be eligible for travel. Compensation and. Here. Is your answer solution, please, look at it 1a if, employee. If employees. Live very, far from office, premises they, are eligible, for travel, compensation the. Sentence, expresses a possibility. Both. Phrases have, to be in, simple. Presence, so please, consider, please, always note this. The. Tense should. Be. Agree. There. Should be an agreement of. Tenses. Number. Two I mean second sentence, he, being director, the company's condition. Deteriorated. By, now, if. He is directed, the company's condition, deteriorates, by now B if he would be director, the company's, condition, will, deteriorate. By. Now if C, if he had been director, the company's, condition, would have deteriorated. By. Now and this, is the solution number, the, second sentence. See if he had been director, the company's, condition, would, have deteriorated. By. Now. It's. Enough it's a hypothetical situation, it. Means that, he. Thank. God he is not the, director, otherwise. The company would. Have really, gone, down. The drain. Number. Three. We. Receive. Sufficient, funds, next month project, complete. Next. December, a if, we, if we receive, sufficient funds, by next month the. Project will be completed by next December B. If we will receive, sufficient funds, by next month the project, won't be complete, by next December.

C, If we receive. Sufficient, funds by next month the project, is to be complete, by next, December and, the next and the best answer is, third. A if, we, receive, sufficient finds by next month, a project, will be complete, by. Next December simple. Send present, and. We'll. Plus infinitive. B. Then in with infinity, here result. Clause. Next. Quiz next, sentence there, be fewer employees. In this company, more, work each person, do so, a. If. There, was fewer, employees. In this company there will be more work for each person, to do, B. If there, were fewer exact, employees, in this company there, would be more work for each person, to do see. If there had been fear. Employees. In this company, there had been more work for each person, to do. And. The solution, is for, me if there, were fewer. Employees. In this company, there, would be more work for each person, to do and. Now. Let's. Look at this exercise. This. Is the last exercise for you. Read. The passage that, follows, and fill in the blanks using, the words given, below, dominant. Flat singular. User data browsing, fanfare, unbundling. Please, remember to develop, your vocabulary, you. Have to read a lot and if, even if you don't know the answer. Or the meaning of some of these words please. Revisit. These words because. As you, know business English is not just general general, English it is a very niche. And specific. Kind of an. Arena and you. Can expect, more complex. Kind of language, here, you. Are expected. If you are if. You want to join global. International, MNC. Workplace, then, you have to raise the bar as far as your vocabulary, is concerned, so. You cannot say I don't know the meanings of these words, therefore. This course was very difficult for me please. Make. An effort, if. You, don't know the meanings of certain words please. Revisit. Them try, to find the meanings of these words and. Try. To remember them so let's look at the passage here fill in the blanks we. Love when. Netflix. Make. Massive. Deal of new shows like stranger, things narcos, or Rick and Morty and then quietly without any, - and a. Modern, classical - into the movies section as a nice little surprise for whenever you're stuck, for something to watch - through, the menu yesterday. We came across inherent. Vice paul thomas. Anderson's. Tale of a private, investigator. In 1970s. Los, angeles. Jochen. Phoenix, plays larry doc Sportello. Confused. Yet - in his, determination, to locate, his former, lover and her, current BOE real-estate.

Magnate. By the name, of mickey. Wolfmann. Whose mysterious. Disappearance. Drives the film. To a number of increasingly. Absurd, situations. And characters. And. It's continued. Here. Netflix. Is currently. The - company, in the relatively, young and usually, expensive. On-demand, media. Industry. By. Providing on-demand, content. Creating. Original shows, using, -. To better serve. Customers and. Letting customers consume. Content in the way that they prefer, Netflix. Is forcing. Cable. Companies, to change the way they do business in the long run, Netflix, a success, may be viewed, as the, first step in the dash of cable. Netflix. Is essentially, a storehouse, of content, including movies. Documentaries. TV. Shows and educational. Programs customers. Payer - monthly, fee and can, consume, any content, at any time from, whichever platform they, prefer in a sense it is the first, major, disruption. Of television, which. Has become the dominant medium, since. Its inception and, proliferation. In the middle of the 20th century. Now. You have two. Slides, and you, have this list of words. Dominant. Flat singular, user data browsing, fanfare, unbundling. Look. At this take a moment and look at this slide. And. Then. Look at this slide. And. Here. Is your solution, we. Love when Netflix makes, a massive, deal, of new shows like stranger, things narcos, or Rick, and Morty and then quietly without, any fanfare, fanfare. Is, without. Much. Publicity or, drama and, a modern classic or two into the movies section as a nice. Little surprise for whenever you're stuck, for something to watch, browsing, that's, the next word through, the menu because this is a collocation. Collocation. Means words which always go or that always, go together so we're, through, the menu it has to be browsing. We. Browse through the menu yesterday. We came across inherent. Vice paul thomas. Anderson's. Tale of a palma stone private, investigator. In 1970s, la yoke, in phoenix plays Larry, doc Sportello, confused, yet singular. In his, determination, singular, means. Very. Unique, very peculiar. Determined. Not. Determined, singular, is peculiar, and unique. So. Singularity. Singularity. Is an adjective that's a quality to. Locate this and then let's move on to the next one Netflix. Is currently, the, dominant, company, in the relatively, young and hugely, expensive, on-demand, media, industry, by, providing on-demand, content. Creating. Compelling, original, shows using user. Data to better serve our customers and, letting customers consume.

Content. In the way that the prefer Netflix, is forcing, cable, companies, to change the way they do business in. The long run Netflix. A success, may be viewed as the first step in the, unbundling. Of, cable. Netflix. Is essentially. A storehouse, of content, including, movies documentaries. TV. Shows, and educational, programs, customers. Pay, a flat monthly, fee see flat means. It. Upfront, and can consume. Any content, at any time from whichever, platform they prefer. And here is the source. Given, to you. So. Please keep reading and. We'll. Continue with more vocabulary, in, our next class goodbye. You.

2018-02-20 23:18

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