Microsoft Teams + Dynamics 365: The unified collaboration platform for modern business | FS181

Microsoft Teams + Dynamics 365: The unified collaboration platform for modern business | FS181

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[Music] hello and thanks for joining microsoft ignite over the past year we have seen the incredible potential for technology to build bridges between individuals and teams around the world for example technology is currently allowing us to connect with more ignite attendees than ever before joining us from more locations than ever before the past year has shown us the true value of resilience the world around us is constantly changing and we all need to adapt quickly at an individual level we can certainly see that truth bear out where shopping online dining at home and connecting with family and friends through a video screen some of us have even picked up a new hobby or two at an organizational level it has become clear that technology will unlock that quality of resilience organizations across industries are building new digital capabilities whether it's always on remote service contactless payment options telehealth solutions or data driven lights out automation on the factory floor but no matter how you apply it to make a lasting impact technology must connect people with key data and processes in their flow of work helping organizations move with more agility and speed as they navigate a changing world and this is why we're so proud of what we have built with the microsoft cloud with the complete and extensible stack in microsoft cloud we bring the ubiquitous and sustainable computing power to fuel your innovation the predictive and analytical power to help you shift from reactive to proactive the solutions that unlock human ingenuity across the entire organization and the tools to empower anyone to build digital solutions all built on the most secure and trusted cloud freeing you to focus on your vision the breadth and depth of the microsoft cloud is unmatched by any competitor in the industry and on top of that our partner ecosystem is unparalleled in its ability to build on this foundation to add value for our customers digital transmission can't wait that's why customers are choosing microsoft as the partner to accelerate their digital capability you're probably already familiar with azure and teams and probably power platform these are all core to your work as an id pro but the business processes and the business data that inform every facet of a company's operations that's where dynamics 65 comes in because when we talk about those new digital capabilities like remote service or curbside pickup that happens at the application layer connecting people data and processes across the organization from the workers on the front lines to the applications that keep back office operations running with dynamics 365 and power platform we believe we can help you create impact faster break through barriers innovate everywhere and adapt to anything let me give you an example rockwell automation a global leader in industrial automation solutions needed a way to empower its global sales force to maintain strong customer relationships as the customer as the company grew and customer needs became more varied and specialized tracking customer interactions in excel was definitely not cutting it and sellers frequently waited through long email chains before finding the right expert to consult about a customer's unique needs rockwell automation turned to dynamics 365 to reduce those manual processes and more easily connect sellers with subject matter experts this increased visibility and collaboration and allows sellers to focus on delivering outstanding customer experiences but connecting sales teams was just the start in december 2019 just before the global pandemic changed all of our lives they also began rolling out microsoft 365 across more than 23 000 people supporting customers in more than 100 countries i wanted to share more about this story so let's give my colleague emma williams a call she leads one of our microsoft 365 engineering teams and has been focused on meeting the unique needs of industry leaders in rockwell automation hi emma hi takeshi thanks very much for inviting me it's always a pleasure for me to talk about our customers and the solutions we're building to empower them together great uh let me tell you a little bit more about rockwell automation and their story they were planning a phase rollout in 2020 right they were and of course covet 19 came along and transformed everything and think about their employees normally they would have gone out and consulted with their customers in business corporate offices in factories even in oil and gas rigs and of course when covert 19 hit they couldn't do any of that so they had to dramatically accelerate the speed by which they actually rolled out microsoft teams and they did and in a few short months they were actually empowering their own customers and working with them to change process automation and to change the way they did manufacturing particularly around critical things like ppe and ventilator projects which of course the world drastically needed in 2020 and they could not have done that without microsoft teams so we were super proud to be able to help them with that yeah it's an amazing story when an organization broadly embrace braces the microsoft cloud across its entire organization and different functions but i also know that ignite's like a big week for you and then you know particularly for teams so tell me a little bit about what's going on there yeah i'm pretty excited this week we're announcing uh that microsoft teams virtual meetings and events are scaling to adapt to the needs of our customers so we're announcing that we're actually going to be doing interactive webinars now with up to a thousand people and broadcast view only up to 20 000 people so we know our customers are are very eager to get their hands on that feature and then the other feature which i think would actually be contributing to rockwell automation's next phase of evolution is this new microsoft teams connect which is actually shared channels so takeshi can you just imagine now you have this ability to have a shared channel with customers and with partners outside your company where you can meet you can chat you can collaborate you can co-author documents but imagine in the case of rockwell where you're actually looking at visual diagrams of processes uh together and how you can actually fine-tune those in a synchronous way so we think this um new sharing channel experience will be incredibly powerful for our customers when you think about customers like rockwell automation and customers broadly adopting microsoft cloud in particular dynamics 65 and teams you know what are the key advantages they're seeing well what stands out for me in this new wave of innovation we're doing together across dynamics 365 and with m365 is actually what stands out is this need to connect systems of record with systems of engagement in order to create these new opportunities for business workflows that can really digitize the way companies work today so as an example connecting dynamics 365 to teams as a system of engagement or you know in healthcare as you know i focus on all industries takeshi in healthcare for instance we've connected teams up to electronic health record systems to really empower clinicians in their clinical workflows emma you're leading many of our microsoft 65 teams building industry-specific solutions like microsoft cloud for retail can you tell me a little bit more about that yes absolutely of course we announced that last month that nrf was pretty exciting announcement when you think about um retail of course they've been transforming at a breakneck speed over the last year and teams alone we saw retail usage of microsoft teams surged by 280 percent and we saw mobile only usage in teams more than double and of course that's very much a proxy for frontline worker usage and takeshi when you think about retail of course 80 of the employees are front line workers and they've been the essential workers during this period of time making sure we're keeping you know critical things on our shelves including toilet rolls of course uh that everybody was uh panicking about last year so it's pretty exciting the work we're doing together here takeshi to really empower frontline workers and information workers with these digitized workflows in digital tools together for the first time that's amazing thank you so much for joining us it was my pleasure takeshi have fun at ignite that's what we're going to focus on for the remainder of this session how we're bringing the power of dynamics 365 right into the flow of work with teams think about the cost of even a simple context switch let's say you're chatting with a colleague about a pending deal and then looking up inventory position in your supply chain to support that deal how long does it take for you to get back into the full of your work after you make that switch this is a real problem for every individual and organization on the planet end users spend most of their working time in collaboration and communication tools but state-of-the-art business processes and deep business data often lives in a completely different world this means salespeople service representatives operations manager and more have to switch back and forth dozens of times during the day imagine if you could bring the two worlds together the rich business processes and data and the communication collaboration environments where we spend their days that's what we're doing with dynamics 365 and microsoft teams the integration we're highlighting today is a fundamental characteristic of the microsoft cloud it's not something we're bolting on after the fact this lets you as an id professional serve the needs of your entire organization you can empower users to run seamless business processes right where they are connecting an organization an individual or a team with the information they need to deliver amazing customer experiences no matter where that information lives today we're going to show you a few of the new integration points across dynamics 65 marketing sales commerce but that's really just the beginning let's jump in we'll start with how an organization can use teams in dynamics 65 to turn event attendees into loyal customers especially as the event themselves have changed over the past year virtual meetings events and webinars are the new normal and organizations need a way to plan online events and communicate with attendees quickly and easily with the introduction of new webinar capabilities in microsoft teams and new integration with dynamic 65 marketing we make it easy to set up analyze and follow up on event hosted on teams let's go to lori to take a quick look thanks takeshi as we all know virtual events and webinars have just become an everyday way of life let's take a look at about how teams and dynamics marketing come together to create great engaging experiences i'm in the dynamics 365 marketing app creating an event using our event management capabilities i simply have to check that i want to stream it and you can see that teams webinar is the default streaming provider available right there for me everything is automatically configured for me and i get an attendee url all i need to do is copy that and send that to my attendees and get going really simple to conduct events using microsoft teams from dynamics marketing similarly from microsoft teams it's really easy now to create not just meetings but also webinars when i do that i can have some great options like requiring attendees to register when i have all this rich attendee information i can get a report of all of the attendees and their activity during the webinar but that's not where i want to end i'd sure like to continue the conversation with these attendees with dynamics for marketing i can easily follow up with participants and this integration is right here native in microsoft teams as i click on that it'll go and detect my dynamics organization and i can configure that and then all the magic happens we've gone and taken all of the event attendee information and exported that into microsoft dynamics 365 marketing and we've created customer segments for you for people that registered people that attended or people that canceled the registration with each of these segments of customers we've created a journey that sends them a notification email as a great starting point but now you have the full power of dynamics marketing to create a customized journey that does different things based on whether they clicked on the email or links within it and you can continue nurturing the interactions with these customers and because i'm in dynamics marketing i can also do advanced things like create complete customized personalized email for each individual customer that goes through this journey so there you can see how teams and dynamics marketing together can create great engaging customer experiences not just in the webinar but continuing the ongoing conversation back to you takeshi thanks lori lori showed us how easy it is to set up analyze and follow up on microsoft teams webinars right from within dynamics 65 and then continue the conversation to nurture attendees and earn more loyal customers so that you can bring the power of dynamics 65 to your team's webinars i'm excited to share the commercial microsoft 65 e3 and e5 customers will get six months of dynamic 65 marketing at no additional cost we will have more details on this offer along with eligibility details to share soon and we're excited to see you reap the benefits of these solutions together let's move to sales and take a look at how we're empowering individuals to deliver better customer experiences with microsoft teams and dynamics 65 sales we're helping put collaboration in context and providing actionable next steps using ai driven insights this allows sellers to be more productive work together better and build stronger customer relationships let's see this all in action with ray thank you takeshi sellers have never had so many tools for communicating with customers and collaborating with colleagues across the business but with the increasing volume of communication and the need to work across multiple apps and teams it can be hard to reduce the noise and stay focused i'm super excited to share the great work across dynamics 365 and teams to solve this very problem bringing important business process context and structure into the apps that people want to use by integrating the power of teams into dynamics we are empowering sellers agents and technicians with collaboration productivity tools right in the context of their daily work here you can see someone working on an opportunity in dynamics 365 sales and how the team's collaboration pane services conversations related to this record whether it's a one-on-one chat group chats or meetings this not only saves time and boosts productivity but with the increased focus and business context it allows sellers and agents to better engage and deliver the ideal customer experience by the way this experience is the same across sales customer service and field service this means that people across the organization can collaborate regardless of department or role to meet customer needs that's true organization-wide collaboration and customer engagement all in the context of your existing business processes well let's get back to another sales example when a seller needs to connect with a customer they can call them using teams right from within dynamics 365 sales simply click to dial directly from the up next widget and a team's dialer opens while on the customer call sellers will see real-time insights such as transcription with business critical keywords highlighted suggested action items and a space for note-taking that seamlessly ties back to the sales records similarly when you're in that team's meeting sellers will be able to see all the customer contacts records real-time insights action items and notes then within seconds of finishing the call a rich summary with business insights is available including follow-up actions call playback and transcription sentiment analysis and key topics discussed during the call these could be key word mentioned like pricing timing or competitors and so on not only can sellers follow up at just a click but managers can spot trends emerging across their org in near real time the rich insights captured from the call helps provide a deeper understanding of customer needs we're super excited to show you how we're bringing the power of dynamics 365 directly into the flow work with teams meeting people where they do their best work whether within teams or within dynamics 365. for example here you can see how sellers are able to search for and share customer records from within teams other people in that conversation will then be able to view and edit details directly within the conversation flow without even having to leave teams we believe that delivering a great customer experience requires not only connected data but a connected and collaborative team around that data dynamics 365 and teams together deliver this in the most powerful way our goal is to create a seamless continuous experience between these apps regardless of where people are they will have the tools and data they need to collaborate to be more productive and deliver great customer experiences now back to you takeshi thanks ray ray showed us how we're building teams collaboration experience within dynamics 65 and also how we're enhancing dynamics 65 experience within teams this unified seller workspace can help your organization respond to the sustained shift to digital buying and selling that we're seeing everywhere lastly let's see how teams and dynamic 65 are coming together to empower working teams using an example of a retail store in retail it's important to maximize collaboration among staff for the best customer experience without heavy overhead frontline workers need a streamlined tool that enables them to connect with their peers while also giving them instant access to the data needed to help make the best business decisions with teams in dynamics 65 commerce we're removing the barriers between the head office and individual stores by providing new task management functionality right within teams let's go to balaji to see it in action thank you takeshi we have seen that teams is a great collaboration tool and in particular for retail workers on the store floor and the integration we are announcing today makes teams even more powerful i'll showcase how tasks that are created for store employees light up both in our dynamics 365 point of sale application as well as in microsoft team in a synchronized fashion this allows the store employees to choose the application of their choice to view and manage the task and ensure that the tasks starters and details stay in sync between these two applications as a regional manager you may want to prepare all of your stores for an upcoming holiday season as you can see teams for every store has been already created in microsoft teams based on the data that is in dynamics 365 commerce now to prepare stores either all at one time or one store at a time you can use the task application to create a preparation checklist which includes specific tasks along with the due dates then when you publish this task list you will see the organization hierarchy is already populated using information from dynamics 365 commerce you can publish this list to your entire region with just a few clicks in retail stores store manager will use their dynamics 365 commerce point of sale application or microsoft teams to see the new tasks that have been assigned store managers can easily assign tasks to individual workers and update the status of tasks as they are completed if there are new additional tasks store managers can easily add them right from their pos application or from within microsoft teams notifying employees now as an employee all of your tasks are available in a single place and accessible across all devices including laptop tablet or your mobile phone making it incredibly easy to complete them back at the head office you can use microsoft teams to see how your stores are doing you'll be able to check on progress across all your stores and follow up with store managers of those stores that may be falling behind we are continuing to add more integration capabilities between microsoft teams and dynamics 365 commerce such as creating programmatic tasks checking customers for curbside pickup and many many more all of these experiences will be available right from within microsoft teams we are super excited about all of these capabilities coming to market and with that i'll send it back to your takeshi thanks molaji with dynamics 65 commerce and microsoft teams we're enabling retail teams to showcase best practices highlight urgent tasks and build stronger community among store locations these are just a few ways we're strengthening the integration between dynamics 65 and microsoft teams in the upcoming release with new integrations coming to dynamic 65 customer service field service human resources and supply chain management as well we're enabling unified collaboration and team engagement across your entire organization you'll be able to enhance how people work together across teams functions and business divisions creating opportunities to enhance employee experiences and deliver on customer expectations we'll continue our investment in innovation to turn work the way it was into the way we want it to be more efficient more collaborative more insightful and ultimately more productive microsoft cloud is built from the ground up to enable just this and we can't wait to see what you'll do with it thank you

2021-03-08 06:35

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