Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Services Automation (PSA) future and investments - BRK2069

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Services Automation (PSA) future and investments - BRK2069

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Okay my. Name is gherkin Salk I lead. The PSA. Dynamics, project, service automation, and the, finance, and operations service, industries, team, I lead, the engineering. Teams in R&D. I've. Moved to the, recently. Five months ago but. I've been with Microsoft 15, plus years the. Past four and a half years, I've spent in dynamics, R&D, running, the customer success, team and, Clyde, two that I spent 10 years planning. A dynamics, practice, in I will consult in service organization. But. Using. PSA actually, so. It's. Glad I'm, glad to be here, one. Thing that has changed with, me moving into the new doll is, the. Team composition. Has changed now. We have the PSA, engineering, and, the, finance, and operations service, industries, team under one umbrella and, that should give you a clue about our intention. To bring these two products, closer, together and we'll talk all about that in, today's session now. The investments. With, me I have my, colleague, hello. So, I'm Roopa I'm a p.m. on the, PSA, product, and I'm. On gurken steam I've been with Microsoft for, about eight years now and, before. Working, on PS I have been in with PSA, since its inception that, is in 2015. When the whole. Product. Was envisioned, and before. 2015, I was working with Dynamics finance. And operations SI product, and before, joining Microsoft, I was with Accenture. Thank. You lupa so. What we'll cover in today's session under, the, NDA is. So. We'll talk about the roadmap, of PSA okay. About, our vision and the, investments. As a team, for the next year, so, that you know where you're going directionally. We'll, talk about the emarketer, the leases that we learned that this calendar. The earth in 2019. We'll do a demo down those and then we'll double click into the October the wave investments. And that's, coming in our next release so. That's the. The, the content of the session. We, like interactive. Audiences, so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask as we go along. Are. They so. We figured the, way we'll start, the. Presentation. Is to talk about the problem, space that, we are trying to solve right, so our solutions. Whether, that's project, service automation, or finance, and operations. Service. Industries, are. Being used, by organizations, that, have project, based services. Right these, project, based services, could. Be used in for. Their new generating, purposes, or they may be internal, projects. That the organization, is using and driving. With. Their businesses, and if, you look at the slide these are the personas. That are involved in the process right so in the pre-sales, stage you, have the account manager and the partner. Manager that. You, know that will work. Together to. The spontoon opportunity. But they will do is they will create a WBS. A project. Plan where. They will assign genetic, resources, to it they will assign resource. Pricing, and costing, out of that will come a quote and then they will quote the customer, for, the services, implementation. And hopefully. If they win the. Process will go into an execution, stage where, they will assign a project manager, to that project, and the, project manager will work with the resource managers, to these first managers in, our customers, have a view of all the projects, and of all the resources. In the organization. They, will work with that project, manager, they will make sure that they assign the right resources, for. That project and once, the resource, assignment, is done the, genetic. Resources, in the WBS are the place with named to these sources you, will have actually short, costs and actually source, pricing in the project plan at, that point you. Know as the project makes progress the, team members. Will enter. Time and expand, sexuals, right, that will that, will form the revenue, that the project is generating, as well as the cost so. That the project managers would have. Offutt ability, insight into that project and how they, are the how the resources, are doing from a project perspective and. Then we'll also have the project accountant, involved right in this process, the project accountant, will will send. The invoices, to to the organization's. Customer for all the projects that they are running they they, will manage the payments, in the, process up, to the point where we close the project and the project is complete the project manager will close the project and then they will go on to the next project right. And at, the top the main stakeholders, in this process are the CEO all right, and the practice, manager then they are, interested. In in, sites such as is. That organization. Profitable. Right so the whole profit margin, that they make. Off of the projects, right is there these sources, are the resources. Being utilized, right is the resource. Mix in the organization, the correct one so, those will be the the, interests, of the of the CEO or, the practice, manager, if.

You Look at these personas, one common thing one, thing that they have in common is that they speak the project, language, right so all these personas, know about projects, they will open project, at one point or another they. Will learn they will understand, what's in the WBS the task assignment, so, this is kind of the problem space that. Project. Service automation as well as finance. And operations service. Industries, module, plays in right, that's, that's where our solutions, are being used and we we, have customers, in multiple, industries including, construction, engineering. Tech. Right. Professional. Services. All. Of these customers. Are utilizing. Our product. Now. To talk specifically. About Dynamics, lease if 65. For project service, automation PSA. Right, this was introduced, in the market around. 2016. 3 years ago, and it's, a phenomenal, growth right in these 3 years, yeah. We had a big uptake of this, of, this product, and if you look at the business process that this solution. Is supporting, it's it, starts with opportunity, management, right the pre sales cycle right you have sales key abilities within PSA. You have project, planning capabilities, with them PSA you have a WBS, the Gantt. Capabilities. That exists today these, trust management, is built on top of our Universal resource scheduling, engine that. You have these host management capabilities, that help organizations best. Utilize, their the resources. You. Have team collaboration. Time and expense, capabilities. Within PSA, as well as customer, billing and invoicing right. And this all runs on Dynamics, 365. On CBS, and Ariel today so. What we'll do next is loop I will talk to us about the in market, features. That have landed in in this calendar, year we'll, also do a demo of those capabilities and then we'll get into the roadmap, discussion, and our, the investments, that are, upcoming. Thank. You gherkin so, if. You look at the in market investments, there is if. You see the full Chevron, that we support for projects all the way from sales to. Time. And expense and approvals, and creation. Of a pro forma invoice these. Are the areas that have seen a lot of investment, in the last few months that is starting from the time when 3.0. Was released. Back. In August, of this. Year our. Ghost of 2018. We, have had monthly enhancements. Where we have introduced a lot more features on the UCI platform, so, firstly, it is when. It comes to priceless there has been a significant, wave, of enhancements. If you remember, or if you're a user of PSA. How. Many of you have used the multi-dimensional pricing. Where you can create. Any price. For any attribute, of a resource how many of you have used that. About. Three or four so, what. The feature the, promise of that feature is no. Matter what your, resource. Pricing. Strategy, is the, product, will scale to that need so, based off of that enhancement.

That Was introduced, in three dot X 3, dot oh we. Have made. A lot, more enhancements, in line to support that notion, in, the pricing and costing. Areas, so. Firstly. Assume. That you have a priceless that, talks about people, within, your company and the pricing, for them and so, you have a price matrix, that's defined, by you or your customization. Customers, organization. That, says ok, a person with three years of experience zero to three years of experience or three to four years of experience is priced so much now, there should be a way for you to make copies of those priceless from one period to another with inflationary, changes, and be, it whether it's for revenue, priceless. Which are specifying. Bill rates or whether it is cost rates so. That's, one feature that we added to be able to make copies of priceless so that you can reuse them after, adding a slight markup, optionally. Or otherwise, and then. Because. PSA, is meant for multi, geo projects. It is not required, for you to setup your price always, by the hour as your unit from. Now I mean after the 3.4. Update. Of PSA. You'll, be able to set up your cost, and price, in any unit, of time and that, any unit of time for an for, an hour to, change from country to country doesn't, make sense but for a working, day to change, from country to country makes, a lot of sense some, countries work a 7.5 hour days some countries work an eight-hour day some countries may want to work at a 10 hour day, so. You define those days by geography, and then set up your price in that unit of time and then, what the system does is it keeps it keeps, a factor, of how many hours to a working, day in that geography and then, it is able to apply that. Pro. Rate that when when a resource actually records time so if I'm if I'm working 10-hour days and I belong to a geo that works 10-hour days and I put. In eight-hour time on a specific, project tasks it Crowe rates my time my day. Rate divided. By 10 figure, out the hourly rate and then supply. The price to the project manager of how much my 8 are take 8, our tasks costed, them so.

No. Matter what your time unit no matter what your currency. You'll be able to set up your prices for your organization, and then, you'll be able to use. That accordingly, in your project, one, other introduce, a concept, we introduced is a currency, agnostic. Way, of defaulting, price so. A lot, of customers, have told us that this. Way where you have a cost. Rate, list that's tied to an argument is not, necessarily, how we do, things there are a few organizations where, that works perfectly, fine where, a US Division will set up its cost rates and set up transfer, rates when I use, resources, from another org unit right, you, can't totally do it but, then. There. Is also this section. Of customers that have told us that we. Don't necessarily do. Transfer, rates in, our operational. Project, management, system we, like to keep one global, cost, rate list for all employees. Of our company so do, not match try to match currencies, when you try to figure out which cost rate list to use we'll, have one global, rate list for, our employees, and we'll use that on all projects, no matter where they are being delivered out of so. That's the concept that we introduced and it comes with a flag. Just. So it doesn't disrupt, any of your existing pricing. Costing. Strategies, that you have you, turn on. Globally. Agnostic. Cost. Rate defaulting, and what, that does is that allows you to have one cost. Rate list for, a global at the global level for, all projects. And whether. The project is spun out of a US division, or a European division, or an Asian division, it doesn't matter it'll, just go up and look up a rate for, a resource, from a certain division and uses. That cost, rate to cost in your project, so you have both modes available now if you have an org unit specific, cost rate list it will definitely use that but. If you don't want to do that just leave that blank and have a globally, turn, on your currency agnostic, price list and use a. Global. Cost, rate list for your company and then the. Other one is much. Asked for we had this ability to open your project in project client in the - dot X version we, had to repeal that in three dot oh because of data model changes we add that back so that's that's. Something that we are in the project planning area and then, in time expands, an approval. Or the tests our acronym, that you'll see us using frequently from now on it is time expend, status, and approvals, that's, what's the tester, stands for. Firstly.

You, Did not have the weekly time. Entry experience in three dot oh you're, gonna have that now, you. Can change the start date and, end, date to, be in line with your user settings that all those features were introduced, when we, had. The weekly time entry go out in 3.2. Version. Of PSA. In. The, expense. We. Had the ability to set up a price per unit for certain expense categories, but we didn't allow you to express how many units of that category you use that's. Something that we fixed now you can have a price per unit for, mileage scenarios, that's plenty. Help and there are many other scenarios and expense categories, people, have used expense categories, even to. Process. Invoices, the number of invoices, processed per month the number of payrolls process, per month and then charge, the client based on the number of units process per month so that. Has been a few, scenarios around how expense categories, were used in PSA so. You. Now have that ability and then. We. Did not have a way for you to say these are the transactions, that I would like to invoice my customer, we, now have that please. Feel free to use it I'll show you one implementation of, it that's kind. Of nice using, entity dashboards, as a concept, but. I, totally. Trust you to explore that and see how you can customize, it for various customers. Requirements. Basically. The read the flag is a very lightweight thing, it just says am, I ready to bill or not ready to bill and then you can figure out how that flag gets set you can write rules, and, constraints. On when, a particular, transaction needs, to get billed versus not so. And then finally. A, lot. Of, improvement. Has been done on actuals, once an actual is recorded, PS they did not allow view to modify them now, there's a whole lot of scenarios. Where, this has been lit up one. Is recalling, a time entry by a consultant, I submit, at a time the time was approved I did not have the way to recall, that and correct my time entry, it's. Now possible. There, was no way for a project manager as a project manager, in PSA, I could, change, how, many hours, I would bill to, the customer, during. Approval, my. Consultant, recorded, eight hours time during. Approval, I don't, have a way to change the time that they reported but I can I have, ways to say not. Eight but I'll only build a portion of that eight to my customer, I have I had base to do that so, I would I would do that or mark, a task, as completely, non-chargeable, even though it was not chargeable, I could. Have these. Facets. That changed, how the billing, behaved during. Approval, let's, say I made that decision and I approved it let's. Say I reduce the time from. Eight to six and said, all. Of the six will be complimentary, to the client and I approved the time entry if I later have a change of heart and I want to make that chargeable, again I did not have a way to do that I had to go to the invoice and then, make that time. Entry as chargeable. On the that, particular line as chargeable on the invoice now, I have, a way even after during, the approval phase even before an invoice I could go bring it back up, cancel, my approval, and make, those necessary modifications, and. Approve it one more time. So. That those are two scenarios there is also a third one a more powerful one which is basically. A back-end persona, can go take a bulk load, of actual. Move, them from one project to another so. That's a, few, of the enhancements, we did I'll show you a few of those but, in, I won't, have time to go through the entire set of them but I'll show you a few and. Let. Me shift over to my demo machine here. It's. Just. Now decided, to go to sleep. Sorry. About that. Even, if my talk track was a minute, less I would have caught it from going to see.

Okay. So, I'll. Show you a little bit about the. Entity. Dashboard, concept and how that can help with the ready to invoice fly so. Let. Me shift over to. The billing backlog. So. This is an entity dashboard, that I have here this. Is this. Does not require any coding this is just what I did in. Basically. It's, an it's a dashboard that I built off of my actuals, and it shows me per customer for, a certain, period what, are the backlog, that I have and from. Right here I can see that there are a few, time. And expense, entries, and I can, sort. Of select. Them from here and. Then. I can mark. Them as ready to invoice or not ready to invoice from right here. Or. I could, filter. Them out by customer, or by contract. And then, mark, them as ready to invoice. And. Then. Here I get a few options here there's, one what. I was alluding to ready to invoice or not ready to invoice I could mark them as ready to invoice and then, that will. The. Next time the invoicing, features invoicing. Activity, turns up it'll create, a draft invoice that, includes. These so. Do. Play around with the entity dashboards, that is. I'll. Just shift over to customer Billings you can have a dashboard again, on actual. Let. Me make the time and you, can have visual filters, here you can see how much time is regular. Time versus, how much time is overtime. This is all based on what the consultant reported. And what the activity. Was flagged as so you can see how much overtime Billings, you have for a customer, for a given period or what's. The, by. Fabrikam, us okay for this customer, a datum, how much, did we do in. Fabric amuses us versus fabric I'm India so this is a very powerful. Feature. So please try. This out and what. I'm also going to show you one of the other features is, basically this. Currency. Agnostic. Concept. Where, you could have a global price list so, I'll go ahead and I'll just this. Is fabric I'm us I'll, go ahead and delete this org unit, specific, price lists that I have for costs, I'll, say I'm no longer going to use org unit specific, things instead. I'm gonna. Go. To my settings and turn on that flag where. I say I'm using one global, cost rate list for all of my company. For. Which I just need to remove. Some of these currency. And specific. Prices, that I've got. I'm, creating a new price list here, for, cause I'm, gonna say this is my global price list. With. A start, date of, starting. And. Here. You can see that there is a currency in a time unit right on the price list header this. Will, be ignored when you turn on that flag this wouldn't, matter anymore. So, I'll save this. Go. Here and say. For. A network technician. Coming. From, fabric. Ham France I'll just use that as an example, the. Price is say, 123. Euro. Per. Hour or let, me make, that a little interesting, and say. Yeah. That's fine. And. Then I'll create a new price for the same network technician I. Say. This person is Rob from fabric I'm us where let's, say I prefer to express my. Price. In days I'll say this person is a thousand, US, dollar per, day and what. Is a day. If. I go in to a day a day, is eight hours I'll just go ahead and rename this to say US day. And. Back. On my price list let, me add a new price but. Here I'm gonna. Before. I do that let, me just go ahead and add one more, unit. Of time. I'm, gonna call this. Let's. Say it's Scotland. Day. And. Say. This is actually seven point five and not eight. Hours. So. Back on my price list I'll, add a. Price. For a network technician. Let's, say the resourcing, unit here is oh. Yes. I'll. Just use India, and. Instead, of. Using. The, the. Typical. Day which is 8 hours I'll use a 7.5. Hour day and I'll, make this. Not. US dollar but let's say this is from, in Indian, rupees I. Call. This a. 20000, Indian, rupees per day. So. This is with, this kind. Of price setup what you can do is what. You can go turn this on in your parameters so on my prices I've got this oh when, I use a network technician, from India they need to be priced so much and I'm setting, those up in the country's.

Currency So that it's, all in the, way the country expresses, it you don't have to do any conversions, you don't have to do any changes you just set up your currencies. And your time units and you, can go set, up all your cost rates in those time units and in those currencies and then, what, you do is you come back to settings and say. You. Turn on this multi currency cost, rate list it, just gives you a warning fine. Just click fine on that one, don't. Give, it some thought because, if you already have some pricing going on where it is not currency, agnostic, please, read that warning, I have made sure that I don't have any but this, could have good, far-reaching, consequences if. You kind. Of do this without reading, that so. I'm going to set up this global, cost rate list on my project, and I. Don't have any more org unit, specific. Pricing, it's global, in the sense that you. Do have all unit specific pricing, or the transfer, rates but it's it's all in the currency in which the the pricing, was set up there. Is no transfer. Rates concept, here there is just a rate. The. Transfer, rate is when you do have or specific, priceless so, if I now go ahead and create a project and used. The. Project could be in any currency it will always use this global price list which was not the case before it always wanted. To use match, the project's, org unit currency, with the price list currency, and only pick that up but, now because. I turned on currency agnostic, it doesn't care what the project's, org unit currency is project. Still has an org unit currency, so if I go ahead and create a project and, let's. Say I create this project in Swiss project, and I create it in Swiss francs. And. The. Contracting, unit, is safe fabric. Am Switzerland. So, it's a Swiss for a franc, a project, or save this project I don't, have a price list set up in Swiss francs I don't. Have an org unit called contoso, so it's a fabric, camp Switzerland, which. Has a cost rate list I just have one global, cost. Rate list and now if I go ahead, to my schedule and pick. Start. Creating these tasks. I'll. Just create three tasks to correspond, with our the. Way I have stopped. Us say network. Technician. From. India, so. They. Work regular hours, because. I added resource, work hours as one of my pricing dimensions, I'll just go and pick Network technician here. And. Then. I'll create a. Network. Technician from. Us. And, I'll create another technician. From. France. And, then I believe. The. One from India I need to tweak I forgot to change the org unit here, so let's say fabrikam. Now. When I go to my resource assignment, and my estimates, on this project you will see that it shows me everything, in Swiss francs because. That is my projects, currency, but, then it, has done all the conversions for you from that global, price list in the currency that the cost was set up in so, that's a, little bit of the demo.

Of One of the features there's a, few, more please explore, and read. The documentation, and I'll. Shift back to the deck. Thank. You. Hear. Me alright, perfect so this is one of the investments, that again. We have done in in much. Timeframe. I believe so. And, we'll. Continue to to invest in this space. Okay. Now, we'll talk a little bit about the roadmap and. Then. What's what's coming, so I know there's, been a lot of inaccurate. Blogs, that, that came up so I think one thing that I would like to clarify is, the the. Project capabilities, that exists in dynamics is not going away as you have seen we're investing, in the space we're going to continue to invest in the space and we're. Looking to bring, both. Project. Capabilities, that exist. In finance, and operations closer. To to PSA. So PSA, capabilities. Are not going, away so. That's, that's one thing that that I would like to clarify so. Let's. Let's talk a little bit about the roadmap and hopefully it will be, clear why we got, these inaccurate, logs and in, in the market so, if you remember, at the beginning we had talked about this business process, right this, business process, is what PSA, is supporting, today right so. We have the opportunity man and piece so, if you look at your potently, management, piece that exists, in in, PSA, it's built, on Dynamics 365. For sales right we have a very strong, sales. Capability. If you compare that to our competitors, right and the reason for that is that it's built on Dynamics these five, for. Sales right if you look at our resource, management capability. You know PSA, is very strong data as well right it's built on the universal resource scheduling, that's, been built for field service, like it's, very deep from an organizational. Resource management capability. Perspective, if. You look at time and expense, and customer, billing so. Time you. Know the time capabilities, that we have in PSA, are very deep our, finance, and operation, capabilities, around expense, and project. Financials. Are, very deep as well right, from. That perspective and, time service, analytics, perspective if, you look you know with leveraging, the same, power. Power, platform, that all of our dynamics, 365. Solutions, leverage, and we, have a very strong, platform here, to, further build on the customer insights that we have currently in the in the product and we'll continue to invest in that that will be lighting, up new. Machine. Learning scenarios, we'll talk about that in the October, wave a. Little, bit more if. You look at project, planning and, team collaboration, type. Capabilities. Right we, have a tool like. Microsoft. Project, which. Is leader in this market, so we have very, deep capabilities. Within. Microsoft. Project, planning perspective and, then, office, offers. Teams, and, the office, groups like very, strong capabilities, they are together combined. With Exchange and all, of this is built on the power platform. Right. So. Looking, at this slide right. And looking, at the Microsoft, assets, that we have and the project capabilities, that we have we have it capabilities. In a lot of the different, assets so what we will be investing, in for the next year is to bring. The best capabilities. Of all of these assets, into single, experience. Seamlessly. In. A one, application, manner and our next our the investments, in the next half they'll. Be focusing, on that. So. Again. If you look at our project execution, offerings, right we, have at the bottom planner, project, PSA, and, finance, and operations so, planet is mostly used by smaller, project, teams where these, horses are being assigned manually. You don't need resource, management capabilities. There and then, the enterprise. Level solution. With Microsoft, Project, provides you know the ability to co-edit, projects. Project, templates, like baselines. Time tracking. And. Is ours is, the leader in the work management application, space right and. Then if you go at an organizational. From the organizational, needs perspective. PSA, provides. The economics, around projects. Right so if you need to do this please. Sale site if you need to do quotes and contract, and invoices. Right, and resource, management you, would utilize a tool like.

To. Do that in, a standard manner the cross the organization, and, then if, you look at our finance, and operation. Offering. Site if you have governance, risk and compliance. Heavy. Requirements. If you have stocked. Item based, scenarios, very much but. You need in the project plan is a inventoried. Item, and you need direct integration with, inventory, engineer. To all the types and audios that's, why we see finance, and operations, service. Industries being used. So. Again from roadmap. And from a vision. Perspective what we're looking to do is bring all those three assets, from Microsoft, Project, PSA, and finance. And operations service, industries, you. Know utilizing, the power platform, as well and c.d.s and bring them all together to. Provide. A comprehensive solution, to our to our customers. So. To. Further. Double-click. On this, so. What we have today in market, is we have in PSA in market and we have finance. And operations service, industries, right, finance, and operation service industries, is not going away that will continue, to to, maintain that Kim nails my, team had a session at 9:30, today, if you didn't get to watch it you can watch it online. So. We, went into detail around, our investments. On the fnot site and what, we're looking to light, for the for the October wave. From. A PSA, perspective, what we're looking to do is on the left-hand side you see the Microsoft Project often, offerings, we have planet, we, have project. Online PWA, today, in market, and we have also capability, call to load map who, has heard of roadmap, and I see yeah hands. Okay a few people please, go to project, home and check out the roadmap capability. But. Roadmap towards is it provides a portfolio, view to the users, you know. If you have several projects, that you are participating in you can see those when, you go to the ODE map and that be able, to have, a portfolio, view in there, and the significance. Of the ODE map to us is PSA. Engineering, team and the office, engineering, the Microsoft project engineering, team have started, to work together to.

Land The, project. Online on CD, s right, so, that that has been in my emotion. For the year and the, roadmap was our first milestone. That, landed, that's, running on now on the dynamics, platform on CD s right and this, landed in December, 2018. And. It's utilizing, our, dynamics. Platform for. All of the of, its. So. What we will land next, in item. Number one that you see this will land in q3, of 2019. Is what. We call a new project service, so the office team will come up with a new project service, that's, fully CD s base CD s power running, on on the dynamics, platform and, our PSA, engineering, team is continuing to work with the office project, team to, map them to all PSA, entities, right so, what we want to do is we're taking the project concepts. That Microsoft, Project has and we, are mapping them to our task entity, to out the project, entity on CD s right the, goal being to provide that seem seamless, single experience down, the road and replace psays. WBS. Project, planning capabilities with, those from Microsoft Project right so, that's. That's. Kind of the. Work that's in progress and, in. The meantime what we're doing is we're taking the sauce management, the depot's management, capability, that exists, in PSA and we're, turning it into a horizontal application. So, if you did go to the to Kim's finance, and operation session, you, have heard that the resource management capability. On the finance and operation, side will, be now urs, based light, powered from, the CD s platform, so that's that work right so by making the resource management the horizontal. Application, will make sure that field, service, finance, and operations and, PSA. As well as project, are using, the same service, in, all of our assets. So. After, cutely after. A couple of months, later, right what we will land is what you see in number two so this were landing queue calendar. The year 2020. At that, point we, will take the new project, service write the, project online from. Office, and we'll embed, it into PSA, and we'll replace the WBS Gantt capabilities. Formed from. PSA. With those from office right, so, our sales capabilities. Will still remain our, resource, management capabilities. And PSA, will remain time and expands, the invoicing, capabilities, will, still remain but for project, planning we, will be using Microsoft projects. Capabilities. Right so that will provide our PSA, customers, with, a much deeper project. Planning muscle. Than, they have today so you will have the tasks scheduling, from office directly. Running into in your PSA, solution. And we'll do them all after. Better. Together door of, the office and dynamics 365, experience, later, on during, the session. And. Then also, what we're looking to do is. Revenue. Recognition is. A is a capability, that has been in demand for buy, a lot of our PSA customers, so we will provide a tight integration with, finance. And operations and PSA. And we, will be our customers, will be able to light up invoice in revenue recognition. Expensed, how it capabilities, directly, from from. Finance, and operations, so. This is our October, high-level. View. Investments, here again, remember finance finance, and operations service. Industries, will continue, to, to the earth to be there to be a market, of complex. Customer. Scenarios, you. Know the ones that we see in actually.

Engineering, Construction, that, we. Have stocked, based scenarios. They, will they, will still continue using finance, and operations but, we will be enhancing. The, experience for our PSA, customers, by adding these capabilities. Any. Questions, on, this slide so. The, timeline for, number 1 is cutie of. 2019. For, number 2 is q1. Of 2020. As well as for number 3 and. These. Are calendar years. Yes. No. Business we will also have a integration. To content, integration, with business central again the way we are. Positioning. This you don't, need to have an ERP system for. Microsoft, either right you can have a third party happy that you can integrate it. Yeah. Exactly it would be to an API. Okay. There was one more question on that side. Sorry. So. DevOps. Hello. So. There is a roadmap, for the Microsoft Project team with their roadmap solution. To be able to. Plug. In any tasks, from any project, management, app and that's why devups is appearing, there because they plan to have Visual. Studio DevOps, projects, with, their. Tasks. To, also, be pinned on their roadmap solution, so, you can have one view of all. Projects. Irrespective, of where they were created you can have one view of the roadmap from various projects, various project. Management applications, and I think from a timeline, perspective I don't know if you know dupe I think the we SOPs, like in the in roadmap here you can have a project, in VSO as well, as in Microsoft, Project and you can see all your tasks, as part of the roadmap capable. Any. Other yes. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm you're trying to make it as seamless as possible it, will be an opt-in experience, for customers to click, on the button and say I wanna play to this new experience, again. If you as a PSA, customer have customized. The WBS, and Gantt capabilities. That's, why we will top the handhold, we will need to ant all those customers, to get to the new experience, if you have out-of-the-box. WBS. And Gantt experience, that you're using today in PSA, it will be just not and when. You're ready to go to the, project. Plus Dynamics, 365, experience. People. Eventually yes, yes right now if you see the in the demo that I'll show you there, is a bored view for your project, tasks so if you don't have dependencies, between tasks, you're doing, Kanban boards there is already a view that I can show you right. Now but yeah there is there will be more support for burndown charts and stuff like that and we'll provide the details exactly around the October the lease and the investments, that are coming death. Ok. Stockton's. These days so if you have a project for, the October wave if you have a project, that requires stocked. Items, many where you have materials, in your WBS well you need to do inventory checks, then our recommendation. Is to use FN, OSI capability. So. In the future as part of a directional, investment. We we certainly want to bring those capabilities, into the project. Online space. So, that you can also have the option to do that from project. Online PSA. And then finance and operations perspective. So are, they looking to use, PSA. Yeah. So we, have a lot of customers, that are currently doing, implementation in, production, or ever, they have just purchased their the solution, so they can just go ahead and do the implementation, to, the earlier question the migration, expedience to the single experience will, be in the customers, console, they can go and they can try it out first the project plus PSA, experience. And when they are ready they can just update to that. Yeah. It will be so so basic for any customers, that allow PSA, customers, today they, will have the right to go to the new experience. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, basically you can you can do the integration, today again. In October we have, features, landing, that will make the integration between, F and OPA and PSA much, easier if you're the implementation. Timeline, allows for, that then I would recommend that you wait until, we land those changes. So that you can have an easier integration than. That's. Like. Q1. 2020, yes that's when then we will make, the integration much, easier so if you have done an F and no PSA integration, which some of our customers, have done you. Know that has been not as straightforward so. We're making investments. In both products, make that easier okay. I think the rest of the questions let's take them at the end of the session we'll be here so. That. Slides. And, then in the as, part direction, we will also provide the talent, integration. So that you can have the resources, within the talent, app which, will then, be. Utilized by, our PSA, solution. So. Just to be firm without you. Know the inaccurate. Blogs. That are in market, ID so this is what you have currently, in PSA, right so you have project sales capabilities. Your, project, planning capabilities resource. Management and tests are capabilities that. So. In q3, of calendar, the year 2019. A new. Project Shalvis that's, a new offering, from office, will come out running on CBS this, will map, to our PSA.

Entities That, I don't see the yesterday, right. And. Then, in in, q1, of 2020. Write q1 of calendar. Year 2020. What we will do is we will bring those project. Office experiences. Directly into, PSA right that's, what our customers, will get that, it will be a much more than enhanced experience for. Those customers who, require those, you. Know who have these complex WBS. Who have these complex project. Plans like who are scientific, about, project, planning where they have these sources against tasks, you will be able to use. Microsoft, Office directly, from PSA, so that's that's kind of the roadmap. For. Next winter, and. Then also in q1. Of calendar year 2020. We'll bring the ethanol, and the PSA, PSA. Product. Closer together and, we'll simplify the integration, that in exists. Between, those two products. And. Then we will not stop here right so we have a lot of items from. The ideas, page that, that we, have submitted to to improve our. Capabilities, whether. That's on the sales side on, project. Planning side, right resource, management side so, we will continue to work you. Know hand-in-hand with our Microsoft, Office team and our team alone, all the FN, OSI, and the PSA, dode map so. That's kind of the vision and and where this is going again. None. Of the project, capabilities, in Dynamics are going away so, we. Hope to clarify that with, this presentation, ok. October. So. October some of the investments. Were trying, to make and most, of this is still in discussion, so please don't Bank on this but these are some of our plants that some of the areas where we are doing explorations. So, AI insights, and reporting, recommending, the best next, action, so. If you're familiar with dynamics, assistant, which, is part of the sale solution now that's moving to the platform, and, using. That that's now once, it moves the platform, it's now available for all customer. Engagement, apps to be able to leverage that create, a flow, based, recommendation. That can be powered by heuristics or by AI we're. Trying to explore that and try and see ways, in which we can utilize that for PSA customers, and then, we'll have updated power bi solution templates. We'll have some of the blob unstructured, data in PSA, be, moved, adls, for structured, reporting, purposes, in. Terms of comprehensive, capabilities. This, is basically nothing but feature, ads we're. Going to have split billing as in multiple, customers. Paying, for one project contract. It's, not to do with you collect costs on the project, it's just, how to do with how you build, for the project, and so, this is coming down from. FN. Oh has this capability on, project, contracts, PSA. Does not so, for people wanting, to have an integrated, solution we're. Making certain enhancements. To our feature lines, in both products, with, the idea of, it. Should not be that you don't have a certain feature in a certain product ideally, we want to have project, accountants, in FN or project. Managers and sales people in Cee and resource, managers in Cee, so we'll be you see us add features. To that line of. Persona. Based support. So, with, that we're adding not to exceed limits on, time and material contracts this has been a big. Ask from the idea site as well, we. Are introducing, split billing will. Have retainer type of contracts, this has been an ideas asked, not so much to do with feature. Alignment, but more to do with reaction to our ideas and then a huge. One has been task based, decision. Of whether, a certain project. Task, is time, a material or fixed price and what, based, on that task would be considered chargeable and non-chargeable so. With this set, up what you'll see is once. You have a contract, line that is time and material you, don't necessarily, associate the whole project, and a certain transaction, class to it but, rather you can associate. A node in your WBS and say this node is time with material this node is fixed price some, of those designs have already been. Extensively. Explored, with a bunch. Of partners in our in. The Yammer channel so we, have the designs if you would like to contribute to those designs please.

Either. Contribute. On the idea site or I'd strongly, encourage. Being, on the Yammer channel, so that we can have those discussions. On. Some, of these and, then. Another. The. Two, integration. Of that, fall into the integration, umbrella of effort, is basically. This project. Task. Scheduling, capabilities. Coming, into Syria. And the, work, required, to then wire in the rest of PSA, which is basically sales resource, management diamond. Expense costing, pricing invoicing. All that around, the. Microsoft project scheduling, experiences, that's a huge load on our, engineering, team to remove. The project, that we have in PSA, and replace, it with the Microsoft projects, project. Entity and task entity, so that'll be a huge investment we're doing and we're also going to integrate PSA, with fnot so, that you could run through a project, all the way up to time and expense and, any. Other. Costs. In. PSA. And then take those actuals, for financial, reporting purposes, like GL, AP, AR. Into. FN oh and also build. A customer, facing invoice, if you if you if you have used PSA, you will understand, PSAs, in limitations. We, don't have a proper exchange. Rate system, it's not that effective it's, not a system of record for taxes, that, is something FN o strongly, brings to the table so we can you will have a way to integrate your actuals, into. Fnot, so, that you can get the correct exchange, rate applied to it and then. Use it for your GL. Accounting, as well as printing. A customer facing invoice, so. Those are some of the investments, that we will be making. Maybe. Do the demo yes I'll skip the slides we have some explorations. But. Machine. Went to sleep again so. Again what we will show you as part of the demo is that single experience, with Microsoft, Project, and then PSA, running, side-by-side so. You can see you know how you can create a project from Project, Hope you, know that will show up in PSA, and integrate. Seamlessly or, you can go into PSA, and directly. Created, from, PSA. So. This is the I don't, think I'll go into a whole lot of detail on this experience please go to Russell's, theater session, later today where, he'll be focusing, on this this. Is the Microsoft projects project, scheduling, experience, or modern, project as we are. This, is, project. Planning experiences. On the c.d.s platform, so, I, won't, go into a whole lot of detail but basically you can create a, project, from, here and then. The. Project, let's say pass. Demo. Project. And. There. Are calendar templates if you are familiar with PSA, you will notice the terminology here. It's. It's similar. To PSA, and then. You can add tasks. And you can add columns, the. Entire. Focus, of this effort is to keep things simple and easy, to understand, both for season PMS as well as accidental, PMS. So, you can add tasks. And. It comes with the office. Productivity. Values. Basically, you will as this experience. Grows and grows you will see you'll, have the power. Editing, capabilities, control, C. Control V control Z, undo, drag drop you'll you start seeing a lot of that, here. And then, I, can. Assign this now it is calendar, aware so I can assign this to a particular. Resource and based on the resources work hours it assumes. A certain. Working. Day and a certain. A. Certain. Duration. For, these tasks, and then, you, can also do a percent, complete based, on how much this task is done and there, is a board view which. Is the Kanban boards that we were talking about it automatically, lands you in the progress view but you can totally bucket, eyes this and say create. Your own buckets. Rupa's favorite bucket I can move tasks, to this it's. Going to be the. Idea is that it's going to be simple and there is going to be a Gantt interactive. Gantt and. It's. Not interactive just yet but it is going to get interactive soon and on. The grid you will have many other features like indent, tasks, out and tasks, and there. Is formatting. Making. It easy for you to understand, if you have indented a task based on the effort so let's say on this, task, I have 30. Hours of effort and. The. Parent, tasks effort, should.

Ideally. Get updated but it's taking a little bit but one. One other point here is as. You. Are adding tasks, here in order to prove the point that this is c.d.s, really here, is PSA, that's connected, a wired to that and let. Me refresh these projects. Here you can see that the project that I just created is showing up here there, are tasks, here and these. This, is nothing, but a I framing. Of that experience, into PSA, so. There is going to be grid board, and Gantt views over here as well and as, I add tasks, either, here, or there. It'll be instantaneously. Updated, to, the, tasks over here. Added. From Emma's. Project. And. The tasks instantly, shows up and there is Co off right, off the bat so it's going to be a fluid good experience. Please, definitely. Advise. Going to Russell's theater session yes, so we have another theater session Russell. Will, do that. Pavarotti. Deep. Dive into this demo. Yeah. So the project, and fnot, integration. Will not be October, we. Will have an F PSA. And project, integration in October, but in the long run that's this is our vision for also, on the F and outside. Bill. Here if you have any other questions, please come. Thank. You everyone thank. You.

2019-06-14 08:02

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