Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: A unified solution - BRK2031

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: A unified solution - BRK2031

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Thank. You. My. Name is Errol Shane fish how many of you saw our session, earlier today yep. And so my name is Errol Shane fish I am. The. Only Errol, Shane fish in the world that is correct it's very easy to find me Errol chain, fish at Microsoft com Errol Shane fish on LinkedIn, all of those things. Twitter, however, is at if. Errol, can do it. So. What we're gonna do today is talk. About business. Central and we're really gonna drill in on. The. Unified. Aspect. Of business central, so at the session earlier today we talked about business. Central is a modern, unified. Intelligent. Adaptable. Solution, and we're, gonna hone in on the unified and what that means and show you so I'm gonna do a bunch. Of. Show. And tell what, the solution, so, I'll sort of talk about it and then I'll show it and we'll talk about it some more but. What. Is it unified, with. Well. Its unified, with the. Azure platform its, unified, certainly, with all of the Microsoft. 365. Applications. Kind, of specifically. Office 365. And everything. That's included in that. There. And then the, power platform, set. Of applications, and so the. Capabilities. To extend. Business, central with power platform, inclusive, of power bi apps and flow and. I'm, gonna talk about all of those things. But. What we're going to do, I think I have an actual, sort, of agenda. What. Do we have we've, got Outlook Excel, Power. Bi power, apps and flow those are the four, areas that we're, gonna concentrate on, to. Show you all, of the ways that business central is unified, with these. Applications. And, everything, not everything. Everything. That you can do but a bunch of things that you can do. So. There, is an. Outlook, add-in that is hashtag. If Errol can do it simple, to deploy. With. Business central and your. Outlook. Solution, and as a result, of that it exposes, business. Central inside, of outlook in a number of different ways you. Can see a number of different types of transactions. You can see customers, you can see vendors, and. In, fact if you really want to geek out, there. Is a way for, you to extend. This. Outlook, add-in so if we haven't done something, you could, yourselves. Or pay for somebody to extend, it and do even more. I'm, not going to talk about that specifically, because it's above my pay grade but I do have a site that you can go to to, learn about how, to do something. Like that so. For instance one of our partners is extended, it into the inventory area. Of business central so. That you can see, feel touch inventory. Information inside. Of inside. Of, outlook. Okay. And. So. What are the different things that you can do there are dashboards. For customer, vendor contact, those are all of the types of entities that you can see inside of Business Central and there. Are different documents, that you can view inside.

About Look at the same time. You. Can also use, the calendar functioning. In. Outlook, in. A number of different ways. You. Can create. An invoice, from, a calendar. That. And attach, it to a customer obviously it'd be weird, if you had an invoice without a customer, but. You can do that inside, of Outlook and you. Can use, the. Job, functionality. In Business, Central and create. Calendar, items from, from. Your job planning lines, and, then. Invoice, off of those calendar. Items that were created, from, your job planning line so for instance if you have resources in. Your jobs you. Can have them, create their, calendar. Items as. A result. The job that you set up that, includes, those resources, and then, have them invoice off of that. So. What the way that that looks is. This. Is a. Wonderfully. Incorrect. Slide. That. I've modified. Of, course on my own machine and totally, forgot to upload. So. Eventually the one that you'll get would be the correct one. But this still sorta, shows, it. I'll. Get into the window and kind of show you where it's at but. I believe this is my pointer, so over here it says add to calendar so. I'm in business central, this, is my job planning lines I can multiply, select. These. Lines, and they say add to calendar and then, what happens, is the person the resource. Gets. An email and they accept, that as a calendar, item and then. Once they've done that on the, calendar item. Itself, they. Can pull that up and. Have. That see, the information that it's been assigned and, actually, invoice off of it inside, of the, calendar, does. That make sense, my. Speak, in a. Different. Language some. Some of you are saying I don't have resources I don't have jobs this doesn't mean anything to me and that, is 1,000, percent accurate. Ok. So let's take a look at. The. Outlook. First, of all I'm gonna start, in business, central. I've. Obviously. Deployed. The. Outlook add-in already. But. I'm just going to quickly show you. Where. That's at. So. In, my. Assisted. Setup area. There's, this really. Well named. Set. Up your business inbox. In Outlook. And. It's a couple of clicks, and. Then. You're done just say, next, yes, this is me. Yes. I want a sample message, I'm actually not going to do that.

And. Hashtag. If Errol can do it. That's. It that's how you set it up okay. So, once we have it set up what. Can, you do, I'm. Going to show you a number of different things I'm. Gonna start with the really fancy one first. Which. Is. You. Get where. Is it there it is. You, get an email from a customer that, says, something, to the effect. Hey. I want to quote on, these. Things that we talked about and. There's. Actually a couple of different ways so I'm in the web, version. Of mail by the way and this, works in either desktop, or. Web, version. Of Outlook either one I just happen to be in the. Web one and actually one of the reasons that I'm in that I like the web one is we. Kind of deployed a couple of different ways if. I click the business central icon here it shows up on the right-hand side but. If I click, this one it actually shows up in a little bit bigger window. In. The. Mail. Itself. So this is this customer, I have. Everything. About, this customer that, I could possibly, need. Including. What. Their payments, have been all. Outstanding. Transactions. So I can see. The. Details, of posted, sales invoices, that, I've had with them in the. Past, and. Really. There's pretty. Much everything. That I need to know about this customer, is surfaced. Inside. Of outlook, but. What we want to do is actually do, something with that and, by. The way this. Understands. Because of the email that this is a customer, and. So the actions, that it surfaces. Are, customer. Actions, so things, like sales. Quote invoice, order, credit, memo etc. Now. What's also important, to know is when. We get to this these are also the document, types, that. Business, central will excuse. Me that outlook will recognize, as, business, central, documents. And, I'll show you what that looks like in just a second, we, want to create a sales quote and. If. You saw the demo earlier what it's doing is is it read the email, and it's. Suggesting. As a result, of those, descriptions. London, swivel-chair and, Antwerp, conference. Table. It. Actually suggests, that these are the items that you want to add to this quote and you can either. Accept. Or reject those, but. In a matter of clicks, directly. From within outlook, without. Going, anywhere else I can. Create. A quote and. Then send that as an email off to the customer. So. That was, it, recognized, the customer, and then I can do something, I can actually take, action. On. This. On. This customer. Similarly. We. Understand. Vendors. So. This, is a vendor. Of mine and. One. Of the. Additional. Things that you can get that, is. Integrated, to business central is. Optical. Character, recognition, service. And, so. In this case it, would take, this PDF document. And read. It through, optical character, recognition and. Then update, business central basically, create, a purchase. Invoice, inside. Of business central automatically. That's. Not inherent. In business central it's a service, that you can that. You can get but we're we are integrated, to optical, character recognition service. As. I mentioned this is a. Vendor. So it's everything, that I have on this vendor, all. Of those same details, that were similar to the customer, and similarly. I can do these things because. It knows it's a vendor I can create a purchase invoice, order. Or, credit, memo or. In this case since. It has this attachment I could. Send, this, as. An, incoming, document, into, my optical. Character, recognition service. That. Would then verify. It and physically. Create, a purchase invoice, inside, of business central and. Where. Are we doing this from. Outlook. This, is all in, Outlook, we, haven't even gone into the application, yet. Here's. Another one. This. Is a. Person. My, name is sally i'm a new sales contact. At. Nod publishers. I. Should. Probably change my demo data because I don't have nod publishers, as a customer, but, it. Doesn't, recognize, it and so it presents, me with these things.

Do You want to create. This as a new contact of an existing, customer or do. You want to create an all new customer, and so. Either one of those, can. Be done so. If I choose. Choose. This as a, new. Contact. Is that what I chose I can't, remember what I chose yeah. Add. Sally is a new contact, and then. We can attach Sally, oh. I. See, that I'm sorry that's a contact, as in an opportunity, contact, I'm. Gonna have to go delete or now so that when I go do this demo again, that. Won't be there. So. Yeah so you can either have, them as. An opportunity contact. As a. Contact, to an existing, customer either, one of those things. One. Of my favorites, because, a customer. Of ours they said this was like the. Greatest thing. How. Many of you are sort of like the accounting, people. Right. And a. Few okay. See. Where you are, do. You ever get that question. Hey how much do I owe you ever. Get that question. Via. Email. Yep. And so, again with business central it knows it's the customer, and. From. My actions, available to me I can, just go down to. The. Open. Entries. Send. That to a PDF, and. And. Then I can email this, off to the customer that has the. Exact transactions. And, the full dollar amount and this is how much I owe you you owe, me sorry. I'm. Usually doing the other way around personally. So that's what I said that I guess. So. That's one you can do okay so I mentioned that, it understands. Transactions. And. Here's the way that that looks, so. This is an internal, email and, it's maybe. It came from a sales. Rep to a sales manager it says can you please approve. A 7%, discount on, this. Order. Quote, whatever it is quote to think. And. So again normally, what you'd have to do is maybe, even. If you have a CRM, system you, might have to launch that go in there find the quote etc. Etc but. With Business Central now what, you'll notice is here it says document, view right next to the. Actual business central, hyperlink. And. So. This launches. The specific, document. Because. It recognized, it. Recognized. S. -. Qu. 0. 1 or Oh 1 0, 0 1 it. Just saw that in the email and said, that must be this document. So. Now I can go take a look at this. Put. In the 7% discount and. Then. Send, it on this is what I call ad-hoc, approval, process, anybody. Have ad hoc approval, processes and their businesses, we. All do. So, that's a. Transactional. One another, one I just. Sent, this to myself the other day I. Thought. You should know that, a big order came through, this. Is this one is sort of great for those, executives. They, want to see just little bits of information like this right they don't want to you don't want to actually give them access to, to. The full accounting, system maybe. But. What they can do is view things, like this that are in business central, so somebody, said hey thought, you should know we got this big order and, now they can go see what, was on the order you. Know what the payment terms were or, if there was any discount, or any of the type, of thing and so it really, gave them quick access to information, without. Having to go searching. In, some. Application. Authenticate. Etc, etc etc okay. So. That is in. A nutshell sort. Of the outlook. Piece, of. Business. Central the different types of things that you can spoke expose, again, our. Customers. Contact. Information. Vendors. And. There's. Seven. Or eight different kinds, of. Documents. That can be surfaced, here simply, because we. Have an. Email address that we recognize, and we have a document, number that we recognize. Makes. Sense. Cool. All. Right. I was. Gonna I'm not going to show you the full. The. Full calendar thing, but I did want to go to. Oops. Two. Jobs, just to quickly. Show you what that screen. Actually, looks like now as, opposed. To what I did show you. So. Again in the job planning lines. It. Now it just says. Outlook. Send. A calendar, and, that would create. A calendar item, sent, to someone's, email, that they would accept and then, they can invoice, off. Of that calendar, item back. To business central. Kind. Of cool if. You're into jobs. Or. Projects. If you're from Canada. Hey. I can say that I'm from Fargo North Dakota and I'm practically, Canadian. That's. Like only. Less. Than three hour drive. All. Right. Let's. See. Let's go back. Here. So. That, was the Outlook add-in, there.

Are A, couple. Of other things you can also. Synchronize. Your business. Central contacts, with, your Outlook. Contacts. If. You want to do that that's a little bit scary cuz if, you're anything like me I have all kinds of different contacts, oh, look, you know personal, and. Stuff. Passwords. All things I probably shouldn't, have in there, but. You, can do that if, you want to do that and. Generally. This. Does require the web client of business, central. Which. If you came to the earlier session, as of October that will be the only client. Available, for business central and it, does also, require, a, ad. So. Those are kind of the two primary. Things you need to know so if you have office. 365 you're. Covered you don't have to think. About this slide. Whatsoever. And it's, as you saw it was really easy to deploy if. You want to. And what we've already done. This. Is the blog, post that, I, would suggest, to. Go look at for those really, geeky engineer, type of people and, you, can extend it even further so, you can have other things, that we that. We don't have in there you want again wanted to have like inventory items as. Things. That were surfaced, inside of Outlook you. Can certainly, go do things. Like that. Alright. The, next thing. We're. Going to talk about is. Excel. So. We. Also have anak. Look. At in from it. Look, at information that's, in Business Central and. You. Know make, nice charts, and graphs inside, of Excel but. You can, it's. Too wait obviously, for those things that are not. What's. The accountant, word I want to use here. Audit. Trail things, that are not, audit, trail required, you. Know like you can't just, change. The dollar amount of a posted, transaction. For instance that would be a bad thing that would, be the QuickBooks is what that would be. But. Yeah. I know. It's. Quite quite, quite well documented. But, yeah. So it's only those things that you, you. Should, actually be able to change, and. It is you. Know fully authenticated. According. To your. Security. Rights so you can't you, know send, something, to excel and edit it that you don't already, have access to or create a new. Excel. Document. That. Connects, to business, central for. Things that you don't, have access to, so. It's, already. Authenticated can't. Change things that you shouldn't, be able to, and.

So The easiest way to do this is from inside of business central, there's. Forty, some list pages, that you can. Send. To Excel and then modify. The content, in Excel and then publish back to business central or you. Can start. From scratch and. Create. Your own and. Do, that and so either one of those types. Of ways is. Fully. Functional, and you. Can do either one. So. Let's take a look at what. That looks like. So. The. Scenario that I've. Sort. Of put into place is. I. Like, to. It's. Just me I like to use this task, area. So. I have a task that somebody said modify, all sales. Salesperson. Code. So, that would be. You. Know maybe you had a regional change. And, so, now you have new salespeople assigned, to two, different customers. And. So, you need to do that now obviously this. Would be pretty, easy for, me because I only have one six. Customers, so. Going into each card and changing, it would. Be fairly easy. But many of you I've. Heard. Have. More than six customers is. That a true true. Thing yeah. So. So. You might want to do this instead, in a tabular, way, like Excel. Instead, of going. Into each individual. Form so. We're gonna change, the salesperson. Codes that are assigned to my six customers and, of course that happened. And. Now you're saying Oh, Errol. Got himself into, trouble here, what's he gonna do. Is. He gonna be able to get out of this we'll. Find out. If. You're wondering this is. I'm. Not gonna tell you. Anybody. Like Kentucky, Fried Chicken. How. Many of you really want to know how it's made. That's. A demo tip that I have for everyone. We, really, don't know want to know how it's made, okay. So. I have this I have these salesperson codes and. So. It's the old you know how much. How. Good are you at, copy. And paste, I'm. Just going to show you something, here just. Show. You how cool this is so I'm changing the salesperson, codes for. My. Six. Customers. And then. And. Then, oh no. I got, an error message. One. Wasn't successfully. Done and. Basically. The. Reason is is that es, is not a valid salesperson. Code so it didn't update it.

But. I am going to. I'm. Gonna do that and. So, the, other ones. Would. Have been updated, so, if we go into a datum, this is gonna throw. Me a message, here also. So. Don't be alarmed, but. My. Salesperson. Code there no it's jr., I saw. That. Lets. Poops. Where. I wanted to go what is let's. Refresh, that. And. Know. If you don't mind I'm, gonna change them all back so that the next time I do this demo I can. Mm-hmm. This. Is sorry chicken parts sorry. So. That's you. Know that's basically it for Excel as I mentioned, you can, start. From scratch or, not it's it's. Really up to you. And. Or there are like I said forty some list pages, in the entire solution and we're adding more and more with with. Each release. So think of all the major areas. Obviously. Customer. Vendor item. There's. Job ones etc. Etc etc all. Right. Actually. Bear, with me a second, I forgot, one, thing in Outlook, that I wanted to show you and. That is. You. Know I said this is like business. Central. You. Can see all the things about a customer. But. Similarly, if you have if. You happen to have Dynamics, 365, for sales. You, can also expose, that inside, of outlook and so now you have. Not. Only all of the sort, of financial, pieces of the customer, at your disposal inside, of outlook but you also have the sales P so. Opportunities. All. Of the, sales. Process types, of things that happen as a result of the dynamics. 365, for sales and, that. Way, you. Know you could have a. Sales. Person again that can see, all. The posted transactions. That, have occurred, on. Order, stuff. Expected. Ship times all of those things. Directly. Inside, of Outlook and at the same time actually, work on. The. Opportunities. That they have and, any. You. Know of those sales, transaction. II things how, many of you have Dynamics. 365, for sales anyone, yep. Have you seen I'm, not going to show it here but the new teams. Integration. With Dynamics, 360 excuse me unification. With dynamics 365, for sales so, you can expose Dynamics, 365, inside, of teams have conversations. So. You're doing a conversation, in Dynamics 365, for sales and it shows up in teams it's, really cool you got to go got. To go see it I. Like. The office, integration, stuff I tend to get out on that okay. All. Right the next one is. Power. Bi. And. I do want, to bring. Up this slide because it's kind of important. Okay, so inside, of business. Central you, can expose, power. Bi and. The. First. Top. Left column, there or. Tile. It. Says, report. Selection is personalized, by user and role, so. What you can do in the. 7, or 8 or 9 different areas, where, you can expose power bi inside, a business central what. Physically, shows up there is personalized. To the user. And. Or you can set it up for a role and then push it out to everyone that's. In that role so they will see the, the, similar, reports, dependent, dependent.

Upon The role within their organization. It. Says provide summary or contextual. Power, bi reports, and so what that means is is that. On the home page it's, sort, of by default its, summary, because there's, really nothing, contextual, about the home page so it might, be things like. Customer. Sales graphs, so, top, five customers, the, that. Look like this, however. When you go to the, customer, list page vendor, list page item, list page you. Can have contextual. Power bi charts, that refresh, as you're, looking at individual. Items. Customers, vendors, and. Inventory. Items so, the the, bi chart, will be specific. To what that is okay. And. And. You. Can obviously. Expand, it you can have information, that's, not business, central. Information. That might also be somewhat. Contextual. And. So, you. Know really the the. World is your oyster as, it relates to how this is exposed, inside, of business central it's really up to you we. Provide. A. Bunch, of power, bi charts, out-of-the-box. And. About. Ten. Minutes of my. Demo on this part last year was how to set up power bi with, business central and. Now. It's, zero. Seconds. Because. It's it's. Just there we automatically. Deploy them for. You ours, out. Of the box and then you can go modify. So. It used to be you had to go to power bi and, then you had to go get a thing and then you had to type in your credentials and, then you had to do this you had to do that none, of that is, in, business central now it's just simply it. Looks and, it sees who you are and it says do you have power bi yes you do and it, sucks all those into, business trol automatically. So. So. As a result the. You. Know the deployment, is super. Super super easy. So. My, suggestion, just get. Get started, with our sample. Reports. And. The connect to your data part is actually. Not. Even really. It. Is connected, actually, it's probably a year old slide and then. You can customize. From, there. So. How that looks. Physically. Inside. Of business central. Is. So. This is my homepage as. I mentioned. All. Of these. Reports. If I go to select. Reports all of these reports, are automatically. Deployed. To. Your. Business central solution, and then. You just simply. Enable, the ones that. You want to have as. Viewable. Inside. Of that window. That we mentioned, so when you go next. Report next report next report. You. You tell it how, many of these you want to have show up physically, show up inside, of the. Window when you do that like I've only got a I've. Only got a couple, and. So. Again. The beauty of this is that you. Have, that. Information inside. Of business central the place that you work you. Can drill. Down to more details. So. That said you know top five sales. But, this chart. Is actually more than that it. Is, a, chart. That. Shows. More. Detailed, information. About. Your. In this case sales. And. Then you'll notice I can. See information as I hover and I, can restrict, information so. If I only want to look at this customer, then. It limits the information. To. This specific, customer and, one, of the cool and, date. Ranges. Different. Posting, groups and. Sales, person, is. Some. Of the ones that again we provide this out of the box and then you can modify it so. For instance if you on this item sales dashboard wanted, to pull in from, some other database, information. That's related to. Customer. Then. You can do that and, have. That as something. That you could restrict off of and. Then, the details, are also available, at my disposal on, on, this particular. Details. Show nothing I think, that has to do with my posting, date. But. I think you you kind of get the idea of, sort, of what's available here, how many would call yourselves, I've created, some, stuff in power bi. Okay. Hashtag, if you can do it I've. Done very, little but. It's. Again. If you, know a power bi. Get. Our reports, out of the box take a look at them modify them and. And/or. Start from scratch and then, what. You simply do then if you want to get one of those reports, into. Business, central to be viewed. Can. You simply. Go. To. Select. Report, and. Then. At the top. You. Do get, reports and. There's. Oops. And. You, can choose if if it's only something, that's that. You've, created for your organization. It would show up in in, my, organization. I don't have any of those. But. The way that you. See. Maybe something, that somebody else is built as you. Go to services, this will restrict in just a second on just business central stuff so.

Here's All of the ones that we provide, out of the box and then. There's a couple of other ones. That. Are out there also. Clear. As mud. Remember. When. I said that you could have both dynamics. 365, for sales and. Business. Central, in your, outlook. Remember. That part I showed. That and just as an FYI when, you are. Connected. To Dynamics, 365, for sales you, have. That. Information available, inside, of business central so. These, are cases that, are coming from Dynamics, 360, five four sales customer, cases and. You. Can drill all the way back to. Dynamics. 365, for sales on the details of this but. They're simply exposed, in here so that people. That are spend. More of their time in business central also have access to this information. Directly. Inside, a business central. All. Right. So, you'll have to get the presentation. To. Get, these hyperlinks. If. You take a picture I don't, know what good it will do you. But, there are hyperlinks, underneath these four. Ways to get more information about, power bi. And, there's some really good. Online. Training, that's been done, by. A number of our partners actually on power, bi and Business Central and the, types of things that they do oftentimes, our partners, build like, industry, packs of power. Bi on, top of data as it relates, to specific industries. Okay. Here comes the fun one hashtag. Farrell can do it. Power, apps and flow. So. Power. Apps is really interesting, I. Talked. About this at the previous session, but we. Had a customer, on stage. Last, October, Kelly roofing, and I. Wanted, to to, demo a power, app situation. And so I gave him some ideas, on what they might do they were just starting to get into it and, he said no arrow we wouldn't do any of those things that you're suggesting. Which. Was a little disheartening, but he did say hey, but here's a situation. And. And. So, we you. Know batted. That around a little bit and I went off and did a little bit of work and then I had to, get. An engineer, involved for about. An hour and a half or so and we. Built, this really. Really. Really really specific app for them. That. Connects. To business central and it, was a way for them to connect. Their installers, which, are he. Has I think they have 200, installers, it's a roofing company. And. They. Have 200 installers. And about, six people in accounting, and.

There. Was some, things that were happening on site that we're getting back to the accounting, people and so they wanted to you know have a way to connect. The installers, with the accounting people but. To not have started, this full application. In front of somebody's, face in order to do that. Plus. The accounting, or the installers, were basically. Never on site only to pick up materials. And. That type of thing start their day, and. So power apps was a great way for them, to write a really really specific line of business application. That integrates, into, business central and so, we have our data sets out there and you and they're readily. Available and, you can go choose those data sets and start. That process. As, it relates to flow. We. Have created. I want, to say. 16. Ish. Out-of-the-box. Flows. That. Allow, you to connect. To business central and so think in terms of approval. Types of things. So. I I'm. Gonna do a purchase. Order and if the purchase order amount is greater than X, then I want to start an approval. Process, and. So granted. There is that inside, of business central itself but you can extend that and connect, to other things, so. Maybe you want to do yes. I'm going to start this approval process, but the end of it I want to notify some, people so, I want to notify in my Microsoft, team's area, the, credit, team. That, XYZ. Happened. As a result of adding this new customer, or, something like that there's. Just so. Many connections, inside. Of flow to to. Really extend. That, type of a thing. Does. That mean no. And. So. What. I thought I'd do is first, show, you. The. Kelley roofing. Application. So. That you. Understand. What I'm talking about, and. Then. And. Then I'll do. Just a little bit of chicken parts okay, we'll, do a little bit of first. We're gonna do Kentucky, Fried Chicken and then. We're gonna do just a little bit of chicken parts. This. Is the amazing application. That was built. So. Imagine, I'm. An installer I'm on site we accidentally, run over a mailbox, and, the. Customer, comes the next day and hands me a receipt. And. Says I just went to the hardware store myself, I got a new mailbox please, could I have a credit on my account because. You ran over my mailbox, or. Their. Gnome or. Lawn. Gnome. You know what I'm talking about yeah their lawn gnome could. Be that too whatever. And, again. What invariably, would happen is the receipt would get thrown back in the back of the pickup and. Three. Days later maybe, it shows up on the accountants desk accountant has no idea what it is they. Start calling around finally, six or seven days later they sort of figure it out what it is and. Meanwhile. The customer, isn't satisfied. With your, customer, service so instead. Just. Pretend, this is on my phone which. It is I could do that but. Just pretend for now. And. What, it does is via. GPS, it picks the most likely customer, location, that you're at ooh hey. That's an awesome background, isn't it, but. You don't want to see me you want to see, the. Receipt, the. Walmart, receipt we'll. Take a picture of that. Actually. That's the receipt this is the wreckage. Hmm. And then, you enter in the dollar amount, obviously. And, again this is the Installer, that's doing this. Whoops. And. Request credit now how simple was that, that. Was pretty simple hashtag if Errol can do it right. I think, the Installer could do something like that, now. What. What. Happens, as a result of that is that a. Little bit of chicken parts here that spins, up a flow. And. The. Flow starts. The the, approval, process of, getting. This credit, into business central so. I get, this email and, here's. The information, I know. The customer, I know the dollar amount, I can take a look at the scanned, receipt, or we, probably want to take a look at that incident, photo, don't. We uh. Wow. That's scary. Yeah. Not. My best effort. But. Obviously we have the. Scanned receipt and then. We'll say be. More careful. Next. Time. And. Now. What it's going to do is, actually. What. They wanted to have happen, additionally. Is. To have everybody, in. In. The, accounting. Area know that this was approved cuz this, prop might have gone to an installer, manager, person, it might have gotten to the owner for the approval and so. They wanted to make sure that all the accounting people were notified, that, this was approved, and.

So, What they did is. Inside. Of Microsoft teens, which is part of office 365. They. Just, posted. A notification. In, the team's area, it says hey this was approved you, know maybe you'd have the person's, name on the well I guess it it. Is me John I'm John Peltier, today. You. Know maybe, you could potentially. Actually. On the on. The outlook thing you could have potentially. No. You couldn't have linked to a document, because we hadn't created it yet that's right but. At any rate it gets, posted here and then it, also creates. A credit memo inside. Of business central so. Started, from this app, that took you, know roughly two and half hours three hours and we, totally, automated, this process, that was a week. Long process, lots of heartache, people, calling other people. Total. Waste of time and instead. Awesome. Customer, service, people are connected, they know exactly what's, going on and it was a very, short amount of time to. Build that using, power apps and flow. And. So you're. Wondering chicken. Parts or alright you want to see some chicken parts. Let's. Go back to the app itself, the app is really quite simple. It's. Basically. Two. Windows. And. It's. Quite amazing I designed. Most. Of it. Let's. Get this bigger. All. We did was again. This was a GPS. Lookup, for the customer, attached. To this and. Then. There's, a second. Window. Which. Is the detail okay, there was an end screen also. Forgot. About that. And. There's a you. Know a camera. Widget. That, you place, here so whatever. Device you're using. Is. What, it's going to what. It's going to be we sort of design this for, a phone, form. Factor but you could have designed it for a tablet form factor. Or. Something, like that also. These. Two buttons, save. Those documents, to, onedrive. The, pictures, to onedrive so that we can uncover, them. During. That approval, process and, then. The, request, credit, is what. Button. Is where we invoke, the flow. And. So. The flow. For. This one. Looks. Like, this. So. What we do is. Let. Me get into the. Here's. Where we're. Looking. At the incident, picture, and. Here's. The approval, which is where I wanted to get to so. It does once it has basically. All this does is grabs the information. From the power app. So. That's where we started it gets all of the information from the power app and then.

It Says okay. Do. What's called an approval, like that's a function, inside of flow, do. An approval, and. When. You do that, you. Know assign it to this person and I, want to have on the approval this, information. That's coming from the power app and, I want to have those photos, and. This. Is the, information. That, I want to have on there and then what happens, if I approve. The. Approval, and what happens if I don't so. On the approval side it says first, of all create, a transaction, inside. Of business central so create this credit memo and then. Additionally, I want to post a message in. Teams. That. Lets, everybody know so that's, it I mean it's not it's, you know it's a little bit it's like he can sort. Of get partway there I'm not the smartest tool, in the sheds so, that's. Not even a phrase that's, that's so, silly. I am it's. Not even a phrase smartest. Tool in the shed, sharpest. Tool in the shed, what it, man. Some. Days so. What happens when you get to be my age. So. Just as an FYI created. Some other ones out here this is a. Purchase, order. Approval. And there's. One that I've created that's when, I add a customer. I want. To do an approval process. Especially. If for instance the customer, is requesting, a high credit limit and so, you can set all those variables, and. If. You. Want to create a new one. What, you want to do I would. Suggest when you play with this, create. From template, and then just look at business central. And. Then here's all of the ones that we've provided out, of the box. So. There's what, one, two three four. Eight. Nine nine, twelve. Thirteen. Of. Course I. Have. A inkling. Just to put one more out there so it's not thirteen. So. Here's, the ones that we do and they're fairly, basic a. Lot, of them just simply, use. This. Icon. Here as approvals, and then. Use outlook. So. It's mostly just approvals, outlook approvals, outlook but. Like posting, the team's or. You. Know going somewhere, and getting some additional information and, bringing it in all of those things or types that you things, that you can do, with. The flow also. Alright. Let's. See I. Think. That's it for that. Okay. So. Some. Some. Next steps for you a if. You're, interested, in. Power. Apps and flow like. This is the conference to. Be at and, power bi for that matter so, if there's like you.

Know More detailed, things you want to know basically, the, message is we have the connections. They're. Already there and and that's the easy part to me is the. Business central connections, that's the easy part. You, know it's understanding. All of the things that you can do with power, bi power apps and flow that is that's, a little bit more monumentous. But. Obviously this is the place to go this is a great conference to learn, more about that so my suggestion would be just you know go learn more about that if, however. You. Are. Really. Wanna get. Down and dirty with business, central. Tomorrow. There are three sessions. That. Will do that the. First one is. You. Can customize. Business. Central. Yourselves. Using and, this. Is as technical, as I get using, Visual Studio code. Business, central has the idea of extensions. And. What that is. And. I'm actually gonna. Level. Set everybody so. The reason, that you would go do something, in Visual Studio code, is. To. Really extend, the solution. Specific. To your organization, inside. Of business central so, what we saw with power apps really, specific. Mobile, line of business I do it over here and it's integrated. To. Business central but, with Visual Studio code, you can have, your. Customizations. Be. In listen through business central inside, of business central and a. Number of our partners have, you, know sort of done that already. Through. What are called extensions. And. So I have, a number of extensions, loaded, on this, particular. Tenant. But, if I want to go see. Other. Extensions. That are available I, can, go do that and I think there's. How. Many now, over. Three hundred. Extensions. Available, now so for instance there's one for Canadian payroll Canadian, payroll application, that. Actually sits inside of, business. Central and. Extends. What. Business central can already do there's one for retail, called Ellis Express. Food. Recipes. There. You go there's, just tons of them out here over, 300, now and these, are ones that partners, have created that they want to market to. Lots. Of customers, however, you. Can have something, that's specific, to your organization it, doesn't, have to an app source, you. Can create it yourselves, or have your partner create it and it's just specific, to you as a customer that can also be done even. Though we're talking about a managed. By Microsoft, cloud-based solution. And that, is the idea of extensions. So long story longer. Tomorrow's. You. Know all of this is about how, in detail, you. Can extend business central you know in a more, of a developer, kind of a concept. So, the. Customizing. And Visual Studio code is kind. Of the basis, of how. We do that how you would physically. Create. Your customizations. And make a. Specific. Extension, for your organization. And. Then the last the one that says connect, apps that is more around if you wanted to do a service. To service, integration. So we have. Forty, some api's out-of-the-box. And for. Instance if you wanted to do something where you have a bank service, and you want to connect it to business central that's. A little bit more where where, that is so just so you know that those sessions, are are. Going on, tomorrow. And. Then if you, don't. Have business, central yet you, want to take a look at it I would, say sign up for our trial it, is what, I demoed off of here. You, can run. That, until. You don't, want to run it anymore. It, might pop up and say something. About 30 days just ignore, that as long as you're in the lesson, learning company, you. Can play with it as much as you want to and then. There's just a boatload. Of online, documentation. Available. On, Docs Microsoft. Comm it's. Actually a great place to go for all of our business applications. So Docs Microsoft. Comm and then. Select business applications. And there's, detailed. Documents. On on, all, of our applications.

So. With that I literally, have 15, 14. 13 12. Started. At 10. 9:8. Thank, you for coming and have a great rest, of your business. Application, summit.

2019-06-13 15:31

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