Microsoft Business Forward 2018 keynote | James Phillips on Digital Transformation with the Cloud

Microsoft Business Forward 2018 keynote | James Phillips on Digital Transformation with the Cloud

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Thank you very much so. Thank you for for, joining us it's actually you. Know it's a big day for Dynamics, 365, we. Announced this morning a, number, of new products, hundreds. Of new capabilities, for Dynamics, 365. And. So we, want to share some of that with you today take. You through some demos kind of bring to life in terms of our products, some. Of the stories that we heard about elevators. And solar energy and, in, containers, and so a lot to show you and, a lot to tell you I, don't. Want to revisit. You. Know what jean-philippe said other than just to punctuate, that. Digital. Transformation, is real you know across every single, industry, the. Changes, that we're seeing across the way that we engage our customers the, nature of our products, it's. Forcing, every. Company, to rethink business processes, and as companies do that industries, are literally, reorganizing. You. Look across just about every industry and the. Way that customers are engaged the way that business is run the way products are delivered is transforming. And one, of the questions that we frequently. Get. Is. And. By the way if you ask two people what is digital transformation. Mean you'll. You'll get two entirely different answers, you ask 10 people you'll, get 10 different answers and one of the questions that we frequently get is, how. Do we proceed, from here you know what do we do next what's the prescription for, digital transformation, how do you make it real and. Less abstract, and so we've created. This, at. This point of view about digital, feedback loops and we've, we've sort of oriented. Our entire. Innovation, process, around this point of view and so let's go through three, things the. Way that you engage your customers, the nature of your products and services and the, kind of people that we need in our companies and how you go find them convince them to join your company instead, of the competition, and make, them successful when they join your company we'll go through each one of these three in. Succession. So. You. Talk about digital transformation and. It, was punctuated. Throughout the morning's conversation you know data is at the center data. Is everything, frankly, in in, digital transformation. And what's, changed, in the world is that. Data is coming out of everything. Every. Time I tweet, every time I show up at a website every, time I walk into a store every, time I use a connected, product, there's data flowing, about that interaction and that's fuel, that.

If You take it and analyze it you can gain intelligence and learn a lot about in, this case your customer, what, are their wants, and needs where their interests what's their intent and. If you take that intelligence. And then bake that into your business, processes, you've, got the ability to engage far, more intelligently, than you ever could before, and. Really that's sort of the essence. Of what. We're trying to allow our customers to do to take data from these observations and, interactions, learn, from it and then, use that to intelligently. Power business processes, to things. Happening on the. Customer, side by the way this this whole customer, engagement, cycle I mean that's that's historically, the domain of CRM, and, historically. CRM. Has been a. Application. Category, largely about the known knowns, you. Were in my CRM system if I knew you if I had your name and your contact information I had a record of you but. Back to the two things that are changing number one most. Of our interactions now start. In anonymous. Form when, you show up to my website you're just a cookie on the other side of some browser session, or you're a twitter handle talking, about my brand somewhere, and I can't connect the dots between that, and an, actual identity, and so, the ability to engage our, customers or our prospects, before. We even know who they are and yet. Still. Retaining. And building, a record of those interactions, so as you eventually cross the divide to a known opportunity. That, you can connect those dots and continue, to build that relationship core. To sort. Of this change, in customer engagement. Now. On the product, side same, sort of thing is happening and, this. I would suggest is, largely the ERP, domain, where, you you, know you gather supplies from your supply chain you manufacturer. Your warehouse the products you distribute, through your. Distribution, channels hopefully get paid at some point but. In that world in the old world and old as in like six months or twelve months ago when. Your products, left your warehouse and hit your distribution chain, they, were gone, the. Only way you got any insight, into the, use or health of those products, was through physical, inspection. Totally. Different now everything's. Connected I've, got a stream. Of information coming. Back now from products, whether they're consumer, products, whether they're capital, equipment, telling. Me the use the. State of consumables. The. Health of of. These products, same, thing with services, you. Know if you think about, the. Taxi, industry. Historically. You know service, where. I would stand out on a street corner and inhale, a ride and that was a very private affair, that was data free as far, as the taxi, company was concerned between a rider and a taxi driver now I pull out a phone and I. Asked for a ride and it knows exactly where I am and it knows who's available and it keeps track of where I go and this data flowing, not only from products, but from services, that, are digitally intermediated. That has huge. Fundamental. Implications. For what's possible you. Can learn from. The actual use of your products and services where. You may have manufacturing. Quality issues you, can watch, the, use of consumables.

And Predict, and pre place inventory, in order to accommodate, what you know will be coming demand you, can find out earlier. Than. Then. You could before in. Fact you can find out in a way that you never could before that. A product or service is going sideways on you before it actually breaks for a customer and predictively, and proactively, go do maintenance to keep the customer happy and so thinking. Differently, about what's, possible on the product side is also. Fundamentally. Changing now I'm gonna suggest, that these two things are inextricably linked. You. Know if I'm watching the use of a product or a service I'm learning, something about the customer, that's using that product or service and so these loops are interconnected, inextricably. And, I'm gonna go one step further and. Suggest. That, this third loop about, our people is also, inextricably. Linked, and. So think about the. World that we're moving into we're all competing for the same talent, we're, looking for people who can embrace digital technologies. Who can understand, data who can interact, with customers and interact, with connected, products in a, way that we never could before and so, finding. Those people convincing. Them to join your company training. Them developing. Them connecting. Them through digital means, with your product services, and customers, is a requirement. In order to be successful in this transformed. Economy, and, I argue, that this too is connected, I had. A a, meeting. With. The CEO of Metro Bank one of our customers, about four weeks ago that really sort of drove this home for me. He had just come back from sort, of a tour of all, their retail branches, and was. Asking employees sort, of you know how are things going, and he, told me that every, single, conversation. The. Employees wanted to talk about this thing that they've built called em greet metrobank, greet it's a power app and you'll see power apps today that. Allows a. Greeter. In the, in the retail banking branch, to. Meet. A customer as they come through the door it's, a mobile application that gives you insight into the customer, their history with the bank, suggestions. On products, and services it may be of interest you, can direct them to the right cues you can tell them how long it's going to take before they're seeing you can text them if they, want to go walk around and you can tell them that all of this is available now on the web so, you can schedule so you never have to wait in a queue and so this application, very.

Exciting, For, the employees, at the bank but the other thing that that. Sort of connects this third loop. Was. The, ability then to follow that customer, as they go engage. With a banker or you. Cross-selling, and upselling how. Much time are you taking to fill out a mortgage application, or safety deposit box and this insight, allows. You to connect the dots now where you can go coach and train and develop the, employees, delivering. Those connected, services, serving, customers and so. All of the processes. Are, connected. And if. You look at dynamics 365. We. Have, taken this point of view that if you don't have a, set, of services that are connected, and holistic, you're. Missing, out on an opportunity to, really drive a true, digital transformation. Of your business, and so, we'll talk about dynamics. 365, as it spans marketing, sales service, operations, finance Talent, retail and, we'll talk about the platform today but. The most important. Thing that. I. Want you to take away from my. Presentation is. That it's not just about Dynamics, 365. It's. About the larger Microsoft, cloud, that's. What really sets, us apart from everyone, else the, ability to take LinkedIn, in office, 365, and Azure, and all, of these assets, that we've built largely, built by the way a lot, of this is sort. Of organically. Developed software. That has been built in a layered fashion, to compose, incredibly. Well to be unified, in order. To deliver experiences. That, are, synergistic. And that, feels seamless, and and. So as we go through the, demos that we're gonna do this morning, we. Are going to show you not just Dynamics but, show you how all of these pieces of the Microsoft, cloud and by the way our partners, Adobe, Dave, Welch is here a good, friend from Adobe who is one of our great partners and he's, going to show off how they Q are part of this vision for digital. Transformation. As. Rendered, in this digital feedback, loop concept. So. Let's let's, talk about Dynamics. 365. For a moment and focus, just on it we we, talked about four characteristics. You, know what makes dynamics. Dynamics it's, these four things it's modern, unified. Intelligent. And adaptable, and, we'll, go through each one of these and talk about what we mean when we say these words. Now. Business, applications. I'm. Gonna argue have have been unchanged, forever. You. Go back and you, look at mainframes, mini-computers. Server last generation, SAS solutions. And it's. The same old same old you know you may been looking at a green screen at some point you may have been looking at a fat client on a PC you may be looking at a browser but you're looking at the same thing it's forms over data record-keeping. Systems, and. In, many ways you. Know, that's. What they that's what they were they were record-keeping. Systems. People. Call a CRM, I've got a good friend who loves to talk about systems, of oppression and. You. Know that CRM. Historically. Has largely been about, allowing. Salespeople, to give up information that allows their management chain to track their pipeline. And to understand, a forecast. For what they're gonna deliver no one likes this I've, never ever met a salesperson, that wants to open up an old-school CRM, system and put, stuff in right. It's a chore, but. We are on the verge of. Software. Systems, business, applications. That are. Fundamentally. Different for, the first time, where. You've got curated. Experiences. That are mobile that are with you that are infused, with intelligence. That are connected, to social networks, that, can give you guidance and advice that actually, help you succeed, that, you want to use not. Because they're, monitoring, you but, because they are giving, you advice and, guiding. You to success, that's transformative. And that's. What we mean by modern, both in terms of what's, provided and how it's provided and we'll show that as we go through some. Of our demos. One. Of the things that that we sort of call. Out about Dynamics, 365, is its ability. To be adopted. Without ripping, and replacing, your core systems, dynamics. 365. Is modular, you. Can decide, that you want to go attack your field service, business. Process, and and bring a solution in that jut does just, that works, with whatever else you have or. You can go transform, your customer service operation, or you can go transform. How you find people using LinkedIn, and Dynamics 365. You can start where you want but the important, thing is that it's all unified. The. More you use the. More synergistic, value, you get in part because it's all built on a common, data substrate, and one, of the announcements, that we made today this morning was.

The Introduction, of the common data service for apps and the common data service for analytics, that sits beneath these applications. And ties them together seamlessly. And. Without integration, effort so, if you're making a sale out of Dynamics 365, for sales and promising, a key customer, that you're going to deliver a piece of factory equipment on a certain date you, see your inventory, position and, you're not making, things up right so connecting, these systems, together on top of a common data substrate, and a common process, substrate. Is sort, of core to the system now it's not just dynamics though, office. 365, also, built atop this common, data, platform. That, allows us to not just look at your structured. Business processes. But, your communication, patterns emails. Meetings. Documents. Interactions. In collaboration. Bringing that into this graph of information. That allows you to gain intelligence as we'll talk about next LinkedIn. So. Now we're bringing data that's, not just your data but enhancing, your data with signal, from outside, the four walls of your company understanding. The relationships. That your employees, that, your salespeople, that, your suppliers, may. Have with one another and this is an open platform so. Our partners, too are, extending. The common data model building. Atop this substrate, and offering solutions that just work when. Your data is in this, form and we'll talk about what Adobe's, doing in, just a few minutes but they're one of our leading partners we also announced this morning by the way kuna mutual, which. Is a leading. Credit union, company a financial services company in the United States our first partner, who, is working with us to extend, the common data model not, just from. Marketing sales service operations, finance and talent sort of core horizontal, business processes, but into the financial services industry where. We're going to start to add more and more capabilities. That are industry, specific, allowing, our customers to. Find solutions, that just, work with, their data. Now. Data is, is in, a vacuum or unprocessed, or. Unsorted. With, without intelligence, I just call it what it is data, is is like a tree falling in the forest you know did it really make a sound that really create value and so the, most important, part of all. Of this data is our. Ability to go create, value. From that data to, gain insights, to gain intelligence in order to to. Drive those. Intelligent. Business processes. That we talked about earlier. In the conversation, this. Is an area where. You. Know I'll be honest I think Microsoft. You. Know is a company, that invests. Incredibly. Deeply you, know we've spent two decades and, tens of billions, of dollars on primary, research and AI that's infused, throughout our products, and. We don't we don't talk about it as much as others. Do, we. Like to deliver and we're, not so good at the talk part necessarily. And so today. We're, going to show you what. Intelligence, means we're going to show you the, ability to actually use, this, incredible. Asset, that we have at the company in the context, of these business processes without. Putting a pretty name on it without, jumping up and down and screaming we're just going to show you value, being created in the context, of our customer accounts.

The. Last part and perhaps the most important, part is the. Adaptability. Of. Dynamics. 365. You, know no business application, is ever exactly, what you need it to be you. Know it's there's, industry, specific. Needs their needs for given geographies, and so one of the most important things we've done is to build an ecosystem of partners. Many. Of you in the room in fact thank you for your partnership or. You. Know delivering, solutions that build on top of this common data substrate, on this platform and, allow, 365. To be tailored, for industries. For, geographies, and for specialist, needs, without. Having to sort of leave the family if you will making dynamics what you need it to be but no application. Is ever. Finished, and the. Need to tune. For your own special, business processes. The ability to take, and learn, from that data and use, that to go transform. Your processes, in an evolving, way you know as soon as you think your applications, done your market changes, and if your application can't, change you're stuck right and so that's adaptability, that we're gonna spend a lot of time on it's, critically, important, and. And those four things really. Sort of wrap up the. The. Essence, of dynamics, but the, thing that again I want to leave you with Dynamics, lives in the larger Microsoft, cloud and that's where. The real difference lies now, I mentioned this earlier. You. Know this is the biggest release. We've ever done ever in business. Applications, at Microsoft, it's actually, I'm. Not sure this is a good idea but, it is what it is we've got hundreds, of pages of. Features, that we rolled out today across. Marketing. Sales service, operations. Finance, Talent. Retail. Application. Intelligence, media platform, I mean it's stunning, the, amount of innovation that we shipped and. Announced, today will show, you some of that and as. I'll mention later we've got an opportunity for your alert to learn a heck of a lot more but, this is a freight, train of innovation, that, that, we rolled out today that, that you will continue to see roll out Microsoft, has more. Than doubled down on this, part of our business business. Applications. Are one of the most important. Investments, that we're making it the company and we're making it not in a vacuum but in the context, of the larger Microsoft, cloud and today. Is evidence of of. That investment, in the seriousness, with. Which we are sort of pushing into, into. The digital transformation opportunity. For our customers. So. That's that's sort of enough context, setting let's. Get to the good stuff so let's take a look at some, of the capabilities, that we, are delivering, through, our services, both, Dynamics 365, in the larger Microsoft, cloud the first one we're gonna look at is connected. Marketing, and sales now. One, of the hallmarks, I think of the demos that we're gonna see here today is is. Sort of a shift from. Reactive. To proactive I, talked about that a little bit earlier you know business applications, used to be largely about record-keeping, that's, more or less what they were and so moving from hey, I'm maintaining a bunch of Records to I've, got a system that's alongside me, now that's helping, me think about what I should do next that's infused, with intelligence, that's there when I need it that's, really, sort of the the. Feeling that you get, I believe, when you watch these demos, and so we're gonna do that with, connected, marketing and sales but, before we do that I want to ask Dave Welch to come out from Adobe, Dave. Is a good, friend and. Leads. For, Adobe. Much of their experience, cloud Dave why don't you come on out. Sorry. Psyche. James. No we're doing good good. And, so you, know Dave and I have done this actually before a couple. Of times and we spent a lot of time together it's but it's been a great relationship I think that you, know the partnership, between Microsoft, and Adobe is. A very special, one I had an industry. Analyst, that, came out and and sort of looked at what we're doing together and said this is not this. Is not your same old partnership, the depth of our relationship. Is is, very very very, deep but. Before we talk about that you know talk to me a bit Dave about what's happening in marketing in generals what are some of the changes that are occurring you speak to marketers everyday what are you hearing out there well like, you James were in the digital transformation business, yeah our, lens, on the digital transformation business, though is through experiences.

And. Driving. Helping. Our customers, drive. Fantastic, experiences, for their customers, and in fact our mission. At Adobe, is that, we're, changing the world through digital experiences. And so, what. We see our customers doing is pivoting. Towards, not, so much selling. Products, anymore but. Selling more experiences. So. That experience, could be your taxi-hailing. App, that you were talking about it, could be ordering. Your morning, latte, on. Your way into work or it could be you know as I'm getting ready. To get, into my hotel last night I was checking in to. That hotel, bypassing. Kind of the check-in line checking. In online before, I got there so you. Know for us and. Or marketers, it's, all about driving very personalized. Kind, of individual. Exciting. Experiences. That engage. Their customers got it and so, we've done a lot of work together we. Got a lot more work to do but we've done a heck of a lot of work already talk about our relationship. The partnership, and what we're doing together so the the kind of the basis of the partnership, Adobe, and Microsoft been, partners for years, and, years and years longer. Than you and I've been around but. About. Eight oh yeah. Exactly. About, 18 months ago we we, joined hands and we, said we're gonna drive. Kind. Of an, experience, platform, across. Marketing. Sales, and, support and. So what we're doing broadly. Is is just. Taking our solutions. And integrating. Them very deeply for. On. Behalf of our customers so on. Our side we have our experienced. Cloud we have our document cloud we have our Creative Cloud we're. Taking those those, solutions especially our experienced cloud and our, document, cloud and we're doing integrations, with, with. Dynamics, 365, with, power bi. Just. Pulling. Our products, together so that our customers don't have to got it and we're doing that on a common. Data substrate. We're usually we've got a shared data, model talked a bit about that and how you guys so yeah a common, de Tomaso if I can tease that apart a little bit, common. Data model for both, of us and, common data services, so. You'd call the common data services, for apps so, that's, where we're doing some really deep collaboration is, around kind. Of two things one is the common data model and the second is the common data service, on the, common data model you. Guys have, in. Your solutions, data models, that describe, a customer, or describe a support. Event very, customer, support ticket on. Our side we have what, we call experience, data models and experience. Data models, are. Things. That describe. A. Campaign. Or an, offer something. Like that and so. What we're doing is. Sharing. Data, models what, that means is as data, comes into as kind of third-party data comes in, we call it third-party yeah but your, data comes into our platform. We're. Bringing that in as. A, common, data model format. Yeah which means that we already know how to action, that data we don't have to transform, it we don't have to do not costume loading of it so. I think that's pretty cool so any data that comes in you, know how to how to treat it we will know how to treat it as we're as we're collaborating on common data model on the common data services, side, this. Is where you've got your substrate, kind, of crossing. All of your dynamic. Solutions, yeah we've. Got the same thing on our side our experience data model, sort. Of experience data pipeline. Crosses, all, of our solutions yeah and you. Know in a foundational. Level a very, platforming. Level what, we're doing is bringing those two things together so, that they talk to one another and, so, what I think that ends up with James is is. That, as we pull together our solutions, together across, c.d.s and XDM. We're. Gonna be like we're, gonna be like brothers we're gonna be like native, applications. To. One another you're just gonna know how, to deal with data, and. Coming. In from one another's up got it yeah, and so I think that's that's a good a good way to wrap it up for the audience I think that if you think about the, benefit, of coming. Together at that platform. Level really. Building, atop the same substrate, sharing. That data model vision someone, can adopt Dynamics 365, they can adopt Adobe, products, they can adopt office 365. And they all just work right, the days of trying to integrate and have integrations, are over when. You build, atop that same, common platform, yeah I think that's a lot of the value, that we're bringing is is doing the integrations, on behalf of customers so they don't have to do that yeah but, also just bringing our data together bringing our platforms, together I. Mean at Adobe, we you, know in the experience business we have our analytics, cloud we have our marketing.

Cloud And we're. Collecting you. Know a lot, of information about, about. Your what. You're reacting to over the web or in a mobile app or, campaigns. Or advertisements. That you're offered and so, we're collecting that and we're, Eldin audiences, and segments, around, audiences. So, that we. Get insights like. Somebody. Hasn't visited their. Frequent, frequent, website visitor but they haven't visited in the past 30 days yep on. Your. Side though. When, we start pulling in that data from, dynamics, we. Can get, some real insight, as to well perhaps the reason why the person hasn't visited, our website in the past 30 days is because they logged a support ticket you. Know two weeks ago and oh. My gosh we need to be treating them with like kid gloves because we want to get. Them back into the fold got it right good so I think those are the things that you know bringing our datasets. Together yeah and, bringing our applications, together really provide a lot of value for our joint coach better insights more intelligence, better experience, you got it all right thank, you very much Dave so, to, see this. Ryan. Martin is gonna come out and and. Actually show these things working together so take it away Ryan yeah thank you James thank you Dave so, today what we're going to look at is how the adobe, marketing cloud and Dynamics, 365, really, helped drive digital, transformation, and allow, you to engage customers, in new ways, specifically. We're going to be looking at how Microsoft, are adopting these solutions and in, this demo example, I'm gonna play two separate, personas, the, first persona, is of, a lead Ryan's, of under Merlin from Dunlop protective, Footwear, who, is looking at Dynamics, 365, force organization, and as, Ryan takes these actions we're going to be qualifying, that lead and we're going to pass it on to the second persona that I'm going to play which, is Veronica, a Microsoft. Sales representative, so, let's get started as i mentioned i'm ryan right now a lead who's browsing the Dynamics 365, website so, I'm gathering information, here but I'm anonymous, at this particular point and as, I start to drill in further I'm looking, at the capabilities, around Dynamics, 365, for sales and I'm perhaps watching, a video or I'm requesting a demo now why is this important, because in the background with adobe marketing cloud we're, actually able to follow all of the steps that are taking place for. Example as a bit drill, into the capabilities, of our sales app I start, to see that infused, artificial, intelligence, and what, we've done with sales navigator for, personal engage is important, to me so. At this particular moment I'm quite busy during the day and I go to a meeting that I have and I stop actually the browsing of what I've done as a, return, from that particular meeting probably, like many of you you check the news you start to read some articles but what Adobe is actually done here based. On the actions, that I've taken is provided. A targeted, ad for, Dynamics, 365. And as, I click on this targeted ad that's, actually, the moment that I become a qualified, lead I provide, specific, details and, we can start to pass this on to a sales representative so. For those of you are interested what does that journey actually look like in Adobe this, is an example, of the campaign, flow that's, actually running in real time and as we get to a particular moment in the qualification score, were passed on to Dynamics, 365, so, I'm going to switch personas, now I'm going, to become the sales representative, working at Microsoft I'm Veronica, I'm in Dynamics 365, for sales and of, course I have all of the information that.

We've Just seen first, of all I'm given, a step by step business, process, that's, going to give me the actions, we need to take to qualify this lead, secondly. And I think this is maybe one of the most important, pieces oftentimes. A lot of David is captured by marketing, and it's, not passed on to our sales colleagues, they don't know what happened as that anonymous lead was browsing the website so. What we're actually able to do here, is see. Every, single action that, Ryan took on our website for example he browse relationships, sales he watched the overview he even had signed up for an invitation for a trial so as I'm having the dialogue with Ryan on the phone I'm actually able to inquire, about the, steps that were taken and take, action, on those things so, let's fast forward in our story a couple weeks I'm, a sales person and something, I care a lot about is my bonus and I have a quota and I'm not gonna make that quota at this moment perhaps you see here I have over a five hundred thousand. Problem. Reaching the quota for the end of this year so it's not going to be good at home either so. As I drill in what, I want to do is see how I'm gonna solve that quota and every, CRM system we know out there has a pipeline, and of course that pipeline has an estimated closing date it has a probability it, has an estimated revenue, and we have that as well but, this is where Dynamics, 365, off. 365. And Azure really, start to play together so perhaps, you see here in the center of the screen we see relationship. Health and at, the deal that we're looking at on Dunlop it's fair and steady and how, is that calculated, it's, based on structured, and unstructured, data, so. All of the communications. We're sending in the form of an email a phone, call a meeting anything. That our team members are doing is being aggregated, again it sets again sorry, against, a set of KPIs and it's, being analyzed, across all the other opportunities, in the system and it's actually telling me that I'm in a fair, state and the health is not improving, so now I'd like to drill in and see, what kind of best next, actions, are we going to get to improve the health state in the application, so, I've been sending Ryan some emails and I actually see that I'd sent him another email three hours ago he did open it but he's not responding, to me now what dynamics is doing with the relationship, assistant, is actually, saying hey we'll give you a best next action which is actually to utilize, the power of your LinkedIn Network to, ask for a warm introduction. To, this person you're trying to sell to now, as you probably know the LinkedIn network is over 500 million members strong and as I select this here right, in Dynamics, 365. We have that network in the palm of our hands so, I can see that Ryan's is a second-degree connection, but, I can actually look here at the get introduced, area and start, to see the related connections, that we have in common and it, just so happens to be that, Alfred someone that I've spent a lot of time working with in the past is a first-degree. Connection, with, write and probably. You all know as well that cold calling is not as easy as going to be when you ask someone to respond. To them on your behalf so let's actually go ahead and take that action I'm gonna reach out to right here and what, you'll notice is we jump into the sales navigator experience. But, for those of you who are worried about data consistency, every single. Action I take the in sales navigator is, fully, synchronized, with Dynamics, 365. And we have the 360-degree, view so, as we type out for the message here and we have a little script running so I don't make any typing, mistakes so don't don't worry I'm not that good of a typer but. As, we type this message in we're actually going to ask him for the introduction, and we're going to send that now, the good news is that right alfrid. Actually did provide, the introduction to riot we start to gain some traction and, I want to get back to where we started with in this demonstration, and that's, giving right into the valuable, information about dynamics 365, and what I've done another, tool within, LinkedIn is repair a point Drive this, is a digital dossier. Of the content, that I've prepared, that, I think is most applicable to the customers, that I'm dealing with so, I'm very easily able here to get a link send, that to write and then, as Ryan, starts to view the information I can look at the statistics, that are available around that dossier now.

Again This is something marketing, organizations. Have had always the capability, to do in terms of landing pages and number. Of viewers that they've got but, now a sales, representative can, create their own dossier, and get, those same insights, so, I can actually look at the viewers here see, that Ryan is looking at the information I've sent I receive, an email from Ryan to make a quotation, and we actually drive the deal towards closure so, what I've shown so far today is we started with a completely, anonymous lead, looking at our website all, the way to that lead becoming qualified me, encountering. A blocked stalled deal using, the power of my network to unblock that deal provide. Content, to them and I can happily say Dunlap protective, Footwear are a happy customer of Dynamics 365, so back to you James Thank. You Ryan. So. It's, you know I'll come back to two points here it's the data you, know the data sitting beneath these systems, in the ability to stitch, it all together into, a converged, experience. That, is seamless, across, the marketing, function the sales function the communication. Function across the anonymous, to known divide, pulling. All of that together, is. You. Know it's transformative, and the second thing I'll say is that. It, was a you. Know versus, sort of the system, of oppression of old this, was a system that I would want to use as a sales print it, helped me get connected with a customer, it helped me understand, where to focus my energy and so, guiding, me towards success, makes this a system, that, I love versus. Loathe which, is sort of a traditional. CRM, reality. If we're being honest with ourselves and. So let's look at. The next scenario, here, intelligent. Customer service, and again, you. Know the the, key here is. Moving. From a posture where we're being purely reactive to. A posture, where our business applications. Are allowing, us to transform. A business process into. A proactive, process. With, customer, service in particular, what. I want to do is avoid needing, to deliver customer, service that's sort of number, one if I can keep the customer, from hurting themselves or, for getting into a problem where they need to to call me that's the best possible outcome, for from, a customer service perspective, or. If, I, can allow the customer, to find solutions. To their own problems in, a low-cost and in, very scalable, way that's sort of the next best click stop and so we're gonna take a look now at a demo, again. By Ryan showing, our intelligent, customer service, capability, Ryan take it away yep thanks, James so in this particular demo we're gonna actually be looking at the azure bot, framework and dynamics. 365, for customer service and in, this example, I'm actually gonna be playing three different personas. The, first persona, will be a consumer. Who, browses, a website, and begins in a dialogue with, a chat bot now what's very interesting about, that chat bot is you, immediately have global, scale in your organization, at this moment it's always on 24/7. Another, interesting fact is the fact if I would start to respond in Dutch to this bot it will actually start to respond back to me in Dutch so it's capable of multilingual, support now, this is of course great for enterprises, but any company can adopt this and achieve, that global scale the, second persona I'm going, to play is of a customer service representative who's. Pulled into the conversation. Due, to the fact that the bot has detected, negative, sentiment, and so, we automatically, route a human agent within there thirdly. I'll be playing a business analyst who, elevates, the discussion, from the single chat that we'll be looking at and sees, how we're performing at a global scale and can, notice a problem within, Australia and we're actually going to solve that particular problem as well so, with that let's, go to the demo and as I mentioned the first persona, is a consumer. On this car insurance website so. As I browse this particular website I see the ability here to do a live chat. And we can begin you know with some very simple QA, in which, we the bot starts to respond to me I'm asking what can you do it's telling me is 24/7. Available, and it, tells me that it's in 52, different countries around the world very simple stuff of course you would expect that let's, start to get a little more specific here, I need, insurance now, this is the first moment that this bot has made connection, with Dynamics, 365, and what it's done is it's looked at the product catalog that we're offering and it's pulling that in a very user-friendly way, for, me to pick from the different product categories that.

We Offer in terms of insurances, as our company now, the first cat as I mentioned I'm looking for automotive, insurance and. So as I select that category the bot actually says ok I can help you with the policy but I've been anonymous at this point so we need to provide some form, of authentication before. This going to start giving me some pricing information so, I am an existing customer and I'm, actually gonna fill in my name so I'm playing the role of Lance, Olson at this moment and then it's going to ask me for a personal identification number so. As we do that there's actually quite an important part here as well the experience is about ready to change it's, going to go into Dynamics, 365, it's, going to pull, up my personal, contact. Profile, and it's, got going to see that it can offer me a 10%, multi discount, policy and now. The, bot is actually, looking at an upsell, opportunity. And saying, we notice you have a daughter who turned 16 years old. Can we add this in the quotation that we're making for you and lastly, even pulling, up my contact, profile in the personalized way so yes I would, like to include this my daughter in this policy so. We're gonna start to get a little bit more specific, here it's going to categorize, the, car the type of car that I'm going to insure so, in this case I'm driving a sedan and it. Is a Ford. That I'm driving now the last two questions is going to ask me is the make and the model so, here we have a Fusion and we're gonna say hey that car is from 2015. So. If, you're like me there's probably a few things in life you'd like to take pictures of I like taking pictures of cars but I also very much like taking pictures of my family and at, this moment the body is actually asking for a photo of my car because, it's going to use cognitive, services to analyze, the state of my car which, is going to affect the insurance price that I have so, I'm not really, tension here and I do say yes I do, have a picture of my car it tells me that I can use the image uploader to select that and as I mentioned I just grabbed a picture here that we've got going and. Oops I uploaded, a picture of my brand new born baby and my dog Maggie at home now, what's, most important, here is the, cognitive services as it starts to analyze this picture is actually, going to say hey guess what that, doesn't look like a car it, looks more like a baby sleeping, next to a dog and that is 100%. Real, we do this demo a lot of times we ask people that what pictures they like we upload it cognitive services can actually analyze that and do it so let's get a little more serious here and actually upload the picture of the car that we're trying to ensure which. Is that Ford that I've got and one of the things I also like here in a very human esque way it's, going to compliment, me compliment, me on the car that I'm driving it's gonna say hey that's, a nice purchase, I have all the information that I need from you at this moment and it's, going to go back into dynamics, 365. And pull, up the quotation. For me but, this is the moment that I'm not going to be happy actually in life because I don't know about you but I don't like paying 316.

A Month, for, the insurance. On my car so, I'm gonna give a negative sentiment, here no way that's too expensive and as, I do that what, the bot is doing in the background is actually looking for the available. Agents, in the organization, and it's, bringing Jane into this or into this conversation, so, that she can begin the discussion, with me now what I would like to do at this moment is switch personas. And show, you what Jane on the other side who was brought into this conversation would, be seen so. As we switch to this it's. Probably very familiar to the screen I showed you in the first demo I'm working, in dynamics 365, and we have an opportunity but. In this case we're in the proposed stage of that opportunity because, the bot already qualified, it it did already develop, it and actually it's added, the product line items here as well now, on the right hand side we can see the transcript, including, you know the nice picture of my dog and my daughter. But, what I draw your attention to is the center of the screen if possible what, we're doing with AI here, is analyzing. All the running opportunities, that we have all of the sentiment, that we're capturing and we're, seeing that there's a 65%. Churn, risk of, me as a customer based on the response I gave so, it's great to know there's a problem but, what we also do is we tell this agent, if you, apply a 15%. Discount you, are going to most likely keep this person as a customer. Within. Your organization, and those are the exact actions that I'm going to take here I'm going to go to the product line items I'm going to add the discount, continue. The chat with the customer that we have and onboard them into our organization, so as I mentioned to you I was going to play three personas, and now I'm switching to the third persona which is the business analyst, who's, looking at a power bi dashboard of everything. That we have going on in the world so, at this moment we, have over. 18,000. Chats that have happened today we've looking at the new business that's coming in we can actually go into the word cloud and see, how we have topics, on the wet on the website that turn into themes but, as I mentioned we've got something going on in Australia so, I'd like to drill into the actual global, map and start to see why is there a problem in Australia and as, I do that the, word cloud is actually going to adapt and immediately, it jumps out to me our biggest competitor, in the Australia market is contoso insurance, and the other word that's coming up is expensive, so, I'm being informed, here that based on the chats that are going on we're continually, seeing the phrases, come up contoso insurance, and expensive, so as a business analyst, the actions I'm going to take is actually review, the price points we have in that marketplace adapt.

Them So we are competitive, and we can drive more business so. Again what we've seen here today is an anonymous, chat that began on a website which, turned into a full-fledged opportunity. But had negative, sentiments, so we had to bring a human agent into drive and close the deal based, on AI giving, us the next best step and lastly. Looking, at it as a global scale and adapting, our price point so we're more competitive in the market and with that being said back, to you James and thank you for your time. My. Head is spam I'm just gonna play one persona, for you guys I'm just just gonna be James up here and. So you. Know again you go back to, the. Power of data here the, ability to take data from all of these systems, the ability to apply intelligence. The ability to deliver, an experience, that's. Differentiated, in, its ability to take that data and to. Act on it in an intelligent, way to transform, that business process, fundamental. Change in. The. Ability, for a, software. System a business application to. Add value, into a business process versus, simply being a record-keeping, system the customer, service agent was guided, based. On data, science, to, precisely. The right activity. After. Observing many, many many interactions, and their outcomes and so using, intelligence, on top of data to, impact, this business. Process. Now. I talked earlier I sort of hinted. At the, you. Know the proactive, field service, opportunity, where products. Are connected. Customers. Are connected to products, data's flowing in the ability to detect, long before, there is a failure that, a failure is imminent and. To offer, field service in a way that allows customers to not get unhappy so. That you're putting yourself into sort. Of the best possible, position not. Having to respond to customer service at, all in the first place this, demo for me is. You. Know I think is perhaps, the most interesting one because it also brings, in hololens.

And Sort. Of a very different, experience that's. Delivered, to deliver all of that intelligence and data at the point of business process, execution, but in a completely new, way from. An exponential, perspective, and so to take a look at that Lydia is gonna come and show us our, partners, PTC demo thank. You thank you so. One of the biggest challenges, field service, organizations. Face is ensuring, they're sending the right person, to the right place at the right time and, with, Dynamics do six five four field service, we're essentially, transforming. The way our customers work, so, they can move from a very traditional reactive. Fix approach, to, a much more proactive. Consistent. Service model so, to do that we're empowered by Asha IOT, and hololens, so, let's take a look at how that works I'm. A dispatcher in a service center and I've started to receive IOT. Alerts from. Sensors. On devices, in customer, sites and, if you can see on screen I've, received a high severity ly alert so, what I want to do is jump into that and find out what potential, problems we might be facing. And. What we're seeing here is live IOT, data from, the device and it's giving me much more information about the current state of play what. We want to avoid is any downtime, for customers, so, I'm gonna go ahead and manage this now. I have, enough information that I could attempt to manage this remotely I could send a command out from Dynamics, to the application, and it would reset, the motor but. In this case I think we're gonna send someone out into the field so, dynamics. 365, has intelligently, created, a work order for me and within, that we're going to find all the information that we need to go ahead and complete, a repair, so. One here I can see who the customer, is I can see their previous incidents, and within, the bill of materials, we can see there's an 80%, chance of, failure in the next 100 days and we, want to act proactively we, want to avoid any downtime. For customers, so, we're going to go ahead and book an engineer and within. My work order I can see all of the tasks that I actually need to complete to successfully, complete that repair but.

The Challenge I face is that we have many different fields, service engineers, based all around the globe and they've, got really varying, skill sets so, to know who is the most appropriate engineer, to send out can definitely, be a challenge, and. With, Dynamics e65 for field service it's gonna identify, the most appropriate engineer, for me and it's, going to take lots of factors, into consideration it's, going to take into consideration their. Availability, and their location, to minimize travel time it's, going to look at their skill set but, it's also going to consider things like customer, preference, and their SLA, so. It's identified, the most appropriate engineer, for me and what we're now going to take a look at is the, experience, for that engineer, in the field so. Changing. Hats, I'm now the engineer, and I'm out in the field and I'm spending my time on, customer, sites completing, repairs so. What I have with me is my mobile device and I've had a notification. To let me know that a new work order has been allocated, to me in the field and I, jump into the work order within the application, and it gives me all the information that I need I can, see who the customer, is I can see the priority, I can, see the specific, instructions, for the tasks I need to complete and I. Can even see which, parts I might need to replace and if, I scroll down once. We've completed the work order I can get my customer to sign off easily in the field so. As, I said I'm in the field among customer sites signal. Is patchy so. Fortunately. The entire application, works completely offline, so I have this support no, matter what the case is with the signal, so. I come onto site and as, I approach my motor, I realize, it's one I'm less familiar with I work in the field every day with, lots of different pieces of equipment so. It's not realistic, that I'm able to repair every, device without any kind of support so, I would like some support and, historically. To, receive that support I might have to call another colleague another, engineer, on the, phone or maybe even get them to come out on site to help me which is very cost, ineffective or I might have to go into my van find, a hundred page manual, and filter. Through it and try and figure out how to actually solve this problem, now, that's not very effective, so we're going to see now how with the power of hololens, and thing, works by ptc, i'm going to get supported, through the entire process, in real time so. I'm gonna pop my hololens on and what, we have on stage here is the second hololens, so you can all experience, the exact same experience that i'm seeing right now and essentially. It's a four step process, so. The first step process, is to get the hololens to identify, the motor and we've done that and I'm now going to move on to the second stage and in. The second stage I'm going to do some analysis, so, I'm going to click analyze and, it's going to bring up my IOT, data and. If I turn on the motor I'm going to get some new analytics, so, what we should be able to see when I turn it on is the voltage, and the current are going to update so. Let's give that I. So. I don't have a better understanding. Of how this motor is functioning, and it's, now time to go ahead and complete my repair but, as I said it's a model I'm less familiar with so, what I would like is some real-time guidance, so. If I move on to step three and. Then. If I switch this on it's, going to present on screen, an exact, demonstration. Of how to complete the repair so, it's going to show me the process it's going to show me how to break the motor apart add the, new parts in and then, reassemble, it to complete the repair and I, can watch this as many times as I want until, I feel comfortable to actually go ahead and do it and, what's great is this is all being presented, to me without, having to use my hands so I can actually get on with the repair rather, than rifling, through my manual, while I'm doing that so. I can watch that as many times as I want and then I can go ahead and complete the repair and if there's any problems, I could also, dial in a colleague on skype via, the hololens to, get some support but. In this case I feel confident, that I can go ahead and complete it so, I'm going to do that and, then I'm going to move on to step four and I'm. Gonna sign that off to say that the process is complete. So. Using, dynamics. 365 for field service I've been, able to complete, my repair in half the time it would have taken previously, I've successfully. Avoided any downtime, for my customers, and have, ultimately given them a great customer, experience, thank, you. Thank. You Lydia so we we have a we. Actually have a customer, that that.

Sells. Equipment. That is used in the dairy industry milking. Cows and processing. Pasteurizing that sort of the huge, user of hololens, exactly. For this they'll. Have repair people that. Are in a remote area with. Some old equipment because this stuff lasts for decades with, someone back at. The, headquarters. That's, able to sort of walk folks through seeing. The experience, allowing to overlay, the scene with exactly what needs to get done I mean it's it, looks futuristic, but, it's actually real and it's in use today I think, to. Me this whole mixed, reality the ability to take the real world in overlay, an. Alternate, reality to. Sort, of guide you is, just incredible. Incredible and, I think game-changing, but. Data of course, is what makes it possible pulling. The data from across all. Of these systems in delivering, it in a unique way, takes, a process, that was historically. Very. Reactive, very, brake fix to use her words, into. A very, proactive posture. With the business process, and sort of game changing relative. To the ability of this business application, ultimately, delivered, very differently, but, to guide a person through, their job and to be a helping, hand in many ways. Now. The last, demo. That we'll do in the last sort of property, of Dynamics 365. That we'll talk about as is adaptable. And. As. I mentioned before you, know this is you, know it's critically, important, that you've got business, applications. That are able. To sort of be melded into, your environment no business, is the same if business applications, work the same for everyone then you, know everyone's a commodity, effectively, and so the. The power of power apps power bi Microsoft. Flow our larger, data integration capabilities. Come, together to. Make it possible to, both, tune Dynamics, 365, office 365, LinkedIn, but also to create new applications atop. That same, data, substrate, the common data service that we talked about now. This, is a company. Called. IPS. That. Has. Been around since about 1903. In. One form or another and they're in the business of doing this repairing, big motors, and and generators, this is a piece. Of equipment out of a, industrial. Motor they. Have supply, or they have repair depots all over North America and their business is these things show up they, run them through a process they strip them down inspect. Them go. Through a set of repairs document, all of that and get it back to the customer that's, their core business now. This company IPS, has one, of everything they've got E or PCR in fact they use Dynamics for CRM and. So they're not short of business applications they, can do the things that you would expect tracking, their inventory. Tracking. Customer. Ships and sales opportunities. But this process. This. Process that, is their core business was. Run like, this, and. You've got sticky notes on whiteboards, you've got clipboards. You've got Sony cameras. You've got people with calculators, very. Very manual. Process after. Over a century, this. Is literally, pictures from their shop floor. And. The reason, why they were operating. This way is is, because it's hard to make software, it's hard to go build an application that, allows you to take, your, special business process, and to, digitally, transform, it and in. Its I'm gonna argue it's those business, processes are the ones that are most. Amenable. To or where you get the most bang for your buck if you will if you can digitally, transform, them but that's where there's not an app for that you. Can't go to an app store and find a digital. Transformation. Solution. For motor and generator repair. Across. North America it just doesn't exist in the form that they need it to go run their core business process, and so they built a power out. It's. Not the prettiest, app but, this is actually their app they. Built this application in, three, weeks on. The shop, floor, with. The people actually doing, the business process, to, allow this transformed. Experience, from.

Motor. Shows up and it's in a black hole with a bunch of clipboards, and and sticky notes and by the way when those sticky, notes come off the job they, hit the trash can and that's all your data right, and so this business, process, is not only manual, it ends, up data poor at the end of everything and so now with power apps they've got the ability because it's linked into their ERP system, it's linked into CRM it. Operates, on a tablet, to, meet that motor as it comes to the loading dock as it shows up to, guide the repair person through the entire process you take the pictures right there with the tablet, it does the calculations automatically. It assembles. A multi-page, PDF document. That goes back to the customer, all of this was so transformative. For them that. When you go to their website and I just it's this is a true story I discovered, this accidentally, I went to the IPS website to grab a logo, and I, went to the About section of, their website this, pictures, on there they. Are so, proud. Of this application and, the impact, that it had on their business that they show it off as a competitive, advantage and here's. The thing. That's most special, for them, because. They're capturing, all of this data because it's a digitally, transformed. Experience. They're, able to show their customers, exactly, where their motor is in the process, it, used to be a black hole as I said before motor. Would show up in the customer has no idea, when it's coming back now you can see exactly, where it is it's like following, your uber and a mobile app you can see exactly where you are in the, process and so this is for, them not only transformative. Of the core process. But. Of their customer, experience, and so back to tying these loops together. Very. Very very powerful, and it's a combination of power bi power, apps Microsoft, flow the common data service and all of the other assets that, make it possible to, go do this good work and so. I'm gonna have Ryan Cunningham, come out and show inter, cars which. Is another of our customers, who transform, their core business process, using power apps and he's gonna do a build. It on the fly to kind of give you a flavor of how this stuff works so, Ryan take it away thank you James good, morning everyone one one more customer, story for you so, inter cars is for. Those not familiar one, of the largest distributors of automotive. Spare parts and repair supplies here in Europe they're based in Poland they serve 10,000. Individual, customer, locations, across 16, countries and they do that with a field sales force of just about 600. People if, you do that math that's one, seller calling, on sometimes a hundred customer, sites a month, in person, that's five or six visits a day incredibly. Mobile, front, line workforce, now, into inter cars is a dynamics 365, customer they run their business on Dynamics 365, and 2n they use a lot of what we've seen today and more but. Like James mentioned you, know their true competitive. Advantage, comes, not just from what they can buy out of the box from us it comes from what they can innovate and build, on top of that from the business processes, that, that are not served by out-of-the-box application, so I'll give you one very concrete. Example, now inter cars will sell an entire kit of parts to an auto repair customer, that comes you know outfitted already are these drawers filled with wrenches and sockets and but, you know that's a great deal, the day that they sell it but, fast forward a year or two down the line some of these wrenches are missing, some of the sockets are gone some things are broken restocking.

This, Asset, completely. Different proposition, it's difficult do you know how they were doing it up until a few months ago they, were sending those filled sellers in from their truck with a 200, page book of parts, right and they would clunk it down on a desk and they'd flip it open and they'd find the part and they'd one by one tick off on a clipboard. The individual, socket wrench to restock incredibly, manual process, non-viable. For the field seller who's there for 20 minutes a month on site, now. Of course transforming. That process, building, a custom, cross-platform. Mobile, application. Just, to restock a drawer cost-prohibitive, we can all imagine what, that costs, in in a classic, custom software development, sense right that's teams, of experts and specialists, and full stack developers, we're going to measure that process in months, and maybe Millions and not. Anymore, and, I want to show you today, power. Apps power. Apps is a high, productivity, business. Application, development, platform, that means it makes the technical, resources we already have in our organizations, work more efficiently, but more than that it, opens, up business. Application, development to an entirely new category of employee business analysts people close to their problem who understand, what, needs to be done now have the tools to do it themselves now, that's a big claim to make so, today I want to prove it to you what, we're going to do is build this, app for inter cars together from, scratch now. I realize, that building, a business application from scratch in front of an audience like this is classically. More like asking you to watch paint dry but. I promise this will be more fun because. Power apps is an incredibly, visual, environment, this does not look anything like your class with classic software development, tool I've got screens, of an application more, like I would drop, in slides in a presentation and. I can format, them I can bring rich, assets, to this picture as well I can I can upload images make it look like my, company very easily I can, do all of this with skills that are familiar that, learned over decades, of hundreds, of millions of people using office, in office 365 I, can make this app look exactly like what I needed to be but. I'm not just pushing pix

2018-03-27 17:01

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