Today. We, can bring all that massive, amount of information into simple, ways of visualizing the. Ultimate, outcome for, our customers. All the products themselves tie, well together so it's really transformed. Us tremendously, up to our business level decision-makers. That have information at their fingertips in, real-time, we. Had some requirement, are really excited, at how Dynamics. 365. Brings, all the systems together with, this solution, they're able to reinvent, the, art of manufacturing. Advanced. Analytics, help us avoid costly downtime and, delays with. Early notice our team can proactively have, parts at the right place and time reducing. Inventory costs, and maximizing, availability. Good. Morning, please welcome general, manager Microsoft. ELISA Taylor. Morning. And welcome to Microsoft, business forward my, name is ELISA Taylor and I run our business, applications, and Industry, division, here at Microsoft and I'm, so very excited that you guys have chosen to join us here today at this, historic, location for. Those of you that don't know this is the first cadillac. Dealership, and. It has now been transformed, into this amazing, event. Space, and really. That's fitting, because today's, event. Is all about transformation. We're, at an incredible. Period of time we're, in. Full. Industries, and organizations are. Transforming, it's such a rapid, pace and an unprecedented, way, that we've never seen, in history before and so, what we want to do is have the. Conversation. And the forum. To discuss that, transformation. And we'll, do that by bringing together Microsoft. Leaders, we're, bringing in visionaries. As well as our customers, and analysts, to, talk about how, we are driving that transformation, and at. The center of the digital. Revolution is, really our mutual, customers, customers. Are demanding new experiences. New levels of service, new products, and so, what we want to do is have different. Sessions to talk about how we can have we, can meet those customer, demands, and actually.
Use Technology, to do that so. Let's talk about the lineup for today to give you an idea of who you will be seeing. We're, gonna start the day off with Jetson altough he is our executive, vice president of, our worldwide commercial, business and Judson's. Really going to talk about the Microsoft. Vision, and strategy and then, he will bring in a few of our customers who have gone through their. Evolution the, technology, that they've used to power that evolution, and you'll get to see some real. Life stories about those journeys so we're excited about that session, James. Philips will follow. Johnson, and James, is really going to drive, conversation. About Microsoft's. Vision for business applications, we, have fundamentally. Read and, reimagined. Business applications, and so, he'll take you through our journey, of how. We are, thinking about that portfolio, of technology and then, we'll spend a lot of time highlighting, some new things that are coming in to market around mixed, reality, artificial. Intelligence, so hopefully get some, inspiration flowing. For how we can think about technology, to, modernize, line of business functions. In. The afternoon we have Nigel, Fenwick, so, he is from Forrester. He is one of our leading industry. Analysts, and he'll, bring in a broader world, view of what, he's hearing across customers. Across the globe and talk about some of the industry, trends, as well as. Some of the challenges, and the, opportunities that. He hears from a large collective, of individuals and. Then. We'll wrap the day with a very special, guest we have dr. oz joining, us and so, dr. oz is both an innovator, and a disrupter in the healthcare industry and he'll, talk about not only technology. In terms of how he's used it in his career and in his profession, but he'll also talk about how things like, artificial. Intelligence, and predictive, modeling, and analytics, can actually help us live a more, productive and, healthy life so. That should be a really engaging and exciting session. So. I hope you find today both informative, as well as inspirational. And again. We're very pleased that you've chose to Showzen to join us so, with that let's get started and join. Me in welcoming Judson, altough to the stage. Well. Good morning thanks, for being here with us today we're really excited to be able to spend the, day talking, to you about digital, transformation, and how it's impacting customers, around, the world across. Industries, my. Talk with you this morning is really to set the stage about, what we're seeing in. The industry what, this notion of becoming digital is really all about because. I think if you kind of hardened. Off about, a hundred people from the room and ask them individually, what does digital transformation. Mean you'd probably get, about a hundred different answers, for. Us the definition, is quite simple it's, about a wave, of business, innovation that's, being married married, with cloud technologies. From IOT. To mixed. Reality to artificial, intelligence, reasoning. Over massive, amounts of data to allow companies to run better and faster and more effectively, than ever before, I want, to set the stage this morning by, talking about some of the underlying technologies. Where, Microsoft is investing, in key areas of research, and development as, well as how some of our customers, are actually taking, the technology and, putting it to work as best practice, and telling some of their stories about, digital success, my, aim here is to inspire, you with. What some of your peers are doing in industry, and, talk more about how we can engage together, on, the journey that. Is really required to, drive businesses, forward at, new levels of impact, never.
Never Achieved before so. I want to get started. And. Don't fret you are in fact at, a business event this. Is probably the most technically. Oriented slide I will cover this morning but I do want to at least set the stage with, what. We're seeing out there and why we're investing, in the technology categories. Were investing, in we. Are really seeing this paradigm, shift of. The intelligent, edge of the intelligent, cloud and. It's exciting time for us to be in. The industry our industry, goes through high. Paced growth and. Pretty pervasive capacity. But. We we see these Sprint's happening. Through. Throughout various. Generations. Of technology, we believe we're on the forefront of one of those Sprint's this. Intelligent, edge intelligent, cloud paradigm, that I'll unpack, for you in just a moment is, really fueling, how companies are thinking about becoming. Digital so. Let's start with the intelligent, edge so. So the intelligent, edge is far more than just this notion of carrying around multiple. Devices, in your pocket and form factors, of compute but, rather this. Notion of every. Experience we have in life whether it be a social, experience, you. Know going to a concert enjoying. Conversations. With your friends around the world to. Your commute on the way to work and how, you go about achieving, your job every, experience, we have today, is surrounded. By ubiquitous. Compute and limitless. Data the. Intelligent, edge is about framing, together this notion of multi device and multi sensing, such that every, experience you have can. Be used to fuel a more productive outcome, it's. The notion of bringing together data off of sensors, and sensor fabrics. Reasoning. Over that data pulling, it together in a way in which you can conceive better outcomes, and how you want, to achieve your. Daily lives and and and, daily output at work from. There we go into making, sure that those experiences, are ubiquitous across, platform, this. Has been a journey for Microsoft, in fact for. Many many years we developed software, first, and best for Windows and. In fact over the last two years we've written more code for iOS, and Android than, any software company on the planet because, we believe that this notion of ubiquitous. Compute, a. Common, experience across all platforms we're. Also investing, very heavily in, this notion bringing. Mixed reality to, use cases around the. World and in different industries because, we see it as the future for how artificial. Intelligence, will augment human lives in. Just about every use case you can imagine from healthcare to service, and support so. We see the intelligent, edge as fueling, the way in which you, will reason, over your business reason. Over your daily lives and reason, over a way in which you can actually engage with your customers, more effectively, create. Better outcomes for your employees, and actually, transform, your, own product, portfolio, and I'll talk more about, through examples, in my talk this morning all. Of that data on the edge is fueling. Artificial, intelligence, an, artificial, intelligence, is alive, and well in just about everything we do at Microsoft, in. Fact I refer to this as, drinking my own wine, my. IT people like to talk about dog fooding I don't, know about you have never been a fan of dog, food I find it kind of sort of dry and crunchy so, I, like to think of it as, drinking, my own wine. One, of my responsibilities. At the company is running our support organization. And. Not just our commercial, support. Organization, even. For our consumer products so if little Johnny's Xbox stops working in the middle of night somebody, in my organization gets, phone call.
We Have fronted. That entire support organization. With. Artificial, agents, they're, the front line for all of our customer. Support. Scenarios. From, xboxes, to Azure and. In, so doing we are on track to save about a half a billion dollars over the next three years we, manage over 600,000. Incidents, every three days, so. You can imagine the cost impact, associated, with being able to front off those customer. Scenarios, with, artificial intelligence that's. The obvious outcome. What's. Not so obvious, is that at the same time my customer, satisfaction, is actually going up because. I'm providing, better answers to customers, in a, more efficient and effective way. The. Third outcome is also, a pretty, big surprise and that my employee satisfaction is, actually, up because. My support engineers don't have to ask. Questions like hey is your Xbox, turned on is. Is, there a disc inside of it every. Interaction that my, a I agents, have with customers is transparent, and readily available to, my human agents that then pick up the phone and do warm transfer to try to solve customer problems so. We're using AI to run, our business at, Microsoft, and we do it on the support layer as well as how we drive our sales interactions, I have eight call centers around the world that deal. With customers, across many many languages, and many many countries, every. Day when they show up to work there's. A hundred phone calls they could make, which, are the first three they should make and once, they're on the phone what, should they say what. In fact are the right cross sell upsell scenarios, to. Help customers get what they need and to try value, in a more effective capacity. So. We use the intelligent, edge we use our ability, to sense over every. Aspect of data that we have about our customers, whether, it's known data or own data or third-party. Data readily, accessible market, data to, inform, how we empower, our employees to deliver more value for our customers, so AI isn't just something we sell at Microsoft, it's, actually, how we run the business. This. Then fuels, this notion of Cerberus, computing, and you can say okay well judge them what is that, look. This proposition. Over. Acquiring, data from everything, from, every sensor, from every mobile device from every mixed reality experience, and, reasoning. Over it is unquestionably. The best, way to make. Informed decisions about every action you take is unquestionable. But, it's also a very expensive, proposition, from. A compute standpoint, if you're spinning up vm's reasoning. Over massive, amounts of data in real time, the. Pervasiveness, of that compute, is, incredibly, expensive so, you've got to be able to instantly, spin-up and spin-down server. Workloads, to reason over that data provide, the right result and then. Dismiss, the workloads so that you're only paying for the compute that you use we've. Optimized, the Azure platform to, reason over this this, vast. Amount of data and provide that capability so that we can actually deliver per second, billing on a. Unit. Of compute so. Whether that's something that you sort. Of rationalize, across your estate or you use this chargeback accounting, and nimble business scenarios, we're.
Building Out a future platform. So, that you can harness every. Aspect, of the intelligent, edge and the intelligent, cloud to, fuel your business. So. What's, it all about frankly. It's all about this, huge, economic, opportunity, in front of all of us. This. Slide represents how. We've. Seen our adjourned as a company at Microsoft, from the world of you. Know the original intent where bill set out as a, founder. Of Microsoft to, put a PC on every desktop to, the realm of client-server, computing to, internet architectures, in e-commerce and now this realm of digital this. Graph doesn't just represent, Microsoft's. Economic, opportunity, it represents. All of, our economic opportunities, because, as you. Think about becoming, digital as, a company, there's, questions you need to ask an answer how. Can the data about. My business, become. More valuable than the business itself, how. Can I take the intellectual, property, that I have that's. Unique to my company, and stand. It up as a service build. An ecosystem create. More economic opportunity, the. Opportunity in front of us from a digital standpoint. Is larger, than our industry has ever seen, I want, to give you an example of that we've been doing some work with Maris over the last couple of years now and, Maersk, has been a very good customer of ours they use office. 365 and. Our modern workplace technologies. For some. Time now but Maersk. Is a business was quite, challenged, if. You think about it even though they are the largest shipping. Company. On the planet they. Move more containers. Around. The globe than any other company, the. Growth opportunity. The, margins, the expense. The, cost of goods the. Fuel costs. Really sort of limit. Their their potential, for growth, compresses. Their opportunity. For the future. However. By. Asking those same questions that I just framed for you how can how can the data about, their business, become. More valuable than the business itself how, can we take their intellectual property and. Turn, it into a software company run. Their assets, on the cloud how, can that fuel economic growth well, for them it's been a fascinating journey because. We've done just that. Rationalizing. Their data state, which, is a term that I will spend. A lot of time on this morning throughout the various examples and the customer that will join me on stage effectively. It's pulling together everyday two asset they have whether it's on-premises. Relational, data, or unstructured, data in the cloud and building, a true estate, that you can reason over, from. There than building, a knowledge estate, and being able to reason, over that data to provide, predictive. Outcomes, and then. Software. Izing, their business, taking, their IP and, putting. It on the cloud by. So doing we're, able to drive end-to-end. Logistic. Scenarios, like never, before we've. Basically taken all, of the software assets they have and have, created, an ecosystem running. On Azure, what. That allows us to do is then expose, API is about shipping and logistics to, third-party, carriers. To last mile delivery companies. On the ground to smart cities and smart ports and enables, Maersk to monetize, their IP like. Never before, in. Addition, to that we've actually even augmented, the business model we go to market, with Maersk, if, you would have told me two years ago hey listen Maersk is going to be a great partner, for Microsoft, I probably. Would have fallen out of my chair. But. The reality, is of the situation, is we're jointly, selling, to port cities to, crane manufacturers. To last-mile carriers, and providing. Them with data, that they've never had access to before what. If a port. Knew, when the ship was coming in and knew what assets, needed to be delivered and could ready the crew on the ground and ready all of the equipment necessary what, if predictive. Maintenance needed, to be done to that equipment before the ship arrived. How, could you optimize, the end and logistics, this. Is what we're doing today with Marus key and it's greatly improving, their market value and their, vision for the future so, this economic, opportunity, that I speak of is one that I challenge, each of you to think of how, does your company harness, this how. Does the data about your business become more valuable than the business itself, how. Do you become a software company how. Do you think about leveraging, the cloud and the digital revolution, to. Transform. Your market opportunity. So. I want to talk a little bit about the how and the journey around all of this because, I think a lot of times when I talk to customers about becoming, digital there's.
This, Sort. Of pent-up, excitement. And, almost pressure. -, overnight. Right. The ship or sort of transform, the business, and. I want to be super. Clear and setting expectations a lot of these things don't happen, overnight. There. Is a prescriptive, formula. For how they happen and. Whilst no to digital, transformations, are alike in fact, this formula, and flow is, somewhat, consistent, the, first thing that has to happen in every one of these scenarios is, you have to empower your employees you. Have to lay a foundation of, culture, because. Culture in, fact will drive forward the, application. Of all technologies, and new business models it's. Actually a page out of our, own playbook at Microsoft, if any, of you have read Satya. Nadella z' book hit refresh you'll. Understand, that a good, portion, of how. We're rethinking our company, is about, laying the foundation, for culture, and empowering, our employees, to, be more successful, and there, are technology, assets this chart basically represents. The four solution, areas where Microsoft innovates, across. Modern workplace technologies. Business, applications, technology's core. Apps and infrastructure, modern, application, development, and. Data and artificial, intelligence, and. We take those as the ingredients. For. Digital transformation. For, that employee empowerment for. Rethinking, customer, engagement, scenarios, for. Optimizing, your operations. And actually. Then transforming. Your products, and there's. No. Sort, of accidental. Assembly. Of the things on this chart this. Is actually what we're seeing from our customers, and it's what's reshaping, and focusing, how we innovate and how we invest in core research and development. There's, also. Intentionality. In, how, we're combining these efforts for example if you think about data and artificial intelligence, AI. Gets, a ton of excitement, today in fact there, are very few technology, articles, magazine, stories, online threads. Blogs, that. Are void of ai ai is everywhere. And. The energy tends to go right to, the. Sizzle, the. Voice agent, the cool graphical, output. The mixed reality hologram. That's. Where the energy and the excitement goes, but. I'm telling you up front the hard work that needs to be done is rationalizing. The data. Trust. Me when I say if you do not get your data a state and order and all, you do is focus on the fancy algorithm, and the graphical, output, all you will do is make mistakes with greater confidence than ever before. There's. There's a there's a journey, here, that has to be followed, in. Order to get this thing right and. I want to talk about a customer, that we've worked with here locally, that's been on that journey for the last couple of years in malko water. Just. To kind of tease out a little bit of what. It takes to actually be bold enough, to. Take the right step to think forward to a new economic value. System, so, my first interactions, with Nalco, they. Back a couple of years ago, and. It was frankly when we received a RFP. For. CRM. Technology. You. Might say what the heck does that have to do with becoming digital and you're exactly right very. Little, but. Nevertheless in the business that we're in when we get an RFP, we've, got to respond and you got to do the homework behind, it. It. In fact finally, when I actually got on the phone with Christophe Beck who's the the president. Of malko water I said. Christophe like. Hey listen we're gonna respond. Under your CRM, RFP, and, we've got a great product portfolio, and Dynamics 365, but, what. Are you really trying to get done. Because. My guess is the board right now is not. Asking, you about a new CRM system. No. This is great pause because. There. Had been so much energy around we have to implement this technology I said we've got to get CRM, in and you, sort of pause and say why, why. What. Outcome, are you trying to drive. When. Unfolded from there was a fantastic story Christophe was like well listen here's what I'm trying to do I sell. Really. High tech, water.
Treatment, Equipment I, sell. It they, drop it off. When it breaks we, get a phone call we send service people but. I sell gear, I, want. To change all of that I want. To sell clean water as a service, I said. Okay Christophe now we're getting somewhere, so. What ensued from there was. Implementing. The intelligent, edge at, Nalco, putting. Sensors and sensor fabrics, over, every, product they have hardening. It with security, assets so that it's unhackable and, then. Using, the sensor fabric, to feed an array of data a data, estate and, then. Once we had a data state in place being able to reason over it and having. It fuel their, dynamics, 365, field service applications, fuel their. Sales automation. Applications. Such, that when their salespeople and service people show up and a customer, it's. About clean water as a service, they're. Not billing, their customers, for gear anymore they're. Building billing their customers, for. Millions. Of gallons of water saved, each. Year and they've. Helped the Ford Motor Company by example. Save. Enough water for 3, million humans, to consume on a per annum basis. So. Those are the kinds of digital outcomes, that. You can fuel, when. You put in place the right journey to get there, but. Please trust me when I say there's, there's. A science, to this there's. A methodical journey, that must be falled followed. There. Aren't a lot of shortcuts, you have to invest in the hard work, to. Become digital. So. Excited. About the work we're doing with customers, and I could spend all morning with. You talking. About various examples, but what I want to do now is not just tell you about them I actually, want to show you and. Bring to the stage a good. Friend and. A technology. And product that you all probably used, this morning at, some point in time on your way here please, join me in welcoming to, the stage Tony Black who's, the president, of Oda service in the Otis Elevator Company. So. So Tony uh again. As I said in, your intro everybody. Probably used your product on, the way in today but, tell us a little bit about Otis, and the company sure yeah I think I think everyone has written our products, our elevators, and escalators in, fact. We started the industry, a hundred and sixty four years ago and we really, are an innovate, in, evasion company, we. Have a lot of firsts. Of, course the first elevator and escalator but, we were also the first to develop remote, elevator. Monitoring. And something.
That A lot of people don't know is we were actually the first to develop elevator, service, in the industry Elisha. Otis invented. The elevator but his son Charles, actually. Hand, wrote the first, elevator, service, contract and signed his name to it you know with his commitment to the customer, so, you, know a lot. Of history, there but we fast forward to today we've, turned this company into a company. With, 31,000. Technicians. They, work 60. Million, hours. Per. Year so a lot of work and what they're doing is they're they're, maintaining, two million elevators. And escalators around. The world we, estimate, that we, move about, two billion people every day or you, know basically the world's population, every three days pretty, awesome. So how does one hundred and sixty four year old elevator company become, digital, well. For us the Holy Grail is delivering. A more seamless customer, experience, and giving and empowering. Our service teams the, tools to do what they do best and. We're using three technologies three, objectives here, enhanced. Field productivity. Predict. When maintenance will be needed, and our customers, are telling, us they, want this they want a more proactive a, more, Pro, predictive. Approach to the way we work and then, ultimately you know customer, stickiness, awesome, so let's show, everybody the system you built here sure. So what, I'm gonna do is I want to show you a couple of predictive. Maintenance systems. One's going to be our, Vater dashboard. And then is the, parts, app so, if we can't do this go over to the cool it sounds great so. What. We're looking at here this is our elevator. Dashboard. And it or a health map, it's. Showing you a subset, of the. Connected, elevators, in North America it's just a subset, and you, can see on the on the screen. Here there's, some green there's some yellow and there's some red now. So, this is like a health, score. So. Red. In elevators probably not good I can imagine. We. Strive, to, we, don't want a hundred percent, and. You. Know basically what. We're doing if you remember we started, elevator monitoring. But but now we've. Added the predictive, part to it and the data so the elevator control, units send, us alerts like, the door open it is open too long and then, that alert or data is fed into the sequel server, warehouse. On Azure and, then we run some Azure machine learning and, ultimately. Get that health score and you. Know we can filter down like I just did to. The unit's got that need that. We predict, we'll have a problem in the future so not all red, then is necessarily, bad this there's a range, of red like hey, gosh, somebody. Might get hurt all the way through to men somebody just should have put their hand in the door and kept the door open more, more than they should right, I mean we really try to to. Understand, if it's you. Know a real, problem a real mechanical, or electrical problem, or if it's you. Know something that's good is just a temporary issue, got it cool so, can we uh can, we dive into one of these sure this is the what I'm gonna do is is drill, into the van arts old building, in New York cool. And. Let. Me just there's some interesting things this is the unit level information. So. One thing that's I don't think I don't think you realize, this, this is a very high usage elevator, this elevator, has run you, can see, thirty. Five hundred times, in one day so quite. A bit of running and then you can see the doors the. Doors actually, you, know functioned, over, 3:43. Honey, three times in the day on this, one elevator Wow but what's really important, here is what. Triggered the red is, 58. Alarms, and if, you look through all this alarm data it's mostly door related. Problems, yeah so can you break that down a little bit like should we be concerned about 58, alarms, or, how. Do you rationalize yeah. Well, first of all, it's. Not a surprise, that its. Door related, because doors, represent. The highest, contributor, of service, calls or what, we call callbacks but. What, we what we haven't been able to do in the past is, is understand, if it's a as we said kind of a temporary.
Normal. Situation. Versus, a real problem, right on so. Rationalizing. And, reasoning. Over all of this data over all of your elevators. How, do you use machine, learning and AI, to. Be, productive over over all of that yeah I'm gonna pull up the machine learning model and. So. Just you know I mentioned, that we so, we're focusing on doors here but what. We're doing the logic we're looking at the building type so is it an office building or residential, building, a dormitory and then, we, we understand, the patterns, of usage in those buildings and and. So, if the model when we when we have the event, and it compares it against the model if it's if it's a normal pattern then it's not a problem if it's if it's if it's not normal then it's gonna flag it as a yellow, or red and just, just to give you some examples, so all. Of us we go into office buildings every day what. Happens in the morning well everybody's kind of rushing in. Some. Of you may have tried to hold the doors open I hope, not. So, if that but that's temporary, and that happens, and you know after the Russia or everything's fine yeah lunch, hour the same thing happens right okay, residential, building or dormitory. You know there's certain times a year where people are moving in, weekends. Couches you, know all kinds of things going in the elevator but again, it's temporary, you know it's not gonna flag that, it's a real systemic. Issue right, cool, so this allows you to, reason over, normal. Anomalies, and, then predictively. Say well okay we're. Noticing a systemic problem here, we want to predictively or proactively, rather dispatch. A service agent maybe during off-hours so, that you're. Delivering a better customer experience, exactly, exactly, and you. Know before. This and basically, every every we were trevor e elevator was treated equal so there's just a lot of you, know waste in this we're, visiting a green unit when we should be visiting, a yellow. Or red unit yeah so you've got two million elevators, in service, can you comment on the. Impact. From a business standpoint that the technology, has had oh its.
Enormous, I mean so, without this it's not scalable I mean it's a case-by-case. Situation. And. And you see the filtering how it really you know takes down that big picture to, just allow us to really focus with. Confidence, with high confidence that we're, gonna we're, gonna schedule, only the units that need the maintenance, and. You know again, customers. Want this they they like it it, allows, us to schedule maintenance, where. It's more convenient for the customer and, another, big benefit is you, know our mechanics, they used to go to the they used to go and they. Didn't you know just kind of show up and they don't know what they're gonna run into now, they're they're going with information, about what the probable, probable cool. Well let's talk a little bit more about that and, drill, into the, employee experience, I know that you've used the data platform, and the AI to, then also build some applications. That your service people can use to be more effective, so tell, us more about that yeah sure switch, gears and and I, wanna I do want to show you how that technology, is really changing the life of our service, technician, so our, transformation. Is about really putting, the. Right information, into the hands of our mechanics, and our teams to deliver more. Informed. Real-time. Service. And this, parts app that I'm going to show you is. A good example of that okay, but, I need to I, need to I'm pretty passionate about this okay, you know I've worked I've, worked at UTC, a notice for 32, years and honestly, this is like a dream come true cool so, I need I need to I need to explain to you the the before story right and and then you get a sense of why it's the dream come true so it starts, with an elevator shut down yeah and of course you know the, customer is not happy if it's a single elevator customers, really not happy right okay, all right so the elevators shut down and the mechanic goes and he needs a part right it needs a spare part yeah in the in before, the app he. Would maybe, look at his personal, notes he then, he'd call the office, a lot, of times he'd have to actually get in his car drive.
To The office and in, the office and we have a thousand, of these offices, around the world there's. Something called a spare. Parts leaflet if you if you visualize the old auto parts, store paper. Horizontal. Leafless. That's. What what's there and he, would try to go through that and try. To define. The part number now maybe that it's not updated and. All. This time I lose, the word leaflet, by the way that sounds a little bit more like a hymnal that, yeah. But. You know again what's, really happening here we have two problems our mechanic, is frustrated, yeah and our customer is not happy not happy at all. So. Fast. Forward then what. Sort. Of the solution, you've implemented, today. How. Does that change the whole game for you yeah let me so, I have it here I'm gonna I'm gonna take, you through a quick demo here so what, I'm gonna do now is so, in this case there's a door motor that he. Needs a door motor so. He's gonna search for it, and. Now he's pulling, up the pulling. Up the door motor okay, and he you know it so here it is he, you, know this is happening like a thousand, times faster than. And. There it is so there's the door motor and you know again we have a technician here so, it's. A nice picture and, he can visualize, you can see it it's the right part this is what he needs and the, other nice benefit, here is we've we've, put in here this. Is a PDF file and it it, actually has the technical, details, of the part how to install it. And you know he's good to go I mean this this was it, was either paper before, or not there before it all and you. Know this is just this. Is. Unbelie--. Significant. It's it's enhancing, our productivity. And. And. You know taking away that aggravation. And frustration, empowering, our people and ultimately. You know it's giving better customer, care and allowing them to do what they really want to do and, my guess is it also actually helps you attract, new people that come to the company like. If you worked on elevators, for 20 years you probably know this part like the back of your hand you probably know the exact SKU and where to find it and all of that but if you're new to the company trying. To get that institutional, knowledge and. Again you know the value, of reasoning, over your data state, and being able to predictively, put the right part in the hands of the service tech at the right time huge. It's huge you know I gotta, tell you I mean this is an enormous challenge for us I don't you, know if we, have elevators, that we maintain today, that are over a hundred years old so if you if you imagine you, know and this is all over the world so. You get we have that complexity, of that hundred-year-old, elevator, to, a modern, elevator, and and we have to take care of all those parts, and we tell our customers you know as long as you have Otis service you, know we're gonna get you the part that's so cool, you know this is this is really a people. Can say that they actually support hundred, year old technology. And brand-new technology all in the same service call so that that's, pretty impressive so what. I love about the the story is that it, aligns very much to this journey, that. I've been describing all morning, this notion of hey let's first get the data in order let's, reason over, it with machine learning and artificial intelligence then.
Let's Actually start using the. Technology, to better empower your employees and become more effective what's. What's next in your journey yeah. So, there's a lot of things a lot of things happening actually this morning I. Think, you know UTC, our parent company announced. That we're leveraging Dynamics. 365. And Azure to. Support, customer. Interactions, faster, better and with, more personalized, service, so. We're now leveraging, this technology across. All of the UTC companies, you know we have Pratt Whitney climate. Controls and security has come he's like carrier and chub and kid a in there and. Then UTC, aerospace systems, so. This, is great you know it's it's. Because. You know it's, it's we'll be able to actually share, our, implementation. With, the Microsoft, tools share best practices, across our sister companies we're really excited about this announcement because not, only does it continue, on to the next step of the digital journey that we've been working on together for some time but, it really. Leverages. Our portfolio. Of intellectual, property to help make your business better for everything from the sensors, and the security, fabric, on, the sensors to the. Azure, Active Directory that, secures all. Your employee access, to the data because. Obviously the, last thing you want is anybody, to be able to hack an. Elevator, in this day and age right so, you've, used all of those assets to harden the environment, you're using all of the data and. AI, capabilities. To then fuel, the Dynamics 365, outcomes, for field service which is. Fantastic partnership, for us to be ya. Know we're excited about I mean it's really we're. Working differently today we you, know we when. We would develop products before we would take a long time we'd. Wait till the product was developed we'd push it out and pilot it and then get feedback I mean we're working the tools are allowing us to develop these apps really quickly, yeah and, get. Customer input upfront you know really really be agile it's, really awesome well, listen we're excited, about it and we, couldn't be more thankful that, you're bending your business and the lives of the 31,000.
Service Professionals, you have on Dynamics, 365, and Microsoft so, really, thanks a lot Tony okay thank, you. So. The. Story is very consistent. With. Much of what I shared with you this morning in my opening this journey, that. We see customers on across industry, whether you. Build elevators. Whether. In shipping, and transportation, or whether. You're trying to you. Know change the world and deliver clean water as a service, from, health care to financial, services, from. Precision AG to. Core financials. We. See huge opportunity, around digital transformation. It really does follow this common, formula, of asking. Yourself how can you better leverage your data how, can the data about your business be more valuable than the business itself how, can you think forward about harnessing. The, opportunity, and digital, to. The extent of the, applicability of becoming a software company what, does that mean for you what does what, does the cloud mean for you in terms of better, digital outcomes, for your employees for your customers, for, the optimization, of your operations, and for the transformation, of your products. This, is a in, fact, a journey, and as, I stated earlier, no. Two of these are perfectly, identical, so. We have a process, by which we. Really, enjoy. Engaging with customers in, this regard from. Envisioning. And thinking. Through what. Is what, is digital mean for you what are the outcomes that can transform your business, to. Then actually assessing, and. Taking. A look at the maturity, of your existing, estate so. We have some tooling, that we call a digital. Maturity model, that, can go in and assess your, technical, estate and, look at where it, is today versus, where it needs to be to bring some of these outcomes to life and. Then numerous ways in which we can gauge with you with, our services, organization, and our partner ecosystem to, drive forward on this digital journey with you so. We're really excited about the opportunity, and want, to engage more. Directly with you in. Your pursuits its. Core to who we are as a company our, mission at Microsoft, is to empower every person, and every organization on, the planet to, achieve more. It's not about our achievements frankly, it's about yours we're. At our best when. We marry up our portfolio, of intellectual, property with, your business outcomes and, that's what we want to do with all of you so. The next stage. Of our program this morning is we're. Gonna talk more about the core assets, in Dynamics, 365, I a. Lot, about laying the foundation, with data and AI and how it can fuel business outcomes, and a big part of our strategy at Microsoft, is to have AI driven. Applications, that are modular, and nimble and help you get to the right outcomes, faster, without, having to do forklift, upgrades, on your CRM system or, your ERP, system just. Get to better faster. Because. You know the last I checked not, many people wake up each morning and say hey I got a big idea I want to replace general, ledger that's, a little bit like volunteering, for a root canal so. We want to show you how you can take advantage of, all of the things I talked about this morning with great modularity. And nimble, assets, in Dynamics, through 65, and to, do that we have none other than our corporate vice president, of Dynamics 365, development, James Phillips please join me in welcoming him to the stage. Thank. You, good, morning. So. I lived in Chicago for two, years I think maybe 15, years ago and span did. A state in California subsequent, to that I come back IKEA forgot how cold it can get here and you guys are probably this is not cold. But. It's great to be here and you. Know I sat backstage, and I watched Judson, go through his. Presentation, we're gonna continue.
Talking. About digital transformation talking. About the changes, that, are occurring across, just about every industry we're probably not just about every industry is, undergoing tectonic. Change right now as a result of digital. Technologies, and, then. We're gonna look deeply. At dynamics 365, we'll spend a good chunk of the presentation, here actually looking at the product going through demos, and, talking, about what we have to offer to meet you on your digital transformation. Journey but, just to step back for a second and throw another example. Into. The mixed joining, all the the good, stories, and anecdotes that, the, Judson had you. Think about, the. The the transformation. That we're seeing across every, single industry, one. Of the great things about being at Microsoft, is the opportunity to do this kind of thing I've got a lot of one-on-one meetings, today if, you're if you've ever been to our executive briefing Center on. The Microsoft, campus we probably have a dozen. Companies every, single day of the week from somewhere, on planet earth visiting, us and so we get to we get to hear the stories, across. All of these industries you know what are you struggling with what are the challenges and, and seeing how people are grappling with it and so it, may in some ways we've taken a lot of that learning and bottled. It up inside, of Dynamics, 365. But let me pick on one example so the the automobile. Industry. This. Is one that and. I love cars and so this, this is it's bittersweet to me in some ways you think about that, that industry. Century-old. Largely. About. Manufacturing. Supply, chain excellence, you know you distribute, manufactured. Goods through an intermediary. Channel dealers, in, consumers. Buy cars they use them for their useful life and that's, sort of the industrial. Structure, of that industry, and it's persisted, for a very very long time and kind of settled down but I, got to this meeting today by. Pulling out my phone and asking. For a car to come pick me up I watched it come on the map pick me up drop me off it. Won't be long until that car, won't have a driver after, dropping. Me off it's gonna go hover somewhere, that it predicted, is the right place to be based, on learned ridership, patterns, and the.
Need For me to own a car, at that point will, start to fade away it's a heck of a lot more convenient if I can just get where I need to go immediately not have to worry about parking and I'd have to worry about insurance it it's, in, that industry. Is. Undergoing. Fundamental. Change as a result of that every auto manufacturer. That I talked to every. Auto dealer. That I talk to and we talk to a lot of very large auto retailers, are struggling with what does this mean what does this mean to my business. And, that same, theme is happening across every. Single industry, now. If you if you think about that the. You. Know the industry doesn't wake up overnight and change and. In fact the the companies don't wake up overnight change its the business processes, on the ground that are changing, the way you have. A relationship, with your customer, the, product, itself right in the case that I just articulated. The. Product, is no longer bent. Metal running, through a supply chain it's a service. That's. Delivered, to the end customer the, relationship. As, a manufacturer. If I transform, from delivering, goods to delivering services, is now, direct. To the consumer of, the services, versus intermediated, through, it through a distribution, channel the. Operational. Systems certainly, I'm gonna still do supply chain management, manufacturing. Automation. But now. I need systems, that are intelligent, that, learn where cars, should go that, can route appropriately. To get to the riders I mean it's all of these systems are changing on the ground, that. Bubbles, up to change the company that bubbles up to change the industry. Now. If you, we. Talk about digital transformation as, Judson, said it's it's it you, know you ask someone what does it mean you'll get 50 thousand different answers but at its core. We. Call it digital transformation. Not, industry, transformation. Or business transformation, largely to emphasize, that it is technology. It's digital, technology. That is making, this industrial. Transformation. Possible. It, was the phone it was the software, it's the AI it's. The data right and at the core software. And, data are, what. Make possible, these. Changing. Business processes, and. So. Dynamics 365, is our business. Application, offering that. Allows you our customers, to go on your, digital transformation, journey it's our set of packaged, solutions. Across. Marketing, sales service. Operations. Finance talent. That. Modernize, and transform. These processes. To allow you to to go on your journey and, so. We're going to talk today about. Sort. Of what makes Dynamics, 365. Special, what makes it different why it's not the same old same old business, applications. And. There are four characteristics, that will sort of hit on in a, stepwise manner they're, modern unified. Intelligent. And adaptable, and. So let's click through each one of those and and and talk about what we mean when we say those words and so, from a modern perspective. To. Sort of get, where we are let's talk about where. We've been and, how we got here so if you if. You look at the the state of our industry, today and of course we're digitally, transforming. You know the way we we, don't ship software anymore we run services, I mean we are ourselves going. Through this massive transformation. As a company, and our industry is transforming, you think about how it's been, and.
You've, Got these two mega, suite, categories, that have sort of coalesced, over times CRM. ERP big. Suites of business applications customer. Engagement, operate, the business front office back office. Disconnected. In many ways and, I've. Been a CEO multiple. Times I know we've got senior leaders in the room I never ever think, about my business in disconnected. Terms if I'm gonna spend money to run a marketing, campaign I want to collect cash eventually. If I made a sale if. I'm out selling. Capital. Equipment to a partner that trusts, yeah I want to understand my inventory posture, so I can promise delivery you know and having this sort of full-spectrum, visibility. Into your business is, what. Dynamics 365, provides for so we've taken our, CRM, in erp assets and we've we've, brought them together, we've. Unified them, into, a, cross. Company. Or a cross business, process, spectrum, view, that allows you to run your company. In. A, in a holistic, manner but, as Judson, said. We. Don't force you to to rip and replace your forklift upgrade, the CRM other ERP systems that you may already have, so we've disaggregated. Dynamics. 365. Into. A collection, of individually. Adoptable, high-value, business, process, systems. Where, you can deal, with Field Service or you can change the way that you market. And sell or you can change the way that you. Manufacture and, so trying. To give, you flexibility. To meet you where you are on your journey with. The systems you have is, is. Sort, of part and parcel of what. Makes Dynamics, 365, what it is. Now. I talked. About unification. In that context, you know it's the, why, you can start with Field Service you, can add sales. You, can add a, finance. Module you can add all, of these pieces to eventually sort of build out that spectrum, so they they all work together but. You don't have to take it all at once and at the end of the day it's data, that. Makes it possible, so. Beneath. Dynamics. 365. Is. A sort. Of a common data substrate, that. Brings. All, of the data from all of those systems together. And, relates. All of that data and this is how we are we allow you to deploy one. Piece later. Deploy, another piece and then see that when you ran a marketing, campaign that ended up in this cache that. Eventually came into your company connecting, the dots if you will across the process, landscape, based on this interconnectedness. Of data but. It's not just Dynamics, 365, office, 365. Data is also, in. And related, to your structured, business process, data so, your unstructured, communication. Collaboration creativity. Processes. Also. Relate. Into the structured, business process, data you, can understand, how. Many meetings do you have did you have with this particular, opportunity that you're managing in the sales module, right and so pulling this data together providing. Signal, we'll get back to that in a minute that, allows you to create intelligent. Systems and intelligent. Applications, but it doesn't stop with your data so. LinkedIn, part of Microsoft, we, also pull that data into, this connected. Underlying, data substrate, so now you're bringing signal, not, from your proprietary systems, but from the social network, understanding. That this, open opportunity, is actually. Someone, that knows, someone that you, know right, and so bringing, that signal, in and providing more value and this is an open platform, so. Adobe, for example who will come join me in a minute they're. Also building, on the same substrate, and so bringing in all of our partners, all of our systems, allowing, this data to. To. Collect in order to create. Intelligence. Ultimately, and then value, as delivered, through digitally. Transform, business processes, which. Brings us to intelligent. So. Data in a vacuum, is. Data. In a vacuum yeah you can have lots of data but if you don't do something with you don't get value out of it it's. Like a tree falling in the forest if no one's there to hear did it make a sound and, so we, have for decades. Spent. Billions, of, dollars, to. Create what we believe is the world's, most advanced. Machine, learning artificial. Intelligence. Cognitive. Computing capabilities. That, we've perfected across, our own first. Party applications, Bing, Xbox. Xbox LIVE. Office. Dynamics, all benefit. From this rich, set, of investments. But. Really if you kind of go back down to it or. Get beneath the, technology. The machine learning cognitive, techni it's the data that. Makes it unique so the, power of intelligence the, power of AI machine, learning, meets the. World's most complete, data. Estate, which, is the fuel ultimately, for intelligence, and for learning. And. Then, finally. Adaptable. So. We. Use business applications. Because it's the, fastest, path to. Digital, transformation, if you can find an app that works you, don't have to write software you should use it right that's its that.
Is The way to move, quickly however. No. Application. Is ever just. What you need it to be it's never exactly, a fit for your business processes. And the minute it is the. Next minute it's not right. Because something changes in your environment you've got to adapt your applications, which embody your business processes, ultimately, and so, dynamics 365, we believe has the most complete. Unified. The. Most depth from. A platform, perspective to. Allow you to make our, applications. What you need them to be for you and that starts, with our partner. Ecosystem, so. We have thousands. Of partners, delivering. Thousands, of applications. Atop. The Microsoft, cloud infrastructure. Alongside, dynamics. Alongside office. Making. Specific. To your industry for. Example a field. Service solution, you just talked about, Otis. Elevators, and to. Get, a solution. That, is specific. To that industry, that builds atop the more horizontal. Capabilities. And dynamics, is is. Possible, through our partners, but that's not, always enough. Sometimes. You. Need a specific, solution, that's that's just for you. And in the past, getting. You. Know sort of custom-built. Software, that's very specific, to your unique, business process, where there's not an app for that has. Been expensive, risky, and many, people avoid it altogether and, with. Dynamics 365. We have a business application platform. That consists of power bi power, apps Microsoft, flow on the same data substrate, that. Allows you to add even more value to tune our applications, or to create new applications atop. That same data and alongside the. Package business processes, and so, that's sort. Of the flyby. On the ingredients. Or the essence, if you will of dynamics 365. Modern. Unified. Intelligent. And adaptable. So. We're gonna switch gears now and we're. Gonna look at some, specific, scenarios, so we're gonna now start to get to the good stuff which is showing some software, and showing how it works and in the context, of some. Real use cases and. The first one we're going to look at is connected. Sales and marketing so. The ability to. Move. From. There's. A guy used to work with if. You, know who used to call CRM, a system of oppression not. A system of record a system of oppression and you talk to a salesperson and, you. Know that's that's, the way they look at it you know I've I've I've had CRM, systems in the past and I filled out who did, I work this lead that I worked this opportunity. And it, wasn't doing me any good frankly, it was doing someone above me good. Because they could spy. On my pipeline and, figure out whether or not I'm you, know I'm doing when I need to do and and and, these systems, historically.
Really, Have been. Record-keeping. Kind of keeping track of what happened, modern. Business. Applications, rep you know with Dynamics 365, as a representative. Are. Different. They. Come alongside you, they, help you they're a tool for you versus a burden, for the user they, tell you what's the next best thing to do you're, trying to sell here's, where you should focus your time attention, and energy here's, information that. Can help you further. That opportunity. And so, moving from systems. Of oppression to. Systems. Of empowerment, in many ways. Having. Someone alongside, you, in the form of a business application, that, allows you to get done what you need to do and that's very different, very. Different in fact I would argue for. The first time ever, in. The. Decades-long history, of business applications. We're, seeing a fundamental. Change, whether. It was mainframe, mini-computer. Client-server, or SAS last generations. It's, always been the same old same old, you know forms, over data our record-keeping. Process, orchestration. We, are for the first time. Fundamentally. Changing, the nature of business applications. Moving. Them from, record-keeping. Systems, lightweight. Unintelligent. Process, automation to. Intelligent. Empowering. Proactive. Systems. And. So. Let's. I'm, gonna have Dave Welch come out and join me Dave from, Adobe. James. All. Right and, so web you, know going back to these sales, and marketing connected, so. You. Know Dave spends, a lot of time with. Marketeers. Talking, about marketing processes, and, and how customers, are reimagining. That journey, tell us about what you've discovered out there and what you see every day well. For. Us it's a it's big-time about experiences. So all of our customers, like yours, are on digital transformation, journey and, the. Marketers. In, our world are all, about creating wonderful experiences, for their customers and so what. We've what we've found, or, what our customers are finding is that people. Don't, really want to buy a product anymore they want to buy an experience, right, and whether that experience, is, you're. Ordering, opening, up your app and ordering your morning, latte, or. Connecting. With your bank, or your financial services, institution. 24/7. 365. Across. Any channel, that you want and. And oftentimes many, different, channels for the same for the same transaction, or. You. Know you talked about connected, cars right, so I want, a car I want my vehicle, to know more than just my favorite radio stations, and my, seat location. I want to know my preferences, my likes, my. Brand loyalty so is on traveling, around it's. Highlighting, things that have are of interest to me so for, us and our customers they're all trying to drive very personalized, it. Variances, got, it I saw that movie Minority, Report. Okay. So I, got, it so the marketing. Individualized. Personalized. Experiences, how do you connect that with selling, yeah, so it used to be you.
Know Not too long ago that sales and marketers, could kind of like sitting their own little silos have their own little fiefdoms and you, know not have to interact with one another I'll, tell you today at our company, that's, no longer the case so, adobe, our chief, revenue officer or, chief marketing officer a chief success. Customer, success officer, they're, all super, aligned on on, go-to-market and so, we're seeing that in many of our many, of our customers as well as where we're. Getting in and talking to marketers and they're bringing in other people other stakeholders. Into the conversation, and so. You, don't from from a sales and marketing perspective, one of the cool things that we're doing with you guys is we're connecting, our. Marketing. Engine. So our, Adobe's. Got a natural wheelhouse in marketing, you, have a natural wheelhouse in sales and, support and so, we're bringing those technologies. And those solutions together through, product integrations, so. That customers don't have to spend time doing, that integration between sales and marketing got it yeah and so what we're gonna show in a minutes or the product, integration where, you can get. The best of both processes. Experiences. Sort of converged, in the experience. But, but I know that we're. Doing a ton of work on the data layer as well, yeah. Yeah, well you've you've, already talked about data and a. Lot of data you guys have a lot of data and without data as a marketer, without data you're just kind of throwing darts at a board and you don't really know what you're aiming for so. Adobe. Does a pretty good job at data so we've got an analytics, cloud that collects. Somewhere, in the neighborhood of 100 to 150, trillion. Experience. Events on behalf of our customers. We. Send out billions. Of emails and, campaign. Emails on. An annualized basis, and monitor, the impact of those emails in the opening the closing, the bounce, rates we. Enable hundreds. Of millions of contracts. To. Be digitally. Signed electronically. Well, that's being. Integrated back in with, dynamics, and so. When it comes to data we've got a lot of data you've. Got a lot of data and. Our customers want to harness that data, together and and so that's where problems, become kind of super hard data. The kind of scale we're talking about that, becomes really a difficult difficult. Challenge, difficult customer for for different. Difficult, challenge for our customers, to do that data stitching, and pulling together and so one, of the cool things James that we're working on together with you guys is around your common data service and our, experienced, data models at Adobe, and so experience data models common data service, have. A common, data layer common schemas, together that were being, we're, enabling to be stitched. Together, so. That when. Data is used. Or Adobe, data is able to be used inside of dynamics, dynamics, data able, to be used inside of Adobe and so that, is solving, like between, the integrations, that we have the product integrations, that we have and the, data integrations, that we have I think we're solving some pretty super, hard problems, on behalf of our customers so. That they don't they can just kind of worry about innovating. In their own core, businesses, love it so. Why don't we why. Don't we bring Ryan out okay, and have him actually show this all cool okay all right make, sure yeah. Thank. You James thank you Dave hi, so, today I'm going to be showing you how adobe. Marketing cloud and Dynamics 365, really, power digital transformation. And allow, you to engage with customers, in a new way in today's. Demo I'm actually going to be playing two separate, personas, firstly.
I'll Be Justin, from the NBA who's, been drafted, to come up with a new solution within, the organization, and secondly. I will be playing a Microsoft, representative who, receives, that marketing, qualified lead and drives, it to closure so let's jump into the demo so, I'm Justin at this particular, moment and I'm looking out in, the landscape of business applications and have landed on the Dynamics, 365, website so, I'm beginning the transformation, of discovery, process, and all, the while while doing this keep, in mind that the adobe marketing cloud is nurturing, our process, so, I want to dive in slightly deeper here. Specific. Information on the website about dynamics 365, for sales and I might watch a video to, gather more information as we take that a step further we. Actually drill into the specific, solutions, for example infused, artificial, intelligence, and how, we've embedded the sales navigator from, LinkedIn within, the dynamics 365, process, so. I have to go to a meeting now and several, hours later I actually return to my desk and I'm browsing a new site just, to catch up on what's going on in the world and what, we see here on the right hand side is a targeted. Ad specific. To the actions that I were taking earlier on the website which, is for Dynamics 365, this, triggers my memory of those actions I was taking so I actually want to drill in further and find out more information this. Brings me to a contact, us where I could of course fill out a form I could, request a chat or I could even ask for a call now, to save time I won't, fill out the form but imagine I actually fill out the form with my details and asked, to be contacted, this, is the particular moment that we're actually going to switch from the persona Justin, and look, at how that marketing, qualified lead was sent to me the Microsoft sales rep so. What I'm doing here now is jumping, in to Dynamics 365. And I've received a lead a marketing, qualifie
2017-12-02 02:22