At. Microsoft our, mission, is to empower every, person, and every organization, on the planet to achieve more. In. This unprecedented, time, we, rely on our customers, more than ever before to help solve this challenge. By. Using our business applications. To help transform, their mission critical processes. Organizations. Are fundamentally. Changing how they engage customers. Reimagine. Operations. And empower, people to, move their business forward. I'm. Really excited about ways, that we can use this technology to, make physicians. Jobs, easier. To provide better patient care. Working. With Microsoft ensures, our field teams standout giving, us the data and digital tools to have better relationships, with our customers. Customers. Across industries, are using, Microsoft, applications. To rapidly deliver value, throughout their organization. Leading to more personalized, interactions. With. Microsoft, power virtual, agent we're looking at machine learning in AI to. Analyze. The, tons of data that we were capturing and take. Actions, based on that. By. Having this data platform, and combining. It with power bi we were able to go from a scenario, where to take weeks to months to deliver something to our business, potentially, taking hours to days. Microsoft. Is a great partner, using, their experience, their knowledge their expertise, gives, us the, wings to fly enabling. Us in our mission to, save life. Microsoft. Dynamics, 365. And Power Platform enable. Organizations to. Build the digital capability, they need to address these unique challenges, and in, these times we, have the power like never before to provide transformative. Solutions that solve critical problems, for our customers, around the world. Welcome. To Microsoft business, application summit 2020. We, are so glad you are here with us for our first ever fully, digital. M bass, James. And I are here with a small crew at the Microsoft, Studios and you can see we're practicing our social, distancing, but. We thought it was incredibly, important, to join you together for, our first ever digital event, and I. Wanted to start with the most important thing which is wherever, you're joining us from we. Want you to know that we're sending you your, loved ones your family your friends best, wishes for health and safety, the. Past few months have, been a learning, experience to, say the least not, only just putting on a virtual event but, many of us are remote working most, of us are remote working and doing, our disciplines, and learning from all around the world and so, I hope you will forgive us for any hiccups that you might experience in this event today this is a whole new era, for us, but. The one thing throughout this time that we've been seeing. As we've worked with customers and partners to, figure out a path forward is one. Consistent. Big change, and that's. How quickly, everything. Is moving and how quickly we're moving together. Historically. With, those big transformation. Initiatives, that would happen over years, were, now seeing condensed, out of necessity to, happen in weeks or even in days, just. A couple quick examples the. New York State Tech SWAT team this. Is a group of individuals that came together from all different disciplines and, industries, and they. Came together with one goal which was to sperry quickly stand up a self screening, and testing scheduling. Solution and they. Did this using Microsoft, power ups and they did it in just a few days. The. Australian, Red Cross that. They built a volunteer, connection, platform, for people who are self isolating, and it, was a way for the volunteers, to connect, with them using Dynamics, 365, customer, service and they, also built, that solution, in less than a week it's. Been incredible, to see this and I know James you've seen many of these examples as well that's. Right so you know welcome by the way for me as well and I too wish, your families nothing. But health and safety thank you for joining us even though virtually it's, been amazing to see the community rally around. The. Community, and and. Around each other taking care of each other through this time and leveraging, in many cases, the, great products, and services, in. The Power Platform in dynamic 365, the broader Microsoft, cloud salon. 'red to be able to play a part a small part perhaps but a part nonetheless in. Sort of engaging, and empowering the, first responders. To, to, respond to, the crisis, that we're all living. Through so thank you deeply and that really brings us to community, you. Know ultimately the. Microsoft business application, summit is about community, I really. Really wish we could be together right now in Dallas I was really, looking forward to it this is I think our fourth or fifth annual, event. And and getting together in person and seeing all of you is what I look forward to every year not, gonna be able to do it this year but, I'm excited, that we can at least do it in, in, sort of digital format.
And So, thank you to the community and what, a community it's become, it's amazing. To see the growth we've got millions. Of active. Community, members now hundreds. Of user groups across the globe and to think that, just a few short years ago these. Numbers were zero we've. Only been at this for a few short years and, to see the growth of this community, the energy. That. The community, has brought to, the Microsoft. Power platform, dynamics, 365, in the in the broader Microsoft, cloud is, incredibly. Incur encouraging. And it's you in the community, that, have really made all of this possible so. From, the bottom of our heart thank you thank, you for going on this journey with us thank. You for being with us in good times in and challenging, times and we're, very excited to, spend, the next couple of days with you taking you through the, power platform, dynamics, 365. And the, broader Microsoft, cloud and everything that it can do for you your, organization's. Now. One of the things that we've done speaking of community was. To hold a contest we asked you to do a t-shirt, design that. We did I promised, I would wear in, this opening keynote, I'm wearing it we, had nearly a hundred entries and, I'm, proud to say that Joel Kellner was, the, winner and, this t-shirt that represents. Sort of the combination of, all the components of the power platform, in dynamic. 365. Is just, a gorgeous work, of art I'm really, proud to wear it and I think we'll make it available for all of you as well in the community so I'm looking forward to see seeing, more people wearing this as I get out and about once we're able to do that post. This crisis, now. I want to spend a little bit of time talking about another part of the ecosystem our ISVs, those who are building applications and making them available on. The broader Microsoft, cloud on top of Dynamics, and office, in the power platform, in Azure this. Is an amazing. Community of thousands. Of ISVs. With nearly 10,000. Applications, now available. Built. On top of this platform that we're all building atop on a daily basis, huge, growth, in in, this community and I'm very excited, to show. You today, and over the course of the next couple of days many of those is fees and the applications, they've built and how, they work with the broader Microsoft. Platform. Now. Last year we introduced. A new community. Recognition, we called it the fast-track, recognized. Solution, architect, program we started it with Dynamics, 365. And this, year I'm proud to say that we have an even larger class, the class of 2020, fast-track recognized, solution, architects, in Dynamics 365. We're seeing them here on the screen this. Is a pretty comprehensive, and, and somewhat grueling, program, if you, look at what we ask these individuals to, do through, oral examinations.
Through Working side by side with our fast-track, solution, architects, in, customer. Accounts, doing implementations. It's, a long and. Sort of involved, process it takes a lot of time and energy and so, I'm really, proud of these, individuals, for sort of investing. Their time and energy into this platform into. My team that worked with them anytime a customer, asks me who do you recommend to, come do a Dynamics, 365, deployment, for us I point him to this website, and, I guarantee you that if I was implementing. Dynamics, 365, in my organism these are the first individuals, that I'd look to to. Be on the project, now. One of the things that I said last year was that we would also do the same thing for the, Power Platform and I'm proud to say that this year we're now recognizing. Also solution. Architects, for the Power Platform so this is a new class of recognition. For the Power Platform solution, architects, again same process, of certification. And, ensuring, that these. Individuals. Not, only understand. The technologies. And and sort of can you. Know from an academic perspective, talk, about it but that they've proven, themselves in, the real world in real projects. Alongside, our. Fast-track team so, super, exciting, to be able to sort of add the power platform, into. This program and and. What I'd like to do is show you a video quickly, that, sort, of highlights, the great work that's been done this. Year, and recognize. These individuals who've, worked so hard to, achieve this recognition. It's. An honor to be recognized, as fast-track solution, architects, thank, you. And. They have been humbled, to receive the recognition, timekeeper. Office for nominating, me thank, you Microsoft, the opportunity. To. Me the recognition, is a celebration, of all, the hard work perseverance. And dedication of, all the project team evolved from, the client, from Microsoft, fast track and from BA head so it's a win-win scenario. And I really believe in the false track program because it enables, our customers success. Utilizing. The business application, and Dynamis 365. Platform and, I'm really, grateful so. Thanks a lot being. Part of the one is recognized, or the year 2020, is really, an honor. And a, big sense of achievement. I truly. Honored to receive this recognition power. Bi is an amazing, tool and I, am looking forward to working with Microsoft and, a Vinod client, to, bring new value, and create new, insights, with. The power bi platform and, its architecture. I'm. Grateful to be recognized, as fast fast solution, architecture, in pop platforms. I appreciate. On the hardware our team has carry on Thank, You Microsoft, for creating, and running a platform, that excites me to work every day thank. You. Congratulations. To all of the fast-track architects, on this recognition, both the returning architects, and the newest ones and it's. Incredible, to see the importance of this community, a huge, thank you for everything that you do just to iterate what James said you, make this business what it is and, before. We get into the technical innovation that James is going to walk us through I did want to touch just quickly on what we're seeing in the market we've. Had incredible. Wins over the last year major, shifts. That, organizations, are making across marketing, sales service, operations. And commerce but. I wanted to acknowledge that, success, looks different, now than. It did in the recent past and. Organizations. Are making radical shifts, in where they focus one. Example is, L'Oreal and for, those that are familiar they're, one of the world's leading Beauty companies and they, took a radical step to expand, from just doing beauty products into hand sanitizers. And this. Is really expanding on their mistress of keeping the world beautiful to keeping the blue world beautiful and safe, but. This type of shift has pretty, major implications. Around production, distribution marketing. Sales even how you service customers, and so. We feel, like within our business applications, portfolio, we've spent the last three years building. A product line that could help organizations. Do just this to, be agile and to be adaptive, and so. For us success. Looks like partnering, with organizations, to. Be and to adapt to this new normal with, technology, at the core and James. I know you have a number of customer examples that you're going to take us through that's, right Alyssa so we're going to spend some time going, through a number of demos but I want to talk a little bit about two. Customers, that are very exciting, that that, we've just announced so coca-cola an iconic. Global, brand just selected Dynamics 365, the power plan for in fact the entire, Microsoft. Cloud to power their digital transformation, initiatives, it's. Great, to be in partnership with, coca-cola as, they move forward on their transformation, journey another one that we just announced, is, c3a, I very, special, company that was founded by Tom Siebel the father of CRM.
C3a. I went out and and sort of looked across the landscape of, opportunities. To adopt. Software, CRM, software to. Transform, the way they engage their customers and after, a very, deep analysis, concluded. That Dynamics, 365. Is. The most robust, the, most modern, the most agile system, and we got into production, took their organization, from a decision. To using, the system in a, matter of a few short weeks this. Move up market. Where. Historically, Dynamics, 365. Has, sort of served smaller, in mid market organizations. Has really accelerated, over the last three years today, Dynamics. 365, the power platform, the broader Microsoft, cloud is. Is in use in a very. Large percentage of, the world's largest organizations. In fact, at this point nearly, all of the, Fortune 500, is, using. Customer. Of the power platform, and over half of the fortune 500, leveraging. Dynamics 365, in production, as customers. Of this technology, now, the reason, why this sort, of move up market, is happening, is something that we're going to talk about in, a few minutes sort of what's making, this this, sort of transition, happen, but, I want to talk about sort of a you, know what's happening, broadly, in the market broadly. Around business applications. That's, sort of leading to a move, from the old guard to, modern, systems, like Dynamics, 365, in the power platform. Now. The reality is that business applications. They, have it fundamentally. Changed, really ever if, you go back to the 1970s. I've got a picture here that shows a TWA, Airlines call center they don't even exist anymore back, in 1970. With agents sitting in front of terminals taking. Calls from customers to, to, provide them with with, customer, service if, you were to take someone, from that environment, move them to 1990. Move them to 2010, put, them in front of the systems the applications, that were being used at that point they, would see more differences, in hairstyles, and clothing than. They would in the applications, being, used and that's not, hyperbole. You, know these systems, were. Designed, at. A time. Really. All you could do from a business application perspective, or really, from a business process perspective, was, to be reactive, you. Know imagine you're a company. That manufactures. Tooling, for other manufacturers. And you've sold a piece of equipment, into one. Of your important customers, that piece of equipment fails, production, line goes down now. You're able to sort, of get into this reactive, business process, where the customer, calls for help someone. At a service center picks up the phone they dispatch someone out to go repair. The problem and eventually, get that customer, back on line very, very reactive the. Customer, is in pain through, this entire process until. The. Situation can be resolved, but. That's all we had there really wasn't anything, else that we could do and so if you look at the, business, applications. Generation. After generation they've. Been the same sort of forms, over data someone opens an app type stuff and it gets stored off reports, get created.
Just. A different delivery mechanism, mainframe, mini computer monochrome, in 1970. Client-server, and 90 SAS, last, generation. But, there's a fundamental. Change occurring, and the. Fundamental, change is that data is beginning, to flow from everything, out of every field, operating. Room retail, environment, everything, is increasingly. Instrumented. Connected. And a source of insight and information from, connected. Devices to, cameras, to, the vast amount of information that's coming from e-commerce systems. Everything. Is a source, of potential, insight, not because someone typed it into a form in an application but, because everything, is increasingly, creating. Data and creating at first and that allows, us and allows, you our customers, to. Move from this very reactive, process to, a proactive, business, process literally turning, things upside down, now. If you think about that same example that piece, of equipment that I'm selling, into, a customer. Environment, where a factory is being automated, is connected. Sending. A continuous, stream of information, about how it's being used the health of the systems, that can, land in a public cloud we're an anomaly detection model, can predict, that, that piece of equipment is on the verge of having an issue that, can trigger a Proactive. Business process, where maintenance, happens before the line goes down you, get in front of the the problem in the customer never experiences. An, emergency. Fundamentally. Different we. We have this notion, called. The digital feedback loop it's a framework for reasoning. About this opportunity and. And. It sort of captures this notion that across, your organization, customers, products, people, assets, all four corners of your business can, now be observed, that, data is flowing from, all four corners and those organizations, that can capture it and then reason, over it are, in a position to deeply. Understand, their customers, product people assets, and all the processes, that, support customer engagement, and creating. The products and services of the organization, from this you can then go engage, from a point of understanding deep. Understanding predictively. And proactively. You, can do that with your customers, but it sort, of flows across the entirety of that digital, feedback loop each touch point creating, even more data creating. That feedback loop across, the entirety of the, organization. Now. To make this possible it requires, not only a different kind, of application. But, a completely. Different class of infrastructure. Living, beneath that application, and at, Microsoft, we've spent the last ten years laying. Down this fabric. This footprint, to, support, digital transformation. In a way that I believe no other organization has and we started from data of course because that's what's changing today. In Azure across, the entire planet we have exabyte. Class storage, every. Single thermostat, car aircraft. Engine, camera, everything, that's producing, information we. Can store it securely we can comply with nation state regulations, where the data has sovereignty we have a place where all of that data big little streaming. Batch process, doesn't matter can. Be harnessed, captured. And harnessed, through, the investment so we've made an azure in the application, platform, in the analytical, platform, that, takes that data and turns, it into insight.
Decades, Of primary, research out of MSR, and all of the great work that we've done across the broad Microsoft, has been distilled, down into a collection, of analytical, capabilities, machine learning AI advanced. Analytics, in an application platform that. Can take that signal gain. Information gain. Insight and intelligence, and they take intelligent, action on. Top of that we built the power platform, power bi power, apps power automate, power virtual agent allowing, anyone not. Just professional, developers, and data scientists, but those who are closest, to the business, to harness, all of that data and to create applications that that. Fundamentally, change the nature of the operational processes, in an organization, and of course with office 365, and Dynamics. 365, we've bottled, up and created, out-of-the-box, applications. That embody this new world view this data first view to, give you our customers, across marketing. Sales service operations, finance talent, commerce the. Ability, to start. From that very proactive. Predictive, posture, and and sort of. Integrated. With and connected, to office 365 where, communication collaboration, creativity. Is, enabled. On top. Of that app source, we talked about this earlier thousands. And thousands, of our, partners have built applications that, tailor, this broad platform, to, the specific, needs of an industry, or geography. And then, of course at the bottom we're. Able to bring Microsoft's. Data assets to bear to infuse, in augment, and enrich, our. Customers, data leveraging. LinkedIn being. The Microsoft. Graph all, of this, connected. And unified, when you start with dynamics, the data stored in Azure available, through power platform, for an application. That can surface in Microsoft, teams it's this connectedness, this, completeness, that. Makes Microsoft, very unique and that's the reason, coca-cola. And, c3, AI and, HSBC. And organizations. Across the planet are selecting. Dynamics 365, in the power platform, along, with everything. Else in the Microsoft, cloud. So. That sort of encapsulates. Our, point of view on the digital feedback loop I want to spend some time now talking specifically. About how. Customers, can adopt Dynamics. 365, in the power platform, in the context, of where, they are currently from a systems and infrastructure, perspective so. Just, about every organization, in fact I would argue any organization, that it's a, meaningful, scale is going to have not just one CRM. System or ERP system but they'll probably have many homegrown. Systems, acquired systems. All, of these legacy sort. Of forms over data systems. Of record from the past whether it's Salesforce, or sa p on the ERP side or it really doesn't matter everyone's, got them and, and we can embrace, our, customers, from, that point of view leveraging, the power platform. So power bi power, apps power automate, with. Hundreds, of connectors. Permits. You to engage, with. Integrate. With connect, across, all, of your existing applications, to build very specific. Applications. To, build build very specific, business process workflows, that, pull your systems together and solve, problems.
That. Off-the-shelf, applications, may not be available for and we'll talk a lot about some of those applications, over the next couple of days and we'll demo a few in just a few, minutes now. On top of that if you. Look across the myriad. Sources, of data whether it's data from those transactional. Systems or connected, products, or web logs or camera feeds all of that information when. Brought together and harmonized, and analyzed, via. Something like Dynamics 365, customer, insights which is our customer, data platform, allows. Organizations, to, start from the data side to. Gather all of this information both transactional. And operational, to gain insight and then to use that to. Drive your business processes, as currently, embodied, in whatever systems, you have again hundreds, of connectors, and the, ability to embrace and, to to. Add additional value. Frankly, on top of what you have without requiring, you to rip. And replace those systems but of course Dynamics, 365. Also includes, a full family of. Business. Applications, that span, left, to right across the entirety, of the business process spectrum, marketing sales service, operations, finance talent, Commerce all built. To. Live in this interconnected, world, where data comes first and agility. Is, enabled. Through this power platform, at the bottom very very, powerful. Comprehensive. Unified, system, that, we believe is completely, unique and one, of the reasons why. Just last week we announced, 50%. Year-over-year growth in, the, dynamic 365, business, this, collection, of assets is fundamentally. Unique in the market and we're. Continuing, to move the ball down the field we, just announced at, our first. Wave 2020. 400. Plus new capabilities. Across new applications. Both on the Dynamics 365, and the power platform, side so we're continuing, to innovate every, six. Months, we're, announcing hundreds. And hundreds of new capabilities new. Applications. New services, and we're, going to spend some time looking at those over the course of the next couple of days and I want to start by, getting to a demo, of one. Of our customers Chipotle, so. Chipotle, is a, food, service organization. Great, restaurant, in fact one of my favorites, and they've, selected the, Microsoft, cloud and specifically, Dynamics, 365. To, power a transformative. Approach to how they engage their customers and, to, show us how that works, Satish, Tamas is going to take us through a demo Thank You James today. Customer. Data is coming from a myriad of sources every. Website visit, use, of a product and interact. With the customer service rep creates, an observation. What generates, data and this, data is often siloed. Across multiple, systems making. It difficult to get a single, source of truth to. This end we. Introduced Dynamics, 365, customer, insights. Microsoft's. Customer data platform, service just a few months ago and we seen a ton of momentum and market with hundreds, of customers, one. Such organization is. Chipotle. Mexican Grill one, of my favorite restaurants too now. Chipotle, is one of the most popular, chains of fast casual, dining with, over, 2,500. Locations, worldwide, after. Going through a rigorous and thorough evaluation, of, CEP vendors they, chose customer, insights to. Create a real-time, up-to-the-moment. Understanding, of their customers to drive proactive. And intelligent, engagement. Chipotle. Are the solution, they could deliver outcomes quickly. With while, also having the option to extend, and customize. To meet the future business, needs. Now before we get into the demo let me show you an example of, what that data first understanding, of the customer, truly enables, firstly.
Customer. Information, that was previously silo is now unified, and can, be used to generate insights, about that customer. Secondly. The, profiles, that were further enriched, with, proprietary, signals, from the Microsoft graph and third-party sources and finally. These additional, insights, can also be pulled in including, allowing organizations, to see how, the customers, are interacting with them across their products and services being. A website, a mobile phone or even a connected, device and all. Of this data comes, together to, create the most comprehensive, view, for each customer like, no other company can top. Of which we can do AI such. As determining, engagement, or chance course which, we're really excited about data. Is the most crucial part for, effective, AI machine, learning models and our CDP, is the ideal, place to build and deploy these models at all in. Addition to the data gravity, all of this data is a schema, text in Microsoft. Common data model or CDM so, that you can understand, the future and predict. The relationship, with the customer now, let me jump in and show you how this comes to light in a demo custom. Insights, as you can see the finished, SAS application. And of, course all of this data is anonymized for demo purposes, first. And foremost Chipotle. Was able to ingest, and create a 360, view of your customer from, six different data sources such, as the point-of-sale transactions. Digital. Transactions. Reward, information, web, mobile, usage data and much more. They. Can also bring, data from, additional, sources using, our pre-built connectors. Once. You have that data all in custom insights these, previously. Silent, customer, signals and data sources. Can be unified to, create a comprehensive. Custom profile a single, source of truth that can then be used to deliver consistent. And personalized, experiences, across, any touch point think, of this as a configuration. Type experience, assisted. With recommendations, based. On AI and machine learning. Furthermore. Customer, profiles, a uniquely, enriched, by incorporating, first-party enrichments, to bringing audience, intelligence, from the Microsoft graph and third-party, enrichments, you'll see some examples here our brand affinity interests. Add more now. Having, a unified, customer, profile, enables. Chipotle, to create segments, that deliver important, insights such, as loyalty members, along with their preferences, frequent. Repeat customers, and their, satisfaction loads and they're, activating. These newly, created actionable. Segments, in real time on multiple. Destinations. Using, our out-of-the-box connectors, for first and third party export destinations, as you. Can see here they're able to take the actionable, segments, and drive actions, across our first party and third party applications, Chipotle. Can connect, to Dynamics 365. And other, third-party custom engagement applications. To, run ad and marketing, campaigns then ultimately improve, customer, engagement and loyalty. Now. I never ever, talked about customer insights without a power platform, it is critical, to take these insights, generated. By customer, insights and be, able to translate them into concrete business decisions, and actions and that's. Where our out-of-the-box. Integration, of power bi was, used by Chipotle, to do powerful, data visualization, and reporting. To, make informed decisions. One. Of the examples, as you can see here is being, able to analyze the average spend, across. Regions, and be able to use that to make informed prioritization. Decisions, to deliver exceptional, experiences. Additionally. Chipotle. Is able to connect to Microsoft our, army to trigger workflows, in response, to customer actions. And signals, in real-time that. Come from all these customer signals and of, course power apps to build custom applications, that taught this 360, view of the customer created. By customer insights we, continue, to work with Chipotle, and many other customers, to further enhance, customer. Experiences, and drive, impactful, business outcomes one such exciting, capability, is a support, for real-time data, ingestion so for a quick service restaurant, when, a customer, places an order and completes. Their purchase on a mobile, the, customer. Profile is instantly, updated, in real-time and here's. An example with. Our customer, patty when. She places an order for pickup it is immediately, updated in her customer, profile in customer, insights now, let's fast-forward, to a Chipotle store, associate, or a crew member who greets patty in store and scans, the QR code. So. With that the. Store associate, is able to see the food purchase history and all, past. Activities. All in one place this. Also enables the store associate, to be able to provide contextual. Next-best, actions, such, as a, free, delivery for, the next order in.
Today's Times with public health concerns, the next, best action offer could, be a no-contact. Free delivery service to ensure the safety of our local communities. Finally. It's not about what organizations. Can do with our out of the box application. But, also how, much they can extend, and customize, to meet their growing business needs, all. Of this unified customer, data is stored, in an agitated, link then truly enables, a no cliff's extensibility. Story for our customers. Additionally. By leveraging deep, integration, of agile synapse analytics. Organizations. Can ingest, operations. And other streaming data and petabytes, skill, use. All of that data, to develop custom, AI and machine learning, models and then, be able to leverage all of that back into custom insights to, build an even more comprehensive, view of the customer so. Principally, with all of this they were able to build a deep understanding that, customers, and use, that to, deliver the most personalized, experiences, when they engage with their customers, now. With that thank. You and back over to you James thanks, very much Satish, so you know an incredibly, powerful solution. And if you look at sort, of all the pieces that came together starting. From sources, of data leading, to the ability to deeply, understand, the customer, and then even alongside the, systems they already had in place the. Ability to sort, of change the business process, and to Center it around the, deep understanding of. The customer. We. Want to show a little bit more now of, the Power Platform sort, of look, down in the stack and, IKEA is an organization, that we've, been working closely with over the last couple of years and it's amazing. To see the embrace, of the power platform, and the, incredible, solutions, they've been able to build to, show you some of that I'm gonna have Charles Lamanna do a demo but before we get to Charles let's, look at a quick video summarizing. What the key is doing with the power platform. The. Mission for IKEA is to create a better everyday life for the many people, and then meets every, people customers, and suppliers, before. We had our platform solution, we were afraid homemade. Excel sheets trying. To capture so, much data we could that, required a lot of manual, work and now when, we have the power platform, in place we, are putting less, time, in manual, work but at the same time now we are a part of the customer journey that, we didn't manage to exceed, before, we had the, dynamics, in place now. When we have the MVP, after running it, can give us a lot of insights, when it comes to how the behavior, from the customer is and the data we didn't have before, one. Important thing is change management you, used, to meet, our customers in one way and now, we need to make it possible another way that means, our first meeting could be digital, our last, meeting, could be physical, so how can we take the advantage of those that, requires, change, management but, it also requires to. Be more, visionary, when it comes to different solutions. One. Of purposes, to make a power platform was to secure, that we have a foundation in place the, next step for us is to make Wow. Customer, journey it's, really important for me to say it's not about creating a world-class experience, because. That's the internal measurement I would, like to have the customer feel wow I didn't imagine I could have that support, the whole journey the. World around us is changing and, I would say that's wrong it's you and me that are changing and that, requires something either, we eat, or we follow the change we, choose to leave the change that. Means that we. Together with, Dynamics, and Microsoft. Choose, to, do something people. That's not possible. Now. That we've heard from Nikki at IKEA, let's take a look at how akia uses the power platform, and dynamics, 365, to completely transform their customer journey from, the website, all the way to the physical stores using, all the different capabilities you, see inside, the power platform, now. Let me walk you through the customer, journey which starts at the IKEA website where. Customers, are able to configure. All of their kitchen projects, in a highly interactive experience. And see all the products that are available from Ikea either online or inside. The store and what's. Great is it's a very rich, control, in here I can drag and drop and, get a good feel of where the kitchen won't look like but, what IKEA wanted to do is we want to go enrich this with a conversational.
Experience, So, IKEA look to power virtual, agents, to create an immersive, conversational. Agent that can get the context, of this kitchen project and actually, help the customer, schedule, an appointment inside. Their store and the way that you do this is just a very, natural, conversational. Experience, you provide your email address you, select the nearest IKEA store that you want to go visit and. It's able to go find the right time for you to schedule and what's, great is that this virtual, agent, isn't just providing, information is connected, to dynamics, 365, resource, scheduling, to give you the best possible times, based on the employees inside, that IKEA store and you can go book all this right, online and, basically advance, to the next stage of your customer journey from the website to an in-person visit and now to see how this was actually built, let's, go switch over to the power virtual agents, studio, we. Can see here on the right-hand side of the screen inside. Of the power virtual, agent canvas. A highly. Visual highly. Familiar, low, code experience, to create these chat BOTS and this, this, overall, dialogue, flow, uses a bunch of different AI and machine learning to, make it easy to build fuzzy, matching, and smart entity extraction and, on, the left hand side of the screen we can see something called tracing and what tracing allows me to do is to simulate, what a customer would experience, and then see how my chat bot would respond so, for example in this case we can see that I have options being presented to the customer in the chat bot. The same options, that were looked, up and configured, inside, the power virtual agent designer so, this way I can very easily understand, exactly what a customer would experience as I, build these chat BOTS and if I say run through the same steps that the customer just did at the website I can go choose one hour one overtake make an appointment and the, way that this is integrated, is using.
Power, Automate, we can see there's a step right here using power automate so not only can this chat bot provide, information but, it can also take action to help the customer, along, their journey and in this case it's actually calling out to Dynamics 365, to, look up the next best time to schedule an appointment for, that customer and what's. Great is that on the. Other part of the key. Employee base they are using a schedule board to track their appointments, that are coming to the store and this makes it so that they can better handle rushes. At certain, times of day as well as to make sure that their cut their customers, don't have to wait a very long time for their appointment, and we can see that this schedule board is something that's very familiar and, that. The IKEA employees are used to because it's just built on top of Dynamics, 365. And that, schedule board capability. And all, of this wires up at the end to, go help the customer, get, to the store in person, now, for the next part of the customer journey let's, take a look at how IKEA employees can use power apps on a tablet to improve the customer experience and, now we're looking at the power app that IKEA employees, can use to, go look at all of those appointments that were scheduled using the IKEA website and that power virtual, agent and I can see all the appointments are coming up specifically, for me as a user, or an employee at IKEA and in, this case Colin has, just come into the store and I want to maybe work walk through his, reservation. Is configured, kitchen I can see that all the information that he used online and. Configured online is available, to me right inside the store this was never impossible or never possible, before to actually go from the online, presence. To the in-store location, and have all this information, and the easily, visible. Approach, right at my fingertips on a tablet, and, what's great is I can go click through and see all the different items that are in this entire kitchen project plan at IKEA. And I can even drill into individual, items again, all this information, is coming from Dynamics, 365, and other exists systems, at IKEA without, having to go replace them using the data connectors, inside. Of power-ups and this. Entire experience is very rich and delightful, which is great and creates a WoW experience for, the employees, at IKEA and to. Add on top of that it's also possible to, use mixed. Reality inside, the power apps without having to write in code to, visualize, these items so, you can see here inside of my living room maybe, I want to go put down that kitchen island. That, I configured online and, as I walk around I. Can. See it in space I can go up and down and look underneath it and see what it looks like all. Even, if this isn't available on the show floor at IKEA and this, creates an incredibly, immersive. Experience. For, their customers and, also, makes it so that the, employees, at IKEA you'll very empowered. To help their customers create, the best possible kitchen, for them and. What's, great about this is how quickly. And how with, such agility you can create an application like this inside, of power-ups so, let's go switch over to power app studio and see, how it was done. Inside. A power apps studio even though I'm inside of a browser I can see exactly how, the application, would look like even with real data on the, tablet, and this makes it very easy to create pixel perfect incredibly. Visually, appealing, experiences. Using power apps and to, do it all in a platform, and experience that feels just like PowerPoint, or Excel and. Being able to do this quickly in the browser is how, IKEA, can really, build super. Tailored, business process applications, to, match that, kitchen. Configuration. And check-out process and the. One item I wanted to go drill in today. In particular, is that, mixed. Reality. Capability. So if I go and do the same series of clicks I just in the tablet we can see I'm on this screen which.
Is The drill down to the the. Kitchen workbench and all, I have to do to go drop on a. Control. Which, allows me to visualize in 3d space is, just. This built in mixed reality control, I don't need to know anything about a, architour, or deep 3d models I'm able to go just drop it on right, here very easily I can change the text that shows up to. Say maybe save view and. Then I can just bind the source, to. Anything, inside, of. This. Application so in my case I'm going to choose a product, that's selected, on the left hand side from the product gallery and grab, that 3d object and what that will do is whenever someone clicks on this button inside, the tablet is, they'll get a 3d, visualization, that they can interact with and walk around, right. Inside this application, and this works on both tablets as well as phones very. Naturally, and very easily and this new mix reality control is just the latest and greatest addition. To the power apps control. Family, there's, hundreds, of other ones available to, build incredibly, beautiful, and immersive applications, as. One item though to add on to that for IKEA is that once. A crane item inside, of the common data service once they actually complete one of those project plans they, want to go record it into a legacy, application, something, called I sell to go record that sale and to, do that I sell, doesn't, have any api's, so, all the normal data connectors we have for, the power platform don't work but that's where the brand-new, you I flow capability, was just reached general availability comes. In handy to go solve this UI, flows are available right inside that power automate designer so, I can create a automation. So that whenever a project, plan is created in CVS I'll, go run this UI flow and, what this UI flow does is it actually will launch an application, on. A VM in unattended, mode and run, through a series of steps and you can see all the individual, items that are recorded before which, are identifying the right controls, to click the right search buttons to click and it's uses three different layers of rules and AI to, make sure it's durable. And resilient, over time so it's now possible, using this capability to. Very easily connect, to those legacy, applications. Around. Your business process even if they don't have api's or data connectors, and to, show just how easy it is I'll very. Quickly record, just a few steps using that UI flow capability at power automate, if. I launch the recorder, we.
Can See that I get an experience much like you would see first a Microsoft, Teams and from. Here I can. Basically. Launch the legacy application, and in this case it looks like something that's a little bit dated doesn't, have a new, new. API Saur anything like that and I can take inputs, from my automation, which was coming from the common data service in this case I can, go flow into text, boxes click the search button and. I can see that I can very. Easily, start. To add information, about the project, right inside of this, application and I, won't go through all the fields just for timeliness, but once I'm done I can click Save and this now has copied, over the data from. The common data service, over. Into this legacy application, allowing you to start to transform parts. Of your business one, by one without, having to rip out and replace everything so, all those steps I just did are visible here and that's, what's so powerful about UI flows in the Power Platform in general is that you can go connect to all of your different systems, that you have without. Having to do a complete replacement you, can transform, where you are at a very affordable and, fast pace which, makes, it possible, to completely. Overhaul, a customer, journey without, having to replace all those backend systems and for. The last piece. Of the. Solution, from Ikea is an. Experience, for the store manager, so, now, that all of the appointment, bookings, as well as the project plans are tracked in the common data service and dynamics 365, it's, possible, to use power bi to. Visualize. All. The different. Appointments that are being booked and what's, possible as you can see how many are being booked online or in-store you, can even see how that maybe changes, as you. Have more, people working from home and not going out due to the, co19 situation, and, you can also see what, the closure, rate is for appointments, inside the store and, it's.
Not Just about visualizing. Or analyzing your data you, also can use an embedded. Power app right inside of power bi so, you can start to go request, additional employees. For, a site, or location which has a large, number of requested, appointments, and again, all this starts to fit together to create a very transformative. Experience. For Archaea customers, and employees to recap. What we just saw Aiki. Was able to use the power platform, in Dynamics, 365, the completely transform their customer journey from their website all the way to their in-store locations, and Aiki was able to do all of this very, quickly in an highly, integrated way with their existing IT landscape, because. Of the low code capabilities, inside the power platform, and as. A result, both the customers, as well as yeah Kia employees, can have a highly, enjoyable and, highly immersive experience. When configuring their kitchens, with. That I'll turn it back over to you James thank you so much Charles I love, this demo I mean it's amazing to see the, agility. And the flexibility. And really, the pace with which customers. Are able to go train change their their core business processes in the case of IKEA leveraging. Everything, from power bi to power apps power automate, the ai builder, capabilities, in their case also using Dynamics 365, but connecting, with all of their other systems, to, fundamentally. Reshape, the, way they meet their customer, in the environment, and serve them moving, forward just phenomenal, now, things aren't always the. Same and and clearly, we're in a time right now that's. It's fundamentally, different than where we were just a few short months ago and to show us how Microsoft, his focus to help our customers in this time of great change Alyssa's, going to take us through some of the scenarios we're focused on with our customers, absolutely, thanks James and it was great to see the innovation across the portfolio, and with our customers amazing, thank, you as James. Talked about I want to spend a little bit of time zooming, out from, business applications, to what we're doing at the Microsoft, level, our, goal.
Right Now is to help organizations respond. While. Also laying, the foundation, for the future and we. Want to make sure that organizations, can respond with agility, and speed but. Then also think a few steps ahead to, move forward with confidence as we go from crisis, into rebuild and we also. Recognize, that challenges, look very different for every organization whether, you're a small business, or a large multinational, corporation. There's. Different industry conditions, there's different global variations. But. Despite. All of this, we know that there are five ways that we can help any organization. Of any size in any industry, today and that. First is enabling, people and teams to work from anywhere. Working. From home wasn't an easy transition for everyone I know it wasn't for me and it's not just about learning a new digital platform to collaborate, but, it's about fundamentally, reshaping, how we engage with our teams our colleagues, with, our customers, and I've. Asked Jarrod's potaro who is my counterpart, in the Microsoft, 365, business, to share his thoughts on, what he's seeing right now with, remote work let's, hear what he has to say thanks, Alissa you, know we're really living in a world of remote. Everything, and the, past few weeks we've learned so much working with many customers across the globe including organizations. Like coca-cola the, University of Bologna and st. Luke's health network in Pennsylvania, all of these firms, organizations. Are trying to figure out how to navigate this, new reality as I. Reflect on my conversations, with so many people here, are three things that jump out first. It's, not just that remote work it's about secure, remote work all. Of the sudden security and privacy which already were important, have become more important, than ever before, in particular, when everything, from birthday parties to the most important board meetings have gone online it's, important, that you're using a platform that protects, your information, and your privacy it's.
Even More important I think did you find a technology, provider that has security and privacy literally, woven into who they are as a company and how they produced their products. Second. We, have proven, to ourselves that, we can stay connected even. While we're apart our. Customers are using live events, to pull big events online they're, using teams meetings, to just get work done they, they're even using chat to replace those impromptu, kind of hallway bump, ins where they're able to share information together, this. Month for instance users logged more, than four billion meeting, minutes, on teams, in a single day it's, proof that it takes more than physical distance to keep us apart that said. Number. Three video, conferencing. Alone just, isn't enough what, we're finding is that not only is there video conferencing, fatigue, but. Video conferencing, as your sole tool for collaboration just won't cut it in, fact in between those meetings, that you're having as a group or a team trying to get things done you, need those interactions you need to chat you, need to collaborate on content all. Of this is important to the flow of work each, one of the components, of that workflow, a meeting. A quick, check-in perhaps. A review of a document, is an important, part of the, way teams work together to create value. Organizations. Everywhere have come to rely on teams because, it combines something. You can't get anything anywhere, else chat. Meet. Collaborate. And call, that. Value prompt is incredibly, powerful and it's helping teams continue, to stay productive across. The globe, those. Are just three things that I have noticed in my conversations, with people I'm looking forward to an opportunity to share more with you in the future now, back to you ELISA thanks Jared and for. Those who want to learn more we have a remote work session later this morning so I'd encourage you to attend the. Next thing that I wanted to focus on is how we're helping organizations, rapidly, respond to changing business needs and that's, all about the power platform. Organizations. Need the agility to stand up new solutions, quickly they, need to be able to adapt workflows, save time and money with automation as well as surface insights to make decisions, faster, and on the fly, we. Within power platform, have created, a set of templates, that allow organizations. To get started right away for. Many aspects, of emergency, response, so. Let me give you one specific example and that, is Swedish Health Services in. March, as kovat 19 began spreading in Washington State Swedish was faced with a brand new challenge they, had new incoming, tests that they hadn't seen before they. Had increased pressure on critical, inventory, like masks, and gloves and, on. Top of all of that an influx of patients who needed life-saving. Care so. Visibility. To these resources could literally mean the difference between life and death and so, emergency, response managers, making these real-time decisions, about where, to divert scarce resources, was, their most critical, aspect. And what they needed to solve for, so. We were proud to work with Swedish to quickly build a power-up solution, that puts this life-saving, information right, in the hands of the healthcare providers who needed it most, supporting.
That Critical decision-making across the entire Swedish, network of care facilities. Now. Because, of agility and adaptability of, power platform we can continuously, innovate, as the situation evolves for example we're building on the work with Swedish to provide that same resource visibility, across the entire state of Washington. This. Low code strategy, enabled, by the power platform can help organizations respond. To situations that are changing week by week and sometimes, even day by day but. It's not just about our low code strategy, we also need, to empower our professional, developers, as well they. Are at the center of working, to ship mission-critical, solutions. Every single, day but. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on that here, but I would encourage you to register for Microsoft, build that, is coming up digitally. In the next couple weeks please. Log on to learn more. The. Next thing is critical, to maintaining business continuity and helping, organizations. Cell service, and deliver, on customer, expectations, and dynamics. 365, applications, are at the center of this everything. That you've heard James and I talk about about. How they can deliver agile. And adaptable, solutions a, couple. That I want to highlight, Dynamics. 365, remote assist and dynamics 365, customer service. Both critical, ways we're empowering, remote, work today. Also. Dynamics, 365, commerce it helps, businesses, stay open, even when customers, can't buy in person so, bringing together curbside. Pickup. As well as contactless, shopping. Let's. Take a moment and look at an organization, that has made this shift today, san. Michele wine estates were the third largest premium. Wine company, in the United States dealing, with covet 19 we've, had to change everything like every other company suddenly. Everyone who came in the office is working from home which, has put an enormous constraints. On our IT operations group, the, good part is they haven't had to worry about that the retail side of the business the.
Fact We've had everything, on a single platform made, of resources, to meet the critical needs and, they've been able to focus, on getting all our employees up, and, working from home as seamlessly. As they can, we. Had to shut down one facility and move everything to a different facility that. Would have been impossible in the system that wasn't fully. Integrated, or there was custom, we. Were able to change some configurations. To meet the new business requirements. Our. Industry, is not dissimilar from others that he used to be 90 percent of the direct consumer was through the wineries and ten percent would be ecommerce, in. The last couple weeks that has changed entirely, so, that it's 90, percent be, e-commerce in, ten percent versus in person at a winery we, were able to within a few hours completely. Change our distribution. Model. Absolutely. Incredible to see how fast organizations. Like, Chateau st. michele are moving this, has been a theme throughout, the keynote today and they. Are only able, to do that with a modern SAS business, application, foundation. But. Before we move on I have to mention one thing and that's, how we're helping organizations. To be able to deliver on that solid foundation, the. Dynamics, 365. Migration program, which is a new program we launched in March helps. Organizations, get started on that journey we. Offer a free migration, assessment, as well as resources, and different offers to help organizations, make, that move and I'd, encourage any of you that are considering, migrating, from, on-prem, to the cloud to check it out. Finally. Underpinning. Everything, we do at Microsoft, is trust insecurity, and it's, now more, important, than ever to have security, fundamentals. Nailed, we're. Often asked how Microsoft is managing, her own environment and I'd, love for us to hear from our very own seaso Brett arsenal to talk about just that when. We start our transformation, on this client to cloud world about five, years ago we. Had already made the determination that, the. Network, as a effective. Control plane was going to diminish over time and so we really started focusing on our zero trust effort consider. Trust is a lot of things I'll just explain it from my perspective which was you really comes down to three things, it's an idea where you assume, nothing and verify everything and so, number one you have strong, identity, number, two you, have a, great device, health attestation. Meaning. You have to attest that the device is healthy and then, number three you use signals, to, continually, keep, track of all those different pieces so you can adjust the user experience, and I'll explain how this remote becomes really important in that scenario just. Using those three blended components. As an, example we. Realized we had developers, who, weren't.
Able To take devices, home and so, in that scenario we created, a virtualization capability. In two days with wvv and spun, up 32,000. Capability. For three two thousand devs to come in if they needed to via. The wvd, solution, and that was all done with telemetry. And from. A productive, perspective. Developers. Have been more productive since, we've sent them home and they were in the office which is a whole different conversation, but it's. Good to see that kind of thing it's, great hear from Brett and the efforts. That we are undertaking to keep the world secure. So. Just to recap what you saw here are the five big initiatives, that we're doing across Microsoft. To, support organizations around. The world and in every industry and you. Can learn more at Forward. Slash together, and there you'll find not only more information about our solutions, but offers and lots of other great resources. So. To conclude I, wanted, to thank you personally for taking the time to be here at our first ever digital ambass, 2020. And I. Hope that you will spend the rest of the day with us not, only in the follow-on sessions, but also being able to participate in the networking events so, it's fantastic to connect with you virtually and thank, you very much James. Closing, thoughts yep so thank you for me also thank, you very much for joining us today I really. Hope that at some point in the future we can get get, together in person again but, at least coming together digitally. It's important, I think to bring community, together and. And again thank you for spending the time with us I think I want to conclude with Team, Rubicon so Team Rubicon near and dear to my heart it's, a non-government, organization, that focuses. On disaster relief and recovery they give veterans a new mission when they come out of the service huge. Proponent, leveraging. The power platform. Dynamics 365, let's, take a look at the great work that they're doing, per, couple cars go, by is, that we can that. It's. Boys on skateboards. Let, me just tell them to stop. Hey. Guys there, they're picking up the skateboards, so can you guys stop for a while. Team. Rubicon is a natural, disaster response. Organization. That. Takes the skills experience, and education, of military, veterans to, help communities, prepare, respond. And recover from. Humanitarian, crises and, natural disasters, over. 120,000, volunteers, managed, by a staff of about a hundred seventy full-time, employees, and about a hundred fifty contract. Employees, our. Vision was to see if Team Rubicon can, be powered by Microsoft, and that's proven to be the most powerful investment. As we've entered into this COBIT environment. Over. The course of 30, days we. Answered, 250. Requests, for assistance we. Had a hundred sixty-nine, work sites across the country, we. Stood up in a running a 250. Bit overflow. For Santa Clara's ten hospitals, and medical centers, we're. Well over a thousand, tests, complete, in North. Carolina, we have personnel, deployed, in, the Navajo Nation helping. With their response to Kovac we've responded to, six tornados across the southeast, and we partnered, with feeding, America helping. Food insecurity. When, you have that many different. Operations, ongoing, logistics, is obviously, a huge, component of it do, you have the right people going to the right places do you have the right materials is, the right PPE, in place all.
Of This is happening via, workflow, and dynamics, we've eliminated as, many barriers as possible I, think that's the real elegance, of the. Way the enterprise. Management, system, of the structured, disasters. Like covent, and try the human, spirit in ways, that we could never imagine through. Communications. And through partnership, it's really, simple acts you. Can move, you can inspire, them if we can understand, that every. Home is connected, every home is part of a community every, person that lives in, each of those houses, has an obligation, not only to the people in that home but, the people in the community, will be better for it. You.
2020-05-09 10:24